Snow White Thighs pt1

"Zak is a dancer with an incredible gift"

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This story takes place in our time, with ordinary people with the usual desires and wants.

Our story starts with the main character, a boy or should I say ‘young man’ called Zak. I say boy because although he is eighteen, he is small for his age – a shade over five foot nothing and even though he is strong, his build is slight and lean, adding to his boyish appearance. He has to be strong because of his work. From when he was very young, Zak loved to dance. He had always had this gift with rhythm and flexibility of his body which could sometimes look unreal. 

Zak’s dancing skills quickly became known to the rich and powerful he was in demand. But Zak was popular with the women – they would pay handsomely for his presence.

You see, Zak would dance in any costume or attire his clients would want him to and then slowly undress throughout the dance, but he would never be naked. It didn’t seem to deter his admiring fans, the women loved the way he danced – there was something quite erotic by the way he moved and watched him strip. 

He would dance and then strip down to what he was wearing underneath – which would always send at least some of the women in the audience into a hot flush. Zak was small for his age, but he more than made up for this in another way. He was very well endowed, so his audience knew what they were here to see. 

If he wore a toga and loincloth, when Zak spun around it would lift into a swirling parachute of fabric and the women and girls in the audience would hold their breath because they got to see his main attraction. The tight muslin of the loincloth bulged obscenely, tightly packed with Zak’s very round balls and snakelike cock. 

If he were wearing an astronaut suit, every part of the suit would come off piece by piece – the helmet, boots, gloves, sleeves, legs and finally the body. As he unzipped the padded body, he let it slide down onto the floor, he would be wearing a high-cut plastic thong and end the dance by pulling its sides up over his hips and letting his feet slide into sideways splits. Zak would always leave his audience satisfied if a little frustrated.

Zak lived with his aunt, his uncle’s wife. He had lost his uncle a few years before and moved in with his aunt, or should I say his aunt asked him to move in so she wouldn’t be alone – although she was a good seven inches taller than he was and outweighed him considerably, he wondered who he could fight off that she couldn’t. She wasn’t overweight, just voluptuous.

It quickly became apparent why she wanted Zak around the house, she knew what he did for work and although she would never admit to coming to see him perform, he knew she peeked at him when he dressed. He didn’t want to spoil her fun, he didn’t want her to know that he sometimes saw her looking through the slightly open door, in fact, he quite enjoyed giving her a thrill. 

He would stand in front of his mirror wearing the toga, lift it and show the loincloth, he could see her at the crack in the door so would pull it up and wriggle his hips and pull the loincloth up high around his waist making his attributes bulge out. He would then run his fingers over the bulge and feign pleasure, moaning and biting his lip – oh yes, he knew she enjoyed that.

It was his aunt’s fiftieth birthday, he had been struggling with what to get her – and then it hit him, he would dance for her and strip for her. She seemed to enjoy secretly watching him. He thought this would be perfect.

The Birthday

The evening of Zak’s aunt’s birthday was going very well. They had a lovely meal which Zak cooked, a few bottles of red, which put a rosy tint on his aunt’s face and now he would give her the birthday present.

‘Aunt Emma, I have a gift for you, but I have to show it to you because I couldn’t buy it.’ said Zak. ‘Oh, how lovely, so it’s a personal gift then?’ aunt Emma said. ‘Yes, very personal. I hope you like it. Make yourself comfortable on the sofa. I’ll be back in about ten minutes.’

Zak left the room and went to his closet. All of his costumes were there – he had planned to wear the astronaut suit because his aunt was a bit of a sci-fi nut. He lifted it off the hanger and dressed.

Aunt Emma was sitting on the sofa, a glass of wine in hand curious as to where Zak had gone, the door opened, and a small astronaut slowly walked into the room. Zak clicked the remote, and slow and sexy ambient music filled the room as Zak started to sway. His body arched backwards until he lay flat on the floor, spinning upwards like a spiral he was on his feet again.

He reached up and lifted his helmet off and placed it on the floor, ‘I hope you like my present?’ Zak asked. He was looking straight into Aunt Emma’s eyes, she seemed to be transfixed – eyes open wide she licked her lips with the tip of her tongue.

Zak danced and swayed, his body contorting and bending and with every movement, he removed a boot and kicked it away. His gloves came next as he pulled them off his fingers and threw them behind him. Reaching across to his shoulder he pulled at the poppers and the sleeve came away, he slid it off his arm and his hand – he did the same to the other sleeve.

Aunt Emma thought it looked like Zak was wearing a metallic silver padded jumpsuit, but she thought he did look very sexy in it as she took another sip of wine.

Zak arched backwards again until he was on his back – his legs facing away from his aunt, he pointed his legs up and pulled at one of the legs – it came out with a series of pops and kicked it off, he did the same to the other leg and kept both of them pointing towards the ceiling – his toes pointing upwards. Zak opened his legs, Emma could see his feet moving away from one another like two clock hands moving apart. She saw Zak move his hands down between his legs and arched his head back – he looked at her and moaned upside down. ‘I love you, aunt Emma.’ Zak said in a low voice. ‘I love you too Zak.’ Emma replied in a hypnotised voice – she couldn’t look away.

Zak lifted himself and danced with more slow sexiness as he walked closer to his aunt. He was now just wearing the body of the suit which looked like a padded silver leotard – his aunt scanned his body intently.

‘I never do this when I dance, but as you are my aunt and it’s your birthday – would you like to unzip me?’ Zak asked with a sly smile. ‘I would love to.’ his aunt whispered. Zak stood before her and aunt Emma reached up to his neck and started to pull the zipper, it glided down showing Zak’s pale chest, over his smooth tummy – when the zipper got to his navel there was a band of soft white plastic covering it. She reached up with the other hand and touched the plastic – it was soft and smooth, slick to the touch.

Aunt Emma pulled the zipper down, her gaze lowered and she stared at Zak’s milky white thighs, his feet apart. She pulled the zipper down between Zak’s thighs and under him. Zak moaned, he shrugged the padded suit off his shoulders, letting it fall off his body, over his hips and to the floor.

Aunt Emma stared at Zak’s body, his pale hairless body and the shiny white thong he was wearing similar in colour. The bulge that separated his thighs was huge and didn’t look like it was part of his body. It looked heavy and round. 

‘Do you want to touch me, aunt Emma?’ Zak said in a low voice, his cheeks red. ‘Emma looked up at him but said nothing – she just nodded. She slid her fingers between Zak’s legs and gently touched his inner thigh – moving them up and brushing the tightly packed plastic with her fingernails. Zak looked up at the ceiling and bit his lip, he stayed perfectly still with his hands clasped behind him as his aunt cupped him with her palm, squeezed him and raked her nails over his sensitive parts. Felt his length and enjoyed her time with her nephew.

Published 3 years ago

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