Son’s Bikini

"He thought his mother was just trying to be funny."

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It was a hot day. I told my mom, “I’m going to cool off in the pool.” My sister, Jan, was already out there sunning herself.

Mom eyed me over. “You know, Mark, that swimsuit of yours is getting kind of old. You should get a new one. I’ll look online to see what I can find for you.”

Mom and Dad divorced several years back, but the split was amicable. Jan and I stayed with our mother as Dad traveled a lot. Mom did well working as an executive in a local company. Jan and I each had jobs elsewhere. I could afford to buy a bathing suit, but Mom enjoyed doing things like that for us.

I answered my mom. “Sure, whatever.”

“How would you like a bikini?”

“A bikini? Why would I want a bikini?”

She liked to tease me about things like that now and then. “Oh, man, I wish,” I thought to myself. That’s because I am a crossdresser. But I was sure Mom didn’t know that, nor did Jan. There were many chances to dress up when they weren’t around.

“Oh, I don’t know. It might look good on you.”

“Yeah, right. Me, in a bikini? Get real.”

“No, we can go online, and you can help me pick one out for you.”

This was getting ridiculous, so I called her on it. “Alright, Mom, enough of this. I’ll tell you what. When you decide you’ll spend your money to buy your son a bikini, then I’ll wear it for you.”

“It’s a deal,” she replied.

“You can’t be serious.”

“Yes, I am. Now let’s get your measurements.”

“Why would you do this? Isn’t this joke getting old by now?”

“It’s no joke. Let me tell you something. I know you get into our things sometimes when we’re gone. You looked so envious earlier when you watched Jan in her bikini. It’s not the first time I’ve seen you with that kind of expression, either. So, now we are granting your wish.”

She called out, “Jan, could you come in here a minute, please?”

Jan came back inside. “Yes, Mom?”

“Your brother and I are having a little chat about his activities while he’s been alone.”

“I still don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said. Mom had to be bluffing. There was no way she could know my secret.

“Oh, I’m sure you do.”

Jan grinned and added, “Did you think we wouldn’t notice our things had been moved around? Once or twice might be due to absent-mindedness, but many times?”

“You may think I’m easy to fool,” said Mom. “But I see a lot more than you think. It became obvious to me my son likes to wear our clothes. I waited until I was ready before saying something. Your sister promised not to say anything, either. However, I think it’s time, now. Jan, get the tape measure. We’ll get your brother sized up for his first bikini. There’s one I noticed on eBay that would look cute on him. Then, we’ll see about some other items, as well.” Turning to me, she continued, “There are some boxes of Jan’s old clothes downstairs. She’s outgrown them, but some would be OK for you.”

Then she laughed. “Of course, I expect you’ve already tried them on. So if they fit, you can have them.”

Her remarks left me stunned. But obviously, I couldn’t pretend ignorance anymore.

“OK, yes, I admit it. It’s hard to explain, but I love wearing women’s clothes. It’s like they were meant for me.”

“See?” said Mom. “Don’t you feel better now that you’ve come clean? Jan and I will help you get your wish. Now, come over here and help me find you a bikini.”

She showed me many styles on her laptop’s screen. “What do you think of this one?”

“Yeah, it’s nice. It’s hard to believe this is happening, though.”

By this time, Jan had returned.

“OK, hold still while she gets your measurements.”

Shortly afterward, Jan had the numbers recorded and given to Mom. Then Jan said, “Mom, maybe we should start calling him by a girl’s name.”

“That’s a good idea,” she replied. “What should we call you? You can’t be Mark, now. Do you like ‘Marsha’?”

“No,” I said.

“Well, do you have any suggestions?”

“How about ‘Marci,’ with an ‘i’?” I said.

“Oh, that’s a nice name. It will suit you well because you’ll be a pretty girl. You won’t need to wear boys’ clothes anymore. Wear dresses if you want, at least around here. But you might not want to look that way if you go visit your father. I don’t think he would be too keen on the idea.”

She pointed to something else displayed on the screen. “Oh, look at this dress. Would you wear that?”

“Mom, first you were going to buy me a bikini, and now a dress? How about other stuff? If you’re going to buy me these things, I’ll take whatever I can get.”

“I’ll get you some underthings, too. Your sister got your sizes when she measured you. I’m running up my credit card, but to have another daughter is worth it.”

“Thanks, Mom. This is awesome.”

“Soon, you’ll have things of your own. So, from now on, ask before you borrow ours.”

By this time, Jan had returned to the pool.

“In those boxes I mentioned, there is one of Jan’s old bikinis. Why don’t you see if it fits you?”

