Something New (Part 1 of 2)

"Hayes is invited to celebrate Valentine's Day with his sexy coworker and her husband."

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I never could have guessed what Ember had in store for me when she slipped into my tiny office that Friday just before noon. My coworker was as radiant as ever, with long blonde hair framing her heart-shaped face. There was even something enticing about her high-collared blouse and prim skirt. 

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Hayes!” she said, closing the door behind her. 

Office gossip was as rife at our workplace as any other, but Ember and I didn’t have to worry about starting rumors. Not when she was so utterly out of my league. At thirty, I’d come to accept that I was good-looking enough to get my share of dates, but not with women like Ember.

Not to mention the fact that she was married. Callen, her husband, had accompanied her to the office Christmas party a couple of months ago. The man was in his early thirties, a little older than both me and Ember, and he was absolutely ripped. I still remembered the way his suit coat seemed to barely contain his massive biceps. 

Needless to say, Ember could have spent all day in my office with the door shut, and she wouldn’t have drawn any suspicion. 

Smiling up at her, I shrugged. “It’s just another day for us single folk. But I hope Callen has something really nice planned for you.”

Ember’s blue eyes brightened even more. “Funny you should say that, because he and I were just talking about you.”

I furrowed my brow in confusion. Why would I be the topic of Ember’s conversation with her husband? Again, my thoughts drifted back to that holiday party, when she first introduced me to Callen. I figured I would loathe him; a man who looked like that almost certainly had a chip on his shoulder. Instead, Callen proved to be easygoing and friendly. His voice was surprisingly soft, which prompted me to lean closer to hear him over the chatter around us. While asking me questions about myself, his eyes, as dark as mine, held a keen interest. Occasionally, he swept a hand over his close-cut brown hair, and his laughter emerged as a low rumble from his throat.

After he and Ember had made the rounds, greeting our colleagues, he returned to me numerous times throughout that evening. It didn’t take long for me to realize I liked the guy. I couldn’t even muster up any envy over his marriage to such an amazing woman.

Ember now clearly sensed my cluelessness. Sitting on the edge of my desk, she made a show of slowly crossing her legs, and I had to avert my eyes. Embarrassed, I tried to make a joke. “Let me guess; you were telling Callen that I’m the most talented, charming guy you’ve ever had the fortune to work with.”

Her smile widened. “Something like that. And because I praised you so highly, he agreed that you should come over to our place for drinks this evening.”

Immediately, I feared she was extending the invitation out of pity for me. “Oh no, three’s a crowd on Valentine’s Day,” I said. 

“Not for us, it isn’t,” Ember insisted. I opened my mouth to protest, but she stopped me by leaning closer and resting a hand on my arm. “Callen and I are looking to try something new.”

The tone of her voice, and the sudden intensity in her stare, made me swallow hard. “What did you have in mind?”

Her fingertips trailed over my shirtsleeve. “Well…” She licked her glossed lips. “I figured since you and I work so well together, we’d probably play well together, too.”

I felt my eyes grow comically wide, but there was no concealing my shock. Was this a joke? I wondered. No, that would be April Fool’s Day. “And Callen agreed?”

Ember raised an eyebrow. “On one condition: if you get to play with me, then he gets to play with you.”

My mouth dropped open, and several seconds passed before I thought to close it. How did the two of them know the truth about me? I’d always been more than a little bicurious, but I’d never acted on those desires. 

Could Ember and Callen discern my secret? Was that why Callen was so attentive toward me at the party? It still made no sense. I was thin, almost lanky. I didn’t think it was even possible for my body to look like his. So why had they chosen me for something new?

Ember must have mistaken my astonishment for hesitation, for her smile faded a little. “Do you need a little time to think about it, Hayes?”

“Not at all,” I instantly responded. My rapidly hardening dick had already made up my mind for me. “I’d love to join you.”

“Fantastic!” she said, beaming at my answer.

Still mildly bewildered, I looked at the papers on my desk, then pushed back my chair. “But right now,” I went on, “I need to tell our supervisor that I’m not feeling so well, and that I need to go home. That way, I’ll have plenty of time to prepare for tonight.”

