Still Faithful, Always – Chapter 8

"Laura and Greg as affianced couple - Laura's confessions"

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Languishing on his bed on a Friday evening following a vigorous assault on Laura’s body that had been item one on Greg’s agenda he asked his item two question. “Hey Darling, are you going to be out here three weeks from now, three weekends? I’ll need you that Saturday night.”

“If you promise to ravish my body just exactly like the marauding horde screwing you just gave me I’ll be here as fast as I can get here whenever you call me. Kiss me again and then tell me about Saturday.”

“Do you remember the first fancy date we had years ago, the tuxedo and red dress at the country club date?”

“Oh yes, how could I ever forget that night? I made a great scene wearing that red dress Dan bought just for such occasion. You looked wonderful, so handsome in your tuxedo with me on your arm, dancing, mingling. I loved being your date that night; we were great together. That may have been the first time Dan really didn’t exist for me; you and I, we were only us two. Oh yes, oh yes I do remember.”

Suddenly Laura felt herself thrown to her back with head against the pillows again, Greg on top of her again, hard cock pressing seeking entrance once again. His kisses choked off breathing. Laura felt her lover’s hands reaching everywhere around her body as passion overtook them. “Oh fuck me again Baby, yes fuck me again,” she tried to scream through his muffling kisses.

Laura’s recollection of their unique singularity as couple they once shared enflamed Greg. Her admission fueled his passion that could only be slaked by sex with his lover immediately. Follow on questions and answers be damned; hips must thrust, lips must kiss, arms must clutch; fuck and fuck hard into woman is what drove man now. Man grunted and woman screamed her orgasm. “Aaahhhhhhhh yesss Darling, so good, so good! Just hold me until I return.”

Greg left his bed to pace alongside. “If I stay next to you on the bed we’ll do nothing but fuck tonight. Here’s the question, can you work your schedule to be out here in three weeks?”

“I think so Baby; unless we have a partners meeting back there I have a lot of freedom with my schedule. We don’t have one scheduled for six weeks so I can be here. Do you have another country club soirée that you want to squire this lady to and introduce her to your society?”

“Not country club, a hotel ballroom event, but yes, the same sort of affair. I’ll be wearing my tux, your red dress or its sister in your closet would work.”

“I’ll have to bring it out here but I can wear that red dress. I’ve only worn it three times; all three times I’ve gotten rave reviews and comments. I wore it that one time with you. As I recall you liked it so much you wanted me to wear it the next year.”

Laura shook her head and muttered about men under her breath. Then she reconsidered her general condemnation about the style sense of men. Her husband had always been fully aware of the need women had to make all dress-up dresses appear one off special to whoever got to see the woman so attired. Dan knew a girl couldn’t wear the same dress twice for the same crowd of folks. She had worn the red dress twice with Dan, once to a business function and once to an arts event. She told Greg about those events.

“No one out here on the west coast has seen me in my red so I can wear it with you if you’d like. I know it still fits. I can even bring my bells along and wear them. Would you like to ring my bells Baby?”

At home in Charlotte Laura filled Dan in on plans she and Greg made for his big full dress charity event. She even modeled the red dress she planned to wear and they reminisced about the first time she wore the dress with Greg. Laura decided to check her husband’s sensibility about taking the expensive dress Dan purchased years ago to her California home to wear for her lover.

“Sure, why not? It’s been seen by enough folks in Charlotte that your red dress is passé here. Give the west coasters a chance; we bought it for you to wear for him anyway.”

Late on Saturday afternoon three weeks after Greg’s question Laura found herself in his bathroom with an arsenal of make-up bottles and tubes spread before her. She wore only a pair of plain cotton panties as she concentrated at this moment making her eyes look as dramatic as possible. Greg would remove the panties when she was ready to put her jewelry on and dress. Tonight would be a jewelry and dress only night, well a little perfume too Laura considered.

“Bring me my ear rings Baby, I’ll let you do the rest.”

The rest began with the diamond studded anklet Greg bought as one of his first gifts, right after the ruby ring. Laura extended her leg. Their special jeweler made the anklet as he did the next piece, the one-of-a-kind bells.

“Come closer wench; I need to get your clit good and stiff and stand up hard so you won’t lose your bells when I decide to ring them.”

Using lips, fingers, tongue and teeth Greg spent five full minutes with head between Laura’s thighs at her pussy. Clit became fully erect in the first minute; the final four minutes served only for pleasure. Laura was panting coming down from a minor orgasm as Greg slipped clit clip firmly into place and tapped the bells to make them ring.

