I stood outside the office door with David, my Manager. We had been summonsed by Mrs Shute, the Sales Director. I noticed David was sweating. Looking quite alarmed in fact. He looked at me and said “sorry.”
I asked “what for?”
“This” he answered, pointing at the office door.
“What do you mean David?”
“Look, I know you have just graduated from University, but you read your contract didn’t you?”
David was sweating more profusely. He is about 30 years old but his hairline is already well drawn back, and goblets of sweat rose from his now shiny forehead. He gesticulated with his arms and I saw the dark stains around his arm pits that stood out in stark contrast to his dark blue shirt. He took out a spotless white handkerchief and wiped his forehead. I could see it was damp as he put it back in the pocket of his dark grey trousers with the sharp crease. David always had a sharp crease in his trousers and sharp creases on the sleeves of his shirt. He was always dressed well. He is a salesman and dressed the part.
When I joined the firm I was placed with him, to learn from the best salesman in the firm. That’s what Mrs Shute said on my first day. Just one month ago.
“What about my contract?” I asked.
“We are sales orientated. We have always been. And the firm gives incentives.”
“Yes, I remember that from the induction. The best sales team goes away to a top hotel, and second goes away but to a lesser hotel, and most teams get a bonus.”
“And?” David persisted.
“I remember something about being retrained if you came last. Is that it? Are we going to be retrained?”
“Exactly. That is exactly what is going to happen.” David started to sweat again, goblets again forming on his forehead. He was getting me worried. But why should I worry? I’ve only been here a month. The sales are over the last 3 months. Surely I can’t be blamed. Surely only David will have to explain what went wrong? Surely?
Having convinced myself I would be OK I asked “What happens at retraining?” maybe I will learn a thing or two about sales. That must be what retraining is after all.
“First we get torn off a strip by Mrs Shute.”
I realised he was including both of us in what he was saying.
“What do you mean we? Will I be blamed for the sales figures then?” I started to wonder.
David looked at me with surprise. “You do know what happened to the last graduate don’t you?”
“No” I said, now even more concerned.
“He had only been with us for two weeks. His manager got the worst sales figures ever. They both got sacked there and then. They had to clear their desks and get out in just 5 minutes.”
I was shocked. Visibly shocked. David could tell. He blushed. He must have realised he was getting me worried. “But that may not happen today. I hope not anyway because I don’t fancy going home with that news. That’s for sure.”
I calmed down a bit, but could now feel my own hands getting a bit clammy. I certainly didn’t want the sack. I would have to go home and tell my Mum that I had lost my job, and it would be just so difficult to find another one. It would be a disaster for my prospects.
I was jarred out of my thoughts by the sound of the door opening. David and I both looked up and saw Mrs Shute, standing their, looking rather grim I thought. She pointed to her desk and I followed David as he walked over to the huge wooden desk and stood in front of it. Mrs Shute went behind the desk and sat down in her large black leather executive swivel chair. She looked so elegant in her dark jacket and matching skirt that finished just above her knee, with the light pink shirt underneath. She held herself up straight, and had the look of authority about her. Different to the other day when she wore a similar outfit but was all smiles when she proudly told the office how she had won another major contract.
Just then the phone rang and Mrs Shute answered it. “Yes they are here Julie, come in if you would.”
Ah Julie. David’s line manager. Julie Shute actually I knew. Mrs Shute’s daughter. She led half the sale’s force. I thought she was so gorgeous and fancied her horribly.
“We will wait for Julie to come through.” Mrs Shute fell silent. She clearly did not expect any answer from us.
I took the opportunity to look around the office. It was quite large, about fifteen feet square I reckoned. A nice blue carpet with a light red fleck, white walls and a white ceiling. There were lots of certificates on the walls. Some were showing associations the Company belonged to, others stated the recipient was the best sales person of the year. I could see Mrs Shute had received the award for three years running. Clearly she knew her stuff. Again I wondered if I might learn something from this. As long as I kept my job that is.
I looked at Mrs Shute as she peered at some papers on her desk. I was told she was about 50 years old. Blondish hair, short but very well groomed. She wore some makeup but not too much. A light lipstick and some eye shadow. She looked younger.
Just then there was a knock on the door although it opened even before Mrs Shute could say anything. Julie walked through the door. She was not as well dressed as her Mother, but still looked reasonably smart in her black skirt that only reached the middle of her thigh, and short sleeved striped top, caught around her waist by a thick black belt.
Julie smiled at her Mother, but just nodded to the two of us and said a curt “David, Jeremy.” I smiled back, but saw David almost grimace as he tried to smile. Mrs Shute looked particularly unimpressed.
“OK Julie, tell us the figures please” Mrs Shute said flatly.
“Right. Well you have come bottom of the sales league.
David gasped beside me. I looked at him. His mouth gaped open. “Surely not” he exclaimed.
Julie continued with the figures which showed just how badly we, well David, had done. David was breathing heavily now. I saw a dribble of sweat slide down the side of his face.
“Well Julie, what does that mean?”
“Well, the rule is that anyone below 30% of the top figure is dismissed.” She was silent for a bit, allowing David and I to get even more worried. “Luckily” she added, “you have 32%. That at least means you keep you don’t get dismissed. Of course, it does mean you will be given incentives and training. I think you know what I mean” she concluded, giving a knowing look to David.
David gasped again. His face reddened. He tried to say something but stopped. Maybe he thought better of it.
Mrs Shute said “OK David, I’m sorry but those are the rules we have set ourselves and we all have to keep to them.”
Again David looked as though he was going to say something but didn’t.
Mrs Shute said “as usual I will be giving you, David, as leader, your training.”
David took a deep breath, then sighed, looking now as though he was going to accept his fate, and said “of course Mrs Shute.”
Mrs Shute nodded, then looked at me. I froze, I suspect everyone in the room could smell my fear.
