All the focus, it seemed, at home and work, was on summer celebrations, with all of the talk and questions from Jake and now the reminder from Nicola about her plans. I did enjoy them, maybe I was a stick in the mud though, because I felt they and the Christmas events could take the focus off of work that still needed to be done. The rest of my journey to work I was thinking about what I had to get done both that day and the rest of the week.
When I walked into the kitchen to make a coffee, I was greeted by a beaming Jake.
“Morning, someone looks happy.”
“Morning, Dave. Yes, I’ve just spoken with Mr Armstrong. You know I don’t have a partner?” I nodded. “Well, he assured me that the invites were plus one if that suited me better. I’ll call my best mate, tonight and see if he wants to come. Anyway, how are you this morning?”
“I’m good thanks. Busy week or two ahead. Nicola reminded me of her firm’s summer barbecue, so I’d better make sure I don’t have to work late that Friday, so that I’m fresh for Saturday.”
We finished our small talk and went our separate ways. I knew Jake was going to start going out with the area managers under him so I would not see much of him for a few weeks.
“Mmm, I think you taste better with a sprinkling of me,” Nicola giggled as she licked her lips.
“Everything tastes better with a sprinkling of Nic. Did you enjoy that?”
“Uhuh, did you?”
“You seem to get better each time and if a sprinkling of you on me helps…”
“You’re naughty!” She laughed. “Sweetie, Mum and Dad are going to be home soon. Can we go out somewhere? I want to get this story finished.”
“Sure. There’s a lot more?”
“Enough, you know you’re invited for dinner, but I want to finish before then.”
I stood and pulled her to me. We kissed briefly, before getting dressed and heading to my car. There was a place called Banbury Hill just to the east of town. It could be busy, though by now was probably quietening down. It was a good place to walk and talk. As soon as I had parked, Nicola jumped out of the car.
She was standing at the front of my car grinning when I got out. She laughed, spun and flicked up the back of her skirt.
“Catch me?” Nicola giggled and trotted off.
It was hard to tell, the flash had been so quick. If Nicola was wearing knickers, they were the briefest of briefs. As I grabbed the blanket from the back of the car and set off after her, I was racking my brain to remember if I had seen her put any on when we were getting dressed.
“Oi! Wait up!” I called, as I set off in pursuit.
Nicola’s laughter could be heard even with her out of sight. We had been to the hill many times and had a few places we liked to sit. I headed to the one I guessed she would be aiming for, but I went through the trees rather than following the paths. As I rounded the corner, Nicola was already there.
“You’re getting slow, old man.”
I gathered her into my arms and whispered, “Remember France.”
“You too,” she replied and we both started to laugh.
We sat in silence on the edge of the woods, overlooking Faringdon. After a while, Nicola lay her head in my lap and I stroked her hair. Still, nothing was said. I pulled Nicola’s hair behind her ear and started to run my finger lightly around it. It did not take long for her to bat my hand away and when I started again, she turned and looked up at me.
“You were going to tell me something.”
“Sweetie, are you sure?”
“It’s made me even more sure, hearing you say that. Now that you’ve asked, if you don’t tell, I’ll be forever wondering.”
“Okay, but…”
“Listen, Nic, I gave you the pass for the one time with the girls. I might not be happy with what you’ve yet to tell me, but I can’t blame you for running with it. Can I?”
“I guess, it’s just…” she sighed and then took a deep breath. “Okay. So, after Alex came down and said what she did, she kissed me and got up and left the room. Seeing her walk around so naked and so casually was new and I do wonder what it’s going to be like after Easter. Oh, we’ve seen each other naked, but it’s been that quick dash to or from the bathroom.
“When she walked back in, she was carrying something that looked like Silicone Dave but was different. Different, because it was bright red; different, because it looked a lot more ribbed and different, because it looked longer and had an angled end to it. When I looked at Steph she was grinning, ‘Awesome idea,’ she said and jumped off the bed.
