Spit-Roasted on the Beach – The Quantum Slut, Chapter 27

"A horse, two riders, and a woman spit-roasted on the beach! Who could ask for anything more?"

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I cradled my two playmates in my arms, one on each side, and marveled at how a dirt-poor kid from a tar-paper shack in the Ramapo Mountains of New York could get so lucky. And I especially appreciated my newly-minted wife, who is, in my humble opinion, the world’s leading authority on quantum physics.

I felt sated, safe, appreciated, and more luxurious than I had during that stretch of my life when I was banging starlets left and right. I shook my head at my folly. As if fucking women for the sake of fucking could come close to comparing to what I had with Marta, the woman I admired, respected, loved – and now, to whom I was married. And who was, by her own choice, my avowed sex slave.

I turned to look at Elizabeth, on my other arm. What a curious bundle of contradictions she was! A sexy minx who had – apparently – lived the life of a nun while working as the wedding coordinator here in this Costa Rican resort, following what I’m guessing was a badly failed marriage. She was snuggled into my side, and it felt as if she belonged there. Yet, I barely knew the woman – then laughed aloud. Because I had just barely, nakedly, known the woman – in a Biblical sense!

“My Lord?” Marta stirred and asked.

“I’ll tell you later, my lady wife.” I sat up, being careful not to dump Elizabeth, who stirred and opened her eyes. “And how are you, you lovely…wedding planner? Or are you a wedding planner any more?” I crooked an eyebrow at her.

She smiled a lazy smile, and stretched luxuriously. “The only things I am right now is unemployed – and horny.” She reached across and cradled my cock in one hand, then looked across my body. “With your permission, of course, Marta.”

To my relief, Marta giggled and gestured toward my dick and said, “Help yourself!”

Their eyes met, and in unison, they both got to their knees and gently grasped my rapidly expanding member, each with the fingers of one hand, then started working them up and down.

“Hey! You’re making me feel like a baseball bat, and you guys are choosing up sides or something!”

They giggled again, their eyes met again, and they moved towards each other, their mouths coming together, lips touching – with my dick in the middle like the ham in a sandwich! To say the feel of two tongues on my tool was erotic is about the greatest understatement I can imagine!

“Hey!” was all I could think of to say.

They both giggled again, then Elizabeth slid, Marta moved slightly away, and Elizabeth took me in her mouth, shallowly at first, just my cockhead, then going deeper and deeper until finally she deep-throated me, and held it there, looking up into my eyes and smiling.

Just as I was starting to enjoy the sensation, Elizabeth slid back up, let my cock pop from her mouth, and sat back on her knees, giving way to Marta, who moved forward, licked her lips, and repeated the process.

Except Marta didn’t know how to deep throat, and so when she went deep, she gagged on my cock – which she knows I love. Pulling up again, she paused, regained her breath, then went down on me again, gagging again but staying until it sounded as if she was about to throw up, at which point she moved up again, removed my cock from her mouth, gasped and wiped the tears from her eyes.

Elizabeth said, “Would you like me to teach you how not to gag, how to deep throat instead, Marta?”

Marta started to nod, then glanced at me, and said, “I’ll ask my Lord’s permission first.”

I sighed. “Whatever you want dear. It’s just…well, I love the sound of you gagging on my cock.”

Marta stretched up and kissed me. “And I love feeling your cock jump in my mouth when I do it! Still, it would be useful to be able to deep throat you as well.”

She looked across at Elizabeth. “Please. I’d like that.”

“But not now, you two! Maybe later, in the privacy of our suite, okay? I’m keenly aware that at any moment…”

And I was interrupted by Sammi bouncing into view – literally in the case of her two naked boobs. “Hey, guys! Are we going to do some more riding, or what?”

Angel appeared and put his hand on her shoulder, “Perhaps, Little One, we must to give your friends the little space, yes?”

Sammi stamped her foot and looked cross, sending ripples through her tits. “Why does everyone call me little? I’m taller than any of you!”

Angel smiled indulgently, then whispered a long sentence into her ear.

Sammi drew back and looked at him. “We can do that? Is your horse strong enough to carry us both?”

He nodded.

“Okay, let’s go!” she said and bounced off towards the beach.

Angel looked at us and shrugged, displaying an impressive array of muscles – and a pretty impressive cock as well, then turned and ran down the beach. “Sammi, wait!”

I looked at Marta and Elizabeth, who stared back at me, then we all three burst out laughing. “This I have to see,” I said and scrambled up.