“So Jeremy, not a good start to your career is it?”
“No Mrs Shute” I answered stiffly, fearing the next few minutes.”
“Well, you are in the same team, and …”
“Maybe we should consider Jeremy’s position again Mum. You know he has shown some promise, and he has only been here a month.”
I looked at Julie and wanted to thank her. Yes, that was exactly right I thought. Go girl go.
Mrs Shute said “but Julie, if we don’t keep to the rules what will everyone think?”
“I know Mum, and I think we should keep to them. I was just thinking though that if I helped Jeremy more directly he might benefit more than if you carry out the normal training. Jeremy will undergo special training then maybe we can also show that we treat our staff better than other firms. What do you think?”
Mrs Shute looked at her daughter, turned her gaze towards me and looked through narrowing eyes, summing me up, considering. I knew my future lay in the hands of this woman. The seconds were agonising. She lent forward and said “OK Julie. Give it a go. If you can get him to significantly increase his sales figures in the next 6 months then I will be extremely impressed with you.”
“Thanks Mum, you watch, he will be a top salesman by then.”
“Thank you Mrs Shute” I said enthusiastically. I couldn’t believe my luck.
Mrs Shute turned to David and said “now David, let’s discuss your training.”
David looked at the floor as Mrs Shute stood up and went to a cupboard. She opened the door, and took out a long cane. My mouth dropped open. I looked at David and by the way his face froze I guessed he had seen it before.
“You should know better. Much better. You have been a top salesman before so know what you should be doing. I don’t suppose re-training will do you much good, so I will be giving you several incentive sessions instead. Trousers and underpants down David, and grab hold of the chair please.”
David didn’t say anything. He just undid his trousers and pushed them to his knees. He put his thumbs in the waistband of his underpants and yanked them down as well. He bent over and grabbed both sides of the seat to the visitor’s chair, looking downwards, knowing what was to happen.
“I trust this will be a good first lesson David” as Mrs Shute stood behind David just to one side. She tapped his bottom twice before pulling back her arm and in one swift movement brought the cane down hard across his smooth bottom, leaving a single wicked looking line across it. David gasped and I just don’t know how he managed to hang on.
Two more swishes of the cane left two more weals, turning David’s bottom a darker shade of pink. Three more and he was in tears, gasping after each stroke, bending his legs, and on the last occasion actually lifting one leg, a direct reaction to the sting of the cane hitting his bare flesh.”
“Right David, let’s have a discussion about sales before continuing with your training.”
David nodded, unable to speak.
Mrs Shute turned to Julie and said “You Julie, take Jeremy to your office and discuss an appropriate incentive plan with him if you would. I think he gets the idea.”
I certainly did. The problem was I couldn’t refuse. I realised to my horror that whilst I was watching David being punished I was experiencing an erection. I was getting up on watching his pain, even wishing it was me there, with my bare bottom being thrashed.
“Follow me Jeremy” Julie said over her shoulder as she walked to the door, opened it, and walked out. I scrambled to keep up. I wanted to say I would accept her training, but never got close enough. We passed quickly by several staff who looked up, saw who it was, and looked back down at their work, almost sheepishly I thought. I wondered if they knew what would happen. Did they know the sales figures already. I blushed as I tried ti keep up with Julie.
Julie’s office was up a floor. She was in an attic type room. It was light and airy and had lots of windows and so didn’t need many electric lights. There was a large desk, smaller than Mrs Shute’s but still quite large, and Julie also had a black leather swivel chair. Julie didn’t sit on that chair. Instead she sat in the guest’s chair. A high backed armless cushioned chair. She crossed her legs and I looked down at her legs, the skirt having risen right up her thigh, she was wearing stockings and the her bare legs just started to show. She crossed her arms and her breasts started to swell up above her arms. She was looking straight at me. A hard stare.
“I’ll come straight to the point shall I Jeremy?”
My eyes quickly averted to her face. A chubby face really, not slim like her Mother’s, but her eyes sparkled, and her teeth gleamed as she smiled.
“Yes, please do Julie.”
“Miss Julie if you don’t mind. Always address me as Miss Julie during our training sessions.”
I hadn’t been aware of the need for that. I didn’t recall anyone else having to address her so formally. Still, I didn’t reckon I was in any position to argue. “Yes Miss Julie” I said as respectfully as I could. I noticed the plural was used. So more than one session would be involved.
“Good. Now, I am going to make a few suggestions on how I can help you achieve better results in the future. Do you want my help Jeremy?”
Julie looked down at the bulge in my trousers and smiled. I guess she knew the answer, but looked back up at me and waited for my response.
“Oh yes please Miss Julie. That would be great. I am here to learn.”
“Good, and I can teach you a thing or two. Listen carefully”
Julie then told me about how to handle new Clients, and how to entice new orders and bigger orders out of them. She gave me examples. It all sounded very good advice.
“Of course what also helps are incentives. To get better sales.” Julie eyed me carefully. I suspected this would be like what Mrs Shute was doing to David..
I decided to be a bit naïve. “You mean like trips to hotels?”
“ Don’t be flippant Jeremy. Never ever be flippant with me. Is that understood?” she snapped.
“Of course Miss Julie. Sorry Miss Julie.” I was shocked. I hadn’t intended to be sarcastic. After all.
“OK then. No. That’s for those who are very successful. No, mine is a more direct method of incentive. You will earn points. I will keep the score. Each point means one less spank.” She stopped, to allow this to sink in. I was shocked. I heard what she said but still couldn’t stop myself asking “spank?”
She smirked. “Yes, that’s right. You will get a spanking from me on a very regular basis. Sometimes daily, sometimes every other day. Across my lap on your bare bottom. The length of the spanking will be determined by the number of points you have gained.”
“I don’t follow.” I did of course. I had seen what happened to David. I just didn’t expect it to happen to me so quickly, even before I was trained.
