On a sunny Friday in May, Jill walked into her house after a long work week. She put her things down and sat down with the mail, looking forward to a relaxing weekend. When she got to the letter from Stephanie’s school she paused before opening it. It was progress report time and she was expecting this piece of mail. Stephanie’s grades had already taken a tumble on her first report card of the year with more C’s than B’s and no A’s.
Taking a deep breath she tore open the envelope and when she looked at her daughter’s grades she was floored. Not only did Stephanie get more C’s, there were no B’s or A’s and she had even gotten a D in Gym.
Jill was stunned at what she was reading. She couldn’t believe that her once driven and bright sixteen-year-old daughter could fall so far so fast but alas, that is just what had happened. She also couldn’t believe that Stephanie had such little regard for her grades that she wasn’t even aware that her progress report would already be at her house so she could hide it from her mom.
It had been a rough adjustment for Stephanie this year because of the added pressures of being a junior in high school. It had been a difficult year for both of them as they re-adjusted to this new reality. Jill had been giving her daughter some leeway but as the first semester progressed Stephanie was not only letting her grades fall she was also slacking off at home.
Stephanie’s room was hardly clean and it took an Act of God for Stephanie to help out around the house. Luckily, Jill didn’t have to contend with Stephanie mouthing off to her because Stephanie was more of a whiner when she didn’t want to do something.
Sitting at the table staring at Stephanie’s grades, Jill began to ponder what her response would be when she confronted her daughter. It was then that Stephanie called Jill and asked if she could stay the night at her friend’s house. Jill thought for a minute and told her yes. This would give Jill more time to formulate her plan to get Stephanie on the right track.
With that decided, they hung up and within fifteen minutes Stephanie was home again gathering her stuff. It took quite a lot of fortitude for Jill not to say anything about Stephanie’s progress report but Jill managed to keep her own counsel. After Stephanie hugged Jill, she departed to her friend’s awaiting car.
Jill went over to the couch and slumped down. It was hard raising a teenage daughter alone, especially since Stephanie had been no problem until this past summer. Jill had no frame of reference for how to deal with this new twist in their relationship. Jill got up and went to the kitchen where she poured a glass of wine and ordered takeout. She had no energy to cook and just wanted to eat dinner and then take a bath and relax.
As she hung up the phone with the delivery service an idea came to her. She thought of her good friend Rose who had older teenage daughters. Maybe Rose would know what to do. While she waited for her food to arrive, she gave Rose a call. When Rose picked up the phone, Jill breathed a sigh of relief. After they exchanged pleasantries, Jill got up enough courage to reveal why she called.
“Rose I have a problem,” Jill said.
“What is it, Jill?” Rose responded.
Jill took a deep breath and said, “I just got Stephanie’s progress report today and her grades are awful. The worst ever with all C’s except for one D in Gym and I don’t know what to do. She’d been slipping when the first-quarter report card came out but not this bad and what makes it worse is she was mostly an A student last year. Stephanie has never been a problem until this year so I’ve never had to really discipline her and I don’t know what the right approach is. You have older teen daughters, what would you do in this situation?”
Rose said in a matter-of-fact way, “There are really only two options with teens. The first one is to take away their electronics and ground them and the second one is,” Rose paused for a few seconds before saying, “spanking them.”
Jill soaked in what Rose said and said, “I understand the grounding part but do you really spank your daughters?”
Rose responded, “Yes I do. I’ve found that method to be more effective and less stressful in the long run since the punishment is over right away. Grounding them takes way more effort and it doesn’t teach them self-regulation. The embarrassment factor is also a key component so they don’t do it again which is why I always spank them on their bare bottom.”
The conversation continued for quite some time until Rose had answered all of Jill’s questions and helped Jill figure out how she was going to spank Stephanie. With that issue settled, they made plans to go out for dinner and drinks the following weekend to discuss what happened. As they were hanging up Jill’s food arrived.
Jill turned on the TV and ate her dinner. When she was finished she headed upstairs to her bedroom and adjoining bathroom with the wine bottle and a fresh glass. Setting the wine and glass down on the bathroom sink she drew her bubble bath and as the water filled the tub she removed her watch and earrings and then began to disrobe starting with her button-up shirt and ending with her panties.
