As Brad dressed for dinner on this, the second evening of their Mediterranean cruise, he contemplated what a wild day it had been. Ever since meeting Jaq and Colin the day before, things had been both wild and fun.
Everything from Jaq flirting with him, to sex on the balcony with his girlfriend, Susan. And then, this afternoon that had been capped off by engaging in Bi sex with Colin. And lastly, there was the fact that the British couple had talked Susan and himself into swapping wives this very night! As much as he loved Susan, and having sex with her, the idea of having sex with Jaq fired him up!
Despite all four of them being of an age where younger people would write them off when it came to having any sex life at all, they all were experiencing some of the richest and most rewarding sex of their lives. The four of them had an average age of sixty-five plus. Yet they still wanted to fuck like they were nineteen—only in more diverse ways!
Sixty-six-year-old Susan stood in front of the cabin mirror in her bra and panties, or knickers as Jaq would call them. She was doing her eye makeup, leaning forward slightly to see herself better in the mirror. Doing so, her ass stuck out seductively. Of course, it helped that she was wearing a black thong-style panty and a lacy, seductive push-up bra.
With her nice-size mature ass sticking out, Brad couldn’t help but come up behind her, just wearing his briefs, pulling his cock out, then rubbing it against the crack of her sexy ass.
“Oh my god, you horny bastard! I can’t even dress or put on my makeup with you around! All you want to do is fuck, twenty-four-seven! Mmm, you’d better watch out. You are going to get hard and then have a hard time putting your pants on over your boner,” Suzy told her significant other.
As Brad put his hands around Susan, cupping her tits over her bra, he replied, “I can’t help it if you have a sexy ass and turn me on. Mmm, this feels so good, Suzy!”
Susan turned around, breaking his hold on her, and looked him in the eye. It was a very serious look.
Then she said what she had on her mind, “Seriously though, have you thought about this? Are you okay with what I’m about to do? I know you are going to do it too, but can you handle me doing it?”
“I love you so much, Suzy, and I know this is just for fun. I know it won’t change things between us. It is just some cruise fun. I can handle it,” Brad told his gray-haired lover.
“I hope so because you know what it means. Colin and I are going to fuck each other. And that means I’ll be doing everything with him that you and I do. Kissing, sucking, and fucking. The whole works. I won’t hold back. It wouldn’t be fair to him,” Susan intoned, staring Brad in the eye.
Brad assured her, “I get it. I wouldn’t want you to hold back. It is just sex. What we have between us is much more than sex. It is love. Just like when we fooled around with Chastity. It was just sex for fun.”
“Okay, as long as you remember that. And one more thing. I don’t want you holding back with Jaq. She is a wonderful woman and I want to show her how good my hubby is in bed. So I want you to fuck her good and hard,” Susan said, a bit bemused that she was encouraging her almost-husband to fuck another woman to the best of his ability.
Brad smiled and said, “I don’t think Jaq would let me slack off. That short little blonde is a real sex pot! I don’t think she knows any other way than full steam ahead! But I’ll do my best to show her what American cock is like.”
Susan finally smiled and said, happily, “Mmm, and I’ll show Colin what American pussy is like.”
Grabbing Susan’s tits and ass once again, Brad murmured, “Not to mention American tits.”
“Mmm, yes. American tits and pussy,” Susan murmured back as she kissed her lover.
The moment over, Susan grabbed her dress and put it on, looking gorgeous and desirable. Then she turned back to the mirror to work on her makeup and hair.
Dinner seemed to have an extra excitement about it, and it wasn’t just the great food and alcohol. Knowing what was going to happen later, put an extra sparkle in the conversation, laden as it was with sexual double entendres and overt flirting. There was much joking and merriment, as well as knowing looks between everyone there. Jaq was seated opposite Brad, and Susan opposite Colin.
It wasn’t long before Jaq dropped her shoe from her foot and reached it up between Brad’s legs, suggestively. There was no doubt she was an experienced slut. The gold anklet she wore said “SLUT” in little letters if one looked closely.
Susan noticed that she had Colin’s full attention as well. He was doing his best to charm her, and it was working. The funny thing was that Jaq noticed as well and was giving her encouraging looks all along. Instead of getting angry that she was seducing her husband, or that her hubby was flirting with another woman, Jaq was thrilled. It was the opposite of normal and quite refreshing. The idea that married adults could be secure enough with their marriage that their partners could have sex with others was so wonderful and freeing!
For that matter, it was flattering that her man, Brad, was so attractive to a sexy woman like Jaq. Susan didn’t know if there was anything like a trophy husband, but Jaq made her feel like she had one. Or at least a trophy life partner, as she and Brad were still unwed.
Her daughter, Megan, would have laughed at the situation if she could see her now.
Before Susan flew out, Megan had said, “Mom, you had better watch out for those upside-down pineapples on cabin doors.”
She had asked her daughter what she meant by that and Meg explained, “It is a sign that people who want to swap put on their doors to let others know.”
Susan had teased Megan back by saying, “But what if Brad and I want to swap? Maybe we are swingers too.”
Megan, who knew that her mom was having an affair with her ex-boss, Chuck, besides sleeping with Brad, realized that what her mom was saying might be a little less of a joke than she made it out to be.