Greg placed Laura’s remaining jewelry quickly and helped slip her dress over her head without messing hair. As he worked zipper and fasteners in back Laura adjusted her boobies into the cups of her dress. She didn’t wear a necklace or pendant; Laura wanted nothing to distract from the shadow she knew her bare cleavage would trace.

While in the car Laura had only one instruction for her lover. “Baby, I am your fiancée tonight; if there are any questions about my rings I am the one who will answer them, understand Baby.”

Greg appeared to be focused on driving; he didn’t answer immediately. He considered Laura’s statement and wondered what her response would be. The people they would meet tonight were important business associates. He would have to trust Laura’s judgment. “I understand Darling; I’ll let you handle the questions with your usual discretion.”

Normally when Greg arrived at one of the few affairs he attended with date he and the lady on his arm entered with no special attention or fanfare. He had a few safe women he asked to be date when a partner was required. All had been attractive in appearance and dress but they were simply friends; no sparks gapped between Greg and prior dates. From the moment Greg led Laura into the ballroom he could tell tonight would be different. His associates sensed a difference; they could see the glow the couple threw off.

“My goodness Greg, where have you been hiding this beauty for all the years I have known you?”

“In my bedroom, of course, where else would I keep a prize like Laura?”

He reached to shake the man’s hand while maintaining a tender grip on Laura’s. “Darling, this is my boss who is practicing his old man lecher skills over your beauty.”

“Lawrence, this gorgeous woman is my fiancée, Laura Martell.”

“You may shake his hand Darling, but try to get yours back. Kissing his cheek might be safer unless his lovely wife objects.”

“You cad, keeping her in the bedroom indeed.”

“Laura my dear, you are quite lovely. I have never known Greg to seriously date but tonight he springs a first class beauty such as you on his associates and announces you two are affianced.” At that moment Lawrence’s wife walked up, kissed Greg’s cheek and reached for Laura’s hand.

“The reason we have not met, both you and your equally charming wife, is that I live in Charlotte most of the time. Greg asked for my hand six years ago. It has taken a while for me to say yes.”

Laura saw that her left hand and the rings drew attention but no comment from either Lawrence or wife. They were only the first of many couples to approach and be introduced by Greg. Laura felt like she was belle-of-the-ball tonight and she loved the attention. Wife managed to catch Laura alone when Greg was at the bar for refills.

“The way you wear your rings is unusual. Most divorced women do not continue to wear their first wedding rings on this hand.”

The woman’s statement was really a question that Laura recognized for its intent. She decided on full disclosure. “Greg and I have been lovers for ten years. I was married when Greg gave his ring six year ago.”

Laura pointed to the one Greg placed on her finger alone back then. The woman studied it and the way Laura wore her three rings. “I wore Greg’s ring for just a short time but recently I have begun wearing it again. I am still married and that is why I wear my rings as I do. Greg will be my second husband when we decide to have our ceremony. I will have to add one more ring to this hand.”

The woman tried to ask several questions at once. Laura could see her confusion. “I am glad you asked your question. Everything is now in the open and clear in Charlotte, in San Francisco where I live a third of my life, and now here in San Jose. I think that is best, don’t you?”

The affair turned out to be as Laura expected. High point for her was simply being with her Greg as one half of a now publicly committed couple. Laura noticed wives she had been introduced to that evening who didn’t stay as close to their husband as she did to Greg. They mingled together, danced together, sat side-by-side and fed each other at the too ordinary chicken dinner, and held hands through all of the boring speeches. Laura danced one dance with Lawrence, Greg’s boss, as Greg danced with his boss’s wife. She stood and applauded her man when he received recognition as Chair of the Fund Raising Committee. On reflection, Laura realized she may have gone overboard with applause and kisses; oh well, she was a marketing executive and supposed to be exuberant. They left at a suitably early hour.

“I have to get this beauty home and back in the bedroom where she belongs,” Greg announced. Laura blushed but squeezed her lover tight. She led him out of the hall and to their waiting car.

In the car on the way home; “Baby, I did talk to Mrs. Lawrence when she asked about my rings and explained everything about us to her. I am sure she will slowly spread the word in the right way. She seems to be the right sort of gossip. You don’t have to worry about how you answer any question in the future. Also, I never have a problem being the woman in my Baby’s bedroom. You can introduce me that way any time, any time at all.”

At Greg’s front door; “I know you were being funny but I do want you to take me straightaway to the bedroom. I want you to undress me, fuck me silly, and find the she-wolf in me tonight. I want to howl all night long. What I really want is to reach back to our first date. Take me everywhere in every way all night long. This time there will be one difference that I wanted for our first date but could not have; I will sleep in your arms and wake in your bed tomorrow morning.”