I retrieved my sister’s old bathing suit from downstairs and put it on. Returning upstairs, I showed the look to Mom.

“That will do for now, although you need something to fill out the cups. What have you used before, socks or discarded pairs of pantyhose?”

“I bought some breast forms.”

“Go get them and put them in your bra. Maybe someday you’ll have real boobs, but those will do for now.”

After doing that, I returned for Mom’s inspection.

“Oh, that’s better,” she said. “You’ll look great once the suit I ordered arrives. You can go out and join your sister now. Later on, we’ll start working on makeup lessons.”

I went outside and laid down next to Jan. “Hey, nice bikini,” she said.

“It was yours, remember?”

“Of course, but it’s cool you will be my sister now. With a little help from Mom and me, guys will check you out in no time! When Mon first told me about it, I thought it was hilarious. My brother in dresses? Who would have thought? So, I started reading up on guys who crossdress. I realized it was likely a lot deeper need for you than to only get your rocks off. Mom asked me to hold off saying anything. Once she was ready, we’d tell you we knew about your little secret.”

“Since you know, now what?”

“Well, I want to help you, not make your life miserable. Mom ordered you a bunch of clothes. Also, you can have any of my old ones that fit. That’s a pretty good start, I’d say.”

“I like it, so far. Hey, Mom said I’d get makeup lessons later.”

“I’m sure we can do that. I want to see what my new sister looks like once she’s all dolled up and ready to go out on the town.”

“I’d love to go out if I could pass as a woman.”

“Well, let’s get you adapted to your new life as one, first.”

“Besides my makeup, would you help me learn how to walk in heels?”

“You probably tried our shoes on at some point. Did any of them fit?”

“They were kind of tight.”

“You may need something wider.”

All this talk of dressing as a female, even passing as one someday, got me horny.

Jan noticed the bulge and laughed.

“Um, you might want to go take care of that. No girl is going to have a little something extra down there.”

As I walked back to the house, she called after me. “Hey, if you get that kind of response out of a guy someday, then you ought to learn how to take care of him.”

I stopped and turned around. “What do you mean?”

“I mean sucking a cock,” she said.

Well, that was something I hadn’t thought about and told her so.

“Maybe you should start. If you’re going to do this, you better go all out. Once you can pass, you could get the opportunity. Take advantage of it. Maybe I can find someone who would be happy to give you the practice. Trust me, it’ll be fun!”

Jan’s comment stuck in my head for days afterward. The idea began to appeal to me.

The next few months found me dressed as a female most of the time. Mom and Jan gave me pointers to improve my appearance. I wore guys’ clothes only when the circumstances required it. With some practice, my voice was able to emulate that of a real female.

Many women say they can’t wait to come home and take off their bras. But when I had to wear guys’ clothes, I couldn’t wait to return home and put on a bra. Now, my mom and sister were happy to let me do that.

After a while, Mom felt I was ready for the new me to go public. Jan and I went out to the store one day. No one seemed to notice anything different about me.

Then Jan suggested something more. She said she’d fix me up with a guy she knew. Even if he guessed I wasn’t a biological female, I’d be safe with him. She would introduce me as a friend of hers.

“It’s your solo flight. It could be you’ll get your wish to suck a cock,” Jan told me. “He might like girls such as you and screw your butt until you can barely walk.” Early on, she realized the thought of that got me horny. She gave me a few tips to try if I went down on him.

A day or so later, it was time for my one-on-one debut. I chose my best dress for this. Mom and Jan helped me with my makeup. Jan also added extensions to my hair. When they finished, my appearance was at another level. The final product was impressive; what faced me in the mirror was an attractive young woman.

“You’ve come a long way, Marci,” Mom said. “From Mark to Marci, it’s been a very nice transition. I’m proud of my beautiful daughter.”

“Thanks, Mom.” Then I headed out the door to meet up with my date. I was a little nervous but would go through with it.

I met up with Kevin at a nice restaurant. We chatted some before our orders arrived. He seemed like a pretty nice guy.

After a pleasant dinner, we went to a local pub for drinks. Kevin gave no clue he knew I wasn’t a female. It excited me I could pull this off.

Later, we went back to his place and watched a movie. I wondered if he’d try to kiss me. It was weird. Dressed as I was, I reacted to things as a normal female would, instead of a guy. The answer to that happened a little while later. I was going to call it a night and go home. Just before I went out the door, he finally did. I responded, and things seemed to progress from there. I let myself get pulled back inside. We were all over each other.

