Spooky Slut

"I was so horny working at the haunted house and he was so cute"

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The chains felt heavy and strong. Manacled and helpless, my moans echoed down the vacant, dark corridor. Gleaming, steel links hung from the ceiling, holding my wrists above my head. Identical chains shackled my feet to the floor, spreading my legs far apart. Low, sinister music played from some unknown source. Tortured, panicked screams assailed my ears, some terrified victims out of my field of view.

I saw some shadowy figures approaching from down the corridor. The lack of light, fog, and black-painted walls obfuscated all details, leaving me with silhouettes, more sensed than seen. I rattled the chains, moaning louder.

“Help me!” I cried out in a terrified voice. “She’s going to feed on me! The countess is coming. Please free me, please….”

The four of them stopped and leered at me from the other side of the low dividing wall. They pointed at me and mocked my despair. I writhed and moaned, struggling to free myself. Then, they screamed as I felt her hands on my body and heard her fanged hissing from behind me.

“Please,” I begged. “The vampire, she’s going to, Aaaggghhh.” I let loose an agonized wail as her fangs sought to pierce the flesh of my neck.

Her breath washed over my cold skin, making goose bumps rise. Her lips touched the nape of my neck as I screamed. My would-be rescuers panicked and ran off, leaving me to the cruel, evil mercy of Countess Elsa, vampire.

I turned, staring at her face. Her lips were pulled back, her eyes on fire. She was a feral animal, and I helpless, bound, her prey. The damned queen of the undead and I laughed as I pulled my wrist out of the oversized, manacle prop.

“Now, put those fangs of yours back over my clit like a good girl,” I told Countess Elsa. “That’s nice. Make me cum, again.” My freed hand guided her head downward. “Stop laughing, you slut, and make me cum.”

“Yes, my goddess,” the vampire said to me, dropping to her knees.

“Finger yourself while you eat me. I like the rhythm better.”

I was working, part-time, at a local haunted house. It was one of the largest Halloween attractions in the area, with three separately-themed tours. My husband does artisan stone-carving work and is always in high demand; his favorite time of the year is the late summer and early fall. During that period, all the haunted house owners bid for his work. His artistic castle walls, archways, and crypt work are peppered throughout the tri-state area. During the pre-opening staff party, which I attended as Glade’s plus-one, I met my new friend, Elizabeth, or, rather, Elsa.

Elsa is young, lithe, and extremely sexy in a goth sort of way. Her “I’m so goth, I’m dead,” look makes her look intimidating, at first, but her friendly disposition soon counters one’s first impressions. With long, straight, dark hair with blond-streaked bangs, heavy eye makeup, and pert, little breasts, her pasty countenance and predication to overdo her dark, ominous-looking eyeshadow, she was a shoo-in for playing the Vampire Countess. By happenstance, I was offered the position to play her victim.

In Elsa’s display, my job was to scream my head off, beg to be freed, and languish in manacles, writhing my body enticingly. The fact that she developed a huge lady crush on me before we’d even met was just a thrilling bonus. She ambushed me at the staff party, attracted to me from what my husband had told her. We shared some female-bonding moments: getting to know one another, going out to the car to eat some edibles, running through the haunted house together, and finally ending up in her display to play with each other. As her fang-wearing mouth licked my clit to orgasm, the owner heard my lusty screams and offered me a job on the spot.

That was a couple of weeks ago; now, I was having the time of my life scaring people and acting like a teenage idiot. Okay, I act like that naturally, but I was getting paid to be foolish. I was dressed in a ragged, stained, off-white gypsy skirt and torn blouse. My neck, face, and clothing were covered in stage blood; my hair was tangled and matted, horrendous bedhead. My sexual habits had given me plenty of practice in the fine art of screaming. Had it not been for Elsa’s fingers buried in my cunt, I’d have been able to scare them without her jumping up and terrifying the guests.

During a lull between thrill-seekers, I had her bent over her coffin, legs spread wide, while I fingered her dripping snatch and sucked her clit. Because I was sitting on the floor and out of sight, nobody could see me, even if they happened to come by our station.

“Stop,” Elsa panted to me, her fangs distorting her speech but not as much as her impassioned moans and whimpers. “Somebody’s coming.”

Instead of acquiescing to her plea, I redoubled my efforts. Two fingers were thrust into her dripping cunt, plunging in and out at warp speed while I sucked her clit between my lips, my tongue a writhing whirlwind over it.

