Start At The Bottom, Work Your Way Up (Or, “Toes to Crotch”)

"First divorce client persuades lawyer to take her case, with a twist"

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I was a young lawyer, eager to save the world, and very much in need of some real courtroom experience. Divorce work tended to be precisely the type of work that got young lawyers that fast-paced experience in litigation, and it was, quite honestly, difficult to mess it up. Besides, judges tended to give young guys like me a little extra leeway when it came to doing things correctly. A little “help” from the bench never hurt.

My employer and best friend, Robert, had leased for me an exceptionally nice office just upstairs from his own in the refurbished Victorian Mansion that had been built about a decade before The Civil War. That office was worth all of the three a.m. drunken phone calls I’d ever had to take. Dark green textured walls, a luxurious, hand-woven oriental rug covering most of the hardwood floor, and it had its own fireplace. It was impressive. I had a desk made from an old mahogany apartment grand piano, and my most luxurious item, an enormous, buttery soft distressed-leather couch I had placed along the side wall. Even the gaslight chandelier was original to the house, though it had been converted to electrical operation decades ago.

Still, youth is never satisfied with the seemingly slow pace of life.

“Come on, Robert!” I pleaded with my boss, “Just please get me a few small cases so I can get some experience in an actual courtroom in front of an actual judge. How about one divorce case?” I begged.

Finally, Robert relented, and handed me a divorce file, adding, “Don’t fuck it up, alright? And remember, this job isn’t always about the money, alright? Besides, you were here for her intake interview, and when you left the room, she licked her lips and asked if maybe she could have you take over her case on your own anyway.” Robert chuckled, and I of course assumed he was merely joking at my expense, just to add a little extra tension to the situation for me.

‘Yeah, great, real funny, Robert,’ I thought to myself as I snatched the file from Robert’s hand.

I was ecstatic! I clutched the client file and ran up the massive, winding staircase, flung my office door open, and tossed the file onto my buttery soft leather couch, not even taking the time to remove my suit jacket before I began to page through it. Of course, the first thing I pulled out was Robert’s traditional client photo that he always took upon first signing the client up for representation, especially in divorce cases. The client’s name was Lori Kensington, and she wanted her maiden name, Blackmoore, back in the divorce.

I nervously slid the photo of “my” first client out of the pocket that was glued to the inside cover of the file folder. “Wow,” I actually said out loud, “I would have bet a grand that Robert would stick me with some old cow he had no desire to represent on his own for my first case to handle solo, but this is one attractive lady! And damn! Of course I remember her now!”

Maybe Robert hadn’t been joking about this gorgeous woman wanting me to represent her? But no, Robert was always just mind fucking me, and this was certainly no exception. What interest could a woman who looked like this possibly have in a kid like me anyway? Robert did divorce cases for one reason only – he accepted only exceptionally good looking female clients who, he always discussed in the initial interview, “Just wanted to get back at the cheating piece of shit husband and to take him for all he was worth along the way.”

Her intake sheet, filled out by one of our paralegals said she was forty-eight, although she hardly looked it, worked part time as an accountant, and was 5’4” and 108 pounds. The last two items had been hand written in through the use of Robert’s ever-present fountain pen. “Isn’t that just like Robert,” I chuckled to myself, “That info hardly seems relevant to a divorce case, but still, the picture of this woman that was beginning to form in my mind was straight out of a porn movie. Well, I was about twenty-six, so what other sorts of movies would a guy my age have been “making” in his mind?

I paged through the rest of the file looking for the Scheduling Order of the Court that set out the dates upon which each item of litigation must be completed. “Holy Shit!” I actually yelled down the stairs to Robert in a panic, “The file says she’s got an appointment to meet to discuss her soon-to-be-ex’s Response to her Petition for Dissolution Of Marriage at 2:30 this afternoon! How am I supposed to get familiar enough with this case to explain this guy’s Response to her in less than two hours, Robert, Jees! What’s the deal with that little stunt?” I asked rhetorically as I turned around and walked back to my couch, this time pausing to take off my suit jacket and hanging it in the ancient armoire with mirrored doors that stood in my office.

