Step-moms solve all of your girl problems

"A young man seduced by his gorgeous step-mom after his girlfriend cheats on him"

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‘Fuck that exam was brutal,’ I think to myself as I leave the exam room.

Thank God it was the last one I’ll ever have to write. I had just written the last exam of my university career and am set to graduate in a couple months. It feels good to be done after four years and I can’t wait to get home. I broke up with my girlfriend a little over a week ago because I found her with my roommate’s cock in her mouth. I had packed all of my stuff the night before so that I could grab it and go this afternoon. I’ll come back for the rest before the lease runs out at the end of the month. For now, though, I just want to get out of this place.

I grab my bag and call a taxi to the take me to the bus station. My roommate’s on campus cramming for an exam so I don’t have to see his face as I leave. I board the bus and have a little over two hours to decompress and think about the relaxation that awaits me back home; spending my time lounging poolside and sleeping in. The only downside is that I’ll have the awkward experience of meeting my step-mom for the first time. My dad remarried without telling me a few months back and I don’t know much about her. I haven’t even seen pictures. All I know is that she’s about 20 years younger than him, which puts her around 35.

I get off the bus and grab a taxi to my dad’s place. I take a deep breath before opening the door, not really knowing what to expect.

“Dad, I’m home,” I belt out.

The place is large so I have to shout if I have any chance of being heard. No answer. Okay. I go upstairs and throw my bag on my bed. Well, at least my room’s still the same. It hasn’t been converted into some shitty aerobics room. I walk downstairs and head into the kitchen. No one’s in there either. He must be out. I grab some snacks, a drink, hop onto the couch, and turn on the TV.

Twenty minutes pass before I hear the door open. There he is. I hear footsteps get closer and turn around to see him, but before I can open my mouth, I see her. She’s wearing tight, form-fitting jeans that hug her round ass and a tight white top that pushes her breasts together, accentuating her hourglass figure. She’s about 5’6” with dirty blonde hair that goes down to her mid back and her make-up is immaculately done, showcasing her big doe eyes and puffy pink lips.

‘Holy shit,’ I think to myself.

Before I can say anything she asks, “Oh my God, are you James?”

“Uhhh, ya,” is all I can manage.

“Oh my God, I’ve heard so much about you. I’m Cynthia, your new step-mom!”

“Oh no kidding,” I reply stunned.

“Let me put my stuff away and we can sit down and talk!” she says. “I’ve been so excited to meet you! I’ll be right back.”

With that she scampers off down the hall with her bags. She must’ve been out shopping. She comes back a couple minutes and sits down on the couch beside me.

“Uhhh, so where’s my dad?” I ask her.

“Oh, he’s gone on a business trip somewhere. He left a couple weeks ago and won’t be back until the end of the month,” she replies.

“Really?” I say feigning surprise, “that sounds like him.”

“Ya,” she says, continuing the conversation, “so, you’re done school now. How does it feel?”

“It feels good. I’m glad to be done and out of there. The exams were stressful and I’m just glad to be finished.”

“Well I’m glad you’re home,” she says cheerfully, resting her hand gently on my knee, “I’m going to get started on dinner.”

She gets up and walks towards the kitchen. I can’t help checking out her perfectly formed ass wiggle with each step she takes.

“I’m going upstairs to unpack,” I say.

“Okay, sweetie. I’ll call you when dinner’s ready,” she responds.

Upstairs in my room I unpack my bags but can’t help but think about Cynthia’s gorgeous figure and beautiful tits. I picture her soft lips wrapped around my cock as she gently massages the shaft with her tongue, moaning softly with pleasure. I can feel my cock get harder in my shorts thinking about her. I manage to get all my stuff away before she calls me down for dinner.

“James, dinner’s ready,” she calls out. I can only imagine her moaning out my name as I thrust into her again and again.

“I’ll be down in a second,” I reply.

I get downstairs to see her dishing out some Italian pasta dish.

“I hope you’re hungry,” she says with a smile.

“Starving,” I reply.

“Good, because I probably made too much.”

