The acrid smoke from the forest fires hung in the air just above the treetops. The dark haze blocked the sun and dipped down into the roadway as I drove to the cottage. The fires were still distant but I needed to check my place and prepare in the event the winds shifted and drove the flames closer.
I crested the hill and was enveloped in the smoke, keeping the windows up and the a/c on recirculate to keep the worst of it from filling the cabin of my pick-up. I maintained speed and kept my hands steady as I drove through the dark smoke and felt the truck beginning to descend the hill before breaking through into a clearly visible stretch of road again.
There were two figures in the distance. As I approached I could make out two young women dressed in jeans and t-shirts. They had no backpacks or bags of any kind and looked ragged. I came to stop and rolled down the window.
“Hey, you two need some help?” I asked.
They stepped back a little and spoke to each other. The taller of the two shrugged and they came closer to the truck.
“Well, we could use some water if you have any?” she replied.
“Sure,” I replied. “Just a moment.”
I put the truck in park and reached behind the seat. I retrieved two bottles of water and held them out the window.
“Thanks,” they said in unison as they took the bottles.
I watched as they quickly drained them and handed the empties back to me. I offered two more, plus two granola bars.
“Oh, sweet,” the taller one said as she took them. “I’m starving.”
I watched as they consumed the bars and took long sips from the bottles. They were aboriginal or metis, late teens or early twenties. Both had long dark hair plastered to the side of their sweaty faces and dark puffy eyes from the smoke. Their shirts were sweat-stained, their jeans dirty and the sneakers on their feet muddy.
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“Home,” the taller one replied. “In the city.”
“That’s a hell of a stroll,” I commented. “It’s a two and a half-hour drive.”
They just nodded.
“Where you coming from?”
They looked at each other and the taller one just shrugged.
“Doesn’t matter,” I said. “Well, if you want a ride I can you give you one, but not for a few hours. I have to go check on my place before I head back to the city. You can keep walking and I’ll pick you up on my way back, or you can come along.”
They stepped away and had a short conversation before approaching the truck.
“We’ll come along,” the shorter one announced.
“You both have to sit up front, the back is full of stuff,” I explained. “Get in.”
They opened the door as I put the center console up and made room for them. The shorter one slid in beside me as the other closed the door.
“I’m Jean,” I introduced myself. “You can call me J.”
“I’m Jani,” replied the taller one.
“Nice to meet you,” I said as I put the truck in gear and began driving. “It’s not far, about a half-hour.”
We drove in silence through the thickening haze for almost fifteen minutes before Jani broke the silence.
“We met some guys who invited us to a party,” she began. “They brought us out here to some fishing camp with a bunch of guys there. We told them to take us back home but they locked the car and refused.”
“Not my idea of a party,” Dez added. “Had a really bad vibe.”
“So we took off,” Jani continued. “Left all our stuff in that asshole’s car and started walking. We went through the bush until we found this road.”
“How long have you been walking?”
“At least two hours,” Dez answered. “My feet hurt.”
“Well, I suspect that you made the right choice to leave,” I assured them. “But it’s not safe walking around with the fires so close.”
“Yeah, it was hard to breathe,” Jani agreed. “On the road wasn’t as bad.”
“Here we are,” I announced as we turned off of the road and onto the short trail to my cottage.
The branches of the trees brushed the mirrors as we passed through the narrow opening and emerged in the small clearing of the yard. The smoky haze wafted amongst the trees and seemingly clung to the roof of the small cottage. As we opened the doors of the truck the acrid smoke filled our lungs.
“Come on,” I coughed. “Let’s get inside.”
“Uh, maybe we will just stay in the truck,” Jani replied.
“I need a bathroom,” Dez announced. “So I’m going inside. Come on.”
I unlocked the door and pointed to the direction of the bathroom. Dez quickly disappeared behind the closing door.
“Don’t worry,” I assured Jani. “Just make yourselves comfortable while I bring my things in.”
As I retrieved the cooler and bags from the truck I noticed the smoke seemed thicker and the daylight dimming. The trail to the road was no longer visible.
“It’s getting bad out there,” I announced. “The smoke is really heavy.”
Jani and Dez sat on the couch as I checked the windows, closed the flue on the fireplace, and picked up a few things.