Looking in the mirror, she gazed at her naked body which she kept in shape with wise eating choices and regular exercise. She was grateful to have this evening alone so she could focus on herself before she had to deal with her errant daughter.
Grabbing her wine and copy of Prairie Fires by Caroline Fraser, Jill stepped into the tub and let the bubbly water wash over her. She started reading but her mind kept on wandering despite the fact that the book was fantastic. Jill’s thoughts turned to her earlier conversation with Rose as well as how she planned to deal with her daughter the next day.
Thinking about spanking her daughter, Jill made a decision that would alter her life forever. She vowed to start dating again. Not only was Jill going to live her own life, she was going to instill a sense of discipline in her daughter for the rest of the school year so Stephanie would be able to be the best version of herself and have the grades so she could apply to any college across the country.
After spending way too long in the bath, Jill cleaned herself up and rinsed off. Grabbing a towel, she rubbed it all over her body until she was dry and then she applied lotion everywhere. With Stephanie out of the house, Jill wandered downstairs naked to get a snack and put the wine away.
Making her way back to her bedroom, Jill grabbed her book and slid into bed naked. She ate her snack and quickly got out of bed to brush her teeth before going back to her book. Jill read until her eyes were tired and then she drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a big day.
Morning came and Jill roused from her slumber. It was 9:00 a.m. and Stephanie was going to be home in two hours. Jill climbed out of bed and carefully made up the bed before she headed into the bathroom to wash up. Pulling on a robe she went downstairs to eat breakfast. She needed all the strength she could muster so she would do a thorough job.
After she finished eating and cleaning up she looked around the kitchen and utility closet to see if anything could be used to spank Stephanie. She found a yardstick that was smooth enough (she left it there because she had a plan for Stephanie’s punishment that required the objects to stay in their proper spot).
Then she went upstairs to shower. Looking in her closet, she decided to wear a tank top, sweats and a hoodie. She wanted to be as comfortable as possible for the task at hand. When she finished getting dressed, Jill did a once-over in her bedroom and bathroom.
Spying an old wood-backed hairbrush in one of her bathroom drawers that she’d completely forgotten about, she took it out of the drawer and left it on the bathroom counter. Then she went into her daughter’s messy room giving it a scowl. She decided that Stephanie’s first spanking would happen in her room and all future spankings would occur in Stephanie’s room since one of the new rules would be that Stephanie had to keep her room tidy from now on.
By the time she was done with those chores, she took her daughter’s report card and set it on her nightstand. She dashed off a note that said:
Hi Stephanie,
Please come and see me in my bedroom. I have something to talk to you about.
She went downstairs with the note and set it on the hallway table and went upstairs to read until Stephanie got home.
Eleven o’clock arrived and Stephanie stepped into the house. Yelling hello, she spied the note on the hall table, set her bag down, picked it up and read it. Knots began to turn in Stephanie’s stomach because she knew exactly what her mom wanted to talk to her about. Steeling herself she crept up the stairs.
Jill jumped a little when Stephanie entered the house and yelled hello. She hoped she could go through with this. Jill waited until Stephanie arrived and when Stephanie knocked on her door she said, “Come in, Steph.”
Stephanie turned the doorknob and entered the room. Jill set her book down on the bed and sat up. Stephanie stood frozen at the doorway not knowing what to do. Jill, sensing Stephanie’s apprehension, told her to come and sit on the bed. Stephanie padded over and sat next to her mom.
“I have something important to discuss with you, Stephanie,” Jill said.
Stephanie nodded and Jill continued, “Yesterday, I got some disturbing news in the mail. Do you have any idea what I am talking about?”
Stephanie hesitated before blurting out, “It was my progress report, right?”
Jill nodded and said, “What do you have to say for yourself?”
Stephanie, with a look of fear in her eyes, averted her gaze away from her mom’s eyes and said “It’s my teachers, they’re so strict and the classes are so much harder than last year. I don’t know what else to say.”
Jill reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the progress report. She put the envelope in her daughter’s hand and turned her daughter’s face towards hers and said, “I want you to stop making excuses and look in this envelope.”
