Vile struggled to comprehend the luxury she was surrounded with after she entered into the Duke’s chambers. Although it wasn’t as ostentatiously decorated as the rest of the palace, it was still so far beyond her experience. Her hooves made noise on the solid marble floors. As she looked down at them, each piece was inlaid with gold artwork that formed a massive image on the floor. She couldn’t make it out, but it was breathtaking all the same.
“I had started to wonder how anyone could afford the prices at my auctions, but it would seem there is wealth enough in this city,” Vile commented, trying to bring focus to her client.
“More wealth than good sense for the most part,” the Duke replied. “Though in your case, I’d wager it was well spent.”
“I have to admit, I was expecting you to be more arrogant.”
“Ah,” he laughed. “Yes, well, I can be that, if the situation calls for it. Though I find life easier if I balance it out with a little friendliness to keep rivals a little reluctant to try anything drastic. As for you, well, anyone who isn’t a political threat is better off as a friend. I’ve lost count of the servants who have told me of plots or whatnot simply because I thank them on occasion. Also, I’m nowhere near inbred enough to think offending you is a good idea.”
Vile saw his smirk and returned a warm smile, “I’m happy my appearance isn’t off putting for you. Until recently, I thought I was rather undesirable beyond the women on my ship.”
“Well I… wait, the women?” he asked with a little surprise.
“Yes, we are all rather insatiable. More so when travelling between cities.”
“Oh, well, I suppose that makes sense.” He gave a nod of approval. “Well, they know they don’t need to be afraid of you. Whereas the noble class suddenly saw you as a saviour of sorts, and more men than you realise like to be ‘taken care of’ by a strong woman.”
“I noticed that. I’ve learned a lot of things since then. But you don’t seem like them. So what’s your reason?”
“Because nobody is that direct with me. The women I hire or seduce on my own all know who I am and it’s disappointing. I found much more pleasure in the women who are grateful when I help them personally. Walking the streets and using my power to settle petty issues generates a lot of opportunities for me. Still, I’m simply too intimidating because of my rank. You, on the other hand, don’t really give a damn, and I can’t imagine anything as simple as rank or station making you quiver.”
“No, I usually need some good sex for that.”
“Fair enough, though I would like to ask one thing first.”
“By all means.”
“If you weren’t being paid, and I wasn’t a Duke, would you still be willing?”
“Under those same conditions, would you still help people like you do?”
“Well yes, it’s rather enjoyable. Also ridiculously effective at making people want to help you in return. That mean a yes for you?”
“Indeed it does. Sure, I’m being paid to be here now, but I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to. You seem to be friendly and kind, a rarity in the noble class it seems. However, you are also tall and appear robust enough to keep up with me. I crave the pleasures of the body enough that I am more willing than not — unless I have a reason to reject a specific person. You on the other hand, actually excite me. So had we met in some tavern and you had the same attitude, yes, I’d absolutely enjoy taking you someplace private so we could satisfy our urges together.”
“Well then, now that my ego has been secured, let’s have some fun.”
Vile was about to step forward to get things moving when the Duke unclasped his collar and ripped off his entire outfit in a single motion. She stopped, stunned, and laughed as he stood there, proud of the speed he was able to disrobe himself. Her laughter subsided, and she grinned as she examined his naked body. Well muscled and well endowed, although shorter than herself, he was the closest to her size that any man had come so far.
Leaving his expensive clothing on the floor, he approached Vile, admiring how the silk that wrapped around her powerful body. Showing off her deep red skin, powerful hooves, massive breasts, and incredible figure. The ivory horns coming from her skull that were starting to curl had gold wire wrapped around them. Her tails twitched as they swayed behind her. While he took his time to appreciate her body, slowly moving his hands over her skin, her tails wrapped around his hard member and gently squeezed and teased it.
His hands went down her thighs and he knelt to be able to reach where her hooves met her skin. Almost totally ignored by other clients she had taken, the Duke seemed to take his time touching them. Pushing the silk aside to get his head between her legs, he kissed the inside of her thighs while his hands reached around to hold them from the opposite side. Vile moaned, only Inky had ever given that much careful attention to her, and it was thrilling that others would find as much pleasure to be had. Her knees weakened for a moment as his face climbed higher to briefly press against the silk covering her wetness.
