Steampunk Harlots – Chapter 42

"Hard work and a Mad King."

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Hannah hadn’t had any time to ask Ving how her flight went. Ving had been overwhelmed with excitement and too desperately in the mood to talk as she pushed Hannah into her racer and closed the door. Hannah set her weapon down in the cockpit as Ving tore off her clothing and shoved her to the floor. Getting mounted so aggressively by Ving was a rare pleasure for Hannah whose hands could tell Ving had been aching for love for a while since she had taken off in the fighter to be exact, if she made her guess. Hannah had only just gotten Ving’s pants open when they heard a voice calling.

“Miss Ving? Are you here?” the adoring fan called.

Ving tore her top off, ready to ignore the man — when he knocked on the side of the racer.

“I found your jacket on the deck out here. Everything alright? I had an idea!”

Hannah gathered her clothing and ducked into the cockpit moments before the door opened.

“I have a cannon that I think would fit…” He trailed off at the sight of Ving on her knees with her pants undone and only a thin green bra to cover her breasts.

“Yeah, you do,” Ving replied with a smirk as she checked out how her fan’s trousers suddenly grew.

“I meant I, ummm… a mounting where…” He fumbled for his words.

Ving turned around and slid her leather pants down to reveal her matching underwear as she got on all fours. “Mounting sounds good. Do it!”

Cluing into her subtle cues, the man reached out and groped Ving’s bum as she wiggled it for him. Slowly gaining confidence that it wasn’t a joke, he slid his hand between her legs and rubbed against her underwear.

Hannah started touching herself, hidden in the cockpit, as she heard her lover moan. She could understand why others didn’t want their lovers to be with others, but for her, the sight and sound of Ving being pleasured was bliss. There were gaps in the separation from the cockpit to the engine area, and Hannah used it to spy on the man as he liberated himself from his trousers and got in behind Ving.

Ving was made to wait and suffer, feeling the man resting between her bum cheeks as he reached behind and closed the door to the racer. Hannah was in view, and she could see her lover already working a pair of fingers inside herself and massaging the flesh that dripped in pleasure. So lost in the sight of her woman that she wasn’t ready for the sudden thrust inside her, she screamed hard and pushed back to slam her fan against the door to drive him deeper inside her. He pushed back and Ving started fighting him with her body, as if each thrust was a test of power where they both would win.

“Always imagined this,” he grunted as he held Ving by the hips, using a thumb to keep her underwear out of the way of his thrusts.

“What else did you imagine doing to me?” Ving asked with a plaintive moan that always got Hannah going when she heard it.

He replied by taking himself out of Ving and pushing into her again.

Ving screamed again at the unexpected intrusion into her bum, gripping any handles she could find to steady herself and tried to relax enough to admit him.

Hannah smiled in sympathy, it was never easy to relax your body that way when you don’t expect it in the middle of sex. She had expected him to make use of her mouth.

Ving felt him pull her upwards to sit on his lap while he remained in her bum, letting her control the pace and force of the thrusts. She blocked his view and smiled. Hannah watched her breasts bounce in the confines of her bra as she rocked her body on the manhood within her. She positioned her legs inside his, so her wide spread would keep his apart as well.

Hannah took the hint and slowly crawled in front of Ving and licked at her lover, tasting him where he had just been inside. Ving always tasted better with someone else mixed in. Then the unmistakable sound of a man grunting his finish told her it was time to hide again.

As Hannah slunk back into the cockpit, Ving rested herself a moment with him inside her on his lap as he finished his load and softened inside her.

“I always wanted my seed in your ass. How’s it feel?” he asked as if it was any different from the many other times’ many other men had done the same.

“It’s always the best when its a dream come true,” Ving replied, flashing a wink at Hannah.


Inky smiled at Vile as she came back carrying a fine wardrobe that looked like it would get put in Liddy’s bedroom. Seeing Vile’s muscles flex and move with the effort as she walked by turned her on almost as much as knowing she had sex with the other girls while she was out.

“Have fun?” Inky asked as Liddy came to her side.

“Found a statue, but it’s not the sort of thing the clients would really be interested in seeing. So I just grabbed every dress or outfit they had and piled it in that thing.” Liddy motioned to the wardrobe. “Not a whole lot here I really want other than the clients. How’s things?”