I became so engrossed in making notes about what I needed to explain to this insanely attractive woman, which didn’t help to keep me focused on what I needed to be doing. In fact, I was so engrossed in putting the latest pleading into lay terms that I hadn’t noticed Robert walk into my office, arms folded, and stand quietly, watching me sweat.

“Well, boy, you wanted to have a case all on your own, so here you go.” Robert startled me with his booming voice echoing in the high ceilings of my office. “So the first thing you’ve got to learn is that you’ll never have enough time to prepare, so consider that your first lesson.” Robert continued.

“Yeah, sure, I guess you’re right, but I’m sure you notice this woman is well, how do we say this properly… “ I searched for words, and Robert interjected.

“She’s fuckin’ hotter’n a two dollar pistol, and she’s really short on funds, so I think you’ll learn a hell of a lot on this case, boy!” Robert laughed as he patted my shoulder on his way out the door, closing it behind him, and I continued to make my notes on the file. “You know, boy, she’s really pissed at her husband for messing around on her, and she’s just dying to get even. Just so you know, got it?” Robert’s enormous voice boomed as he descended the stairs outside of my office.

“Yeah, yeah, sure Robert,” I muttered back through the closed door, not even thinking about what he was trying to tell me. I continued flipping through the pages of the client file. “Okay, two kids, one twelve, the other fourteen, so need to bring in the child support statute, plug that in there with her husband’s income of $287,326.87 per year, and her part-time income of $27,248.00 per year.” ‘Well,’ I thought to myself, ‘This should leave her with some nice child support even if the judge decides he wants to use the standardized formula set out in the statute. That’s at least something good I can tell her.’

But all too soon, my intercom buzzed and it was our receptionist, informing me that Ms. Kensington was here to see me.

“Send her on up,” I replied, as I rushed to the armoire to put my jacket back on –  and alright, I’ll admit, I also looked in the mirror, making sure my tie was straight, and my hair just perfect. For some reason, I felt like a high school kid getting ready for a date. That sort of nervous sexual tension a guy gets when he’s about to go on a first date. Yes, I did have to laugh at myself. “Just treat her like any other client.” I said to myself as I opened my office door, only to find, Ms. Kensington about to knock.

Our eyes met as we laughed at our timing, and I noticed a hint of lilac perfume, now that we were standing only about a foot apart. Yes, there was that almost overpowering sexual tension already, and I could tell she felt it as well, watching her twist her long reddish brown hair as she moved to face me square on. I could only stand in disbelief at the incredibly gorgeous woman now standing in front of me, and like that nervous high school kid, I just stood there, in awe, and certainly looking foolish. Perhaps more so if she had caught me staring down at her low cut black dress that was straining to contain two non-surgically-enhanced and perfectly proportioned breasts.

“Um, Robert said you’d be taking over my case, although he’d be overseeing everything, and that you had received some pleadings from the asshole… uh, sorry, my hopefully soon-to-be ex? So, do you think maybe we should go into your office or do you want to just stand here in the doorway?” my client asked with a nervous laugh to her voice, which was one of those few female voices that just oozed sex; her voice, especially combined with her smile, not to mention her tight little black dress, well, I found it difficult to find the words to speak, and anyone who knows me will tell you that is truly an unusual situation.

“Ha, oh my gosh, I’m so sorry Ms. Kensington, you just sort of took me by surprise, and… ” I stuttered, and with that, she gently placed her hand on my chest and pushed me backward into my office.

