After more than twenty years of marriage Laura no longer made a running leap to her husband’s arms on returning home, but their kiss signaled a promise of passionate reunion. Laura set her only luggage: purse, briefcase and shoulder duffle, at her feet to clutch Dan around his shoulders. She held tight resting head on male shoulder and nuzzling close to his neck. A light kiss and a deep inhale of her husband’s male scent, his body, the deodorant and cologne fragrance, even the almost smell of the vodka and tonic Dan liked to sip as he watched television reminded Laura she truly was home and with the husband who was so much of her being.
“I love you baby, it feels so good to be home with you.”
Dan initiated gentle kisses about his wife’s face as he returned loving sentiments. Laura took purse and briefcase in hand, “I’ll feel even more at home out of these clothes. Will you bring my bag?” In the bedroom as she began undressing with help from Dan, Laura’s fingers loosed the buttons on his shirt too.
“I hope you have any reading and paperwork done, baby. The only thing I’m interested in is pajamas, sharing the last drink of a long day with the man I love, and fooling around in bed with that special man. Does any of that interest you baby?”
Dan agreed completely and sealed his agreement with a kiss. He went to his dresser for a pair of silk pajamas, “Would you rather wear the top or bottoms, baby.”
They laughed together; Dan stepped into the PJ bottoms and helped his wife put on the top. He noticed several love bite bruises that answered unasked questions. Dan decided to let the visible signs of Laura’s time with her lover pass without comment. Years had passed since he had last seen those signs on his wife. What ran through Dan’s mind as he buttoned the pajama top was something like those love bites are a sign of serious discussion needed but not tonight. What remained of this night was brandy first and then making love, first quick loving with the urgency of time apart followed by the extended slow and tender love making that characterized the best sexual state of their marriage. Laura’s lover did not share their bed this night.
“That was so good baby, I am glad I am home with you. I love you so much. Good night.”
“Good night baby, I missed you while you were gone. I’m glad you’re home. Good night to you too. I love you.”
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday interaction did nothing to bring about the discussion Laura and Dan must eventually have. Three days of casual conversation of what did you do when almost totally excluded Laura and Greg. Dan talked of art galleries and artists, after gallery drinks with Artsy and LF, and his time with Mrs. Patron and Friend. Laura told Dan about her board meeting with far more detail than warranted. She talked about her dinner party. She finally did tell about the romantic restaurant with the garden trail to Pacific overlook and the after deli walk in the settling fog that she and Greg enjoyed.
Dan did finger the extra ring on his wife’s left hand. Each evening with their greeting as the last of them arrived home from work, Dan held that ring finger as they kissed. Wednesday, that first of those ring holding evenings, Laura mentioned Dan’s gesture, “Thank you baby for being such a loving husband. You know me well and love me completely. I appreciate you. I love you.” That Wednesday night’s Honey-I’m-Home intimacy extended well beyond every day happening. Thursday and Friday Laura noticed her husband’s fingers but feigned indifference as they kissed.
Saturday morning Laura woke early refreshed and energetic. She let her husband sleep while she quickly dressed and made coffee. Taking his mug to the bedroom she kissed him awake, “Wake up sleepy head, here’s your coffee. I’m going to get started in my garden.”
An hour later, Dan and Laura were at their patio table with a light breakfast before them. Laura knew she had to start the conversation, no sense in putting it off any longer. “Okay baby, we’ve both been avoiding me and Greg. Do you want to talk with champagne for lubrication or just juice, coffee and stone cold sober?”
“Is it going to be that sort of discussion, will we need stone cold sober?”
“No, I hope not baby, I hope it is a loving talk, not cooing love birds but loving for you, loving for me, and yes, loving for Greg too. That’s what I want, and if we are taking a vote on champagne I vote yes. I put a couple of bottles of Piper in the fridge last night.”
“I’ll get one.” Shortly Dan returned with two glasses and a wine bottle in a plastic wine bucket. He poured two flutes. He returned to kitchen for a baguette and a round of camembert cheese.