We sit down at the table and begin eating. I wouldn’t have imagined it but she’s a pretty good cook.

“So your dad tells me you’re studying anthropology,” Cynthia says, trying to break the slight awkwardness that has built up in the room.

“Uh ya,” I replied. “I just finished my last year.”

“Oh how exciting! Do you have any plans for next year?”

“Uhh, not at the moment. I applied to grad school but my application got turned down.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” she said sympathetically, “well I’m sure everything will work out for you.”

“Thanks,” I replied. “So how did you meet my dad,” I inquired to keep the conversation going.

She laughed, “Well that’s a funny story. We met on a cruise. I was there with my boyfriend at the time who I caught cheating on me. So I decided I was going to go to the bar and hook up with the first guy I met who just happened to be your dad. I ended up staying with him for the rest of the cruise and we found out we lived only an hour away from each other.”

“Well that worked out well,” I replied.

“I hear you have a girlfriend. Will I be meeting her anytime soon?”

“Had,” I said, “we broke up yesterday.”

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I had no idea,” she apologized.

“It’s alright,” I said, “It’s for the best.”

“Well I’m sure a good looking guy like yourself will find another girl in no time,” she replied optimistically.

We finished up our plates and headed back to the kitchen.

“Do you need me to help you clean up?” I asked.

“Oh no, I’m alright,” she replied, “but could you put this in the top drawer of the nightstand in your dad’s room?”

“Sure,” I said. She handed me a small box that was sitting on the counter and I went upstairs. I walked into my dad’s room and pulled the top drawer open to find a thick, 10” vibrating, black dildo.

‘Hm, interesting,’ I thought to myself, ‘I wonder if she forgot that was in there?’

I put the box inside and closed the drawer, pretending I didn’t see anything.

Back downstairs I found Cynthia still working on the dishes so I decided to help her out.

“I know you said you didn’t need any help, but I’m gonna help out anyways.”

“Aww, thanks sweetie,” she replied, “How about you dry the dishes and I’ll finish up washing them.”

“Sounds good,” I said. I started drying and could see her stealing glances at me. She was a few inches shorter than me and her white top held her perfectly round breasts in place, which stuck out generously from her chest.

“Don’t even think about trying to splash any water on me, mister,” she said coyly as if she was reading my thoughts.

“Me?” I responded playfully shocked, “I wouldn’t even dream of it.”

“Uh huh,” she replied, clearly not believing my insincere statement. “So you got any plans for the summer now that you’re out of school?” she asked, handing me another dish.

“Nah,” I replied, “I haven’t really thought about it too much. The last week and a half have been pretty emotional for me with the break up and all. I’m just gonna try to find something to get my mind off of it.”

“Ya that’s a good idea,” she responded, “you know, whenever I’m feeling really crappy, I just go out shopping and buy something really sexy or cute. Like two weeks ago I bought this really cute red thong and matching strapless bra and seeing how hot I looked in them really made me feel better.”

I laughed nervously as I tried to stop picturing how she looked in that. I don’t even know how a strapless bra could hold up her breasts. “I don’t know if bra and thong shopping would do it for me, as much fun as it sounds. I don’t think I’d look good in a red thong.”

Cynthia laughed, “You just need to find another girl. That’ll take your mind off of things. You know what they say, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.” She gave me a knowing look.

“I don’t know if there’s too many girls around here who are just looking for a fling,” I responded trying to evade the awkwardness that was creeping in.

“I’m sure there’s a few around here,” she said confidently. She handed me the last dish and drained the water from the sink. “I have to go out for a bit and run a couple errands,” she said while drying her hands with a dishtowel, “do you need anything while I’m out?”

“Nah, I should be good,” I replied.

“Okay, I’ll see you in a bit then.” She sauntered off, ass wiggling with every step she took. I heard the front door close and she was gone.

I sat back down on the couch and replayed the conversation we had over in my head.