It was Ember’s turn to appear puzzled before understanding swept across her face. “Got it,” she said with a wink. “I’ll cover for you.” When she slid off my desk, I rose from the chair. She planted a kiss on my cheek, achingly close to my mouth. “Callen and I look forward to seeing you this evening. I promise it will be fun.”

I had no doubt.


When I said I was bicurious, I wasn’t exaggerating. That curiosity had led me to learn what was expected of a bottom, and how to prepare for anal. 

After some last-minute shopping, I went home to get ready. Part of my mind still refused to believe that not only Ember, but also her husband, wanted me. I was determined not to disappoint them. 

Though I’d read over the tips and suggestions online, I couldn’t help but be terrified by the prospect of shaving around my asshole. Yet I knew most men (and women) preferred it, so I worked up the nerve to try. My relief was almost palpable when I ended up with smooth skin and no nicks.

I also douched for the first time ever. Again, not pleasurable, but not as bad as I’d imagined. And of course, I showered and took care of my usual manscaping. I only wished I had time to go for a haircut.

For my outfit, I chose a soft sweater and cords, along with chukka boots. By the time I was satisfied with my appearance and had gotten a little food on my stomach, acute nervousness had begun to set in. 

Ember had asked me to be at her house at eight. One of the last things I did before leaving my apartment that evening was insert a plug into my ass. I owned several of various sizes, and tonight, I chose the largest. My body accepted the plug with a twinge of discomfort that bordered on pain, and the ache continued as I hurried to my car, carrying a bottle of Riesling for Ember.

She and Callen lived about ten minutes away, in what she called their “starter home.” It was a ranch-style dwelling in a quiet neighborhood. While making my way to the front porch, I realized I was trembling a little. 

Moments after I rang the bell, Callen answered the door. “Hayes, it’s great to see you!” he said, his smile full of warmth. Welcoming me inside, Ember’s husband gave me a hug. It wasn’t the loose embrace guys normally shared, with a clap on the back at its conclusion. No, this man held me close for several seconds, long enough for me to feel just how strong he was. “So glad you could make it tonight. And you look fantastic.”

I actually blushed at his compliment, though I felt overdressed. He was in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt that clung to his muscular frame. I tried not to stare. “You look great, Callen.”

Taking the bottle from me, his smile widened. “Riesling! The way to Ember’s heart.”

I was taking off my boots when I heard her voice. “Is that Hayes, sweetie?”

“Yep, and he’s brought you a lovely gift.”

Ember strolled into the living room. If I’d feared I was overdressed before, I felt even more so now! She wore only a black slip dress with delicate straps. Her breasts were small, requiring no bra. My gaze moved over her body until it reached her bare feet. Though it had been a mild day for February, the air was chilly outside. In here, however, the fireplace kept the room plenty warm, and she seemed completely comfortable.

Smooth as ever, I managed to blurt out only one word: “Wow!” 

Ember squealed in delight upon seeing that I’d brought her favorite wine. “What a sweetheart you are!” Standing on tiptoes, she planted a kiss on my mouth that made me hungry for more. “I’m going to pour myself a glass right now. I can bring one for you, or you’re welcome to have something stronger. Callen’s already gotten started with Scotch.” 

Considering I’d intentionally left my stomach close to empty, I opted for the wine. As Ember headed into the kitchen, she called over her shoulder that she’d made a cheese platter as well. My attention settled on Callen, who lifted his glass from an end table. His gaze held mine while he sipped the Scotch. No other man had ever regarded me the way he did now, with such intense interest. 

Growing flustered, I offered a shy smile. Yet my cock was already stirring. 

“How about some music?” he suggested.

“Sure, that would be great.”

Callen chose some band I’d never heard of, but I discovered I liked them. We sat together on the couch, with him turning his body toward me. He’d only just asked me how work was going when Ember returned with the wine and cheese platter. She sat on the other side of me, close enough so that her thigh was pressed against mine. I looked from her to Callen, smiling foolishly.

As the three of us made small talk, I took careful sips of wine and reminded myself not to inhale all the food. I ate just enough to curb my hunger and absorb a little of the alcohol. It didn’t take long for me to grow more relaxed in their presence. Callen scooted even nearer, his gaze holding mine as I described some company snafu Ember and I had recently fixed. I kept looking at his lips, wondering how they would feel against my own.