“Volume over quality. Nobody is anywhere near as rich as we normally serve, but it does seem like they hadn’t had a chance to spend their money in a while so I think we are bleeding them dry,” Inky replied, turning back to Liddy after Vile left her view.

“Good. I’d like to move on soon if we can. When things seem to slow down, we will. Where is Hannah?” Liddy asked, suddenly suspicious.

“Just got back. Ving is getting some mods to her racer done, but it seems something got interrupted because Hannah stole some clients and hasn’t left the workroom since. Now there is a line.” Inky nodded to the door men were waiting near, moving every time a happy man left the room.

“Good, keeping her out of trouble. What about that friend of hers?”

“Jessica? Asked us to blindfold some of her men. Didn’t want them to know she was the woman they fucked. We get paid either way so I said sure. I think she’s done already.”

“What about Emma and that mirror thing?”

“Works like a charm. Should be better when we haven’t so many clients though. Almost nobody is ever available when they come in. I think she’s below right now resting. We’ve been more of a factory than brothel with so many clients. It’s easier to manage when we can just raise the prices until we have a steady flow, but can only get it so high here.”

“Alright then, I guess that means I need to put myself on the menu. I’m gonna check on whoever is downstairs, then I’ll be back.”


Emma held her legs tightly together for a moment before spreading them wide again and letting out a tired sigh. “Nothing seems to be comfortable. Damn I’m sore! I just need a rest and a drink!”

Mari passed over the bottle and said, “Well, I can help with one of those. It’s not a substitute for rest, but it takes the edge off.”

Easy was massaging her jaw, trying to keep it closed while she talked. “We should just lay naked in the lounge and let the guys waiting do what they want.”

“Bored in a sniper’s nest would be great right about now.” Laurel moaned while lying on her belly to keep pressure off her bum. “My ass is killing me.”

“Next town is a day away,” Liddy announced as she came down the stairs. “So we should be good to rest in transit. Also, except for Ving, we are all back on the ship so let us take the pressure off you girls. This is far better than what would have happened if these pirates had gotten the better of us.”

“Glad to see you might start working today,” Hope remarked as she came down the steps. “The men do love blonde women. I don’t think I’m enough. Lucky for me that pain is good for the soul.”

“I had no idea my soul was so healthy!” Mari shouted, triggering the other women to laugh loudly for a few moments.

Juno came down the steps. “Hey, Emma?”

“Yes? No?” Emma replied. “What’s this about?”

“The pirate king sent a messenger. I think he wants to fuck you.”

“The messenger or the king?”

“Probably both, considering the mirror thing showed me you when he showed up, but it’s the king that’s making the appointment.”

“Fine, I suppose his balls got better.”

“Please treat them more kindly this time,” Liddy requested while looking up her dress as Emma slowly walked up the stairs.


Tonna couldn’t quite remember what it was like to be sore from sex. She knew she had felt it before like the other girls did. Yet now, her jaw could unhinge if she wanted and it never felt sore. Her snake body could take anything that anyone rammed into it and it just never slowed her down. The men got over her form quickly once they got too aroused to care. Her breasts seemed to do most of the convincing when she used four hands to fondle them. She watched Leira in the fountain in the lounge, entertaining clients while she rested her body. Leira had worked hard since getting back on the ship and Tonna wasn’t surprised.

Vile had come into the lounge and stood by Tonna to watch Leira. “Having fun?”

“Yes. Even if most want the more human girls, I have still had enough to keep me busy. Might want to check on Foxy though. She’s been in the same workroom for hours.”

Vile followed Tonna’s nod to the workroom where a client was leaving. She saw Foxy on the bed, almost too exhausted to move.

“I’m ready for a break now,” Foxy managed to mutter into the sheets.

“You shouldn’t work yourself so hard. Too sore to even move isn’t good for you Foxy,” Vile responded with concern.

“I’m all right. Just can’t feel my legs. Lost count of my climaxes. Not even that sore, just wobbly.” Foxy giggled.

“You need sleep, and you are probably dehydrated as well.” Vile picked up Foxy from the bed and carried her down the stairs.

