They had thrown the rest of the bottle away and put the other two in the basement two years ago, deciding they would never touch them again. But Sophie had had enough of Ben and Josh arguing tonight about stupid things, like who cold drink the most, so she had decided to teach them both a lesson.
As she walked through the kitchen, Sophie realized that her horniness had calmed a lot. She put it down to the fact that she was irritated with both of the guys. Her plan of fucking Ben had gone right out of the window when she had got irritated and came up with this drinking game, but she didn’t care at the moment anyway, it was just going to be fun watching them both suffer trying to look big drinking this stuff.
Sophie smiled to herself as she walked through the glass doors into the lounge.
Ben and Josh were sitting on either sofa as she had left them and not saying a word to each other. ‘They were both so childish,’ she thought to herself, ‘right, time to teach them both a lesson,’ and she smiled at both of them hiding the bottles behind her back.
“Right, boys, are you both ready to prove what big men you are?” she said smiling, and without any sarcasm at all.
“Sure, babe, I got a couple of glasses,” Josh said to her with a smile, then he turned to Ben and asked, “Not scared you’ll lose some more tonight, are you?”
“No way,” Ben replied quickly, “Anyway, I bet I’ve had more than you’ve had tonight.”
Sophie knew what Ben was referring to, and before Josh could ask she quickly spoke up, “Enough, guys, let’s do this civilly or we can call it a night.”
“Ok, ok,” Josh said.
“Sorry, Soph,” Ben answered.
“Good,” Sophie nodded at them. They were so childish she couldn’t believe it, she had never seen them like this, “Well, I’ve got you something special, and you’re both going to drink it, or you’ll lose, ok?”
Both of them nodded and said that they weren’t frightened of drinking anything she could put in front of them, looking at each other as if the other couldn’t handle it.
“Good, sit on either side of the table then with your glasses in front of you,” Sophie instructed, and watched as Josh sat in front of the TV and Ben in front of the sofa he had been on. Sophie knelt down in front of the other sofa to the side of both of them.
“So, what did you manage to find?” Josh asked her.
“This!” she replied, and placed both bottles on the table.
Ben looked at the bottles and asked, “What’s that?”
It took Josh a little time to realize what they were, but then all of a sudden it seemed to click in his head.
“Oh, no, Soph, you’ve got to be joking!” he finally said with a look of disbelief and revulsion on his face.
“Why? What is it?” Ben asked again.
“No, babe, I’m not joking. You two kept on arguing and being childish, and all manly with each other, so now you have to learn your lesson,” she replied.
“But Soph,” Josh said with that look still on his face. Sophie could hardly contain her self-satisfaction at how he must feel.
‘Serves them right though,’ she thought to herself.
“What is it?” Ben asked for a third time.
This time, Josh answered, completely forgetting his annoyance with Ben in his revulsion at the bottles in front of him.
“It’s some weird moonshine her granddad makes,” he answered, without taking his eyes off the bottles, “It’s like drinking petrol.”
“Doesn’t sound too bad,” Ben replied, and reached for a bottle.
“It’s about ninety-something percent, or not far off anyway,” Josh said, shaking his head a little.
“It should be alright,” Ben said as he unscrewed the top and took a sniff.
Sophie almost burst out with laughter at the change on Ben’s face when he inhaled the smell of the drink. He quickly put the bottle back on the table and began coughing and rubbing at his nose with his arm.
“Argh!” he exclaimed loudly, “That IS petrol, or some kind of acid. You really want us to drink that stuff?”
Sophie nodded and replied, “You both agreed to it, or are you wimping out now?”
Sophie could see the looks on both of their faces, the look that said that they were thinking about it. But stupid male pride got the better of them in the end and they both wouldn’t back down.
“Alright, then,” she said, and took the bottle Ben had opened and poured a little in each glass.
They both gingerly reached for their glasses, trying to look calm and cool and like they both wanted to do this, and reluctantly lifted the glasses up halfway to their mouths.
“Drink up, boys.” Sophie said with a small, cute smile on her pretty face, and both of them took the shots.
The clock chimed eleven and Sophie was still sitting on her knees at the side of the table. Half of the bottle was gone and both Ben and Josh were pissed out of their heads.
The first shot they had taken Sophie couldn’t help but laugh at their reactions, coughing and spluttering, even almost being sick. Every other time they were the same but more drunk.
“Do you remember….” Josh was mumbling to Ben in a drunken state.