When a song with a sultry rhythm began playing, Ember set her glass aside and hopped up from the couch. “I love this song! Dance with me, Hayes!”

I held up a hand. “Trust me, you don’t want to see me try to dance.”

“This is a slower song, so there’s nothing to it!” she insisted, reaching for me. Callen laughed as he took my glass and I surrendered to Ember’s wish.

At first, I stood in the middle of the living room like an idiot, too self-conscious to move. The heat emanating from the fireplace only made my cheeks burn redder. But Ember saved me from my awkwardness. Turning away so that she was facing Callen, my friend and colleague began sliding her body against mine. 

Callen leaned back against the couch, leisurely sipping his Scotch while Ember started grinding against my crotch. It was as if her tight, sexy ass had homed right in on my dick and was determined to get me hard. Helplessly, I looked at Callen to make sure he was cool with this.

In response to the plea in my eyes, Ember’s husband set aside his drink and then slowly rose. A ripple of tension coursed through my shoulders as he approached, and I had to remind myself that he wanted tonight to happen just as much as Ember. 

Callen took his place behind me, so close that I could feel his warm breath on my neck when he whispered, “Go on, touch her.”

Immediately, I obeyed. Resting my hands on Ember’s hips, I swayed along with her. When I dared to draw her firmly to me, she let out a pleasured moan at the feel of my erection. Soon, our movements became wanton, far more like simulated fucking than dancing. 

I stared, mesmerized, as Ember tossed her blonde hair over her shoulders. Callen, clearly sensing how aroused I was, seized the opportunity to thrust his hips forward. My gasp morphed into a needy groan. Already, I was fantasizing about him sliding his cock into my virgin hole. 

Ember lifted her arm, cupping a hand against the back of my head. She guided me downward, offering her slender neck for a kiss. I nuzzled her warm skin, breathing in her scent. Her perfume was subtle, something spicy and floral that I loved. Opening my mouth, I gently suckled at the side of her neck, while her husband’s hand slid around to stroke me through my pants.

“You’ve got him good and excited, baby,” Callen told Ember.

“Mmm, I sure hope so!” Grasping the hem of her dress, she began slowly lifting the fabric and exposing more of her thighs. My eyes widened when her bare buttocks were finally revealed. 

“My God, you are so gorgeous!” I said in a guttural voice. All the while, I was hyperaware of Callen’s gentle touch. The way he fondled my cock, almost teasing and then growing more insistent, had me achingly hard. I prayed he didn’t notice I was trembling with anticipation. 

Finally, Ember turned back to me. Another moan escaped my lips when Callen kissed my neck, mirroring my earlier advances toward his wife. Ember wasted no time pulling her dress over her head; she seemed to delight in being naked. 

I gazed upon her small breasts, with nipples of the palest pink. So many times I’d imagined those tits, and I now had to fight back the urge to reach for them. My stare moved downward to her slender hips, and then to her pussy, which was completely smooth. 

“Callen,” I said in a slightly quavering voice, “you are one lucky man.”

“Oh, don’t I know it,” he murmured. “And you’re about to get lucky as well, Hayes.”

Ember flashed a wicked grin at us. As her husband slipped a hand under my sweater and undershirt, she sank down onto her knees, with the plush area rug beneath her. I started breathing faster and had to remind myself to calm the fuck down. 

This couldn’t be real, I told myself. Ember was not at this very moment unbuttoning my pants. And her husband was not caressing my nipples in such a sensual way that I actually whimpered.

But it was happening. It became instantly and blissfully real when Ember took my hard cock in her hand, smiling up at me.

“I’ve been wanting to do this for so long,” she confessed. And then she gave my tip an enthusiastic lick.

“Oh, shit!” I groaned. Again, Callen laughed at my desperate state. His mouth returned to my neck, and I felt the sweep of his warm tongue. 

“I’m so hard for you right now,” he told me as Ember wrapped her lips around my cockhead. I watched her lick and suck my tip, her gaze almost adoring as it met mine. After using her ample saliva to coat my shaft, she nuzzled my balls. I shivered when she licked each one in turn. 