At the bottom, Astra saw them and opened the door to Foxy’s bunk. “She okay?”

“Make sure she gets water and maybe some food. Then sleep. I think she’s done for the day.”

“I’m fine, just give me a few.” Foxy started to slur her words as she was put down on her bed.

Vile turned around to see Astra with a canteen and what looked like a ration can. “I’m going to tell Inky. We need to make sure everyone gets water. We are getting careless.”

“Agreed. Thanks for getting her.”

“Tonna called it, but you are welcome.”

Vile marched the length of the ship so she wouldn’t trample clients before going back up to find Inky who could tell by the impact of her hooves, that something was up.

“What is it?” Inky asked before Vile had even got to the bottom of the stairs.

“We need to do a check on everyone. Foxy was dehydrated and giddy. We left her alone too long.”

Inky snapped her fingers at Blaze who had just come on deck with Oda. “Relay to everyone that we want to check in on girls between every client to make sure they are good. If anyone goes without a rest for more than an hour, make them rest and get some water.”

The girls saluted and started quietly relaying the orders.

“Damn it, I shouldn’t have missed that.” Inky hissed under her breath.

“Every woman on this ship shouldn’t have missed that,” Vile replied. “Factory fucking isn’t what we are used to. Now we have a new rule for it.”

“I should have been managing the shifts better. Getting the girls who have seen the most clients onto guard duty, rotating them out.”

“That’s my cue to go relieve someone then,” Ving remarked as she came through the door.

“Me as well. I’m ready.” Vile nodded, knowing Inky was going to be in a sour mood no matter what she said.


Emma put a forced smile on her face to meet the pirate king just to annoy him a bit. “Mister Mad King, so good to see you again. How are your balls?”

“Ready to be emptied, if you would be so kind,” he replied.

Emma regarded the woman in the fine dress standing behind him. “M’lady.” Emma curtsied.

“Oh, my wife,” he mumbled in surprise. “Yes, this is my wife. Ness. She wanted to see you do your best to… demonstrate your apology.”

Emma shrugged, “Well, at least one woman in the room will be satisfied by the end.”

Inver let his mouth hang open in surprise at the impudent elf.

“I think you have it wrong. I’m the one who’s supposed to open my mouth. Aren’t I?” Emma feigned confusion.

“Get to it then,” he stated, hands on his hips, waiting for her.

Emma shrugged again and opened the fly on his fine suit and started to pull him free before making him blow his load in his own pants. “Wait, seriously?!” she shouted, having made damn sure he let go of every drop he had.

“Already?” Ness came around to see and looked as surprised as Inver at the mess.

“Well, at least the amount was impressive. I guess.” She shrugged, trying to sound like she was genuinely trying to console him.

Ness waved Emma out of the room and she complied, after snagging a kerchief out of his suit pocket to wipe her hands clean. She left it on the floor as she walked away, grinning mischievously.


Liddy had a much better understanding of just how taxing it had been for the girls to work the pirate base after she closed the ship when she herself simply couldn’t take any more. She decided against any more clients, even after a good night’s rest. Everyone needed a full night’s sleep and a full day off before their next destination. Plus, Ving was their pilot and she was too sore to stand much less fly.

“I really hope your racer is done by tomorrow–” Liddy winced and grabbed her jaw on both sides. “Ow! Damn. My jaw.”

“Should be. His ass can see the clients if it’s not,” Ving replied.

“Where is Hannah?” Liddy asked, trying not to move her jaw while she massaged it.

“Being diplomatic, I think.”


“Probably that too.”


Hannah had found Ness in her husband’s office alone. When she walked in, the woman looked up from her work at his desk and eyed her carefully. Hannah returned the look, admiring the lace that made a false attempt to hide the cleavage from her bust. Emma’s appraisal had been accurate. Mature and sexy under a mask of superiority.

“Is there a reason you are here?” The woman tried to check out Hannah without being noticed.

Hannah smirked as the woman darted her eyes to her chest twice before fixing them on her face. “We are having some downtime now and are leaving at dawn.”

“I see. Done selling yourselves to the working dregs?”

