Strangers At Sea Part 1

"Brad and Susan go on a cruise and meet swingers Jaq and Colin for some amazing sex"

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Meeting Jaq and Colin was serendipitous. As if meant to be. Everything in their past pointed Brad and Susan to this next step in their sexual journey together. But like many things, it started innocently enough.

It was a last-minute thing. At least as far as cruises go. Susan and Brad had talked about going on a cruise sometime, but when a deal on a Mediterranean cruise popped up, they couldn’t resist the combination of price and destination.

Susan, sixty-six, and Brad, seventy, had been living together for a couple of months now. It had happened slowly at first, with Brad spending more and more time at Susan’s home. Finally, she popped the question and asked him to move in. They had even talked about marriage but decided to defer it for the moment. Still, they felt like newlyweds, and this cruise could be their honeymoon. Brad was renting his house to his youngest son and his wife and living with Susan full-time.

Susan loved having a man in her bed again, but she still had secrets. Secrets that went back to that first week after meeting Brad. The secret was that she was still sleeping with Chuck, her other date from that first week. The guy her daughter had lined her up with. Chuck was a playboy and not the marrying type, but Susan loved having sex with him. Her daughter called it “Friends with Benefits.” Brad knew that they had enjoyed sex a couple of times in the early days of their relationship, but had no idea it was still ongoing.


The morning they boarded the ship in the U.K. was the usual whirl of seeing to their luggage, going through lines in embarkation, and finally making it to their cabin. After doing the emergency drill stuff, Brad and Susan, along with a lot of other passengers, made their way to the Lido deck for the buffet lunch.

It was busy, as it usually is on embarkation day, and after getting their food, they began to look for a table. There were none available on the starboard side, and they were beginning to despair on the port side of the buffet seating area when they noticed a table for four was only occupied by a single couple. Susan quickly made her way there and asked if the seats were taken.

The blonde woman sitting there smiled and said, “No, go ahead.”

Grateful, Brad and Susan sat down.

Brad began digging in, hungrily, while the more outgoing Susan thanked the blonde and took up a conversation with her.

The couple were British and from London. If Brad had to guess, he would say they were in their late fifties. It turned out that both were sixty-three. Her name was Jaq. Probably short for something like Jacqueline, but neither of them elaborated. She was blonde, blue-eyed, five-foot-one, and, as it turned out, a 36-C. She was wearing tight pants and a vee-neck top that showed off the cleavage of her big tits nicely. Just a bit plump in the middle, she had a very sexy mature body. The kind of woman that Brad’s dad would have called, “short and stacked.”

Colin was the husband. He was six feet tall, with a medium build. Jaq was the more outgoing of the pair and quickly engaged Susan in a friendly conversation. You could say that the pair of them hit it right off. As Brad and Colin chimed in, she would occasionally turn to Brad and flash him a winning smile as she locked eyes with him. The eye contact would linger longer than the usual norm between strangers. It seemed to send the message that she was interested.

Brad was certainly interested in her cleavage. She was quite tan for a Brit and had some sexy freckles sprinkled down her upper cleavage and a gold cross necklace that accentuated her cleavage. Brad had a hard time taking his eyes off her tits.

Colin seemed equally interested in Susan. Certainly, Suzy was the equal of Jaq when it came to breast size, but her tight shirt showed the outlines and not the cleavage. Still, the five-foot-seven, gray-haired Susan was very attractive. When she mentioned that this was like a honeymoon cruise for her and Brad, Colin became attentive. He tried to visualize her naked with Brad on top fucking her. Did Brad have a nice cock? Colin certainly hoped so.

Susan was quite taken with this couple from the U.K. Colin was nice-looking and a couple of inches taller than Brad. Jaq was fun and friendly. They became friends almost instantly.

As they got up from the table to go their separate ways, Colin said, “Have fun, and enjoy your honeymoon.”

Jaq piped up and said, “I’d be heading to the bed to get started on that right now if it was me.”

Susan smiled and said, “As soon as our luggage gets delivered to the door and we get unpacked.”

However, by the time that happened, it was time to head to the dining room. Susan slipped on an attractive knee-length dress that showed her ample cleavage nicely, and Brad just went in a polo shirt and slacks.

After dinner, they attended the show in the theater. It was already filling up with guests when they saw Jaq and Colin wave them over to a couple of open seats next to them. Susan sat next to Jaq while Brad and Colin sat on the outside seats.

It was a nice musical singing and dancing extravaganza. The men’s eyes naturally went to the long bare legs and nice bosoms of the girls, while Jaq and Susan ogled the bare-chested men.

“Too bad most of these dancers are gay. I’d love to take a pair of them to my room for a good shagging!” Jaq opined to Susan.

Amused by Jaq’s open sexual and slutty remark, she replied, “Oh god yes! Those are some hard bodies I’d love to have riding me! Oh my god! Aren’t I the slut!”

