Slowly Moving On: Photographs of a Memory

"Matt flashes back to a night of exploration and more with his wife."

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“Jenn?  Hey Jenn, where are you?” I beckoned, entering the house.

I closed the door and put my bag down as I slipped off my shoes.  Still no response. The car was outside, maybe she’d gone over to Justine’s.  I threw my bag in my office and headed to the bedroom to change.

Pushing the door open, I stepped through the threshold and turned to my dresser.  I noticed my Nikon lying there, which was strange as it usually lived in my office.  The thought was tumbling around my head and just as my hand touched the cool metal drawer handle, I heard the bed shift ever so slightly.  As I turned, there was Jenn laid out on top of the bed.  It took me a few seconds to process the scene spread out before me.

“Hi,” she purred as she smiled and took a sip of some kind of iced brown liquid out of the tumbler she was holding in her left hand.

The realization shook me.  White stockings, white garter with tiny pink bows on the clips, and, once again, no panties or hair to be found on her mound.  She’d kept a tidy strip of late, but this was a bit of a surprise.  This was what she’d worn and how she’d looked that night before my bachelor party when I took her boudoir photos with Justine.  My cock sprang to life almost instantly.  

“Fuck…” just tumbled out of my mouth, now dry with anticipation.

“And I thought you were ignoring me,” she teased.  Taking a sip of her drink, she swallowed and slid the glass down her bare chest to her nipple, teasing it.  A barely audible and low “mmm” filled the room.

“I… Jesus, Jenn.”  I closed my eyes, envisioning her through my lens traipsing all over the hotel furniture in their suite.  Opening my eyes and feasting them upon her, she was even more beautiful today, without even having her hair and makeup done as she had that day.

“I got your camera for you,” she said as she nodded towards the dresser while moving her glass to the other nipple.  The wetness of the condensation shone in the slatted late daylight through the windows.

“And what brought this on, might I ask?”

“Our conversation last month,” she paused and waited to let that sink in.  My dick twitched as I realized what she was saying.  That reality must have been plain as day on my face because she smiled and continued,  “Yes, that’s right.  I went to my OB a few weeks back.  I’ve been off the pill since then and… well… It’s about that time.”

I was slack-jawed and mouth-breathing.  We’d talked about having a baby for months and finally, a few weeks back, she had decided now was as good a time as any.  Curiously, we hadn’t talked much since and the thought of it all was almost overwhelming.

“Well?  Matthew, this is the part where you say something to your very fertile and very horny wife.”

I suddenly panicked that she didn’t feel wanted, or that I didn’t want a baby.  Nothing could have been farther from the truth.  As I opened my mouth, she wryly smiled, taking her glass away from her other nipple and using her index finger holding the glass to point at me.  Pointing at my painfully bulging erection straining against my pants.

Letting go of the camera and placing it on the nightstand, I moved towards her side of the bed.  She deftly swung her legs around and off the bed.  As I sat down, she sat next to me.  We looked at each other.  Her dark brown pools burned bright as the slices of sun through the shades cast an orange hue to them and the room.  

“There’s nothing in this world I want more than to do this with you.”

Her lips parted, but before she could say a word, my lips found hers.  Tentative at first, but passionate nonetheless; time seemingly stopped in that embrace as we kissed deeper and deeper.  Her tongue was laced with the taste of bourbon as it danced with mine.  Her chest pressed into mine, and her hard nipples felt like they were tearing through my shirt.

The trance was suddenly broken as she wrapped her arms around me, sending a rivulet of ice-cold liquor down my spine; soaking my shirt. I jumped back, pulling away from her supple lips.  

“Sorry,” she giggled.  “You should probably take that off anyways,” she whispered, reaching across me to lay her drink down on her nightstand.  Her body stretched over my lap, pressing into my aching cock.  She had to reach just enough that I swept back and playfully spanked her shapely ass.

“Mmmm,” she purred.  “I like where this is going.”  She wiggled her ass and I struck the other cheek, this time just a bit harder.

“Ohhh!” She ground her stomach into my lap.  I kneaded the flesh where I had just spanked her, opening her up just enough for the heady smell of her desire to waft into my nostrils, tinged with the also familiar sweet scent of her hair.

My fingers worked closer and closer to her smoldering pussy until I felt her hips shift abruptly.  Using her forearms as leverage, she nimbly popped herself up to standing.  She might have gotten out of my grasp but I still managed to smack her ass again.