“You girls hungry?” I asked. “There’s food in that cooler, drinks too. Help yourselves while I check around outside.”
The smoke was thick and warm as I went to the truck and grabbed a mask. It helped somewhat as I moved any logs, brush, or branches away from the yard and cut down the taller grass. I could barely see the dock and the outline of my boat not fifty yards away. I checked on my old Ford pickup – battery was good, started right up, and nearly full tank of fuel. After checking the tarps on the snowmobile I decided there was nothing else I could do at this point.
As I returned to the cottage I smiled at the thought of spending the night with these two young women, thinking the right mood and some light persuasion should work in my favour.
“So it’s really bad visibility out there,” I announced as I returned inside. “Losing daylight fast.”
“Want some of your food?” Jani asked as she pointed at the counter. “We warmed some up.”
They both had a plate filled with beans, sausage, coleslaw, and bread and were obviously very hungry.
“Yeah, thanks,” I answered.
I loaded a plate and put it on the table.
“Be right back.”
I went back out to the truck and grabbed the cases of beer from behind the seat. I placed one on the counter and the other on the floor.
“You want a beer?” I asked.
“Sure,” they both answered.
I set three cans on the table, sat down and ate while the girls finished up. Jani retrieved three more and put them on the table.
“Excuse me!” Dez exclaimed before laughing.
We all laughed as she covered her face, embarrassed at the sudden and loud belch that had erupted.
“Guess the food wasn’t that bad,” I joked.
“No, it was great. Thank you so much,” Dez smiled.
“Yeah, thanks,” Jani added. “We really appreciate it.”
“No problem,” I replied. “However, we are not heading back tonight, the smoke is heavy and it’s already getting dark. The fire is moving away but the smoke is moving in according to the reports on my phone.”
The girls just sipped their beers.
“You can use my phone and call anyone if you need, let them know where you are.”
Dez shook her head and Jani replied. “Thanks, but nobody to call. We share a place.”
I nodded. “Well, you two can have the bed over there and I’ll take the couch.”
The girls looked at each other and smiled.
“Can we have another?” Dez asked as she held up the empty can.
“Sure, help yourself,” I said as I started clearing the table.
I noticed Jani scratching under her arm.
“You can use the shower if you want,” I offered as I pointed to the bathroom. “And I can give you some clean t-shirts to wear. Be a little big, though.”
“Oh, that would be great,” Jani exclaimed. “Thanks, J.”
I grabbed two shirts from my bag and tossed them to her. They both went to the bathroom and closed the door. I heard giggling and the shower running while I finished cleaning up.
I plugged my phone in and hit my favorite playlist. The Bluetooth speakers came alive and the sound of Pink Floyd spread throughout the cottage. I left the lights off except for the single fluorescent over the sink, creating a dim but cozy atmosphere as the darkness covered the windows.
I went to my bag and pulled out the small metal tin that held my stash. As the shower stopped I took out three joints, set two of them on the coffee table between the beer cans and sat down in my tattered recliner. I lit the fattest one up, taking a deep drag of the soothing smoke. The bathroom door opened as I exhaled.
“You smoke?” Dez asked excitedly.
I nodded and took another slow pull as they came into view. Wet hair, sleeveless t-shirts and no jeans. I admired the smooth, shapely bare legs and watched the slight jiggle of their breasts as they approached the couch.
“It’s relaxing, takes the edge off,” I explained as I exhaled. “Feel better?”
“Much,” Jani grinned.
“Oh yeah,” Dez agreed.
They sat on the couch and Jani checked the beers, shaking the empty cans. She jumped up and went to the counter for more. Smooth, curvy cheeks peeked out from under the hem of the baggy shirt.
I took another drag and held my hand out to Dez. She smiled and took the smoky offering as Jani returned to the couch.
She took a long drag and passed it to Jani, who did the same before passing it back. Dez offered it to me.
“Go ahead, you two finish it. We have a few more.”
I pointed to the coffee table and both girls smiled.
“You’re pretty cool for an older dude,” Dez said with a grin.
“I know this song,” Jani announced as Hotel California came on. “My dad plays it all the time.”
I lit another one.
I inhaled deeply and paused as I offered it to her. She took it as I exhaled slowly.
“…he has good taste in music.”