Jaq patted her on the knee and said, “I think we both are luv. Watching those lads is going to make me hot and ready for the christening tonight.”

Susan was confused, “What christening?”

Clearing up the mystery, Jaq explained, “Whenever we go on a cruise, the first night we always ‘christen the ship’ on the balcony, weather permitting. What that means is, Colin bends me over the balcony railing, starkers, and smashes a hard cylindrical object against my stern and christens me the HMS Slut. In other words, he bends me over and sticks his cock in me.”

Susan cracked up laughing, “Oh my god! That is hilarious! Maybe I’d better have Brad christen me tonight, too.”

Neither man heard the conversation and they all went back to watching the performance.

When the show ended, Susan suggested they go to the Rock and Roll lounge for a drink. Making their way there, they found a round table for four. It gave Colin a chance to ogle Susan’s cleavage and Brad a chance to eye up Jaq. She was smashing, that was for sure. Not only was her dress displaying ample amounts of those wonderful tits, but she wore black fishnet suspender tights on her legs along with a tight, short dress. There was no doubt the outfit verged on the slutty side and she got lots of looks from various men. But none more than Brad.

When their drinks came, Susan said, “Brad, Jaq here tells me that they have a tradition of having sex on the balcony the first night.”

“We do. But I warn you, it is a cruise ship no-no, so don’t get caught!” Jaq said.

Then she added, “One time we heard some sex noises from the balcony next to us. You could tell they were fucking. Finally, Colin took a peak around the corner and saw that he was on the lounge chair and she was on his lap, riding him like a jockey at Ascot. He was a black fellow and must have had a big cock the way she was moaning. Finally, I shoved Colin out of the way and took a look. He had a smashing big black cock that made me wet just watching it fuck her!”

“What did you do?” inquired Susan.

She was a bit stunned by the whole tale. Despite her recent sexcapades, she was surprised at those of Jaq and Colin, not to mention the couple they spied on.

“I grabbed Colin and dragged him into the cabin and told him that he’d better bloody well fuck me like that too. Right now!” Jaq said with a mischievous grin.

She took a moment to look at Brad and wink. It went unnoticed by the others.

Colin cut in and said, “I fucked the bloody hell out of her, alright!”

The story was making Susan quite wet at the moment. Slipping her hand under the table as if to smooth her dress, she ran it across her twat. It felt electric!

Jaq had straightened her leg under the little table and rubbed it against Brad’s. Brad looked at her and smiled. The voluptuous blonde gave him a knowing smile in return. Brad knew then and there that Jaq was the kind of woman who had no qualms about sex outside of marriage. He made up his mind to stick close to her and Colin for the rest of the cruise. If Colin noticed, it didn’t seem to bother him. Brad could see he was a bit infatuated with Susan.

“Oh god, Susan. You must think I’m some kind of a tart! All this talk about sex and fucking,” the blonde told the American.

Susan laughed and patted Jaq on the hand, saying, “Oh no. It is quite refreshing! Most of my friends back home are such prudes about sex and so boring. I think it is great that you aren’t afraid to say you love sex and are confident enough to share your stories.”

Jaq went to say something in return, but the band was jamming hard now and you would have to shout to be heard. After the song was over, Colin suggested that they go someplace quieter to talk. Everyone agreed and got up. A quieter place was found amidship where they could sit down and lounge around and talk. There was also more privacy.

However, on the way there, making their way through the throngs, Jaq bumped into Brad twice. Both times her assets were well felt, and both times she seemed to linger against him just a bit long. She also put her hand on his back, as if guiding him through the crowd. Her touch seemed electric.

Colin was well aware of his wife’s maneuvers. He had seen her in action picking up a stud many a time before. Usually, she was much less discreet. However, in the circumstance, Jaq had to negotiate the tricky waters of letting her stud know she was available, yet, if possible, convince his wife to join them. After all, Colin liked pussy on the side too. Hence the little game she was playing. He liked cock on the side as well and hoped Brad might be the type to enjoy a little Bi action.

Jaq corraled Susan and asked in a polite and very direct and quite un-British way, how her sex life was. The men weren’t listening, engrossed in a conversation of their own.

“Well,” Susan confessed, “It was good with my late husband, but after I met Brad I went a little crazy. Sex was great with Brad, then my daughter lined me up with a guy she worked with. I had sex with him too. And if you want to know a little secret, I’m still having sex with him.”

Susan realized that she was a bit high and shouldn’t have confessed that, but it was too late. And Jaq seemed on board with the infidelity.

“As long as she loves her husband as well, I think a girl should be able to fuck another man now and then. I do,” the sexy blonde Londoner confessed.

“You do?” Susan gasped, incredulous, but relieved that she wasn’t the only one.

“Yes, I do. And do you know our secret? My husband is in on it. He loves to watch. Sometimes he participates too. And I watch him when he has sex with another woman. We both are into it. The swinging life, that is,” Jaq said, conspiratorially.