“Stop it, Matt. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here,” she playfully quipped.

“You fucking love it and you know it,” I responded in kind as she walked away and towards the nightstand, grabbing the camera.

“I want a few pics before you try to put a baby in me.  I want a memory of this, of us.”  She paused briefly as she walked back over to me.  I stood up to meet her.  “And I can’t let you have your way with me before we get a few shots in first.  I know what I want, and you just gave me one more idea, just now.”

She held the camera out at me and I hesitated, thinking about the first time I took those pictures.  Thinking about how that had morphed into me taking them again, and again.  This is something we both enjoyed, but lately, she’d been more and more bold with these.  

I suppose I’d started it, thinking back.  She gave me a bit of token resistance the first time to taking pictures.  The alcohol had certainly helped. We ended up tearing each other’s clothes off just inside the door and the rest progressed from there.  The next day, I found her looking through the pictures we’d taken on the computer.  She had been petting herself, looking at them.  It had led to another afternoon of some very passionate hungover sex.

When I asked her why they had made her all hot and bothered, she simply replied that looking at those made her see herself from my perspective.  It made her feel wanted.  It made her feel sexy.  It made her want more…

“Matt?” she asked, snapping me back to reality.

I smiled, probably a big dopey smile, and asked, “It’s your show.  Where do you want to start?”

“I want you to start by getting these clothes off.”

She negotiated the buttons from top to bottom off my dress shirt, sliding it off one arm at a time, which made me switch the camera in my hands.  Jenn casually tossed the shirt to the floor with a smirk.  Her hands floated down my chest to my pants and as both of them hit my buckle, her right-hand dove inside them as well as the waistband of my boxer briefs.  I followed her fingers as they wrapped around my turgid cock.  Her index finger slid over the bulbous tip, slick from my leaking arousal.

Her hand snaked back out and she brought her index finger lewdly to her mouth and sucked it.

“Wait!” An idea had flashed through me, and the urgency of the tone stopped her in her tracks.

“Wait,” I said softly and turned the camera on.  I guessed with the dialing in the settings based on the light haphazardly strewn in gold stripes throughout the room.

“Sorry.  That’s a moment I want to remember.” I said dulcetly.  “You get this passion, this naughtiness, this burning all of the sudden.  It was all right there.  All right there with you sucking me off your finger… Please.”

She mischievously smiled and just as I thought she was going to resume sucking lewdly on her finger, she closed the distance on me and drifted her hand down into my pants again.  A little less gentle as she grasped me this time, my hips shifted rhythmically, trying to coax her for even more.  

It felt like waves of pressure as she stroked me slowly at first.  Her body grew close and her mouth found my neck, just below my ear.

“I have to lure a little more out of you to suck off my finger if you want to get that shot of me.  We can’t be faking it now, can we?” she groaned into my ear.  

Her hand froze except for a solitary finger that swept over my slippery glans.  A hiss of pleasure filled my lungs and the room.  

“Ready, cameraman?” she teasingly asked.

Her fingers uncoiled themselves from my cock as she pulled her hand up and out, bringing that solitary finger to her mouth.  It was all I could do to bring the camera up as she stepped back and started sucking.  Her eyes shone with an intensity that I was seeing glimpses of more and more frequently.  She lowered her chin slightly, looked up right at the camera, and sucked her finger like it was the most delicious thing on the planet.

Snapping the shutter as quickly as I could, I tried to catch the moment.  Jenn sucked and licked that solitary finger lasciviously.  Biding my time, I eventually put my hand on the point of her hip, turning her just slightly in the slatted sun.  My lusty angel was shimmering, just for me, in the sunlight.  I hit the shutter a few more times until the camera slowly drifted away from my face in awe of the woman in front of me.

Jenn pulled her finger out of her mouth with an exaggerated, “pop” and playfully grinned.

“Did you get what you wanted there?”

“Mmmhmm.  But there’s so much more I want.”

She stepped forward kissed me on the side of my cheek and calmly said, “So do I,” as she brushed by me and collected herself, opening the closet door.  Taking a breath, I took the opportunity to repose myself.  My eyes were drawn to the screen on the back of the camera as she rummaged through the closet.  She was perfect.  As I sifted through the pics, I felt her bare chest on my back and chin on my shoulder.