“Do I toast: To Us – or – To All of Us?”
“How about: To Us Foremost as well as To All of Us?”
Laura reached her glass to her husband hoping for agreement with the awkward toast; after brief hesitation Dan responded. Laura followed her toasting sip with a gentle kiss. “I love you baby, you wonderful husband of mine.”
“You know I was with Greg. I took him out for a birthday dinner Tuesday; we went to that very romantic restaurant Liaison recommended. It was a perfect place for a very emotional reunion between two long separated lovers.”
Laura paused to let her declaration settle. She meant the import of her words and she wanted her husband to understand. Dan simply nodded.
“We celebrated his birthday about like we always celebrated: dinner, some romantic time together, making love. I told you on the phone that I went home alone.”
“Greg came to my place Friday night and stayed until Sunday morning. We made love several times, but not all the time. We talked a lot about several subjects, some about prior times, some about a possible future, some about you and me.”
Laura sipped some of her champagne and spread cheese on a chunk of French bread. She leaned across table to her baby and gave a light kiss. “That’s the basic facts of Greg and I, okay?”
“I think I understand, baby, I think. That’s about what I expected, I guess.” Dan sounded unsure, maybe distracted or discomfited, Laura thought. She asked if he was sure he wasn’t put out of sorts because she met Greg and they had sex.
“You did expect at least that much between us, didn’t you baby?” Dan nodded and mumbled a yeah. He wasn’t convinced and didn’t try to sound convincing. Laura picked up on her husband’s mood.
“Okay, let’s move on; you asked about the ring, how I wore the ring Greg gave me.”
Laura held her left hand to Dan, fingers spread. With right hand she reached for her baby’s right hand and moved it to the rings. “You’ve been holding these rings, especially Greg’s ring, every day when you come home and we kiss. Did you realize?”
Now Dan answered with strong voice, “Oh yes, I knew what I was doing. I was measuring us, you, you as couple, and all three of us. I tried to understand the sequencing, the positions.”
“I was going to come home wearing just our rings and put this third ring on in front of you during a conversation like the one we are having now. You asked me to keep wearing Greg’s ring. I told Greg this time I could only wear his ring with ours. I gave it to him to put on my finger if he agreed. I didn’t know what he would do; I was almost in tears as I watched him consider. He slipped his ring down along my finger to nestle next to ours. I kissed him baby.”
Laura retrieved her left hand. “Will you kiss me, husband?” They kissed with some heated passion. Laura displayed her left hand once again. “Look, just look; look at the rings.”
“What you see from your perspective is Greg’s ring first, yes?”
“What I see from my side is our wedding ring that you placed on this finger more than twenty years ago first, closest to my heart. Next I see two diamond rings given by the two men who love me as signal of betrothal of that love. What I see is yours is senior, closer to my heart, and Greg’s newer, next to the ring you gave when you asked for my hand and I gave my heart.”
“I hope you remember as clearly as I remember how I said yes with tears of joy when you gave your ring. These first two rings are always ours, together, one. All three rings are part of love I share with two men who love me.”
Laura filled both flutes. “That was intense for me and I am sure for you too. Let’s take break and relax for a few minutes. There is more to talk about, a lot more, I hope we can talk it out slowly baby, slow and steady and calm.”
Each left conversation aside to toy with their breakfast. They ate fruit, drank cooling coffee, sipped on champagne, and ate more of the baguette and camembert. To rest from heavy conversation for the moment, Laura asked Dan to talk about the several artists’ work he and Mrs. Patron looked at last weekend. Dan’s descriptions allowed the emotional talk about Greg’s engagement ring to settle. Finally Laura asked if it was time to get back on topic.
“Dan, my baby, I want to be as honest with you as I was with Greg about the relationship we can have, that I would like for all of us. There’s no way to sugar coat my behavior; ten years ago, back then, I was an immature little shit the way I treated you. I was worse than a two year old child. Greg told me he would have tanned my rear end if I treated him that way and I would still be red. Maybe you should have but we would have fought. I would have rebelled; I was totally selfish. I am sorry now and I will never let that happen again. I know I have grown up since those times.”
