I caught up with Niles and Traci at the departure gate. First class was already boarding and we were next. The first leg of our trip was to Los Angeles’ LAX. Traci wanted the window seat and I sat next to her. That put Niles in the aisle seat. The fully loaded plane was pushed back from the gate. The engines were started and we were on our way out to the runway.
The flight was okay, we were in coach class. Niles wide shoulders pushed me towards Traci. Traci lifted the arm separating us, “Is this better? You can slide closer to me, I’ve plenty of space.”
“Thanks,” I said as I slid over. The additional room felt good. We would be seated in business class the next leg of our trip. Time wise it was the longest part also.
Traci kept pointing out ground features to me. A few times she asked me if I knew where we were. She kept me in continual conversation. I had a feeling she wanted to keep my mind off Susan. I appreciated her concern, but I really did not need that. I am a big boy and can handle the separation.
After deplaning in LA, we grabbed a sandwich before we would have to board Fiji Airways to Nadi, Fiji. We were finishing our sandwiches when they called for our flight to board.
After taking off from LAX, Niles was seated to the right of Traci and I was on her other side. The seats were more spacious and it wasn’t long before I was asleep. It’s very easy for me to sleep on a plane. I woke up because Traci seemed to be fidgeting. I opened one eye just a bit to look. A blanket was covering her and Niles laps; and it was moving. Was Traci giving Niles a handjob? I closed my eyes. I would have to have a talk with them. I didn’t need this on this expedition. I heard Niles softly grunt, he must have cum. Traci moved around, she was wiping him off. I saw her put a white napkin in a puke bag. I didn’t believe those two could be so brazen as to do this on a plane.
I was asleep but I felt and heard the engine throttle back, we were on our descent into Naji. Then another short flight and we would be at Suva International. We landed in Suva right on schedule, the flight only being twenty-five minutes. After picking up our luggage, we hailed a taxi for the short trip into Suba.
Our hotel was okay, not a five star that’s for sure. The prick Jerry was being cheap as usual, Niles and I had to share a room. Traci had an adjoining room next door. I took a shower and left to walk around the city. When I came back, Niles and Traci were watching a movie on TV. They were both propped up on pillows on the bed.
“I know what you two were doing on the flight here,” I told them. “I am concerned that this behavior will interfere with our goals for this expedition. As adults, please keep the reason why we are here foremost in your mind for the next six months. Please!”
They both agreed, and promised to not interfere with our mission.
“Tomorrow I will go down to the harbor to check on our charter work boat. The warehouse is my next stop. I’ll arrange for the transfer of our supplies to the boat. There is a RIB for shorter trips, that will have to loaded also.
“What is a RIB?” Traci asked.
“Rigid Inflatable Boat,” Niles responded. “Looks like a regular boat on the bottom and an inflatable boat on the sides.”
“Oh, okay, thanks”
I woke up around 3 AM to pee. I saw that Niles bed was empty. I would bet my last nickel he and Traci are banging each other next door. After peeing; I went back to bed. I listened and all was quiet in the next room. Either they were finished fucking or they were being extra quiet because of me. Their screwing each other was not my problem unless they screwed up the research.
When I got up, Niles was in his bed snoring. I kicked his bed, “Wake up! Time to have breakfast.”
Niles sleepily asked, “What time is it?”
“Seven, time to get up and get the day going. By the way, where were you about three this morning?”
“Do I need to answer that?” He asked.
“No, but I pretty sure you were in Traci’s room fucking her.”
“No I wasn’t, I was awake so I went outside for a walk. When I got back you were snoring. I went back to bed hoping to catch a couple more hours of sleep. And what’s it to you who I fuck or don’t fuck?”
“Just don’t go screwing up any of my work or knocking her up. I need her available for all six months.”
Niles got up and headed for the bathroom. I went to Traci’s room and knocked on her door. No answer, so I knocked again. Still no answer. Maybe she was in the shower washing Nile’s stink off. I headed to the restaurant. Sitting there all alone was Traci. “Mind if I join you? I asked her.
“Please sit, I was hoping you or Niles would be coming down soon. Today is going to be busy and I wanted to get an early start. Do you think we will be ready to leave tomorrow?”
“I won’t guarantee it, but we should be leaving the pier at sun up. The itinerary estimates two days from here to our rendezvous island. From there we will search all the little islands looking for this insect.”
When Niles came into the restaurant, he saw us and sat down at the table. “Good Morning Traci. Here’s hoping you slept well. Have you two ordered yet?”
