Vile strained her powerful figure as she carried the massive steel safe and slowly set it down where Ving was directing her. She huffed in relief once she was finished and took a moment to catch her breath as Inky ran her hands over her hips, eventually to embrace her lover.
“Perfect,” Ving stated, eying up the location. “Last thing we need is something this heavy offsetting our balance by being too far to either side.”
Liddy nodded. “And now we have something safer than the laundry machine to hold our money.”
The man who accompanied the safe from the locksmith was still staring at Vile as Inky ran her hands over her muscles when Liddy touched him on the shoulder.
“Ah yes,” he announced, drawn back to work. “So the combination can be set from inside the door to whatever you want. There is what’s called a grinder inside, it really just makes noise so that anyone listening will have an ungodly time trying to hear the mechanism work. There anything else I can do for you?”
“Well,” Liddy smiled. “I appreciate the efforts you have made. Enough to offer an extra reward if you are interested.”
The man clued into her meaning as Liddy puffed out her chest and bit her lip, “Oh miss, I am so very married.”
“Well, it is wonderful to meet a man who can hold to his commitments. Let me retrieve your payment.”
“Although,” he added. “I have noticed many of your women in some rather interesting garments.”
“Would you like us to remove them for you? A feast for your eyes only?”
“I… well no, that would probably not be something my wife would approve of. I am just wondering if I might trouble you for the location of the shop that provided them.”
“Oh, I see,” Liddy smiled, twirling to show off her revealing, blue silk dress. “You want to see your wife dressed like a harlot?”
“Yes. I mean, she’s a beauty in whatever she wears but yes. Very much so.”
Liddy curtsied and scribbled down an address for him that she handed over with the rest of the payment. He turned to leave, stunned until Liddy gave him a polite push, at the sight of Vile’s bare chest. Liddy shook her head at Inky as she guided the overwhelmed man off the ship.
Hannah had just gotten back to the ship at the moment Liddy saw off the locksmith. Foxy, Conna, and Kilty were behind her, helping with the containers they brought from the bank.
“That went well. Things go alright for you?” Liddy asked.
“Yeah, everything converted into capital bills. I mean, the gold in them is as good as anyone’s, but people just prefer the bills from here. Aside from their local at least. The safe is here then?”
“Yes, you might need to get past Inky and Vile without getting involved, but it’s there.”
“No promises. Where is my lovely?”
“She should be on the bridge making my ship go in the up direction!” Liddy shouted down the stairs.
Ving scampered up the steps, shirt open, pretending to look embarrassed. She blew a kiss to Hannah as she dashed by. Hannah returned the favour with a harsh slap on her ass. Ving’s shocked gasp sounded more like a moan and Liddy rolled her eyes.
“I remember wanting to run a business. Rules, girls prompt to obey, simple efficiency. Instead…”
“Hush now, Liddy,” Hannah interrupted. “Nobody needs to hear your gibbering madness. We don’t have a room with padded walls to lock you in yet.”
Liddy fixed Hannah with a glare as she tried hard not to smile. A loud scream from Inky down below interrupted the false tension. Easy and Mari escorted a dock worker into the lounge from a work room and showed him quickly off the ship. Ving rang the new bell to signal their taking off and they were soon under way. Once the course was plotted and set, Ving returned to the lounge where everyone had collected after Vile had finally been satisfied. The women were all in various states of dress.
“Alright then,” Liddy started. “We are on our way to a meeting. I don’t know if we are going to be participating or just act as entertainment, but I would like to give you all a bit of down time. That being said, your idea of down time is largely similar to work so just try to get paid while having fun and call it even. If I need you for anything specific I will let you know. Now, the other side of all this is that there can be a lot to learn from pillow talk so don’t rush anything. Pay attention and write things down afterwards when you get on the ship. It may or may not help with ending the slave trade beyond the capital, but everything can be helpful at some point.”
“So we land ready to work, then figure out what’s going on?” Mari asked, adjusting Easy’s hands on her breasts like a bra.
“Very much so. I want everyone dressed at their best. We are going to be outsiders, but I want to blur that distinction as much as possible. Leira, how’s that swear jar coming?”