Stephanie pulled the progress report out furtively and when she saw her grades her mouth fell open. She hadn’t realized it had gotten so bad. The last time she saw her grades at school they were all C’s but she hadn’t bothered to keep track over the last two weeks despite her teacher’s warnings.
“Mom, I can explain,” said Stephanie shaking.
Jill stopped her dead in her tracks and said, “I don’t want to hear it. I’ve let you get away with way too much since the summer began. You’ve been such a good kid but ever since the end of last school year, you’ve let things slide way too much. Your behavior and bad grades are going to end right now. Do you understand me, Stephanie?”
Stephanie, who was crying by now, said “Yes, mommy. I promise I’ll do better.”
“You’d better or the rest of this school year will be no picnic,” said Jill. “Now I want you to listen carefully to what I am about to say.”
Stephanie, between her sobs, nodded and with all the strength she could muster looked straight into her mom’s eyes.
“I am going to punish you for these bad grades and you aren’t going to like it one bit. I know you haven’t had to be punished for many years but I think we need to reinstate regular punishments until your behavior and grades get better,” Jill said with all the determination in the world.
Stephanie said, “What are you going to do to me, mommy?”
Jill said, “I’m going to spank you, my darling daughter, long and hard.”
Stephanie began shaking uncontrollably and responded, “No, mommy, please don’t spank me. I promise I’ll be good. I really will.”
“I have to do this honey and you’ll appreciate it in the future I promise you will. I want you to know this was a hard decision but after thinking about it last night I decided that I didn’t want to ground you or take away any of your electronics. That wouldn’t be fair to me because then I would be punished too because I would have to constantly police you. I want you to learn how to regulate yourself and spanking you will help center you and make you think about your actions from now on. Am I making myself clear?” Jill said.
Stephanie responded, “I guess, mommy, but I still don’t like it.”
Jill then said, “I know you don’t like it but it must be done and there is no time like the present.”
“Really, mom. Can’t you wait until tonight before I go to bed? Why now?” Stephanie begged.
Jill, with a firmer tone, said, “I want you to stand up right now, young lady.”
With trembling legs, Stephanie, who was scared out of her wits, eased off of the bed and stood before her mom.
Jill turned her legs to let them dangle off of the side of the bed and said, “I want you to move your arms away from your body because I am going to take your jeans down. Any movement will get you extra swats, understand?”
Stephanie nodded and stretched her arms out. Jill unsnapped Stephanie’s jeans and then pulled the zipper down. Putting her fingers into the waistband of her daughter’s jeans she slid them down to Stephanie’s ankles. Reaching down she took her daughter’s shoes off and then motioned for Stephanie to step out of her jeans.
Taking Stephanie’s hands she guided her daughter over her lap positioning her just so. She could feel her daughter’s body shaking so she rubbed her back and soothed her so she would lie still. Stephanie finally relaxed and it was then that Jill began to smack away.
Stephanie yelped at the first blow which made Jill spank with more force. Jill whacked her daughter’s panty-clad bottom thirty more times and the entire time Stephanie cried out begging for her mom to stop. Jill just spanked on and on becoming more and more determined to break her daughter’s resistance. It was hard for Jill to hurt her daughter physically but it had to be done.
When the thirty smacks were done Stephanie looked up and with a whimper said, “Are you done, mommy?”
Jill responded, “No, we are not, honey. I need you to stand up and face me again.”
Stephanie gently raised herself off of her mom’s lap and stood in front of her again.
Jill said, “I want all of these histrionics to end because I didn’t even spank you that hard yet.”
Stephanie nodded and just waited there for Jill to speak again.
“I will be spanking you some more but this time it will be on the bare bottom. Please take off your panties.” Jill intoned.
Stephanie heaved and burst out crying again but Jill would not relent so to avoid a longer spanking Stephanie peeled her panties off and stood there in front of her mom naked from the waist down for the first time in years.
“Before I spank you some more I want you to go get two things. Downstairs in the utility closet is a yardstick. I want you to go get it right now and come back in here with it.” Jill said in her most serious voice.
Stephanie, still frozen due to her half-naked state, said, “You want me to go downstairs like this?”