Just then the waitress came to the table and we placed our orders. I went over today’s tasks, assigning each of us specific chores to do. I told Niles about the sun up departure and that we would be at sea for two days. I also requested that we meet for dinner here at the restaurant.
We departed our separate ways to perform our assigned tasks. Later that evening we again met at the restaurant for dinner. We all ordered the best steak on the menu. Who knows how long before we’ll have a decent meal again. We retired for the evening, knowing that we would be meeting at 4 AM for breakfast.
Niles and I were eating breakfast when Traci came down to eat. I had another cup of coffee while we waited for her. As soon as she finished breakfast, it was time to head to the harbor.
As we approached the dock, where the boat was tied up, the sun was lighting up the morning sky. The boat’s crew were already aboard and ready to leave. As soon as we three boarded, the engines were started and the mooring lines were released. We were on our way to an unknown adventure.
Two days later, I was on deck when I saw a small green patch appear on the horizon. The rendezvous island was in site. Forty-five minutes later we were tied up to a rickety looking old pier, unloading our gear. The island was small with only five inhabitants. There were a lot of supplies unloaded for the locals to haul away. Traci, Niles and I hauled most of ours to a small warehouse not far from the pier. Only what we needed for the day was left on the dock.
All our delicate equipment was secured in waterproof containers. Niles and I launched and prepared the RIB. Niles, Traci and I loaded our equipment. I checked and double checked that we had enough fuel on board to last for six days. I pressed the number one starter button. The engine cranked a few seconds before roaring to life. The same procedure and the second engine roared to life also. I let the engines warm up for a minute before shifting them both into forward gear. I maneuvered the RIB away from the dock and headed out into the open sea. The pier faded into the distance as we set out to find our first island to explore. Using our GPS system we found our island within the hour.
I handed Niles and Traci their satphone which was already preprogrammed with each other’s phone number. I also handed each one a laminated photo of the insect we were looking for.
“If either of you find the insect, call me and we’ll meet you at your location. Any questions?”
“How will you know where we are at?” Traci asked.
“Your GPS location is automatically sent with the call. If you press the ‘Find” button, all of our locations will appear on your phone. You can then use the GPS locater to guide you to whomever you select. Pretty neat huh?”
We practiced for a few minutes before we split up. I spent the better part of the morning looking but not finding my insect. I called Niles and Traci and asked if they had any luck, both responded in the negative. “Take a break for lunch then,” I said.
We had packed granola bars and water for our lunches. After eating I spent another two hours searching and having no luck. I called the other two and we headed back to the beach. The ride back seemed longer than it actually was. We were very tired and after eating dinner we all hit the sack. Tomorrow would be another day just like today.
These tomorrows lasted for a month, then two months. We could not find the insects anywhere. There was another set of islands that we could search, but we would have to be gone for a few days. It was fifty kilometers from our rendezvous island. All of us thought it would be a good idea to search those islands. They were within the range of our RIB. The next day was spent preparing a weeks worth of food, water and clothing. We had everything packed and ready to go.
“Get a good nights rest,” I said. “We’ll be leaving at sun up. Goodnight Traci… Niles.”
The next morning we headed out on time. The ocean was calm and we were making good time. Traci had made a batch of sandwiches for lunch. I slowed the boat down so we could eat. There was a lot of joking between the three of us. Niles couldn’t keep his eyes off of Traci and her bikini. Traci was a real piece of eye candy. Her five foot five body supported her C cup boobs superbly. Traci teased Niles relentlessly. She even teased me, but I think that was just to tease Niles more. Traci liked to look at his bulging swim trunks. Niles was hung pretty good and I believe Traci wanted to have sex with him. I was getting somewhat horny from mentally picturing him driving that black pole into her white pussy.
I thought of Susan and wondered how she was today. I wondered if Jerry was still trying to get in her pants. He sure was a persistent bastard when it came to Susan. I’ve seen Susan looking at the bulge in his pants a couple of times. She didn’t just glance; it would more qualify as a stare. I never said anything about it and neither did she.
I pushed the throttles forward and the boat came back up to speed. There was a wind kicking up and the ocean wasn’t so smooth anymore. I changed our direction, we headed straight for the closest island. That is where we would spend the night before heading out on tomorrow’s search.
I looked in the direction of about ten o’clock and saw some not so friendly looking clouds. I pointed them out to Niles and Traci. I yelled out, “Get the PFD’s out and put them on. Looks like we are in for some bad weather.”