“I’m not stupid, I knew what it could be used for, just had never seen one like that and was distracted by Steph rummaging in one of her drawers. ‘Ta-da,’ she said holding up a bright blue dildo. Hers was in a sort of harness contraption.”
I felt myself tense, I thought I saw where this was going. Nicola must have felt me tense up as she sat up and pushed me back before laying on top of me. She studied my face for a moment and then leant down and kissed me on the nose. Finally, she sat upright with her legs on either side of me, slowly grinding her crotch on mine.
“Okay, relax and hear me out. Alex laughed at Steph and then turned to me and asked ‘Have you ever tried a D-P?’ She had to explain that it meant double penetration and then had to explain that. God, Dave, I thought we had tried a few things and we’re pretty open-minded, well, I still think that. What I hadn’t realised was quite how naïve we are.
“You promised to hear me out, please relax. I just burst out laughing when she explained. As close as I can remember my words were, ‘Sorry Alex, it can’t happen, Dave’s not here and from what you’ve said I can’t imagine you being comfortable with him even watching.’ What surprised me was when Steph said that she wasn’t sure she would be too happy with you being about, either. For Alex, it’s because you’re a man. For Steph, it’s knowing that she would be the third wheel to us and she’s not sure she’d be able to handle seeing us at our closest. At the end of the day, she’s jealous of what we’ve got.”
“But I thought Steph wanted a pass with me, wanted you to let me out to play?”
“I asked, later, we talked about a lot afterwards. On this, she wants to test drive you but without me in the passenger seat. When I dug a bit, it’s not so much your body or having sex, though she says they would be a bonus; it’s the connection that we have that she wants to feel some of. The other thing, remember at the start I said it was once and once only?”
I nodded.
“It was what we agreed, but it became more than that.”
“Ah, you said that you would want me there to share it with you if it was to happen again and neither of them would do it with me there?”
“I’m glad you were paying attention to more than the juicy bits,” she giggled.
“Talking of juicy bits? What happened next?”
Nicola pinched my nipple, “Pervert!”
“Isn’t that why we get on so well?”
“You woke the monster and now you have to live with her.” She smiled and continued, “Here’s the other part you were worried about. Alex asked what you being there had to do with me trying a D-P, so I told her that my arse was reserved for you and you alone.”
“Thank you,” I whispered and know that I was grinning as I squeezed Nicola and pushed up to kiss her.
“You’re welcome. Well, Steph solved the problem of what we were going to do. She said, ‘Oh, fuck me!’ and I think she was going to say more but Alex cut her off. ‘That’s a great idea,’ she said and burst out laughing. I was still a bit in a daze and wondering just what the hell was going on. Alex took the strappy one off Steph and gave it to me. ‘Here,’ she said, ‘wear this, I’ll wear mine.’ That’s when I saw exactly what hers was.
“One end was obviously the dildo, it had a head and ribs and knobbles. The other end was bent up and only a few inches long. That too had a head, but it had a grippy bit too. When she put it in, she told me it gripped to her front to hold it in place. Apparently, even though it was strapless, they are still called strap-ons. I did laugh; it looked pretty obscene. I laughed even more when I had Steph’s on and the straps tight. It must be funny living with one of them bobbing about in front of you all the time.”
Nicola started laughing until I pinched her nipples. “At least it’s only one thing bobbing about, not two.”
I was rewarded with her lifting and dropping her weight onto my semi-turgid cock. I got the message.
“I guess you guys don’t play light sabres with them either?
“Okay, serious face… Alex suggested that we warm up Steph together, so the pair of us got between her legs. She had been watching us and slowly stroking herself in anticipation. She was pretty wet when I started to lap at her. I hadn’t realised, but Alex was watching Steph closely and as her breathing was getting faster and it seemed like she might cum, Alex pulled me away and kissed me. She sucked at my tongue and licked around my mouth cleaning Steph off of me. I also heard Steph whine as I was pulled away.