“Wow! I’m glad I’m not the only one that enjoys another man sometimes. That sounds…interesting. How is your husband? In bed I mean,” Susan inquired, turned on by Jaq’s sexual situation.

“Oh, Colin is smashingly good in bed. That isn’t the reason I fuck other men. It’s just for the excitement and variety. And, I’ll admit that I like the idea that I’m attractive to men. Especially at my age,” Jaq told Suzy.

Then she changed course and asked, “Do you think my husband is attractive? Because I think Brad is dishy.”

Susan was taken aback by this statement. Where was Jaq heading with all this? Brits tended to be a little indirect, but this didn’t apply to the short, sexy blonde.

She decided to fire back with a statement that tested the waters, “Yes, I do. I don’t think I’d kick him out for eating crackers in my bed.”

Jaq laughed, “That’s not all he’d be eating if he was in your bed, luv!”

“My kind of man! In that case, I can assure you that Brad is quite the lover himself. And now I’m making myself horny,” Susan shot back.

Jaq smiled to herself. The American woman was taking the bait. There were few things more exciting than seduction. And the seduction of this attractive couple would be a real coup! It would really spice up the trip.

“I think it’s time we all went to our rooms, then. I feel the need for a good shag,” Jaq said, with dancing eyes.

Walking to their cabins, they realized they were in the same corridor only a few rooms apart. Colin suggested they meet for Trivia in the lounge at ten the next morning, and the couples parted ways.

In their cabin, Susan was quick to embrace Brad, kicking off her shoes.

“This girl needs a good fuck. Let’s do it on the balcony,” the gray-haired fox told Brad.

They kissed as Brad unzipped her dress and unclasped her bra. Susan wiggled out of her panties and standing nude, hungrily stripped her man of his clothing. Together, with Suzy’s big tits swinging freely they went onto the balcony into the fresh sea breeze, naked.

“Let’s do it like that couple Jaq and Colin were telling us about,” Susan suggested.

“What if our neighbors come out and hear and see us?” Brad asked with a grin.

“Fuck ‘em,” was Suzy’s terse, smiling, reply.

Brad sat on the laid-back lounge chair and Susan straddled him. She was in a real state. Jaq’s confessed sluttiness had her mind spinning and her pussy wet. Deliberately, she lowered herself onto Brad’s hard shaft, gasping as she did. Then she slowly began to rock on it while Brad grabbed a tit to fondle. The stars glittered brightly in the heavens and the endless night sea formed a beautiful backdrop. They heard other people laughing and glasses clinking on other balconies. Then their world narrowed to each other. They became the beast with two backs, writhing, moaning, bouncing, thrusting, sucking. Flesh on flesh and raw sexual pleasure.

And so Suzy rode Brad’s cock, bouncing, rocking, twisting, and twerking until Brad stiffened and thrust his cock deep into her sexagenarian cunt and spewed his cum.

Oh fuck, Oh fuck, Oh Suzy, fuuuck!” he cried out in a hoarse whisper.

Like a woman possessed. Like the woman in the story Colin narrated, Susan rode Brad until she, too, had her body explode into a million shards of ecstasy under the stars.

Oh, oh, oh, oh god! Oh my fucking god! Honeey!” she gasped as she shook, ground, and twerked her ass, milking every bit of orgasm from Brad’s cock.

Meanwhile, a few balconies down, a similar scene was playing out. True to her word, Jaq was nude and bent over the railing, tits hanging and bouncing as Colin repeatedly rammed his cock into her pussy.

It was a cunt that had felt a hundred cocks in it, and it was on fire once more as Colin fucked it. Jaq moaned softly with delight as she was “christened.” She thought of Brad and wondered what he would be like, shagging her. The thought made her hotter yet. Would Susan like the dick that was currently rampaging in her cunny? Jaq knew she would.

The sounds of their fleshy bodies colliding against each other in the cool, sea breeze, carried to the room above them. There, a young man in his late teens had walked onto the balcony to play his Nintendo Switch. His parents were still clubbing on the ship. Before he put his earbuds in, he thought he heard someone moaning. Going to the railing, he looked right and left and saw nothing. But then, as he peered downward, over the railing, an erotic sight met his eyes.

There was a woman down there, a blonde, leaning forward, out over the railing. Her head was jerking back and forth and she was moaning. There was also a slapping sound coming from below as well.

Leaning further forward, he could see the woman’s bare back and rippling ass, and finally a man behind her. It was obvious the man was fucking her from the rear!

The sight was hypnotizing. He was watching actual sex occurring just a few feet below him. So close you could see her ass ripple with each thrust. At this point, he couldn’t help himself. He pulled out his cock and began to masturbate to the sight. He imagined it was his dick fucking the blonde lady. Once, the man’s penis came out of his wife’s vagina and flashed hard and glistening above that sexy ass. The sight of the cock added to the thrill.