‘Why would she tell me about her red bra and thong?’ I thought to myself, ‘And why would she tell me to fuck random girls? Was she hitting on me? Naw, that can’t be it. She couldn’t be implying that she wants to fuck me. She’s like 15 years older than me, though she definitely doesn’t look it. There’s no way. She’s just a flirtatious woman; a free spirit. You saw the dildo in her drawer.’

I convinced myself that a woman as hot as her, with her luscious round breasts, tight full ass, long blonde hair, and inviting pink lips would never hint at having sex with me. It was just a figment of my imagination. I turn on the TV to find something to watch until Cynthia gets back but nothing seems interesting. I can’t get the image of her in her red thong, on her knees with her pink lips pressed against the head of my cock, with her big blue eyes looking up at me. The thought of her sliding her tongue up my thick shaft causes me to get an erection.

‘Shit,’ I thought to myself, ‘I have to get rid of this before she gets home.’

I try to ignore it as best as possible and it works to some degree but I still have a partial erection. I contemplate what it’d be like if I take off my clothes and let her find me naked here with my raging erection. What would she do? I pussy out and just go to the washroom instead to masturbate. I pull down my pants and give my cock a few good strokes to get it hard. I imagine sucking her tits and fucking her tight pussy all the while she’s moaning out my name. I cum all over the toilet. I clean up, flush the toilet feeling relieved, and go back to watching TV.

A few minutes later I hear the door open and Cynthia comes into the room.

“Hey,” she says cheerfully, “I got you something.”

“Oh ya?” I respond.

She hands me a box of condoms, “I picked them up at the drugstore. I figured you could use them.”

I stared at them speechless.

“Is something wrong?” She asked cautiously.

“I….I’ve never used one before. I mean, I don’t know how to use one,” I admit embarrassed.

“Oh,” she exclaims excitedly, “that’s not a problem, I’ll show you.”

I immediately thought she was going to have me whip out my cock and she’d suck it hard and put one on me. Instead she brings a banana in from the kitchen. I feel like a kid.

“Take a condom out of the box and tear open the wrapper,” she instructs.

I do what I’m told and hold the unraveled condom in one hand. She takes the condom from me and places it over the top of the banana.

“You want the tip pointing away from the head,” she’s says, “then just roll it down.”

“Seems pretty simple,” I say.

“Yup,” she replies as she removes the condom from the banana.

‘Maybe you can show me on me,’ I think about saying.

She unpeels the banana and wraps her luscious pink lips around it, taking a bite out of it. I can only watch her in stunned silence. She takes the condom wrapper from me and walks over to the trash can to dispose of it.

She comes back and sits down next to me. “So, what are we watching?” she asks, taking another sensual bite of the banana.

“I don’t know,” I reply, “I haven’t been able to find much on.”

“Well we can always watch a movie,” she responds cheerfully, “let me go get changed first; these jeans are killing me.”

She disappears around the corner and I hear her footsteps up the stairs. A few minutes later, she comes back wearing white yoga pants that partially reveal the red thong she’s wearing underneath.

“Better?” I inquire.

“Much better,” she replies with a grin. She sits back down and crosses her leg over her other so that it’s almost touching mine. “Have you ever seen The Graduate?” she asks me.

“Nope, what’s it about,” I reply.

“Well, it’s about a young guy who just graduated college and he has an affair with an older woman. It’s one of my favourites.”

“Is that the stuff you’re into,” I respond, trying to flirt and press her for details.

“I think it’d be exciting to be in that sort of situation. It’s really naughty but so hot too,” she replies smiling at me.

“Ya, it’d be something else alright. Let’s see if we can find the movie on Netflix.”

I was able to find it and we watched it together. I looked over at Cynthia a couple times during the movie and saw her biting her lip as if she was thinking about how to seduce me, and being honest, I wanted her to. I wanted her soft lips sucking on my cock and her breasts pressed into my face as she rides my shaft.

“Wow, that was hot,” she says excitedly, “what did you think of it?”

“Well I’m definitely turned onto the idea of being with an older woman now,” I reply, unsure of whether my comment is appropriate or not.

“I’m positive you’ll find one. Lots of hot, sexy, horny women out there.”