Vile gently held his head close to her body as he got to her navel, his hands reaching around her to grip where her tails met her lower back. He tugged on them slightly and she, in turn, squeezed harder with them wrapped around his manhood. Finally arriving under her breasts, Vile couldn’t see his head when she looked down. Instead, she looked into the mirror that covered the whole wall in front of her. She watched as he slowly pushed the silk aside to uncover her breasts, and she watched his hands blindly explore them to find her dark nipples. The moment he touched them, she groaned in pleasure as a short climax escaped her. It always happened when someone took the time to pay careful attention to her body.
She watched as his head came up in between her breasts, his tongue slowly licking the narrow spot on her chest between them. Leaning down to kiss him and wrestle her split tongue with his, before he pulled away to lick along her breasts to reach the nipples he had been pinching and twisting. Her breasts squished together as he pulled on them, to make switching between them easier. Another shuddered gasp escaped her lips as her body shook with another climax. The Duke came in to kiss her again, pushing her back as he stripped the silk completely off her body. Her body was naked before him by the time he had her against the heavy doors they had entered by.
“Can you hold on?” he asked, nodding to the oversized knockers his architect had put on the wrong side of the door.
Vile reached up and gripped onto the rings as he reached around her legs and, with focused effort, lifted her off her hooves. She had never been lifted by anyone like that before. Even with her help and the door behind her, his muscles bulged with the effort. Her tails were caught between his body and her own as he slid inside her. Vile unwrapped them to allow him deeper entry into her body. She gasped and moaned at the sensation of being lifted by the man inside her. He pulled her away from the wall only to slam her back against it with each thrust.
The powerful demon screamed as a climax ripped through her body as the relentless penetration continued to assault her. She could see him sweating with the effort, and strained her own arms to make it easier for him. Her tails wrapped around his powerful legs as they propelled his body to slam her over and over against the door.
It wasn’t until another climax burst from her mouth that he finally let her down. Her legs unable to support herself, left her kneeling on the floor in front of him. She took him into her mouth and tasted her own juices as her throat was filled. Never before had anyone been able to handle her like that, and she wondered how much fun it would be to watch Inky be used in such a way. Thinking of her lover like that motivated her to put her hand between her legs, working her fingers inside herself as her mouth kept up the pace on the man before her.
When he pulled away, he took a look at the demon woman touching herself while on her knees. He grabbed her by the horns and led her on all fours, right in front of the mirror wall where she saw herself. Then moving behind her, he watched as she watched him push inside her body from behind. Big enough that she didn’t need to be on a bed for him to reach, he held onto her hips as he thrust inside her. Vile wrapped her tails around his arms that then switched his grip too.
Yanking on her tails with each thrust, he watched in the mirror how her breasts bounced with each thrust. Her open mouth, gasping for air, dripping with saliva, moaned deeply as he continued. The Duke smiled as her arms buckled and her face hit the floor after yet another climax rocked her body. Her tongue hung out as she panted, still moaning with each rough thrust inside her.
“Are you finished?” he asked, sounding more like he was baiting her than asking if she was done.
“I’ll admit,” she gasped. “I do like the idea of you having my unconscious body, but I am far from finished.”
Vile took a deep breath and got to her hooves. Turning around and lifting the Duke up and turning him upside down. She took him down her throat again and used her tails to push his face between her legs. He held onto her thighs as he licked in between the folds of her flesh to find the right spot for her. Vile almost bit down when he did.
Then slowly, she carried him over to his bed and tossed him onto it. He bounced on the soft surface a few times before settling down. She quickly mounted him and slowly rocked her hips over his and felt her belly, feeling the manhood inside her. He reached up to yank on her nipples as she picked up the pace, and slammed her body into his over and over, causing them to sink deeper into the soft bed. There was a fire in her eyes as he looked into them, her powerful arms on either side of his head making it impossible for him to turn away.
Vile growled in his face as her strongest climax yet forced its way out of her and lit her hair on fire. As she relaxed after two full minutes of pleasure, she lowered herself to lie on the man, still working her hips to keep him inside her. Then she rolled onto her back and brought him up on top of her. She pushed him up to feel his manhood between her breasts and pushed them together to tighten around him. Sensing it was his turn to be satisfied, he gripped her breasts and thrust between them with vigour.
Watching himself appear and disappear between the red flesh, each time being licked by the split tongue, sent him to his own climax, and he saw his seed spurt out and land on her face before she could take him and swallow each hard pump of his seed. She smiled as she looked up at him, mouth full, face covered, her tails playing with it on her face rather than cleaning it off.
“That was singularly amazing,” he muttered, as he slowed himself and enjoyed the view.
“If by singular you mean round one, then yes,” Vile teased with a smile.
He slid down to rest his head on her breast. “You are correct indeed.”