She slumped over the coffin, immobile from the waist up. Hidden from view, her hips were bucking intensely; her legs quivering, losing strength as her horny climax neared. Both because I’m sadistic, and she’s submissive, I kept up my torrid assault on her cunt as I heard the thrill-seeking guests approaching, shambling in the dark.

“It’s just a vampire mannequin,” the young man said, sounding far less confident than he probably assumed. “Doesn’t even look real. Stop being afraid, girls.”

While I attempted to remain quiet, I kept licking her scrumptious pussy, relishing the taste of her succulent juices. Elsa’s body began shaking, rocking the coffin on its stand.

“Aaagghh! Ungh, I need to taste you,” she shrieked out as her entire body convulsed with the throes of release. “I’ll eat you alive! Please, let me taste you.”

Unknown to the guests, who screamed, laughed, and ran on, one of them saying, “Excellent, you scared the shit out of me,” I had to prop her up the best I could, to keep her from falling to the floor. My goth girlfriend kept her moans and screams at a high-pitched wail. I assume that it sounded scary to the ignorant; but, to me, it was an angelic chorus.

“You are so fucking bad, Mistress Krystal,” she cooed.

Just then, a red light turned on inside our display. That meant a shift change was coming soon. As soon as the other actors arrived, we’d have a short break and then go outside and work the crowd. I positioned myself back into my manacles, the cool, Fall air flowing up my skirt and chilling my hot, runny pussy juice. We had a grand time scaring teenagers, parents, and more until our relief arrived. Hand in hand, with Elsa leading, we wove our way through the labyrinthine back corridors, the ones the fright actors use to quickly go from one place to the next, into the staging room. A quick quaff of beverage—to wash down our edibles—and we were outside in the cold, harassing and stalking the visitors.

Elsa is short, elvish in body, and lithe. Standing just under five feet tall with little apple-sized breasts covered by her bodice, she can easily sneak into the waiting line, giving the impression she’s a teenager until she bares her fangs. Me, I can pass for roughly half my age, but my curvy hips, plump, shapely ass, and mannerisms leave no doubt that I’ve fully grown into adulthood. My attitude and behavior, however, illustrate that I may have grown up, but never matured.

I passed the time talking with some of the visitors, scaring others, and looking for people I found sexy to give some special, frightening attention. Zombie walking around, leering at the squeamish with my blood-covered face, and generally enjoying the fuck out of myself, I entertained and scared the crowd. One man, handsome and clean-cut, which really isn’t my type, was there with his assumed children. He was being a good sport about things, a good father figure, but mostly eyeing up the nubile young women milling about. I must confess that I was enjoying the eye candy, as well.

I snuck around, behind the young girls in his care, and crept up to them from the rear, leaning into them. They shrieked like frightened children when I put my hands on their shoulders, much to the delight of the man chaperoning them. He laughed heartily, his eyes sparkling, his well-fitting jeans hinting at delights.

“You didn’t scare us at all,” one of them scolded.

“Yeah,” her sixteen-year-old or so friend quipped. “We’re just having fun.”

“Dad,” the first one said. “Can we go in alone?”

“Yeah, dad,” I interrupted. I let my eyes wander over him, my lusty smile revealing my intentions. To drive my point home, my tongue flicked out and sensuously licked some of the stage blood from my lips. It was mint-flavored. “Let the kids have some kiddie fun, and, maybe, I’ll give you an adult tour.”

He turned to me, looked me over with appreciation, then, his eyes fixated on my wedding ring. “I’ll pass, because…”

“Oh, you’re with somebody?”

“Single dad,” he beamed out. “This is my daughter Marissa, and her friends Kathy, and Lisa.”

I held out my bloody hand in greeting. To him, in a stage whisper, I mentioned, “if you’re passing because of the ring, don’t worry. We have an understanding if you catch my drift.”

“Uh, umm, I don’t know,” he stammered.

His wards were occupied with an evil clown, taking selfies and whatnot. I took that moment to lay it on the line. “Here’s the deal. You’re sexy, and I’m horny. I have another twenty minutes before I have to go back to my station, and I’d really like to suck and fuck you if you’re up for it.”

“I shouldn’t. You’re taken.”

I glanced around. Seeing nobody paying me any heed, I raised my skirt, showing him my fiery, nicely-trimmed and shaped pubes. Nectar glistened around my promised land. “Your choice.”

“Girls,” he shouted. “I’m going to go get a hot cider. I’ll be back in about twenty minutes.”