After Niles had his on, he took the wheel so I could put mine on. I was surprised that the school had bought us the best deep water vests available. Automatic inflation, whistle, even a pocket for a radio.
I took back control of the boat. I pushed the throttles to full speed. The ocean surface was beginning to have some very high swells. Now I really had to start driving the boat. I had to throttle back right before we reached the top of a swell so we wouldn’t go flying over. Then I’d gun the engines again until the next big swell would hit us.
Traci and Niles were hanging onto the boat. I didn’t blame them, the ride was becoming pretty rough. Unbeknown to me, a cyclone was bearing down on us. We had a few more kilometers before we reached the relative safety of the island. I could see the trees whenever we were at the top of a swell. The waves were very high now. I guess twenty to thirty feet. The engines were struggling to keep us moving.
I heard Traci scream and that’s the last I remember. A rogue wave had hit our boat, slamming me into the console and knocking me unconscious.
When I came to, I opened my eyes and saw a canopy of trees above me. The storm had passed and I could hear the sounds of the ocean surf. My head hurt terrible. I had a headache like I’d never had before. My jaw felt like I had been kicked and it was broken. I felt my head, there was dried blood all down one side and onto my shoulder. I slowly moved my jaw, it wasn’t broken thank god.
I sat up and looked around me. The boat was in amongst the trees, hidden from view. The storm must have tossed the boat inland. I looked for Traci and Niles. I called for them, “Niles, Traci.” Over and over I called. There was no response.
Our gear and supplies were still secure in the boat. I tried to stand up and fell back. I sat there for maybe an hour, wondering what had happened. Where were my fellow researchers, I had to find them. Finally, I had recovered enough and was able to move around. I walked toward the sound of the ocean. I walked up and down the beach, yelling their names, receiving no replies. Their fate slowly crept into my mind, they were probably drowned at sea. I sat down on the sand and cried. I was on my own, but I had my satellite phone. I felt my shirt pocket where I had stored it. The pocket and phone were not there. My pocket was ripped from my shirt, the phone lost.
I walked back to the boat and looked for the phone, it would be my ticket out of here. The phone was nowhere to be found. The realization that I was lost at sea was setting in. My only hope would be that someone would come looking for us after we didn’t return to base.
I was getting hungry, thank god the supplies were lashed to the boat’s deck. I untied the waterproof containers. Our supplies were dry and so was our equipment. Niles camera and equipment were still dry and intact. I opened a hatch into the hull of the boat. The cases of bottled water had survived also. I was going to be okay for awhile.
I cleared a place to set up the tent and build a small fire. After I set up the tent, I set up the camp stove. I cooked myself one of my favorite dishes, beanie-wienies. We had brought a case of assorted canned food. There was enough for three people to be fed for a week. That should last me until someone rescued me.
I broke out my journal and recorded what had happened. I wrote about how sad I felt about losing Traci and Niles to the sea. I wrote about the injury to my jaw and head. I took Niles camera and snapped a picture of my wound. It was a nasty gash. I wondered how long I had been unconscious, there was a nice scab already over the cut. I must have been out for a couple of days from the way the scab was formed. I took a clean cloth and water and washed away the dried blood. I remembered that Traci had packed a small personal bag, I looked and sure enough there was a mirror amongst her other feminine items. The mirror helped me clean my wound further. I was going to have a nasty scar. My cut run from my hairline, over my forehead, and down below my ear. How that didn’t kill me, I’ll never know.
I went back to the boat to remove and stow our gear in the tent. I was surprised to see a footprint. I looked around and there were more footprints in the sand. I had boots on and these were prints from bare feet. There had to be other people on this island and I would find them. I would start out first thing in the morning searching for the island’s inhabitants.
I had a very fitful sleep, my headache was still a hurtful pain. When I woke up the next day, my head was still pounding, but not as bad as yesterday. I mixed up water and powdered egg mix for breakfast. Traci had thought enough to bring a box of individual catsup servings. I felt like I was eating a king’s breakfast. The cleaning done, I walked to the beach and built a mound of rocks and dead palm fronds to mark the location of my tent. Then I went back to my boat so I could track the footprints.
Have you ever had the feeling you were being watched? Then you looked around and there was no one. That is exactly how I felt. I walked and tracked. Maybe a kilometer later, the footprints continued on a well used path. I snapped a tree branch so I could find my way back. I followed the path for another kilometer or two when I entered a small clearing. Standing on the other side of the clearing were ten men, spears and arrows pointed directly at me. Their faces were painted and their bodies covered with black tattoos. They looked as mean as hell!