Jill nodded yes and pointed to the door. Stephanie turned around and bolted out of the room but not before her mom could swat her behind again. Running down the stairs, Stephanie darted to the utility closet and took the yardstick off of the hook. Closing the closet door, she ran back upstairs. As she cleared the last stair she slowed her pace and went back into her mom’s room. Handing the yardstick to her mom she stood there waiting for the next instruction.
Jill then told Stephanie to go get the hairbrush from the bathroom. Stephanie turned and walked with a newfound sense of purpose toward the bathroom and picked up the hairbrush. Regarding it with awe she imagined it and the yardstick smacking her bottom and instead of being upset over her impending bare bottom spanking she welcomed it.
Maybe it was the act of running down the stairs to get her own punishment implement that snapped her out of her resistant mood but it was still a surprising change of attitude. She walked back into the bedroom and handed the brush to her mom in a confident manner.
Jill looked at her daughter and noticed a change in her demeanor right away. It surprised her to see Stephanie stand there without tears in her eyes and without a shred of embarrassment at being half-naked. Jill noted that Stephanie hadn’t even rubbed her bottom yet.
Stephanie put her finger on her mom’s mouth just as Jill was about to speak and said, “I am ready for the rest of my spanking. I know I deserve it and I will take whatever punishment you feel is necessary. What would you like me to do now?”
With a sense of shock at the quick turnaround in her daughter’s behavior, Jill said, “As you probably already know I am going to spank you with the hairbrush and yardstick. I am going to give you a choice. Would you like the hairbrush or the yardstick first?”
Stephanie regarded the two implements and said, “I’d like the yardstick first. What do you want me to do?”
“Well I can spank you while you bend over the side of the bed or you can lie across the center of it with the pillows under your torso,” said Jill. “Choose whichever way you want and prepare yourself. If you want you can take off your shirt and bra if that would be more comfortable for you.”
Stephanie pulled her shirt over her head and unhooked her bra before taking her mom’s hands and pulling her off the bed. Stephanie went into the bathroom to get a towel and then she climbed on her mom’s bed grabbing the pillows and piling them up in the center of the bed. Then she put the towel over them and climbed over them with her naked bottom in the center of the pillows.
Without having to be told she took her hands and put them under the pillows and looked over at her mom and said, “I am ready for more of my spanking, mom.”
During this whole time, Jill looked at her daughter in awe. Maybe she needed to do this month’s ago but she was glad she made this decision now. Since Stephanie was being so obedient and actually making some of the decisions about her spanking she decided that she would only spank Stephanie enough times to make her cry real tears.
Taking the yardstick she leaned down to her daughter’s face and said, “Stephanie, I’m going to spank you with this until you cry real tears of pain and repentance. I won’t be telling you how many strokes you will receive and the only rule is you are not to cry until it really hurts and you are truly sorry. Can you handle this agreement?”
Stephanie nodded yes, so Jill stood up and placed the yardstick on top of Stephanie’s bottom. This made Stephanie’s heart beat faster as she steeled herself for this part of her spanking.
Raising the yardstick Jill struck her daughter’s bottom once. This caused Stephanie to tense up but she didn’t cry out. Jill waited a moment before smacking the yardstick down five times in quick succession covering Stephanie’s entire bottom and upper thighs including her sit spot. Stephanie yelped a little but kept her composure since she could still bear the pain.
Jill continued the spanking with ten more smacks. At the final blow, Stephanie began to cry but the tears were still not intense so Jill kept on smacking until Stephanie’s sobs were continuous, raining down ten more smacks. She paced these blows so there was time for each blow to sink in. Stephanie kept on crying and when Jill was done, she set the yardstick down and sat down on the bed.
Pulling her daughter’s hair out of the way Jill began to rub Stephanie’s back while saying, “There, there, Stephanie I’m done with the yardstick. Do you want to lay here for a few minutes before we continue?”
Stephanie said between sobs, “Yes, mom, can I have a Kleenex?”
Jill nodded yes and went to get the Kleenex. After Stephanie blew her nose and dried her tears she said, “Can I sit up, mom? I want to tell you something”
Jill said yes so Stephanie gingerly lifted herself up off of the pillows and kneeled back on her legs. It stung a little but she welcomed the pain.