I walked away, giving my award-winning posterior some extra wiggle, just to entice. Of course, he followed. Rather than go to the concession trailers, I led him between them, into the staff areas. From there, we ducked into an employees-only building, holding various props and other things. Quickly locking the door, I shoved him against it, dropping to my knees.

“My name is…”

“Shh,” I chided. “No names. It makes it hotter.”

I frantically fumbled with his belt, finally unbuckling it; his pants followed. His cock was nice, slightly longer than average but not overly thick. He smelled clean, and his manhood was already half-erect.

“You’re so beautiful,” he moaned as my mouth encased his stiffening flesh. I ignored the platitude, knowing that I was covered in fake blood and dirt.

Cupping his balls in one hand, my mouth easily sliding down the entire length of his shaft, I pumped him with my mouth, moaning in lust.

Less than two minutes later, my oral efforts had him panting; his hips were thrusting forward to meet my lunging. “I’m going to cum soon,” he announced.

Sadistically ceasing my oral pleasuring, I drew back, my mouth leaving his meat. I stood, turned, and bent over a cross-topped gravestone, pulling my tattered skirt up over my waist, and exposing my ass.

“Fuck me hard and fast from behind.”

His hot hands grabbed my hips and pulled my ass against his cock. Moaning in passion, one hand on the cross to steady myself and the other pummeling my clit, I thrust my body against him. I was so fucking horny that my cunt was more than well-lubed.

“Bless me, Father, for I am about to sin,” I giggled at the cross on the tombstone. “Fucking take my pussy. Fuck me hard.”

The swollen head of his fleshy lance invaded my soaked lips, the tip just barely entering me. Thrusting back with a grunt, I impaled myself on him, my hips thrusting back and forth in urgent need.

“You’re so wet,” he observed. “You feel so good. I haven’t had a woman in so long.”

“Harder, you stud. Fuck me like you own me.”

He redoubled his efforts, taking my pussy, fucking me like the slut I am. The sounds of our moans joined each other as our bodies became one. My nameless, single father pumped into me harder, faster, and more urgently. The double assault of his nice cock owning my cunt and my fingers on my clit caused an orgasm to well up inside me, releasing its fury with cataclysmic intensity.

“I’m fucking cumming. Fuck me; fuck me hard; fuck me deep. Don’t stop, please, don’t stop. Fucking fuck me.”

I came hard, my entire body consumed with lust and the naughty thrill of fucking an absolute stranger I’d met only minutes ago.

“I’m going to cum,” he moaned. “I’m sorry; it’s been so long.”

I pulled off his cock, quickly spinning around and dropping once more to my knees.

“Cum in my mouth; I need to taste you. Shoot your wad all over my lips.”

I took his entire length back into my mouth, sucking hard, twirling my tongue around his shaft. I concentrated on making him cum for me, my reward for being a sex-positive nympho. Both of my hands stroked his length, fondled his balls, and pulled him into my mouth so deep that his pubes were tickling my cheeks.

“Aaah, Unngghh, Fuck,” he bellowed as I felt the first hot, salty stream of his jizz hit the back of my throat.

I continued pumping his cock with my mouth, my hands squeezing his balls. I could feel his entire body clench and relax as a seemingly endless stream of hot cum shot into my mouth and down my throat. I pulled back, letting his last few spurts shoot onto my lips and chin.

He was panting, leaning against an unfinished coffin prop. “I never thought anything like that would ever happen to me. What are you doing?”

I pulled out my phone and was dialing my husband. He answered on the second ring. “Hey, my divine muse, what’s happening?” he cheerfully said.

“You’re on speakerphone, honey,” I drawled. “Right now, I’m on my knees with my face covered in a stranger’s cum.”

My recent lover’s face was aghast.

“I love it,” my husband said. “You’re such a free spirit. You inspire me. Are you going to tell me about it now or later?”

“Later, honey. I wanted to know if you’d mind if I gave him my number. It was just a quickie… I’m on break…and I might want to play with him without the time constraints.”

“You’re my wife, not my slave,” Glade chuckled. “I don’t own you and would never hinder you.”

“See you tonight, then. Oh,” I remembered, “Elsa’s coming home with me tonight. I hope you’re up for a threesome. Love you.”

I turned to the very stunned man. “Give me your phone, so I can give you my number.”

Minutes later, I was back at our vampire display to finish up our shift. Elsa and I shared a quick hug and passionate kiss before getting into character.

“Your stage blood tastes funny, kind of salty,” she said. “And why is it glowing under the black light?”

“I’ll tell you all about it when we get home.”

Published 2 years ago

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