Finally, the guy stuck it back in and resumed screwing his wife. The teen noticed the woman wasn’t skinny, and had a more ample ass than the schoolgirls he knew, but her more plush size and the way her body jiggled seemed more intensely erotic. His cock felt wonderful in his hand as he furiously stroked it.

He watched the man stiffen, straighten up, and shove his dick deep into the blonde’s beaver, and it sounded like he said, “Oh god, I’m cumming!”

Undoubtedly he was, but so was the teen. His cock throbbed as a stream of cum shot out of his willy and splattered on the glass railing and deck. Refocusing after his intense climax, the teen scooped some of his jizz up on his finger and tasted it. It always tasted good eating his sperm.

A sudden increase in moaning caused him to look over the railing once more. This time it was the woman who was in the throes of ecstasy. She shook wildly as she raised her head, gasping unintelligibly. It was the first time he had ever seen a girl orgasm.

Glued to the scene, he got a special treat as he watched the man’s dick being withdrawn and the woman straighten up and turn around. The sight of those wonderful tits from above made his weiner twinge. He never realized an older woman could be so sexy. She had to be older than his mom, even. The pair hugged and kissed, hiding both of their naughty bits. Then they disappeared from view.

What the teen didn’t realize, was that he was just one of many to have masturbated to this woman’s wonderful body. Her husband had posted hundreds of pics of her tits, pussy, and ass on an internet site. And it was a rare man (and occasional woman) who, upon gazing upon that Album’s contents, didn’t masturbate to Jaq’s wonderful assets.


The two couples met up as planned and teamed up for trivia. Luck was on their side as they took second place, losing only by one answer. As the game ended, Jaq suggested that they don their swimsuits and sunbathe by the pool. Susan quickly agreed. So did the men, eager to see their women in revealing clothing, as well as the other scantily-clad women.

At the pool deck, there were no available lounge chairs. The place was crowded. Susan wore a nice two-piece that showed off her tits and cleavage well, and Jaq wore a one-piece. She was a bit self-conscious of her mature belly. Both were wearing cover-ups that hinted at the goodness beneath.

Finally, Jaq suggested going higher. She thought she knew a place. And she did. On the uppermost deck, aft, there was a great area that had few people. Quickly they arranged four lounge chairs, two facing each other. The girls took one side, the boys, the other. Off came the covers, and the men were able to ogle the women at last. Jaq might have had a bit of a plump middle-aged belly, but she looked amazing in her swimwear. As did Susan.

“If I may say so, you look smashing this morning, Susan,” Colin ventured.

“Thanks! I feel great. Last night must have agreed with me,” Suzy replied with a telling leer.

“Jaq and I had a good shag, right there on the balcony. Does wonders for your attitude! How about you?” Colin inquired.

“Oh, Brad fucked the living daylights out of me, didn’t you, Brad?” Susan said salaciously, enjoying the freedom of sexual expression the British couple engendered.

“I sure did. Just like the couple you told us about,” Brad added.

“I would have liked to have seen that, mate!” Colin said with a grin.

It was a wish that suddenly, all four of them had. To see each other have sex and to participate. But who dared to voice it?

Brad was the first to break the silence, “I’m all for that.”

“I like your attitude,” was Jaq’s pithy reply.

Susan, knowing Jaq and Colin’s swinger background, knew this was an invitation.

“We might have to try that sometime,” was her guarded reply.

Jaq smiled. She knew that she was nearly there with her seduction of the pair. It was just a matter of getting Susan to agree to the swap. She could see that Brad wouldn’t have a problem with that. Right now he was ogling her wide-spread crotch, doubtlessly imagining what her pussy was like.

The conversation was interrupted by a waiter taking drink orders. Then Colin and Brad noticed that two older women nearby had taken off their tops and were sunning their large jugs. They were in their sixties and were possibly German, from the sound of their conversation. Both were BBWs and one was wearing a bikini despite that fact. Their tits were large and saggy, yet they excited both the men. The ladies couldn’t see them because the women were to the side and behind them a little way.

“Nice set of tits on those birds,” Colin opined.

“Nice to suck on,” Brad replied.

“Or titty-fuck,” added Colin.

“You’re going to make my cock hard,” quipped Brad.

“I hope so. I like a good hard cock,” replied Colin.

The implicit message in that statement escaped Brad’s notice. But Brad did have something to say about Jaq.

“I bet your wife has nice tits,” he said in a low voice.

The girls had their conversation going by now and didn’t hear Colin say, “She does. You’d love them. I’d show you some pics, but my phone and iPad are back in my cabin.”

“Seriously? I’d love looking at those!” Brad said excitedly, then added, “I’ll bring my phone and show you Susan. I’ve got a couple of good ones of her.”

“Brilliant! The girls are going to the spa this afternoon, so let’s plan on doing that while they’re gone,” Colin told the Yank.

“Sounds good to me,” Brad replied, his cock twitching looking at the German woman and thinking about seeing hot Jaq nude.