“The f…er… it needs to be emptied again. Took me longer to fill it this time.”
“I’m so happy you are improving,” Liddy smiled as Leira’s hair took either an embarrassed or sarcastic shade.
After finishing the count and securing her books in the safe with the money, Liddy went back to her room where she was surprised to see Emma on her bed. She was wearing a sheer pink robe and white lace underwear. A matching garter held up white stockings. Liddy was stunned. She wasn’t sure where she had slipped into this particular dream, but didn’t want to wake up by asking questions. Emma lifted her hand and Liddy felt her dress rise as an invisible hand ran along her inner thigh. She felt it slide her own blue lace aside and slowly push inside her as she gasped. The hand gripped her and pulled her towards the bed, leading her by her sex. Emma waited until Liddy was on all fours over her before speaking.
“I am still not sure if I want to be with women,” the elf started. “But I want to be with those I love. Who happen to be women. I see you all as being so strong, so smart, and at the start I felt like that was something I couldn’t ever be. Then I changed, I became more like you, and then I realised I ‘had’ changed. That I could be like you. I am. Not that I think being with women is what makes you strong. Just that when we do what we do it’s done with passion. With clients, it’s a dull passion. I want something more, with those I care about, and I want you to be my first.”
“Far be it for me to stop you but, are you sure this isn’t a mistake? There are a lot of reasons it could be.”
“Well it could be, but that’s what I want to find out. Also, I can’t imagine doing this with you as being a ‘bad’ mistake. Had I done something earlier before I was ready then maybe? I may only do this once, but… well, I don’t know, just kiss me.”
Liddy couldn’t resist the elf’s lips any longer and lowered herself on top of her. Feeling the soft lips pressing against hers as their breasts did the same. She could feel the hand still inside her mimicking the actions of the hand that controlled it. While Emma couldn’t reach far enough with her own hand while they kissed, Liddy sure could. She pressed between the elf’s legs and inhaled the gasp from her mouth.
Emma felt strange as the fingers of a woman pushed their way inside her, as though the bond between them alone made everything feel right. Liddy began to nip at her neck and lick along her sharp ears. Emma giggled at the sensation as her ears were as sensitive as the nipples Liddy was teasing through the lace that covered them. It felt so different than being with a client, her body’s pleasure was the goal, not just a bonus if the client accidentally satisfied her.
Liddy massaged her hand between the delicate folds of flesh of the elf’s womanhood. Finding the right spot and teasing it with a regular rhythm. She felt the spectral hand do the same for her, and shared a kiss with Emma to tell her she was doing it right. Liddy broke the kiss and touch to lean up and finally relieve herself of the silk dress. Then unfastened her bra to show off the breasts it had contained.
Emma waved her hand in the air in front of her, the spectral hand large enough to grip them far better than her own tiny hands. They watched as the flesh was gripped and teased with the invisible hand. Emma leaned forward to finally put her tongue to the pinched nipple as she yanked on it hard enough to make Liddy yelp. Now close enough, she pushed her tiny hand between the legs that straddled her. While switching to the other breast, she didn’t just slide a few fingers in, her whole fist pushed inside the blonde human.
Liddy climaxed instantly, unable to restrain herself from the two extreme sensations assaulting her. She felt the tiny hand inside her, rubbing against the ideal spot with its tiny fingers. She clutched the tiny head to her breast and held her firm until her body stopped seizing. Then letting go, she cradled the head in her hands and kissed deeply after looking down on the darling elf. She moved downwards, feeling the arm inside her make a fist as it slowly came out. She moaned as it finally came free.
Emma watched as Liddy pulled her panties down far enough to reveal her bare sex. A soft slap made her squeak, and as Liddy put her tongue to her, Emma returned the slap with her spectral hand. Slapping harder across the bum Liddy held in the air, Emma could see the red handprint begin to form. It got harder to concentrate as the tongue that flicked across her clit spent progressively longer moments with it. The one finger inside her was joined by a second and then third. Had she not been so practised with the many manhoods of human men she would have been in more pain than pleasure. When she finally felt her body shudder, she didn’t stay awake long enough to feel it end.