The two ladies followed me, Marta holding out a towel, which I absent-mindedly took and wrapped around my waist. For their part, Marta and Elizabeth seemed quite content to stay au naturel, and put their arms around each other’s waists. Together we walked down the beach to see what Angel had in mind that got Sammi so, well, hot-to-trot!

Angel was stripping the saddle from his horse’s back. It was a black stallion, an entire named Lucifer, and was by far the biggest mount in the group. Once Angel had the saddle off of Lucifer, he pulled a soft cloth from his saddlebag, and commenced rubbing the horse down. Sammi seemed eager to get started with whatever Angel had planned, and was almost dancing from foot-to-foot – which Angel noticed. Smiling to himself, he seemed, if anything, to work more slowly, and made his strokes with the cloth on the back of this big, black stud seem incredibly sensuous. I also noticed that his rather impressive cock was gradually pulsing bigger and harder.

Clearly, this hombre knew how to ride women as well as horses!

When he was done, the naked Sammi started to grab him – but he intercepted her hands with both of his. “You are too eager to ride, chica! Patience – and I will do the riding.” He leaned in and kissed her, still holding her hands, then pushed her arms behind her, and pulled her to him, molding her naked front to his, allowing his tool to lift upward between her legs.

He seemed content to hold her thus, and at first, I wondered why. Then I noticed that she was starting to squirm in his embrace – and could see the throbbing of his erection pulsing between her legs, shoving upwards against her pussy.

This was one hot Latino! Clearly, despite his youth, I might learn a thing or two from him.

Finally, Sammi broke the kiss, and said, “Please!” in a desperate voice.

Angel smiled, then let go of her hands, patted her cheek, and jumped up, placing his stomach on the horse’s bareback, then nimbly swiveling so he bestrode the animal. The horse nickered and tried to move forward, its nostrils flaring, perhaps agitated by the strange sounds and scents. Angel controlled the horse easily, then reached one hand down to Sammi.

She leaped up and much more awkwardly managed to get her chest over the horse’s back, legs wide and moving, providing us with an entrancing view of her bum and glistening pussy. Angel pulled her up onto the horse – but facing him, her chest to his, and I wondered if he had screwed up in his eagerness.

Only to find that I had failed to understand his intent. He lifted Sammi under her arms, she reached down for his cock, and between them, he fitted himself into her. She slid down onto his hard erection, then flung her head back, and wailed, “Oh FUCK! It feels like you’re pushing up into my fucking throat!”

Angel smiled, pulled the reins, turned the horse away from the direction we had come, and started Lucifer into a walk, then a trot, and finally a canter – and now I understood what Angel was doing. As the horse jounced up and down, Sammi rose up, then fell back down into Angel’s lap, impaling herself hard onto the cock lodged inside her.

They quickly moved down the beach, but I could hear Sammi’s loud exclamations each time she felt the cock being rammed into her pussy. I suspected she was cumming repeatedly, partly from the forceful ramming of cock against cervix, and partly from the idea of being fucked while riding a horse!

When they were far down the beach, Lucifer slowed, wheeled, and started back, first at a walk, then a trot, and finally again at a canter. Now Sammi’s voice was getting louder, and not just because she was getting closer. Her head was whipping back and forth, and I could see the triumphant grin on Angel’s face.

Finally, as they drew next to us, Angel gently pulled the reins, and Lucifer came to a halt, blowing hard through dripping nostrils, then turned his head to look at Angel and Sammi.

Sammi just about melted out of the saddle – and I leaped to catch her, helping her slide gently to the sand.

I turned to look at my three companions. Angel looked sinfully cocky, smirking down at Sammi – with good reason. But both Elizabeth and Marta were eyeing him with what seemed like a mixture of awe and interest.

He slithered down Lucifer’s side, cock wagging back and forth. Then he reached into the saddlebag, found a collapsible bucket, poured some water into it from his canteen, and offered it to Lucifer, who dipped his head and greedily drank.

Angel seemed completely unaware of the lengthy cock bobbing before him – yet I saw him sneaking glimpses at the two older women, who continued to stare.

I stepped forward. “Angel, that was the damndest performance I have ever seen. How on Earth did you come up with that?”

He gave me a haughty smile, “Señor, I have a chica, a girlfriend, who loves horse so much as I do, and between us we find this.” He paused, his eyes flicked over to Marta and Elizabeth, and he dropped his voice slightly, “We still like to ride like this – especially on the beach – with a full moon. It is, how you say – magia – um, magic.”