“Oh, please have a seat anyplace that’s comfortable, Ms. Kensington, and yes, we did receive your husband’s Response to your Petition, so I’d like to go over that with you today, if you don’t mind. Uh… ” I found myself suddenly unsure of how to proceed even though I’d done this a million times with Robert. Generally, he just sat back at his desk and let me run the interviews, hand out the tissues, and yes, give some consoling hugs when necessary. It was all part of the job, but Robert clearly thought of these instances as “fringe benefits”. I was still young, and kept it all very professional. Not that Robert was in any way unethical, but while I stuck to the rules of conduct to the letter, Robert had long ago decided that some rules were just there to make the rule-makers feel important.

“Ms. Kensington, there’s a great deal of very private material in your file, but on the other hand, you don’t know me, so would you like me to leave the door open or would you feel better if I closed it?” I asked still stumbling over my own words.

“First,” Ms. Kensington explained, “I call Robert Robert, you may call me Lori, and what should I call you? And second, for heaven’s sake, please close the door. I trust you with all my heart,” she smiled broadly as she moved one of my client chairs by ninety degrees so that it was now facing my couch, where her file was still lying open.

Great, this confident older woman with the body of a goddess was already having a laugh at her own lawyer’s expense. “You, Lori, may call me Eric.” I responded with as much confidence as I could muster as I gently closed the heavy oak door to my office, leaving us as the only two people on the second floor of the building. I then took a seat on my couch, facing her, noticing she had also slid her chair now very close to the couch. We were almost nose to nose as we sat, and yes, I was sweating, trying to appear not the least bit fazed and calmly professional. But I was sweating. A lot.

“Eric,” Lori asked quietly, can you lock that door from the inside? I mean, you’re right, there is a lot of personal stuff in here, money, alimony and child support issues, all that, so, would you mind?” Lori crossed her legs, letting her short black skirt ride quite some distance up her nicely tanned thighs as she leaned back in my client chair.

“Certainly, Lori.” I began to stand in order to reach into my pocket to retrieve my office keys when I realized that the combination of smells, touch, and visual stimuli emanating from Lori had already gotten me hard enough to make it difficult to conceal my excitement in a pair of silk boxers and some summer weight wool suit pants. I feared I may have caught her eye, noticing the bulge she had created in my pants, as I took some extra time searching in my pocket for my key ring and bringing my left hand around to, well, cover the obvious, in a rather futile attempt to be inconspicuous about it. I also turned to face the door, away from my client, and worked on controlling my breathing as I took my time locking the door.

“Okay, Lori, that takes care of that,” I tried to sound cheerful as I walked, right hand again placing my key ring back in my pocket, back to my seat on the couch, with Lori’s file folder beside me. “Why don’t we start by you telling me where Robert left off, and we can avoid any redundancy that way, alright?” I had regained my composure, and my seated position made me less self-conscious about the “problem” growing in my pants.

“Great,” Lori smiled as she slid downward in her chair and uncrossed her legs, yet still failing to pull her skirt hem down to where one would normally expect it to rest. “I’ll tell you, as you’ve probably read in my file, that I’m only working part time in order to keep my CPA license up in case of just such an emergency, so I’ve got no idea how I’m going to pay for you to represent me.” Lori continued, now twirling her long reddish blonde hair around her finger as she spoke.

“So, first things first, we should probably get the matter of your compensation out of the way, don’t you think?” Lori continued, as her knees spread just enough to have given me the tiniest peek up her now exceedingly short skirt, had I slouched just a little bit downward from my seat across from her on my couch. “Hmmm,” she said smiling an even bigger smile and tapping her blood-red fingernail on her front teeth. “What do you suppose we could work out here, Eric, as far as your fee, I mean?” She almost giggled the last few words out, making me feel uncomfortably hot in the well air conditioned office.

“Look, Lori, I know Robert can get pretty creative and loose with the ethical rules about relationships with clients, but I just can’t.

I’ve only been in practice on my own for a few months and I just can’t go breaking, or even slightly bending, the ethical rules.” I explained, as Lori began to pout, sliding further downward in her chair, which pulled her skirt up even higher, and this time, I was certain she was in fact spreading her legs just enough for me to get a peek.