“I want to have a long term loving relationship with Greg, but only a west coast relationship the third of my life I spend there. What I want to work out with you is how we, we being all three of us, can make a long term relationship last. I don’t expect to agree on every detail today. I would like to start; we both will need to slowly think through our feelings. Here is my promise to you baby; I will give no ultimatum, no demand, no fait accompli.”
Dan let his wife speak her piece. He understood her desire and respected her understanding of the hell she was responsible for those years past. He was not ready to agree with Laura’s basic desire. There were some things he knew he would never agree with. Laura had held court for the past hour or so. Now came Dan’s turn.
“Thank you for your honesty baby, I appreciate the candor. Let me say first off that we are not going to agree today. I am not going to say no way today; I am not going to say have at it today. I hope you understand and agree.”
Laura reached for Dan’s hand and squeezed. “I do understand, baby, I really do. I would have been surprised if you said yes right away. I know you have the floor but let me add this; six years ago when Greg first gave me this ring and you trusted me enough to let me wear another man’s engagement ring you cemented our love and marriage forever. I think that is when I started to grow up.”
“Okay, I heard you say you’ve changed, that you are more mature now. I am going to expect to see that in your behavior always, always Laura, always. You have told me what you want. Let me tell you what I don’t want, what my deal breakers are.”
“First deal breaker – I will not accept under any circumstance you telling me that you must lash out at me to protect your affair. Is that clearly understood my loving wife?”
Laura clearly heard the sarcasm, malevolence even, in her husband’s voice. She thought back to all the times she used those very statements against her baby. She was ashamed of those actions she once defended by saying her affair demanded them. “I understand and agree baby; I agree completely. If I ever try any stunt like that again you can bend me over your knee and beat me.”
“No, Laura, I won’t beat you. I could never do that. I will file to divorce you immediately. I am serious. I mean that with every fiber of my being, divorce.”
Laura gasped. Once in their twenty plus years of marriage had Dan uttered the word divorce in her presence, only once; it was that day after Thanksgiving. Laura understood in the instant, he spoke of that day she told of her intention to leave him facing family alone as she flew away to her lover. Only then had Dan said divorce when Laura proved total disrespect of their marriage as far as he was concerned. Laura remembered all too well; she remembered having no fear that day. Laura looked her husband straight on this Saturday morning with fixed eye contact as she nodded her understanding.
“Deal breaker two, no humiliation or disrespect just because it excites you and stimulates your sense of self worth. If you ever try to feed me a cum filled oyster again I will violate my principles and slap you before I file for divorce.”
“I agree baby, my behavior that night was beyond despicable. You had every right to slap my face and walk away forever. I am glad you stayed with me. Thank you for that much; on that night I didn’t deserve your love.”
“Deal breaker three is going to be more difficult I think; I cannot accept public awareness that I condone you and Greg having a permanent relationship. Common knowledge of your affair would ruin my position at work and in the community; I don’t think it would be good for you either.”
“You are right about number three being tougher to manage baby; just wearing these three rings creates some public exposure. I want to work toward an agreement between you and me where I can always wear all three of these rings. There are other public awareness issues to deal with but they are in San Francisco. Can we hold this number three open for discussion?”
Dan knew when he spoke of the third deal breaker that there had to be problems enforcing that rule. The rings were only a small part of the difficulty. He agreed more thought and discussion were required. He and Laura talked on through the morning and into the early afternoon. They made progress toward understanding but did not reach a target. Laura finally suggested they put aside their discussions for the day.
“baby, my brain is cross-eyed; I can’t process anything more today. I need a new direction with fewer bumps in the road. Do you think Mrs. Patron is tied up this afternoon? Could we invite her to the country club for some light conversation and a late lunch or early dinner. I haven’t visited with her lately.”
“Yeah, good idea, I’m tired too. I’ll call her.”