“Probably at least a couple in the neighbourhood,” I respond and pause for a second. “If you were going to seduce a younger guy, how would you do it?”

She pauses to think about it and replies, “Probably dress really sexy and flirt with him,” giving me a sly smile.

“Well you definitely have the body for it,” I respond.

“Aww, you’re such a sweetie. I bet you’ve been checking me out too,” she says with a knowing gaze. I play it off.

“Maybe a glance here and there,” I respond demurely.

“You’re gonna be trouble for me, aren’t you?” she replies playfully.

“Only if you plan on punishing me,” I quip back.

“Oh you are trouble. I’m gonna go hang out by the pool. Try not to misbehave, mister!” she says as she turns away and walks outside, ass wiggling with every step.

I go upstairs and hop on my computer. I couple hours pass by before I hear a knock on my door and Cynthia opens it.

“Alright sweetie, I’m going to bed. So I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Alright, good night,” I reply. Shortly after I head off to bed.

The next morning I get up and head to the washroom. Going downstairs to get my breakfast, I see a note on the counter from Cynthia saying she had gone out and will be back soon. I finish my breakfast and head back upstairs to take a shower. I go to the washroom and turn on the shower, but no water comes out.

‘Fuck, is it broken again?’ I ask myself, ‘Guess I’m gonna have to use the one in the master bedroom.’

I strip down and hop in the shower. Finishing up, I dry myself off. I figure I can just leave the towels there since no one’s home. I walk through the bedroom naked and turn the corner bumping right into Cynthia; her breasts pressing into my chest and her hand grazing my cock. Both of us take a step back startled.

“What were you doing in here?” she asks surprised, eyes wide with shock.

Panicking, I say “I was taking a shower. The one across the hall is busted and I didn’t think you were home.”

“It’s okay,” she said reassuringly, now completely okay with me being naked in front of her. She was wearing a pink crop top overtop a pushup bra, accentuating her lightly tan breasts and a pair of tight white shorts that went up just below her crotch. She had her blonde hair down and was wearing a light shade of pink lipstick. “I’m not mad or anything, I just didn’t expect to walk into my room to see a hot, naked guy.”

‘Did she just call me hot?’ I question to myself. I don’t know if it was the way she was dressed, the way she looked up at me with her soft eyes, or the not-so-subtle ways in which she was flirting, but I could immediately feel myself getting hard in front of her. The more I looked at her exquisite figure and pushed out breasts, the harder my cock got until I was fully erect, my penis pointing directly at her. We both look at it.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” I apologize profusely, but she just smiles, biting down on her lip, and looks back up at me.

“It’s okay sweetie. I’m flattered. You must find me sexually attractive,” she says gently, still holding my gaze. “It’s a nice looking cock, though,” she continues, “long and hard. I don’t know why your ex never wanted a piece of it because if it was me, I would ride that thing until I came multiple times.”

“You mean if you were my age?” I inquire.

She just shakes her head. “I saw you checking out my breasts before,” she says softly, pushing out her chest towards me.

“It’s hard not to,” I admit.

“I bet you’ve been thinking of me naked. Thinking about what it’d be like to stick that hard cock of yours inside me, fucking me rough,” she says seductively, reaching out and gently gliding a couple fingers across my shaft.

I didn’t know what to say, but could feel my hard cock pulse beneath her touch. She wraps her hand around my shaft and tugs gently on my foreskin, pulling it slowly back, exposing my plump pink head.

“I love uncircumsized cocks,” she says, “just something about playing with the foreskin makes me so wet.” She pumps it ever so gently and looks up at me. “You know what I was doing last night?” she asks, about ready to tell me the answer.

“Not a clue,” I say, enjoying her soft hand over my engorged cock.

“I was thinking about what it’d be like to have a big dick inside of me; pounding me and making me moan. I fuck my dildo regularly, but it’s not the same as having the real thing. Don’t you agree?” she asks, biting her lip.

“Of course,” agreeing with her, “maybe I can help you out with that…. I mean, there’s no point in wasting a good erection.”