This was how it had gone on for a while, both of them reminiscing about the past. Sophie’s horny feeling had come back now, but by the state of both of them she wasn’t going to get anything tonight. At least they had made up with each other though.
Another hour later, and one of the bottles had been finished and although he hated the stuff mostly, Josh had been the one who had drunk most of it.
Sophie was sitting on the sofa with her arms folded beneath her lusciously large tits and her smooth long legs crossed, smiling at how stupid both of the guys looked as they constantly fell off the seats.
Ben and Josh burst out laughing when one of them said something that Sophie had missed, and then Josh reached over to get the other bottle. But before he could, he fell forward off the chair and hit his head on the coffee table.
Sophie jumped up and went straight around to Josh, who was just lying on the floor laughing.
“Baby, are you ok?” she asked him concernedly.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, baby. Come and give me a kiss,” he mumbled back at her from the floor and raised his arms up for her.
“Come on, get up,” she said to him as she helped him up. Ben was in a fit of giggles still from when Josh had fallen forward. Sophie, now knowing Josh was ok, also found it quite funny, but only let out a slight chuckle.
“I fancy another drink. What about you, old friend?” Josh said and looked at Ben whilst still swaying.
“I think you’ve had enough,” Sophie said to Josh before Ben could answer.
“No, I’m fine, babe,” Josh said, as he tried to stand and fell backwards on to the seat.
“See, you can’t even stand by yourself,” Sophie said to her boyfriend, “I think you should go to bed.”
“Bed? Bed! Yeah, let’s go to bed!” Josh exclaimed and grabbed at Sophie’s ass under her skirt.
“To sleep Josh. I think you could do with it,” she replied to him sternly, and removed his hand from under her skirt.
“Fine, fine. I’ll go, I’ll go,” he said as Sophie helped him up.
Sophie held on to Josh and he leaned on her. She hadn’t realized that he weighed so much, he must have been putting all his bodyweight on her and she could barely hold him up without falling herself. There was no way she could help him upstairs like this.
Ben was sitting on the chair looking as if he was about to fall asleep where he was.
“Ben…” she said, but there was no answer.
“BEN!” She shouted a little and kicked him in the leg. That woke him up.
“What? What?” he said looking around.
“Help me take Josh upstairs to bed, I can’t carry him on my own,” she told him.
“No, no, I’m fine right here,” Josh said.
“You’re going to bed. Ben come on,” she said a little more impatiently.
Ben got up as quickly as he could and put Josh’s arm around his shoulder, and helped walk Josh up the stairs to the bedroom.
They lay Josh down on the bed, and as soon as his head hit the pillow he was fast asleep.
Sophie turned from the side of the bed to walk out of the room with Ben behind her.
‘Josh’ll be out for hours now he’s drank that much. It’s a good job he’s got the day off tomorrow,’ Sophie thought to herself.
Just as she was about to walk away from the bed, Ben grabbed her wrist and turned her around to face him.
Looking up into the face of her boyfriend’s not so good-looking friend, she asked, “What did you do that for?”
“Well, you still owe me something, and Josh is asleep now,” Ben replied with that cheeky smirk on his face.
“Ben, I’m not in the mood now,” she replied, and turned to go but Ben turned her around again, “What?” she said a little frustrated.
“I said, you still owe me something,” he told her, and pulled her hand to the slight bulge in his jeans.
Feeling the bulge in Ben’s jeans Sophie knew that he wasn’t very hard, but a slight tingle ran through her body when she touched it.
Ben undid the zipper and button on his jeans and pulled Sophie’s hand away, then using his other hand, he pulled his semi-hard cock out and placed Sophie’s hand on the shaft, holding it there with his own.
Sophie’s hand instinctively closed around the piece of meat in her hand, and she realized, then, that she hadn’t taken her eyes from it since Ben had placed her hand there. The tingle ran through her body again at the feel of the warm cockmeat in her hands.
“I know you want it Soph. You’re a little cock slut,” Ben sneered at her.
A shiver ran down her spine when he said that.
Slowly Sophie tightened her grip on Ben’s dick and started to move her hand up and down its length, feeling it grow harder with every motion of her hand. The harder Ben’s dick became, the faster Sophie moved her hand, and her eyes never left the cock that was almost fully hard now.
“Ah, yeah, that’s it, Soph,” Ben said as he exhaled and looked from Sophie’s hand to her face, “How does it feel to be jacking my dick off while your boyfriend is asleep on the other side of this bed?”