Vile once again had her silk wrapped around her body. Exhausted, she was still breathing hard after finally tiring out the Duke. She probably could have kept going, but he certainly couldn’t, and all good things have to end at some point.
“You are certainly a sight when dressing in fine silk,” the Duke stated, as the Duke began to surprisingly dress himself.
“I’d almost suggest that your clothing hides too much of yourself, but it did make for a wonderful surprise.”
“Ah well, I do have them tailored to make me softer looking, to throw off my nobles. I must say though, it was a pleasure to be with a woman who I didn’t have to hold back on.”
“And I was most pleased with only having to hold back a little bit.” Vile winked at the Duke.
He scoffed. “I thank you for that. I do enjoy being able to walk without needing healing magic and months of practice. I hope someday you can totally lose yourself and unleash everything you have on a lover.”
“I do have a lover, and I can unleash all the love I have on her. But that’s a bit different. Though I admit I did find a thrill in the thought of watching her receive your best efforts. Perhaps when you are ready, you could hire the both of us.”
“I think I would need about a week to recover, but if you are still here, then we can do just that. You don’t mind your lover with others?”
“She’s probably had several since I’ve been here. Now I get to go back to her and slide my tongue inside her to taste all of them.”
“So, no. You don’t mind,” he laughed, now dressed. “Is she not one of the two that came with you then?”
“No, she’s the dark-skinned woman in charge of the ship’s guards. Though if you had any energy left, I’m sure either or both of the women who arrived with me would be in the mood for you right now. They are probably aching for some action.”
The Duke pulled a rope beside the door, activating the mechanism to open the door. “I’d say we should have thought of that a round or two ago, but I wouldn’t trade either of those bouts with you for any other woman.”
Vile was about to reply when the door opened and the stench of rot and bile wafted into the room in a putrid wave. She looked at the carnage that surrounded Hannah and Hope. “What the hell happened?!”
In the gardens, in the sunlight, away from the carnage, the girls regrouped while the Duke handled the situation.
“So Vile, have fun?” Hannah asked, gripping the rifle she had liberated.
“Lots. We talked, sipped tea, you know, classy stuff. So about the hallway of dead bodies?”
“Oh right, that. So it seems people who get bit without being dead and don’t get the care I got from the good sister, turn into undead thralls. She sent them all after us, and they all seem to have been in the palace.”
“Makes sense,” Hope spoke. “If you are going to make a heap of slaves out of people, do it to the ones with the most influence and power.”
“Why didn’t she go after the Duke?” Hannah asked, turning to Vile.
“He’s got a bit of a saviour complex, like helping regular folk, and when the pretty girls are grateful, he gives them a tumble. No interest in fucking his own class. Probably knows how much trouble it would cause, even if they were just human.”
“So what’s the play now?” Hope asked.
“Take that flying carriage back to the ship and bring Liddy here. Maybe Cat as well. The two of them know this sorta thing better than any of us.”
“Agreed,” Hope stated as she turned to leave.
“Bring Foxy and Easy as well!” Hannah called out after Hope had taken a few steps.
Hope nodded, but didn’t really understand why. She figured Hannah had a reason, but didn’t want to delay anything by asking why.
As she left, the Duke walked over. “Well this is a bit of a mess,” he understated. “Most of the people I would normally yell at to clean up this mess are actually part of it. The one woman who was on my staff and not one of them was the poor thing stuck in the middle of it with you. Last thing I am going to do to her is make her do anything other than rest. My city guard is taking over the palace now. Hopefully, they can find what’s left of my government and I can start promoting people.”
“What are you going to tell the public?” Vile asked, resting her hand on his shoulder.
“I don’t know!” he shouted. “My speech writer is was in there as well!”
“If I learned anything about the upper class dealing with disasters, it’s that you are better off announcing it like a celebration or victory,” Hannah explained.
“Soo…” he paused. “My palace was just attacked by…”
“Valiantly defended by,” Hannah corrected.
“Right, from my own staff…”
“The last servants of the monster that’s been plaguing your city. It’s probably still alive but enormously weakened since she didn’t show up in person. So, ignore who the thralls were before. Say they died in the battle, not how. Talk about how the threat has been purged, and if anyone learns the truth, act like it was obvious and that they uncovered nothing new.”
“You have done this before?”
“Yes, once recently, and once more when I was under a noble’s covers, feeding him lines when his advisors came in. Good times.”
“Right. I’m going to go find a new speech writer then.” the Duke sighed as he walked off.
“What are you working at here, Hannah?” Vile asked, curious about her intentions.