It wasn’t until she regained consciousness that she could see Liddy gently lapping up between her legs. Hands running along her inner thighs. She hadn’t been out long, but passing out during climax was new for her.
“I think I missed the end of that,” Emma struggled to say.
“It happens,” Liddy replied. “So, mistake?”
“I don’t know, I’ll let you know when we are finished.” The elf grinned at Liddy and pulled her closer to kiss with her spectral hand.
Hannah started to relax as she slid into the water of the hot bath, letting her legs float somewhat as she leaned back. It was about then when Leira burst from the water between her legs and suddenly looked disappointed.
“So you filled up that swear jar again, eh?” Hannah asked, smiling kindly.
“How the fuck did you not get surprised? Did you see me or something?” Leira asked, pouting.
“Nope, just years of training.”
“Oh, right. Good soldiers don’t spook and all that shit, right?”
“What? Hell no. I just don’t see beautiful women appearing between my legs as something to elicit a fear response.”
Leira snorted a laugh and then started to giggle as she lowered herself into the water. Hannah noticed her breasts enlarged as she laughed and returned to their normal size when she stopped. She made a note to tell everyone about that, to see if they could make her laugh hard enough for them to burst out while dressed.
“Fine, whatever. Yes, my swear jar is full. Again. I just have such a hard time noticing it until it happens.”
“Well, that’s just the first step. You will get better. Then you can just swear like the rest of us.”
“Do you have a jar for anything?” Leira asked, sounding serious.
“Nope. My imperfections are in perfect balance.”
“I don’t get that. I mean, you of all people on this ship should be messed up more than anyone. Except maybe Vile but I know she has issues. Why do you seem so perfect?”
“It’s not about perfection, it’s balance. Yeah, bad things happened to me. But the good things are good enough to make it fair.”
“Yeah, but some really bad things happened. Almost being killed a bunch of times. And not just normal killed but really fucking scary killed. Can banging Ving really make up for that? Maybe I should start.”
“You are most welcome to do that. She should be along soon even. But it’s not just sex with her. It’s her feelings, it’s Mari, it’s everyone on this ship, including you.”
“What am I to you? I mean, I know we are friendly and get along but I just don’t understand why it would be a thing for you.”
“Because you deserve it, but also because I never want to stop being the woman my friends love. If I let grief or fear get the better of me then I am taking that woman away from my friends. I won’t do that. So here I am, in the bath I almost died in, because the woman my friends care about, would have been here before the attack.”
“Don’t you have any flaws? Do you do nothing different because of the bad things?”
“Well, I like to learn from my close encounters with death of course. Sex and booze probably aren’t the best solutions in the immediate aftermath. Though, to be honest, sometimes the last person to know your faults is yourself.”
“I’m aware of my faults.”
“Sweetie, if swearing and a lack of cultural refinement are your biggest flaws then you are less messed up than I am.”
“How am I supposed to know then?”
“Trust your friends to tell you and act in your best interest. Like you are doing with the swear jar. Then just try not to worry about it. Like how you were worried about me, you are doing everything right. I appreciate the concern of a friend.”
“I’m doing things right? When the fuck did that happen?”
“Every time you were yourself.”
Leira pondered that for a few minutes — until Ving entered the bath and she watched her strip out of her clothing. Ving stepped into the water and lowered herself down beside Hannah.
“You two finish already?” Ving asked with a grin.
“Nah, she wants you today.”
Leira swam over to kiss Ving on the lips, the water splashing between them as their breasts met.
Everyone was looking out the window as they approached their destination. The view they were treated to was the sight of a massive metal cruise ship sitting in the middle of a lake. It had the engines of an airship running along the hull to let it take to the sky when it needed too. Ving took their much smaller ship in for a soft landing on the water, then moved in close to the docks that had been set up next to the behemoth. Dozens of other ships were already docked, many of them ferries from much bigger ships that dropped anchor further out. The whole lake was a hive of activity. As dock hands tied the mooring lines, Liddy spoke with her girls in the lounge.
“Alright, everyone! Listen up,” Liddy started. “I need you all at your best. I’d like you to have some free time to relax, but until we get the lay of the land we are focused and disciplined.”