Sophie shuddered at the thought and let out a slight breathy moan, tightening her hand and beating her hand faster on the now fully erect cock of her boyfriend’s friend.
“Ben,” Sophie began.
“You’ve wanted this all night, haven’t you, Soph? Well, you’ve had your fun, now it’s my turn,” Ben told her. And with that Sophie heard the words she had been expecting to hear from him, “On your knees, Sophie.”
Sophie looked up at Ben, looking straight into his eyes. She could barely contain her lust now. The feeling that had died down in her loins was back a hundred times stronger now. All she could think of was what she was doing.
She was jacking her boyfriend’s friend off while her boyfriend lay fast asleep on the other side of the bed. But not only that, she was doing it in their bedroom, with the hand that she wore her eternity ring on, that her boyfriend had given her. And now, she was about to kneel down in front of her boyfriend’s friend, and give him a blowjob, while she was only two feet away from her boyfriend! This was so hot, and Sophie moaned, which brought a big smile from Ben.
“Let me see,” Sophie said looking into Ben’s eyes, “You want me to kneel in front of you and suck your cock while my boyfriend is asleep next to us?”
“Oh, yeah, Soph. Now suck it, bitch,” was Ben’s reply.
Sophie’s lust had completely enveloped her, so still keeping her eyes on Ben’s, she slowly sank to her knees in front of him.
Kneeling in front of Ben’s large cock, Sophie’s eyes went straight to the hard member, and she had flashbacks in her memory of the last time she had this piece of meat sliding past her full, pink lips. She gently licked her lips and once again looked up into Ben’s wanton eyes.
“You really want me to slide this big dick of yours into my hot mouth and suck your hard cock until you cum in my mouth, while I’m on my knees?” she asked with her most innocent look and voice.
“Yeah, now suck it,” Ben replied again in a more demanding tone.
Sophie smiled slightly, and kept her eyes on Ben’s, as she reached up once again to clutch the thick shaft only inches from her pretty face, with her right hand, the hand that wore the eternity ring that Josh had given her. Looking at her hand with that ring on, a ring that meant she was Josh’s girl forever, while it was wrapped around the throbbing shaft of his best friend’s dick made her squeeze Ben’s cock harder from the feeling of lust that ran through her.
Slowly, almost painfully slowly from Ben’s eager expression, Sophie Harper inched her face towards the meat in front of her. Staring straight into her boyfriend’s best friend’s eyes, she slowly opened her mouth as she came close to the head of the hot cock. She opened her mouth only just wide enough to fit the head inside so that Ben would feel her mouth on every part of his dick.
She felt Ben shiver when her mouth first made contact with his organ. Sophie continued to lower her head down the shaft, never breaking eye contact with Ben, feeding more into her mouth.
When her lips reached her hand, she slowly moved her head back along the thick pole until her mouth almost came off it. Then again, painfully slowly, she lowered her head along the cock and lightly began flicking her tongue over and over as she moved.
Sophie slowly raised and lowered her head along Ben’s dick, never moving her hand, only slowly and gently sucking. Then after a few times of this, Sophie slid her mouth from Ben’s dick and gently massaged the shaft with her hand, slowly moving her hand up and down the ten-inch length.
“Mm, you still taste as good as I remember,” Sophie said, licking her lips again.
“Don’t stop,” Ben said looking down at her, almost pleadingly.
Sophie couldn’t help but smile. She knew he was gagging for a good blowjob, and especially from her right then.
“Baby, I’m just going to give Ben a blowjob, ok? I hope you don’t mind,” she said to Josh as he slept on the bed, then turning to look back at Ben, and feeling the ripple of excitement pass through her from what she had just said, she locked her eyes on his and slowly lowered her head back down on the now rigidly hard dick of her boyfriend’s best friend.
This time though, when her mouth reached her hand, she stopped and flickered her tongue continuously over Ben’s cock, and then released her grip on the hard shaft and placed both of her hands on Ben’s hips. She loved sucking cock this way as it allowed the entire pole to slide down her throat and have no obstruction like her hand. Also, if she used her hand to jack him off, he would cum too soon, and she wanted to savour this erotic situation of sucking her boyfriend’s best friends cock right next to her boyfriend.
Slowly she lowered her head to the base of Ben’s cock, while still looking deep into his eyes. She knew guys loved it when a girl stared into their eyes whilst impaled on their hard meat, especially while it was in the girl’s mouth.