Dan placed the call and his sometime mentor and lover, always friend agreed the country club was a fine thought for a Saturday outing. She told Dan he and Laura could call for her in an hour and a half. Dan relayed the plan to his wife. Laura immediately began cleanup of the patio table as Dan closed out his call.
“I have just one more question about you and Greg. You probably don’t know the answer. How long?”
“Oh crap, baby, you’re right I don’t know, haven’t thought, well, I guess I do know. These rings are forever rings, aren’t they?” Laura held up her left hand as she spoke. “Let me put these things away. We can try to answer that question another time.”
> > > – –
“Daniel, you look dapper this afternoon wearing that silk turtleneck and pleated slacks. Wearing your navy blazer just so you could be a cruise director or even captain of the ship and relaxing about town.” Mrs. Patron kissed Dan lightly on his cheek before turning to Laura who got her hug and kiss before she received compliment. “Thank you so much for calling this afternoon, my dear; I missed having you with us last weekend. I understand you were in San Francisco with your other job. That is a very chic outfit you are wearing; I do like the little bolero cape.”
“Thank you Mrs. Patron, one time soon I will be here and able to tag along and learn more about art from my two expert collectors. I hope my suggestion of the country club isn’t too pretentious. We can just relax in the lounge with good conversation and something light to eat.”
“Yes, I would prefer that to the dining room; it can get so stuffy in there and as dapper as he looks, your husband isn’t really dressed for formal dining, is he?”
Half an hour later Dan seated his two ladies opposite each other and took a seat between them. He offered a choice between a magnum of champagne or some other wine; both women favored wine. Mrs. Patron asked their waiter for a port. Three friends settled in for an evening of wine and conversation. Since Laura was not present when Mrs. Patron decided to purchase a painting of the newest artist in her collection Dan suggested that particular artist be starting point for today’s discussion.
“Our friend LeeAnne suggested I might want to know about this young man, the artist I mean.
Laura chuckled and gave a playful tap slap to Dan’s shoulder. “baby, you should know better than to mess up Mrs. Patron’s schedule. She has taught you so much over the years I am sure she has tried to teach that much.”
Now it was Mrs. Patron’s turn to smile. She related how Artsy had LF give a detailed analysis of this new artist’s work. “Artsy and LF both think this young man will soon develop a national reputation in much the same way your friend LF has. Possibly the same gallery in San Francisco that handles her work will begin to represent this young man. Laura, you could become the unofficial intermediary for our local artists on the west coast.”
Mrs. Patron’s last remark led to chuckles all around; it also gave an opening for the older woman to shift their conversation in her ultimate direction, the feelings her Daniel shared about his marriage while Laura was in San Francisco. Her route would be indirect as was often her method.
“I will be meeting with that young man next week, but enough about him; let us talk about a friend who we all know well. After visiting several galleries we adjourned to The Palette where, of course, we seemed to attract many of our artistic friends and acquaintances. LeeAnne and LF joined our table; Rupert and his boy toy du jour also visited for a goodly bit.”
Laura was well tuned in as Mrs. Patron related their interplay including artistic, gossip, and interpersonal. She had been at a table with all of the characters described and listened as their friends played with words as another form of artistic expression. Laura mostly listened as the individuals simply fascinated her. Laura had no idea that she was walking unaware into the senior woman’s web.
“Speaking of LeeAnne, Daniel, did you get the sense when she was speaking that there is something amiss in LeeAnne’s relationship with her husband?”
“Yes, I agree, now that you mention it, yes. She just seemed a bit uncomfortable about something. I was not at all sure what was bothering her, but I did not have the same feeling when we were with her at her gallery. That suggests she is still content with her work situation. LeeAnne was quite friendly dealing with you, with me too.” Dan blushed and Laura noticed.
“You’re blushing baby, just how friendly was Artsy?” Laura was only teasing because she understood and accepted completely that Artsy and her husband had been serious lovers during the most intense periods of her own affair with Greg. Laura had given permission and had told both Dan and Artsy that if Dan decided to divorce over Laura’s affair she wanted them to be a permanent couple. If Artsy’s marriage was in trouble Laura’s concern was for the woman as friend.