“Okay she-wolf-lady let’s get you naked and ready to fuck. You will know, and your body will show, every sign of your howling sex.”

> > > – –

On a Saturday morning a few months later Laura awoke in her San Francisco bed and reached to her lover still sleeping. The strong arm that held hips tight last night as Laura rode Greg’s fat cock with a fury now lay listless and almost disconnected by his side. It retained his warmth. Her hand lightly stroked the hair on Greg’s chest. Looking toward his mid-section Laura could tell he was erect. Slowly as to not wake her man she pulled away the sheet hiding him. God his cock is so big, fat and beautiful. He did me so well last night twice; he really screwed me good. I want to repay his efforts. Laura opened wide to take as much cock as she could before her warm mouth would wake the man.

“Ah yes, suck me girl. That’s the way to be my alarm clock. Suck my big dick.”

Laura did as asked; her cheeks bowed in and she sucked her man deep, all the way deep. She reached for the listless arm and moved it behind her to neck. Male muscles responded; Greg held Laura firmly in place with cock full deep in her throat. She tried to set an up-down motion as signal. Her man held too tight; he brought his other hand into play. Greg took control and provided all necessary motion.

“Not long – not much longer – hold on a little more – ahhhh yes!”

A breath and moan followed until man regained voice, “Suck it down Darling, suck it all down.”

Greg released his hold as he began to spew; Laura backed off enough to get the flavor in her mouth. He watched her finally pull away completely, swill his cum around inside her mouth and swallow every drop.

“Now I really have to get to the bathroom fast. You damn sure don’t want to swallow what’s coming out next.”

At the breakfast table Laura and Greg enjoyed coffee and bagels to slake their immediate hunger. Laura decided she wanted to get out and do something a little different today. “Are you up for an adventure today Baby?”

“You are usually pretty adventurous; do you want to stay in bed all day or something more exotic?”

“I’m thinking back to nature. Let’s drive across the bridge to Sausalito for brunch and then stroll through Muir Woods. It is so peaceful there.”

“I’m game.”

Three hours later with pleasantly full tummies two lovers walked in the still solitude of a pristine sequoia forest alongside a babbling brook. There were others around, many others in fact; but no human noise, all were quiet. The only sounds were those of nature: water flowing over rocky bottom, squirrels and other small critters scurrying through bush and fern, the sound of Pacific breeze through leafy treetops. This primal place so close to a major city truly was Paul Simon’s Sounds of Silence; nature awed humanity. Laura kissed her lover about every ten steps; Greg would respond with a tight hug. They walked together but said not a word for two hours.

On leaving Laura finally tried to express her feelings. “I am so totally at peaceful ease with me. I feel no pressure about anything. I think I want to go home and hold you. That’s all, just hold you.” As far as Greg was concerned that seemed like an excellent idea. He was driving and he knew the way home.

> > > – –

As autumn settled in Laura found herself wrapped up in preparation for Halloween. Years ago the wife of one of her law firm’s senior partners, Old Jacobs, recruited her as assistant organizer for the annual party the firm held for children of all employees. The woman thought Laura should do penance for her affair with Greg and this extra duty was her sentence. With no children of her own and no desire to be a mother Laura took to the project as great aunt of all the young tykes.

When Old Jacobs retired, and wife’s active participation ended, Laura adopted the annual event as her own. She enlisted her fellow executive sisters to assist and also made overtures to wives of the law firm’s senior partners. On the day before Halloween late afternoon laughter and general frivolity filled the normally quiet office space. Children in costumes marched from office to office calling out trick or treat. A relaxed family atmosphere overtook the firm for a few hours. Laura was pleased to be an aunt to so many children for a very short slice of time.

One problem with success – success breeds expectations. The wife of one of the senior partners had a passion about programs encouraging child reading. She made the assumption that because Laura had done so well with Halloween in the office she was the logical choice to make magic happen again for Christmas targeting her favorite program. Laura tried to point out there are only seven weeks between Halloween and Christmas and she had been doing Halloween at the firm for almost ten years but the lady would accept no excuses.

This was one problem Laura knew she could take home to Dan. He would get a good laugh, but maybe he could give some good advice too. Laura was correct, her husband bought into the idea of getting employees kids involved in a reading program.

“Anything that get’s the whole employee, family included, involved in the company has got to be beneficial. We don’t have kids so it may not look like a big deal to us Baby. Most workers do have families.”

He and Laura talked through some possibilities and considered the realities of a Christmas deadline less than two months away. Dan gave the critical advice on how to make the project work. “Here are three rules Baby, follow these and your projects will be a booming success. First, limit the scope you are trying to get done; second, delegate the work to others; and third, be ready to take whatever credit you can for whatever good comes along.”