“Same as usual, trying to get us out on top of the mess we got stuck in. I’ve also got a plan, but I think you will like it.”
Catherine was kissing Mari, feeling her breasts crushing against the massive, ink-covered pair belonging to her friend. She could feel the metal piercings pressing against her harder every time Mari pulled her closer. Their client must have loved the sight of the ink-covered arms wrapped around the noble woman he was thrusting inside because he grunted hard as he started to lose himself inside her. Quickly, he pulled out and pushed back into Mari so she could have her share of his seed. They kept kissing as he finished, and both reached down to massage the other. As the man dressed, distractedly, the women brought each other to their full and each sounded off their climax. It wasn’t until they were done did they regard their client, who politely nodded before leaving.
“Towel or tongue?” Cat asked, not bothering to wait before twisting around to lick the flesh between Mari’s legs.
Mari mumbled what sounded like a sarcastic answer, muffled by Cat pushing herself into the pierced face. Taking their time to clean the other, rolling over to let gravity help, they did end up using the towels to finish off, but enjoyed the long way.
After dressing again, they left the workroom and received a suspicious eye from Liddy, who immediately introduced a client to Mari. Cat watched as the man slapped Mari on the ass, going back to the work room where one of the guards came out, a bundle of sheets over her head, hiding her identity.
“You know she is spoken for, right?” Liddy asked, bringing Cat’s attention to her.
“Yeah, I know,” Cat snapped her head around. “Actually, I’ve been thinking of getting my own ink. Some piercings. I know the elegant noblewoman angle works well, but I kinda feel like it’s not who I am anymore.”
“Well, don’t hold back on my account. If you want something, then go for it. I highly doubt it would reduce your clients. Though if whatever you get is easy to hide, it would make an interesting reveal in the bedroom.”
“I’m glad you are so supportive. I imagined it being a tough sell.”
“Not at all. I can act as a noble woman if I really need to. So can Hannah, believe it or not. It’s your call. Just remember that getting things removed is expensive, so just think on it.”
“Indeed, speaking of her, are they still out?”
“Yeah. Should be back soon, but who knows?”
Liddy turned to check the sky for their arrival. She smiled at the coincidence of her looking and seeing the flying carriage arrive. However, when Hope emerged, her armor covered in blood and her face tired, her heart sank. Hope offered a smile and a wave as she noticed Liddy, who was relieved that she wouldn’t have done so if someone had died.
When she got closer, Liddy could see the expression on her face say, ‘So, something happened that totally wasn’t our fault.’
The number of people in the garden was growing, as all sorts showed up to find out what had happened. Soldiers that had been called in, nobles trying to find out who had died, and some poor souls who showed up for work only to find the people they knew were dead. One noble, who had a tent set up so he could work without the wind getting in his way, kept the door flap open in the direction of the women.
“Fighting tends to tense oneself up, don’t you agree?” Hannah asked Vile, making a show of stretching.
Vile watched Hannah start her suspiciously seductive exercises. “Really?” she asked.
“I haven’t been laid in a while. Plus, if we are going to get anything good out of this mess, then what better way than buttering up some local power.”
“You mean there is someone in this city you haven’t had sex with?”
“Seeing as ‘I’ have been out of action for a while, yes. There are a lot of someones. And I’m going to start with the one eying me up right now.”
“Oh right, it’s been the rest of us. Still, I didn’t think anyone in the upper class hadn’t been on our ship.”
“Well, maybe not a lot, but this is a big city and there are a lot more rich people here, and there are only so many women on the ship seeing them. Besides, it’s not like he’d be saying no to another round.”
“Fair enough, have at him. I’m still rather satisfied, and I think anyone else right now would be anti-climatic.”
Assuming the noble hadn’t had his tent set up facing the women on purpose, he was certainly pleased by the happy coincidence. Spending more time eying Hannah’s efforts to limber herself up after combat than attending his own work.
It wasn’t long before a page addressed her while she had one leg up on Viles’ chest, showing off her flexibility and the tight shorts she had on under the skirt. He invited her to his Lord’s tent while utterly failing not to blush. Hannah smiled, to be polite, and because she could have easily been wearing something far more interesting under her skirt. However, still recovering, she had opted for something more comfortable. The Lord rose to greet her, something Hannah was surprised to see him do, and offered her a seat with his hand.
“Welcome, please have a seat,” the Lord said, remaining standing while Hannah sat down.
“Thank you for the invitation. Quite a day today. You look busy,” Hannah replied, figuring his game out.