“It’s just that I got a, no two or three actually, rather good kisses and an evening of hand holding while we were here. Intimate kisses like we have not shared since she began seriously dating her husband. She surprised me.”
“She didn’t surprise me at all, Daniel; I have seen her situation developing. LeeAnne was expressing a need. I am always saddened and concerned when any friend has difficulty with their marriage. In this case, though only in this case, I might make an exception. I do not want to foster discontent and certainly do not want to be a rumor monger, but I think LeeAnne would be better off without that man as her husband. I think there are better choices for her.”
“Both of you understand the relationship we once had. We have remained friends, good friends, but we have both avoided intimate talk and intimate action about our marriages and any personal feeling we may still have.”
“Yes Daniel, I certainly understand how reserved and proper you can be. That is why I had to draw you out about your marriage, about Laura’s desire to renew her relationship with her former lover. Maybe I should have left the former aside and simply said lover.”
Mrs. Patron first looked Daniel straight on fixing and holding his gaze. Next she shifted to Laura and gave the same stare but with a tight lipped smile. The topic Mrs. Patron had been steering toward from when they sat down was now on the table and up for discussion. She had no intention at all of allowing the marriage of two people she cared for intensely to sunder over Laura’s desire to have her lover.
“You talked about me while I was gone?”
“Yes Laura, we did. I could tell Daniel had something troubling him and drew him out. The we of conversation was only three: Daniel, my Friend, and of course yours truly.” Mrs. Patron reached her hands across the table to take a hand from each of her companions.
“I always want to know anything that is troubling my baby, especially when I might be part of the trouble. I know Dan will tell me in his good time; we talked some earlier. I trust this man, trust him completely, Mrs. Patron. As much as I want to know what Dan said, what he thinks about me with Greg, I really would like to know what was said about me. I don’t want any rumors or false thoughts to affect the marriage I have with this man I have loved so long.” Laura was demonstrative as she reached for Dan, pulled him close and kissed. “He is mine and I am his forever.”
“Daniel, why don’t you tell Laura about our conversation that Tuesday since it was mostly about your concerns. When you are finished I will add a few of my thoughts.”
“Laura baby, mostly we talked about things you and I spoke to this morning, but I began with the Saturday morning at brunch. We talked about your memories and my part in your decision to meet with Greg. I told of my refusal to accompany you or meet you in San Francisco and my suggestions about dinner and your rings even though I knew I would be tormenting my psyche.” Laura nodded her understanding. She remembered that Saturday and the emotions both experienced.
“My friend and mentor here reminded me of something I know, women take anniversaries with more emotion than we men; they see them as far more important. I accept Mrs. Patron’s wisdom but I also expressed my fears and concerns if we, you especially but me as well, returned to some of the destructive ways of the past. I told Mrs. Patron and Friend some of the things you and I talked about today. I can’t deal with that sort of behavior.”
“Mrs. Patron’s friend remembered all too well how disturbed I often was back then, upset because of your ways with Greg and with me. That is when your name came up most, when we talked about some of those times and how I dealt with them.”
“Mrs. Patron, in her usual prescient way, seemed to know that just getting my thoughts out in the open would help me cope. She was correct. After talking for a half hour or so we had a final after dinner drink and went to bed. Talking helped just as you and I talking this morning helped. We will have to keep talking.”
Mrs. Patron picked up the thread. “Once again, my dear, your husband, who I love in my way as much as you in yours, has glossed over important details by saying simply we had a final after dinner drink and went to bed. I do believe that is just another example of the male gender not comprehending what is important to those of us of gentle persuasion.” Laura could not resist a chuckle at the soft jab Dan suffered. She turned to her baby as she blew an air kiss and mouthed a silent I love you.
“Would you mind telling me about the important details Mrs. Patron, I am sure your recollection of essential facts will be better than my loving husband? He must have been distracted in the presence of two beautiful women.”