Dez leaned back into the couch and put her feet up on the coffee table. I could see the tops of her slender thighs as the shirt rode up. Her smooth skin seemed to shimmer in the dim light. She moved slightly and I caught a glimpse of her uncovered pussy.
We passed around the remainder of the joint until there was barely a tiny nub left.
“I love your place,” Jani announced suddenly. “It’s so… relaxing.”
“Thanks,” I replied. “It’s old and small, but it’s a great place to chill out.”
“I think it’s great,” Dez agreed. “So cozy, it has a great vibe.”
“Are you here a lot?” Jani asked.
“Almost every weekend.”
“You just hang out here?”
“Yeah. I drink some beer, do a little smoke, go fishing… just chill out.”
“Not always,” I chuckled. “I sometimes bring company.”
“Your wife or girlfriend?”
“No, I’m not really the type to commit.”
“You a player?” Dez giggled.
“More of a… playmate,” I replied with a wink.
The girls looked at each other and giggled as I picked up the third joint and lit it up. The playlist switched to a more upbeat tempo as Go Your Own Way came on. I took a pull and passed it along.
“Oh, I know this song, too,” Jani exclaimed as she returned the joint to me. “Fleetwood Mac, right?”
“Right,” I confirmed before taking the last drag.
Jani fetched more beer as Dez began to move to the beat of the music. Her perky little breasts moved and jiggled under the loose material, the tips of her hardened nipples clearly evident.
“Now this is a party!” Dez exclaimed as she jumped up and began dancing.
Jani joined her, beer in hand, and caught her foot on the edge of the coffee table. She teetered forward and the can emptied out onto my lap as she grabbed my shoulder with her empty hand.
“Oh, fuck!” Jani apologized. “I’m sorry.”
“No problem,” I assured her as she stood up and placed the can on the table. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she replied with a sheepish grin. “Just clumsy.”
“And buzzed,” Dez laughed.
I stood up and looked down at my wet shirt and jeans.
“I should shower anyway,” I said as I undid the buttons.
I watched them look me over, widened eyes taking in my lightly muscled and trim torso as I took the shirt off.
“Your jeans are wet, too,” Dez said with a sly grin. “Better take those off.”
I dropped the shirt and slowly undid my jeans. Jani sat down next to Dez and put her hand on the slender thigh now pressed against hers. I tugged my jeans down and stepped out of them, pulled my socks off, and tossed them to the side. My long cock swung freely as I was now nude.
“Um, okay… you’re also pretty hot for an older dude,” Dez said as her eyes traveled my body.
“I try to keep in shape.”
“Really big, too” Jani giggled as she gestured to my swelling sausage.
“Show us your ass,” Dez giggled.
I laughed and did a slow turn, wiggling my butt towards them.
“Nice,” Dez giggled.
I turned to face them and began stroking my hardening cock. Their hungry eyes focused on the thickening shaft as my hand slowly pumped up and down. The fat tip swelled and I was now fully engorged.
“So who’s first?” I asked. “Or are we playing together?”
“We always play together,” Jani said softly as her hand slipped between Dez’s thighs.
Dez moaned and spread her legs apart. I watched Jani’s finger disappear between the folds as she pushed it inside. A small fringe of dark fuzz topped the glistening pussy that the finger slid in and out of.
I moved to the side of the couch beside Dez and put my hand on her head, turning her face towards my cock. I rubbed the swollen tip on her lips and cheeks, keeping it away from her flickering tongue until she opened her mouth wide.
“Ooh, suck that big cock,” Jani encouraged.
Dez moaned and took the fat, swollen head into her mouth, opening it wide as my thick shaft traveled between her lips and over her tongue.
Jani fingered her furiously as she egged her on.
“Take that fat dick, baby…. Yeah, suck it, suck it…. That fat cock…”
Dez was gagging as she tried to take more than half of the length of my cock in her mouth. She suddenly pulled away, threw her head back, and let out a loud groan.
“Oh, yeah baby,” Jani purred as Dez shook in climax. “Cum, baby, cum.”
Dez relaxed and Jani took her hand away. She smiled at me as she put her finger in her mouth and sucked it clean.