“Actually, we are trying to stay ahead of the western kingdom that’s being formed. Pretty soon the armies too busy to hunt you down will be on the same side and we don’t want to get stuck here when they show up.” Hannah liked the way her body moved as it squirmed while hearing the news.

“I suppose you won’t be the only one moving on,” She stated, and Hannah wondered if she meant herself or her working dregs.

“If you are a good enough fuck, I could swing you a birth on the ship,” Hannah delivered bluntly. “Don’t worry, we don’t normally service the working dregs, though you could do with some hazing.”

“I don’t sell myself to anyone. I have a lot more self-respect than that!” she shouted, rising to her feet and leaning on the desk, incidentally offering Hannah a better view of her cleavage.

“Aren’t you married to a man who wanted you to watch while another woman got him off?”

“I don’t care how he uses his lessers! He or I can have whoever we want. I could have you if I wanted and make you scream with satisfaction!”

“I want to counter you,” Hannah paused. “But that’s never really been something that’s been overly difficult in my experience. Over fifty men today, and I have climaxed almost as many times. I lost count. If you think you can do better…”

“I will make you apologize for being impudent and beg me for more! You wouldn’t be the first woman to serve me faithfully in exchange for pleasure. If you have talent, you might just last longer than your poor friend Jessica. She’s lucky she has other talents.”

Suddenly something made sense to Hannah. Jessica had never been one for sex yet she, according to Inky, had gotten herself involved with a number of her men without them knowing. This woman had manipulated her in some way and caused a fundamental shift in the personality of her friend.

“How did you meet her?” Hannah asked, trying to figure it out.

“I’m not answering questions! Take off your clothes and get on your knees!” Ness shouted, coming around the desk to stand in front of Hannah.

Hannah complied, stripping out of her dress and letting her underwear fall to the floor with it and the purse she brought. Just as Ness was getting impatient she started to lower herself. However, instead of going to her knees, Hannah dropped quickly and swept her leg under Ness to knock her to the floor. Hannah climbed on top, grabbing the purse and sat on her belly while using one hand to pin her arms above her head.

“What are you doing?!” Ness shouted.

“Asking questions. Now you can either answer or I can use this.” Hannah pulled the vibration wand from her purse and turned it on.

Ness was confused and didn’t know what the noise making object was. “She was looking for work! Husband recruited her and I wanted some fun. So I told her if she made me happy I would make sure my husband promoted her. She refused, so I let the boys have her for a week. She was much more pliable by then. Then I–”

Her words were cut off by Hannah yelling with rage and striking down with the tool to cave in the woman’s skull. A hand on her arm stopped her and Hannah turned to see Jessica looking down at her trying to get her to stop. It took a moment for Hannah to settle the rage and hear what was being said.

“That’s not what happened! Stop!” Jessica pleaded.

Hannah stopped resisting her friend and stood up. “Explain.” She demanded, looking back at the woman on the floor.

“We are lovers. Neither of us wanted anyone to know, so we made up a story so nobody would ever suspect. We got caught, but that wasn’t the issue. Her husband just doesn’t want her being friendly with anyone. So we acted like I was being forced. The men she let ‘have me’ for a week were never named, they never existed. Some claimed credit but nobody was impressed with them saying they did that so it just faded away.”

“Then what was with the thing on the ship?! And why would she bother with the lie to me?!” Hannah yelled.

“We wanted to add some distance between us, make it seem like it was over. She kicked me to the curb, I got myself fucked by my men. The rumours will start soon enough but nobody will know for sure. I will start some saying I just bribed your girls to pretend it was me or something. We just wanted enough ambiguity so we could start seeing each other secretly. But when I heard you were going to talk to her, I knew you might hear the wrong thing. Please, believe me. I love her.”

Ness had gotten to her feet, pale as snow, realising just how close she had come to death. “I’m sorry. I thought I would just bluster and you would storm out.”

Hannah could hear the tremble in her voice. “I almost crushed your skull into a paste. If you rather I did that to your husband, I can be obliged.” She angrily redressed herself while Ness and Jessica embraced.

“Oh, I don’t think so,” came the angry voice of Inver as he emerged from behind some tapestries on the wall, armed with a long blade he brandished like an amateur. “I thought I was going to see my wife and a new toy, not hear all this!”