When her mouth reached the base of Ben’s ten-inch monster cock, and it had slid down her throat, only then did Sophie slowly move her head backwards along the pole until she reached the head, and then she lowered her head back down the meat.
Sophie’s head began bobbing up and down Ben’s dick, sliding past her luscious lips and down her tight throat, faster and faster. She had begun slowly, but once the feel of that cock sliding in and out of her mouth had settled in, she began to lose control and really begin to suck.
“Oh, Sophie, yeah,” Ben moaned as she worked on his big dick.
Sophie moaned a little and Ben let his head fall back. Sophie closed her eyes and held on to Ben’s hips as she repeatedly sucked his cock deeper into her mouth. Using her tongue to slash across the hard meat in her mouth, Sophie sucked harder and harder. Her cheeks moving in and out as she worked on the ten-inch rod.
She was moaning more now, and every now and then she was lifting her head from Ben’s cock and moaning loudly, then returning to sucking cock like a pro.
The sounds of both of their moans soon filled the silent room and were only drowned out by the lewd slurping noises of Sophie’s mouth sucking Ben’s cock.
“Mmm!” Sophie moaned.
“Oh, yeah, suck it, baby. Suck my dick good,” Ben moaned.
With Sophie’s head still bobbing up and down Ben’s thick meat and her eyes tightly closed, all that existed in the world was this wondrous hard rod and all the pleasure she was getting from sucking on it.
Sophie opened her eyes as her head once again lowered back down onto the long, thick member, and she saw Ben look down at her. Then as she was staring into his eyes with her lust glazed own and bobbing her head up and down his big cock, he reached forward and grabbed her big tits and began squeezing the soft but firm mounds in his hands.
“Mmph!” Sophie moaned, and rolled her eyes a little from the hot feeling.
“Yeah, suck me, baby! Suck my big dick while I play with your big tits!” Ben growled at her, “Your boyfriend sure does have a good girlfriend, who’s doing a great job of looking after his best friend.”
“Oh, mmph!” Sophie moaned, then quickly went back to sucking Ben’s dick.
She loved the feeling of it sliding in and out of her mouth, sucking on it.
Ben continued to mangle her big tits, and then he released them and placed his hands onto her head, not pulling or pushing her, just resting on her long, blonde hair as she worshipped his big dick.
She was loving it, and as she continued sucking, all she could think about was her boyfriend lying on the bed right next to her asleep. The thought made her almost cum, but it also made her suck harder. This was so hot!
Ben continued to just gently hold his friend’s blonde girlfriend’s head as she worked his dick in and out of her mouth, sucking and licking as her full pink lips were wrapped tightly around the thick hard shaft.
Ben just couldn’t resist having Sophie suck his dick in the same room as Josh when they put Josh down on the bed. The idea had made his dick raging hard, and now it was getting the loving attention it needed, from his best friend’s girlfriend.
Looking down at Sophie’s face, her eyes still on his, her lips gliding up and down his hard member, she looked so hot. Her face moved all the way down to the base of his ten-inch dick and then slid all the way back to the tip of the head. He still couldn’t believe how good her hot mouth felt, and every time his dick entered her throat he moaned and thought he was just going to cum right then.
Taking his hand from her head he once again reached forward and grabbed Sophie’s big tits. They felt so good. Large, firm, but still soft. She was all natural too, which made it hotter. He had always loved Sophie’s tits. He had watched her a lot and lusted after her for so long, until that fateful day in the kitchen downstairs when he finally got to fuck the prize beauty. She had moaned, groaned and screamed as he had fucked her not fifteen feet from her boyfriend, only this time it was his plan, and he had an idea that was far more kinky than the last time.
Sophie’s mouth tightened around his dick and Ben moaned louder. She began bobbing her head up and down faster now, still never taking her eyes from his. He let go of her wondrous tits and returned his hand to her head, not holding her head or pulling her to him, just resting his hand on her gorgeous blonde hair and let her do the work.
“Are you enjoying sucking my dick, Soph?” Ben asked a little breathlessly, she was really working hard on his member, sucking and licking, and he didn’t know how long he would last.
“Mmm!” Sophie moaned, never taking her mouth from his dick.
He watched her gorgeous blonde head bob up and down his dick faster and faster now. He could feel the cum rising in his balls as Sophie tried to suck all of it out of him. She was moaning a lot more now as she impaled her face on Ben’s monster cock. The slurping noises seemed loud in the quiet of the bedroom.
“Mmph!” Sophie moaned louder.