I held up my hands, I had no weapons, only a pocket knife. One of the men advanced toward me, his spear at the ready. “Musta,” I said, in Tagalog. Tagalog being the language most islanders use. Maybe he would understand me.
“Ano po ang pangalan nila?” He asked me.
Great, he spoke a language that I had a smattering of knowledge about.
“Ang pangalan ko ay… Mike.” The man lowered his spear. I was relieved to see the others lower their weapons also.
“Ano,” he gestured for me to follow him.
I followed him as he left the clearing, the other men fell in line behind me. We walked for thirty or forty minutes before we came to a village. I heard a drum being pounded loudly. The villagers came out and stared at me. There were kids, women and men. They were looking at me like I came from Mars. The man I followed, waved his hands and grunted out some commands. Everyone scattered and we walked to a large hut. The hut had a thatched roof and reed walls. It was the largest in the village, it must be the chief’s dwelling. There were five smaller huts surrounding the chief’s hut. I surmised they were probably for his wives and children.
The chief invited me into his house. I was somewhat surprised that most of the communication was with hand gestures. Words weren’t used like I was used too. The chief sat in his chair, then he motioned for me to sit. There were no chairs, so I sat on the ground. He looked at me for a few seconds. I wondered what he was thinking and what was going to happen to me. I needn’t worry, he smiled and clapped his hands. Women brought baskets of fruit and cooked fish into the room. They placed them on the platform around the chief’s chair. They silently left and we were alone again.
Another clap of the chief’s hands and the elderly men entered the hut and sat down. The last elder coming in clapped his hand once and the remainder of the men entered and sat behind the elders. The chief started talking and moving his hands like crazy. Once in awhile an elder or elders would grunt in what sounded like agreement. The communications lasted for a few minutes before the chief clapped his hands. He stood up and so did all the men. He motioned for me to stand also. He took a small basket and filled it with fish and fruit. He walked over and handed it to me. The chief motioned for me to sit. When I was seated the chief filled his small basket with food and then the others did the same. Elders first, then the other men.
We were all seated and eating when I heard flutes playing. A trio of young women came into the hut and entertained us while we ate. The music was cheerful and light. The fish was superb, very tasty, and the fruit was fresh. Once we completed dinner, the chief clapped his hands again. This time one woman, maybe in her twenties, came in and danced to the flute music. Then another woman entered and danced also. When there was a total of five women dancing, the elders started to clap. That must have been a signal, because the women slowly stripped down until they were nude. They continued to dance. One of the dancers took my hand and waved for me to stand up. I did, but what do I do now? I didn’t have to be concerned, she placed her hands on my hips and started me swaying and twisting. More men were dancing with the four remaining women. I watched them and danced like they were doing.
The woman I was dancing with smiled. Ah, the smile, no matter where you are from, the smile means the same. In Tagalog, I asked my partner her name. She just shrugged her shoulders like she didn’t understand, and continued to dance. More women entered the hut and danced with the men. The chief stood up and came toward me. He tapped me on the top of my head and he did the same to my dancing partner. She took my hand and pulled me outside, towards one of the surrounding huts.
Later I would learn that she was the favorite wife of the chief. The chief tapping my head and hers was her signal to take me to her hut and have sex with me.
We entered the hut and two men with spears stood outside the entrance. The chief’s wife was naked and she started to take my pants off. I tried to hold my pants up. She looked at me and shook her head, motioning like she was spearing my body. She then looked out at the men stationed at the entrance to her hut. I got the message real fast, I was to get naked or else. My clothes were in a heap on the floor. She pointed to herself, “Mutu.”
“Mutu?” I asked.
She shook her head fast. Her name must be Mutu.
“Mike,” I said.
“Mike,” She said, while looking at my now slowly lengthening cock.
She lay back on a reed mattress and motioned for me to follow. Was I supposed to fuck the chief”s wife? I shook my head no. She must have thought I didn’t understand her. She touched her index finger to her thumb, making a circle. With her other index finger she made an in and out motion. I got that message quick, it was time to fuck. I shook my head no. I wanted to be true to Susan. Again Mutu made the spear jabbing motions. I crawled onto the reed mattress as Mutu spread her legs.