“How’d those turn out?”  The words, along with her nipples poking me in the back, jarred me out of that moment and I pushed back into her searing skin.  

“You’re amazing, Jenn.  All these years and you still blow me away.”

She wrapped her arms around me, pulling us tightly together.  That’s when I noticed my black dress pants on a hanger in one hand and my black belt in another.

“Well, I’m not going to blow you away tonight… You have to finish somewhere else tonight.” She untangled herself from me and popped right up in front of me, handing me the belt and pants.

“Take those off and put these on.  You made me think of one more set of pictures I suddenly want.”

Dutifully, I complied, placing the camera down on the bed and grabbing the clothes from her.  As I undressed, I watched her adjusting her stockings, shimmying them up her legs and shifting the garter so the straps were symmetrical in the front and the back.

“Come on, Matt. Get dressed.  You’re going to get a close enough view in a minute.”  She paused to take in my gray boxer briefs highlighted with blue palm trees.  

“Looks like your tree is a little weepy,” she teased.  I looked down and saw the dark gray spot at the tip of my unyielding cock.

I stepped out of my work pants and into the dress pants, lacing the belt through the hoops.  I stood topless in full-dress pants and chuckled.  Whatever the hell was she thinking, I was surely going to be game for it.

Finished, I turned and looked at her waiting expectantly for me.

“Turn around.  Your dress shoes are behind you and I doubt your camera is going to pick up you not wearing socks for this.” She twirled her finger in a roundabout motion.  Somehow, it was less patronizing by the fact that she wasn’t wearing anything outside of stockings and a garter.

After slipping into the shiny black Italian shoes, I turned back to her.

“This is your show, I suppose. Tell me thy bidding,” I mocked her right back, just a tad.

Jenn shook her head and laughed.

“Here’s what I want for this first set. Sit.” She pointed to the bed and I picked up the Nikon and sat.

“Now, I don’t know if you are going to be too close for this, but what the hell.”  Jenn pulled me forward to the very edge, then proceeded to drape herself over my lap exactly like she’d done just minutes ago.  Turning her head, she looked back at me expectantly.

I looked at her, looked at her taut ass, then back to her, and pulled my camera to my eye.  I snapped a couple of her looking back, but the last one she looked annoyed.  Peeking from behind it, I was able to confirm she was still looking annoyed like I was not getting what she wanted.

“Matt, I want you to do what you did to me a few minutes ago.  I want photos of that.  And… Um… I want one with my ass a little red… um… err… from being spanked.  You think you could get a pic of that too?” she quietly asked.

My eyes shot wide open and my mouth dropped.  I shifted below her, wondering if she’d noticed my cock twitch with her ask.  I’d spanked her playfully a lot of times.  This seemed a bit more than that right now.  

“Jesus, Jenn.  Where the hell did this come from?” I joked as I trained the lens back towards her ass hypnotically wiggling in my lap, clothing the shutter again and again.

“The smile,” she responded with a serious expression.


“Your smile.  I looked back and you had this little smile on your face when you spanked me.  It made me feel… well, it made me feel a lot of things, but that look you had… that did things.”

My free hand squeezed her ass, rubbing and massaging it.  Her soft skin contrasted with her muscle tone was something I couldn’t get enough of.  As I clicked the camera once again, I flattened my hand out, flaring my fingers widely, resting them comfortably on her smooth skin.  Following the curve of her buttocks inward, I ventured closer and closer to her visibly weeping pussy.  She looked back slightly peeved, probably due to the fact I hadn’t spanked her yet.  That was my moment, my chance.

I craned the camera to her face and held the shutter button down.  The camera whirled taking photos in rapid succession.  My hand raised and landed rapidly-


Her body tensed underneath me as she let out a stunned, “Ohhh, mmm.”

The initial expression was that of shock.  What came after was much, much better.  I watched her go from surprised to playful to lusty in a matter of a few seconds.  Hopefully, I’d captured all that on film.  

“There it is,” she moaned. “That playful smile.  That’s exactly what I wanted.”  Jenn turned facing forward and dropped her head, letting her chestnut brown hair tumble with her.  

My hand gently massaged the flesh I’d just spanked as she crooned.

“Again, pl-“


A long moan followed the crack of my hand.  Her back arched dragging her ribs into my cock.  My hips shifted up on their own, seeking more.

