Slut in Training – Part 1: High School

"how I became the joyous slut I am today"

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I first saw Brad when he happened to be walking beside me in our high school hallway. He was by far the cutest guy in our high school. I was a sixteen year-old virgin teenager who daydreamed 24/7 about changing that status, as soon as possible. My Mom and my Grandma have always been proud sluts, I looked up to them both, and I couldn’t wait to be just like them.

When I looked Brad up and down from head to foot and back up again in that hallway, my clit began to throb like mad. My tiny red lace panties couldn’t hold all the fluid pouring out of me.

After that first sight of Brad, when I got home, I grabbed the little vibrating button my Grandma had given me on my last birthday, and I pressed it hard against my clit. I drenched my bed.

I told my very sexually open parents all about this. “I need to get Brad alone, and drench HIM like that. But how do I get him alone and interested in me?”

“Invite him over to study with you, Bree,” dad suggested.

Mom agreed. “Unless he’s a total moron, he’ll be happy to “study” with you as much as you want. Just like your dad and I, umm, ‘study’ together every night.”

Mom offered to go out shopping the next afternoon, so Brad and I could have some alone time to study together, and wherever else that might lead us.

Dad said he would stop on his way home from work and pick up a take-out dinner for the whole family. Which would make him about half an hour later than usual getting home.

That would give me from 3:30 to 6:00 to get all slutty with my dream boy, Brad.

The next day in school, I finagled my opportunity to be alone with Brad, on our way from our literature class to our math class. I very carefully steered our conversation toward arranging a study date with Brad that afternoon, at mom and dad’s house.

“Some of that Shakespeare stuff was hard to understand. A man not of woman born?”

“Yeah,” Brad agreed. “Trees walking down a mountainside?”

Here was my opportunity at last. “Why don’t you come over to my house, this afternoon? We can study MacBeth together, and we can try to make sense out of all of this.”

Brad agreed that this was a good idea.

We got to my house about 3:20 p.m. I snuggled up next to Brad on the living room couch, and we shared my copy of Shakespeare’s Complete Works.

“Fair is foul, and foul is fair, hover through fog and filthy air,” we read together.

“So,” Brad asked, “they had air pollution in England in the Seventeenth Century?”

“It must have been hard for the three witches to steer their broomsticks through that smog?” I giggled.

We spent about an hour studying together. We talked about how Lady MacBeth was  even more blood-thirsty than MacBeth was. I smiled at Brad and commented, “if I were married to a handsome prince, blood wouldn’t be the liquid I was thirsty for.”

Brad looked at me, puzzled. “What are you talking about, Bree?”

“How about we take a study break?” I asked.

“OK,” Brad replied.

“There’s something else I’ve been wanting to study with you.” I snuggled up even closer to Brad.

I leaned in and kissed Brad’s sweet mouth. His lips tasted so good.

“I want to study external human male anatomy,” I grinned. ”Especially YOUR anatomy!”

“Does that mean I get to study external human FEMALE anatomy?”

I led Brad by the hand to my bedroom. We resumed kissing, and with each kiss, we removed one item of clothing from each other. After less than five minutes of kissing, we were one hundred per cent naked, in each other’s arms.

“I want to try it ALL with you!” I told him.

For the next hour, I sucked his cock, he ate my pussy, we sixty-nined, then I climbed on top and rode him. He flipped us over, and he power fucked me from above. He put me on my belly and he doggy-fucked me. His thrusts were slow and gentle, but very powerful. Now I knew first-hand why mom loves sex so much.

Other girls in our high school had told me how painful sex is. But now with Brad, I was experiencing not pain, but the most exquisite pleasure. I felt, and I still feel, so lucky that my first fuck felt this good. I had three, four, five orgasms, and then one orgasm would start before the prior one ended, becoming just one long, endless orgasm.

Every time my happy little pussy contracted, squeezing Brad’s big cock, his thickness would expand inside of me, and he would pump even more “vanilla milkshake” into me. It was all so WONDERFUL!

It was now past 5:30 p.m. Brad and I showered together, and we dressed each other. I told Brad that my folks would be home soon. Although my parents were and are sexually open, we both agreed that it might be awkward for him to have to tell my parents that he had just deflowered their daughter. Even though I had been a willing and eager partner,

There would be time enough, as our relationship developed, for Brad to meet my parents and to let them know we had been intensely sexual with each other.

So, Brad headed home, about 15 minutes before mom and dad got home.