“Josh, your girlfriend gives the best blowjob, man,” Ben moaned breathlessly, and Sophie moaned loudly, “She’s down on her knees with all of my ten-inches in her mouth! Damn, she’s good!”
Sophie sucked harder now.
Ben couldn’t handle much more of this. He had had a blowjob from the girlfriend before and he had never known such good head, but this time she felt ten times better, she must have gotten some more practice with Josh lately.
Ben could feel his dick beginning to stir, and knew his balls would tighten and empty down Sophie’s hot throat soon, but just then he came up with an idea.
He reached down and grabbed the bottom of Sophie’s top, which hung just below the bottom of those luscious tits, and he pulled it upwards. Sophie still with his dick in her mouth lowered her eyes and helped him take her short top up by pulling her arms out of the sleeves. As she was pulling her arms from the top, Ben was amazed that Sophie could still suck on his dick without losing any rhythm. Her eyes were closed as she stripped, yet she could still manage to bob her beautiful head up and down his rigid pole without any hindrance at all, Ben couldn’t believe it.
Once he had Sophie’s short top up over her arms and bunched around her neck, she quickly pulled her mouth from his member and pulled her top over her head and threw it to one side, then she grabbed his dick again and fed it straight back into her mouth and continued her loving attention.
He loved the sight of her tits, and he stared at them, now only covered in Sophie’s bra, as he watched Sophie’s mouth slide up and down, and up and down, again and again.
“Oh, yeah, baby, suck my dick. Oh, yeah!” Ben groaned as he looked down at Sophie on her knees.
She opened her eyes again and looked at him, then she slid her mouth from his dick and slashed her tongue across the head, and sank her mouth back down again. Ben groaned and Sophie seemed to try and smile as best she could with her mouth full of cock.
Then as Sophie’s head was bobbing up and down and her eyes locked on his, she reached behind her, never slowing the pace of her lewd sucking, and never taking her eyes from his, and unsnapped her bra. Then, she slowly slid the bra straps from her shoulders and let the piece of clothing fall to the floor.
Ben was mesmerized now. She knew that he loved her tits, not only had he told her, but after the last fuck fest they had had in the kitchen, she definitely knew. But seeing her topless and down on her knees with his big dick shoved deep into her welcoming mouth was hot beyond belief.
Her tits were large and firm, with large nipples that stood firmly erect from the soft flesh. They were an amazing sight in whatever Sophie wore. They seemed to defy gravity and were the perfect shape. These tits were the object of so many men’s fantasies and dreams, and he could do whatever he wanted to them.
The 22-year-old blonde girlfriend continued bobbing her head furiously while looking up into Ben’s eyes, and Ben just drank in the sight and the feeling of the erotic situation. The idea of having Sophie on her knees while Josh was next to them and the sight of her half-naked body almost made Ben want to cum right then, but it was the expert sucking of Sophie that was tipping him over the edge.
She had been sucking his cock for the last fifteen minutes now, and he had tried to hold back as long as he could, enjoying the sensation and the view but he could barely contain himself anymore. His knees were getting weaker, as Sophie realized how close he was to cumming, and sucked on him for all she was worth. Her head was bobbing furiously up and down his thick shaft and her eyes were intent on his own. Faster, she worked the hard member in and out of her mouth and down her wondrously tight, hot throat. She was a pro, was all Ben could think amidst the groans he was putting out now.
Spurred on by the reaction she was getting from Ben, Sophie sucked harder and harder, slamming her pretty face down onto her boyfriend’s friend’s meat until Ben felt his balls tighten. He couldn’t hold back anymore, the sight of her beautiful face impaled on his hard rod, and her bare tits wobbling around as she bobbed her head up and down it, was just too much.
“Ah, Soph, you’re going to get it,” he groaned, and clenched his teeth, “Just what you’ve been working for.”
And with those words, he grabbed hold of his friend’s gorgeous blonde girlfriend’s head and pulled her down onto his raging dick, and his balls shot his load out, emptying all of his seed into her mouth.
Sophie’s mouth welcomed the hot, salty cum into her mouth and she began swallowing as Ben held onto her head, still staring up at him. He had closed his eyes together as soon as he began to cum, and from the surge of cum shooting into her mouth and down her throat, she thought that this must be his biggest orgasm ever, either that or he hadn’t got laid since last time they fucked.
“Oh, yeah,” Ben groaned loudly, “Swallow my cum, Sophie! Uh! Your girlfriend’s the best cocksucker I’ve ever met, Josh.”