“How do you want us?” Inky asked, fixing her uniform to be perfect.
“Follow me out and make me look intimidating. The rest of you follow them and try to look smug. Last thing we want is for anyone to know how ‘out of depth’ we are here.”
“Any specific requests for me?” Vile inquired, a bit unsure of herself.
“At this point, I’d rather be showing you off as one of my girls than using you to scare anyone. Just don’t stand in front of Emma.”
Vile smile and nodded, Liddy shared a look with Inky. They both knew that playing on her intimidating presence too much would be bad for her mental health.
“Right, let’s do this,” Liddy stated as she started down the ramp.
“Fall in!” Inky barked her order to her girls.
While Liddy walked at her own pace, the soldiers marched in synchronized precision behind her. The dock hands were understandably distracted by the armed women. Liddy was amused that even the lowly dock hands were dressed in fine clothing.
As they marched over the docks and up a ramp into the metal ship, Hannah hung back to cover the rear. Not that they expected to be in danger, but it was always prudent to be ready for anything.
At the top of the ramp was a receiving area where an elegantly dressed woman was waiting. While Liddy and the women she worked with who didn’t have sparkly scales wore makeup to enhance themselves, they kept it on the subtle side. The woman she faced seemed to have used more than Liddy’s whole crew. It struck Liddy as odd. She seemed attractive enough to not need any more than what Liddy herself wore.
“So, you are the new whores on the lake ship then?” The woman asked instead of greeting Liddy.
“The crew of The Lucky Harlot have many skills,” Liddy responded.
Inky snapped her fingers and all the girls stomped their boots at once as they snapped to parade rest on either side of Liddy. The woman was taken back once she realised all the women were armed. As the rest of the crew made it up the ramp, the woman regarded them in turn, growing increasingly surprised.
“Your name, miss?” the woman asked, intimidated and trying to regain composure.
“Liddy. Lady Captain Liddy to you.”
The woman’s jaw hung agape in stunned confusion for a few moments. “I didn’t think we could work without a Lord.”
Liddy was confused. The woman almost seemed on the verge of tears when a man in a rather ostentatious suit walked in.
“Ah, there you are. Checking out the competition then, eh? Did I miss their captain?” he looked past Liddy as he spoke, then back around the room trying to find someone.
“This is their captain. Lady Captain,” the woman replied.
“Don’t be stupid,” he stated as he pushed her face away with a un-gentle shove, smearing her makeup. “Where is…”
His words were cut short by Liddy pointing to his groin, where Inky firmly placed the butt of her rifle the moment after. He howled in pain as he fell to the deck and wailed like a child.
“Boot please,” Liddy requested and waited until Inky was stepping on his throat before continuing. “I am captain of my ship, Lady by the Duke of the Capital himself. I would ask you kindly to mind your manners.”
Liddy gestured, Inky lifted her boot, and the man started to crawl away before trying to stand. As he fumbled his footing, another man in a fine suit, though more tastefully tailored, came through the doorway. He read the situation instantly and Liddy was certain she saw him smile in relief.
“Darnold! This is the last straw! I can’t have you harassing my guests!” he shouted before snapping his fingers.
At the snap, the man’s personal bodyguards rushed over to grab the man by the arms and lift him up. Following a pointed finger from their employer, they hauled him over to the ramp off the ship and threw him over the side. The splash of water and screams suggested he might not know how to swim.
“Well, Lady Captain, I think that went rather well. You helped me remove a rather painful thorn from my backside. Allow me to introduce myself,” he took a bow. “Lord Captain Mason Ralia. This is my ship.”
Liddy curtsied and blushed. “Lady Captain Trixy Liddy.”
Liddy froze in the sudden horror of what she had just said after being so careful to hide it from everyone for so long. Hannah snorted, Ving made what sounded like a dying bird noise, Mari repeated the name in the worst whisper tone ever, and Leira doubled over trying not to laugh out loud.
“Do you need to throw some of your crew overboard as well?” he asked, trying to hide a smirk of his own.
“Yes, does this lake have sharks?” Liddy responded, wishing she had just lied or omitted.
