
"My bff changes my life forever."

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12 Years Ago, High School

I took a deep breath before I went into my house.

My dad was the first one to see me. “Hey kiddo! You’re home early, you all good?”

I shrugged and nodded to Dad, then took a couple more steps into the living room and saw Mom on the couch, checking her Instagram for the latest Yorkie updates; she was obsessed with Yorkshire Terriers. Without even looking up, she addressed me. “Date didn’t go so well, hmmm, Mandy?”

I could just feel her judging me.

“No, not so well. I won’t be dating Greg anymore.”

“Well, If you had maybe curled your hair like I said, you would have looked better and you wouldn’t be in this forlorn state of mind.”

My chest tightened, but I managed to squeak out the words, “I’m going to Stephanie’s… spending the night.”

“I love you sweetheart,” Daddy called from the couch.

Mom just gave me that look, that raised-eyebrow, condescending, I-know-what’s-best-for-you look. I patted my dad’s shoulder, went to my room, grabbed some overnight stuff and fled to Stephanie’s.


“Why does every guy have to attack my boobs?” I complained to Steph as I changed into my night clothes, a white T-shirt and Spankies, those tight fitting little pants that are kind of like underwear.

“Ha!” she laughed. “You’re asking me?”

It was kind of funny, I guess. Steph has been a lesbian since forever, so she wouldn’t know much about teen-male behavior. But she was my best friend, and I needed some help.

“I mean, they’re just boobs, right? Every girl has them. It’s just skin and fat, why does everyone make such a big deal out of them?”

“Because, dear Mandy, oh little naive girl, nobody else at school has ones as big as yours. I think guys see them as sexy, or if you want to get Freudian, it’s part of the oedipal complex.”

“Who or what is Freudian?” Steph read a lot more than I did. “Look, never mind. It’s not even about that. It’s just, we were making out in the car… and he took my hand… and he… he…” I was practically panting now. My chest tightened again and it was hard to breathe, I just couldn’t catch my breath.

“Hey, sweetie, it’s okay! It’s alright, you’re safe now. Tell me what happened?”

The tears poured down my cheeks now. “He pulled my hand down… down to his, you know. And I felt it through his pants. It seemed huge, and scary. And it was just too much for me.”

“I see…” Steph pondered. She paused for a few moments before she spoke again. “Well, that’s his penis–”

“I know that! I’m not stupid! Look, the kissing was great, magical, even. It’s like I get transported when we kiss, all my troubles just vanish and my mind calms. Even when he touched my boobs, it was still fine. In fact, it felt nice and I got a little turned on. But then, he wanted me to touch his cock…”

My breathing shallowed, it was like I couldn’t get enough oxygen. I could only speak between gasps now.

“I pulled my… hand back… and he… unzipped his pants and… took it out… and… “ Steph held on to me as I cried harder. “And he put his hand… on the back of my neck and… tried to pull me down…”

Stephanie held me tight, telling me it was alright now, she was taking care of me, it was all fine, those kinds of things. But it didn’t matter, my mind was spinning out of control, the room was closing in, and somebody had taken all the oxygen out of the room. That same somebody grabbed the insides of my chest and squeezed it. Am I too young for a heart attack? I kept trying to breathe but it didn’t seem to be working. My heart tried to thump its way out of my chest.

“I’ll be right back, stay here.” Concerned at this point, Steph went upstairs to her kitchen to get something. Great, now I’m alone in her fucking basement. She knows about me and basements!

She came back down with a brown paper lunch bag. “Breathe into this, you’re hyperventilating.”

She held it to my face as we sat on her bed and that didn’t help at all. There was far less oxygen in that little fucking bag than in the room. What was she thinking?

“Mandy! You need to calm–”

“Don’t tell me to calm down!” I screamed at her in a shrill voice. Then I unloaded on her, my voice rising to an almost unnatural pitch as my anxiety took complete control over me. ”How can I calm down when my world is crashing? I don’t think I like boys! Don’t you get it? I’ll never get married, or have kids, Greg is going to tell everyone at school and they will laugh at me and think I’m stupid or frigid and maybe I am a lesbian and my mom is going to kill me and never talk to me and that wouldn’t be so bad but she will judge me like she does everything–”

“Mandy! Stop!”

“I can’t stop it’s like a freight train in my head and you’re trying to kill me with a paper bag but not really and everything is upside down and Greg is really cute and he makes me hot but I don’t want to see his cock and I don’t know what to do anymore but I do know my mom has won and I am fat and ugly and won’t go to college and nobody will ever love me–”

I rattled on more, it felt like I was in a whirlpool of despair, and I was going under fast.

Stephanie reached over and grabbed my hands and pulled me over her lap. I didn’t know what was going on, but at least she wasn’t trying to put that fucking bag over my face anymore.I started to push myself off of her when I felt it.


I lay there stunned. My best friend in the whole world was… spanking me? My body went rigid, then I tried to get up.

Is she fucking serious?

Steph! What–”


“Ow! That stings! Steph!”

Spank! Spank! Spank!

Each spank was right across the center of both of my ass cheeks. And Stephanie didn’t stop. My body fell from rigid to limp, I lay across her lap like a wet noodle. Steph kept spanking me, and spanking me.

She’s varying her locations now… up my left cheek and down the other… it hurts… it stings… I’m kicking my feet, it hurts so much… I thrash around but I don’t try to get off of her… I don’t want to leave the safety of her lap… that makes no sense at all… Stephanie, don’t stop… please…

My best friend spanked me for another minute or so, then she slowed down, and finally stopped.

“Well,” she panted, out of breath. “Look who finally calmed the fuck down.”

