Spontaneous Public Nudity – Some Highlights – Part 5

"Entertaining a neighbour and her friend."

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This event took place while on holiday with Susan down the coast from Sydney. I have covered some of her exploits in previous submissions. On this occasion, I was the one getting naked for an audience.

The house we rented for the week was across the road from the beach. It was a two story house, with rumpus room and garage at ground level, at the top of a steep rise of from the road. The garage was locked, probably containing the owner’s car and personal belongings. On the upper level were the living quarters, with a balcony facing eastwards towards the beach. The backyard was accessed through the rumpus room, was quite flat, mostly lawn, with a small garden. Some outdoor furniture was available in the rumpus room, for use in the backyard, which enjoyed the sun, mostly in the afternoon.

We procured the keys from the retired couple next door, who were permanent residents, and who “kept an eye” on our accommodation for the owners. We saw them from time to time, exchanged pleasantries whenever we saw them, but basically they kept their distance. They had both seen Susan naked on the balcony one morning, as we were having breakfast, and they had come out onto their balcony. Their house was a similar two-story home to ours.

One afternoon, we were lazing in the afternoon sun in the backyard, dressed in our swimming costumes. Susan, with delicate European skin, did not like to spend too much time in the sun, so she prepared to go back into the house, when she noticed our lady neighbour, and another woman, looking out their back window. She gave no indication that she had seen them, but told me of their presence. I was facing away from them, and told Susan that I would give them a bit of a show if they stayed at the window, which was quite wide and overlooked quite closely, the area where we were sitting.

A few minutes after Susan left, I stood up from the chair, still facing away from the next-door window, and climbed out of my swimming costumes. Now naked, I stooped and turned to take the towel that was on the back of my chair, and laid it out on the lawn, beside the chair. While doing this I took a surreptitious glance to notice that I was being observed. I stood again, giving my audience a full frontal view, while I folded Susan’s towel to form a pillow, but making sure there was no eye contact. I then laid down on the towel, on my back, head facing away from their eyes. All I wore were my sunglasses.

After a few minutes, eager to see if I still had my spectators, I sat up to apply some sun cream, and quickly steal a quick glance. I was now confident that they were not going away anytime soon, so I lay back down and applied the cream to that part of my front usually covered by my swimming costumes. Inevitably I began to apply the cream to my cock and balls, lingering as I did, to fully enjoy the cock which was now responding to my fondling, and the gratification of being watched as I did so.

With my cock now fully hard, I turned on my side a little to adjust my makeshift pillow, allowing me another quick glance, before returning to the fully supine position. I allowed my cock to stand erect but unattended for a few moments, before my hand returned to it, this time to entertain it, rather than to protect it from the sun.. The greasiness of the cream was an excellent lubricant as I slowly, but enthusiastically, masturbated myself. I wanted to keep the show going for a while, so whenever I felt the urge  was getting to a tipping point, I backed off to allow the urge to subside. I did this a few times, and each time it was more difficult to remain sufficiently composed. I wanted the show to continue, but not enough for the audience to lose interest.

At the stage when I knew I could barely continue without exploding, I risked another glance to confirm that my ejaculation would not be in vain. I was able to observe that, whereas they had earlier been watching from the corners of the window in order to minimise their presence, they were now maximising the view, with looks of keen interest on their faces. Thus encouraged, I returned to my cock, and with very little further effort, came to a quite violent and fulfilling explosion. Even in this state of euphoria, I was conscious enough to know that several streams of semen flew into the air, before landing haphazardly on my upper chest, and face.

I lay quietly for a few moments as I came back to earth. I was sure that my performance had been quite exceptional, but I still needed to add some finishing touches. With two fingers, I manoeuvred the semen from my face into my mouth, before sucking them clean.

Still I was not done. With the same fingers of my other hand, I scooped the semen from my chest, delivering it to my tongue, which I had projected from my mouth. I love the taste of cum, so I quite genuinely enjoyed this activity, let alone the satisfaction that came from such blatant exhibitionism. Deliberately and enthusiastically, I sucked my fingers, before returning them to look for any more stray juice. 

I was now thinking of how I might bring the show to an end. How blatant and unrestrained could I possibly be? I stood, a little off balance, and looked straight at their faces, as if by chance. I tried to feign surprise, and embarrassment, as I then turned my back to them, and bent down to recover the towels from the ground. There I fumbled for a short time, to ensure that my naked anus was in full view, before standing again to wrap a towel around my waist, and I then hurried away.

Inside, I excitedly told Susan the details, to her obvious delight. When she saw the neighbour the next morning, after some small talk, she asked the lady if she and her husband would like to join us for drinks that afternoon. The lady countered with an invitation to join them by their backyard pool instead. Susan agreed.

It was a delightful afternoon. Another middle-aged couple joined us. I assumed the lady was my other spectator. The neighbour was attempting to tease me with various oblique references to nudity and extraordinary holiday behaviour. I interpreted her references to mean that the women had not informed their husbands of my performance, and that they probably thought that I had not informed Susan. So they spoke in generalities.

“You’ll never guess what some people get up to next door, when they are on holidays.”

“We often see people next door, or on the beach, who have shaved off their pubic hair. Isn’t that a bit weird?”

“We often see exhibitionists on the beach, both sexes, naked. They know it is illegal, but they persist. We’ve become used to it now.”

“Sometimes I think it might be nice for us to be a little less inhibited.”

“You two are younger than us, and your bodies have not felt the deterioration that comes with age. What do you think?”

Each such parry was joined by eye-to-eye contact with both Susan and myself. We tried our best to answer without letting on that we knew that they were teasing us, myself in particular. Eventually Susan announced that she would love to use their pool.

“Go right ahead. It shouldn’t be wasted.”

“Damn, I don’t have my costumes. Do you mind?”

“Not at all dear.”

With that, Susan stood, dropped her wrap to the chair, and jumped naked into the pool.

“You should join her.” 

And so I did. We splashed around for a few minutes. The water was quite cold, even though the day itself was very warm. We both got out, returned to our chairs, warming ourselves in the sun.

“Would you like some towels? I’ll go inside to get some.” Even though the offer was made, there was no effort to get up and make good on the offer.

“Don’t worry. We’ll be dry soon enough,” replied Susan, as she sat as if nudity was perfectly natural. “Lovely pool!” I followed her lead, and resumed my seat.

We remained naked in our chairs, drinking wine, and chatting about various things – politics, generational differences, personal freedoms, and so on – until the sun went down. The topic of my performance the previous afternoon was never addressed again, obliquely or not.

Each male tried hard not to be too obvious enjoying Susan’s naked body. I sat so as to allow easy view of my penis. All four would throw a casual glance at it from time to time. This intermittent attention enabled my cock to retain sufficient interest to become, and remain, slightly tumescent for most of the time.

It is extraordinarily pleasant to be so exposed to fully dressed strangers for any extended period of time. It is my passion. It is my obsession. The opportunity to masturbate, as a culmination to such exposure, does not come often enough. To do so with that audience, at that time, would have been icing on the cake. But the atmosphere never developed sufficiently to justify progression to that level, naturally. So it did not happen.

But Susan encouraged me to finish myself off, when we got home. And as I did, my closed eyes imagined the two women observing me, as they had done the previous afternoon. 




Published 8 years ago

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