“Alex climbed over Steph and squatted over her face. I guessed it was when Steph started to work her that she indicated I should get between Steph’s legs. She then took hold of the dildo I was wearing and guided me to Steph’s entrance. Slowly she rubbed up and down and then when I was at the bottom, she lined me up and told me to push a little. I was in. It was odd, realising I was penetrating my friend.
“Sweetie, if my best friend let me do that, what would the man I love let me do?”
“The man you love let you penetrate your friend. I’m not planning on playing light sabres with you any time soon.”
“Hmm, not never though… Anyway, I started to ease into Steph and I didn’t realise how you have to concentrate, I fell out about three times before I was all the way inside. ‘Just move slowly,’ Alex said, Steph just moaned. When I had built up a bit of rhythm, Alex got off of Steph, it was only then I noticed that she still had her toy in. Alex moved down the bed, running her hand over my back and bum, she kept it to one cheek, didn’t even tease me with touching my arse. She encouraged me to play with Steph’s tits, so I did both with my hands and mouth. As I was getting engrossed, I was also getting faster, I noticed Alex’s hand on my leg. It felt like she was trying to slow me down, which I did.
“Then Alex started to play with my pussy, teasing and rubbing and soon enough, fingering me. I moved in and out of Steph at the pace Alex was moving in me but soon she stopped. I looked over my shoulder and she was getting behind me. I did question her. ‘Do you trust me?’ she asked. I wasn’t totally sure and told her not to ruin my trust. She smiled and I felt what could only be her toy pushing against my pussy.”
Nicola paused and looked me in the eyes, looking for a reaction. I tried not to show too much. I’m not sure how I felt about this. It was one thing playing and having oral and fingering, but this seemed like so much more. Alex, unless she was pausing for dramatic effect, had actually fucked Nicola.
“You okay, Sweetie?”
“Not too sure, what’s done is done. I guess you didn’t stop her?” I held her tightly to try and reassure her and me.
She in turn ground a bit more on me, “It doesn’t seem too bad.”
“Hey, the most beautiful woman in the world is knickerless and grinding on my cock while telling me an erotic story. What reaction did you expect?”
I was rewarded with a kiss.
“Yes, she did push in. She was gentle and made sure I was okay. I’ll be honest it wasn’t as big as you. We got into a new rhythm. As she pulled out of me, I pushed into Steph and when I pulled out, Alex pushed into me. We were all fairly tired by then, but we were also all pretty high off what we had been doing. We all got a bit carried away, especially when Steph started to push up against me. Alex fell out, I fell out, but we got there and the inevitable happened. Luckily Steph was first and I just relaxed in her while Alex carried on.
“Then the fucking bitch came. Can you believe it? She came while I was teetering on the edge and lost all her concentration. I pushed her off me and took charge. Thinking about it afterwards it did make me laugh, bouncing up and down on a rubber cock stuck in my flatmate while the rubber cock I was wearing bounced in front of me. I was on a mission and this was no good. I got off her and ran to my room and grabbed Silicone Dave.
“When I walked back into Steph’s room, I waved it in front of me and said ‘That’s not a dildo, this is a dildo!’ I sat on Steph’s chair and thought of you as I slid it into me. It didn’t take me long to cum then. When I looked at Steph, Alex was lying in her arms and they were both watching me and I came again.
“Steph peeled herself off Alex and came over and kissed me as I slowly pulled you out. She hadn’t realised I had my own toy and went to help me. Sorry, I got a little possessive and snatched it away. ‘This is mine and mine alone. Please don’t ask.’ I explained the gift you had given me and she said that it was one more reason for her to love to hate you.”
Nicola smiled and leant over to kiss me. As she was doing this, I felt her fiddling between us before pulling me out of my jeans. Next, I felt her heat wrapping around me again.