“In that case, Mom, find those upside-down pineapples and go for it! And be sure to tell me all about it later,” Meg told her mom, smiling.
Reaching out and touching Megan on the arm, Susan told her, “I don’t think you have to worry about that. Not at our age, sweetie.”
Yet here she was, sitting at dinner with a couple that were going to swap spouses with her and Brad! There might not have been an upside-down pineapple on Jaq and Colin’s door, but somehow they had found the one couple out of more than a thousand that were swingers. It made Susan wonder who else sitting around them also indulged in this type of sexual pleasure. The answer was only a table away, but Susan couldn’t know that.
As Susan finished her dessert, she remarked, “Wow, I’m stuffed!”
To which Jaq replied with a twinkle in her eye, “You aren’t stuffed yet. Not until you have Colin’s sausage in you.”
Seeing the quizzical look on Susan’s face, Jaq explained, “In the U.K., getting stuffed means getting fucked.”
With a grin of understanding, Susan said, “In that case, I’m full but I hope to get stuffed with some nice sausage!”
“You aren’t the only one that wants that. I can’t wait for the real dessert where both of us can get stuffed,” Jaq told Susan with a glance at Brad.
At the next table, a woman named JoAnne was watching them and listening. JoAnne was sixty-seven and from New Zealand. A plump gal with large tits, she and her husband had done some swinging in their fifties and had talked about doing it again with the right couple or couples.
On the cruise with her husband’s brother and sister and their spouses, she was bored with the table conversation that her brother-in-law was monopolizing with a story she had heard before. Her attention wandered to the two couples sitting at the next table, obviously having fun. She had seen them come in as pairs and sit down. While not being able to hear much of what they said, some of it was quite salacious! She had heard the last part quite clearly when the American woman talked about being stuffed.
Looking at the two men at that table, she fantasized about either of them stuffing her. Perhaps one from the rear while she sucked the other one’s cock. As she imagined that, they arose and left the table, but surprisingly split up into opposite couples, with the American man taking the British woman’s hand, and the British guy putting his arm around the elegant, grey-haired American woman’s waist! That wasn’t the way they had arrived!
As she stared at the scene in front of her, her eyes locked with the grey-haired lady’s eyes. The wry smile and look in her eye was that of the cat that ate the canary. The kinky sexual relationship between the two couples was exposed at a glance.
It dawned on her that the four of them must be swingers! No wonder it looked like they were having a fun and naughty conversation! They were all fucking each other! And here she was, stuck with her boring in-laws.
Nudging her husband, she whispered, “See those four leaving? I think they are wife-swappers. They aren’t leaving with the person they came in with.”
As her husband admired Jaq and Susan’s asses, he remarked, “Lucky bastards! I wish we could ditch my relatives and join them.”
But, of course, they couldn’t. However, JoAnne did get a nice fucking, doggy-style, later that night.
Jaq, Susan, Brad, and Colin wandered through the ship. The couples window-shopped the on-board stores and Brad and Colin browsed the watches as Brad contemplated getting an expensive, but stylish, automatic.
Time was on all of their minds as they savored the delicious march of time to the inevitable thrills of the evening. The pending delights were even more on their minds because of their agreement at dinner to switch partners immediately. Therefore, Brad had the luscious Jaq on his arm, while Colin enjoyed the tall, classic charms of Susan. There was plenty of hugging, touching, and squeezing of their new playmates as they languidly made their way through the decks.
Arriving at the fringe of a lounge, they sat down and decided on the details. It was decided that there probably wasn’t enough room in one cabin with one bed for all four of them. Susan admitted that she would feel more comfortable sharing a bed with Colin if Jaq and Brad weren’t in the room.
Jaq smiled, knowing that Susan was new to all this, but catered to her feelings and agreed to sex in separate cabins. It was decided that the men should go to the respective cabin of the woman they were going to have sex with.
Then Brad asked if they should set a time to return to their spouse’s cabin, or whether they should spend the night with their new sex partner and just meet up at breakfast. The later course was agreed upon. Whereupon, drinks were ordered, toasts to the night’s festivities were made, and the couples went to their respective rooms.
Jaq was all over Brad. Her arm around him and his around her. Twice they stopped to kiss. Jaq had no issue with public displays of affection and didn’t care who saw her. She was a born exhibitionist.
Colin was surprised by Suzy. More reserved than Jaq, she just held his hand. That is until they were out of sight of their spouses, then Susan pulled him into a semi-private space and pulled him into her arms. She kissed him passionately, devouring his lips and mouth as she pressed her body against his.
“I can’t wait for you to fuck me!” the grey-haired woman whispered in his ear.
Susan wasn’t kidding. For a long time after her husband’s death, she thought she’d never have, or even desire to have, sex again. Then she met Brad on the walking path. And rediscovered how much she loved sex. Then Chuck came along and Susan discovered her inner slut. And that inner slut was fully in charge now, with Brad’s permission, to boot!
At the door to the cabin came another long passionate kiss. Susan fumbled with the key card and let them both in. When the door closed, Colin pinned her against the door, feeling her ass and shoving his tongue down her throat. The room steward had left the lights dim and the bed ready for the night. The couple stumbled in their embrace towards the bed where Susan kicked off her shoes.
