
"walking under the night sky can have a gorgeous ending"

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Along the

twisted turns

of life’s path,

we walk together

hand in hand

soul to soul

Our hearts the

shape of love

and a light to guide

in darkest nights

Until we reach

the far and then

we know again

that we will

walk together

under countless



crescent reflections

mirrored cross her eyes

My teeth grazing

dark intentions

trailing down skin

wake of goosebumps raising

as my voice innately deepens

her black lace

released from its burden

now fully immersed in midnight 

Her hair clenched

in a tightly closed fist

Neck exposed to my eager lips

face pressed into freshly

washed sheets

Your butt throbbing

from the smack

I delivered

your skin set

instantly aquiver

Soon to taste my fire

and liquid desire 

Published 1 year ago

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