“You’re pretty insatiable, aren’t you?” I laughed.
“Only with you but then you can sate me like last night couldn’t quite.”
“So, Steph leant you her toy, but you wouldn’t let her borrow yours?”
“Either of them! Even Silicone Dave would seem too much like lending you to her. If I had another toy, I wouldn’t be too worried about her borrowing it. I did raise that with Alex this morning and she showed me how she cleans hers, I think you could use them in an operating theatre. Hmm, I wonder if I could get friendly with a medical student. You know, to leave a door unlocked for us. It never even crossed my mind the night before whether Alex cleaned her toys or not, but when it did, I didn’t think she would be much less clean than she showed.
“Is it wrong to be possessive?”
“No, not with some things and I know you are more than generous with others. Carry on not being a bitch about it and I’m sure it will be fine.
“We got distracted. What happened after you came?”
“That was pretty much the end of it. We all kissed a little and they said I should thank you from them. I went back to my room, though I don’t think Alex went back to hers. This morning we had a chat over breakfast before you got there and I just clarified the boundaries again.”
“Do you want to explain what was going through your head when you imagined me and Steph between your legs?”
“I guess it feeds into wanting you there to share it, if anything like that were to ever happen again. As they’ve both discounted that, it’s not going to happen. It could be interesting, even as just a thought experiment.”
“You mean two people worshipping you?”
I could tell she liked this idea as her movements increased a little and her pussy tightened up on me. She had the decency to blush a little and smile.
“Do you want to explain what was going through your head when I was telling you about Alex fucking me?”
“I’m not sure that’s fair.” Nicola clenched her pussy around me and smiled. “It’s hard to explain. Anger, jealousy, frustration, worry all wrapped up with a wonderfully erotic story with my favourite girl as the star. That all leads to confusion. I can’t be angry because we agreed. I shouldn’t be jealous because you’re here with me, like this, now. Those are also the reasons I shouldn’t be worried. I think the frustration is just knowing you’re in Cambridge for another year and I can’t be with you all the time, but that’s just where we are at the moment.”
“Wow, I didn’t realise you went through all that confusion.” She lay down on me wrapping her arms around my neck. “If I had known it would be that bad for you, I would never have gone through with your proposal.”
“No, the confusion was getting turned on by imagining you in an erotic story but without me. I mean, isn’t that a bit weird?”
“You fancy me, right?”
“Well of course and then some.”
“Then no, I don’t think it’s weird. You would get turned on thinking of an erotic situation or watching porn, doesn’t having someone you fancy ‘and then some’ as the star only enhance that?”
“Hmm, I suppose. I hadn’t thought of that but then I had only just thought of the question. I’m still confused though, I honestly think I would be blowing a gasket if it was anything other than what we agreed to.
“I also don’t think it would have made any difference not going through with it, the whole term I’ve spent on tenterhooks wondering if the next phone call from you was going to tell me you’d tried it, you liked it and we were over. I know; you can add paranoia to the list of emotions.”
Nicola started to ride me harder, abandoning the subtle movements for determination to reclaim me for the third time. She spoke in stops and starts as she rose and fell.
“Don’t you get paranoid. I’m paranoid enough for both of us. I regularly wonder what you see in me and why you put up with me. But I always remember that we just work. I know you love me and that is all I need to remember.”
As she finished, we finished. It was not the biggest or most earth-shattering orgasm for either of us, more a gentle roll down the hill. It was just right though, her adventure had been had and retold and now we were joined once more afterwards.
I did give her bum a smack after we came.
“What was that for?”
“I’ve learnt a few things today. You’re an exhibitionist and you like teasing and testing me. Don’t think I missed your little quip. When you say I didn’t say never, how about at least until over my dead body?”
Nicola gave a little shudder; I swear she had cum once more.
Thanks to cbears52 for proofreading.
Thank you to the moderators for helping me getting this published.
And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.
All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.