I slid my swiftly hardening cock up and down her slit, she was wet. I have a fairly thick cock about eight inches long. Mutu was a very small woman, maybe five foot tall and about one hundred pounds. I would have to go slow or I could hurt her. I pushed my cockhead into her. There was a quiet gasp from her. I looked down at her and she smiled. I kept looking at her as I pushed another inch into her rapidly expanding wet pussy. She smiled again, I went for broke and drove my cock full depth into her.
I guess women around the world are the same when it comes to sex. Mutu started to fuck me back. We found a rhythm that pleased both of us. My balls were slapping her ass every time I plunged into her warm wet vagina. Mutu hugged me tight and she came again. Now her pussy was really making a sloshy noise as we fucked. Her pussy was really wet. I was almost up to the point of cumming, when she clapped her hands together. I felt myself being pulled up and off of Mutu. My cock was swinging in the air as the two guards forced me out of her hut.
“What the fuck is this?”
The guards pushed me back toward the chief’s hut. I saw Mutu enter, what is she doing? I heard a clapping sound and the guards pushed me into the hut. The chief was still seated in his chair. He and Mutu were both smiling at me. The chief stood up and put his arms around me. He hugged me and stepped back. Mutu gave me my clothes and I dressed. Mutu motioned for me to leave the hut.
When I left the hut, song and dance broke out among the villagers. I figured out that I was now accepted into their village. One of the armed men motioned for me to follow him. He led me back to my campsite.
The next morning the village women woke me up. They were packing up my belongings and equipment and taking the path back to the village. I opened the deck of the boat and they removed the food and water stored there. The only things left in my camp were the tent and the boat. I could come back for the tent, but the boat was useless to me. The lower unit on one motor was cracked and bent badly. The other engine’s lower unit was laying on the sand by the beach. There was no way for me to get off this island.
I was assigned to my own hut. I setup my equipment, there was no reason for me not to continue my research. The chief was very interested in what I was doing. I had to laugh when he looked at a bug under a magnifying glass. He dropped the glass and ran away to his hut. I followed him with the glass. I held it over my finger and moved my finger out and then back in. He looked under the glass and could see my finger didn’t change size. Then he laughed also.
I was able to master their language very fast. It was simple and straight forward. Most of their communication was done with their hands anyhow.
I would say the population of this village was around two thousand people. Our village chief was also the Tribal Chief. The tribe was located in many villages on this island and on two other close islands. I would only be guessing the tribe’s population. What I gathered from villager’s talk was maybe twenty thousand give or take a thousand. That’s a very large tribe. I also learned that the tribe enjoyed a peaceful existence because of the strength of their warriors. The last war was won decisively when our tribe wiped out the attacking tribe’s last warrior.
The victors took everything from the defeated. Their villages were sacked and burned. Their women, and their children, were all taken away and divided among the victorious warriors. They would become the warrior’s wife. The children remained with their mothers, becoming the warrior’s children.
The defeated tribe’s treasury was taken by my friend, our tribal chief. The tribe’s food removed and distributed among the victorious villages. This food was the only way the defeated warrior’s dependents would be able to survive. The defeated tribe’s elders were left to fend for themselves. There was no doubt that many elders would not survive the ordeal.
I went out everyday for two weeks and didn’t find one insect that matched the photo. I showed the photo to the elders and they told me they knew where the bug was. I asked the chief for help and he made sure I had all the help that I needed. The elders led me to a site that I would never have found. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of these small bugs. I captured a few hundred to study at the village. I pointed that I wanted to go back to the village and we set out to do so.
I’d been on my own for two months now. I was fast friends with all the men of the village. Vontu, the chief, and I were like buddies. He followed me everywhere I went in the village. He was really interested in my microscope. He would look at slides all day if I would let him. He was also fascinated how I could take pictures of him. It was beyond his thinking. He thought it was another him. I finally got through how it was just a picture, like how he looked at his reflection in a pool of water.
The women of the village were warming up to me also. Especially the younger women. I was not only studying the insect, but the villagers also. The chief was the main man. His word was law. Next came the elders. They were the chief’s advisors. All the younger men were warriors. They were led by the youngest of the elders. The women were the caretakers of the village.The warriors would train and enhance their fighting skills in the mornings. In the afternoon they would help the women with the agriculture tasks, while some of the warriors would go hunting. Next in line were the teenage children. They were in charge of taking care of the younger children. The teen girls teaching girls the skills needed to be a woman, the teen boys teaching warrior skills that boys needed to know.