I laughed and clapped him on the shoulder. “I’m sure it is.”


Something had snapped inside me. For more than two years, I had led a cool, chaste, professional life, untouched by sexual yearnings, and not missing them in the slightest.

Yet, now everything had changed because of these people, starting with Marta. I have no idea why she affected me as she did. I had had fun with some girlfriends of mine in college, but it was never anything serious, always just something to let off steam between – or despite – the boys that came or went in our lives.

That changed when I got married to The Troll. It seemed great at first, then okay, then dreadful, and finally hell on Earth. After all the fighting, enduring the physical and mental abuse, the insults and degradation and acrimony, then finally the pain of the divorce and attendant feelings of failure, the last thing I wanted in my life was sex, or indeed anything to do with men.

So, how had Marta reached inside of me and rekindled what used to be the burning, molten core of my desire – what I used to privately call my cuntiness?

I had read about The Lightning Bolt in books but never believed in it. Yet, I couldn’t find any other explanation. She had bewitched me, right from the first moment, even as I worked hard to avoid letting it show.

Until now. Now I was hopelessly in heat. My pussy would not stop dripping, and the heat and wetness were relentless. I felt restless all the time, my nipples were hard and tight to the point of aching. I felt itchy, and wanton – and just wanted to fuck her brains out.

And now James was doing that to me as well! It was as if the two of them, Marta and James, had taken control of my libido, and were working to make it overflow with wet, slippery, silken need.

Worse, I was pretty sure Marta knew, and I also worried that she felt the same way. At least, she smelled that way to me – as I’m sure I did to her.

Part of me wanted it this way. Selfishly, I wanted to possess her and was jealous of her husband. Yet, another part of me wanted to fuck his brains out, too.

Where had the self-possessed, competent, cool, detached professional wedding planner gone, and where the fuck had this bitch-in-heat come from? I sighed inwardly. I didn’t see how any good could come from this.

I shivered and turned to see Marta looking at me, a half-smile on her face, and one fingernail running lightly up my arm. “Stop it!” I said.

Her smile grew. Her eyes were locked on mine, and she chanted in my ear, “I know a se-cret!”

She broke from me, and walked over the where James was cradling an almost comatose Sammi, who was flushed, eyelids fluttering, and breathing hard.

Marta squatted down and whispered in his ear, looking as regal and graceful nude as she would have in a ballgown. His eyes flicked towards me, then he turned and looked at his wife. “Are you sure?” I heard him say.

“Oh, yes,” she replied.

His smile broadened. He passed Sammi over to Marta, then straightened up, and walked over to Angel, who was smiling while wiping the sweat off of Lucifer. The two conferred for a while, heads together, with the discussion going back and forth. Angel glanced surreptitiously at me, then back at James, then finally nodded, a knowing smile on his face as he locked his gaze on mine until I shook my head and turned away.

James walked nonchalantly over to me, “E-liz-a-beth,” he said calmly, in a teasing, sing-song voice, a smile playing across his face.

I nodded at him slowly, trying to be calm and ignore the fact that my pussy was suddenly gushing, sending dribbles of honey chasing down my thigh.

He took my hand, which felt suddenly hot and heavy, and my breathing started to get very shallow. “Come,” and pulled me back towards the shade of the trees where we had been lying before.

As I turned, I saw Angel pull Lucifer into the shade, tie him there, then walk towards us. And I saw Marta speaking into Sammi’s ear, whose eyes were now wide open, staring at me.

James picked up the blanket we had been lying on, folded it carefully, and draped it on the sand. Saying nothing, James moved me into the position he wanted, kneeling on the sand, knees and palms cushioned by the blanket. He walked around to my face, and bent down, whispering in my ear. “We’re going to spit-roast you, girl. Would you rather have me in your mouth or in your cunt? Oh, and by the way, that stud, Angel? He’ll be porking the other end.”

My heart was pounding, my mouth was dry, my knees were trembling, and my pussy was now clearly dripping. I knew because I not only felt it, but I heard the drops falling, pat, pat, pat on the blanket. I licked my lips, tried to swallow, and said, “Please, I…I’d…I’d like you in my cunt, James. Please.”

He leaned down, chuckled in my ear, and said, “Cunt it is. Spread those lovely knees for me so I can fuck you properly.”

Without thinking, I walked my knees farther apart to give him access, just as Angel walked towards us with that impressive cock waving back and forth. Glancing at James moving behind me, he stepped towards my head, knelt down, smoothed his hand over my hair, then grabbed a fistful and pulled my head up.