When my parents got home, they found me grinning from ear to ear, with a streak of sperm across my chin, and more slowly streaming down my legs.

Dad smiled at me. “So, I take it, things went very well with Brad today?”

“Yeah,” I grinned. “We started out studying Shakespeare, then moved to studying each other!”

“Dish the details!” mom begged,

“Well, we began removing an item of clothing from each other, with each hot mouth-kiss. Then he ate my pussy! Oh, mom, it felt so good! When his teeth nibbled into my clit, I came so hard on his handsome face!”

“I hope you returned the favor?” mom asked.

“Oh mom, his cock was so yummy! And mmm his come was so creamy!

“How many times did he explode down your throat?” dad asked.

“Three. It would have been more, but oh dad, my poor little pussy was so wet! I just needed him to fuck me!”

“How did he fuck your pussy, Bree?” mom asked, “Fast or slow? Hard or gentle?”

“I climbed on him. He thrusted up into me slow and gentle. Then he flipped us both over, and he fucked downward into my hungry pussy. He fucked me so hard, deep fast thrusts, oh mom it felt so good!”

“My little girl is a woman now!” Mom grinned.

“So, am I a full-fledged slut now? Like you and grandma are?”

“Still a slut in training,” Mom smiled. “But over time, you’ll learn more, and you’ll get there. I’m so proud of you, Bree!” Mom kissed my forehead.

“There was more slut training, mom. Brad put me on my belly and stuffed my pussy from behind.”

“Doggy style?”

“Yes, mom. And that felt even better than missionary.”

Dad piped in again. “How long was his cock. I hope my daughter found a really nice one for her first time?”

I asked dad for a tape measure. I held the end of the tape at the entrance of my pussy, and extended it up along the exterior of my belly,

Two inches….three….four….

I finally stopped the tape at seven inches. “Yes,” I grinned, “That feels about right, Brad was about that deep up into me.”

“And you were able to take all of that down your throat, your first time?” Mom asked in surprise.

I laid the tape measure against my face and throat. It stopped at the top of my cleavage. Again, the tape read seven inches.

Mom hugged me tightly. “Oh, I’m so proud of you, sweetie. You done good, choosing your first-ever cock. Someday, you’re going to out-slut even your horny old Mom!”

After that, I sought out every opportunity I could, to cram Brad as deep as I could into my hungry pussy. When I was home alone, I would slide three fingers into myself, while remembering Brad’s big, wonderful cock.

Every high school football game, Brad and I would fuck under the bleachers. The cheerleaders, and the cheering parents of the players, would drown out my loud orgasmic cries of pure pleasure.

I even began to bring Brad over, when Mom and Dad were home. We would all talk, share a meal. Then I would tell my parents that it was time for Brad to fuck me again. Mom would look at dad, and Dad would look at Mom, and they would head to their bedroom.

Eventually, Brad would have to go home to his parents. He always left with as big a smile on his face as I had on mine.

Mom would comment on what she had heard, after Brad had fucked me so hard. Brad and I would also hear mom and dad going at it hot and heavy, which would just make Brad fuck me even harder.

On high school graduation night, I was nervous as hell about walking across the stage to receive my diploma in front of everyone. I told Brad how nervous I was. He took me to the school gym, to the room where they store the wrestling mats. He pulled a mat down, he lifted my graduation gown (I had no panties on), and he gave me a quick and VERY hard fuck.

I then strode across the stage, so proudly and confidently. I could feel Brad’s still-warm sperm, streaming down my left leg. Every girl in our high school talked about how cute and how hot Brad was, but it was my pussy – and ONLY my pussy – he was fucking daily, and that he had just fucked. That thought made me so happy, as they handed me the diploma that I had studied so hard to earn.

Brad and I fucked the summer away. The last fuck with Brad was so bitter-sweet. It felt wonderful, as always. We fucked and sucked each other for hours. And when he bent me over in the shower and rammed my ass as one final goodbye, that felt so good. My quivering pussy was slowly dripping with his sperm for hours afterward.

But we would be going to different colleges, hundreds of miles apart. We both knew this would be the last time we ever fucked each other. We loved our sex time together, and we liked each other as friends with benefits. But I don’t think Brad and I ever fell in love with each other.

My slut training really took off in college. I began to hook up with real men, no longer with mere boys like Brad. I had my first woman, too. And I had my first orgy. And now I’m a bbc wife. I’ll tell you all about that, and more, in parts 2 and 3 of “Slut in Training.”


Published 4 months ago

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