Unfortunately, Susan had to pee. Things like this were never in the script of a lovemaking scene, but all too common in real life. Excusing herself, she went to the toilet and pissed. After cleaning herself, she decided to remove her thong. At this point, she wanted nothing between Colin and her pussy. Her dress would be of little consequence. Pondering this, she also removed her bra. There was only the thin material of her dress covering her nude body now. Her tits felt wonderfully free as she experimentally massaged her nipples.
Returning to the main cabin, she found Colin lying on the bed in anticipation. He had removed his shoes but remained dressed. Vamp-like, Susan crawled onto the bed toward Colin on all fours. Colin was thrilled with her seductive behaviour. He was even more thrilled as he felt her unfettered tits brush along his belly and chest. As if to emphasize her raw sexuality, Suzy rocked back and forth a bit, her ass sticking up in the air, dress hiked up to her upper thighs, to emphasize her predatory horniness. Her tits hung down, giving a view of her substantial cleavage. Then she kissed him.
Running his hand over her body, Colin felt neither the speed bump of a bra strap nor the elastic of her knickers. He realized that she was naked under her dress! At the moment Susan was rubbing her pussy against his hardening cock in the most seductive way through the thin material.
Jaq was outgoingly sexual and loved sexy lingerie. She loved stripping off her clothes and displaying her body in that lingerie. She was probably doing it right now for Brad. But this was a different approach that Colin found exciting in its novelty. Susan was more reserved in public, but it was evident she was quite the tigress in bed. And he told her so.
“Oh god, Susan, what a tigress you are! A jungle cat!” Colin gasped.
“You like that, don’t you?” Susan cooed, then added, “This pussy is looking for a mate. Tarzan the Ape Man with a big pet python. Do you have a big python? Let’s see.”
As she said that, Susan rocked back and began to undo Colin’s trousers. His hardening cock quickly sprung free.
Fondling his manhood, Susan exclaimed in a sultry voice, “Looks like Tarzan has a nice python, mmm.”
“All for you, Lady Jane,” Colin told the American.
Susan proceeded to carefully and deliberately remove Colin’s pants and underwear from his body. Then she helped him remove his shirt until he was starkers. She made no move to take off her dress, however, but rather continued to hover over Colin on her knees as she kissed him.
Colin ran his hands over her back and down to her ass. Soon they were below the hem of her dress. As he caressed her thighs, he slid the dress up over her upthrust bum, baring it to his hands. As he continued to kiss her and fondle her arse, Susan lowered her coochie until it touched and teased his cock. Seemingly in no hurry, and loving the foreplay, she let it dance against his shaft and head most erotically. Occasionally, she would rub in harder but then dance away until it was a soft, gentle brush. It drove Colin insane with desire!
“Do you like my Vay-Jay? Does it feel good on your Willie?” Susan cooed.
“I want to stick my Willie in your Vay-Jay and fuck you so bad right now!” Colin growled.
“Such a naughty boy, wanting to fuck my pussy. And a married man too. Wanting to cheat on your wife and fuck this American slut,” Suzy said in a low voice, continuing her cock tease.
Colin responded by letting go of her bare ass and unzipping her dress. Then he pulled it off of her, baring her body and breasts.
As he did so, he growled, “Mmm, I am a cheating bastard and I love my American slut!”
As her big tits were freed from the confines of her dress, she dangled them seductively in front of Colin’s face.
“And how do you like my tits? Do they make you horny like my cunt does?” Susan asked.
“Oh fuck! They are absolutely smashing!” Colin moaned as he tried unsuccessfully to push his cock into Susan’s pussy.
This was the moment Susan loved. It was why she loved cheating with Chuck. The moment when a new man became enthralled with her sexuality. Became her Boy Toy, as they say. The thrill of doing something so wild that most would never consider it. She had seen the look in the woman at dinner’s eyes (our beloved Kiwi, JoAnne). The wide-eyed look of surprise, followed by…was it envy? It certainly looked like that! If that woman knew how good cheating made Susan feel right at this moment, it would certainly be envy.
Of course, unknown to Susan, was the fact that it was a look of envy in JoAnne’s expressive eyes after the shock subsided. Because JoAnne knew the thrill of fucking and sucking strange men. A thrill that was, unfortunately, in the past.
Colin took Susan’s tit into his mouth and began to suck it and nibble on her nipple. Susan let out a moan as she wriggled her body into a position to make her girls more accessible. God, it felt good to be straddling a naked man and having your boobs excited!
“Mmm…this feels so good! Jaq was right. You are good!” Susan cooed as her breasts were being loved.
As Colin moaned his enjoyment, Susan felt his hard prick sticking up behind her against her ass crack. All it would take would be to lift her ass slightly and that cock would be inside her, screwing her. But she held off. The foreplay must be good, bringing them both the the edge of craziness. To the point where their animal desires could no longer be denied. So she seductively slid down his body, kissing his forehead, then mouth, and down his chest.