Meanwhile, across from the men, Susan was asking Jaq, “You were serious about all of us having sex in front of each other, weren’t you?”

“In front of each other. With each other. Whatever. I’m up for that, and yes, I’m serious. I told you we were swingers,” Jaq said, looking Suzy in the eye.

“Mmm…” Susan said, thinking.

“I bet Brad is a good fuck, and I know Colin is. And I know you are having sex with that other guy. So is Brad the problem? Or Colin?” Jaq inquired.

Susan admitted, “No, you’re right. I am fucking another guy too. About every other week. I tell Brad I’m going to my daughter’s house, but I go to his. And he fucks me ‘til the cows come home! And I do like Colin. I can see myself doing it with him.”

“So, is the problem Brad? Because I’ve seen how he looks at me. Or should I say, my tits,” Jaq asked.

“Oh, he loves tits alright. But he may not want to do it with you because of me,” Susan admitted.

“Well here is your chance. Do you want to try a little swinging? Here on the ship where nobody at home will know? Don’t you want to try it on with Colin?” Jaq asked persuasively.

“Okay, I admit it. I do. Ever since fucking Brad and then Chuck, I’ve been wanting to try other men. And when you told me about you and Colin, well, I have to admit I wanted him to fuck me too,” Susan finally explained.

“Trust me, men are easy to get to screw another woman if they have your permission. They can’t help it. It’s built-in. Tell him you think he ought to try swinging with me. And while you’re at it, have a little fun! Flirt with Colin. Expose yourself in a flirty way. Be a little naughty with him. Touch him sexually. You’d be surprised at how fun it is,” Jac counseled.

“Brad got me going bra-less on our walks and wearing revealing clothing and it was fun. Hmm…maybe I’ll try being a little more risque and flirty,” Susan announced, making up her mind.

That’s my Susan! And by the way, without looking directly at Brad through your sunglasses, watch his reaction to this,” Jaq whispered with a smirk.

Whereupon, the curvy blonde vixen reached down as if to adjust her swimsuit bottom from bunching in her crack. What she did was to pull it out and to the side, exposing her blonde pubic hair briefly. And perhaps a bit of her labia as well. As she predicted, Brad’s mouth parted slightly and his head couldn’t help but turn towards her to see better. Susan had to smile. This was fun!

As if not satisfied with the result, Jaq fiddled with her crotch fabric again. This time she pulled it tight, outlining her camel toe boldly. Then she tugged the material the other way, exposing part of her pussy and pubic hair like she did the first time. It was obvious she had Brad and Colin’s complete attention. Boys will be boys.

Of course, Colin knew instantly what his gorgeous wife was doing, and it made him hard. He loved seeing her flirt with other men. Then he looked up at Susan. She was smiling at him as she slowly leaned forward to pick something up. It gave him a good look at her cleavage with her big tits hanging down. Brad could care less. His eyes were still on Jaq.

As a finish, Jaq shimmied a bit as if to get comfortable, shaking her hooters. As she finished, she lifted her sunglasses and gave Brad a knowing wink.

Brad was both turned on and slightly embarrassed from seeing her show and getting caught. But it was obvious she was sending him a message. After all, hadn’t Susan told him last night that Jaq and Colin were swingers? And Jaq was sending him an engraved invitation to play—at least with her.

When they got up to go to lunch, Susan had her turn to flirt. In a crowded situation going into the buffet, and with her cover-up open, she turned around as if not seeing him, and bumped into Colin. Their bodies collided, frontally and she mashed her girls into Colin’s chest. He grabbed her to steady her.

The embrace went on just a bit longer than the situation demanded as Suzy looked up into Colin’s eyes and said, “Mmm.”

Colin didn’t reply, but dropped his hand to Susan’s butt and clasped it for a second. Smiling, Susan finally spun out of his arms to take her place next to Brad. At that moment, Colin knew that Jaq’s charms had begun to push the American in his direction. Susan was a passionate woman, he realized, but, unlike Jaq, her passion was buried more deeply and needed help surfacing. And it looked like it was.

After eating, the couples went to their respective rooms to change clothes. When the time for the appointed spa session came, Brad accompanied Susan to Jaq’s cabin for their rendevous. After the girls left, Colin invited Brad to stay, with a gleam in his eye. It was time for nude pics of Jaq. Brad sat on the little sofa and Colin joined him, iPad in hand.


Within moments, Colin had found the special picture album of him and Jaq and proceeded to show Brad the contents. Jaq’s 36-C breasts were a focus of many of the pics. In most, the gold cross pendant was nestled in her cleavage. Brad particularly liked the ones where they dangled, hanging seductively like ripe fruit.

There were pics of her pussy as well. Covered by golden pubic hair, its pink goodness beckoned. There were pics of it spread wide open, closed, covered in cum, dripping cum, peeking out from behind her panties (or knickers, as she would say). Pics of it peeking from under her sexy ass. Pics of it with a toy in it, or a cock fucking it.