Sophie moaned as Ben spoke to her sleeping boyfriend and continued to suck and swallow.
“Fuck! I’ve just cum in her mouth man, and she’s swallowing it all,” he groaned again.
She knew that Ben knew how much she loved the eroticness of the situation, how much it turned her on.
After a few seconds of cumming buckets down her throat, Ben did something unexpected. He pushed her backwards by her head, while he was still cumming, and grabbed his dick with his hand.
Only after her mouth had left his dick and the first blob of cum had shot out and hit her in the face did Sophie realize what he was doing. He had already cum down her throat and now he wanted to cum all over her. Now it made sense why he had half stripped her. She had just thought that he wanted to see her naked, she knew how much he loved her tits, like every other guy she had met, but this was hot.
Leaning back on her hands and swallowing most of the remaining cum in her mouth, Sophie let some dribble out past her lips and onto her chin.
“Cum on me, Ben, cum all over me,” Sophie purred lustfully with her most teasing look on her face.
Ben only groaned and continued jacking his cock and shooting his hot, sticky cum all over her.
Globs of her boyfriend’s best friend’s cum landed on and between her heavy tits, all over her beautiful blonde face, on her slim neck, on her flat stomach, and all over the bedroom floor.
Finally, Ben’s dick shot its last glob of cum straight into Sophie’s waiting mouth, as she knelt under his cock with her mouth wide open and her tongue out, and he sat down on the bedroom floor looking exhausted.
Sophie smiled at him. She had never seen a guy cum so much in her life; he must have been really horny tonight.
As he raised his head to look at her with that cheeky grin of his Sophie ran a finger over her tits and scooped up some of his cum and popped it into her mouth, sucking her finger and swallowing the thick liquid she moaned.
“Mm, you taste good,” she cooed.
“Fuck, I’ve never cum that hard in my life,” he said breathlessly.
While Sophie was on her knees sucking Ben’s raging hard cock into her mouth and down her throat, bobbing that gorgeous blonde-haired face up and down his ten-inch monster, Josh was sleeping soundly, oblivious to the lewd cock-sucking noises. The slurps and the moans from his best friend and his girlfriend. As Ben was pulling Sophie’s head hard down on his dick, impaling her on his hardness and shooting his cum into her mouth and straight down her throat, Josh was dreaming of computer games, and the sea, and other strange things. As his friend’s cum was filling his girlfriend’s stomach, he was completely unaware.
Sophie noticed Ben’s dick was semi-hard, and remembering how he had cum and then fucked her last time without a break she smiled and realized he really was exhausted.
They continued talking as if her boyfriend were not lying two feet away from them on the bed.
“I didn’t know you’d want to cum all over me. I thought you’d want me to swallow it all like last time?” Sophie said, half question, half statement. She still couldn’t believe how hot this situation was, her sucking her boyfriend’s friend on her knees while her boyfriend was asleep on the bed next to them. The thought turned her on even more and her pussy raged with lust.
“Well Josh told me about you sunbathing today,” he said, and paused to breathe, he really had used up so much energy, “And he said you weren’t wearing any cream, so I thought I’d help,” and he smiled at her.
Sophie smiled back at him and laughed a little, remembering what Josh had said about putting some on her later on. Well, she was covered now.
“Well, now I’m covered and there’s no sun,” she replied teasingly.
“I’m sure I can help you with that next time it’s sunny,” he answered her, “Are you still horny? Because I really want to fuck you now.”
“Are you going to be ‘up’ for it? You look tired. I think you’re getting old,” she said mocking him, and began wiping herself on the bed sheets to remove all of the cum covering her.
“Soph, I could fuck you for hours right now. After cumming like that, I won’t need to until you are fucked raw.”
Smiling, and giving a little laugh, Sophie finished wiping herself up. “I bet I could fuck you until you can’t walk, baby Ben,” Sophie mocked him again.
Ben only smiled back at her and got up to walk towards the bedroom door, “You were the one who could hardly walk last time remember?”
Sophie stood up and placed her hands on her hips, looking at Ben with her most teasing smile again. “Hmph, I remember,” she teased, then undid the button on the side of her short plaid skirt and let it drop to the floor.
“Well, are you going to fuck me, Big Boy, or are you just going to stand there until Josh wakes up?” she said as she placed her hands back on her waist, feigning impatience. Her pussy was begging her to fuck right now and with what she was about to do, she thought that she would never stop cumming.
“Come on, then, I really want to fuck you on your leather sofa,” he said to her.