“I don’t follow, what?” she asked smartly.
“Sorry, I don’t follow Miss Julie.”
“That’s better. Tell me, were you spanked when you were younger?”
“Well yes Miss Julie.”
“Good, then you know the score. Talking of scores lets assume you have no credits today. So you will receive a full spanking. Right now. Come over here please.”
She smiled again when the bulge in my trousers grew again.
“Naughty naughty” she said. I blushed as I walked over to her. I started to undo my trousers but she smacked my hands.
“I’ll do that if you don’t mind” she snapped, looked up at me and added “even if you do mind actually.”
My mind was racing. I was so aroused, yet so preoccupied with the thought of being across Julie’s lap, bare bottom, being spanked. How it would hurt. Would I cry and look foolish, or take my punishment like a man. How hard would she spank, and for how long. Questions I knew would be answered very soon.
Julie stood up and undid her skirt. “I prefer it if you lie across my bare legs Jeremy.”
I watched as she removed her skirt. She wore sexy red and black knickers with a frill around the edge. My penis shot up to attention. Julie smiled as she held out her hand and I found myself pulled gently down and across her lap. It was strange watching the floor come up towards me. It came much closer than when I was younger. I looked back up at Julie who was staring down at me. The open palm of her hand resting on my bare bottom.
“So Jeremy, I hope this will give the necessary motivation to learn what I will be teaching you. Do you think it will?”
I wanted to answer but was so aware of the stiffness beneath me which must be digging in to Julie’s thigh. She must be aware of how aroused I was. I gave a very weak “yes Miss” and saw the smirk cross her oh so beautiful face. She raised her arm, I turned away and looked down at the floor. Her hand landed on my bottom and an instant later the pain ran right across it. Not a lot of pain to be fair. More of a shock as it turned out than pain. But enough to make it smart. Before I could recover the next spank hit home and then another and another. Julie didn’t say anything. She just spanked me. Regular hard spanks. She seemed to dot the spanks all around my bottom. I quickly recognised when she concentrated on one spot because the pain became quite intense.
Every few minutes she would rest and gently rub my now sore bottom. It was so nice when she did that. I lay prone across her lap, hands on the floor, and it was like being caressed. Well actually she was caressing me. It’s just that it always followed a few dozen hard spanks.
“I see you are recovering quickly Jeremy” Julia said with what really sounded like a smile in her voice. I realised my erection was back. The sensation of her caressing palm was doing wonderful things to me. There was no way I could prevent the erection though. I wanted her to spank me some more in fact, just so she would caress me again and again. The pain was worth it.
“Let’s discuss marketing again shall we Jeremy?”
That shook me out of my stupor. Was the spanking over I wondered? A shame I thought. “Of course Miss Julie. Shall I get up?”
“No silly” she said, giving me a dozen or more spanks as though to emphasise the point. Not that that was necessary of course. “No, we can discuss it right here. In fact, I will introduce you to my hairbrush. Look here Jeremy.”
I looked up and saw a wooden backed hairbrush with a large oblong head. I knew it wasn’t to do my hair and decided not to even try to make a joke. I just wasn’t in the right position. But at least the spanking will continue.
Julia didn’t expect a comment. Not about the hairbrush. She continued with “so Jeremy, I’ll ask you a question and you give me your best answer. Then the number of spanks you get with this hairbrush will be determined by how good your answer is. Fair enough?”
What a question I thought. I don’t want to object, and I can’t joke about it. I decided just to say a simple “OK Miss Julia” and wait for her to continue. She was in control after all. It was exciting really. Lying prone across a beautiful woman’s lap knowing she controlled everything that was going on.
She then explained how she would deal with the issue, and say how many spanks she thought I earned. They ranged fro 5 to 20 spanks for each question. She asked me several questions and I gave her my best shot each time. I knew my erection returned as she was explaining the correct answer each time. Her commanding voice was so arousing. I was usually quite stiff by the time each spanking started. That would go during the spanking, only to return when she spoke to me again. She must have known. The pressure against her thigh must have been so obvious but she never said anything about it.
“OK Jeremy, I guess that’s a good start. A satisfactory first lesson.” She was rubbing my bottom, sliding her hand down the back of my legs, edging her fingers down between my legs, as her stern teacher like voice was embracing my ears. I started to rock gently forwards and backwards, my hard penis rubbing against her thighs. I opened my legs and her hand went straight between them and fondled my balls. Her smooth hand, gently cupping my balls, slowly, tenderly, stroking them, tucking her fingers under them as I raised my bottom, encouraging her to explore deeper, stroking my stiff penis, up and down until I was moaning and groaning. My sore bottom forgotten. Being across Julia’s lap was almost forgotten. I was only focussing on the joy Julia was giving me, until aaahhhh. Heaven.
I lay across Julia’s lap breathing heavily as she kept rubbing my bottom, and legs and thighs. When she rubbed my inner thighs my stiffness was starting to return. What a hand. Spanking one moment, caressing the next. I became aware she was speaking to me.
“So Jeremy, I think you enjoyed that, didn’t you?”
“Oh yes Julia, oh yes” I sighed.
SMACK SMACK SMACK. “Miss Julia, Jeremy.”
That stunned me a bit but I replied immediately “yes Miss Julia, sorry Miss Julia.”
“OK Jeremy, this time. Next time it will mean another spanking so watch it, OK?”
“Yes Miss Julia.”
“OK, you can get up” she instructed.
I stood, rubbed my bottom, and looked down at her. Still so beautiful. I thought I was in love. I saw the fluid on her legs and was worried. She saw my look and smiled.
“Don’t worry about that Jeremy” as she took a tissue and wiped it off.
“Time for my present please” she ordered. She slipped off her sexy knickers. She sat with her legs apart. I knew exactly what she meant. I knelt down and looked straight at her hairy bush, light brown, wet already. Glistening wet. Wow, I thought, spanking me turned her on as much as she turned me on. I lent forward just as a voice came out in to the room.