Hannah inwardly cursed. Not only had she only just gotten her underwear on, but she had left the purse on the floor with the pistol. “I suppose I could do it post-mortem.” Hannah kicked up her purse.

In the time it took Hannah to draw the pistol from the purse, Inver had crossed the room and swung his sword at her and hit the gun out of her hand. She dodged a second swing and a third as she tried to get a measure of his skill.

Jessica backed away from the encounter with Ness and shoved her towards the main door before picking up a chair and throwing it at the man attacking her friend.

Hannah lamented the chair’s inability to slow her attacker down when it bounced off his shoulder and decided he needed to make a mistake to give her an opening. “So, I guess this is why you are called the ‘Mad’ king. ‘Jealous inadequate git’ just doesn’t roll off the tongue the same way.”

Inver bellowed in rage, swinging in wild arcs at Hannah, who was wishing she had better armour than the lace that barely covered her.

“How’s it feel to be about to die at the hands of a scantily clad woman? I mean, I know my combat armour isn’t what anyone would call modest, but it’s a lot more practical than what most men think women fight in.” Hannah ducked and weaved through the swings trying to find an opening. “Yet here you are, unable to land a blow on a silly woman who brought lingerie to a sword fight.”

Inver finally made the move Hannah was waiting for and swung a hard chop downwards as she dropped to the ground. The sword got stuck into his own desk with the force of the strike and left him struggling to free it.

“I didn’t realise this was your fetish but I’m happy to oblige,” Hannah shouted as she struck out and slammed her fist into his groin.

Inver stumbled back and screamed in pain before gunshots rang out and several holes filled his chest.

Hannah looked around and saw Jessica with the pistol in perfect firing stance, angrily firing more shots until the gun was empty at the corpse on the floor.

“I was wondering what you had been up to.” Hannah smiled at her friend.

“I should have brought my own with me. I feel kind of stupid for that,” Jessica replied.

“I need to start wearing my combat armour and gun everywhere.” Hannah rolled her eyes.

Ness trotted over to Jessica and whispered in her ear, getting a surprised look in response from her lover.

“So,” Jessica started, looking at Hannah. “Speaking of fetishes… How do you feel about sex with your friend and her lover in the same room as the lover’s dead husband? On his desk? If that happened to just have been very close to a fantasy said lover has had for a long while?”

“I can get with that,” Hannah replied, no longer concerned with putting her dress back on. She wondered about being a third wheel to the lovers or that the earlier confrontation between her and Ness might be an issue, but Jessica undid the fancy dress covering Ness and Hannah decided to forget the past.

Ness hadn’t worn anything under her dress because she had developed the habit when it took too long to put back on in a hurry. Now that her husband was dead, she wished she had put on something elegant like the red lace she had watched Hannah fight in. She wasn’t sure how suddenly deciding to include the redhead would play out — but as she watched Jessica stripping out of her fatigues, Hannah’s hands gripped her breasts from behind and lips started kissing her neck. With her lover quickly naked and kissing her lips, she felt the hands between their breasts as they pressed together.

Hannah always loved watching two women kissing and being able to touch them both was better. She had switched one hand to grab Jessica while the other remained to grope Ness. Slowly, they shifted their bodies so all three faced each other. Hannah quickly unclasped her bra again to let the three women press their breasts together without anything in the way. She shared kisses with Jessica and Ness, thankful that she wasn’t being left out. Hannah was then treated to both women each taking one of her breasts for themselves and nibbling on them before taking the nipples into their mouths and working over with their tongues. Hannah felt the women each working a hand between her legs as her breasts were slowly covered in saliva. Soon they decided who was going to penetrate her and who was going to tease her clit and Hannah moaned hard as they laid her on the desk.

Once Hannah was comfortable, her feet resting on the edge with her legs wide and underwear gone, Ness went low to use her mouth while Jessica straddled her face, finally letting Hannah taste her. The feeling of her friend’s tongue exploring her had been something Jessica had fantasized about long before she ever admitted to anyone that she wanted women. Men had been fun, but the touch of a woman was always more personal and intense for her. She eased up so Hannah could talk.

“How do I taste?” Jessica asked her friend.