As my head moved up, my mouth opened. Angel presented the bulbous head of his cut cock to my mouth, but when I moved to cover it with my lips, he moved slightly back.

Señora, it is polite to ask nice for something you want, not just to take it, yes?”

I glanced up at him, and despite the smirk on his face, my molten pussy forced me to say, “Please, Angel, please let me suck your cock!”

He held my eye for a moment, then sighed theatrically, and said, “I suppose, just this once, chica!” and slowly but steadily fed his cockhead between my waiting lips.

He paused to allow me to draw my lips around his cockhead and lave it with my tongue, then withdrew, only to push further in, gradually feeding more and more of his length – slick with the familiar taste of Sammi’s pussy – into my mouth, and then finally down my throat.

The sounds I was making were embarrassing, between groans, gasps, gulps, and coughs as he worked himself further and further into me. Finally, he pushed himself all the way in, abdomen touching my nose, balls hitting my chin. I deep-throated him, astonished both at his length, and that I had managed to take this long, thick tool all the way into my throat.

He held himself there, keeping his hand in my hair, holding the back of my head, until I felt the stirrings of panic as I couldn’t breathe. At that point, he withdrew, slowly, until only his cockhead was left occupying my mouth, then stopped again, holding it there. I panted around his cock, gasping for air, then quickly gulped another lung-full as he began to move forward again, more quickly this time as his tool was now well-lubricated.

Then I felt James slipping his cock into my cunt, dividing my pussy lips, slowly sliding into my slick and silky sheath. I moaned, and felt embarrassed all over again to be making such noises – yet found that I couldn’t help myself.

My nipples were so hard and tight that they hurt, and I felt a complete slut – and enjoyed the sensation!

They started coordinating their actions because once James was fully inside me, and was beginning to pump in and out, I found Angel pushing back into my throat in counterpoint. For a time, they rocked my body back and forth between them. I would be pushed forward, filling my throat with Angel’s cock, then back, and being impaled on James’ cock.

I closed my eyes and lost sense of time, or my own being, losing myself in the sensation of two seemingly disembodied cocks pushing their way into me. My body started to prickle and tremble, and it felt like all of my insides had turned molten: hot, slick, and sticky, all at the same time. I could not imagine it was possible to feel anything more than I was…

And then I felt two hands on my tits, which were hanging down and swinging back and forth as I rocked and my body was filled first with one cock, then the other. Now my always-sensitive nipples were being gently massaged, then pulled, then twisted by someone’s hands. I began to shake as the sensations started to overwhelm me…

Then yet another hand slowly stroked down my abdomen, raising goosebumps on my flanks, across and around my ass, squeezing my cheeks, one after the other. It brushed its way slowly around my hip, down over my mound, and smoothed its way to where my pussy lips were being held apart by the cock that was rocking back and forth into my cunt.

Finding my pearl fully, almost painfully hard, it began to brush, then stroke, then rub, and finally gently twist my pearl between two fingers, bringing shivery overtones to what the rest of my body was feeling, beyond anything I imagined as being possible.

I felt two lips on my side, kissing me gently, then moving farther up and kissing again, the sensation repeated until they came to my “You look a proper slut, girl, a wet and slippery cunt, being used as a fucktoy, taking two cocks into her at the same time, and not only allowing it but glorying in it! I’ll bet you’re going to cum, and cum hard, any moment now – aren’t you?”

That was more than enough to push me over the edge.

My entire body felt on fire, hot and cold at the same time, with every part of it tingling. My breath came in gasps when the cock in my mouth allowed it, then was forced out through my nose as it was shoved back into my throat, only to retreat again. My cunt was held open as the cock spreading my pussy lips was shoved deeper into my core, yet I felt a sense of loss each time it moved out again.

My tits were now being pulled, kneaded, almost milked, sending lightning shooting down to my pussy – to be met by the sensation of my pearl being patted, twisted, rubbed, and rolled.

I could take no more, and went into overload. I exploded – I can find no other way to explain it. My entire body felt prickly pins and needles as I came violently. I started to sob around the cock in my mouth, my cunt started to clench around the cock being shoved in and out of it, and my hips and abdomen were shaking violently, my elbows threatening to collapse. I felt tears falling from my eyes, and honey almost spurting from my cunt when the cock there partially withdrew.

And then the cock in my mouth expanded, then pulsed, once, twice, three times, sending gobs of hot cum into my mouth, leaving a salty taste on my tongue, then squirting down my throat as the cock shoved home down my throat and held there.