“Jenn,” I said calmly and evenly in a hushed tone.

“Yesss,” she hissed.

“Bring your left hand back and pull your cheek open slightly.  I wanna see those rings of yours on that perfect ass, showing me how wet this makes you.  Show me, Jenn.”

“Oh,” she seductively crooned.  Her hand traversed its way back, grabbing my clothes-covered cock and squeezing it, just once.  It was my turn to moan as my eyes shuttered, inducing myself on the stimulation until she let me go.

She shifted her weight and reached back tentatively.  I shifted with her, angling myself to where she was better supported.  Momentarily distracted, when I looked down, her hand was drawing herself open just slightly.  The orange light of the late afternoon sparked off her honey-laden lips.  The sparkle of her engagement and wedding rings scattered tiny dotted rainbows on her skin to her tan line and beyond to my lap.  I licked my lips at the inviting sight.

Camera back to my eye, taking another few photos of this salacious scene.  Her skin had reddened where my hand had now struck twice.  The surrounding goosebumps told me everything I needed to know.  The urge to take her right then and there was becoming unbearable.  Pinning the button down to take the action shots, my other hand rose and fell in one swift movement.  


I watched her hand tighten on her ass reacting to the spank, which pulled her open even wider as she softly moaned.  My hand found hers, my palm on the top of her hand, each finger splayed, stacking above hers.  I dragged her hand slowly to her center, then used it to trace down from her ass.  I guided her ring finger, gliding it over her lips.

“Fuck, Matthew.  That feels sooo good.”

She hadn’t felt anything yet, I thought and smiled to myself.  I snapped a pic or two more.  Following the click of the shutter, I plunged her ring finger into her pussy.

“Ahhh,” she moaned.  The sound ebbed slowly as the moan tailed away.

My finger followed, melting inside her for a brief moment.  I snuck my hand away from hers.  The photo I wanted was so close but not quite right.  I watched as her finger wriggled intently within her, her hips moving in tune with it.

“Stay still for a second.”  I grabbed her wrist, bringing her finger out just enough to perfectly frame the contrast of her rings with her swollen, dewy, and quite needy lips.

Click, click, click in rapid succession.


“Eeeaaahhh,” she half squealed and half moaned.


I hit the same cheek and got a very similar but a bit more vocal reaction.  Her middle finger had joined her ring finger and was starting to piston in and out of her desperate cunt.

Nudging her arm up by her wrist, I guided her out and away from her burning need.  Jenn shot a frenzied look over her shoulder at me.  I still had her by the wrist.

“Get up.” You could tell my suddenly commanding tone surprised her, but with my help, she rose off me.  

Bringing her wrist up towards her face, I continued, “Lick them and suck them for me.” I brought the camera to my eye once again.  

Jenn took a second and naughtily grinned.  I knew she’d loved her own taste for some time.  Feeding this little kink of hers, literally, and mixing it with her seemingly new kink of being spanked felt right in the moment.  She didn’t disappoint.  She licked and sucked her fingers, brandishing her rings the entire time.  At one point, she tongued and sucked the rings themselves while I snapped away at a frenzied pace.

Satisfied, I glanced lower, seeing a tiny rivulet shine on her inner thigh in the now dimming light.  Dropping to my knees, Nikon up, I captured her burgeoning need.  Looking up, I noticed she was different.  Maybe a bit self-conscious all of a sudden with me.

“You’re beautiful, Jennifer.  You’ve always been beautiful, but now you’re glowing.  My angel.”  

I scooted forward closer to her, reaching up with the camera and handing it to her.  Gazing into her, I brought my thumb to her needy clit, stroking it gently.  Her legs spread apart on their own.  Her intuition about what was to come was more than solid as usual.  

“When I start, put your left hand in my hair and start taking pictures.  Don’t worry about what you get.”

Jenn nodded and I wasted no time pushing into her.  The usual time spent teasing her and kissing and licking my way to the spots she liked best was long gone. My tongue reached out and gently licked her swollen button.

“Oh, Ma…” she gasped.

Mid-gasp, the one gentle lick yielded itself to my lips wrapping around her clit and rhythmically sucking it.  Her heat was burning me inside and out.  This was as turned on as she gets and in no time, her hand found her way into my hair.  She stroked it at first.  I think I heard the telltale clicking of my Nikon, but I really didn’t care.