“How are things Julia?” I could tell it was Mrs Shute’s voice.
“Fine Mum. Jeremy is a quick learner I think. We’ll be up soon.”
“Very good Julia, no rush.”
Julia looked at me and said in a very strict voice “I don’t think I need tell you want I want. Get down there and make me feel good. I think you can see I have enjoyed the session so far, so don’t let me down now.”
I looked at her and smiled. She really had made me feel good so I was going to make her feel great. One problem though. I had never given a girl oral sex before. Julia knew, and said more kindly “it’s OK Jeremy. You get in there and I’ll steer you.”
Again I beamed at her, looked down, and started to kiss her thighs. Lovely fleshy white smooth thighs. I worked my way between her legs until my cheeks were being cushioned by her thighs. Julia opened her legs further to allow me through. She held my head in one hand and directed my mouth to her welcoming vaginal lips. I felt the very different texture when I first licked then kissed then licked again the soft folds of her lips surrounded by her bush, enjoying the smell of her sex. I was rewarded by gentle groans from the lady I now both respected and loved. I pushed my tongue deeper into her sex and rocked as her hips gyrated in time with my own movements. I felt her fingers next to my cheek. She was rubbing herself whilst pushing my face to where she wanted me to be, until her groans increased in speed and intensity. She was close. I worked my tongue faster, wanting her to enjoy me as much I had enjoyed her. I was rewarded with a long drawn out sigh, and deep breathing, with Julia holding my head in close to her vagina, encouraging me to give her some last licks whilst she settled back and relaxed.
We stayed like that for a while. Julia on the chair, legs apart, with me on my knees, head buried between her legs, kissing her soft sex spot, her mound now soaking wet with her own fluid as well as from my tongue, her hands on my head. Julia gave a final sigh and let my head go.
“Get up please” she ordered, but smiling. “Thank you. A very nice present. Now, we need to schedule your next lesson Jeremy.” Julia looked in her diary. I was happy with when ever she wanted. My diary would be free at whatever time, day or night, weekday or weekend.
“Tomorrow afternoon, at 5 O’clock. Is that OK?”
“Yes Miss Julia. Of course.” I stiffened again, I just couldn’t stop it.
Julia looked at me and smiled. She winked and said “Good. Now get dressed.”
We both got dressed and straightened ourselves up. I looked again at the young woman who had just spanked me, across her lap, on my bare bottom. I had forgotten my bottom. It was now beginning to get warm. A reminder. A very welcome reminder, of the thrashing she gave me.
“Jeremy, you do think you will benefit from my instruction don’t you? I mean your erection just then tells me you do but I need you to say it” she added.
“Of course I will Miss Julia.” I wanted to tell her how much I wanted to be under her instruction forever.
She smiled. “Good. And when you start to get good sales figures I will let give you even greater rewards than you got today. They must be good figures Jeremy, so I can give you a better bonus. I am afraid though that it is unlikely for several weeks because you will need to be properly trained and that can only really happen when you are across my lap. Still, I thought you should know that in time the rewards will be there.”
“Thank you Miss Julia, it’s good of you to tell me. I know being spanked is just the incentive I need.”
“Good, I think so too. Now, let’s go and see Mum. Well, Mrs Shute. And no more Miss Julia until your next lesson, OK?” I nodded, with a smile.
We both walked to Mrs Shute’s office. The staff looked up as we passed, and again looked back down at their desks, not knowing what had happened. I hoped.
We entered Mrs Shute’s office to find David sitting in the guest’s chair, totally nude, and Mrs Shute behind her desk.
“So Julia, was Jeremy up to expectations?”
Julia smiled and said “Yes he was.”
Mrs Shute looked at David and said “well done David, a good choice.”
Mrs Shute looked at me. “So Jeremy, I hope you will learn quickly.”
“Oh I will Mrs Shute, I am sure I will, under, erm, Julia’s instruction.”
“Under her strict and very firm instruction young man” she corrected.
“Of course Mrs Shute” I said, blushing.
“One thing we misled you on by the way.”
I looked at her, waiting to hear what she meant.
“David is not the poorest salesman. He is actually the best.”
“Oh” I said, surprised.
“Yes, he is the best because he is the best trained. By me. Now you will be trained by Julia and I rather think you will get great sales figures very soon. Just as long as my daughter is happy with you. Understood?”
“Yes Mrs Shute. Well understood.” I then asked “why, er, ermm?”
“Did I lie?” she asked.
I wondered if that was too risky, but she smiled at me and continued “I wanted to make sure you were in the right frame of mind to accept Julie’s discipline, but I don’t think you needed that much encouragement after all, did you?”
I smiled back, looked at Julia, and answered “no Mrs Shute, I didn’t.”
“So, I am just giving David his final lesson today. You can watch or you can participate, it’s up to you, but I encourage you to participate.”
David stood up and lent across the desk, grabbing the far side. Mrs Shute went to a cupboard and took out two canes. She looked at me and asked “well?”
I looked at Julia who stared back at me. I could tell though she wanted me to agree. I looked back at Mrs Shute and said “yes please.”
I was tense.
“Undress please, and bend across the desk next to David.”
I stood outside the office door with David, my Manager. We had been summonsed by Mrs Shute, the Sales Director. I noticed David was sweating. Looking quite alarmed in fact. He looked at me and said “sorry.”
I asked “what for?”
“This” he answered, pointing at the office door.
“What do you mean David?”
“Look, I know you have just graduated from University, but you read your contract didn’t you?”
David was sweating more profusely. He is about 30 years old but his hairline is already well drawn back, and goblets of sweat rose from his now shiny forehead. He gesticulated with his arms and I saw the dark stains around his arm pits that stood out in stark contrast to his dark blue shirt. He took out a spotless white handkerchief and wiped his forehead. I could see it was damp as he put it back in the pocket of his dark grey trousers with the sharp crease. David always had a sharp crease in his trousers and sharp creases on the sleeves of his shirt. He was always dressed well. He is a salesman and dressed the part.
