After sucking Robert’s big cock, sucking off the other guys was mostly easy for Steffie. However, sucking off three more cocks in a row was a challenge for Steffie. Steffie had never sucked four cocks in a row before. Two cocks in one night, and not even in quick succession, had been Steffie’s most prolific cock sucking session, until now.
He sat on the floor, feeling a strange mix of emotions. He still felt somewhat embarrassed and humiliated, while at the same time he almost had a sense of pride, after taking Robert’s big cock all the way in, and feeling it deep in his throat. He’d swallowed a big load from Robert, too.
In the back of his mind, Steffie still felt worried about what it would be like at work from now on, having to face the guys he worked with, after sucking them all off. Would they “out” him to everyone at work, despite their assurances that they wouldn’t do so? He imagined at the very least that they would make fun of him on the sly, and worried that others might catch on. But for now, he was mainly worried about being able to handle three more cocks.
He managed to get through it, though.
John came in next. He seemed a bit intoxicated, and Steffie assumed he’d already downed several beers. Steffie barely had time to say, “Hello, Master John, may I please suck your cock?”
John laughed, then simply sat down on a chair, flopped his cock out, and told Steffie to start sucking. John’s cock was not as big as Robert’s, but still above average in size. Steffie was able to deep throat John’s cock with relative ease, after having had Robert’s cock in his throat, and John seemed quite pleased, moaning, “Oh, yeah,” repeatedly as Steffie sucked his cock in and out.
Steffie still choked a bit on John’s cock, now and then, but kept sucking without stopping until John’s body stiffened some and his utterance of, “Oh, yeah!” became more pronounced, as he shot his cum into Steffie’s mouth. Almost as an afterthought, John brought his phone up to take a couple of pictures as Steffie soothingly sucked the last drops of cum from John’s cock, and swallowed it all down.
“What do you think?” asked John, showing him one of the pictures, one that caught Steffie looking up toward the camera while his lips were still around John’s cock.
Steffie sat back, resting on his heels, swallowed again and managed a slight smile. “That’s a nice picture of me, Master John,” answered Steffie.
“Oh, by the way,” said John, with a chuckle. “Michelle says hi. She got the email earlier, and thinks it’s hilarious that you’re a sissy cocksucker. I think I’ll send her these pictures, too. You know, to make her jealous. She loves sucking my cock. I’ll tell her she has some good competition.”
Steffie, eyes closed, thought now of how it would be to see Michelle at work in the coming week. How would she behave toward him now? They hadn’t known each other well before, only well enough to exchange greetings in the hall or cafeteria. Now, what would she say to him when she encountered him at work?
John laughed again as he tucked his cock back in his underwear. He patted Steffie on the head. “Thanks for the blowjob, sissy.”
Steffie thought briefly of what to say, before responding, “It was my pleasure, sir. Thank you for letting me suck your cock.”
Steffie had little time to rest and drink a little water before Brian entered the room.
“Hello, Master Brian. May I please suck your cock?” asked Steffie.
“Why, you sure can, sissy,” answered Brian, grinning broadly.
Brian walked to the bed and flopped down on it, face up, adjusted pillows under his head, and said, “Suck away, sissy.”
Somewhat glad to be off his knees, Steffie climbed up on the bed so that his head was even with Brian’s pelvis. Brian made no move to pull his cock out, so Steffie gently pulled the waistband of Brian’s underwear down and hooked it under Brian’s balls. Steffie kissed Brian’s hairy balls, one at a time, and then kissed Brian’s soft cock.
Brian’s cock was average in size, it seemed to Steffie, as he softly put his lips around it. Steffie sucked on the head and ran his tongue around it, and felt Brian’s cock begin to slowly stiffen. After sucking for a bit, though, Steffie thought he might get a better response from the cock if he shifted positions.
“May I lay between your legs, Master Brian?” asked Steffie.
“Sure, go ahead. I’ll probably get better pictures that way. It will be easier to see your face,” he said with a chuckle.
Looking up, Steffie noticed Brian had his phone aimed at Steffie’s head, apparently taking a video.
“Yeah, try to keep looking up here, make eye contact with the camera and make sure you look like you’re enjoying yourself,” Brian ordered.
Steffie did as commanded, now with his elbows on either side of Brian’s slightly spread legs, his mouth on Brian’s cock, his eyes looking at the phone. And Steffie was actually enjoying himself, even though he knew the video being made of him would be further material to blackmail him with.
“Let’s see how long it takes you to get me off,” said Brian.
Positioned as he was, Steffie was able to use his tongue expertly on the underside of the head of Brian’s cock, flicking back and forth, and sliding along the most sensitive area of Brian’s cock as his head bobbed up and down. He continued to look at the phone aimed at him, and sometimes up at Brian’s grinning face, which intermittently showed signs of great pleasure as Steffie sucked on his cock.