She smiles and looks down at my thick penis, “Especially when it’s a long, thick, hard, uncut cock like yours.” She pauses before continuing. “I wanna make you cum so badly. Do you want me to make you cum?”

“Mmhmm,” I reply wantingly.

She leads me over to the bed and I lean back with my cock pointing up towards her face. She begins stroking it gently, pulling the foreskin down and pulling it back up. Licking her lips, she kisses the tip and sucks on it, massaging the base with her tongue. She salivates over the top of my swollen head and pushes her pink lips down the shaft, pushing my foreskin back as she glides across it.

“Aww fuck,” I let out.

She looks up at me with a smile, “You like that, baby?” she asks, knowing the answer.

“Do it again,” I tell her. She complies, sucking on my shaft while pumping it with her hand.

“Oh shit,” I moan out.

She’s now sliding her mouth vigorously down my cock, placing her one hand around the base of my shaft and the other on my chest. She pulls me out of her mouth, licking her lips to get the saliva back in her mouth.

“Take off your shirt,” I tell her.

She pulls off her top, as I make my way towards her shorts, undoing them and letting them slide to the floor, revealing her pink thong.

“You wanna suck on them, baby? I know you wanna see my tits,” she says, undoing her bra, showing off her large perky breasts.

I lean in and begin sucking on her puffy, pink nipples and massaging her crotch while she strokes my wet shaft. I can hear her moaning as I rub her pussy through her thong, which is getting wetter each time I rub it.

“Oh, I’m getting so horny,” she moans, “mommy wants to be fucked hard,” she continues as she pulls her thong down, exposing her shaven, pink snatch.

I climb farther back onto the bed and lie down as she climbs on top of me, straddling my crotch. She leans forward and presses her breasts into my chest as she kisses my neck and sucks on my earlobe. She reaches back and positions my penis against the entrance to her wet snatch.

“I know you want this as bad as I do, baby. Mommy’s gonna make you feel so good,” she says to me before sliding my thick cock inside her.

I feel her wet, tight snatch grab every inch of my cock as she sits back. She rocks her hips back and forth, slowly at first but gradually increases her pace, resting her hands on my chest, her breasts swaying with her body.

She gently moans out, “Oh fuck, yes” as she rides my thick cock.

She bounces up and down on it, her tight grip pulling my foreskin over my head and back. My mouth drops open as I mutter out “More.” She obliges and rolls her hips faster, grinding over my shaft.

I reach up and grab her firm breasts as she rocks over me, bouncing up and down. She leans back and thrusts forward, her juices trailing down my cock and over my balls as she looks up at the ceiling moaning. She slows down her pace and leans forward, pressing her tits into my face and gently pushing my throbbing cock into her.

She looks down at me seductively before sliding off of me and gripping my cock in her hand. She slowly pulls my foreskin down, drooling all over my head before quickly pumping me. I blurt out, “Suck on me.”

She wastes no time sinking down and wrapping her pink lips to me, moving down my shaft vigorously. I grab her head and push it down as she takes every inch of me into her wet mouth. She pulls me from her mouth and sucks on my swollen, pink head, bobbing her head up and down over me. She slowly licks up my shaft and gently kisses it, looking at me.

She crawls towards me and points her ass out. “Fuck me from behind,” she implores.

I sit up and get behind her, sliding every inch of me into her until her meaty ass presses up against my pelvis. She lets out a low moan as I slowly fuck her, quickening up the pace until my hips are smacking into her ass.

“Mmmm, that’s it, fuck me like a little whore,” she let’s out.

I smack her ass and she moans again. She presses her face deeper into the sheets, arching her back more, and pressing her ass out farther. I grab onto her hips and punish her with my quick, hard thrusts. She tries to stifle her moans, to no avail, as she cries out for more. I reach around and grab on to her breasts as I plunge all the way into her, grinding my hips against her.

“That’s it baby,” she moans, “you’re gonna make me cum.”

I keep thrusting into her tight wet snatch, as her moans get louder. She slams her ass back into me and grinds it against me. I can feel her vaginal walls contract around me, milking my cock as her cum trails down my balls.