Older teenage girls were available for marriage. Teen boys were not, they had to become warriors first. This left an imbalance between men and women available for marriage. Many teen girls were married to warriors in their late twenties to early thirties. A teen girl or an unmarried woman would seek out the man that they would like to marry. Sometimes the man would already have a wife or two. That didn’t make any difference to the wife or wives. They always welcomed the new wife into the family. There had been no marriages since I arrived at the village. According to my calendar, I had been here for two years and three months. No rescue appeared imminent for me, I was resigned to never being found. My thoughts of Susan were less and less. I thought of her maybe once or twice a month. I had a feeling she had moved on by now.
One particular older teen girl had her sights on me. She was the chief’s daughter, Mohaho. I resisted her until I found out that I couldn’t do that. You see in this tribe, a woman chooses her husband. The chosen man can say no, but he will be driven from the village and probably killed in the process. The only men who can say no are those with three or more wives.
As the weeks passed, Mohaho made it very obvious I was going to be her husband. My love for Susan was not completely dead, but the years of separation were taking their toll on me. I longed for the warmth and love I would get from a woman.
Mohaho was one of the prettiest women in the village. Because the women were usually topless, I could see that her breasts were what I would call a nice ‘B ‘cup and they didn’t sag. Her nipples were very large and dark. I would estimate her nipples were almost as round as a penny. Whenever I looked at her and she saw me smiling, her nipples would become erect, extending out a good half inch. I so wanted to suck on them. I wanted to have sex with her too, but there is another law in this tribe. No sex before marriage, period! If a man broke this law, the results were the same as refusing to marry a woman. I would just have to wait and see if she would want me.
Never seeing a marriage ceremony I had no clue what was happening when two spear toting warriors came for me. I hadn’t broken any village laws so I wasn’t afraid for my life.
The village elders and their wives were gathered in the village center. As the two warriors and I approached, the crowd split, making way for us. We came to a platform and on the platform was the chief and Mahaho’s mother. They were sitting side by side on what I would describe as carved wooden thrones.
The warriors left me standing in front of Mohaho’s parents. Drums were now being beat. A slow steady and loud beat. Again the crowd split and a naked Mohaho advanced toward her parents. She stepped onto the platform and was talking with her mother. Then she knelt before her father and said something to him. I could not hear because she talked softly. He nodded and Mahaho rose. Her mother and father stood up also. Mahaho’s father took her hand and led her down to me. He placed his left hand on my head and his right hand on her head. He said, “Mo Tee, Ambo Dey Sey.”
I didn’t understand a word he said. The crowd started chanting to the beat of the drums. Mohaho turned me to face her. When this happened her parents stepped to the ground, and to the side of the platform. Four warriors placed their thrones next to them. Warriors then brought a thick reed mat. It looked just like a Japanese Tatami. I would say it had the dimensions of a queen size mattress. They laid it on the platform and departed.
Mohaho unbuckled my belt. I was still wearing my western clothes. She undid my short’s button and my zipper. She tucked her fingers into my boxer’s waistband and pulled downward. I helped her by lifting my feet. I was now standing naked in front of half of the village.
Mohaho’s mother patted the Tatami mat and her father clapped his hands twice. The drums stopped, one by one, until only one loud bass drum was being struck. The tempo extremely slow, maybe one beat per second.
Mohaho took my hand and led me onto the platform. She knelt facing the tatami and bowed her head. She whispered to me, “Follow my lead and do what I do. Go to the other side, across from me.”
Of course she whispered in her native language. I too knelt and bowed, on the other side of the Tatami. Mohaho then laid down on the mat. She motioned for me to lay next to her. After a couple of minutes, Mohaho rose up and straddled my thighs. My limp cock just laying there. Her soft hands were now grasping my cock and she was working to make me hard. I looked into her eyes, I didn’t want to see anyone or anything else. This was my first time having sex in public since college. Mahaho kept working on my cock and it slowly responded.
When I was almost at full staff, Mohaho bent closer and opened her mouth. Her wet lips slipped over my cockhead. As she worked her tongue, my cock became hard. Mohaho lifted her mouth off me and smiled. She worked her way up my body until her pussy was poised right above my dick. My cock was wet with her saliva and my pre-cum. Mohaho took hold of my cock and positioned her wet vagina opening against my cockhead. I thought I saw what was a hymen, she was a virgin!