I told him his cock was calling my name. He sat down in a chair and pulled off his pants. I got on my knees and licked it, then took it into my mouth. My head moved back and forth along his erection. The things my sister told me about going down on a guy went through my mind. I continued to pump and suck. Every once in a while, I’d take it out of my mouth and lick it some more. Kevin whispered, “Oh, man, that’s nice.” This went on for a while. Eventually, he jettisoned into my mouth. It was my first taste of cum. It was tasty.

“Wow,” he said. “That was awesome.”

“It was my pleasure,” I replied. “The next time, let’s skip dinner and go right to this instead!”

“Marci, I want to take you to bed,” he said. It seemed this would be the moment of truth for me.

“I want that, too,” I said. “But before we do, you ought to know something.”


“I don’t know if there’s an easy way to tell you.”

“Tell me what? Are you married or something?”

“No, that’s not it. I guess I just need to come out with it. You remember Jan, right?”

“Yeah, she’s my friend.”

“I’m not exactly Jan’s friend. I’m her brother.”

Stunned, he asked, “Did I hear you right?”

“Yes, I’m her brother.”

“My god! But you’re a hot chick.”

“Thanks, I appreciate the compliment. But this is who and what I am. I’ve been living as a female for some time now. It’s hard to drop this on you. You’re a neat guy. Tonight was fun, and I’d love to see you again. But if this freaks you out, and you don’t want to get together anymore, I’ll understand.”

“No, you are nice. I need to process this for a while. Tell you what. I will call you, and we’ll talk.”

“OK.” I got up to leave and kissed him again. “Remember, I’d love a chance to suck your cock again. Then you’ll take this girl to bed.”

With that, I said goodnight and left.

When I got home, I told Jan about my evening. She wished me luck with Kevin.

A day or two went by before I heard from Kevin. He asked me to stop by, so we could talk in person. I asked him if it was Mark or Marci he wanted to see. “Who’s Mark?” came the reply. That was a good sign. So, dressed as Marci, I went back over to his place. Before I left, I put on a matching bra and panties set, along with a garter belt and stockings. They were a birthday gift from Mom earlier in the year. My suspicion was the dress would come off. Kevin would like what he saw.

He let me in and kissed me.

“So you came to terms with this?” I said.

“Yes, I still can’t believe you used to be a guy. But you are a neat chick, so I’ll keep on seeing you. Also, if you wondered, I still want to fuck you silly.” That was his answer. It was what I hoped he’d say.

“I’ve never been with a guy before. I guess I’m your virgin.”

“Then what are we waiting for?”

I took off my dress once we were in his bedroom.

“Wow,” he said. “You look hot,” and undressed, too.

He wasn’t quite hard yet, so I teased the head of his cock with my mouth and tongue. It didn’t take much convincing before he was ready.

“This time, I’m going to cum in your ass instead of your mouth.”

“Please be gentle with me.” I rested my legs on his shoulders.

He poured some lube between my butt cheeks and worked a finger in and out of my hole. A second finger followed. Being finger-fucked was something I never felt before. But the best was yet to come.

His glistening cock probed its way in. I gasped as he entered me.

“Relax,” he said. “We’ll do this nice and slow.”

He pulled out, then entered me again.

“Push out. It’ll help you take me.”

Slowly, I took more of him, perhaps an inch at a time. He’d let me get used to it before he went further. Once he was all the way in, he began to move back and forth. I responded to his thrusts.

“Oh fuck me!” I cried. “Fuck me!”

He held on to me as he continued. The feeling of his organ sliding in and out of me was like nothing else I’d ever experienced. Each push of his made me cry out.

As he continued to pump, he said, “It seems you needed a real man to make you a real woman.”

I moaned in response; his cock felt so good.

Then he said, “I’m going to cum,” and let loose. An inner warmth filled me. At the same time, I ejaculated, too.

I kissed him as he pulled out. I ran my finger along my stomach to wipe up some of my cum and licked it.

“Yours is better,” I laughed. “I hope we’ll do this again sometime soon.”

“Yes, we will. You are not what I expected, but you are what I need.”

“Great. You are what this girl needed, too. We’ll have fun together.”

I cleaned up some, then got dressed. Before I left, we kissed again.

“This could be the start of something special,” I told him.

“You’re special to me,” he said. “It’s hard to comprehend all this happened. I never thought that someone like you would get to me as you have.”

I got back into my car, and from the window, told him we’d reconnect soon.

Once I arrived home, Mom and Jan were still up.

“I guess your evening went well,” Mom said.

I smiled and responded, “He wants to get together, even knowing who I am.”

Jan said, “I suspect my little sister is no longer the sweet, innocent girl who left here tonight.”

I smiled again and headed off to take a shower.

It’s strange how my mom’s remark about a bikini led to such a change in my life. But I’m glad it did.



Published 4 years ago

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