Her body slows down as I press into her. She pulls away and turns around, sliding me into her mouth. She sucks hard on my head as she pumps my shaft quickly. Pulling me out of her mouth, she slaps my cock against her tongue and then lies on her back, spreading her legs for me.

I pull her by the hips towards me and position my cock at her gaping entrance. Sliding in, her wet walls grip my cock and slide my foreskin back. I quickly thrust in and out of her snatch, her gentle moans encouraging me on.

“More baby. Cum inside of me,” she instructs me.

I lean over her and thrust hard, pushing all the way into her repeatedly. I feel my throbbing cock swell inside her and unload several loads of cum into her. My mouth drops open and my hips grind against her deeply as I slow down and pull out of her, collapsing onto her breasts and suckling her tits gently.

“Seems like you’re gonna need another shower,” she says coyly.

“What about you?” I reply.

“I’ll be right in there with you, cleaning you off,” she says.

“With your mouth,” I fire back.

“Of course, baby. But don’t tell your dad about this.”

“We’ve got two weeks to figure it out,” I reply before pausing for a second, “two weeks of non-stop sex.”

She smiles at me, “I’m glad you think so. We can get started in the shower.”

“Lead the way,” I respond. She grabs my hand and we disappear into the washroom.

She gets down on her knees and wraps her soft, pink lips around my limp, cum-lined cock, sucking on it gently but purposefully, cleaning up the shaft. She swallows the remainder of my load and stands up in front of me; her puffy pink nipples staring back at me.

She walks back towards the bathroom counter and hops on it. She leans back and spreads her legs, motioning me over towards her with her finger. I move towards her and she wraps her legs around me, pulling me in.

I kiss her lips passionately and slowly as she runs her hands through my hair. Kissing down her neck, I reach for her breasts and suckle vigorously on them; licking them and sucking on them between my lips. I hear her whine and moan gently as I work on her.

Sliding my right hand between me and her, I rub over her wet, engorged pussy. She moans out as I rub faster over her. I slip two fingers inside of her and slide in and out of her as she grabs my arm and guides me along.  She whines with every thrust inside her as I use my other hand to rub her breasts.

She grabs my free hand from her chest and sticks my index finger in her mouth, sucking on it as if it were my cock. She starts off slow; dragging it out of her wet mouth before sucking passionately on it. My mouth falls open a bit as she makes seductive eye contact with me. She places my hand back on her breasts, rubbing it over them. I squeeze them gently as I rub my thumb over her clit.

I push her legs farther apart and lean over, running my tongue up her soaked pussy. She closes her eyes and runs her hand over my head. I flick my tongue faster over her, listening to her breathing pick up.

“Yes, baby,” she gently whines. I kiss and suck on her clit more as she squirms under my tongue.

“Does mommy like that?” I inquire.

“Mmmm, yes baby, she does,” she moans back.

I slip my fingers back inside of her and thrust into her repeatedly while using my other hand to rub her clit. Her legs quickly spread farther apart as she let out a long, repeated moan, gripping my hand. I feel her juices flow over my fingers and out of her as she arches her back and her toes curl tightly. She slows her breathing down and looks at me with a knowing smile.

“You’re in trouble now, mister,” she says coyly.

“Oh ya?” I say amusedly. I grab her by the hips and pull her towards me, “is mommy gonna be a slut for me?”

She reaches forward and rubs my cock, which has grown semi-hard since cumming in her, “Mommy’s gonna be a huge slut for you. I’m gonna take care of you so good. Anything you need.”

I kiss her passionately, running my tongue in her mouth as she returns with her tongue.

I pull her off the counter and set her down, moving towards the shower to turn it on. She grabs some body lotion and squirts a lot into her hand. Reaching down, she grabs my semi-swollen cock and rubs her slippery hand over me repeatedly until I’m fully erect. I push her up against the wall and kiss her, holding her lips in mine. We can feel the steam emanate from the shower and she grabs my hand to lead me in. I follow behind and slap her ass.

