Songs of Seasons from the Past

"Love is singing in our senses"

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Hear the melodies of seasons from the past
Hum along the verdant pathways in my mind
Subtle tempers of the years
That may echo with a chanting
With ballads of gentle cooing in my ears 

Purring with seduction in my ears

Like the insects 
They are chirping
They are whirring
As I listen
As I hear

Heeding all the soothing calling
They are offering
An oblation
Of the music 

To my essence
My belovéd

To my soul

And the blessings of the melodies of seasons long since past
Hum along the fruitful passages 
The vibrant
Subtle tempers of the years
That still echo
In my aged needy senses

I still feel them 

They are dulcet
Most euphonic
While the tender shades of romance
All the whispers of the chorus
Keep on singing in our hearts

They are singing in our hearts
As a choir we conduct
With the subtle gracious tempers of the years

Reaching out to grasp the flavors of the tonal exposition
We both hear

In our selfless honied  joining
Both our voices fused and melding
We discover as we listen 
To each other
We are paired

And the melodies of seasons from the past
Even now we hear the humming
In the airs and lyric rhythms
Down the scented trails abundant
Where the blooms of zeal and fervor still arise

As I listen
As I hear

All the essence of my darling
In my ears

Published 6 years ago

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