Colin was thrilled with her intense sexuality. He had enjoyed many a good woman, and Susan was the equal of any, and a cock-tease of the first order. And when her mouth finally ended up at his dick, he knew she was a winner.
Taking Colin’s cock into her hand, Susan began to lick the tip, circling it with her tongue and licking the slit. There was a secretion of pre-cum that she tasted. She followed the shaft down, licking it and taking her time. Next up were his balls. These she licked and then sucked. It was a trick she had first practiced on Chuck and it had the same effect on Colin. It was sending him wild with anticipation.
“Oh god, Susan! Suck it! Suck my cock! I need it so bad!” the Brit cried out.
“I will, but I need you to cum inside me,” Susan said in a commanding voice.
“Oh shit, anything you want!” Colin begged.
With a sly grin, Susan finally engulfed his prick with her mouth. First, she sucked the head, savoring it as she looked at him with sparkling eyes. Then she took it deeper and deeper into her mouth and down her throat. It was something she had been practicing these last few months with both Brad and Chuck. It drove men wild with desire, and Susan was all for that. After all, even at sixty-six, you can always learn a new skill! After all, in some ways, she was competing with Jaq, so she needed to show some talent.
“Mmm,” Suzy hummed as she sucked Colin’s fuck pole.
It was a very nice cock to suck and Colin was very appreciative. He continued to moan and groan and comment on her skills as she bobbed up and down on his manhood. It made Susan feel very smug about her skills.
Finally, Colin warned, “You’d better quit now, luv. Or I’ll be cumming in your mouth.”
Letting go of his dick, Susan told him, “We’ll have to do that later. Now, my pussy needs some attention.”
“I’ve been dying to do that,” Colin told the naked, grey-haired vixen.
Susan wasted no time in sliding up Colin’s body until she was straddling his face, holding on to the headboard. Colin was well-pleased looking up at her bald, engorged pussy and hanging tits. She eased her cunt down on his mouth and Colin’s tongue went to work.
Within a few seconds, Susan gasped, “Oh god, Colin! This feels so good! Eat my hot fucking pussy!”
Colin’s experienced tongue went to work on the strange pussy sitting on his face. He always enjoyed the uniqueness of each cunt, and Suzy’s was no exception. Hers was deliciously musky and with big lips and a nice-sized clit.
As he ate the American’s hairless quim, he grabbed her ass cheeks with his hand, pulling he into his face. Susan moaned and rode him like a pro.
At last, she called out, “Oh, oh, I hope Jaq feels this good! I’m gonna cum, honey! You’re making me cum!”
Colin thought to himself that Jaq was no doubt feeling the same thing Susan was. He knew just how much his wife liked cunnilingus.
Holding on the the headboard for balance with one hand, and grabbing her tit with the other, Susan moaned out her climax, “Oh, oh, oh, mmm…oh fuck! Oh fuck!”
With that, Susan’s body trembled and shook as her head was thrown back in ecstasy. When the throes of passion subsided a bit, Susan slid down Colin’s body to a position where she could slip his cock into her honey hole. She experimentally lowered herself on him, then grabbed his meat with a hand and corrected the angle, until she slid down his hard shaft.
It felt incredible to finally have his cock in her cunt. He was grateful that the interlude where he ate her had lessened the sensitivity of his cock or else he might have cum inside her just a moment after entering. That was how good it felt to be inside this hot mature woman!
Colin was chagrined that he had never really changed his position. Susan had been the aggressor, doing a sexual mating dance all over his body right from the first. And once again, she was on top and in control. She was memorable!
“Fuck me, Susan! Fuck my hard cock!” Colin cried out.
Susan retorted, saying, “Call me Suzy. That is what all my lovers call me.”
“Mmm…Suzy…your pussy feels so good,” Colin moaned as she rode him.
Susan was riding her new sex partner hard now. She reflected on how she had barely known Colin for a day-and-a-half and now they were doing the most intimate act a man and a woman could do—despite her being virtually married to Brad. What a change had come over her since she had met Brad and experienced her sexual re-awakening!
To nobody in particular, she called out the thought that was in her mind, “Fuck, I’m such a slut!”
“And I love it, baby!” Colin retorted, thinking it was directed at him.
“Fuck me, you bastard! Fuck me like you fuck Jaq!” Susan hissed as the rapture began to overtake her.
“Oh fuck, you hot little cunt! I’m going to cum!” Colin grunted as his cock began to throb in Susan’s cunt.
“Fill me up, you dirty fucker! Fill me up with your cum!” Susan moaned.
Sure enough, Colin’s cock throbbed inside of her as he pushed up with his might. True to her wish, he was filling her mature vagina with his seed.
“Oh fuck! Oh, oh, oh fuck!” he cried out as he bucked under Susan’s naked body.
Susan bent over, dangling her saggy tits in his face, and demanded, “Keep fucking me! Make me cum!”
Colin obliged the horny American and kept thrusting his cock up as she rode him. By now, sweat was dripping from her forehead onto him but he didn’t care. Colin loved hot, sweaty sex.
“Colin…Colin! Colin! Ooohh shit, Colin!” the grey mature fox hissed through clenched teeth as she bucked and orgasmed.