When I joined the firm I was placed with him, to learn from the best salesman in the firm. That’s what Mrs Shute said on my first day. Just one month ago.
“What about my contract?” I asked.
“We are sales orientated. We have always been. And the firm gives incentives.”
“Yes, I remember that from the induction. The best sales team goes away to a top hotel, and second goes away but to a lesser hotel, and most teams get a bonus.”
“And?” David persisted.
“I remember something about being retrained if you came last. Is that it? Are we going to be retrained?”
“Exactly. That is exactly what is going to happen.” David started to sweat again, goblets again forming on his forehead. He was getting me worried. But why should I worry? I’ve only been here a month. The sales are over the last 3 months. Surely I can’t be blamed. Surely only David will have to explain what went wrong? Surely?
Having convinced myself I would be OK I asked “What happens at retraining?” maybe I will learn a thing or two about sales. That must be what retraining is after all.
“First we get torn off a strip by Mrs Shute.”
I realised he was including both of us in what he was saying.
“What do you mean we? Will I be blamed for the sales figures then?” I started to wonder.
David looked at me with surprise. “You do know what happened to the last graduate don’t you?”
“No” I said, now even more concerned.
“He had only been with us for two weeks. His manager got the worst sales figures ever. They both got sacked there and then. They had to clear their desks and get out in just 5 minutes.”
I was shocked. Visibly shocked. David could tell. He blushed. He must have realised he was getting me worried. “But that may not happen today. I hope not anyway because I don’t fancy going home with that news. That’s for sure.”
I calmed down a bit, but could now feel my own hands getting a bit clammy. I certainly didn’t want the sack. I would have to go home and tell my Mum that I had lost my job, and it would be just so difficult to find another one. It would be a disaster for my prospects.
I was jarred out of my thoughts by the sound of the door opening. David and I both looked up and saw Mrs Shute, standing their, looking rather grim I thought. She pointed to her desk and I followed David as he walked over to the huge wooden desk and stood in front of it. Mrs Shute went behind the desk and sat down in her large black leather executive swivel chair. She looked so elegant in her dark jacket and matching skirt that finished just above her knee, with the light pink shirt underneath. She held herself up straight, and had the look of authority about her. Different to the other day when she wore a similar outfit but was all smiles when she proudly told the office how she had won another major contract.
Just then the phone rang and Mrs Shute answered it. “Yes they are here Julie, come in if you would.”
Ah Julie. David’s line manager. Julie Shute actually I knew. Mrs Shute’s daughter. She led half the sale’s force. I thought she was so gorgeous and fancied her horribly.
“We will wait for Julie to come through.” Mrs Shute fell silent. She clearly did not expect any answer from us.
I took the opportunity to look around the office. It was quite large, about fifteen feet square I reckoned. A nice blue carpet with a light red fleck, white walls and a white ceiling. There were lots of certificates on the walls. Some were showing associations the Company belonged to, others stated the recipient was the best sales person of the year. I could see Mrs Shute had received the award for three years running. Clearly she knew her stuff. Again I wondered if I might learn something from this. As long as I kept my job that is.
I looked at Mrs Shute as she peered at some papers on her desk. I was told she was about 50 years old. Blondish hair, short but very well groomed. She wore some makeup but not too much. A light lipstick and some eye shadow. She looked younger.
Just then there was a knock on the door although it opened even before Mrs Shute could say anything. Julie walked through the door. She was not as well dressed as her Mother, but still looked reasonably smart in her black skirt that only reached the middle of her thigh, and short sleeved striped top, caught around her waist by a thick black belt.
Julie smiled at her Mother, but just nodded to the two of us and said a curt “David, Jeremy.” I smiled back, but saw David almost grimace as he tried to smile. Mrs Shute looked particularly unimpressed.
“OK Julie, tell us the figures please” Mrs Shute said flatly.
“Right. Well you have come bottom of the sales league.
David gasped beside me. I looked at him. His mouth gaped open. “Surely not” he exclaimed.
Julie continued with the figures which showed just how badly we, well David, had done. David was breathing heavily now. I saw a dribble of sweat slide down the side of his face.
“Well Julie, what does that mean?”
“Well, the rule is that anyone below 30% of the top figure is dismissed.” She was silent for a bit, allowing David and I to get even more worried. “Luckily” she added, “you have 32%. That at least means you keep you don’t get dismissed. Of course, it does mean you will be given incentives and training. I think you know what I mean” she concluded, giving a knowing look to David.
David gasped again. His face reddened. He tried to say something but stopped. Maybe he thought better of it.
Mrs Shute said “OK David, I’m sorry but those are the rules we have set ourselves and we all have to keep to them.”
Again David looked as though he was going to say something but didn’t.
Mrs Shute said “as usual I will be giving you, David, as leader, your training.”
David took a deep breath, then sighed, looking now as though he was going to accept his fate, and said “of course Mrs Shute.”
Mrs Shute nodded, then looked at me. I froze, I suspect everyone in the room could smell my fear.
“So Jeremy, not a good start to your career is it?”
“No Mrs Shute” I answered stiffly, fearing the next few minutes.”
“Well, you are in the same team, and …”
“Maybe we should consider Jeremy’s position again Mum. You know he has shown some promise, and he has only been here a month.”
I looked at Julie and wanted to thank her. Yes, that was exactly right I thought. Go girl go.
Mrs Shute said “but Julie, if we don’t keep to the rules what will everyone think?”
“I know Mum, and I think we should keep to them. I was just thinking though that if I helped Jeremy more directly he might benefit more than if you carry out the normal training. Jeremy will undergo special training then maybe we can also show that we treat our staff better than other firms. What do you think?”