Mohaho dropped her weight down and suddenly my cock was fully imbedded within her pussy. She made no noise except for a sharp intake of air. Mohaho leaned forward, resting on her hands as she relaxed her vagina. She smiled at me, then I felt her working her pussy muscles. My cock had never been worked by a pussy like Mohaho’s was working it. I felt my cock swell to it’s full thickness and length. Mohaho started to raise up and sink down, the motions of love. Soon the drumbeat was in rhythm with her movements.
Mohaho stopped her upward and downward movement on my shaft. She was now moving her hips forward and backward, her pussy lips tight against my body. Her clit was hard and rubbing on my pubic bone, then on the base of my cock. It didn’t take too much longer and she had her first orgasm. She stopped moving as she shivered through her climax. Mohaho’s pussy muscles never stopped milking my cock during her climax. My own climax was building now. I sat up, holding onto Mohaho, pulling our bodies together as my cock burst forth with my cum. Rope after rope of white semen splashed against and into Mohaho’s cervix opening.
There was a noticeable sound coming from the public square. The drums were all sounding now as the Chief and Mohaho’s mother stood.
“Lie and listen,” Mohaho quietly said. “My mother and father will now proclaim that you are now my husband.”
Mohaho’s mother said a few words and the people responded with cheers. Then her father spoke for a few minutes and the crowd started chanting and dancing to the drum beats. People started lining up and moving towards us. Each person tapped the top of our heads and moved on. When the last person completed the ritual head tap, Mohaho took my hand and led me to my abode. When we were inside she closed the door opening and pushed me toward my sleeping mat. I knew what she wanted and my dick started to rise at the thought. But first I wanted an answer.
“Where and how did you learn to control your pussy like that?”
Mohaho blushed. “From my mother, my father’s favorite wife. Now you know why she is his favorite.”
Mohaho and I made love again. This time we were more relaxed and tender with each other. After we both had orgasms, we sat up and talked. I remembered my first day here. Mohaho’s mother and I had sex, but she never used her pussy like Mohaho did. When I mentioned that to Mohaho, she said, “Mother would never spoil my first time with my own husband. If my mother wants to have sex with you again, she will.”
“Sex again, with me? Why would she do that? Is that allowed?”
“A wife can have sex with any husband she wants. But the husband’s favorite wife must first give permission. Mother likes your big cock, that is why I gave her permission to fuck you!”
“OMG,” this is totally against my western belief of marriage. One man and one woman, faithful to each other. But then I remembered that these people never had a religion that practiced that. I was kind of looking forward to having sex with her mother. I had this feeling that it would be the best fuck I ever had.
It had been ten months since Mohaho and I had been married. Sex with Mohaho was fantastic. We had sex almost every day, then suddenly it stopped.
Five days later I asked, “Why no sex anymore?”
“Because my mother wants to have sex with you tonight.” Mohaho replied. “You will need your strength.”
My heart skipped a beat with the thought of fucking the best piece of ass on the island! I was looking forward to nightfall. Meals are a shared thing here on the island. Families get together to cook and share. Mohaho’s family was no different. After eating, the women would clear the platform of any leftover food and everyone would sit around and talk. The men would drink a concoction that was like a very strong beer.
Tonight was different for me though. As soon as the leftover food was put away, Mutu took my hand and led me back to her hut. After we entered, she lit a small oil lamp, then shut the entrance. I watched in fascination as she stripped herself. Standing naked before me, she was a sight of pure sex. Mutu stripped my clothes from me and threw them aside.
My cock was now standing at full attention. Mutu took it in her hands and massaged me until I thought maybe I should stop her. I didn’t want to cum anywhere except in her pussy. Mutu was way ahead of me. She would work me up and then bring me back down. She did this maybe four times before she pushed me backward. My cock was screaming for her to take it in. Mutu poised her cunt above my cock and lowered her now dripping wet pussy over me. Mutu didn’t stop until she was sitting on me, my cock solidly at full depth within her. Now she started milking my cock with her pussy muscles. The combination of all that was going on brought me to one of the best climaxes I ever experienced. Better than any climax with Susan. Better than any that Mohaho had brought me to.
Mutu raised up and my cock fell from her pussy. She laid down beside me, her right leg over my left leg. My cock was still somewhat hard when I felt her hand stroking me. Her hand again brought my dick to a full erection. Mutu spread her legs and I moved between them. Mutu positioned my cock at her pussy opening and I pressed forward. The combination of her wetness and my cum lubricated my shaft as I sunk deep into her. Mutu’s pussy went to work on my cock again. This time Mutu was the one having orgasms, one right after the another. She kept up this pace until I too climaxed and shot my load of cum deep into her.