And it was done. Both had cum and were satisfied—at least for the moment. Susan’s eyes opened once more and she slowly pulled up and off Colin’s manhood. A string of cum hung between her pussy lips and the tip of his dick, stretching until it finally broke, slinging the cum onto Colin’s belly.
As she did so, Susan crawled up to Colin and kissed him. A warm, long, passionate lover’s kiss.
“Thank you, Colin. That was fantastic. I’m glad I let Jaq talk me into this,” she told him.
Colin replied, “You were amazing yourself, Suzy. One of the best shags I’ve ever had!”
“Mmm,” Susan said, “Do you think Brad and Jaq are fucking their brains out now just like we did?”
“I’m pretty sure Brad is hammering his cock deep into my wife’s cunt right now and about to cum if he hasn’t already. Jaq knows how to take care of a man. And so do you, Suzy.” Colin opined.
“Flattery will get you everywhere, you hot man, you,” Susan cooed, rubbing her hand over Colin’s chest.
“Do you have to go to the loo and clean up?” the Brit asked.
“Nope. I’m going to let your cum drip out of my pussy until we fuck again,” Susan said as she laid her head on Colin’s chest.
Colin was pleasantly surprised by how loving Suzy was as they enjoyed their afterglow. She was a very special woman. Just like Jaq.
Then the cabin phone rang. Susan looked startled. Who could be calling them? Answering the phone, she heard Jaq on the other end.
“Hello, Luv! I hope I’m not interrupting you and my husband,” the blonde asked Susan.
“Nope. We just finished a few minutes ago,” Susan replied, giving Colin a wicked grin.
Jaq replied, “Good for you, Luv! I hope my husband was a good fuck. I don’t want you to think I misled you.”
“No, he was a very good fuck. Very good, indeed! I hope Brad held up his end of the bargain,” Susan told the Brit bombshell.
“Oh god yes! He gave me the shagging of my life!” But what I’m calling about is that Brad and I were talking and we’ve changed our minds. We want you to come over to my cabin. We thought it would be more fun if all four of us were here. You can still fuck Colin, we’ll just make it a party,” Jaq told the American whose man she had just fucked.
Looking away, Susan asked Colin if that was okay with him. He nodded his agreement and Susan confirmed to Jaq that they would be over as soon as they dressed.
Knowing that they were going to get naked again the moment they stepped into the other cabin, Susan just slipped her dress back on over her nude body. No panties, no bra. Then she quickly combed her wild sex hair in the mirror.
Colin slipped on his clothes and they both proceeded to their rendevous.
There was no doubt Jaq and Brad were hot for each other. It was like they were horny teens instead of senior citizens. Even in the doorway, as Jaq fumbled for the room key card, Brad kissed her neck from behind and groped her tits. In return, Jaq thrust her ass out and rubbed the crack of it up and down Brad’s cock. As the door opened, Brad pinned the short buxom blonde against it and kissed her, shoving his tongue into her mouth. He also fondled her ass with one hand while the other continued groping and squeezing her tit. Anyone walking by their door in the corridor could have seen their lustful antics.
At last, the pair made their way into the cabin, and the door shut. Jaq had the thought cross her mind that she should let Brad fuck her on the balcony. But that was only a temporary thought that went away as soon as he had backed her up to the bed. Their room attendant had turned down the bed and dimmed the lights, making for the perfect romantic scene, including chocolates on the bed. But Jaq hastily set those aside as Brad sat her down on the edge of the bed.
As Brad pushed her down to sit on the bed, Jaq removed her skirt and kicked it aside. Then Brad was fiddling with the buttons of her blouse. She helped him undo that and tossed it aside as well. Now she was sitting there in her knickers and lacy little bra. But not just any knickers. No, these were hardly knickers at all. They were blue and crotchless. Not only was there a slit in the front that could be easily pulled aside but there was a gap in the back as well, showing off her bum cleavage quite nicely. Brad remembered seeing pics of her wearing this just this afternoon when Colin and himself had enjoyed their guy time with each other. But nothing beats seeing Jaq wearing them in real life!
Jaq wasn’t stopping to let Brad admire her in lingerie. Rather she eagerly was undoing his belt and pulling down his pants and underwear, which were kicked off to the side. As she did so, Brad pulled his polo shirt off. In a flash, he was standing naked before the wantonly sexy sixty-three-year-old blonde Hotwife.
Grabbing his erect penis, Jaq exclaimed, “That is a bloody nice cock! Susan was right.”
Before Brad could even reply, the sexy senior had his dick in her mouth, going down on it like the experienced pro she was.
“Oh fuck, Jaq!” Brad gasped as he ran his hands through her blonde hair.
Jaq just hummed as she bobbed up and down on his rigid manhood.
“Fuck, baby! This feels so good! Oh god, Jaq, suck me!” Brad growled.
Like Susan in the other cabin, Jaq wanted her man stiff and hard to fuck her and cum inside her. So when she sensed Brad was feeling a bit too good (if such a thing is possible!), she took her mouth off his cock and laid back on the bed.
“I want you to eat my quim, luv,” she demanded in a charming English accent, smiling.