“Nope.” She answered plainly, “I don’t want to fuck there. If you want to fuck me, you’ll have to do it right here, right now,” and as she spoke those words her stomach fluttered with a thousand butterflies and her knees trembled.
“What? You want me to fuck you here on your bedroom floor, while Josh is lying asleep on your bed?” Ben asked with astonishment.
“No,” She answered him sternly, “I want you to fuck me on my bed while my boyfriend lies next to us.”
That was it, she almost came then.
“What!?! Are you crazy, Soph? What if he wakes up?” Ben obviously couldn’t believe what he was hearing, but she wouldn’t back down now, this had been her ultimate fantasy for so long, and she wanted it now. Of course, it had originally been a threesome idea but hey, you had to work with changing situations.
“He won’t wake up, not after drinking all of that stuff,” she replied, and swayed over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself to him, which pressed her big tits tightly against his chest. Then she slowly moved back and released her arms, bringing one hand down his chest to grab his almost hard cock. This was turning him on.
Sophie smiled at him and looked deep into his eyes with her lust glazed own, “Come on, I know you want to fuck me. To bury your big dick deep into your best friend’s girlfriend. To fuck me harder than he can until I cum, begging you to fuck me more.”
Ben’s dick grew harder as she spoke and continued to stroke it with her hand, and she slowly began walking back to the bed, guiding Ben with her by his hard cock.
“Come on, Ben, put your big dick in my pussy. Fuck me. I want you so bad. How much better than to fuck me right next to my boyfriend,” she continued to whisper to him as she reached the bed.
Sophie climbed onto the king-size mattress still holding Ben’s cock and whispering to him, stroking up and down on him. Ben just followed with no words at all.
Sophie reluctantly let go of the hard meat in her hand as Ben climbed onto the bed, and she lay down underneath him. He was kneeling now between her legs, and she lay back with her head on her pillow.
She couldn’t believe that she was going to do this; she was actually going to have sex with another guy while lying next to her boyfriend.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Ben asked her.
The feelings inside clawed at her; she needed sex now. Hard, rough, fucking sex. So, she looked up into Ben’s eyes and said slowly, “Fuck me.”
Then Sophie turned her head towards Josh, who was facing her as Ben positioned himself outside of her yearning pussy and gently rubbed his now ragingly hard dick up and down.
“Ben’s just going fuck me now, baby,” when she said those words, a shiver ran through her body that physically made her move, “He’s going to fuck me hard and fast while you sleep, baby. Sweet dreams,” and with that she turned to face Ben again and looked at him half teasing half-wanton lust.
Ben smiled cheekily back at her; all the restraint gone in his own lust. She needed him so badly. Sophie slowly reached upwards and grabbed hold of the cast iron headboard, holding tightly, noticing that Ben was naked now. She held on, trembling from lust and they stared at each other. The looks seemed to last forever, and then Ben grabbed Sophie’s slim, soft, long legs by the firm thighs and pulled her towards him as he thrust his manhood forward, burying himself deep within her to the hilt with all ten inches as Sophie moaned loudly, gripped the iron headboard as the bed shook from the initial hard thrust, and she shook as her first orgasm ran through her body. Never had she came from penetration, but this time, her entire body shook, and her moans came out loudly from her mouth as Ben just held his dick deep within her.
“Oh, fuck!” she moaned loudly as the orgasm swept over her. It wasn’t the biggest orgasm ever, but she still came straight away.
As the initial orgasm subsided Sophie regained some of her senses and could feel the hardness buried to the hilt deep in her pussy, and she moaned. Ben still hadn’t moved, he still held himself buried deep within her, until she calmed down. Then, when she was back from her quick trip to the clouds, she held onto the iron and looked straight into Ben’s eyes.
“Fuck me, now,” was all she said in a growl, and their illicit mating began.
Ben roughly held Sophie’s legs in his hands as he was sitting on his knees on the bed. He felt her firm flesh tremble as he slowly slid his dick in and out of her hot pussy. At least he began slowly. Once they had settled into a rhythmic unison, he slowly began to increase his pace as the lust took over him.
It had been so long since he had been in this tight ass, and it felt so good to have her underneath him again. The sight was amazing; Sophie was lying on her back with his dick buried all the way into her, fucking back at his every stroke as she held onto the metal framework for support. Holding onto the bed allowed Sophie to push back at Ben’s thrusts harder, impaling herself deeper on his invading rod. Her tits were gently rolling around on her chest as he thrust back into her again and again. Her face was a pure mask of lust, her eyes were intent on his and she never smiled, just stared at him, she wasn’t even speaking just exhaling harder each time his big dick re-entered her.