“I’d have to import them.”
“Shame. I will deal with them later.” Liddy desperately wanted to change the subject. “I must say I was surprised to receive your invitation.”
“Ah yes, a matter we can discuss in private. Your crew are free to enjoy the hospitality of my ship. Though if your miss Mari could join us as well?”
“Of course,” Liddy responded, followed by an angry glare at Mari who wore a wide grin on her face.
Liddy took the offered arm of the Lord Captain and walked with him; Mari followed with Astra and Kilty escorting. As they were about to go through the door, all the women behind them shouted in unison.
“Bye, Trixy!”
Liddy dug her nails into the arm she held, trying to suppress her murderous rage.
The woman stood confused, listening to the laughter until she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Doing alright there?” Hannah asked, shifting the strap on her weapon to put it on her back.
“She’s your Lady Captain. Why are you laughing? I… don’t understand what happened.”
“We are laughing because our dear Lady Captain is also our friend, and she has been keeping her first name a secret since we met her. Now, I need to go re-label everything on our ship in order to maximize her embarrassment and annoyance. You need to go back to wherever you work and tell them you are in charge now.”
“I don’t want to be in charge!” she yelled, flustered.
“Good, that’s one of the best qualities of leadership. Just do your best and you might find out you like it.”
The woman walked away, still in shock.
Ving walked up behind Hannah and blew gently in her ear. “You possibly did her a favour. Now, let’s go rename the shit out of everything Liddy has her name on.”
“Who?” Hannah asked, confused.
“Trixy,” Ving giggled.
Another round of sniggering washed over the girls as Hannah and Ving returned to the ship. The rest, once they stopped laughing, started to go their own way to relax.
Liddy tried to ignore the inevitable conversations she would soon have with her crew and began composing eulogies. However, the splendour of the ship she was being guided through was enough to distract her. Luxury, tastefully done, was everywhere as she walked through grand halls and up elegant staircases. Hardwood and gold seemed to be at the core of all the architecture.
“A beautiful ship!” Liddy expressed as she marvelled at the decor.
“Yes, well given what a large mistake it was to buy, I had to do something with it.”
“Oh?” Liddy asked, curious until she had a guess. “It’s too expensive to fly, isn’t it? Too heavy?”
“Very much so. Commissioned it right before the rumours of an Ember shortage began to fly. Its only flight was from the shipyard to this lake. Of course, it made it ideal for hosting this meeting so I can’t complain too loudly. Still, I could have built a proper resort for a fraction of the cost and still been able to host.”
“Well, at least with a ship, you always have the option to move. With the wars going on, mobility is an advantage.”
“I suppose so,” he said while considering her words.
“Alright!” announced Leira. “I’m going to find the most crowded bar full of aristocrats or whatever and get sloshed. Who else wants to make people angry at free Emberborn?”
As Leira trotted away in excitement, the rest of the Emberborn followed. Only Foxy looked to Inky for permission first. Inky gave her a friendly nod and watched her scamper to catch up. She waved to dismiss the rest of the girls to their own devices and decided to wait for Hannah to finish up.
It wasn’t until they reached the Lord Captains private offices that Liddy saw the finest marble she’d ever seen. The four women were alone with him in his office when the doors shut. He offered Liddy a seat in front of his desk.
“Business before pleasure?” he asked, being polite.
“Of course,” Liddy responded.
“I didn’t invite you here because of your particular field of work. Nor did I due to any wealth or influence you have, like I would anyone else here.”
“I suspected as much.” Liddy masked her disappointment, but had indeed already surmised as such.
“The real reason was for a drink.” He snapped his fingers and looked off to a side door.
Liddy watched the door open, and from it emerged a walking machine, not unlike the artificial horses she sometimes saw pulling carriages. Only this one was shaped like a man, carrying a tray of drinks. It set the tray down on the desk. Liddy watched the clockwork mechanisms whirr under the glass chest piece. The face was also made of glass to show off the fine mechanisms in the head as well as the mechanical eyes that looked and focused on her before handing her a drink.
“I was wondering why those artificial horses were referred to as Ralia,” Liddy commented before taking a sip of her drink.