Persistently sucking, my tongue probed a bit lower, splitting her folds.  Her hand balled into a fist within my hair, urging me deeper.  My hands wrapped around the back of her legs, as the nylon of her stockings thrilled my fingers.  Moving up her thighs, I found the silky contrast between the nylon and her bare skin, my favorite spot to linger when she wore any stockings.  Eventually, my fingers yielded the space and drifted higher, firmly stroking the ass cheeks I’d so recently spanked.

I felt her twitch and moan loudly.  Just as I thought she was about to get there, she used the fistful of hair to pull me off her delectable cunt, tilting my head up to look at her.

“No,” she said flatly.  Her eyes didn’t seem to agree with what her mouth was saying.  I could see the need raging within them.  “Not yet.”

Jenn’s expression cooled slightly and she grinned ear to ear, bringing the camera up to her eye while holding me there as she clicked.

“One more,” she said with a mischievous twinge.

Before I knew it, she was standing on one foot with the other leg, using the crook of her knee to pull me closer to her pussy.  Jenn had forced my mouth onto her and I raggedly found her button again.  Her fisted hand used my head to steady herself and clicked away at the shutter.  My cock leaped at the feeling of her stocking on my cheek, my neck, and on the opposite lower side of my back where she was wrapped around.  I was lost with the singular thought of making her cum.

Jenn unwrapped her leg, with the drag of the nylon on my skin making me tingle all over.  As if she needed an encore, she steadied herself on her two feet and pulled my head away from her.  I had her so close again, and both times she’d held out.

“Not yet,” she repeated simply.  Her fingers relaxed and retreated and she tugged me up to my feet.  Before I had gotten to my senses, she tossed the camera on the bed, grabbed my face with two hands, and devoured me with her mouth.  Lips first, then tongues, and then she proceeded to lick every bit of her desire off my chin and stubble.

“You know I love tasting it off you the best.” She had broken her embrace and playfully winked at me.  “If I’d had let you get me there, I doubt we would have been able to have kept ourselves from each other.  I know how rabid you get when you make my cum like that.”

“So?” I teasingly replied.

We both laughed and she turned her attention to her MacBook on the bedside table.

Matter-of-factly, she started, “Take those pants off and come over here and look at this.”

She’d sat on the bed, opening her laptop.  I tossed the pants on the floor next to my shirt, the belt buckle’s metallic parts clinking as they settled.  By the time I got next to her on the bed, she’d opened the file of those photographs from before our wedding.

She spent the next few minutes picking out two fairly tame ones that she wanted to revisit.  The third and last one had been my favorite, though.  It was her ring circling her clit with goosebumps erupting all over her skin and a subsequent one with my cock impaling her as her ringed hand was flat on her stomach.

The anticipation of what was to come further galvanized my arousal.  Jenn wiggled her ass off to the bathroom and my thoughts turned to the deteriorating light in the room.  I hurried about in her absence turning lights on, grabbing the light stand from the office and moving it into just the right place.

“Geez, are we starting an OnlyFans?”

My back was to the door to the bathroom and when I turned around, she’d refreshed herself a bit and had put on the bridal boy shorts she’d worn all those years ago along with a matching lacy white bra that contrasted her olive skin perfectly.

“Ha, if you got into that with your body and current lustiness,” pointing at her, “we could probably both retire.”

“Well, if all my photographers had cute underwear like that, packing what you’ve got, I might have to consider a career change.”

“Let’s just get the photos you want before my balls burst, honey?”

“Oh, poor you.  I was right there… TWICE.  You have no idea how much I fucking need you right now.”

She had a point there, but it didn’t make my throbbing any easier.

I motioned her to the bed and we went through and got the shots she wanted.  My mind drifted back to that first time in the hotel room.  We’d been so intense to start out that some of the more standard shots afterward were easy.  This had that same feeling… minus her maid of honor not being there to help.  The thought of that made my cock jump.

Forty-five minutes later, we’d gone through what she wanted to get.  The pics she loved the most from all those years ago.  We got a little touchy and grabby here and there but we kept our distance.  The bra had come off but the panties remained on for most.  I did enjoy the photo of her all arched up and hooking a stiletto heel into them at one point.  I think making that black and white might be nice.  At the last click of the shutter, she grabbed her now empty bourbon tumbler and handed it to me.