I had stopped crying, that somebody who took all my air and squeezed my chest was gone. Gone! My breaths were deep, my lungs filled with air on each one. I was breathing hard, but it was from the, well, I don’t know if exertion is the right word. But it was from getting spanked. My mind was clear, I wasn’t worried about Greg or my boobs or even, amazingly, my mother. That dark blanket of anxiety was… gone.

“I better check the damage,” Stephanie sighed, as if she was a doctor checking her patient. I felt her hands tugging on the hem of my little Spankies, so I raised up and she pulled them down and off my legs, exposing my bottom.

“Turn and look, hon,” she whispered, and I did.

“Oh, my God.” The bright pink and red color shocked me. I didn’t know anything about spanking. “Is that, like, normal? I mean it seems like a lot.”

“Yes,” Stephanie cooed. She laid her hand on my ass and squeezed fairly hard, massaging my bare bottom. “Does that feel better?”

I just moaned under her touch. I should have been concerned she was looking at my bare bottom, but it didn’t seem to bother me. She used both hands and squeezed my cheeks tenderly, firmly, maybe even lovingly.

It felt divine.

And then it happened. As she squeezed the fattest part of my ample ass, a finger or two of hers grazed over my pussy lips. Electricity shot through my entire body, sparking my desire like nothing ever had before. I mean, yes, by this time I had touched myself and made myself come, but it was nothing like this.

I found myself pulling my knees closer a little bit, raising my ass into the air another inch or two. And my legs spread apart a couple of inches, also. I couldn’t say the words, couldn’t speak my desires, but I was hoping she could tell what I wanted; I wanted her to touch me again.

And I guess my actions spoke to her, for another finger of hers slid across my lips again, and then yet another time a few moments later. She continued to rub and massage my ass, and her seemingly accidental touching of my pussy just felt like a part of that. Until she laid her hand against my crack and her middle finger settled right in between my pussy lips.

“Ohhhhh,” I moaned, losing my mind and unable to express anything other than the most basic of sounds. She pressed a little and her finger slipped into my silky folds, and her fingernail tickled my engorged clit. My hips moved on their own, rolling from side to side, encouraging more contact and pressure from Stephanie. She granted my unspoken wish and more of her fingers pressed against me. She began pushing her hand forward and then backward over my pussy, it was only an inch or so but the motion was driving me crazy.

Stephanie cooed softly, “That’s my good little girl, such a good girl for me.”

Oh, those words. The pressure rose quickly inside me. Not that bad anxious pressure, but that good, wonderful, build-up of intensity that kept rising. I writhed in pleasure under her touch, Stephanie had already taken me beyond any orgasm I had given myself but it kept rising. Each second I thought it couldn’t get any crazier, any better, but it kept going as my pussy throbbed—

Her left hand continued to work my pussy and I lost track of where her other hand went, but then I found out.


Her right hand swatted me harder than any previous spanks.

She hit my bottom again and again… so hard and so fast… the Slapping sounded like thunder and the hits felt like lightning shooting through my body.

I exploded.

I don’t know how else to describe it. The sudden pain created an indescribable release of pleasure, so much so that my mind went completely blank as I rode that exquisite wave of happiness and satisfaction and wonder.

Stephanie held her finger against my throbbing clit, giving me occasional pulses which maintained my level of joy. She kept me in that state for I don’t know how long, a minute or maybe an hour, I was so in-the-moment like I never had been before.

She spanked my bottom again, hard, and I felt the room going dark as I fell over a cliff into an abyss of love.


I came to just a few moments later, disoriented and confused, until it all came rushing back to me. I pushed myself up off Stephanie’s lap, tugged my T-shirt right off and attacked my lover, smothering her with kisses as I pushed her down onto the bed. I quickly got her undressed and resumed kissing her passionately. I felt so much love for her I couldn’t possibly put it into words so I had to prove it with my mouth and body.

She matched my fervor and kissed me as hard as I kissed her. Our legs entwined, we each tried to hump the other with our pussies as they met in orgasmic delight.

I had known Stephanie all of my life, but I only discovered her that night. I’ve never cried so much as that night, mostly tears of joy and of relief but with a few more pain tears, for sure.

We’ve never spent a single day after that apart.


I hung in my bonds, anxiously awaiting the arrival of Juditha and Carmen, our best friends for the last five years. Stephanie liked to do this, click my wrist cuffs to the hooks attached to the big wooden beam in our coastal house and make me wait. She went about her business preparing the appetizers and getting the bar ready while I stood naked in the middle of the room; shackled, legs held apart by a spreader bar, unable to move or even speak, thanks to the red ball gag.

I say anxiously awaiting, but it was a good kind of anxious. The anticipation of what was to come thrilled me to no end. The ball gag forced me to salivate and it ran down between my breasts in rivulets to my pussy.

The girls arrived and ignored me as the three of them stood in front of me and talked and drank their wines and ate delectable cheeses, while my pussy literally dripped onto the wooden floor. In my five inch spiked heels, I towered over them, yet they ignored me. Submissive feelings washed over me, causing my breasts to swell and my nipples to harden.

Who was going to spank me? Judy? She hits hard. Carmen? She hits lightly but with great speed and variety. My wife? She likes to tease and torment me until I can’t take it any longer and then torment me some more.

Stephanie stepped out of my sight but returned with three leather strap-paddles. Three! They were all going to spank me? I writhed in my bonds, genuinely afraid and genuinely ready to come at the slightest provocation.

Our two friends went behind me while Stephanie remained in front of me, acknowledging my existence for the first time in an hour. She looked into my eyes as I gazed lovingly into hers. My love, my friend, my savior. Thank you.

Someone delivered the first hard strap to my ass as Stephanie watched.


I shivered. I came. I squirted. I cried out in joy and shed a grateful tear. The pleasurable abyss of love and pain called to me, and I jumped in.




I love you, Stephanie.





Published 4 years ago

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