Brad was more than willing to lick her juicy twat, but first, he needed a go at her tits. So ignoring her request, Brad went for her jugs, feeling them up and removing her bra until they were exposed in all their natural, mature glory. Being rather proud of her breasts, Jaq was glad to show them off. Of course, he had sucked and played with them earlier, but they needed a proper go-over.
“My jubblies need your mouth,” Jaq said with a smile, offering them up to his face with her hands.
Though slightly smaller than Suzy’s, Jaq’s tits were gorgeous. They were a nice 38-C size with good shape and her mature sag made them sexy and floppy. What made them especially stand out was her tan lines. Well-tanned above and below, the whiteness of her melons stood out in stark contrast. And her pink nipples, now hard, added a punctuation mark to the sight. Cupping on with one hand and squeezing it, Brad began to suck the other, giving her erect nipple attention with his tongue. His other hand began to roll her other nipple as well, as he kneaded her tit as he looked at the freckles of her tan cleavage at close range.
“Mmm, that feels so good, Brad. Suck my tits, you hot, dirty stud!” Jaq moaned, eyes blazing with lust.
Brad didn’t need any encouragement from this hot-blooded English slut to do just that. Her nipples were marvelous in his mouth. Wonderful, hard nubbins that gave his tongue so much pleasure. A man could get lost in time sucking those tits, and he gave them his fair share. But as he did so, his hand wandered down over her smooth and slightly plump belly mound to the hairy delight of her slit.
Jaq had a hairy pussy, but it wasn’t the wild forest associated with youth and the 1970s. It was far less hairy than it once was, as age had thinned it out. It was soft and blonde and covered some wonderful pink pussy lips that were engorging and getting wet at this stage of their foreplay. Brad ran his fingers up and down her slit, parting it. Then he concentrated on the upper part, rubbing the clitoral hood until Jaq’s nub was exposed to his pleasure-making digit.
“Mmm…oh yes, luv. Mmm,” the vixen cooed.
Taking his cue that it was time to hone in on her fuck hole, Brad reluctantly left her wonderful titties and kissed her lips as he finger-fucked her cunt. Then his mouth made its way down her tanned body. His lips went down her tanned neck and upper cleavage and into the white zone of her tit for another taste of nipple. Then down into the tan zone again of her sexy belly, past her belly button to another white zone of flesh—the forbidden zone. Greedy for her cunt, Brad sped past her upper pubic area and dived into her pussy proper.
Jaq was on the edge of the bed, and Brad knelt between her wide-spread legs to lap at her pink pleasure palace. Because Jaq made no move to remove her knickers, he spread the crotchless gap wide so it framed her blonde-haired cunt. Then spreading her lips with his fingers, he proceeded to tongue around her clit. He circled and teased it, causing Jaq to moan and run her fingers through her hair. She also began to play with one of her nipples.
Brad decided to step up his game. After all, Jaq was very experienced sexually to a very high level and there was no need to feel out her limits. It was obvious that she had done it all. It was almost daunting, having sex with a woman who had experienced so many lovers, mouths, and cocks. But Jaq gave no sign of displeasure with what he had done so far, so Brad decided to go for it.
Using what he liked to call the “bowling ball” hold, with his mouth on her clit, he inserted a couple of fingers into her vagina and then began working another into her asshole. He was rewarded when Jaq moaned louder and pulled his head in tighter. It was evident that she was no stranger to anal play.
“Mmm, Brad! What are you doing to me? Oh god, that feels good!” Jaq told him, beaming her approval.
Brad doubled down on his efforts, fucking her ass with one finger as his tongue and other fingers fucked her twat. Jaq’s moans became louder and more constant as she began to wriggle and meet his finger thrusts. It was evident that she was about to cum.
“Brad…Brad…oh god, Brad! Oh my fucking god! Aaawwweeewwwee!” the sexy blonde cried loudly as she shook in orgasm.
As she did, she covered his face in pussy juice. Brad felt pleased with his efforts. Pleasing someone so sexually experienced as Jaq gave him confidence in his abilities. Everyone, despite what they may seem like or act like, has some sexual insecurities. Brad had fucked a few ordinary women, besides his vanilla late wife and Susan. Fucking the experienced Chastity had been a big confidence boost, but she was young. Jaq, however, was mature and extremely experienced as a swinger and Hotwife. To please her as he had done was an immense confidence booster.
Everyone has their insecurities. Brad’s late wife was a BBW who Brad and other men thought was sexy, but she couldn’t bring herself to see herself as sexy. When they had sex, she insisted on the lights being off. She was insecure about her plump BBW body.
Susan, on the other hand, seemed secure about the sexiness and desirability of her body—but of course, it did fit the body-size beauty mold of society. However, she was insecure about her sexuality and skill. She had a hard time thinking anyone would want her sexually, despite her nice body. Brad had done much to boost her sexual confidence, as had their sex guru, Chastity. And now she had somehow summoned enough confidence to have sex with Colin in a wife-swap situation.
Jaq knew that she had above-average sexual skills. In the past, she had fit society’s body-image template. But as she aged, she had put on some weight and her belly had become a bit plump as her waist thickened. She was confident that her tits and pussy were desirable still but was uncomfortable being naked. So she sought to hide her mature plumpness with sexy lingerie, most of which covered her tummy and distracted a man’s eyes from everything but her pussy and tits. Looking at her pics, Brad had sensed this immediately, and having sex with her thus far had confirmed it.