“Indeed, chaos and rumour abound. Only a matter of time before the people hear about it.” As he spoke, he walked around his desk to sit on the corner.
“I’m sure they will be satisfied with whatever you decide to tell them,” Hannah said, stroking his ego. Aware he was trying to intimidate her and make her uncomfortable with his presence.
“Well, that is up to the Duke, so it depends on what he says.” He shifted his legs a bit wider, eying her chest.
“Oh,” Hannah replied, trying to act surprised that he wasn’t the man in charge. “Well I’m sure he listens to you, doesn’t he? I mean, with so many out of the… well, with so many dead.” Her confused-sounding tone throwing him off.
“Well, yes, his advisors are all gone…” He drifted off for a moment, considering his options.
Hannah was surprised he hadn’t already realised the power vacuum created by the whole mess. “Does anyone else know what really happened?”
Picking up on her assumption that he had some inside clue, “There was an attack, many staffers died, possibly many nobles. Though I would like to know more about yourself and what you are doing here.”
He stood up to walk behind Hannah, who, far from intimidated by the tactic, pushed out her chest as she pondered how to kill him from that position if she had to. “Well, I personally know the soldiers who defended the Duke.”
“Well now, that is interesting.” His hands rested on her shoulders and took a firm grip. “Not his house guard?”
Hannah let out a vulnerable squeak at the grip before breathing in to give him a slightly better view of her cleavage. “No, we are outsiders. They just happened to be there when things went down.”
“Good for you.” His hands started to massage her shoulders. “That beast outside?”
“Wasn’t involved at all,” Hannah replied. “She was just doing some heavy lifting. Well… she did walk in at the end and raised the alarm, if that matters.”
“I suppose it might,” he mumbled, as his hands got closer to her chest while still pretending to massage her. “As long as the focus is on who did the actual work. Did the client who hired them die? Maybe we could say it was someone else who survived.”
“I’m afraid it was the Duke himself.” Hannah sounded disappointed. “You aren’t mad at me for saying that are you?”
“That depends on how good you are at keeping secrets.” His hands shot down to grip her breasts. “Well?”
Hannah gasped. They were still rather tender from the bites, even after the healing. “Yes du… erm… lord, sir. I can be quiet.”
“That’s a good girl.” He smiled at the idea of being called Duke. “Now tell me what you know.”
“Well, sir,” her voice trembled as his massaging of her breasts popped her bra off. “The soldiers responsible I think will get rewarded somehow. To distract people from the… bad things.”
“A good play. What do you think I should do then? Any ideas?” His tone was condescending as he started to pull on her exposed nipples until she cried out.
“Lord please, that hur… I mean… thank you, sir, but I don’t know. The Duke just looks like he needs a friend.”
“Of course a woman would say that,” he scoffed, going back to gently molesting her like it was some kind of reward. “Though that is an interesting angle. I wouldn’t ever be able to replace the Duke, but getting in on his good side when he is vulnerable would be a fine play.”
Hannah remained silent, squirming a bit in her seat, more to show off her legs than anything else.
“Oh? Ready then?”
He grabbed her by the hair and yanked her up and put her on the desk, spreading her legs.
“I could use a human interruption right now Foxy, or I am going to have to kill this sack of shit,” Hannah whispered, hoping she had arrived.
A hand bell rang outside, “My lord, envoy of the Duke is here. Summons to a meeting.”
“Damn it!” he shouted, having just withdrawn himself from his trousers and now having to push everything back in. “Get out and keep quiet. I will find you later. Keep in mind, things will be worse if you say anything.”
Hannah stayed on the table until he left. Then she stood up and looked around, deciding he had to pay for services rendered. A fine fur coat was inside a steamer trunk full of silk outfits, and some rather expensive personal effects. She bundled them up and exited the tent.
“Excuse me?” she addressed the guard standing outside. “Do you always stand watch while your lord rapes women, or is this your first time?”
Before he could answer or ask about the bundle in her left hand, the knife from her right hand that had been drawn from his own belt was plunged into his neck. She dropped the bundle and hauled the man into the tent, where she stuffed him into the trunk and locked it. Leaving again, and collecting the bundle, she headed off to find Vile greeting Liddy and the others.
“Oh, did you just arrive?” Hannah asked, surprised.
“Yes,” Liddy replied.
Hannah regarded Foxy, who didn’t seem to have heard her request from the tent. Instead, her ears twitched and she looked towards it. “Is someone bleeding out in there?”
“Yes, one less than would have been if something hadn’t happened.”