“I’ll tell you what I can do, though, Lori; I can check with Robert on this later and see if we can do this as a pro bono case, since you do want custody of the two minor children here, how about that?” I felt like such a moron, but there just were not any exceptions to the ethical rules in the event of an extraordinarily hot female divorce client who hadn’t been fucked in who knows how long and was eager to get even with her cheating, soon to be ex-husband.

‘How can I be such a dumbass!’ I screamed at myself inside of my own head, realizing nobody would be in the slightest way harmed if I were to make some “special arrangements” for the payment of Lori’s fee. Luckily for me, she broke the tension.

“Well, I don’t know, Eric, it seemed a little while ago when you went to lock the door that you were already working on some, uh, what did you call that… pro boner work?” and she giggled again, leaving me horrified that she wasn’t going to just pretend she had not seen it, and she was going to push the subject. Worst of all, I was clearly helpless against her any request, and this was now becoming obvious. I must have turned as dark burgundy as the lobby drapes as I felt my pulse racing. I had no clue what to do or say; I was putty in her very sexy hands. And she knew it.

“And come on, Eric, I know I’m practically old enough to be your… well, your older sister, but I saw you trying to get a peek at whether I was wearing any panties. Wanna find out?” Lori giggled some more, jumped up from her chair and, tossing her file folder and its contents onto the floor, laid her long, toned, and tanned legs across my lap and pulled a pillow up to support her head, lying flat out on my couch.

“Uh, Lori,” I practically begged, “this isn’t exactly professional, you know?

“I know.” Lori teased back at me as she kicked her high heels off of her feet and onto the floor. “But you did lock the door, Eric, didn’t you? Like I asked you to do, not as any sort of means of keeping me in against my will, right?” and she readjusted her shapely legs across my own with her skirt now riding up to the point where her ass was mostly just on top of it, wadded up beneath her, and the front was barely covering her crotch. By now, she had to be feeling the pumping and throbbing of my erection, given the fact that she simply said, “Mmmm, what’s this?” as she worked the curvy calves of her muscular legs back and forth over my raging hard-on.

“Uh, alright Lori, uh,” I fumbled for words, not knowing exactly what to say, when to my relief she interrupted.

“So, Eric, you never did try to guess whether I had on any panties underneath my little black dress, you know? So tell me, let’s just assume I don’t have any panties on, just tell me what sort of things you like the best… you know, assuming I really don’t have any panties on?” Lori giggled like a school girl, knowing she was in complete control of the situation, and began to flip the tiny scrap of back material that was still covering her crotch up and down like a fan, taunting me just enough so that I could not get a full look at what was under her skirt. “Woo,” she let out another giggle while fanning both me and her crotch with her skirt, “it’s getting hot in here, isn’t it, Eric?”

“Things I like best?” I tried to stall for time, completely unsure of what to do next.

“Sure, you know, like, do you like my tanned legs, Eric? And do you like to see tan lines where the bikini bottoms have left their mark? And of course, you know, Eric,” she then propped herself up on her elbows as she spoke, now almost in a whisper, “I want to know what your favorite style of pussy hair is,” she said leaning even further forward and locking her eyes onto my own.

‘Alright,’ I thought to myself, ‘this woman wants to play games with me, so I’d better stop acting like an embarrassed adolescent and start taking some charge here or she’s going to own me, and I’m supposed to be the one in charge here!’ I had finally become angry enough with myself to forget completely about the ethical rules. I began to caress her feet gently, rubbing her toes, one at a time, which caused her to let out a moan of pleasure and increased my confidence.

“Well, now tan lines and pussy hair and all of that is of course relative to time and place, just as is anything else in the law, Lori. Let’s discuss that a bit, shall we?” I continued as I worked my way up her ankles and calves, bending her knees up so that I could have seen directly up what little scrap of material was still covering her pussy, but I kept my gaze locked, rock steady, on her gorgeous eyes, which remained locked, as well, on my own.