Letting the water pour over me, she wets her hands and slowly pumps my cock. She pulls my foreskin all the way back, letting water soak it before sliding it back over my head.

“Be a good girl and get on your knees,” I say to her jokingly. “

Yes, daddy,” she returns back with a smile.

She gets down on her knees in front of my large cock and opens her mouth wide, pulling my length into her warm mouth, wrapping her pink lips around me. I rest my hands against the wall as she bobs her head forward and back, her hand working in unison. I let out a low moan, “That’s it, mommy.”

She presses her lips firmly over my plump head and sucks purposefully as she pumps my shaft. She reaches around me and grabs my ass cheeks, squeezing them and pulling them towards her, pushing my shaft down her throat until her lips press up against my balls. I run my hand down to her head and run my fingers through her hair, pushing her head into my pelvis as I grind against her mouth. She pulls back quickly, looking up at me with a smile before sucking firmly on my wet head, pulling my foreskin towards her lips as she pumps my thick, swollen cock.

She licks the underside of my shaft before standing up, allowing me to suck vigorously on her wet nipples. She bites her lip and pushes my head further into her voluptuous chest, pressing her back against the wall. I kiss up her chest to her neck and suck lightly on it as she pumps my shaft. I can hear her moan softly as I kiss her.

“Turn around,” I instruct her, as I grab the detachable shower head.

She turns around and places her hands up against the wall, gently sticking her ass out. I slip the pulsating shower head over her engorged vagina and press my hard cock firmly against her ass, between her cheeks. She lets out a loud moan as the shower head works over her. I pull her against my cock by the waist and wrap my other hand around her breasts.

Grinding against her, I move the shower head over her in circles. She moans louder now, “Uh, oh baby, yes.”

She thrusts her ass back into me and grinds against me, her hands still pressed up against the wall. I work it more firmly over her as she continues moaning and writhing her body.

“More baby,” she cries out, “you’re gonna make me cum, mmmm.”

She reaches down towards my hand and pulls the shower head off of her.

“Stick it in me. I want your thick cock in me now,” she begs.

I place the shower head back as she leans forward and sticks her meaty ass out for me. I position my thick, wet cock and push into her snatch, pressing my pelvis right up against her. Wrapping one arm around her waist and the other around her breasts, I pull her into me and thrust quickly into her, her body shaking as my hips slam into her ass.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she cries out.

I push her against the shower wall and continue my assault on her snatch. Grabbing her by her hips, I quicken my pace, sliding in and out of her rapidly, pushing myself closer and closer to the brink. I grind my pelvis against her meaty ass, my cock buried deep inside her wet snatch. I kiss her neck as she moans gently.

I whisper gently in her ear, “Mommy, you’re so tight.”

She turns her head around and kisses me slowly on the lips. “Only because you’re so big,” she replies, “now give mommy more of that hard, thick cock that she craves.”

Grabbing her by the hips, I pull her from the wall and thrust into her rapidly. She uses her hands, pressed up against the wall, to push into me, allowing me to sink deeper into her as she moans out. I thrust harder into her, her ass rippling as it bounces off my pelvis, my balls slapping against her. Feeling myself get close, I give her a few slow, deep thrusts, cumming inside of her.

I pull out of her, my cock dangling semi-hard. She turns around and strokes my shaft as the warm water runs over it.

“Such an amazing cock,” she says, slowly stroking my shaft.

“Ya? You liked it?” I ask, half-sarcastically.

“I loved it,” she responds.

“Well, maybe if you’re a good little slut, you’ll get more of it,” I tell her with a sly smile.

She looks up at me and making sure she gets all our cum on her hand, she licks her fingers clean slowly and swallows the cum, “I’m always a good little slut”.

She gets out of the shower and dries off before heading to the bedroom. I see her bend over to grab her pink thong that was lying on the floor. She slips it on and throws on an oversized t-shirt.

“I’m gonna start doing a little bit of housework,” she says cheerfully as she ties her hair in a pony tail and disappears into some other part of the house.

I just stand there in the bathroom, dripping on the floor, wondering what the hell just happened today.

Published 5 years ago

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