But it was crazy, Brad thought. Jaq looked great totally naked with all her mature curves on display. There wasn’t a mature man who saw her body that wouldn’t think she was sexy nude. Undoubtedly, those who saw her posted pictures longed to see her totally bare, belly and all. Brad had seen women who had embraced that and exuded sexiness. Confidence in their BBW bodies made them sexy. He had fucked a rather large BBW that he worked with whose plump sexuality was incredibly hot. He was stunned at how much sexier she was nude than clothed. But she had always been heavy, so perhaps it was easier for her to accept herself.
But Jaq was hot and Brad longed to see her without a stitch of clothing on, but he was okay with her lingerie fetish. Susan would say, “Why bother? It is all coming off, anyway”, but it was a nice change, at least during foreplay. In any case, Brad’s cock was raging stiff and erect.
He began to smack his hard dick on Jaq’s pussy. Then he rubbed in on the outside of her cunt lips before parting them with the head of his cock to plow the furrow in between. Jaq again began to moan as her quim caught fire again.
“Mmm, fuck me, luv. Fuck my pussy with that hard cock,” she cooed with the fire of sex in her pretty eyes.
“You want me to screw your hot cunt, do you? Screw it like Colin is screwing my wife?” Brad teased as he stuck just the head inside her vagina.
“Oh god, yes! Fuck me like a slut! Fuck me like you’d fuck Susan. She says you are a hot fuck,” Jaq gasped, begging for his manhood inside her.
With that, Brad slipped his dick inside Jaq’s wonderful, wet fuck hole. She felt amazing! Maybe not virginal tight, but still wonderful. She knew how to use her cunt muscles for sure to squeeze him. He proceeded to fuck her harder and faster.
No matter how many strange cocks she had enjoyed inside her—and there had been many—Jaq was intensely thrilled when a new one entered her vagina. Especially a nice big one like Brad’s. She was glad she kept up on her Kegels—she began milking his dick immediately with her pussy.
“Oh god, Jaq! Fuck, your pussy feels so fucking good!” the profane American called out.
Neither one of them was trying to be quiet as they called out their dirty encouragement and pleasure as they fucked. Jaq wondered what the people in the next cabin might think if they were listening closely. After all, a cruise ship doesn’t have the most soundproof of cabin walls and the bed was banging with their shagging. She hoped it turned them on, and that she’d get one of those looks the next time she saw her neighbours. No doubt the man would be wishing it was him getting his rocks off with her.
Brad was hammering his cock in and out of her fuck hole hard and fast now. Jaq felt her passion start to rise again. Just a few more minutes and she would be cumming again. And, considering that Brad had leaned over her and taken her tit in his mouth again, that time frame would be moving up. That is why she loved fucking two men at once. One to fuck her cunt and the other to either suck her tits or fill her mouth with his cock. Getting spit-roasted was one of her favourite things.
“Fuck me, Brad! Fuck my hairy cunt hard, you randy bastard!” the woman with long blonde hair called out obscenely.
Brad, too, got in on the act of dirty talk to the curvaceous mature, “Oh yeah, baby! Fuck my cock, you dirty fucking bitch! Fuck my American prick you hot little cunt!”
As he growled at her, he lifted Jaq’s legs wide and high and held them as he pounded her juicy cunt hole.
The sound of their bodies colliding and the suction sound of his cock slipping in and out of her pussy lips filled the room with the soundtrack of sex. And the aroma of pussy juice and fresh sweat made the bed redolent with the musky smell of shagging. The dirty talk had taken a temporary pause while the two grunted and moaned like animals.
Jaq was spread like a whore and both of her fun bags were bouncing up and down like crazy with every thrust. Even her belly was jiggling as Brad rammed his dick inside of her. The tits and the motion of her sexy, ripe, soft belly were beautiful to see. Jaq’s eyes shone with intense excitement when she looked at him. Other times, she closed them, screwing her face up into a grimace as she concentrated on the overwhelming pleasure jolts racing through her body. No teens ever fucked harder than this sixty-three-year-old woman and seventy-year-old stud did!
“Oh fuck, Jaq! You hot little bitch! You’re gonna make me cum!” Brad growled.
The ecstasy his cock was feeling inside this strange cunt was out of this world. There was nothing like strange pussy to turn a man on, he decided. Of course, Colin was thinking the same thing as he shagged Susan’s hot honey hole. And for that matter, Jaq was once again appreciating a strange cock inside her driving her wild. And Brad was a hell of a stud—hot enough that she would fuck him every night if she could. Maybe she would!
“Oh yes! Cum inside me! Fill me with your baby batter!” Jaq cried out as their sex reached a frenzied pitch.
“Fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck baby! Ughhh!” the Yank gasped as he stiffened and drove his rod deep into the hot Londoner’s vagina.
Already on the precipice of orgasm, Brad’s hard final thrust started tipping Jaq into la-la-land. She drove her pelvis against Brad’s dick as it paused inside her, throbbing and shooting its load of cum. Brad was quick to pick up on the cue and started fucking her hard once again. It only took a couple of thrusts to trigger Jaq’s climax.