A few hours later, on a promenade just below the garden level, a crowd gathered to greet the Duke and his newest friend. Before them were the various kinds of sycophants you normally found, but also photographers and men with microphones at the end of long wires running to some transmitters set up at the far end.
Hannah stood just to the edge of the field of vision of her mark, trying to look sheepish and avoid eye contact. She didn’t want to miss anything.
“Greetings! People of the capital! I am Lord Moulton, newly appointed Chancellor! Today there has been a great tragedy. As many of you know, there was a monster plaguing our city. Then, after its defeat by those loyal to your Duke, its minions lashed out the Duke himself. Many have died, but our city and our Duke remain strong. The minions defeated, we are here now to celebrate the warriors who committed this valiant act! I announce to you, your Duke!”
The Duke stepped forward, “Thank you, Chancellor. Now while I am sure many of you are relieved at my good health, I apologize to those who are not. I can only please so many people at a time.” The crowd chuckled at the joke. “While monsters and danger are not so strange to anyone in this world, we at the Capital seldom see it so closely. Perhaps it is fitting that those who faced this danger were outsiders simply here by chance. Showing us that there is strength to be had at welcoming others into the city. In that spirit, allow me to personally welcome the warriors who defended me.”
Foxy walked out onto the stage and greeted the Duke, wearing full combat kit. There were shocked gasps and a pause in the flash bulbs. As they shook hands, the pictures started again, and soon Easy came out wearing Hannah’s shotgun. She was dressed in Ving’s leather pants and jacket since most of her wardrobe would be a bit too salacious for the event. Of course, as surprised as anyone was to see women on stage, the fact that they were Emberborn was what stunned them. The Chancellor most of all. Then Vile walked out, hooves shaking the marble floor as she walked. The Duke and Vile shared a sly smile as they shook hands.
“To those who are listening, unable to see, the three women who have just come to receive my welcome are Emberborn.”
As he paused, the Chancellor was stunned and confused. Looking over to Hannah in anger, getting a wicked smile in return. His face went white in terror at being played, then looked confused. He had been made Chancellor, he shouldn’t have had to fear anything. The Duke nudged him for the papers he was supposed to hand him. Brought back to task he gave them to the Duke.
The Duke started to read the papers, “These women, under the employ of…” He faltered, looking at Liddy who was ready to come on stage and looking back at Vile. He dropped the papers, “It doesn’t matter who they worked for. These Emberborn aren’t slaves, they are free. Free to have run away the moment danger approached. But they didn’t, they stood and fought to protect innocent life. Not just mine, but the life of a lowly clerk who none in the ruling class would have spared a thought for. Animals don’t do that, and if they aren’t animals, then neither are any of the Emberborn, regardless of what they look like. They have the capacity for courage, honour, and compassion that would take me months to find in our so-called noble houses. Now normally, when an Emberborn does something like this, they are granted freedom. Yet these women are already free.” He paused, collected his breath. “So since I can’t free them, I am freeing the rest. All of them. No papers to be signed. I am declaring all contracts of ownership or indentured servitude, null and void. As since this is my decree, any who are found in violation of the word and spirit of this new law will be found guilty of treason.”
The silence was deafening. The city around them seemed to go quiet with the news almost instantly. Nobody, not even Hannah, who had just expected to let Foxy and Easy be seen as the heroes to be the best case scenario, failed to be stunned. The Duke nodded to Vile and walked off, followed eventually by his new Chancellor.
Vile was trying to speak to the Duke, but not actually getting any words out.
“I know, right?!” the Duke replied. “I’m as surprised as you are. Well, maybe not quite so, but still! Wow.” He handed Vile a drink, who continued to stammer while he turned to Liddy. “Apologies for going off script.”
“Not a worry at all,” she answered. “Will you really be able to make this work?”
“Ah, that’s the beauty of radio my dear, it’s already done. Everyone heard me say that. As we speak, people are rushing to free their property to avoid treason charges. They aren’t going to wait to see what happens in politics. They don’t want to be caught holding the bag. As unhappy as they might be, nobody can do anything to stop it. Even if I am deposed, right now, the word is already out and nobody is going to be able to take it back.”
“It will be chaos. People will get hurt.”
“People get hurt all the time, but ever since the attack, the guards have been on the street with the military regulars. That will keep a lid on things while it gets sorted out. I’ve already dispatched men to secure the personal servants of the upper class to replace those killed in the attack. I start employing Emberborn with wages, their own houses will be in too much chaos with all their talent gone — they won’t be able to do anything. The clever part is that financially, I haven’t taken much from them. They lose no political power, and once they realise this, they will settle down.”