I moved to the front of the couch and hung my cock in front of Jani. She wrapped both hands around it and licked the purplish tip as she kept her eyes on mine. She pumped slowly, gently squeezing the throbbing meat as her tongue flickered around the tip.
I felt Dez’s hand cup my heavy balls, gently lifting and squeezing. Jani took the head into her mouth and sucked as her hands pumped rapidly.
I didn’t want to cum yet so with a gentle push I moved Jani’s mouth away.
“Not yet,” I explained. “Get on the bed, both of you.”
They did as asked and climbed onto the bed.
“Shirts off.”
They pulled the shirts over their head and flung them to the floor.
“Lay down, I want to look at you.”
They lay down next to each other and turned their mouths to each other, kissing as I moved close and began to explore their nubile young bodies.
Their skin was dark and golden, their breasts firm handfuls topped with ruddy nipples. Jani has a full swath of soft, dark hair between her legs and I couldn’t help but run my fingers over it.
Jani shuddered at my touch. I slid my fingers lower and enjoyed the silky wetness that enveloped them. My middle finger slipped inside and my thumb rubbed against her clit as she moaned louder.
Dez moved her mouth down and she suckled the swollen nipple as Jani climaxed. Her hips lifted and bucked as the orgasm crested and her thighs pressed together tightly as it passed.
I moved between Dez’s legs and rubbed the tip of my cock up and down her juicy little slit before I pushed into her, inching myself in as she gasped and groaned. I started to thrust harder, pushing more of my swollen cock into her with each stroke. I wasn’t fully in when she gasped and I felt resistance as my cock filled her up. I pulled back slightly.
“Are you okay?” I asked. “Did I hurt you?”
“I… I’m okay, please don’t stop,” she pleaded.
My cock began pumping into her again, slower and less aggressively. When I let her legs go I felt them wrap around my waist as my body leaned over hers. I fucked her slowly, making sure to keep the last two inches out. Jani’s hand appeared between us and began caressing Dez’s breasts and nipples.
Her hips began moving as she groaned and writhed below me. I felt her tighten around my cock and quiver as her fingers dug into my back. The orgasm slammed into her as I struggled to hold my load. She shook and whimpered, her nails digging into me as she writhed below me.
Suddenly she relaxed and slumped into the bed. I slowly withdrew and moved aside as Jani stroked her hair and whispered in her ear.
“Ooh, that was a big one, baby.”
Pushing Jani onto her back I moved between her legs. My cock was swollen and throbbing as I pushed into her slowly. She wiggled her hips as I pushed, taking me deeper and deeper on each stroke. She sucked in a deep breath as I buried the final inch. I stopped moving and held myself in place as she adjusted to the fullness.
She started moving, slowly fucking my cock as I held myself steady. I let her have control as she writhed below me, allowing her to move as she needed. Her hands gripped my shoulders tightly as her hips bucked and her pussy squeezed as she climaxed with a loud groan.
She shook vigorously and bit her lower lip as I began thrusting, my swollen cock pounding into her as the orgasm crested.
“Holy fuck!” she blurted out and became limp, her arms dropping to her sides.
Dez moved her head onto Jani’s stomach and inched as close as she could.
“Keep fucking her, I want to see.”
I lifted Jani’s legs apart as I began to thrust, fucking her slowly as Dez watched. She seemed mesmerized each time the full length of my cock disappeared into her friend.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum,” I grunted.
I pulled my bursting cock out and exploded, showering Dez’s face and Jani’s pussy with streams of hot, pearly liquid. I grabbed the shaft and pumped it furiously as I emptied out, slowing only as the last of it dribbled out.
“Wow,” Dez said quietly.
She licked her lips and then moved her mouth to Jani’s, kissing her and making her face slick with my cum while I rubbed my cock in the juice covering the soft, black fur of Jani’s pussy.
I was exhausted and collapsed on the bed beside the two entwined women.
My eyes opened and I saw daylight coming in the windows. I sat up in the bed, searching for the girls, and noticed my wallet on the table.
The cash was gone. There was a note on the table.
“J- you’re the best. Thank you so much.”
It had a big heart with both of their signatures at the bottom.
I stepped outside and was surprised to see that my truck was still there. I looked around and realized that my old Ford was gone.
“Guess I wasn’t the only one who saw an opportunity,” I admitted to myself.