Sophie’s pussy was still as tight and hot as he remembered; it gripped his dick like a vice as he slowly but forcefully slid it back and forth inside of her.
Josh was still lying next to them, completely asleep and unaware of what he was doing to his girlfriend right then next to him. The thought spurred him on.
“Want me to fuck you, Soph?” he asked, while clenching his teeth. He kept his pace slow and steady, but he could hardly believe how good she felt. The memory of sex with her was a pale comparison to the real thing.
“Yeah, fuck me,” she replied, looking straight at him.
“What?” he asked her in return.
“Enough of this slow shit, fuck me! Come on, I need to be fucked!” was her reply, looking more annoyed by his continued steady pace of entering her.
“Now that wasn’t very nice, maybe I should just pull out an…” he was saying, but Sophie interrupted him.
“No!” she said straightaway at the mention of stopping. She put on a look now, half-teasing and half-helpless, “Please! Please fuck me, Ben! I need your big cock fucking me hard.”
“Now, that’s better,” he said, and let go of her legs.
He dropped his weight forward, thrusting hard into Sophie and catching himself by planting his hands next to her shoulders. Now he supported himself and his face was directly over hers. He didn’t even say any words, just pulled out and slammed back into her as hard as he could.
“Oh!” Sophie moaned, and smiled up at him as he continued to pound in and out of her tight pussy.
The mattress began to bounce up and down under the relentless fucking he was giving his friend’s blonde girlfriend. The bed began to shift forward and back with each thrust that he pumped into Sophie. Her arms pushed at the headboard, pushing her down further onto his raging member, and thrusting her hips up to meet each plunge deeper into her.
“Oh, yeah!” Sophie groaned as he continued his assault. “Fuck me, Ben, fuck me! Oh!”
“You like my dick deep inside you?” he asked her.
“Oh, yeah, it’s so big and hard,” she had now closed her eyes and had tilted her head back, trying to arch her back to allow him easier access to her.
He watched, as he continuously fucked her, how her tits stuck up from her chest as she arched her back. They wobbled around and shook as he fucked in and out of her harder and harder.
“Um, oh, yeah!” Sophie moaned lightly.
The bed was creaking and squeaking now and moving back and forth. The mattress seemed to bounce Sophie back up at Ben after every hard thrust. Sophie was groaning and moaning.
“Oh! Hey, Josh,” Ben said to the sleeping boyfriend, “Your girlfriend is really entertaining, you know.”
“OH!” Sophie moaned and released the metal frame to grab hold of his arms. Still with her eyes closed, thrusting back up at him hard now, gripping tightly to his arms. Her nipples hard and erect were brushing against his chest with every back-and-forth movement.
“I guess you won the games,” he continued, he knew this turned her on and it was turning him on even more, “But I got the prize.”
“Oh, fuck me!” Sophie moaned, and Ben picked up his pace.
“Now I’m going to fuck your girlfriend until she cums, and I’m going to cum in her pussy, and she loves it,” he continued.
“OH!” Sophie moaned louder, “Fuck me, Ben! Fuck your best friend’s girlfriend, nail me to our bed! Oh, nail me to the bed!”
Her legs locked themselves tightly around his back, pulling him deeper into her, helping her to pull herself up to meet his thrusts. Her groans and moans were louder now.
As he continued pounding in and out of his friend’s girlfriend, he saw Sophie open her eyes and look at him.
She smiled wickedly.
“You like fucking me next to my boyfriend?” she asked teasingly, her voice shook under the fucking and her face was far redder now. She spoke breathlessly and moaned a little afterwards.
“I love fucking you,” he replied, “But this is really hot.”
“Um!” she moaned, “The bed is moving, fuck me harder!”
So, how could he refuse that? Fucking her as hard as he could, Sophie let out a loud moan and groaned. Her tits slammed together as her head hit the iron framework repeatedly as he fucked in and out hard and fast.
“Oh, yeah! Um, fuck, yeah!” Was all Sophie seemed to manage to groan out.
Then she turned her moving head to face her boyfriend and spoke to him.
“Oh, baby, yeah! Fuck me, Ben, fuck me!” She groaned loudly into her boyfriend’s face, “Um, baby, you have such a good friend. Um, oh, he fucks me so good!”