“Oh god! Oh god! Oh my fucking god! Braaaad!” Jaq cried out passionately as her whole body shook from her cumming.
After the orgasm had subsided, Brad released Jaq’s legs and slowly pulled his cock out. She had such a great pussy and sexy, ripe body! Jaq was definitely someone special! And her appetite for sex was out of this world!
Brad laid down beside the blonde, mature hottie and kissed her. Despite having just climaxed and enjoying the nirvana of her afterglow, Jaq kissed him back with passion. Soon he was fonding her wonderful tits again as they snogged.
“You are so amazing, Jaq! I could fuck you every night!” Brad murmured, echoing Jaq’s thoughts.
“Mmm…and I want you to, as well. I want you to fuck me just like this. I want all of us to fuck and suck and have fun every night. You don’t mind if Susan fucks Colin every night too, do you?” Jaq inquired.
“No, I don’t mind. I would love that, as long as that is something she wants too,” Brad told the Hotwife.
Then Jaq opined, “I think we should have no secrets from each other. I think we should all fuck together. You and I, and Susan and Colin, all right here on this bed. And if you both want to fuck me, or both of you want to fuck Susan, it will be okay. And if you want to fuck Colin—because I know he wants it—that will be okay too.”
“I don’t know about that. I don’t know what Susan would say. She doesn’t know I’m Bi,” Brad admitted
“Oh don’t worry about that, luv. I’ll see to that and she’ll go along. I think Susan will think that it is hot watching two horny me suck and fuck each other. I know it makes me hot! Besides, I get the impression that Susan likes sex with girls. Is that right?” Jaq asked.
“Yeah, she does. It is a new thing. One that our friend, Chastity, introduced her to. And I’ll admit that I was the one that encouraged that,” Brad confessed.
“So, you see? She is already good with same-sex relations, so what can she say? Mmm, I can’t wait to see my hubby sucking your cock and you mounting him and fucking his arse. I fuck him sometimes, myself, although I didn’t bring my strap-on along this trip. I didn’t want to give the X-ray people at Customs a heart attack!” Jaq said with a grin.
“I have a question, Jaq. Do you ever have sex with women?” Brad queried.
“It is generally not my cup of tea, but I do on occasion. I do rather enjoy it when I’m in the mood. Why do you ask?” Jaq said, already guessing at what was coming next.
Brad replied, “Well, it is because…well, I’d love to see you and Susan go at it. That would be so hot and she would love it, I’m sure.”
The topless blonde propped herself up on an elbow and said, “Oh Brad, you naughty, naughty man! You want to see us girls going at it, don’t you? So you can wank your cock as we eat each other’s pussies and suck each other’s titties. Maybe you and Colin will get so hot that you’ll suck each other’s cocks while Susan and I make love. That is what you want, isn’t it?”
“Oh shit, that’s hot! So yeah, that is what I want. All of it. Are you good for that, Jaq?” Brad said, excitedly.
“Mmm, that would be a smashing good time! I think I’ve changed my mind. Why don’t I call your room and invite Colin and Susan back here for some more sex? The four of us this time. We’ll all make do on this bed, somehow. After all, we’ve all broken the ice now. Hmm…I think they should be done by now. At least Colin should have cum by now. And I’m guessing Susan too. I can’t see them taking any more time than we did. What do you think?” Jaq asked as she mulled over the scenario.
“I think that is a great idea! And I’m sure Susan has cum by now. When I fuck her it takes about the same amount of time as it did for us just now,” Brad said, thrilled by the idea.
Jaq crawled on top of Brad and kissed him hard, her pussy straddling his limp cock and her breasts against his chest. Then she got up and walked over to the desk with the phone with a wiggle in her ass.
Picking it up, she dialed Brad and Susan’s room, and listened until Suzy answered, “Hello.”
“Hello, Luv! I hope I’m not interrupting you and my husband,” Jaq said, winking at Brad.
“Nope. We just finished a few minutes ago,” Susan replied.
Jaq replied, “Good for you, Luv! I hope my husband was a good fuck. I don’t want you to think I misled you.”
Putting the phone on Speaker mode, Brad heard Susan say, “No, he was a very good fuck. Very good, indeed! I hope Brad held up his end of the bargain.”
Naked and smiling at Brad, Jaq replied, “Oh god yes! He gave me the shagging of my life!” But what I’m calling about is that Brad and I were talking and we’ve changed our minds. We want you to come over to my cabin. We thought it would be more fun if all four of us were here. You can still fuck Colin, we’ll just make it a party.”
After a pause, Susan replied, “Sounds great! We’ll be over as soon as we put some clothes on.”
Setting the phone down, Jaq smiled at Brad as she climbed back onto the bed, tits swaying.
“See, Brad, the party is just starting. As soon as you and Colin get hard again, you can fuck us girls. Only this time, you’ll be able to watch Susan get shagged right alongside you. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Jaq said with a wicked grin.
“Oh fuck yeah!” was all Brad could say as he pulled Jaq to him and began to kiss her passionately.