“Like a few other men had their fun in you already. I probably taste the same. Ask your lover.” Hannah let her wicked smile flash before sticking her tongue out for another taste of her friend.

Jess lowered herself back to feel the tongue exploring her before asking Ness, “How does she taste?”

“Like every man other than my husband. I love it!” Ness replied before doubling her efforts.

Hannah wondered what any of the dozens of men she had entertained at the pirate base would think of what they were doing now, but enjoyed the fact that they would never know. As much as she wanted to climax at the wonderful sensations, she preferred to build herself up first. She grabbed Ness by the hair and pulled gently to get her to climb on the desk. Ness started to kiss Jessica while kneeling beside her and letting Hannah’s hand between her legs. Jessica got off her chest and let Hannah use her other hand on her while the two knelt above her to kiss. All Hannah saw, however, were their breasts crushing together. This gave her an idea.

Jessica didn’t know why Hannah slid herself out from under them both but adjusted to the change. Jessica entwined her legs with Ness’s so they could rub their wetness together. Then, as they leaned back to watch the other grind and moan with their breasts heaving, they saw Hannah return with something. It had been the object she had almost used as a weapon. They saw Hannah place it between them, right where their engorged sexes were touching. She flicked a switch. The sudden vibration shocked Jessica and Ness, and both climaxed instantly as the stimulation tore through their bodies.

“Yeah, that was sort of my first reaction to it too,” Hannah commented.

Neither said anything more as Hannah worked the tool between both women, watching them writhe with pleasure as they tried to keep grinding against each other and the device. She wished it was possible to have the three of them enjoy it, but they couldn’t all fit onto the desk, so she amused herself with the facial reactions of the two women as they got as much pleasure out of it as they could. She waited until they begged her to stop before turning it off, their bodies exhausted from the pleasure. Hannah brought them both up to their knees on the desk before climbing to stand on it.

“My turn ladies.” Hannah smiled and watched them both put their lips between her legs.

Ness loved being able to kiss her lover while taking turns pleasing Hannah. They had been made to share her husband in the same way but couldn’t risk actually enjoying the company of the other. Now, she was free and happily pleasured the woman with her lover by her side. Yet, when it sounded like Hannah might finally be pleased she lowered herself to their level so the three of them could all kiss again.

Hannah pushed her knees between the legs of both women who gently rubbed themselves on her thighs while they all shared a kiss. She put the tool between her legs and both women took hold. Once she flicked the switch, she felt her body react. Of course, she was more accustomed to the sensations so it didn’t take her by surprise, but feeling both women move it against her made sure it felt amazing regardless. As Hannah moved her mouth from one set of breasts to the other, she gulped for air and tried not to bite down too hard on her friend’s left breast but still left a mark.

Both women held Hannah steady as her body twitched during her orgasm, and Jessica screamed slightly from the bite. When Hannah was finally done and breathing hard, Ness flicked the switch, turning off the device.

“You two are welcome to keep that thing. I will show you how to charge it,” Hannah began. “Now, about some upcoming politics…”


Ving was admiring the new cannon mounted on her racer. It had added a fair amount of weight and made the cockpit a lot more cramped, however her test flights with it gave her enough insight that it wouldn’t bother her much in a battle. Shooting it was something to get used to. It was designed with minimum recoil in mind, but it kicked hard on every shot that sent an explosive round at the targets that had been floating on the water. She was thankful it could be removed quickly if she ever wanted to race. After setting down her ear protection in the cockpit so it wouldn’t get lost, Ving started tying it down to the ship so it wouldn’t move during their trip. Tired from work and then flying without break, she made her way to her bedroom where she walked in and flopped onto the bed next to Hannah, who was just waking up.

“I’m glad you got laid before because I am too sleepy now,” Ving mumbled into her pillow.

“So am I. You have your sleep. I’m going to go harass Liddy,” Hannah replied as she crawled over Ving to get up despite having room to do so on her side of the bed.

Ving mumbled in protest as Hannah took her time and made sure to draw her body over Ving slowly so she could feel her breasts through the undershirt she was still wearing.