“Make me another, please?  Extra ice please.” She slyly winked and headed back to the bathroom.  

Out to the kitchen, I realized the sun had set and the purplish haze of the early evening had fallen outside.  I hadn’t noticed with the bright lights in the bedroom.  My balls throbbed and ached to be released.  I briefly wondered if this had been her plan the whole time.  Setting the tumbler down on the granite countertop made a crash, conjuring thoughts of my hand crashing on Jenn’s perfect ass.  How turned on she got by it.  A flash of an idea shot through me and that throb between my legs intensified with the thought as I slowly refreshed her drink.

We entered the bedroom almost simultaneously.  She’d adjusted here and there and looked as she had when I first walked into the room from work.  The sight forced a bit of a stutter step out of me and I felt a bit of the icy bourbon spill onto my hand.

“Good, I see it’s not just me that’s nervous.”  Jenn always knew how to diffuse an intense moment effortlessly.  I don’t know why either of us would have been nervous.  It was just us.  It had always been just us.  That’s when we were at our best.

“Why don’t you get comfy and let’s see where this takes us?  At least I don’t have to send Justine into the bathroom afterward this time.”  That thought had sent me throbbing again.  Getting this shot with her maid of honor, Justine, placing the ring, and giving her goosebumps was probably the most erotic thing I’d ever witnessed.  

“Ha! I actually just texted her to tell her that we were recreating this and missed her… Before you even ask, she’s just driving to the hospital for an overnight shift, so don’t get any big ideas there, mister.”  She knowingly paused and glanced at my straining cock.  “Just us, this time, I suppose.”

Jenn playfully jumped onto the bed, pulling off both rings from her left ring finger and handing them to me.

“Oh, I might have a LOT of trouble placing these.  I am awfully clumsy sometimes,” I taunted.

She spread her legs tentatively at first, revealing the desire oozing out of her, deliciously glazing her lips.  She must have seen me smile at that and pulled her legs back together just slightly.

“I tried to dry off,” she meekly divulged.  “I… I…” she started to stammer.

Quickly, I cut her off, nudging her knees apart again, “Don’t worry.  Please…”

My hand ran up the inside of her thigh and I watched her bite her lip and twist her hips into me.  Tracing ever higher, I was at the little crease separating the leg from her inner hip.  She was trying to shift into it but I had other ideas.

I went headlong into her needy little swollen button and gave it the tiniest of kisses.  Her body tensed at my lips’ caress.  

“Fuuuuccckkk,” she loudly moaned.

“I just thought my wife needed a little kiss.  Would you like another?”

“Plea-” I lowered and kissed her again before she could finish the word.  This time the kiss was not small in any way.  I took my time licking, sucking, and eventually scraping her clit with my teeth as I pulled away, bringing it with me for the shortest of distances. As I sat up, the comforter of the bed was balled tightly within her fisted hands like she was holding on to it for dear life.  

That was exactly what I wanted to see as I looked down.  Goosebumps.  Last time we used the glass of ice to get that effect.  This time, she was on the ragged edge and her body was in delicious chaos.  

“Stay still now.”

I snatched the rings from my closed hand that had steadied me on the bed and started to balance them both at the very precipice of her clit.  “Hold your breath, almost there,” I said, sliding off the bed slowly, to not dislodge the rings.

Nikon now in hand, I started snapping away.  Her goosebumps were starting to be joined by some splotchy red patches just below her bottom tan line.  She was in the throes of it and we weren’t even touching.  Her need radiated out of her every pore.  Kneeling on the bed again to get closer, the rings chimed as they fell off her and rested against her bottom.

“Oh,” she exhaled with disappointment.

“I got it already… plus I have my own idea here.”  Taking the rings in my hand, I slid them as far as I could on my index finger.  Laughably small, they didn’t make it past my first knuckle, but that didn’t matter.  All that mattered was-

“Ahhh,” she moaned in surprise.

I used that finger to rub her now trembling clit.  Picking up the camera again, I started to click the shutter as she continued to moan below me.  One more naughty idea came to me in that instant.  I traced that same finger up her stomach, between her breasts, and to her mouth, clicking the whole time.  She sucked her essence off the tip of my finger as she brought her hands to mine.  Using her lips, she slipped the rings off me while she tugged my hand away from her.