I turned in my corner position on my couch, slipped my loafers off, and moved my left leg up over Lori’s body, resting my bent knee on the backrest of my sofa. We were now facing each other dead on, and at any moment, I could have simply lowered my gaze and looked directly up her tiny skirt, but I kept my eyes locked on Lori’s as she forced her gaze to remain fixed on my own. It had become almost a contest of wills.

“So, there are a great many things I like about a woman’s body, and some have nothing at all to do with the style of pussy hair she’s sporting, you know?” I began to take control of the conversation, and to apply much more force to what had now become a deep muscle massage of Lori’s calves. I took my time, moving up her calves inch by inch, and then from time to time beginning over at her feet, which made her giggle and writhe, during which times I could just begin to make out both the sound of her pussy moistening up as well as a slight smell of the juices being produced therein.

“Mmmmm, keep going, Eric,” Lori almost begged me now. “Tell me more about what you hope to see under there, but please don’t stop, oh God, my, uh… my legs, oh… they really are feeling good now, Eric, please tell me more and don’t stop.” Lori begged as she wrapped her legs completely around my body and pulled her firm ass up onto my lap, directly on top of my raging erection, which she reveled in sliding herself around on just enough to tease me.

“Well, I don’t like a tan that’s become a leathery, dry sort of tan, so from what I can see of you, it looks like you’re toasted just perfectly.” I now tauntingly went on. I continued to inch just the tiniest bit further up her gorgeous legs before returning to her tiny, red-painted toes in order to start the massage over from the bottom, but this time, I began to hold her calves against the side of my face, letting my goatee tickle her just a bit as I kissed her calves and thighs ever so gently. “And then, oh, yes, Lori, I love tan lines, especially bikini tan lines on a woman, but she has to have a flat enough tummy to paint a steamy picture of that bikini making a slight bridge from one hip bone to the other as she lies on her back, soaking up the sun.”

“Unh-huh, yeah?” was all Lori replied as I continued to inch my massage upward, but still keeping my eyes focused entirely on Lori’s eyes, even when hers were closed and her head tilted back, I did not look beneath the last remnant of black skirt that barely covered her most intimate parts.

“And then there’s the hair, or lack of it, Lori. You see, that’s not at all an easy question. Sometimes, if a woman has soft reddish blonde hair like you probably do, well then it seems a shame to shave it all off, you know?” I asked, rhetorically, as on this trip upward from her toes to her upper thigh, I went completely to the top, still under that tiny scrap of black fabric, but as I massaged her upper calf, her tight, round, ass, and her uppermost region of her left thigh, I allowed my left thumb, ever so softly, to glide across her pubic mound, where to my delight, I could feel a tiny amount of well-trimmed fuzz. 

With my index finger, I followed the curve of her pussy, letting the hot juices ooze out onto my eager fingers. This sent a shudder through Lori as she arched her head back, raising her body up onto her elbows, and clasping her legs around my body. “Oh, yes, Lori, it looks like you’ve got the perfect set-up right here,” I almost whispered to her as I kissed as far up her inner thigh as I could reach my lips. And I gave her a little flick of my wet tongue.

“Oh, fuck!” Lori shouted, moaned, or screamed, sort of a combination of all of those; unfortunately, she did so loudly enough that she might have been heard by anyone in the lobby! She clamped her legs around my waist and pulled her face up to my own, nearly strangling me with my sensuously soft silk tie. Now face to face, she kissed me -hard, lustful, animal-like, wet kisses, as if she were attempting to devour me, holding my head in her hands in an almost panicked frenzy, and clenching her feet behind my back as she rode my raging erection through my summer-weight suit pants. My hands were now free and I raised my body up just enough to flip Lori backward onto my couch.