Laura laughed at Dan’s simple explanation and popped him on the shoulder. “You jerk, but you’re probably right Baby. If the lady wants a book program I’ll get her to pick the partners pockets for the money. Maybe I can find a local bookstore that wants to get involved. One book per kid as Christmas present for starters. How does that sound Baby?”

“You’ve got it down pat already; you get an A in Project Management 101 Baby.”

She also got several good kisses from hubby as extra credit bonus points. Later in the evening after her shower and into a nightgown Laura tucked her hubby into bed. She told him she was going to call Greg and chat just a bit before coming to bed. Dan kidded about being a little old for phone sex as he reached into Laura’s nightstand for her silver wand. They teased each other a while longer before she adjourned to the den to place her call. Laura did take the toy her Baby found.

The next morning over breakfast Laura spoke between bites, “It’s the strangest thing about that idea.”

“What idea are you talking about Baby, using your silver bullet when talking to Greg?”

“Stop you doofus, that silly kids and books idea, Greg thought it was great too. He wants me to come by his office one day next trip and pitch his secretary.”

“Wait a minute, you beg off screwing with me last night so you can do phone sex with your lover and then you talk about someone else’s idea for a work project. What’s going on Baby? You have two guys and both of us are boring you.” Wife and husband both laughed as response, cleaned up from breakfast and left for their individual work place.

The next time Laura was in San Francisco she did manage an afternoon diversion to San Jose. She had never been to Greg’s office and as many times as she had spoken with Celeste Laura had no idea what the woman looked like. At the receptionist’s desk she asked for Mr. Greg Harrison, gave her name and was asked to wait for an escort.

A very attractive mid-thirty something woman approached and asked, “Mrs. Martell, Laura Martell? I am Celeste; follow me please.”

When they were at her workstation in front of an open office door Celeste dropped her formality and hugged Laura close in a sisterly sort of way. “He is waiting for you.”

Laura stepped from female hug of friendship into male arms squeezing with passion. Through open door Celeste could see the lovers kiss with intensity that would not abate. Their kiss lingered. Even more surprising to his secretary was the intimate way male hands stroked the woman’s back, her sides up toward breasts and ultimately reached low to clutch Laura almost between her cheeks. The tight skirt of Laura’s dress crept well high on thighs but she made no effort toward modesty. Celeste watched as Laura indicated no hesitance or rejection of Greg’s touching but pressed her hips forward in complicity. Finally the couple pulled apart.

“Celeste, don’t ever let me catch you kissing my man like that or I’ll scratch your eyes out.”

Laura pointed toward Greg’s desk, “If I ever even hear of you getting down there under his desk it will get even worse; you don’t want to know what will happen.”

Greg roared in laughter as his current secretary clapped her hand over her mouth in astonished surprise. “Don’t worry Darling you are the only woman who has ever been under my desk and the only one who ever will be. Do you want to relive old times?”

“Don’t dare me!”

Laura pulled her man close and kissed once again beginning with tenderness but eventually clutching his shoulders close and pressing her kiss with possessive fierceness. “I love you Greg Baby, but I am getting distracted as I often do around you. I am really here today to see Celeste about this silly books-for-kids idea everyone is in love with.”

The women moved out to Celeste’s area and talked for thirty minutes. Celeste understood her role. Finally her curiosity about Laura, her actions with Greg and what she said about under his desk would not be denied. “Did you really . . . ?” Laura saw the woman pointing under her desk.

“Many times girl, the first time we were intimate was at his desk. The first time we made love was in his bed but I knew him orally at his desk first. If Greg had pointed and said get down there when we were all three in his office I would have had my skirt up, top open and been on my knees under his desk.” Celeste looked at the older woman with disbelief shaking her head no.

“We are through with the books. Let me collect my man.” To Greg she said, “Celeste and I are finished Greg; let’s go. Are you going to feed me first or screw me? What’s the big man’s pleasure?”

> > > – –

While the distraction organizing children’s activities for various firms occupied Laura’s late fall schedule she still had both of her jobs that could get demanding at times plus the unavoidable Christmas holiday parties she needed to attend. This year she had four company parties scheduled, two on each coast.

December just didn’t have enough days in the month. Dan could take his secretary to his company party so if necessary she could skip one affair. Greg’s law firm had their party scheduled the second Friday of December while Business Lady’s was the next day. Four parties over a short period of time meant one thing for Laura, time to go shopping for some new dresses.