Taking the rings out of her mouth and replacing them on her finger, she looked hungry

“So fucking naughty tonight.” She swallowed hard.  “I need you…”

Hands freed, her abs coiled, and sat up while her hands assaulted the waistband of my boxer briefs, practically ripping them down and off me.  My cock sprung up as the waistband was pulled over it, waving in the cool air of the room.

I shimmied them off and before I knew it, she was pulling on my aching cock with her left hand, guiding me closer to her.

“Last shot, I promise,” she practically moaned.  “I… I want the moment you melt into me.”

My cock ached and drooled at the thought of it all.  Her hand tugged me closer.  The heat radiating off her was scorching me.  I looked at her in those big brown eyes full of everything I loved about her, all in one look.  She smiled and nodded to the camera dangling in my right hand, pulling me back into the moment.

The rings on her fingers shone brightly in the light of the room as she took the tip of my cock and started rubbing it up and down her lips.  Her desire coated the glans, smearing it between us.  The softest of coo escaped her lips as she drew me in just a tiny bit further.

“You’re everything to me, Matthew,” she whispered.  

Jenn bit her lip and simply nodded.  I mashed the shutter button down as I slowly drove my cock forward until our hips met.

“Oh, you feel so fucking good,” I groaned.  

Throwing the Nikon onto the opposite side of the bed, I scooped forward, pushing her up in the bed still firmly within her.  One hand slid behind her neck with the other steadied myself on the bed as I reached down and kissed her passionately, devouring her from her lips to her ear while slowly starting to thrust in and out of her.

“Do you feel that?” I asked hungrily.  Not waiting for an answer, I nipped her earlobe with my teeth and continued, “That cock pumping in and out of you… that cock that is going to knock up your hungry little pussy.”

She moaned loudly while lifting her hips to meet each thrust.  My body was aflame and I wasn’t going to last very much longer but I couldn’t slow down if my life depended on it.  The pace rose to a frenzied one.  The sounds of my cock pounding her sodden cunt permeated the room as did the heady smell of our combined passion.  I held her tight, whiskers against her neck as the crash of my burgeoning wave raced imminently towards me.

I felt her hand snake between us and she pushed her little hard nub of a clit down against my cock pistoning into her.  At the same time, she firmly wrapped her legs around me, the sheer of her stockings sliding against me, thrilling my nerves to their zenith.

“That’s it,” she breathed raggedly between moans.  “Fill me up, Matthew.  Fucking breed me.”

Just the word ‘breed’ did something to me.  It unlocked something carnal within me.  The naughtiness combined with the anticipation of the moment made me close my eyes and grunt with each progressively harder thrust.  Abruptly, I was lost.  No thoughts, just need coursing through me.  Her thrashing and shuddering snapped my eyes open.  I could feel her finger pinching her clit now as her body trembled.

“Oh, you’re fucking perfect.”  I slammed harder and faster.  “So fucking perfect.  Cumming on my cock like this.  Cumming right before I knock your naughty ass up.  You fucking love this, don’t you?”

“Yeesss!” Her body tightened below me.  Her legs held me so tight against her own body that I could barely move.  She moaned and screamed the most unintelligible words as she writhed below me and as her grip slackened just a bit, I resumed punting her into the bed as fast as I possibly could.

Looking down at her, her eyes were glazed as I fucked her through her release.  Through it all, she found me staring.  My face was tortured, and she must have recognized my impending orgasm as she managed a smile.

I slammed into her one last time, burying myself as deeply as I could.  My balls twitched and my entire body lurched tortuously through the moment as I came.  Rope after rope of cum shooting into her.  I felt the life return to her legs, pulling me inward towards her.  Pinning me inside of her.  I collapsed down onto her, unable to hold myself up.

“That’s it,” she coaxed me as she flexed and relaxed her cunt, milking me from within.  “That’s it, give it all to me.  Yesss,” she hissed.  Her arms curled around my back further locking us as one.

My cock continued to twitch inside her as she coaxed the last bit of seed from my still throbbing cock.  I was a puddle of sweat against the furnace of her skin, but she didn’t give an inch with her arms and legs holding me tight.

“Matt…  Matthew… Matthew!”

My eyes opened, and in front of me, a mostly naked Justine and Amanda were frantically trying to get my attention.  Why was I lying on the floor looking up at them?  What happened?

Published 2 years ago

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