“Indeed, these are my new models. However, unlike the horses, these can do complex tasks. There is just one problem.”
“Emberborn are cheaper and more effective than these are?” Liddy postulated with a smile.
“Yes,” he replied, happy he didn’t have to explain it. “I have no personal problems with the slave trade. I don’t agree with it, but it’s never been a concern of mine until recently. My horses had an easy time finding a market because they were a status symbol. Less wealthy people got normal horses because mine made them cheaper. Though the war has driven up demand of both. My issue is that slaves are the status symbol and people don’t see the need to switch to something new and complex.”
“You noticed me because of what went down in the capital,” Liddy stated.
“Yes.” His reply conveyed his appreciation that Liddy stated things instead of asking. “You opened up the biggest possible market for me without meaning to. Sure, some will hire Emberborn, but they aren’t a matter of status anymore. However, as much money as this is going to make me, I want more. That’s where you come in.”
“You want to sponsor my efforts to end slavery everywhere.”
“Very much so. The more slaves you take off the market, the more money I make. I can provide you with any information I collect. Such as the locations of farms, not unlike the one you captured already. I am also aware that a new ship is being commissioned for you in the Capital. I can see it fully staffed with my creations. In part out of gratitude for your continued efforts.”
“And partially to advertise them to the clients that would be making use of our services.”
He stared at Liddy with a smile, he’d never before met a woman who saw his plans like he did. “Your keen insight certainly helped move us through the business portion of our meeting. Perhaps, after the general meetings, we can speak again. Until then…”
Liddy smiled as she ran her hand along the edge of her dress, over her breasts, forcing him to come to her. He stood up and came around his desk to lean over Liddy and kiss her while his hands held her hips. Lowering himself to kneel while maintaining the kiss, his hands slid up her dress and started to lift. Then, surprising Liddy, he broke the kiss to put his head between her legs — after pushing them apart and resting them on the arms of the chair. Liddy gasped when he bit the insides of her thigh as his hands pushed the lace away from her womanhood. As his tongue slowly started to explore, Liddy soon realised he was teasing her and ignoring the spot she wanted him to give the most attention. She let out a low growl in aroused frustration.
Mari looked back at the girls on guard before returning her attention to Liddy, unsure if she was supposed to get involved yet.
Just as Liddy was about to force the man’s head right where she wanted it, he flicked the spot hard with his fingers and made her yell out. Following quickly with his tongue, Liddy let out a loud moan as he forced her first climax from her body. As she slowly came down from the rush, he kept up his attentions until she was finally finished.
Mari came in close as he pulled Liddy up from the chair and unfastened her dress while they shared a deep kiss. The dress fell away, and Mari backed up as Liddy was spun around to rest her bum on the desk. At some point, Mari realised, he must have pulled her underwear the rest of the way off, as Liddy was now naked, having not worn a bra at all.
Liddy was thankful she had something to lean on since her legs were still lacking in balance. Though they were well enough to rise and slip her toes into the edge of his trousers. As she unfastened them, her legs pushed them off and she immediately felt his manhood pressing against her. Her hands wrapped around it to feel its size, and while it wasn’t the most massive she had ever taken, it was certainly bigger than most. He removed his hands from her breasts to rip off his shirt, allowing Liddy a moment to examine his body and appreciate how well-crafted it was.
Mari certainly appreciated the view of the man from behind, with Liddy wrapping her legs around him as he pushed her back to the desk to mount her. She smiled as Liddy howled in pleasure at his penetration. His rough thrusting making Mari jealous for her turn. It was at this moment the door behind the desk opened and a woman in an elegant, yet provocative, dress walked in.
“Oh, It would seem my husband couldn’t contain himself?” The woman stated, starting at Liddy, who didn’t stop moving her hips to feel him moving inside her.
“Ah, Lady Captain, may I introduce my wife. Lady Ralia.”
“A pleasure,” Liddy replied, not skipping a beat. “Your husband has talent. You must find great pleasure with him.”
The married couple burst out laughing for a moment before the wife spoke again, “And you are a consummate professional. Most women panic when I walk in on my husband’s enjoyment of them. Don’t stop on my account.”
