To pass the time, and because I am tired tonight, I run myself a bath…
I pour a little of my favourite bath oil under the running water, Coco de Chanel. The scent suits me,
I place candles all around the big tub and light them.
I pour myself a glass of red, get my iPad and select one my favourite playlists, something nice and relaxing, as I know I’ll probably doze off for a while. I really am quite tired. I pick up the book that I am currently reading, my big black velvet robe and I think that I am all set.
As I run some more cold in, my mind wanders back to last night, the way you had me. God man, you know how to get me going. I love it when you fuck me. The more I think about this, the more I realise how turned on I am right now and, as an afterthought, I hurry back to the bedroom and get my tiny waterproof vibrator. I do get lonely when you’re not around, you know?
The water feels about right as I swirl my hand in it so I slip out of my clothes and step in. Perfect.
Ooh, it’s quite deep, almost to the point of overflowing and I have to pull the plug for a minute to let some drain back out. Aaah that’s better. I lie back and submerge myself completely, staying under water for a few moments. Sitting up, my hair completely wet, I shampoo it and looking down I watch with interest as the suds course down my breasts, around my nipples which are quite erect.
I take my sponge and lather it up and begin to wash my body. Sponge and hands moving over my slick skin. As I wash my breasts, I imagine you doing it, washing me, minding me, fussing over me and I know that your wet fingers would play with my nipples right now. I know that you’re not generally a breast man, but you do seem to quite like mine. I like that, like that you do and I smile as my fingers pull and tease my pointed nipples, making circles round the aureolas. I gasp and quietly giggle as a tingle pulses straight to my pussy.
Fuck, I wish you were here right now. I want you to step into the water, to feel your wet naked skin against mine. To see how different you look when your hair is wet, slicked back from your handsome face as you lean in to kiss me…
I rub the soapy sponge over my belly and down to my puss. Letting go of the sponge now, it floats back up to the surface and my fingers begin to probe and wash my pussy lips. Mmmm, that DOES feel good and I’m surprised to feel how slick I am, not from the bathwater, but the viscose juices that I’ve produced, thinking about you.
I push a finger inside and my thumb rests at the base of my clit and I begin to stroke and plunge. I bite my bottom lip to stifle a moan and push in a second finger, rubbing harder, faster, imagining that it’s your stiff cock invading me, satisfying me.
Within a minute or so I begin to actually climax, the thought of you makes my pussy pulse and tingle, that familiar excited feeling in my tummy, my fingers gripped and held, the way your thick shaft would be, by my pulsing muscles…
I can’t stifle my moans this time and I almost sob with the pleasure I feel…
Orgasm retreating, slowly, I lie back in the bath and let my heart slow down… God, I still feel horny, I hope you wake me when you come home…
I lie for a while, just vacantly staring into space, on autopilot, replaying things from the day. A look from you, a touch, something you said and I’m smiling at how insanely happy you make me. You are a bugger you know. I really like having you around.
The water is cooler now and I decide to get out, book unread and wine barely touched.
I slip into my robe and go to my bedroom to get dried.
I dry myself off and I can smell the sweet bath oil on my skin, not very strong, but I know you’ll notice it.
Of course, what you never realised was that I went lingerie shopping while I was out in town. I went to the most delightful little boutique and picked out something that I thought you’d like.
A sweet little bodice and matching panties, sort of cream in colour, satin. The panties are a little frilly, because I like that, of course there are stockings too..
It takes me a while to put it on and I have to keep looking in the mirror to make sure the damned thing is fastened properly – It looks feminine, pretty and I know how you like that… I roll the stockings up my legs, fastening them and pull on the panties. Damn, I feel almost as excited as I know you will, this looks great!!
I slip under the covers and open my book, I’m too tired to read for very long and soon I pull the covers up around my neck and drift off to sleep, hoping you’ll like your little surprise when you climb in beside me…
Climb in beside me, wake me, take me, when you get home…