Steffie was loving Brian’s average sized cock. It seemed so easy to suck on and take in completely, not causing him to choke at all. Occasionally, Brian used his free hand to push on Steffie’s head, holding it down while his cock went all the way in, then easing up to allow Steffie to bob up and down some more. Then Steffie moaned involuntarily as he felt Brian’s legs stiffen and thrust his pelvis upward, holding Steffie’s head down as he shot his cum into Steffie’s mouth.
“Oh, God,” moaned Brian. “Let’s see that cum before you swallow it,” he ordered Steffie.
Steffie opened his mouth to show the white cum covering his tongue and pooling in his mouth, staring up at the phone, and then closed his mouth and swallowed. He opened his mouth again to show that the cum was all gone.
“Ah, that felt pretty good,” said Brian. “I’ll send the video to you so maybe you can jack off to it sometime.”
“Thank you, Master Brian,” answered Steffie, submissively.
“I could have taken longer, but I was pretty horny. Let’s see. The video is only six minutes and twenty seconds long. Very efficient work, sissy,” said Brian.
“Thank you again, Master Brian.”
After Brian left the room, Steffie sat on the edge of the bed. He knew Dave, his former friend, would be entering next, and he worried how things would go with Dave. He couldn’t understand why Dave had seemed angry with him. Steffie really did like Dave as a friend, and it was somewhat hurtful that Dave had now rejected him as a friend.
He was still sitting on the edge of the bed when Dave entered, a beer in one hand.
“Hello, Master Dave,” said Steffie evenly, not sure what tone to use. He gulped. “May I please suck your cock?”
“What the fuck are you doing on the bed? Get on your knees, bitch,” Dave ordered gruffly, and he seemed to slur his words a bit. He had apparently been getting drunk. He took a drink of the beer he was holding and then set it on the desk.
Steffie quickly dropped to his knees beside the bed.
“I’m sorry,” said Steffie. “Brian—I mean, Master Brian, wanted to lay down while I sucked his cock, so I was on the bed and—“
“Shut up!” commanded Dave, cutting Steffie off. “Yeah, you’ve been liking sucking everyone’s cock, haven’t you?”
“Yes. Yes, sir,” answered Steffie, feeling fearful of Dave’s continued anger. To demonstrate his submission, Steffie added, “May I please suck yours now?”
“That’s what you’re here for, isn’t it?” Dave now stood directly in front of Steffie, his crotch almost touching Steffie’s face. “So take it out and start sucking.”
Steffie obediently pulled Dave’s underwear part of the way down, allowing Dave’s cock to flop out. Dave was stocky in build, and he had a fat cock about five inches long, soft. Steffie wasted no time in taking Dave’s cock into his mouth and began to suck on it earnestly. He was afraid to look up at Dave’s face, but Dave grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head back, forcing Steffie to look up.
“You love cock, don’t you,” said Dave, more of a statement than a question. Dave started to rub his cock on Steffie’s face.
“Yes, sir,” answered Steffie, continuing to look up as the cock roamed over his face.
“I think I’ll use your face and mouth as target practice,” said Dave, with a little laugh. Then he spat in Steffie’s face. The spit landed on Steffie’s nose and dribbled to his right cheek. Dave spat again, and this time a large glob landed on Steffie’s forehead. “Open your mouth wide,” commanded Dave.
Steffie opened his mouth as wide as possible, and stuck his tongue out. Another glob of spit came down, and this one landed in Steffie’s mouth.
“Hey, I’m a good shot, aren’t I?” said Dave, laughing. Before Steffie could answer, Dave ran his cock all over Steffie’s face, smearing the saliva until Steffie’s face was practically glistening with spit. Dave plunged his fat, hard cock back into Steffie’s mouth, ordering Steffie to start sucking again.
Steffie resumed sucking, using his tongue to put pressure on the underside of Dave’s cock, burying Dave’s cock in his mouth over and over. Dave was thrusting his hips, and Steffie was sometimes choking a little, but kept on sucking. Dave would pull out at intervals, tap his cock on Steffie’s cheeks, then smear it around on Steffie’s face some more, then thrust back into Steffie’s mouth.
Then Dave pulled out again. “Okay,” he said, “open your mouth. I want to get the money shot here.”
Steffie opened his mouth wide, tongue out, looking up. Dave held his phone, wavering slightly as he got the camera ready, then started stroking his cock with his other hand.
“The video might be a little shaky, but it will have to do,” said Dave.
Dave kept stroking his cock in front of Steffie’s face, repeating “Here it comes, bitch,” several times before a stream of cum shot onto Steffie’s forehead. Dave had time to adjust his aim and another spurt went partly into Steffie’s mouth, partly onto his cheek. Another short stream hit Steffie’s other cheek, and then Dave put his cock back into Steffie’s mouth.
“Suck the rest of it out of me,” ordered Dave.
Steffie felt more cum oozing out of Dave’s cock, and held it in his mouth as he continued to suck.
Dave pulled out again, and started rubbing his cock on Steffie’s face again, smearing Steffie’s face with cum. Then he stuck his cock back in Steffie’s mouth and ordered him to clean him off and swallow.
“Yep, that’s what you’re here for,” said Dave, as he left the room.