“I never planned to,” Liddy replied as the thrusting inside her resumed.
The wife stood and watched for a moment, enjoying the sight, before turning to Mari. “You must be Mari. I have seen photographs of you. Have you ever been with a woman?”
“Yes,” Mari replied. “With ridiculous frequency.”
“Oh,” the wife seemed surprised but then smiled. “Well, that saves us time.”
She walked around Mari, running her hands over her body to examine it. As Liddy moaned in pleasure, Mari tingled at the delicate touch. She felt hands unbind her dress along her back and slowly peel it off her. Leaving her naked and showing off her ink. Remaining still, she let the hands explore her flesh, tugging at the metal running through her nipples. Then the wife showed her back to Mari, who quickly yanked the lace binding off to let the expensive dress loose. To her surprise, the woman had her own share of ink, all in places that would be covered by clothing. There was even the design of a bra and panties, inked to her body so that she looked like she was still wearing them. Mari felt her breasts crushed against the woman’s as she came in for a kiss. She felt the metal through her own tongue clink with what pierced the tongue of the wife.
Mari was moved towards the desk and pushed back onto it to lay next to Liddy. From somewhere Mari hadn’t noticed, the woman produced an odd shaped piece of smooth metal. Pushing it inside herself, penetrating both spaces to keep it in place, it now looked like she had her own metal phallus. She touched Mari between her legs to see if she was ready. Mari let out a shrill noise as the cold metal pushed inside her. It warmed up quickly from her own body heat as the wife thrust inside her with it like her husband did with Liddy. The husband and wife shared a passionate kiss as they both continued to penetrate the women they had on the desk. Liddy and Mari held hands, enjoying the sight.
Liddy had climaxed again when the man pulled out of her and replaced his wife inside Mari. She then moved to Liddy and took her phallus out of herself, and fixed it inside Liddy. It was a strange sensation, but Liddy decided instantly that she wanted one for herself. She took the hint as the wife pulled her off the desk. Liddy got in behind her as she bent over the desk to kiss Mari on the breasts. Liddy, excited to try something new, positioned herself behind the woman and guided the piece of metal inside the woman who wiggled her bum at her. It was different, the thrusting inside a woman being different than thrusting to get a man inside you. It took a bit of practice but soon she could feel herself ramming deep into the woman like she’d been doing it all her life. At first, she thought the pleasure would be limited, since she couldn’t feel through the metal, but the pressure each thrust had on her end hit all the right spots inside her as well.
Mari watched as best as she could over the head that covered her breasts in saliva, Liddy thrusting like a man, breasts bouncing each time. Mari gently kicked the man to let him know she wanted to switch positions, and he brought her off the desk and bent her over the chair. His wife moved with Liddy to face them and she could finally kiss the woman as their breasts bounced below them with the thrusting they were receiving. She felt hers hurt as they were suddenly seized in the woman’s hands, too slick to hold, she gripped by the piercings. Mari moaned and shook with her climax and felt herself leak out onto the man inside her. The wife lay down on the thick carpet and Mari felt forced to her knees to sit right over the wife. She felt the other woman’s tongue cleaning around right where her husband worked himself in and out of Mari.
Liddy got down on the floor and continued to thrust inside the wife, while finally close enough to kiss Mari. They both felt the married woman below them shake and heard her moan, knowing she had finally been pleased. The husband pulled out of Mari and came to place a hand on each of the women who kneeled over his wife. Liddy and Mari felt their heads pushed together as he pushed himself between their lips. The two women kissed and licked each other almost as much as they did the shaft they had shared. It wasn’t long before they both suddenly tasted his seed and greedily competed to taste every drop he offered them.
Astra and Kilty stood at the door, trying very hard to maintain their composure as guards while watching everything happening before them.
Inky greeted Hannah and Ving as they returned from their mission on the ship. “Get everything?”
“Yes,” Hannah replied. “Though I’d love to find a place that makes throw pillows we can put her name on.”
“Well until then, I say we go have fun. Cat found a racers bar. Think you can tell us who to bet on, Ving?”