“We, my Friend and I, were not about to leave Daniel alone to stew and suffer; we did go to my bedroom and then immediately we showered together. Your Daniel had a lady front and back scrubbing his worries away along with the residue of the day. Later we dressed for bed but I felt I should make a point and led my trio to The Office.”
Mrs. Patron noticed Laura’s curious gaze as she repeated the office. “I have never shown you my late husband’s office, have I my dear? It is not an open part of my home; my husband’s memories, my portraits and my sculpture reside there. I have taken Daniel there a few times; I will show you soon.”
Laura gestured understanding as she responded, “No, I have never seen your portraits, although my baby has mentioned them and I believe you have as well. If you felt the need to show them and make a point about my marriage it may be that I should know them, at least have awareness.”
“Yes my dear, absolutely correct. The point I made to Daniel, and I do hope he understood, was that the man who painted my portraits was also my lover for that time. He was the only lover I had while my husband was alive. We had a very intimate loving relationship that did not detract from the continuing love of my husband. I think you well know that type of love.”
Very softly Laura agreed with the woman. She looked directly into her husband’s eyes and whispered, “Yes, I know, I completely know and fully understand that love.” Laura kissed her fingertips and moved her kiss to Dan’s lips. “I love you so totally and always baby, husband of mine.”
“My lover was persistent, more persistent than I should have allowed. A few years later he gave the sculpture to my husband as a Christmas gift. That gift was a symbol of artist’s continuing love and I had to acknowledge my love for him that I had long hidden. I finally buried his love that Christmas day. Once again, Laura, I am sure you understand why I had to bury that love.”
“Oh yes, I do.” Laura held out left hand with that three ringed finger. “Yes, I understand, but I am wearing my sculpture, aren’t I?” Laura wondered if the woman was suggesting that she leave buried her love for Greg but now was not time to ask that question.
“Yes, exactly, you are wearing your sculpture. The point I had to make to my Daniel that night was very simple; I still have love for the artist who painted my portrait and sculpted my body from his memories. He could only have me in clay; I only had memories of him, but I had my life with my husband intact. My husband died far too young but he was always a very generous man. I asked his spirit and he has allowed me to have Daniel as a lover and confidant. You have been generous with Daniel as well Laura.”
Laura stood and went to the woman. Her arms wrapped in a hug as caring and sincere as she could convey. Laura kissed Mrs. Patron on each cheek and then finally on lips. The older woman could feel the moisture of tears transfer from Laura’s cheek to her own. With a strength that overwhelmed the younger woman, she returned the hug while holding her kiss. “Thank you for loving my husband and caring for me as well. I have told your Daniel, my baby, many times when I grow up I want to be just like you. Never have I felt that way more than this instant.”
“I want to add one more remembrance of that evening and then I think we can close this discussion and with a snifter of very old cognac. We did finally get to the point Daniel tried to explain directly. He found himself in bed with two old women who did their best to show him how much he was loved that night. I will report that your husband treated his two ladies with great love and sexual prowess.”
“And I will report that two ladies bestowed loving caresses that stimulated body and eased the mindful concerns of a lucky gentleman.”
Mrs. Patron ordered their cognacs; a Rothschild Special Reserve Old Pale kept in a locked cabinet at the bar. Dan and Laura had never tasted a drink so fine. “This is so smooth I don’t want to swallow and lose the flavor,” Dan said.
“It is not well known, never advertised, that it is available. Daniel, don’t you dare ask about cost; I know all too well how gauche you can be.”
Just to change the subject Laura talked about her recent Business Lady Board of Directors Meeting and the expansion of business into Latin America idea that she presented. “One of the things I do before every board meeting is get the marketing staff together to brainstorm ideas. A young man on our team spit out the Latin American idea and I pushed it for him to the President and the Board. Helping junior staff people get noticed is fun, important too, I think.”
Laura’s business topic was one the three could relate and contribute with. Conversation flowed with the cognac. Mrs. Patron drifted into a reflective mode and let table conversation bypass for a while. Dan noticed and caught her eye. “Would you ask the bartender for one more cognac, Daniel? I do want to raise our subject one last time before we depart.”
