
""Not knowing or caring where any of this came from.""

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I know it’s not uncommon to wake up with morning wood, but I’m not sure it’s as common when you’re so hard it’s starting to get uncomfortable.

Usually, I’d just get on with my day, but I heard the tv was on in the living room. It hadn’t even been a week since she’d moved in; by the time I process that she’s here, my feet were already moving.

As I’m turning the corner into the living room, I immediately worry about pushing my luck. As quick as the thought came, her smile and inquisitive “oh?” told me everything.

Not unreasonable for her to think I wanted a blowjob the way I quickly made my way around the couch and stood in front of her. I had to let her know that this was different. I put my hand on her chin, only pausing to wish I could print the view of her staring up at me.

I nodded my head; she stood, not needing another cue. Before either of us knew it, I had her in the air, forearm around her lower back, sinking my fingers into her ass as much as I could while my free hand started the next step. Through luck or pure instinct, her panties were pulled to the side and I was in before the next breath.


She squeezed up against my chest; I waited for her to finish her motion and our eyes to meet again. It was on.

I was going to do everything in my power to get as far out, as far in, as fast as I could. If I had slipped out, I would have probably broken my cock off on the next thrust. The last thing I felt on my balls before they went completely numb from the symphony of slaps was her cum running down them.

She was unusually silent except for her breaths, but I knew every time she opened her eyes, she was enjoying the ride, not knowing or caring where any of this had come from. It only came to an end when she started to squeeze me harder than I thought she could━the silence was broken with a moan to match.

Her legs no longer wrapped around me, she temporarily had little control over her body. I laid her down on the couch, kissing her neck softly while she caught her breath, giving me time to notice the only difference in my situation was my dick was dripping wet.

I was looking down, trying to process how I hadn’t cum with her then. I felt her wrap her arms around my neck, and we locked eyes again. With that same smile, though a little bigger now she looked down then back at me and shook her head up and down. I moved my hand around her hips and pulled away from her, then flipped her onto her stomach. I propped her up on the back of the couch, stepping onto the couch myself, and hooked my arms around her like a full nelson for leverage.

She was so tense with anticipation I didn’t even need a guiding hand now. With eyesight alone, I worked my way in. It had only been a minute, somehow she felt wetter, even a bit warmer, and I was somehow even harder.

This time ‘round she was not silent; she was letting it all out. I’ve never felt such a strong sensation of being on autopilot; my body moved on its own because all of my consciousness was focused on her body.

Not even sure how I lasted to this point, but I knew I was ready. I pulled out, easily slid my wet cock onto her cheeks, leaving my head exposed on the top, shooting this wild load over as much of her back as possible.

I sat down beside her, now being the one who needed to catch their breath. She grabbed my chin as I had previously to her and gave me one long, deep kiss, then stood up and walked past to go clean up, leaving me with another one of those smiles.

Published 4 years ago

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