Space Cowboy, The Series

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Cock Rocket carefully disinfected and tucked away, Johnny Quimshot fingers his lavender latex jumpsuit closed. Leaving the Coitusian pan-sextuplets to fight over the copious fuck-fest spillage pooling on the station floor, he heads over to Zorp’s Zoups.

“Gimme some shrill cum, dickless! And plenty of grubs this time!” he yells to the Narle working the counter.

“Fresh out my ass just for you, monkey boy,” the harried blue vapor wheezes, plunking down the bowl.

Opening his crotch pouch, Johnny pours in the steamy iridescent green slurry. Orchid Flower, his freshly installed Cognizant UltraCunt 6900, greedily slurps down her dinner.

“Slow down, bitch! Kouchie Killer is expecting us in twenty ticks and he don’t like pukers!”

Will King Kouchie finally meet a carnal worm hole that can swallow up his fearsome one-eyed wiggler or will things end with a right messy cock-up? Find out after this message from tonight’s sponsor!

Published 3 years ago

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