Shopping was husband’s strength, not Greg’s. Most of the Saturday before Thanksgiving Dan and Laura visited stores. Dan suggested dresses and Laura tried them on. Somehow the selection available didn’t excite either of them. They finally settled on a blue dress at the third shop they visited and a black one at the fifth and final store. Both were exhausted when Dan suggested drinks at Gilly’s, his favorite casual bar.

“Two will have to make do this year. Thank you for all of your help and support today Baby. I am glad I don’t have to go through this alone. I’ll look through my closet and find something if I need another dress.”

“Unless someone has come by and emptied all your closets while neither of us was watching your only problem will be deciding which one, not do I have one.”

Laura did manage to attend all four Christmas parties. Of the two in Charlotte she actually enjoyed Dan’s party more this year. Laura wore her new black dress. It had been two years since she had been with Dan to his affair. Secretary sat with them so it appeared Dan had two women as date, but her Baby was comfortable and experienced having two women dates. Laura didn’t object at all to the amount of time Dan spent dancing with the other woman.

On the second Friday in December in San Jose Laura wore her new blue dress as she mingled tucked in close to Greg. They danced together often; it had been too long since they had gone out for dinner and then late night dancing. Laura recalled it was something they did often in Charlotte but had not done once since resuming their relationship here in California. “I like dancing with you mister; we are going to have more dates just like this,” Laura whispered in her man’s ear as they danced a slow shuffle with the three piece band playing soft music.

Greg’s boss Lawrence was the first of several other gentlemen to ask for a dance. Laura glanced to Greg for his expected approval and offered her hand. She felt comfortable dancing with Lawrence based on meeting him and wife at the earlier hotel party affair. Greg explained who most others who approached her were. After four consecutive dances with strangers Laura pulled Greg to the floor when she saw another man heading their way.

“Protect me from all the Christmas wolves my dear, they are thicker tonight than Santa’s elves.”

“Your beauty grabs attention and the fact that you are new broad in town is added fuel. I’ll put the evil eye out and wolves should leave you alone. You will have to deal with any elves yourself.”

Evil eye worked because Laura only danced once more with Lawrence the remainder of the party. Her heels pinched her feet by the time party ended and she told her Baby as they drove home that his first task was a massage.

Laura and Greg wore matching silver the next night by resurrecting a set of costumes from a long ago New Years Eve affair. At the Business Lady party the next night Greg in his skin tight leotard drew most of the attention because he was Laura’s new man. He still looks like a silver god in that outfit, Laura thought. Liaison was first to come up and accost him since they had met when Greg and Laura were first together. Unlike the only other time Laura wore her outrageous silver sword outfit, for this Holiday Party she wore a silver panty and bra set underneath. She still had a lot of fun being a show off. She danced with all senior executives, all males of her marketing group, and late in the evening pulled all the marketing women to the dance floor for a group dance that closed out the party. Laura suggested they make a late night call on Upper Floor when they got home but Greg nixed that idea. He wanted Laura in bed immediately.

> > > – –

On a Saturday afternoon in late fall Laura and Greg returned to her home after spending the day out and around the streets of San Francisco just enjoying being together. They stopped at two street fair flea markets; visited several small shops mainly looking at fashion accessories for Laura, window shopped slowly past stores too numerous to count and recall, and at three different establishments stopped for refreshments: once for coffee; once for wine; and finally for a small cup of gelato. Upon entering and hanging their light jackets Laura was so pleased with the day she jumped bodily into her lover’s arms to smother him with kisses.

“Coffee, tea or me?”

In response Greg eased a hand under Laura’s sweater at her back and began lifting the covering material to shoulders and beyond. By the time he carried her to the bedroom Laura’s sweater was on the floor and he hung her bra on the doorknob going by.

“Oh lover, I knew your answer would be me. An afternoon quickie will be the perfect match to your hard fucking screw me to the bed last night and our sweet gentle love making this morning. Don’t hold back Baby; take me quick and hard for your pleasure.”

Greg threw his lover to her bed and immediately began pulling the remaining clothes from her body and throwing them about the room: shoes and socks over shoulder, slacks pulled down and tossed to side, finally panties held up to sniff and then pitched to Laura’s head for her to savor. Greg was as fast and indiscriminant with his own clothes. Laura called out hurry as encouragement. Grasping her ankles he pinned them to his lover’s ears, “Take this bitch; here’s your quickie.”

“Oh god, fuck yes! Fuck me hard with that wonderful fat cock lover.”

Man fucked cock in full, hard, fast and deep. Pussy had no choice but accept man thrust. Whatever lubrication Laura could create spur-of-the-moment would have to make do; Greg didn’t bother with foreplay to prepare her. They fucked hard and furious together with body slapping body and all arms clutching. Gradually her moisture flowed to ease parts stabbing at each other.