“I’ve been out of it for a while, but as long as there aren’t too many new faces I can.”
The three of them caught up with Cat who was fixing her dress in an alcove. She looked at them and shrugged with a grin. As they entered the bar, they were all stunned in amazement. On all the walls were glowing lights, but the lights moved with images. Like the film projector Hannah had seen before, only these were electric, showing races. As they moved closer, they could hear the radio beside each race giving what sounded like a live broadcast.
“Hello, ladies,” a man greeted. “I see you have noticed my cathode-ray-tube projectors. Impressive aren’t they?”
“Is this all film or?” Hannah asked.
“Oh, no. Film is for stills. This is a broadcast. Like a telegram but for your vision.”
“Wouldn’t it make more sense to call it a television instead?”
The man stood gobsmacked for a few minutes solid before he spun around and ran away, calling for someone who could have been an assistant. It wasn’t long before he and another man began taking down signs with the mouthful of a name on them. Then he came back over to them.
“Apologies, I just got carried away and excited over that word.”
“It happens, not usually ‘that’ particular word but most of what I say does tend to make men excited.”
The tease went right over his head, “Well, thank you very much for that.”
“Assuming you can afford it,” Hannah stated flatly.
His face went pale, “Oh my, but it’s just a word. I…”
“Hush, all I want is one of these for my ship plus a camera. We have a lot of wealthy clients that would love to ask us where we got it.”
“Oh, that would be great! I mean, yes. I think I owe you as much anyways. What ship would that be?”
“The Lucky Harlot,” Hannah replied with a smile.
“Alright then, I will…” he paused. “Did you say, Harlot?”
“Indeed I did. Maybe once you show us how it works, you can find out why we have that name.”
His eyes were wide with surprise as he nodded and rushed off. Ving cocked her eyebrow at her lover for her ability to manipulate men like she did.
“Ving! Is that you?!” a man called as he approached.
The four of them turned to face the man. Ving struggled to find the words she wanted to say to him, trying to express how she felt.
“What? Nothing to say?” he asked, smiling but confused.
Still struggling for words, Ving reached for her pistol and fired three shots into his gut. She didn’t realise what she had done until she wondered why he had fallen over.
Inky and Hannah both had their weapons up and ready before the second shot had been fired and aimed at anyone who looked ready to get involved.
“Sweetie?” Hannah asked, wondering how much trouble they were in.
“I shot him,” Ving replied, as surprised as anyone else.
“I noticed. That it or what?” While Hannah wondered what was going on, she trusted that Ving had a good reason and that the man undoubtedly had something to do with why she was so broken when they had first met.
“That’s it.” Ving holstered her pistol and looked about the room.
The room was silent except for the radios, as everyone was frozen in fear. Nobody knew what to do until one of the ship’s crew rushed in, armed but undrawn. He waved everyone’s weapons down and waited until Inky and Hannah had put theirs low. He then looked to the man Hannah had spoken with.
“Sir, is there a problem?”
He looked at the women before the newcomer, “Yes, some fool is bleeding in my bar. The young lady was accosted and defended herself.”
The man nodded and snapped his fingers at the goons he had just outside the door. They dragged the bleeding man away, then another pair came in to scrub the floor. Within moments the floor was clean and people got back to their drinks. None of the women expected things to go over so smoothly.
“First time at one of these get-togethers, isn’t it?” the man asked, approaching the women again who nodded. “As long as violence doesn’t spill into chaos, they are rather understanding. If anyone was going to make problems it would be me. While I’m renting the room, it’s like my own ship. Since I owe you anyways, and it seemed like he deserved that, I didn’t see a reason to press the issue.”
“Our thanks,” Hannah stated, guiding Ving to a seat where she could get a drink.
Hannah didn’t look to Ving to get her to explain herself, she simply held her hand and put it on a glass when her drink was served. She had her own list of people from her youth she would happily gun down rather than speak with and already understood what happened.
Inky had noticed a large group of armed men sitting at a booth who had remained calm during the whole event and flashed them a smile and shrug. Their leader replied with a tip of his cap and a lift of his drink. She decided to introduce herself.
Cat felt relieved to have been ignored during the whole thing.