Liddy was nervous flying her ship back out under the waterfall, even though the water was being parted for their exit. It wasn’t until she had them in the air and their escort fighter waved them off that she felt better. Inky and others kept watch through the windows just to make sure they really were being let go, but after debriefing Hannah, it seemed like they really were in the clear.

“How long until wherever we are heading?” Hannah asked as she came onto the bridge.

“We are heading to ‘The Eighth City’ and will be there in a day or so. I’m guessing we only have one or two more stops before finally getting back to Crater Peak. Looking forward to it?” Liddy locked the helm once they were at elevation and turned to face Hannah.

“I know a bar I want to go visit. Seems like an age since I was there. Hopefully, I can stop in and get us all a drink before the serious stuff starts.” Hannah winked at Liddy.

Liddy eyed Hannah and the black lingerie she had on under her silk nightgown. “Hannah, I seriously doubt you would ever have a hard time finding any kind of fun regardless of how serious things get. Are you expecting to have me on the map table or something?”

“What?” Hannah asked, confused before looking at what she was wearing. “Oh no, I was hoping to find Harriot and entice her into my bed while Ving tries to sleep. I really was curious about our plans. Wanted to know how long I had to dally about. The wink was to keep you from thinking I was actually going to take things more seriously.”

“She’s in my bedroom keeping an eye out for following pirates,” Liddy replied, still too sore to be very disappointed — although Hannah’s outfit did make it more tempting.

“Your bedroom? Perfect!” Hannah spun about and dashed off.

“Wait! No!” Liddy called after her, and then sulked once she realised Hannah wasn’t going to stop no matter what.


Cat was resting comfortably on the couch as Hannah ran into the lounge in her enticing outfit. She was about to say something when Hannah skidded to a stop to look at her.

“Comfortable?” Hannah asked with a smirk.

“Quite.” Cat replied with a smile and waved politely.

“Vile,” Hannah nodded before carrying on.

Vile looked down after Hannah ran off to see Cat resting her head between the massive red breasts on her chest. “She probably thought you were Inky for a moment.”

“So did Easy and Mari when they walked by. This is fun, getting to mess with people without doing anything. Hows Inky feeling?”

“Still in a bit of a bad mood. Finally went to bed once Foxy was up and recovered. I’ll work it out of her when she’s ready.”

“How is Foxy?” Cat asked, concerned.

“I’m fine now,” Foxy answered as she walked into the lounge with Conna. “A little disappointed that Hannah just ran by and only stole Harriott. But what happened before just looked worse because I’m covered in fur and look a whole lot worse when I sweat. Though I did overdo it no matter how you look at it.”

“Damn, that couch looks way more comfortable than this one,” Conna commented loudly as she laid down on the couch opposite Vile and Cat.

“Yeah.” Cat stretched herself out, wriggling between Vile’s breasts. “The pillows on this one are amazing!”

The two soldiers laughed in response.


Paje walked in on Oda holding Juno’s leg over her shoulder while slamming their hips together as they shared the metal shaft that Mari had acquired. She stood there watching the muscular woman grunting with the effort and not even noting her entry. Having never heard anyone on the ship ever upset over entry into a sexual situation, let alone amongst the soldiers, Paje closed the door behind her and hung her rifle up over her bed.

Oda loved using her own bed to take a woman, and more so when it was someone she didn’t share the room with. Someday she wanted the tiny elf girl and wondered if she herself was masculine enough to appeal to her. She wasn’t sure just how interested in women she might be. However, Juno was hardly someone she had to settle for. Paje had not been either, but all the soldier girls shared one another often enough that girls outside the group were prized. Oda loved seeing Juno’s breasts bounce with her thrusts, making her wish her own were big enough to do the same.

Juno watched as Paje stripped out of her uniform. The thrusts into her body from the metal shaft were getting her close to climax, and then seeing the tiny girl covered in a curved ink pattern revealing herself was enough to finish her off. She grabbed the bed frame and looked Oda in the eyes as she moaned hard as her body shook with pleasure.

Oda didn’t let up on Juno at all until her own orgasm was spent. She went off the moment she saw Juno look up at her with a face contorted with pleasure. It wasn’t until they were both done that she looked over to see Paje laying on her bed naked and playing with herself at the view.