Mrs Shute looked at her daughter, turned her gaze towards me and looked through narrowing eyes, summing me up, considering. I knew my future lay in the hands of this woman. The seconds were agonising. She lent forward and said “OK Julie. Give it a go. If you can get him to significantly increase his sales figures in the next 6 months then I will be extremely impressed with you.”
“Thanks Mum, you watch, he will be a top salesman by then.”
“Thank you Mrs Shute” I said enthusiastically. I couldn’t believe my luck.
Mrs Shute turned to David and said “now David, let’s discuss your training.”
David looked at the floor as Mrs Shute stood up and went to a cupboard. She opened the door, and took out a long cane. My mouth dropped open. I looked at David and by the way his face froze I guessed he had seen it before.
“You should know better. Much better. You have been a top salesman before so know what you should be doing. I don’t suppose re-training will do you much good, so I will be giving you several incentive sessions instead. Trousers and underpants down David, and grab hold of the chair please.”
David didn’t say anything. He just undid his trousers and pushed them to his knees. He put his thumbs in the waistband of his underpants and yanked them down as well. He bent over and grabbed both sides of the seat to the visitor’s chair, looking downwards, knowing what was to happen.
“I trust this will be a good first lesson David” as Mrs Shute stood behind David just to one side. She tapped his bottom twice before pulling back her arm and in one swift movement brought the cane down hard across his smooth bottom, leaving a single wicked looking line across it. David gasped and I just don’t know how he managed to hang on.
Two more swishes of the cane left two more weals, turning David’s bottom a darker shade of pink. Three more and he was in tears, gasping after each stroke, bending his legs, and on the last occasion actually lifting one leg, a direct reaction to the sting of the cane hitting his bare flesh.”
“Right David, let’s have a discussion about sales before continuing with your training.”
David nodded, unable to speak.
Mrs Shute turned to Julie and said “You Julie, take Jeremy to your office and discuss an appropriate incentive plan with him if you would. I think he gets the idea.”
I certainly did. The problem was I couldn’t refuse. I realised to my horror that whilst I was watching David being punished I was experiencing an erection. I was getting up on watching his pain, even wishing it was me there, with my bare bottom being thrashed.
“Follow me Jeremy” Julie said over her shoulder as she walked to the door, opened it, and walked out. I scrambled to keep up. I wanted to say I would accept her training, but never got close enough. We passed quickly by several staff who looked up, saw who it was, and looked back down at their work, almost sheepishly I thought. I wondered if they knew what would happen. Did they know the sales figures already. I blushed as I tried ti keep up with Julie.
Julie’s office was up a floor. She was in an attic type room. It was light and airy and had lots of windows and so didn’t need many electric lights. There was a large desk, smaller than Mrs Shute’s but still quite large, and Julie also had a black leather swivel chair. Julie didn’t sit on that chair. Instead she sat in the guest’s chair. A high backed armless cushioned chair. She crossed her legs and I looked down at her legs, the skirt having risen right up her thigh, she was wearing stockings and the her bare legs just started to show. She crossed her arms and her breasts started to swell up above her arms. She was looking straight at me. A hard stare.
“I’ll come straight to the point shall I Jeremy?”
My eyes quickly averted to her face. A chubby face really, not slim like her Mother’s, but her eyes sparkled, and her teeth gleamed as she smiled.
“Yes, please do Julie.”
“Miss Julie if you don’t mind. Always address me as Miss Julie during our training sessions.”
I hadn’t been aware of the need for that. I didn’t recall anyone else having to address her so formally. Still, I didn’t reckon I was in any position to argue. “Yes Miss Julie” I said as respectfully as I could. I noticed the plural was used. So more than one session would be involved.
“Good. Now, I am going to make a few suggestions on how I can help you achieve better results in the future. Do you want my help Jeremy?”
Julie looked down at the bulge in my trousers and smiled. I guess she knew the answer, but looked back up at me and waited for my response.
“Oh yes please Miss Julie. That would be great. I am here to learn.”
“Good, and I can teach you a thing or two. Listen carefully”
Julie then told me about how to handle new Clients, and how to entice new orders and bigger orders out of them. She gave me examples. It all sounded very good advice.
“Of course what also helps are incentives. To get better sales.” Julie eyed me carefully. I suspected this would be like what Mrs Shute was doing to David..
I decided to be a bit naïve. “You mean like trips to hotels?”
“ Don’t be flippant Jeremy. Never ever be flippant with me. Is that understood?” she snapped.
“Of course Miss Julie. Sorry Miss Julie.” I was shocked. I hadn’t intended to be sarcastic. After all.
“OK then. No. That’s for those who are very successful. No, mine is a more direct method of incentive. You will earn points. I will keep the score. Each point means one less spank.” She stopped, to allow this to sink in. I was shocked. I heard what she said but still couldn’t stop myself asking “spank?”
She smirked. “Yes, that’s right. You will get a spanking from me on a very regular basis. Sometimes daily, sometimes every other day. Across my lap on your bare bottom. The length of the spanking will be determined by the number of points you have gained.”
“I don’t follow.” I did of course. I had seen what happened to David. I just didn’t expect it to happen to me so quickly, even before I was trained.
“I don’t follow, what?” she asked smartly.
“Sorry, I don’t follow Miss Julie.”
“That’s better. Tell me, were you spanked when you were younger?”
“Well yes Miss Julie.”
“Good, then you know the score. Talking of scores lets assume you have no credits today. So you will receive a full spanking. Right now. Come over here please.”
She smiled again when the bulge in my trousers grew again.
“Naughty naughty” she said. I blushed as I walked over to her. I started to undo my trousers but she smacked my hands.
“I’ll do that if you don’t mind” she snapped, looked up at me and added “even if you do mind actually.”