“What did you do, Hannah?” Vile asked, finally calmed down.
“Oh,” Hannah replied, getting her own drink while admiring the selection in the Duke’s quarters. “I just insinuated to him that he should play friendly with the Duke and basically turn him into a yes-man. I figured it would get us some sweet reward and expose people to hero Emberborn.”
“That’s why you had Foxy and me take your place?” Easy asked, sniffing bottles to find one she liked.
“Pretty much. If Hope or I been on that stage, we would have been the focus and a way for them to ignore Vile. Hope is rather too humble for those kinds of accolades.” Hannah looked at Hope, who nodded. “And I’d rather not be famous enough for people to recognize me on the street.”
“Well, then, what do we do now?” Catherine asked, handing Easy a bottle she knew she would like.
“Well Captain,” the Duke started. “If you would take a knee.” Liddy knelt in front of the Duke. “Umm… just one knee, Captain. I’m bestowing knightship, not… that.”
“Oh!” Liddy exclaimed, going to a single knee.
As the Duke drew the metal kind of sword, Hannah shook her head.
He tapped her on each shoulder with it before speaking, “I bestow upon you the title, Lady of the Capitol.”
The assembled women applauded as Liddy rose to her feet and received a sigil from the Duke in the shape of the horse shoe H she used for her ship. She used it to press into the hot wax of the declaration of her new title, after the Duke had done so with his.
“Now the political records will show that a human received the highest reward of the day. So if someone tries some crap, I can just point to this. I do enjoy undermining the efforts of my court. Now, normally I offer a piece of land or some such in these situations, but I think something more mobile might appeal to you. I’d like to offer you a new ship. Something I can have my people customize to your needs.”
“Oh, I have so many ideas,” Liddy replied.
Hannah walked along the promenade, now mostly empty of people and equipment, finding the Chancellor looking off into the city. He seemed rather angry, and as she approached, she wondered what to say. She had a speech running in her head, a series of threats, some snide comments. Yet it occurred to her that nothing she said would ever change him. He wouldn’t stop harming women just because one bested him. He would always be a predator. Of course, she was one herself, and knew the only way to deal with one. Looking around, she saw nobody, so she grabbed him by the legs and heaved him over the railing. His screams fell away as she watched him fall, looking over the edge she saw him hit the side of the massive structure. He flopped and bumped around like a ragdoll as he kept falling over the gradually expanding building. Soon lost to distance and shadow, he was gone. Hannah looked around. Again, seeing nobody, she strolled away.
Liddy looked at the photo on the front page of the paper as Easy put it on the bar table. Ving and Hannah walked into the lounge, each wearing silk robes.
“Alright, now that I got that out of my system, I think I am ready to start seeing clients again.”
Liddy was only partially listening to Hannah. She marvelled at the photo of Vile with Easy and Foxy standing with the Duke. The article seemed to be praising the whole deal, and she was letting herself feel hopeful.
Astra cleared her throat, “Ma’am, a messenger here to see you.”
Liddy turned to greet a man in a suit, who found himself quite distracted by the robes on the two women who had failed to tie them up.
“Can I help you?” Liddy asked, smiling at his distraction.
“I… yes. I was sent to deliver this.” He handed Liddy a letter.
After opening it and reading, her eyes perked up, “Yes, I will be attending.”
The Messenger nodded at her reply and, after a few more looks at the women, left. Everyone turned to Liddy, who was reading the letter again.
“So, what’s the deal, your ladyship?” Hannah asked.
“A merchants guild meeting. Apparently, it’s being hosted not far from here and I have been invited. This is a huge deal. Normally only the biggest tycoons get invitations. It would seem that we have been noticed.”
“That was fast,” Ving commented, pushing Hannah against the bar to pin her with her body.
“Well, probably dispatched before today’s events. That makes it even more surprising.” Liddy ignored Hannah, who was beside her, getting felt up while Ving kissed her. “It’s happening soon, so we will finish our shift tonight and head off. We could stay in the capital forever, but I want to get in on this and find out how we attracted their attention.”
“So is this a good thing or should we be suspicious?” Inky asked, walking up the stairs in front of Vile, who still had two tails under the skirt in front of her.
“Good. Actually very good. People aren’t given invites unless they are going to be major players in some way. Still, everyone will need to keep their eyes open when we get there. It’s a whole new game once we are.”