“You smell fantastic,” she purred. 

By that point, I was actually leaning back against Callen for support, as I didn’t quite trust my legs to keep me upright. He didn’t seem to mind in the least. Instead, he derived his own pleasure from kissing and touching me. 

Though my dick was average at best, Ember lavished attention upon it. No man could have resisted her charms, or the blatant sensuality she displayed. “Ah, yes!” I sighed when she took several inches of my length into her mouth. The woman had perfected the art of fellatio; even while sucking me off with an intensity that made my eyes roll, she never once grazed my skin with her teeth. 

Occasionally, she pulled off to catch her breath. During one of those times, Callen turned my face toward him and planted a kiss on my mouth. I melted into his embrace, more than willing to let him have his way with me. 

“We should take this to the bedroom,” he suggested in a voice thick with lust.

I could only nod emphatically. Through the haze of my own horniness, I reached for Ember, helping her to her feet. It was then that she and I shared our first real kiss, tender yet full of tongue. God, this was straight out of my fantasies!

Playfully, she nibbled at my lower lip while stroking my dick. I was utterly docile, surrendering my will to theirs as we headed through the kitchen and down the hall to the master bedroom. 

I loved that room, because part of me loved Ember, and it reminded me of her. But I didn’t have time to fully appreciate my surroundings before she began lifting my sweater. Meanwhile, Callen lowered my pants and underwear. 

In no time at all, I was as naked as Ember. She and Callen regarded my body with undisguised hunger; their stares lingered on my erection.

I expected Callen to undress as well. Instead, he watched his wife draw back the bedcovers and then grab my hand. “Lie down,” she whispered, offering me one of her sweetest smiles.

I would have done anything she asked. As I stretched out on that bed, my cock stood at attention. Ember joined me, her lithe body moving with a grace I admired. In moments, she had a knee planted on either side of my head.

Realizing what she was about to do, I could only say, “Please.” My stare was fixed on her pussy, which hovered just inches above my face.

She sank down, half-smothering me in her slick warmth. Scent and taste blended into one indistinguishable sensation as I licked her folds. 

With Ember resting upon me and weaving her fingers through my hair, I did my best to satisfy her. It was more difficult in this position, for I had to rely mostly on my tongue, but I clearly managed to excite her. In less than a minute, she was grinding her wet pussy against my face. 

“Yes, Hayes!” she cried. “Oh, that feels so good!”

I was so focused on my effort to work her into a frenzy that I momentarily forgot about Callen. But he certainly hadn’t forgotten about me. Vaguely, I heard the rustle of his clothing while he undressed. 

Flicking my tongue against Ember’s swollen bud, I savored the strong tang of her juices. Even when Callen joined us on the bed, I kept up my oral pleasuring, thrilled to hear his wife’s guttural moans. Yet my concentration was no match for the sensation of a warm hand stroking my dick. That caress was soon followed by full lips circling my cockhead. 

Holy shit, Callen was actually going down on me! I trembled as his breath wafted against my skin, which was wet from his saliva. The way his tongue explored my dick from base to tip had me loudly moaning into Ember’s pussy. I wondered if he could feel my balls tightening as he cupped them in his palm. 

It took an embarrassingly short time for Callen to push me right to the edge. As much as I would have liked to see him swallowing my cock, I knew a single glance would lead to me coming hard, way too soon. 

My abject need was tempered only by my focus on Ember, whom I brought to climax as I was fighting back my own. Moments earlier, she’d lifted off my face, giving me a chance to draw in a lungful of air, but she was now riding me, her hips moving with a relentless rhythm while she orgasmed. 

Her bliss-filled cries carried to me, giving new energy to my tired tongue. When she finally slid off my face, I felt awash in her juices. Still breathing fast, she leaned to give me a fierce kiss. “Hayes, you’re fucking incredible!”

Wearing my same foolish smile, I lifted my head, unable to resist looking down at Callen. The man was an absolute god, his sculpted form revealed to me in all its naked glory. His lips effortlessly glided along my length as he sucked my cock with such brazen desire that I feared I wouldn’t last another second.

And my role in this threesome was just beginning.

Published 1 month ago

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