My mind was racing. I was so aroused, yet so preoccupied with the thought of being across Julie’s lap, bare bottom, being spanked. How it would hurt. Would I cry and look foolish, or take my punishment like a man. How hard would she spank, and for how long. Questions I knew would be answered very soon.
Julie stood up and undid her skirt. “I prefer it if you lie across my bare legs Jeremy.”
I watched as she removed her skirt. She wore sexy red and black knickers with a frill around the edge. My penis shot up to attention. Julie smiled as she held out her hand and I found myself pulled gently down and across her lap. It was strange watching the floor come up towards me. It came much closer than when I was younger. I looked back up at Julie who was staring down at me. The open palm of her hand resting on my bare bottom.
“So Jeremy, I hope this will give the necessary motivation to learn what I will be teaching you. Do you think it will?”
I wanted to answer but was so aware of the stiffness beneath me which must be digging in to Julie’s thigh. She must be aware of how aroused I was. I gave a very weak “yes Miss” and saw the smirk cross her oh so beautiful face. She raised her arm, I turned away and looked down at the floor. Her hand landed on my bottom and an instant later the pain ran right across it. Not a lot of pain to be fair. More of a shock as it turned out than pain. But enough to make it smart. Before I could recover the next spank hit home and then another and another. Julie didn’t say anything. She just spanked me. Regular hard spanks. She seemed to dot the spanks all around my bottom. I quickly recognised when she concentrated on one spot because the pain became quite intense.
Every few minutes she would rest and gently rub my now sore bottom. It was so nice when she did that. I lay prone across her lap, hands on the floor, and it was like being caressed. Well actually she was caressing me. It’s just that it always followed a few dozen hard spanks.
“I see you are recovering quickly Jeremy” Julia said with what really sounded like a smile in her voice. I realised my erection was back. The sensation of her caressing palm was doing wonderful things to me. There was no way I could prevent the erection though. I wanted her to spank me some more in fact, just so she would caress me again and again. The pain was worth it.
“Let’s discuss marketing again shall we Jeremy?”
That shook me out of my stupor. Was the spanking over I wondered? A shame I thought. “Of course Miss Julie. Shall I get up?”
“No silly” she said, giving me a dozen or more spanks as though to emphasise the point. Not that that was necessary of course. “No, we can discuss it right here. In fact, I will introduce you to my hairbrush. Look here Jeremy.”
I looked up and saw a wooden backed hairbrush with a large oblong head. I knew it wasn’t to do my hair and decided not to even try to make a joke. I just wasn’t in the right position. But at least the spanking will continue.
Julia didn’t expect a comment. Not about the hairbrush. She continued with “so Jeremy, I’ll ask you a question and you give me your best answer. Then the number of spanks you get with this hairbrush will be determined by how good your answer is. Fair enough?”
What a question I thought. I don’t want to object, and I can’t joke about it. I decided just to say a simple “OK Miss Julia” and wait for her to continue. She was in control after all. It was exciting really. Lying prone across a beautiful woman’s lap knowing she controlled everything that was going on.
She then explained how she would deal with the issue, and say how many spanks she thought I earned. They ranged fro 5 to 20 spanks for each question. She asked me several questions and I gave her my best shot each time. I knew my erection returned as she was explaining the correct answer each time. Her commanding voice was so arousing. I was usually quite stiff by the time each spanking started. That would go during the spanking, only to return when she spoke to me again. She must have known. The pressure against her thigh must have been so obvious but she never said anything about it.
“OK Jeremy, I guess that’s a good start. A satisfactory first lesson.” She was rubbing my bottom, sliding her hand down the back of my legs, edging her fingers down between my legs, as her stern teacher like voice was embracing my ears. I started to rock gently forwards and backwards, my hard penis rubbing against her thighs. I opened my legs and her hand went straight between them and fondled my balls. Her smooth hand, gently cupping my balls, slowly, tenderly, stroking them, tucking her fingers under them as I raised my bottom, encouraging her to explore deeper, stroking my stiff penis, up and down until I was moaning and groaning. My sore bottom forgotten. Being across Julia’s lap was almost forgotten. I was only focussing on the joy Julia was giving me, until aaahhhh. Heaven.
I lay across Julia’s lap breathing heavily as she kept rubbing my bottom, and legs and thighs. When she rubbed my inner thighs my stiffness was starting to return. What a hand. Spanking one moment, caressing the next. I became aware she was speaking to me.
“So Jeremy, I think you enjoyed that, didn’t you?”
“Oh yes Julia, oh yes” I sighed.
SMACK SMACK SMACK. “Miss Julia, Jeremy.”
That stunned me a bit but I replied immediately “yes Miss Julia, sorry Miss Julia.”
“OK Jeremy, this time. Next time it will mean another spanking so watch it, OK?”
“Yes Miss Julia.”
“OK, you can get up” she instructed.
I stood, rubbed my bottom, and looked down at her. Still so beautiful. I thought I was in love. I saw the fluid on her legs and was worried. She saw my look and smiled.
“Don’t worry about that Jeremy” as she took a tissue and wiped it off.
“Time for my present please” she ordered. She slipped off her sexy knickers. She sat with her legs apart. I knew exactly what she meant. I knelt down and looked straight at her hairy bush, light brown, wet already. Glistening wet. Wow, I thought, spanking me turned her on as much as she turned me on. I lent forward just as a voice came out in to the room.
“How are things Julia?” I could tell it was Mrs Shute’s voice.
“Fine Mum. Jeremy is a quick learner I think. We’ll be up soon.”
“Very good Julia, no rush.”
Julia looked at me and said in a very strict voice “I don’t think I need tell you want I want. Get down there and make me feel good. I think you can see I have enjoyed the session so far, so don’t let me down now.”
I looked at her and smiled. She really had made me feel good so I was going to make her feel great. One problem though. I had never given a girl oral sex before. Julia knew, and said more kindly “it’s OK Jeremy. You get in there and I’ll steer you.”