“Mom, I’m so sorry about my grades. I know I’ve been a pain lately and I promise to do a better job including keeping my room clean from now on. I know I deserved this and it actually helped to be naked because it added to my embarrassment. I will make you proud of me again, I really will.”
Stephanie leaned up and gave Jill a big hug whispering in her ear, “I’m ready for the hairbrush now”
Jill took Stephanie’s hands and guided her over to the edge of the bed. Stephanie draped herself over her mom’s lap again and relaxed her entire body signaling that she was ready for the rest of her spanking.
Taking the hairbrush, Jill peppered Stephanie’s bottom and thighs with spank after spank bringing Stephanie to tears again after the fiftieth blow. Jill set the brush down on the bed and guided Stephanie’s legs apart to reveal her inner thighs. Stephanie responded by opening her thighs some more and then Jill took the hairbrush and gave those tender areas ten good whacks each.
This sent Stephanie right over the edge. Not only was her bottom and tender areas wracked with pain those tender areas were also throbbing with sexual arousal. She didn’t know what to do with these feelings because it was something new. Masturbation had been a part of Stephanie’s life for many years but she never thought that pain could be a catalyst for wanting to please herself sexually.
Stephanie decided right then and there that she would spend her evening alone in her room so she could explore this more. When the last strike was levied by Jill on those tender areas, Stephanie cried out before collapsing into stronger sobs. Jill let Stephanie cry out her tears before she raised her up and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
When Stephanie was done blowing her nose again Jill said, “Now I’m going to give you ten more smacks with my hand on your bottom and then your spanking will be finished. So lay back down over my lap so we can get this over with, honey.”
Stephanie obeyed and when Jill gave her the last spanks she counted them out without being asked saying “One, thank you, mom, please spank me again.”
After Jill was finished, she lifted her daughter up and stood up herself to give her a big hug rubbing her back in the process. Stephanie had to repress her sexual desires that were welling up all over again while she was standing there listening to her mom.
“You were so brave and took your spanking like a young lady. I’m very proud of you for changing your perspective and accepting your punishment. Before we eat lunch, I want you to do two things. I want you to stand in the corner for ten minutes without your clothes on and then I want you to take the yardstick and brush to your room and clean it. You may not put your clothes on until you are finished with everything, is that clear?” Jill said after releasing her embrace with her daughter.
Stephanie hugged her mom again and said “I love you, mom and I’ll have my room spotless before you know it. Tell me what you want me to do when I get into the corner, OK?”
With that Stephanie spun around and walked confidently to the corner. Jill told her to stand still with her hands at her side so she couldn’t rub her bottom. Stephanie positioned herself and Jill set the timer on her cell phone for ten minutes. During that time, Jill put her pillows back where they belonged and threw the towel in the laundry cart and settled in to read her book.
Every once and awhile, she glanced over at her chastised daughter. She couldn’t believe it only took one spanking to change her daughter’s whole disposition. She was doing something right after all.
Stephanie stood there and all that kept swirling around in her mind was how her mom’s new punishment regime had ignited a desire in her to be a better person and explore herself sexually more often. This made her smile and have more confidence in herself. She was so happy this happened and would find a way to thank her mom sometime in the future.
When the ten minutes were up, Stephanie stepped away from the corner, gathered up her stuff including the yardstick and brush and said, “Mom, I’m going to clean my room and I promise to keep my clothes off. Can we eat lunch after that?”
Jill responded, “Ye,s of course. What do you want to eat, pizza or a sandwich?”
Stephanie answered, “Whatever you want is fine with me, mom.”
Jill said, “Pizza it is,” and Stephanie nodded in approval before leaving the room.
Jill breathed a sigh of relief after Stephanie left her bedroom. She got through her daughter’s first spanking and Stephanie still loved her. Jill was proud of herself for following through on this punishment.
Stephanie went to her room and set the yardstick and brush down in her closet. She feverishly picked up her dirty clothes and threw them in her laundry cart. As she continued to clean, she realized how awful her room really was and the embarrassment she felt about letting it get this bad. It took her about thirty minutes to put everything away and make her bed. She was lucky because she had her own bathroom like her mom, so when she was done cleaning her room she went into her bathroom to take a quick shower.