I felt the cock in my cunt swell, pause as if frozen, then release, and I could feel hot gushes of cum spurting into me, filling me, possessing me as that cock shoved in to the hilt, too, suspending me, truly spitted between two tools and two men.

Feeling like a complete slut and an utter fucktoy, I gave myself to the sensations, sobbing uncontrollably, straining for air with my throat filled, feeling cum drooling out of my mouth and nose, while the muscles of my cunt spasmed uncontrollably, gripping the cock behind me hard.

Finally, when I could take no more, and was sure my head would explode, I collapsed, felt both cocks slip out of me with an obscene slurping sound, and I spiraled into darkness.


Wind was making palm fronds clatter. Waves were whooshing quietly onto the shore. Birds were chirping, and off in the distance, there were howler monkeys.

Someone was smoothing their hand along my hair, caressing me. It felt good, and I let it continue, too out of it to do anything else.

After a while, the dappling of light on my eyelids roused me, so I opened them. I found myself looking up into Marta’s smiling face. Her breasts were bare, and she looked beautiful.

“Hello, and welcome back!” She leaned down and kissed me.


Brilliant, Elizabeth, I thought. Witty, succinct, incisive…great conversation!

I worked my mouth, which was very dry, and a bit sore at the edges. “Did I…did I dream that?”

Marta’s smile broadened, but she shook her head no. “No, it was real all right – and you were the guest of honor! Did you enjoy it?”

I closed my eyes tightly and thought about how I felt – and what I remembered. “Oh…” was all I could think to say.

I opened my eyes again. Marta was still there, and still gorgeous. I stretched up from her lap and kissed her. “This was all your doing, wasn’t it?” I accused.

Her smile broadened, and she nodded. “Do you mind?”

I thought, felt, then decided. “No…but oh, my I think I’m going to be sore. Come to think of it, I am sore!” I blinked again. “But, fuck, I don’t think I’ve ever had a more massive orgasm. And I’m not sure I ever want another like it!”

I turned my head and looked around. “Where are the others?”

She dimpled, “James is seated right behind me,” she nodded, and I looked around her. He wiggled his fingers in greeting, “…and Sammi and Angel rode back with the horses. Angel is going to return with the Jeep and give us a ride back to the resort. He seemed pretty sure you wouldn’t be up to riding back.

“If it comes to that, I suspect Sammi’s going to be pretty sore tonight and tomorrow, too! But she looked supremely content, almost glowing!” Marta sighed. “Oh, to be young again!”

James snorted. “Listen, grandma – you’re having more fun now by a long chalk than you did when you were younger – say, Sammi’s age.”

Marta laughed. “Too true, my lovely, wonderful – studly – husband!”

Gingerly, I sat up, and Marta moved her arms to give me room. I checked up and down and found that, as Marta said, we were alone on the beach. Plus, we were all still naked.

I looked at her. “Um…how long do you think it will be until they get back with the jeep? And do you know where my clothes are? I’ve kinda lost track a bit!”

Marta smirked at me, sliding her hand along my side, making me shiver. “And why would you need clothes, pray tell?”

I glanced at James and licked my lips. “Uh…well, for one thing, we’re going to need them to walk back to our rooms once we’re at the resort.”

Marta stretched, then handed me a water bottle, from which I greedily gulped, then handed it back to her, wiping my mouth on my forearm.

James looked at me, then smiled, “Well, Marta doesn’t know it yet, but she’s not getting her bikini back.”

She looked sharply at him. “But…”

“Quiet, slut. You’ll do as you’re told.”

She dropped her eyes, hesitated, then a slow smile spread across her face. “Yes, Sir. Whatever you say, Sir. Three bags full, Sir.”

James leaned forward and quickly kissed his bride. “Are you honing for a spanking, slut?”

Marta opened her eyes wide, feigning innocence. “Me? Sir?”

James shook his head, then turned back to me. “I’ve been married for all of one day, and already I’m getting sass.”

His head went up, and he looked back in the direction of the resort. “I think our ride is here. Let’s find our belongings, shall we?”

I stood up and swayed. Marta grabbed me, steadying. I had a thought, and giggled, “Uh…James?”

James turned from the sound of the approaching jeep to look at me.

“If Marta is only wearing her cover-up, then so am I!”

James looked at me, then grinned, “Even better! Come on – let’s see how many people we can shock before we get back to the suite!”

To be continued…

Published 3 years ago

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