When Dan returned to the table with bartender in tow carrying bottle and three clean snifters he saw that Mrs. Patron was holding his wife’s left hand examining her rings. They toasted the barkeep following his pour to thank him. Mrs. Patron spoke slowly, but with no hesitation, to make her final point.
“I was looking at your wife’s third ring and how she wears it; it is beautiful, but looks a bit awkward as it sits on her finger. The spacing isn’t quite exact. That is something that needs to be worked out if she is going to wear this ring forever. She should wear the ring, Daniel, her Greg’s ring. Love doesn’t die. I still keep up with my artist. I have a file of clippings no one but me ever sees. I have been wrong for years keeping that sculpture hidden. I should go public. Would you consider it for your gallery?”
Dan was stunned. The intimacy of her request was overwhelming. Dan set his mind to his gallery and how to give his dearest friend the display she deserved. He immediately knew he would need Artsy’s expertise. A flash of inspiration expanded Mrs. Patron’s request. “Would you consider allowing display of the portrait as well? I will ask LeeAnne to direct the installation; I will need her.”
Mrs. Patron chose to give her answer to Laura and leave Daniel’s answer indirect. She reached across table to take the hand. “My sculpture is your Greg’s ring. It will look awkward unless it is displayed in proper context. As Daniel needs LeeAnne; you need a jeweler, but also the proper gallery. Think on that my dear, do think on what I have said and talk it over with your husband. He loves you and you love him.”
“Yes Daniel, we can work something out. Let us finish this excellent cognac in quiet contemplation and then you and your lovely wife can take me to my home.”
> > > – –
Laura visited their special jeweler, the one she and Greg used to purchase or create those important pieces so much a part of her affair. Jeweler experienced a six year gap in Laura’s presence as well but his recognition was instant. He smiled warmly and gave a gentle and polite squeeze to her shoulder. They spoke briefly to renew their friendship before Laura showed how she wore the three rings. Jeweler understood the problem immediately. He told her he could make an unobtrusive spacer that would be an immediate, if temporary, solution. Laura explained the status and significance of each ring and the men they represented.
“They are both your men? You want to always keep your men?”
“Yes and Yes.”
“I have an idea; let me think about how to accomplish. Would you consider both men together?”
“Yes, that is what I want. I want my two men always and together through me. If you can think of a way I can wear my two rings that reflects both relationships I will be ever in your debt.”
“I will have the spacer ready next week, come see me Friday. I will think about other ideas.”
> > > – –
Two weeks of conversation about Laura and her desires passed. Both Dan and Laura tried to understand the nuance of Mrs. Patron’s words of wisdom and how they applied to their situation. Once again they joined in their patio for a Saturday brunch as interlude to gardening, lawn care and general family living upkeep. Once again Laura would fly off to her San Francisco home Monday.
Dan stopped at the liquor store Friday evening on his way home to restock their wine supply. One of the items he purchased was a case of Taittinger because he knew that was the brand of champagne Greg preferred. Laura’s jaw dropped astonished as Dan poured and she recognized the switch from Piper.
“To us, all three of us.”
Laura clicked her flute to husband’s, sipped the wine and then kissed him. “You are trying to tell me something baby; something that is going to please me to the highest I hope?”
“I am not ready to make any final decision, any final judgment. My mind is still trying to process everything I know and should know. Wear your rings as you have them now. Be with Greg. Revisit your life from before and where you think you want that life to go. You know my limits and those limits will not change, but for now you have my approval, acceptance, whatever word you desire. You also have my everlasting love.”
As they finished the first flute of champagne Dan held his wife in his lap. “I love you baby. As we try to absorb everything I am coming to understand that in addition to my love of you and Mrs. Patron I still have a love for Artsy. My other loves don’t take away from you. The love you and Greg share doesn’t have to take away from me.”
Dan kissed his baby’s cheek, “If you fill my glass I will love you even more.”