“Here’s your quick screw bitch; take my cock and love it; fuck your pussy; fuck, fuck, FUCK NOW!”

Cum spewed; male essence blasted Laura to her core and she felt the charge. With fingernails digging deep into her man’s butt she pulled him as close and tight as she could manage.

“I love you Baby – I love you to fuck me – I love to fuck you – I love everything about you – I want you in me like this forever.”

Sated, the couple stayed connected clutching each other tightly as breathing returned to normal. Eventually Greg’s weight on her became too much for Laura and she rolled him to her side. Kissing all over her lover’s face and torso Laura extracted herself and rose from bed first to bathroom for cleanup and then to minimally dress in a simple jump suit of light and flowing nylon.

“I am going to fix us a light snack to renew our energy. Join me in the living room and we can just talk and be together for a while.”

Now dressed casually too, slacks and a pullover, Greg joined Laura about five minutes later as she was setting out a wedge of brie and a baguette plus a glass of wine for each. They toasted with their wine glasses and nibbled at Laura’s offering.

“Baby, let’s talk a bit. There’s some stuff I need to tell you. I need to get honest and own up to my past. You haven’t been the only one other than Dan.”

“I can’t imagine that I am not one of the most knowledgeable men about your past indiscretions since I am sure I am part of most of them.”

“Greg my Darling Man, I don’t consider anything you and I did during those years an indiscretion. The way I handled our time together vis-a-vis my husband was my young and immature stupidity, but that’s on me, not you, not us.”

Okay, I’ll agree. Tell me about your unfaithful past, unfaithful to your husband and your lover. That’s what you are trying to tell me, right?”

“Yes, unfaithful to both of my lovers; Dan is more aware of my infidelities. Not all the details, of course, but he pretty much knows the who and the when of most times. It is you I need to get open with my lover.”

“There were few in Charlotte, all involved Dan’s art world. Other than that I had a husband and a wonderful lover who took care of my needs. You recall the two nude portraits of me that hang on our home gallery walls? Both Portrait and LF made love to me during the time we exhibited those portraits and while I was sitting, a wonderful euphemism there, for the portraits. LF and I continue to be lovers especially when she visits out here in San Francisco, but at home also.”

“There is one other person in Charlotte that you need to know about. She will surprise you I am sure. Do you recall Dan’s friend, his lover, Artsy? I had her and she had me long before she ever gave herself to Dan.”

Laura saw Greg’s jaw drop and she smiled and nodded. “Yes, Artsy, LF and I did an all girl three-way one night, all night long, in Mrs. Patron’s guest bedroom. It was wild and fantastic. We agreed later to never do it again because of the pain we could cause Dan, but we both enjoyed our time together.”

“To show you what an ass I was I bragged about screwing his lover to Dan when I knew Artsy would never have sex with him as long as Dan and I were married.”

“If Dan didn’t beat you for that cruelty I should today. You can be one fucking bitch Baby, a real fucking bitch.”

Laura just smiled at her lover’s outburst. “Here in San Francisco my sexual partners have mostly been men, several of whom I don’t even know their name.” Laura looked directly into Greg’s eyes as she nodded an up down yes with her head. “True slut behavior, let me tell you.”

“First was BL’s Legal Counsel. He was young with a hard dick but immature. I danced with him a couple of times where I felt his hard cock against me so I tried him out once. He wanted more but once was enough. You have met my neighbor upper Floor and visited his play room. All of my other San Francisco adventures revolve around him and his play room. You remember how he told you when I first introduced him how I loved his balcony? He has had me naked chained to that balcony railing many times. There is a nasty Mexican who lives across the way named Mario who always calls out to me. He calls me puta, whore, and other obscenities. He loves to beat me with Upper Floor’s whips.”

“I am not going to tell you the details of all my play with Upper Floor right now. He is home and we will be visiting with him later. He has invited us for brandy at nine tonight. I’ve asked him to tell about the night I was entertainment for his friends at a party. It was spectacular. When you know about the party I have no more indiscretions to hide.”

“You have had an interesting life apart from me, haven’t you Darling. I thought you were simply my personal slut but it seems as though you have branched out. I may have to exorcise the slut demons from your body with one of your neighbor’s whips when we visit tonight.”

Laura smiled at her lover’s announcement and kissed her Baby with heat.

> > > – –

“Welcome neighbors,” Upper Floor kissed Laura lightly on lips with just a hint of tongue; he reached for Greg’s hand and shook it. “Come in and let us sit and enjoy an evening of conversation and cognac. I have an excellent Old Napoleon XO that has a wonderful nose.”