And there were pics of her ass. Many showed her wearing sexy knickers but fortunately many showed her bare and ready to fuck. As with all the rest, lingerie and sexy clothing were a feature of most of the pics. There were even a couple of pics of the sexy blonde sucking a cock. All combined to make Brad want to fuck her in the worst way!

“I’m so fucking hard right now! God, how I want to fuck your wife!” Brad declared to Colin.

“Brilliant! I’m glad Jaq made your cock stiff. I’d love to have you fuck her while I watch. I love watching her get fucked by her lovers,” Colin said with a smile.

“You mean it? Really?” said a stunned Brad.

“Absolutely! That is what mates are for,” Colin replied.

“You could fuck Susan too. She’s a great fuck and you’ll love her body. She even likes taking it in the ass,” Brad gushed excitedly as he offered up his girlfriend to the man sitting next to him.

“I’d love to fuck her,” Colin said, remembering how Susan’s body felt against his earlier.

“I’m so fucking hard right now,” Brad reiterated.

“Me too. Why don’t you and I have a good wank right now? The girls will be gone for quite a while and we are both horny. After all, you’ve already seen my cock, and wanking with other men isn’t new to me,” Colin suggested.

It was then that Brad remembered Colin’s off-hand remark that he liked a good, hard cock. He hadn’t jerked off with another guy since he was a teen, but it sounded so enticing now. And there was another thing too. In his recent adult porn viewing, he had come to enjoy seeing men’s erections and seeing them cum. On a few occasions, before he met Susan, this led to viewing more of the male porn genre. Pics and videos of men giving other men blowjobs and even having anal sex. On those dark, late nights in his bed, he had often stroked and came to pics of those taboo acts.

Brad didn’t consider himself Bi. But he had to admit he was a bit curious. And now, here he was, with a man who seemed to indicate that he had no problem jacking off with another guy. And Brad assumed that Colin was the type to go further. Should he take this opportunity or not? His stiff prick screamed to his brain that he should.

“Alright, let’s do it,” Brad declared.

Both men then dropped their trousers, but Colin began to take off his shirt as well.

He explained, “I don’t like getting cum on my shirt.”

Brad nodded his head and did likewise. Now, for the first time in decades, he was nude with another man in a sexual situation. Both of their stiff members, jutting out of their loins indicated that the situation was sexual.

“Nice cock!” both of them said almost simultaneously.

While each of them gazed at the other’s erect penis, Colin asked, “Do you enjoy a spot of cock?”

Brad was truthful, “I used to jerk off with my friends when I was a teen, but I have never…uh…enjoyed cock since.”

“Too bad. You have a very exciting cock. One that could provide a rather good experience for another man. Have you ever thought about it?” Colin told him as he began to touch and stroke his erection.

“I’ve got to admit that I’ve been curious. I consider myself straight, but I can see the fun in enjoying cock,” Brad admitted.

“Jaq likes to see me with another man. Usually, one that she has just fucked or will fuck. She makes me suck their cock, and sometimes she offers up my ass. Of course, I do enjoy that sort of thing,” Colin told the American in full disclosure.

“It must feel good then,” was all Brad could say.

His cock was getting harder and more sensitive by the minute, and it wasn’t just Jaq’s pics. The idea that Colin brought up of bi-sex was exciting. Especially when he was sitting naked next to a man with a very nice-looking hard dick.

“Oh, it does! Would you like me to stroke you a bit so you can see?” the bisexual Brit offered.

“I think I wouldn’t mind trying that,” Brad said.

Brad turned sideways on the couch, one leg on the floor and the other tucked in behind Colin’s bare ass. Colin turned as well, put his hand around Brad’s shaft, and began to stroke it. Colin was right. Having another man jack your dick was erotic.

“Look at those pics and imagine your nice hard cock fucking Jaq’s hot pussy. It is going in and out of her pink cunt and her tits are in your mouth,” Colin told Brad, building a fantasy for him.

“Oh yeah…this feels pretty good…mmm…fucking Jaq’s pussy,” Brad moaned as he got into being jerked off.

“That’s right. And now Jaq is telling me I need to suck your cock before you fuck her arse. I need to make you good and hard for her. Would you want that?” Colin asked, still weaving the fantasy.

Brad could see the offer for what it was. A well-crafted play by Colin to suck his dick. And at this moment, he knew that getting a blowjob would be amazing.

Brad replied, “We don’t want to disappoint Jaq. You had better suck my cock.”

Pleased that things were going so well, Colin shifted his body position and, lifting Brad’s shaft with his hand, began by licking Brad’s balls. The American expressed his pleasure at this, so Colin began to lick up the shaft until he was licking the head of Brad’s circumcised rod.

“Oh god, this feels so good! Suck it! Suck it for Jaq!” Brad commanded.