It hurt to have the water rain down on her punished bottom and thighs but she welcomed the pain and began to stroke her pussy and finger-fuck herself for several minutes to satiate her sexual desires until the evening when she would pleasure herself more. Making herself all fresh and clean, Stephanie pulled on a tank top and sweats just like her mom. Then she set the yardstick and brush down on her bed before calling her mom into her room.
Jill set her book aside and went into Stephanie’s room.
Seeing Stephanie stand there waiting nervously, Jill looked around the room and said, “Nice work, Stephanie. When I clean the entire house I want you to help me, OK?”
Stephanie nodded in agreement and said, “I hope it was OK that I took a shower and got changed.”
Jill took Stephanie in her arms and said, “That’s quite alright. Let’s go eat. I’m starving.”
“What do you want me to do with the yardstick and brush? Stephanie asked.
Jill said, “Keep them here and we’ll figure out what to do with them later. You’ve had enough for right now.”
Both mom and daughter headed downstairs so they could eat. Jill took a pillow from the couch and set it on the chair for Stephanie to sit on. Stephanie went to get her homework and sat down gingerly on the chair so she could get started while Jill put the pizza in the oven. Grabbing some diet cokes from the fridge, Jill went over and handed one of them to Stephanie before sitting down next to her.
“What homework do you have this weekend, Steph?” Jill asked.
Steph responded, “English, Civics and Trigonometry.”
Jill said, “Do you want me to help you this weekend so we can get you back on track?”
Steph told her mom she would love the help so they worked out a strategy while the pizza was cooking. Taking a break when the pizza was finished, they ate and chatted a little about life.
Steph told her mom how much she appreciated the spanking and agreed with her that it was better than being grounded from everything.
Jill nodded appreciatively and said, “I think you would benefit from regular spankings don’t you, Steph?”
“What do you mean, mom?” said Steph
“Well, I was thinking that you might need to be spanked just to remind you to keep your grades up. What do you think? Would twice a month help you stay focused?” Jill inquired.
Steph took another bite of her pizza and pondered this new reality. She knew her mom wasn’t really asking her this but rather commanding her to accept the new terms of her life.
“Well, mom if you think that would be best I will accept twice a month spankings. Are you going to spank me the same way you did today when I get my regular spankings?” Steph asked.
Jill replied, “I’m glad you see it my way and yes, I will give you the same spanking you got today in two weeks. You have a choice with your, we’ll call them maintenance spankings. Do you want me to give it to you on Saturday or Sunday morning or on Sunday night?”
Steph thought for a second and said, “Can I decide on the time and day each time I get my maintenance spankings because each weekend might be different?”
Jill said she was fine with this arrangement. She also told Steph that all future spankings would take place in Steph’s room and not hers.
They finished eating and cleaned up before sitting down to work on Steph’s homework and a game plan to raise her grades. They laughed for the first time that day and all Steph could think of was how happy she was. She liked the attention she was getting from her mom and if it meant getting spanked every other week she would take that arrangement. Being sexually aroused was an added bonus.
Jill beamed with pride and couldn’t get over how willing Steph was to improve her grades and be a better daughter.
Steph turned to Jill and said, “My bottom still hurts a lot, mom but I wanted to tell you that today has been one of the best days of my life.”
Jill, with an astonished look on her face, said, “Wow, really! Why?”
Steph answered “Well, you took such good care of me today. I’m enjoying spending time with you and I feel better about myself now.”
Jill responded, “Thank you and although it was hard for me to spank you, I feel like we got closer today so I’m glad you thought so too. I’m having fun helping you with your homework. Do you want to go out to dinner and see a movie tonight?”
“Really, we can go out tonight even after my bad grades and spanking? I would love to.”
Jill told Stephanie of course so they continued working throughout the afternoon until it was time to get ready to go out.
Heading upstairs to put on jeans and sweaters Stephanie told Jill she would be keeping the yardstick and brush visible in her room as a reminder to do her homework and help out around the house. Jill gave Steph a hug and kiss before smacking her on the bottom. Steph let out a mock yelp and went into her room to change. Jill laughed and went to her room to change as well. The night ended with an awesome dinner and movie with both mom and daughter seeing the world in a different light. All was right with the world.