Upper Floor gestured his visitors to a love seat while he poured and then served snifters of the fine cognac. They all sipped, commented on the quality of their drink and made polite conversation for a few minutes. Laura was about to bring up the primary topic when Upper Floor decided to begin the serious conversation.

“Greg, you are a new friend to me but lover and betrothed to my long time friend and neighbor Laura. She has asked me to explain, maybe confess is the word she would choose, the relationship your lovely lady and I have had almost from the time she moved into this building ten years ago. You are familiar with my home, my playroom and its balcony. I’ve told you about Laura’s fascination exposing herself on my balcony.”

Greg nodded understanding as Laura reached for his arm to pull her man closer. She leaned head on shoulder and kissed a cheek as she snuggled.

“Laura and I were never to be anything more than good neighbors, casual friends would be good description, never as much as lovers. She told me from the beginning she had a husband and a lover in Charlotte both of whom she deeply loved. I was to be a west coast diversion from time-to-time as well as a suitable escort when business functions demanded such. While I would have relished the larger role of lover, I accepted her status and we came to enjoy each other’s company. I must say my enjoyment of our friendship lasted through the quiet years when Laura chose not to be sexually active while she lived her San Francisco life.”

“Let me begin her confession by saying Laura and I have made love, no game playing in both her bedroom and mine; we have not done so very often but a few times, yes.” Upper Floor looked to Greg directly and waited until he nodded understanding. “Most of our playtimes, however, occurred in my special play venue. Most did not involve what is generally considered sex. Certainly not penetration, wouldn’t you agree my dear?”

This time Laura nodded agreement, “Yes, mostly showing off or spankings and bondage, most of the time but not always.”

“Yes, not always. I think the best way I can help my friend get her past off her chest with you Greg is to tell about the night your lady agreed to be the entertainment for a party of my friends. Let’s go into the playroom, the scene of the crime so to speak.”

Upper Floor took a pair of cuffs and chain from the cabinet on the wall and suspended Laura from the high rod so she had to stand on the balls of her feet tip-toed. He turned to Greg, “The night of her greatest party adventure Laura was suspended this way but not quite dressed as she is tonight; she was nude and available for my guests view and touch.”

Upper Floor slowly unfastened the buttons on Laura’s jumpsuit from neckline to waistline. He pushed the cloth to her shoulders leaving her chest bare with breasts mostly visible.

“It was a modest sized party, six men, including me as host, two of the men had wives with them, a lesbian couple, Laura as our entertaining bauble hanging on the tree, and of course her escort as observer.”

“An escort? Who might that have been?”

“I’ll let her tell you if and when she chooses. The party was fun however, soft music, good wine and conversation. Most everyone fondled our heroine during the early part of the evening. Finally we got down to serious festivities. Each of the gentlemen enclosed their cock in latex and fucked our girl to rapid completion. Didn’t we dear?”

“Yes, just plain fucking to fill the condoms. At finish they tied them off and put them in a bowl. The ugly things just filled the bowl obscene as they appeared, nasty. I could have done a better job jacking them off and all of us got more out of it. They were all trying to be demeaning and they succeeded.”

“I did a better job on the women. I did the two wives and then the lesbians. I made sure all four women got off.”

“I know you can make sure anyone, everyone, gets off when you set your mind to it Darling.”

Laura smiled and gestured with her eyes. “Come kiss me lover; I want something now before Upper Floor finishes my story.”

As Greg walked away from his kiss Upper Floor led him across the room to where the whips hung on playroom wall. “Each of these has touched Laura’s soft flesh.” Upper Floor reached to the flail, “This is my favorite to use on her; it’s delicate, gentle in its way for a whip, and used properly it turns either chest or bottom bright red without causing undue torment.”

Upper Floor swatted his palm and then Greg’s lightly to demonstrate the flail’s sensation before handing over to Laura’s lover. As Greg examined the flail, Upper Floor took the coiled big bull whip from the wall. He flicked it out and let it snake across the floor looking sinister.

“This is the ultimate whip for tantalizing or terrorizing. It’s called a bull whip.”

Taking a step toward where Laura hung from the rod Upper Floor drew the bull whip back and then with a flick of wrist aimed it low toward his objective. The tip snapped against the top of Laura’s bare foot. She made no sound; she simply lifted foot and shook off the mildly painful sensation.

“This big whip can be used to tantalize as I demonstrated, but it can also inflict pain, torment and real torture bringing cries of terror from lash and sound when used by a sadist.”