Brad wasn’t kidding. The thrill of Colin’s oral ministrations had him going. He needed his cock sucked at this point. Colin was quick to take Brad’s penis into his experienced mouth and suck him. He was every bit as good as Susan.

Again he gasped, “I can’t believe how good this feels. I can’t believe I’ve been missing this for so long! Fuck yeah, suck my dick, Colin!”

Pausing from his skillful fellatio, Colin told him, “Once you’ve experienced this, you’ll be craving it from now on. I know.”

Susan would probably think he was a pervert, and so would a lot of people he knew, but Colin was right. It was fantastic and thrilling. He was hooked. And he realized that he wanted to try his hand at it as soon as Colin made him cum.

Colin was going down on Brad’s shaft at a good pace now. He sensed that Brad was nearing climax and wanted to feel the throb of Brad’s cock in his mouth as he orgasmed and filled his mouth with cum.

Oh fuck! I’m gonna cum! I’m cumming!” Brad warned as his cock throbbed.

There likely wouldn’t have been time for Colin to get Brad’s dick out of his mouth before Brad came, but Colin didn’t care. He wanted the Yank’s cum to fill his mouth. And fill it, it did!

Colin gobbled every drop of his goo from Brad’s erection, and as a good measure, gave it a few jerks to get the remainder out. As the last drops spurted weakly from Brad’s slit. Colin licked them up. Brad had to admit it was one of the hottest sexual experiences he had ever had. Being so perverted and taboo was part of the attraction.

As Colin sat back and lounged against the sofa, he kept his hand playing with Brad’s manhood.

“That was amazing! Thanks! It really felt good. I’m glad we…uh…got together like this,” Brad opined.

“Mmm, love your cock and your baby cream. Thanks for letting me suck you,” Colin said in thanks.

“Now I want to suck your cock. I probably ought to see what it feels like on the other side. And I’ve kind of been wondering what it would be like to suck a cock for a long time,” Brad told his bisexual partner.

“Brilliant! Now that is a good mate! If you’ve enjoyed all this so far, I think you are going to love sucking cock. As you can tell, it is one of my favourite things,” Colin said smiling.

He then suggested that they move to the bed. The sofa was just a bit awkward. Both men stood up and Colin reached down and fondled Brad’s suck stick. He moved close to Brad and began to rub his dick against the American’s cock.

“We should do this when we are both hard,” Brad opined, remembering looking at pics of men frotting like this and jerking their cocks together.

“Mmm, yes. And rub yours in my arse crack as well. That would get me hot,” Colin murmured.

Brad immediately understood this to be an offer by Colin for anal sex. He had never thought he would ever want to do that, but here, in these circumstances, he found the act enticing. Perhaps just this once. After all, he had the opportunity and no one else would know. What could it hurt? At least he’d know what it was like to fuck another man.

“So I guess you like anal?” Brad inquired, hoping he had guessed right.

“I love getting fucked in the arse! Wearing women’s lingerie and getting my arse fucked are two of my favorite things!” admitted Colin excitedly.

“Does Jaq know?” Brad asked.

“Yes, she does and encourages it. A lot of times she will have the bull that fucks her fuck me too,” the Brit told Brad.

“I’d like to try it with you. If I hadn’t just shot my load and was so soft, I’d do it right now,” Brad admitted.

“Why don’t you suck me and stick your finger up my ass. That always makes me cum. But we are going to have to get together later for some real buggery,” Colin said as he laid down on the bed, propped up on the pillows, legs spread and hard cock waving sexily.

Looking at Colin’s rigid cock jutting proudly from his body and those spread legs, knowing he was going to suck that cock, turned Brad on. He couldn’t explain it, but it was very real. Colin had a very nice cock that had a great mushroom and his balls and cock were shaved. Eager to try his first dick, he bent down over Colin’s groin and experimentally took the head into his mouth.

It was good. Without hesitation, Brad took the rest of the shaft into his mouth and began sucking it. It was no big deal. It seemed natural. Because he knew how he liked Suzy to suck his dick, he applied the same technique to Colin.

Colin was visibly turned on, exclaiming, “Oh god, mate! That feels so good! Fuck my arse with that finger!

Brad, bobbing up and down on Colin’s hard shaft didn’t answer. He merely continued to suck Colin and lick his shaft and tip on occasion as he finger fucked his new friend. Colin met his finger thrusts with his ass movements, driving it deeper inside him. The pleasure he could see on Colin’s face made blowing him a joy. There was nothing more he wanted than to make Colin cum.

Surprisingly, Brad felt his prick starting to get hard again. Maybe he could fuck Colin after he finished blowing him. But a glance at the time and he knew that pleasure would have to wait for another time.

His mouth was full of Colin’s dick, and Brad put his all into sucking his new mate. He was surprised at how good and natural sucking another man’s cock felt. He should have been doing this long before now!