I grabbed her by the wrists and slid her further down the surface of the enormous sofa so as to permit me to stretch my entire body out, and to lay my full weight on top of her. She kept her legs clamped solidly around my ass, breathing hard, again staring into my eyes with her deep blue pools of now raging lust, her pupils completely dilated so as to take up almost the entirety of her irises. I began to rub my throbbing cock, through my suit pants, on her now totally exposed, well-manicured and engorged pussy, noticing how her engorged lips would have shown wonderfully through a bikini bottom. I loved to see big, wet, swollen pussy lips, and Lori’s were astounding. I wanted to make her cum. I wanted to make her cum hard, right here on my couch, and I wanted to make sure I didn’t. This was going to be all about Lori, and watching her cum hard was to be my reward.

Then, she shuddered. Her entire body shook, and her legs felt as if they were about to crush me. “Oh, fuck meeeeee!” Lori’s hoarse voice ran out of air as her face turned a crimson red and she bucked like rodeo bull, biting her lower lip in a fruitless effort to keep her impassioned, animal-like sounds to a minimum. Her bucking then slowed to a more rhythmic pulse as I felt the tiny electrical impulses travel through Lori’s thighs just before her juice-soaked release. The crimson red then faded slowly from her face, and her eyes rolled back in her head, her legs released their grip, and her breathing slowed.

“Oh my God, Eric, I haven’t felt anything like that in decades,” she whispered hoarsely in between breaths that caused her firm, perfectly proportioned breasts to rise and lower with each breath that entered and exited her lungs.

“Good,” I responded, as if we had just reached an agreement on a settlement amount. “Then I’ll take that as a ‘yes’ as far as us being able to come to some workable terms on the fee then?”

“Fee?” Lori laughed an exhausted and gentle giggle as her right hand grabbed my tie, pulling my face to her own, while her left hand explored the extreme wetness of her own pussy. “Don’t worry about the fee, Eric. Daddy says he’ll cover whatever it costs. He always hated the son-of-a-bitch, and warned me the asshole would cheat on me, but I had no idea I’d wind up exactly like this, though,” Lori let out another giggle, and her body shuddered in a final aftershock from the massive orgasm she had just experienced.

“Wait a minute, Lori,” I suddenly made the connection between Lori and my most generous employer, Robert, “Your ‘Daddy’ isn’t Emmerson Blackmoore, IV, Robert’s old golfing buddy, is he?” I asked in astonishment.

“That’s my Daddy!” Lori again giggled. “Hey Eric,” Lori took my hands in her own in a more serious tone as she sat up facing me on the couch, her now dripping pussy fully exposed with the soft little stripe of hair ending just at the point where her tan line began, “maybe we could meet for dinner and pick up where we left off here? I’ve got a nice condo in one of Daddy’s new buildings and in his name, of course, overlooking the river, and after what you just pulled off, man, do I ever owe you a favor! Dinner at seven at my place?”

“The asshole’s got the kids.” Lori continued, batting her long eyelashes, knowing full well I had no ability to resist her offer. “Here’s a key with the address on my card,” she said, slipping a tiny envelope into my pocket where her hand lingered just a bit. “Let yourself in. I don’t want to answer the door in what I’ll be wearing for dinner, so let yourself in, make yourself a drink, and make yourself comfortable, babe. See ya then!”

Lori straightened her dress, stepped delicately back into her heels, and straightened my wrinkled tie as she gave me one last slow kiss on the lips, whispering “Don’t disappoint me, Eric. You really are something special to do that for a girl, ya know? There’s got to be some way I can repay you, and I’ve only got a few hours to figure out how!” Lori continued smiling and gazing into my eyes, then turned slowly and stopped at my office door, waiting for me to unlock it for her.

‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman walk away and still be able to hold my gaze for so long,’ I thought to myself.

Robert had always been more than generous with my pay, and Lori was no exception. As he used to say, “The Law is a Stern Mistress, but in the end, it’s all well worth it, Boy. It is all very well worth it.”

Once again, Robert had proven himself correct, and a true friend, indeed.

Published 8 years ago

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