Spinning Out

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Spinning out with arms flung about to the winds
Of the sphere of life we float upon
In bursts of passion
And joy,

I feel the beat of the earth beneath my feet and cry
Out to the center of the universe with
My soaring vibrant
Love song.

And she hears whenever she listens, and hears my voice
Singing deeply, and internally now,
As I await the coming of
My lover.

She is she, and she will ever be the steps of my
Dance, and the notes of my song of
Alleluia that throb in my 
Ears again.

She flies above me, and I will join her in her flight
Of loving, and giving, and bestowing
Eternal fixation upon her 
Sweet face.

It still fascinates and transcends all grief I feel
As she passes beyond the scope of
Living, and giving, and touch.
We lost.

When she ascended, and rejected all, and left me
Behind to be normal, and simple, and
Never to see more of her.
Lost soul.

Because it is lost without me. She knows this. She
Must know this. My little lost lamb. 
My little lost soul.
My own.

So my dance ends, and the winds will blow away
All my dreams of redemption, and 
Acceptance, and hope.
Still gone.

To other realms of existence that will never let
Me in to serve her, and observe her,
And offer all that I have
Once more.

Published 10 years ago

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