Mutu didn’t let me withdraw my cock. She held me tight, her fingers interlocked behind my back, her heels tight on my buttocks. I could feel my cum and her pussy juices seeping past my cock. My cock throbbed one more time, Mutu uttered a soft satisfied moan. I stayed in her until I was flaccid. Mutu unlocked her fingers, letting her arms drop to her side. I raised up my body, my now deflated cock hanging in the air. Mutu got up and left the hut. She did what Mohaho did after having sex with me. Outside she squatted and splashed water over and in her pussy to clean up the mess from our love making. Mohaho came and took my hand. She led me back to our hut.
Since I had completed my research for the university, I needed something to occupy my time. I had started to teach the children English. They were fast learners and soon their parents were coming to class to learn also. I felt I was upsetting the village routine, so I spoke to the Chief about it. We came to an agreement that I could teach the adults before the day’s activities began. I set up a schedule for one hour every other day.
When the children could speak in my native tongue, we only used English in school. Now I had the opportunity to teach them basic math. The tribe did have a very crude form of counting. They never displayed the simple skill of addition, much less subtraction. their simple lifestyle never demanded it.
The children loved math. It was time to move onto multiplication. They really didn’t need to learn this skill, but what the hey. I needed to keep busy. At first, they were totally flabbergasted. Then I drew a large square in the sand. Inside this square, I drew thirty-six small squares. To hold their interest, I placed a pebble in each square. I then asked them, “How many pebbles are there in the big square?”
Everyone of them counted each pebble. I then asked one child to count the squares in one row and another child to count the squares in a column. Each child wrote their count in the sand. I placed an “X” between the sixes, and an equal sign to the right. I then wrote the number “36”. One of the older boys caught on right away. He explained it to the other children. He used my square to show them. I wished I had poster board to make flashcards, insteadm I used the sand as my chalkboard.
While the children were practicing multiplication, I heard a somewhat familiar sound. “Whup, whup, whup.” The sound of spinning helicopter blades. The sound kept coming closer until I could see a dark green aircraft in the distance. The children scattered and I was standing alone. The chopper passed over the village and disappeared. My vision now blocked by the tall trees.
I called the children to return and explained to them what they had just seen. They thought I was so brave to face a flying enemy. I explained to them that the aircraft was not an enemy, just people like me flying in a machine. I wondered if I had been seen. I didn’t have to wait long, the next day a ship anchored off the island beach. The warriors were all excited and were preparing for a war. I went to the Chief and tried to tell him that they probably were coming in peace. He didn’t care, he urged his men to be prepared.
I walked to the beach and waited. I was sure they were looking at me through their field glasses. Soon I saw a boat speeding towards me. As they drew closer I saw armed men in the boat. When they reached the shoreline I could see that they were US Marines along with a Navy officer. As the officer walked toward me, I said, “Welcome to my island.”
He chuckled. “USA English, who the hell are you?”
I explained my whole story. He then told me that he was scouting for an uninhabited island that the Marines and Navy could use for a practice landing. He asked if I knew of any, I told him I wasn’t sure of any, but that I knew someone who was. I was pretty sure the chief was behind me in the trees, so I called him to come out. The chief appeared along with probably a hundred spear toting warriors. I told the chief they were friendly and just wanted information. I spoke to the chief in his language, the Americans had no idea what I said.
The chief then came forward alone. I did the introductions. Chief signaled the warriors and they disappeared back into the jungle. I acted as an interpreter to explain to the officer that there was an uninhabited island about one days travel from here. The Chief gave me directions and I did my best explaining what he said.
Then the big question was asked by the Navy officer. “Are you ready to return to the US?”
“Yes, I’m ready to return. I have a trunk full of research and a couple waterproof cases of the university’s equipment. It is all located at the village. I also have to say goodbye to some people.”
“I have to make sure the ship’s CO gives permission to bring you aboard. How much time do you need?”
I talked to the village chief about having some men haul my equipment and research containers to the beach. He wasn’t too happy that that I was leaving, but he would help me.
“About three hours should be plenty of time. Please tell your CO that I’m very appreciative of any help he will give me. I haven’t seen my wife in over five years.”
Needless to say, Mohaho was very upset at my leaving. “You are my husband, you are my life! I won’t be able to live without you.”
I was torn myself. One part of me wanted to go back to Susan and one part wanted to stay with Mohaho. What decided it for me was the research. I had to give Jerry the years of work I had completed.
With hugs and tears, I left the village behind me.