“Late to the show, sorry we started without you.” Oda shrugged, pulling out of Juno and pulling the metal shaft out of herself.

Paje had her legs wide with one hand between them and the other teasing her breasts. “That’s what you think.” She paused and they all listened to the distant sounds of Hannah, and Harriott with Ving yelling some indistinct words. “You think that’s not going to bring along–”

Ela came into the room, her snake tongue stopped tasting the air for a moment as she took in the sight. “Can I borrow that?”

Oda handed the metal shaft to the cobra woman, who needed some help inserting it before it stayed in place.

“Paje, Leira in her tub.” Ela nodded her snakehead towards the hall before turning and leaving.

“I love water shows!” Paje shouted as she got out of the bed. “I always get wet!”


Tonna loved how Leira could be licking her under the water while at the same time she also fondled Kilty and Laurel as they floated on the water. Kilty was on Tonna’s left, making love to her breast while being penetrated with the lower left arm and having the upper one squeezing her breasts. Laurel was receiving and giving the same pleasure on the right side. When Ela came in, the metal shaft mounted between her legs, she stepped into the water and penetrated Leira from behind and thrusting her face into Tonna.

When Paje came in she almost didn’t notice Leira under the water between the two snake-women. Tonna’s long tail came out and over the edge to wrap around Ela who sucked on the tip while the rest rubbed around her body. It seemed like she was late to the party yet again with Tonna’s upper half taken up by the two other women, their mouths latched to her breasts. However, she noticed poor Tonna gasping without anyone using her mouth. So she straddled the edge of the large tub. She soon felt the long snake tongue sliding inside her and the lips sealed to her womanhood. Paje had to hold Laurel and Kilty by their heads to support herself as she rocked her hips over Tonna’s face.

Juno was a bit jealous as she looked on, and could tell from Oda starting to molest her that she was also ready for another go. “I don’t think there is room on that snake for either of us. Let’s find out who else is over being sore from work.” They turned away to see Emma was just behind them in the doorway also looking in.

“Wow, looks fun,” the elf commented with a smile.

“I want you.” Oda blurted out.

Emma looked at her a moment, seeing her surprise matched her own. “I appreciate that, but I’m not really…” Emma trailed off. “Ask me again sometime. I’m still sore so now might not be the best time to experiment with my boundaries.”

“Fair enough,” Oda replied, disappointed but hopeful for the future.


Juno had snuck off in the hopes that Oda might have her fun but as she listened, she sighed in sympathetic disappointment. She walked up the stairs and came face to face with Ving who was storming out of her bedroom. Hannah and Harriott were on the bed kissing with their hands everywhere.

“You aren’t leaving, are you?” Juno asked, grabbing Ving by the breasts. “Lay down, let me put you to sleep.”

Ving just wanted to sleep but let Juno push her back onto the bed. She let herself get stripped naked and watched as Juno gently kissed and teased her body. While she could see Hannah and Harriot, each with their hands inside the other, she stayed focused on Juno who was kissing her breasts gently before moving her kisses down to between her legs. Her body relaxed as the gentle pleasure soothed her despite the buildup of arousal. Just as Harriot let out a squeal of pleasure, she let out her own soft moan with the last of her energy. As Juno came up to kiss her once more, she fell asleep looking at Hannah giving her a side glance and a grin.


Liddy slid off the map table where Blaze had been on top of her, their naked bodies having knocked off the maps they had pushed to the sides. Neither of them would have minded had Hannah joined, but Liddy knew Blaze was only really interested in her.

Blaze felt better. After so many men put their seed into her, having Liddy between her legs had felt like she had been cleaned out.

“Now, we got to get dressed and then put these maps back. I don’t want to get lost on the way.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Blaze replied, helping Liddy back into her dress.

“Then I have to go kick Hannah out of my bedroom.”

“I thought she was going to bring her into her own room, where Ving is trying to sleep.”

Liddy paused, “Right. She just wanted to get under my skin. Damn that woman. I need to find a way to get her back or force her to back off.”

“You could always threaten her with more responsibility, but she is going to be a Queen or is one. I’m not really-”

“That’s it!” Liddy kissed Blaze. “I’m going to give her responsibilities!”

Published 9 months ago

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