Spencer’s Group

"Posing for Spencer Tunick"

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Maggie and I were sitting at an outside table in front of our favorite coffee house when two young ladies came by passing out a flyer. We didn’t pay much attention to the flier or the non-descript girls and continued discussing our favorite subject, old movies. With us were Greg and Mary, and Maggie’s two friends from college, Judy and Amy. I saw Greg glance at one of the flyers and his eyes opened wide with interest as he carefully read it.

He quietly uttered, “Well I’ll be damned.” We stared at him with questioning looks. Greg smiled and asked if we’d ever heard of Spencer Tunick. Maggie asked if he was the guy who photographed naked bodies in a public setting and Greg shook his head, “Yes.” Turns out, Tunick was recruiting volunteers for an event to be held the following Sunday morning in front of the Washington Monument.

We talked and joked about what it would be like to be a part of the crowd, being naked in front of all those people. I was surprised that Maggie didn’t think the nudity was that big a deal because everyone else would also be naked. Greg pointed out that when word spread, a lot of people would come out to gawk at the participants and a lot of pictures would probably end up on the Internet. Again, Maggie didn’t think that was a concern. She maintained that just being part of the scene and the resulting art would be worth it.

I suddenly had a sinking feeling that we would both be naked next Sunday morning on the Monument grounds along with hundreds of others. I’d known Maggie for several years before we were married six months ago and I never knew she harbored exhibitionist tendencies. I didn’t say much at the time, but I let her know later that I wasn’t too keen on her exposing her body to the world.

We actually got into an argument over it. She claimed that I was acting like I owned her, and wouldn’t allow her to do what she wanted to. My argument was the standard male chauvinist line, which she ripped apart. Maggie said she was going to be there with or without me. I reluctantly agreed to participate, especially when she got several of her friends to agree including Greg and Mary who were also married. If Greg was going to see Maggie naked, then I might as well enjoy seeing Mary in the buff. One thing bothered me though; at my urging Maggie had shaved off her pubic hair over a year ago and her bare pussy would be on display. Her reaction was to shrug her shoulders and roll her eyes, as if saying, “So what.”

We were on the grounds at 6AM along with over four hundred others of all ages, sizes and shapes. I did some research on Tunick and knew that he focused in on the whole crowd and not anyone in particular. However, the people standing on the periphery were looking to focus on the crowd as sex objects, with cameras in hand.

This turned out to be two different scenarios that Tunick wanted to capture. The first had everyone lay face up on the grass midway between the Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. Tunick would take two sets of pictures; one facing the Monument and one facing the Memorial.

The second scenario would need only half the people to go across 14 th Street to the Mall and create a replica of the American flag on the grass. To accomplish this, the flag was outlined on the Mall with numbered places. The first so many people were handed small cards with a number corresponding to a number on the Mall along with instructions as to how to position yourself. Only those with cards were to go on the Mall, the others could get dressed and watch. Meanwhile, Tunick would go to the top of the Monument and take pictures from there so he could capture the entire flag.

The Police were there to protect our belongings while we ran off to be photographed. When we got the signal, we all looked at each other for a moment until Maggie began stripping.

I followed suit and saw our friends slowly getting naked. It was really quite a rush to stand naked next to my wife and our friends as well as all those immediately surrounding us. We all did a quick glance at each other’s bodies and as I suspected, Maggie’s shaved pussy brought looks of disbelief. As far as I could see, everyone in sight had pubes, that is, all but Maggie. She blushed slightly before grabbing my hand and pulling me along with the crowd. Greg pulled up beside me and whispered, “Wow,” and I just grinned at him. As we ran, guys were looking around and checking out the bouncing tits and eventually a few saw Maggie’s naked pussy. She saw them looking and ignored them, but she said later that it was quite a rush for her.

We were herded into position and stretched out on our backs. The grass was damp and cold, but it was for art’s sake. With the guys in front of us looking back at Maggie’s slit and me checking out Mary who was next to me, my cock began to stir. Maggie and I talked about the possibility and she said to just let it happen. So, as it grew, everyone around saw it. Now I’m not that big, but I’m proud of my seven and a half inches. Maggie and the girls were giggling, but I just looked up at the sky.

It took a half hour for Tunick to get his pictures. We were moved back toward the Mall where we were handed cards. I was to be part of one stripe along with Mary and the girls. Maggie and Greg were stars. I found out later that being a star had Maggie stretched out on her front with her arms out and her legs spread wide open. She was the top row of stars with Greg behind her where he could look up between her spread legs. Not only that, the people watching were running up and taking pictures of the exposed cunts. Fortunately, Maggie’s face was down so no one could recognize her photo.

After the picture, we met where our clothes were dropped and a lot of people seemed to be in no hurry to get dressed. In fact, I was the last to get back and the others were still naked and talking about their experience. Maggie was getting checked out be everyone around us because the top of her slit was in plain sight. It was erotic as hell and there were a few erections as testimonials, Greg’s and mine included.

We were dressed and on our way to the subway when a guy came up to Maggie and asked if she would consider posing solo for Tunick. She excitedly said Yes, and we followed the guy to where Tunick and several others were standing. They took us to the Tidal Basin where the Cherry Blossoms bloomed in the Spring and had Maggie stand along the rail with the Jefferson Memorial in the background. She was turned at a few angles, but he seemed to zero in on her shaved pussy. Maggie got dressed and we went up to the Memorial and he took several pictures of Maggie on the steps, in front of the water and on top, next to the statue. All the while, people were milling around and watching and, of course, taking their own pictures. The sexiest picture of the day had Maggie standing at the top of the steps with her legs slightly spread while Tunick laid on the steps and took a picture of her full slit.

Maggie dressed and gave her address to one of the assistants. A few weeks later we received a set of pictures that were absolutely magnificent. They are in an album that Maggie proudly pulls out every chance she gets. She really gets off on people seeing her shaved pussy.

Maggie’s parents were totally embarrassed when she showed them the album and her younger brother was shocked. My parents declined to look at it, but her sister and her husband thought the pictures were great and were proud of her. I took a few pictures of Maggie that I keep on our PC that she doesn’t want anyone to see.

Published 16 years ago

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