He wanted to make Colin cum, with the same amount of desire as when he wanted to make Suzy orgasm. Having his dick sucked by a few good women in the past had taught him a few things, and now it was evident that his Brit buddy was about to explode.

“Oh fuck, mate! I’m going to cum! Oh god! Keep sucking me like that!” Colin cried out as he began to tense as the climax began.

Only moments later, Colin’s cock spasmed and throbbed in Brad’s mouth as it released squirt after squirt of cum.

Fuuck!” the Brit called out, simply, as he shot his load.

Brad, wanting to be a trouper, took the whole load into his mouth and began to gulp Colin’s cum down. As if he had been doing this for years, instead of minutes, he kept Colin’s cock in his mouth, milking the last drop from it. After he finally released it, he licked the shaft and head for good measure. Brad had never thought of himself as bisexual, but this was intensely satisfying. It wasn’t going to be the last cock he sucked, he thought to himself.

Sated, the two men lounged naked on the bed discussing the oral sex they had just and their enjoyment of each other. Time was ticking and the wives would soon return from the spa. Both reluctantly put their clothes back on.

Colin told Brad, “Listen, mate, we need to swap wives sometime. Maybe tonight. I know you want to fuck Jaq, and I want to fuck Susan. And I can guarantee that Jaq wants to fuck you. So the only question is what will Susan say? I’m sure Jaq is working on her, but I also hope you can convince her too.”

“I’m not positive, but I think she might go for it. I’ll do my best,” Brad assured his new-found friend.

Just at that moment, they heard the key card in the door and Jaq walked in, looking blonde and radiant.

“I dropped off your wife at your cabin, so she is back and looking gorgeous,” she told Brad as she held out her arms for a hug.

Then, gazing around the room at the rumpled bed and perhaps getting a whiff of the sex they had, she said, “I have a funny feeling you two blokes have been going at it. Just like Colin to not wait for his wife to get back. Damn, I missed all the fun!” Jaq said kiddingly.

Brad was a bit shocked by Jaq’s (correct) insinuation that they had been having bi-sex and must have blushed and looked guilty because Jaq took him into her arms and looked up at him.

“It’s okay, Luv, I think it is wonderful. I bet my Colin enjoyed your cock. I know I would. I’m glad you two had a bit of fun while Susan and I were gone,” Jaq told Brad in a soft, voice.

As she did so, pressing her wonderful hooters against his chest, Jaq reached down and felt Brad’s cock through his pants and fondled it.

“Mmm, I bet Brad did enjoy this big boy. Did he get a nice load of cum in his mouth? Or was it his arse?” Jaq cooed.

Colin answered, “It was in my mouth, but next time I want it in my arse. And you are going to love his cock, Jaq.”

Brad was still a bit embarrassed at his new-found bisexuality being talked about by the wife of the man he had sucked, but it was just fine with Jaq. And the way she pushed her tits into his chest and fondled his cock made it seem like the act had turned her on.

“Tonight will be my turn to suck you and do some shagging as well. And I’ve talked Susan into it too. Would you like a little sample, luv?” Jaq said in a throaty, sexy voice.

Putting his hands on Jaq’s tits, Brad said, “I’d love that.”

Smiling seductively, the short, sexy, sixty-three-year-old blonde took off her top and undid her bra. The magnificent tits that he had seen in Colin’s pictures, spilled out in real life in front of his eyes. Her C-cup girls were wonderful in shape and size and sported nice nipples that stuck out hard and proud. There was an erotic sprinkling of tanned freckles down her cleavage that set her apart from other women.

Brad wasted no time in feeling up her nice jugs and playing with her nipples as Jaq looked up at him with a smile. Colin was smiling too, enjoying the sight of his wife’s body being enjoyed by another man yet again.

“Oh my god, you’ve got nice tits, Jaq,” Brad exclaimed.

“No better than Susan’s, I’m sure, but I know men—they always like to sample different ones,” Jaq replied as she lifted her boob as if offering it to Brad’s mouth.

Brad took the hint and bent over to suck on the short blonde’s breast. It wasn’t disappointing. Her nipple was hard in his mouth, and Jaq moaned as he began to suck and nibble on it. Colin sat on the bed, rubbing his cock through his trousers. It was a moment Brad had been waiting all cruise for. And it was going to get better. But not now.

Brad reluctantly removed his mouth from her mammary and said, “If your pussy is as good as your tits, my cock and mouth are going to love it!”

Squeezing his hardening dick, Jaq replied, “Oh, I guarantee it is. And I know my pussy is going to love your cock, Luv.”

With her head tilted up, and his hands still fondling her bosom, Brad couldn’t resist kissing the bodacious Brit granny. Colin was starting to get stiff again just watching the show. Seeing his wife get sexual with another man always turned him on. And Jaq made sure he was turned on a lot.

“Tonight, luv,” Jaq said as they broke their embrace.

“I can’t wait,” Brad replied.

“Neither can I,” Colin added, thinking of the luscious Susan.

Published 1 month ago

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