Easy pressed her lips against the tip of the manhood in front of her while her tongue wrapped itself around the whole length and massaged it tightly. It had taken a lot of practice, but she was getting really good at using it in ways she hadn’t ever imagined. The man she was with was thrilled at the sight of a hero of the city, on her knees in front of him. He looked into her eyes as she smiled, and fluttered her wings while she worked. Normally for him, the women he hired wore forced smiles, but she seemed to take genuine joy in the experience.
“Pretty little thing. I can’t imagine a feeling better than this.”
“Good. Things are always better when they are unexpected.” As Easy replied, she stood up, her tongue slowly unravelling from him.
She pulled him onto the bed and pulled herself on top. Then, sliding him inside her, she gripped him with the muscles she had inside herself. Rocking her hips at the same time, he gasped, almost frightened, as he lost control and filled her with his seed.
“Oh my, but so soon, I always last so much…” he was cut off with a finger on his lips.
“Hush, we aren’t done yet.”
Easy tugged harder on him inside her, and after a few minutes of her breasts in his face, he started to get hard again. She kissed him and smiled, working her hips again to feel him slide in and out of her body. He gripped her by her breasts, using them to try and move her faster, despite her hips being far more helpful handholds. As he watched her, he saw her tongue reach out and tease her nipples as they showed through his grips. Finally starting to thrust for himself, he made Easy start to gasp, and soon enough he felt her quiver and grip hard on his member inside her. He pulled her head down to kiss her as she screamed, wrestling her tongue with his. Then again he felt his control slip and groaned in climax again.
As their kiss broke, Easy slowly slithered her tongue back, watching him keep his lips wrapped around it as long as he could. “Now how was that?”
“Better than anything I have ever experienced. I’d like to offer you something more. Payment doesn’t seem like enough.”
“You have already given me your seed and satisfied me. But whatever else you had in mind would be just as welcome.”
Foxy was surprised. While she knew Emberborn had been freed, she wasn’t expecting one to be a client.
“You are willing to… service me, right?” the brawny feline asked.
“Of course!” Foxy replied, almost defensively. “I’m just torn between actually charging you and wondering where you got the money.”
“Oh,” he laughed. “When I handed my old master the paper, I may have been a bit stunned by it. When he finally read it, he swore because he had been too involved with his work to have heard the news earlier. Then he actually sighed in relief. I was really confused when he actually started to shed tears. Then he went off for a while and brought back a younger Emberborn girl. Then introduced me to his daughter. He had been keeping her hidden her whole life. Then he offered me a job, the same job — just with pay, and gave me a stack of bills as back pay. Said I should buy a life and take some time off. I was about to go find a place to live and whatnot when I thought that I’d love to just meet the woman in the paper. That’s when I found out what you did and well…”
Foxy looked at Liddy who was standing next to her. “Oh, just go and use my room. No charge, just enjoy yourselves.”
Liddy waved them inside. Nobody had been close enough to overhear them, so she wasn’t worried about the freebie.
Foxy gripped the man’s hand and rushed him down the ship to Liddy’s room, where she leapt onto the bed, sliding off her dress in mid-air. On all fours, she growled with a grin. He grinned, showing his teeth as he stripped out of his clothing and approaching the bed.
By the time he was naked, he was on all fours as well, creeping up the side as if stalking prey. He leapt at Foxy, tackling her and tumbling over her, feeling her nip at him as he did the same. Although she was well trained enough to not get pinned below him, and to escape even if he did, she was feeling far too feral to think about it. Her face, forced to the ground, her bum in the air, touching the body keeping her pinned, her tail erect in the small space between them. She felt him sliding between her legs. She could see his member rubbing along the fine fur of her belly, showing how deep inside her he would be reaching. Then, after pulling back, she felt him pushing inside, pushing farther inside her than she was expecting. She howled and bit down on the arm near her face that was supporting her mate above her.
His thrusts were quick, rough, and more forceful as time went on. Foxy felt her whole body shake with the rapid rhythm of her breeding. Unlike what had happened at the farm, this to her was honest breeding, her wild-self revelling in the act of lust. She howled as her climax tore through her body the moment his seed pumped through the member inside her womb. They collapsed on the bed, though Foxy kept her bum in the air.
“That was…” he struggled to breathe and find words.
“Just the first. Rest a moment.”
Foxy crawled back down the bed until she could take him in her mouth. She tasted herself on him and licked greedily. She wanted him ready to go again, so she took him in her mouth and kept going until he was hard again. Foxy loved the sight of an Emberborn man’s member more than a human; they looked more natural. She smiled as she looked up into his eyes, her hands around him, telling him they were ready to go again.