Again I beamed at her, looked down, and started to kiss her thighs. Lovely fleshy white smooth thighs. I worked my way between her legs until my cheeks were being cushioned by her thighs. Julia opened her legs further to allow me through. She held my head in one hand and directed my mouth to her welcoming vaginal lips. I felt the very different texture when I first licked then kissed then licked again the soft folds of her lips surrounded by her bush, enjoying the smell of her sex. I was rewarded by gentle groans from the lady I now both respected and loved. I pushed my tongue deeper into her sex and rocked as her hips gyrated in time with my own movements. I felt her fingers next to my cheek. She was rubbing herself whilst pushing my face to where she wanted me to be, until her groans increased in speed and intensity. She was close. I worked my tongue faster, wanting her to enjoy me as much I had enjoyed her. I was rewarded with a long drawn out sigh, and deep breathing, with Julia holding my head in close to her vagina, encouraging me to give her some last licks whilst she settled back and relaxed.
We stayed like that for a while. Julia on the chair, legs apart, with me on my knees, head buried between her legs, kissing her soft sex spot, her mound now soaking wet with her own fluid as well as from my tongue, her hands on my head. Julia gave a final sigh and let my head go.
“Get up please” she ordered, but smiling. “Thank you. A very nice present. Now, we need to schedule your next lesson Jeremy.” Julia looked in her diary. I was happy with when ever she wanted. My diary would be free at whatever time, day or night, weekday or weekend.
“Tomorrow afternoon, at 5 O’clock. Is that OK?”
“Yes Miss Julia. Of course.” I stiffened again, I just couldn’t stop it.
Julia looked at me and smiled. She winked and said “Good. Now get dressed.”
We both got dressed and straightened ourselves up. I looked again at the young woman who had just spanked me, across her lap, on my bare bottom. I had forgotten my bottom. It was now beginning to get warm. A reminder. A very welcome reminder, of the thrashing she gave me.
“Jeremy, you do think you will benefit from my instruction don’t you? I mean your erection just then tells me you do but I need you to say it” she added.
“Of course I will Miss Julia.” I wanted to tell her how much I wanted to be under her instruction forever.
She smiled. “Good. And when you start to get good sales figures I will let give you even greater rewards than you got today. They must be good figures Jeremy, so I can give you a better bonus. I am afraid though that it is unlikely for several weeks because you will need to be properly trained and that can only really happen when you are across my lap. Still, I thought you should know that in time the rewards will be there.”
“Thank you Miss Julia, it’s good of you to tell me. I know being spanked is just the incentive I need.”
“Good, I think so too. Now, let’s go and see Mum. Well, Mrs Shute. And no more Miss Julia until your next lesson, OK?” I nodded, with a smile.
We both walked to Mrs Shute’s office. The staff looked up as we passed, and again looked back down at their desks, not knowing what had happened. I hoped.
We entered Mrs Shute’s office to find David sitting in the guest’s chair, totally nude, and Mrs Shute behind her desk.
“So Julia, was Jeremy up to expectations?”
Julia smiled and said “Yes he was.”
Mrs Shute looked at David and said “well done David, a good choice.”
Mrs Shute looked at me. “So Jeremy, I hope you will learn quickly.”
“Oh I will Mrs Shute, I am sure I will, under, erm, Julia’s instruction.”
“Under her strict and very firm instruction young man” she corrected.
“Of course Mrs Shute” I said, blushing.
“One thing we misled you on by the way.”
I looked at her, waiting to hear what she meant.
“David is not the poorest salesman. He is actually the best.”
“Oh” I said, surprised.
“Yes, he is the best because he is the best trained. By me. Now you will be trained by Julia and I rather think you will get great sales figures very soon. Just as long as my daughter is happy with you. Understood?”
“Yes Mrs Shute. Well understood.” I then asked “why, er, ermm?”
“Did I lie?” she asked.
I wondered if that was too risky, but she smiled at me and continued “I wanted to make sure you were in the right frame of mind to accept Julie’s discipline, but I don’t think you needed that much encouragement after all, did you?”
I smiled back, looked at Julia, and answered “no Mrs Shute, I didn’t.”
“So, I am just giving David his final lesson today. You can watch or you can participate, it’s up to you, but I encourage you to participate.”
David stood up and lent across the desk, grabbing the far side. Mrs Shute went to a cupboard and took out two canes. She looked at me and asked “well?”
I looked at Julia who stared back at me. I could tell though she wanted me to agree. I looked back at Mrs Shute and said “yes please.”
I was tense. I remembered those earlier stokes delivered with such force.
“Undress please, and bend across the desk next to David.”
I undressed quickly. As I walked over to David I focussed on his bottom. Bright red, very bright, and the tops of his legs. I gaped in awe. How much can that hurt I wondered. I bent across the desk, inches away from David. I wasn’t embarrassed. I thought I would be but being naked, two naked men, with two fully dressed woman who had control over us, I was fine with it. Maybe they were just checking. Maybe that is why we had to be naked together being dominated by this mother and daughter team.
“Here you are Julia” I heard Mrs Shute say. “We will give alternate strokes, six I think.”
David groaned. He knew what to expect. I was about to find out. I looked back and saw Julia stand there, cane raised, looking beautiful. A slight smile as she was readied herself to strike. I knew I had an erection. She tapped my bottom. I stiffened further. The cane crashed home. Shit. It stung like nothing I had felt before. Shit. Then her hand. Her cool hand. Rubbing my bottom. Rubbing the backs of my legs. Rubbing between my legs. Rubbing my balls. Caressing my still stiff shaft. She moved away. Mrs Shute took her place. I heard the swish of the cane. The grunt that David gave. His groan which I knew meant Mrs Shute was rubbing his balls.
She moved away. Julia took up her position. I waited breathlessly for my next stroke. And all the strokes to come.