Upper Floor swung the whip once more aimed this time to Laura’s middle just above her waist. Laura’s head jerked back from the lash of pain but she made no sound. Greg saw a red welt begin to take shape on the bare skin below breasts. He looked with concern bordering anger to Upper Floor but turned his gaze to his lady for confirmation and saw a tight smile form on her lips. Greg held his temper in check.

“I hope this example you two have made is essential. Laura knows well that I can be rough with her body when we have vigorous sex. We enjoy making love that way together. I consider our physical expression a prerogative between Laura and me alone.”

“Please Darling, I’m okay. He didn’t cause any real pain. I’ve had much worse. I know what Upper Floor is trying to tell you. He really is speaking for me.”

“Your fiancée is the strongest willed woman I know. That was the last stroke I will make on her body tonight my friend.” He coiled the bull whip and handed it over to Greg. “You can hold this tool while I tell the final part of tonight’s story.”

“One of the single men at the party that night was a fellow named Mario. Laura may have told you about him. He lives across the way, has seen Laura on the balcony many nights, and has used virtually all of the whips on our lady. Mario is a nasty Mexican who likes to control and dominate his women using pain. He whipped Laura a number of times but could never break her. As I said, your fiancée is the strongest willed woman I know, that I have ever met. Mario always wanted to use the big whip but Laura always said no.”

“This party was going to be the night she allowed Mario to try his utmost. Everyone had fondled, fucked and toyed with your lady; now Mario was going to try to break her as she was chained by the wall the way she is tonight. Laura was nude; the pedestal holding the bowl of used and full condoms stood beside her. Mario placed one condom between her teeth; he taunted Laura trying to make her flinch. Mario cracked the big whip across her body; his intent was torment and torture. Laura bit through the nasty condom and the sex leavings ran down her chin. She cried out in pain and then she spoke to the little man.”

This time Laura called out loud and emphatic from her place hanging on the wall – “Again! I told the nasty little shit to hit me again.”

“Twelve condoms, twelve lashes, twelve stripes red across her body, torso and back alike, twelve times Laura called out AGAIN, even when the last condom was shredded,” Upper Floor gestured to his neighbor hanging from the ceiling rod, “I say one last time Laura is the strongest woman I have ever met. Mario has never been allowed in my home since that night. He left a broken man. I untied Laura and she bid good evening to all of my guests before her escort took her home.”

“It was Dan, Baby; Dan watched the others defile me and watched Mario try to break me. He stood with me all evening. You and he are the only two men I know worthy of taking my hand, the only two men I have ever given my hand.”

To her neighbor she asked, “Please let me down now, I need to be with my man.” Laura removed her jumpsuit and let it lay on the floor; left the leather cuffs attached to her wrists, and ran into Greg’s waiting arms. They kissed as she tried her best to mold her body into his. She took the big whip from him and returned it to the wall; she brought the riding crop to her man.

“Take me to the balcony Baby; Upper Floor will tie me to the rail and turn the lights on me. I want you to punish me for being unfaithful to you. I deserve your punishment. I need you to punish me before I can be worthy of being your bride. I want everyone who can see us watching you punish me.”

Whip me and cleanse me!”

Laura and Greg slept in her bed that night as though tied together with ropes. Laura’s bare bottom had been whipped red with a few scabs now forming where crop broke through skin. Her pussy still tingled when her eyes opened to morning sunlight. She knew she had never been so thoroughly fucked in her lifetime. Twice on the balcony between bouts with the whip and then a final ravishing fuck in her bed last night. She looked at her lover exhausted lying next to her. He deserves his rest.

> > > – –

After visiting Puerto Vallarta with the Business Lady marketing team and then taking Dan there on vacation Laura wanted to experience her charming Mexican tourist spot with her other main man. A weekend would not be enough. She negotiated with Dan to spend some extra time with Greg beyond just her normal west coast allocation.

“Baby, we’ve been doing good together, all three of us, and I can understand you wanting to take Greg to PV. I loved going there with you and I’ll bet he will too. Go for it.”

Greg had no problem at all with an out of town get away with his lady love. As it turned out Dan was correct, Greg found the resort city charming. He told Laura once while walking along window shopping that if he had known how delightful Puerto Vallarta was he would come by himself.

“No you don’t Baby, no more vacations alone for you. I am going to do my best to tie up your time.”

Laura already had the germ of an idea forming in her mind. One spot she wanted to make sure she and Greg visited was the old Roman Catholic Cathedral. Greg couldn’t quite understand her fascination; he knew Laura was a non practicing Methodist. Why a Catholic Cathedral? It was old, historic and architecturally beautiful he had to admit. He wasn’t sure it was worth an afternoon of their time together, but as long as he was with Laura everything was all right with his world.

Published 11 years ago

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