Lindsay was seriously pissed off. Of all the times Cade could’ve chosen to go to Aspen and ski, he had to pick a weekend she had to work, and her head was splitting from the hangover she earned after partying with Andrea last night. What the fuck did I tell her? Lindsay knew she had confessed in detail, how Cade rocked her world in the bedroom, but she couldn’t remember specifically what she had said. Oh well, I guess it doesn’t matter. Lindsay dismissed the thought and tried to focus on work through her blinding hangover.
Cade threw his duffel bag into the back of the Jeep Cherokee and smiled. If Lindsay knew that he had deliberately planned his ski trip to Aspen around the weekend she had to work, she’d have his balls. He was looking forward to some drinking, skiing, and fucking some random snow bunnies. “A man needs variety right?” he thought, grinning. Of course, Cade had no idea that his future sister-in-law, Andrea, had gotten his itinerary from Lindsay during their drink-fest the night before, and had plans of her own.
Andrea woke up with a nasty hangover, but she got herself in the shower, took some hangover-helper, and started packing for her trip. She smiled as she remembered all the juicy details Lindsay had revealed about Cade’s prowess as a lover. Her fucking douche bag of a husband had cheated on her with his dinky little pecker, and she was out for some real man meat. After what Lindsay had told her, it sounded like Cade had a sweet package and the skills to use it. She ran her fingers through her long blonde locks and tousled them. She applied some kohl liner around her lovely green eyes, a bit of mascara, and got dressed. Her sister Brittany would be around to pick her up in just a few minutes, and that impatient cow would be upset if Andrea made her wait even two minutes.
Brittany flew down the freeway in her Porsche 911 turbo, she loved the feel of speed. Her window was down, the radio was blasting some dirty dance beat and her raven black hair was blowing in the breeze. She felt amazing even though her sister had browbeaten her into this trip during a drunk dial session last night. She was really looking forward to hitting the slopes. It had been ages since she’d been skiing, and she was thinking about how many sexy guys would be there to take her pick from. Her grin widened at the thought. Brittany had no idea that her sister was planning anything.
Cade parked the Jeep in front of his rented ski lodge, grabbed his bags and went inside. “Nice digs,” he thought. He smiled and pictured some horny ski bunnies lounging in the balcony Jacuzzi. He threw the duffel into the huge master suite and changed into his ski gear, not wanting to waste a minute on the slopes.
Brittany and Andrea zoomed through the mountain roads singing along to the radio and letting their hair fly in the chill mountain air. Andrea had not yet confessed to her sister what she was planning, she figured that once they got to the lodge everything would happen the way she wanted it to happen. She smiled smugly to herself, imagining “bumping into” Cade, completely by accident of course. She knew which lodge he was staying at and had booked the one right next to his. She was planning on having quite a night with him, of course her sister was welcome to join in the fun. Andrea hoped Brittany would be into getting with Cade.
Brittany glanced over at her sister, saw the smug smile on her face and wondered what the fuck Andrea was up to. She wasn’t naïve enough to think that her sister simply wanted to ski and take in the fresh Aspen air, she knew her better than that. “Well whatever she is up to I hope it involves snow powdered slopes and beefy ski instructors,” Brittany mused.
They pulled into the exclusive ski resort and were amazed to see the luxury chalet they would be staying in. Andrea had booked the place last minute and didn’t even bother to look it up on the internet because she knew Cade’s taste was always of the five-star variety and judging by the price, she knew it was bound to be incredible. The snow was powdery and crunched quietly under their feet. They both stared in delight at the property, noting the Jacuzzi on the upper deck, the pale glistening wood beams and huge windows.
They went inside and put their bags in the two huge master suites. The wide picture windows framed gorgeous views of the snow-covered mountains and forests beyond. The furniture was all upscale overstuffed and cozy looking with a huge fireplace at the north end of the grand living room packed with wood and ready to ignite by remote control. On the south end of the room was a huge dining/kitchen area with a fully stocked mahogany bar with cut crystal tumblers and elegant wine glasses. The kitchen was equipped with top of the line, highly polished stainless steel appliances.
“Not going to be doing much cooking I don’t think but damn is this place spectacular,” Brittany said, as she ran her hands along the smooth wood of the bar. “Want a drink?”
“Yes a huge brandy, if you don’t mind. I am going to go slip into my ski gear.” Andrea tossed her hair over her shoulders and giggled. “Oh this is going to be so much fun sis,” she enthused, and went to her suite to dress.
“I have a feeling it will be a blast,” Brittany called after her while she poured the Camus cognac Cuvee into the beautifully cut crystal snifters. At thousands of dollars for a single bottle, it was guaranteed to warm them and give them a nice buzz.
Brittany left the drinks at the bar and picked up the remote to start the fire, then she went to her suite to change clothes. The two met back at the bar and raised their glasses in a toast, “Cheers!” They clinked glasses and took a nice long swallow. The cognac was exquisite and warmed all the way down.
They took their drinks out to the upper balcony where the Jacuzzi was and enjoyed the view for a while. Brittany looked incredible in her skin-tight pink ski suit, her jet black hair framed her delicate face, her green eyes twinkled, her cheeks were pink from the cognac and brisk mountain air. She had a great figure, long legs, narrow waist and small but perfectly shaped breasts. She had recently broken up with her boyfriend and as a reminder never to make the stupid mistakes she had made with him, she’d got a tattoo in beautiful cursive lettering that covered her back of one of her favorite scriptures. She wasn’t a religious person, but did enjoy some of the verses.
Andrea was feeling deliciously warm all over from the drink and looked incredibly sexy in her snug-fitting black ski clothes. Her long blonde hair fell down her back in waves, her perky surgically enhanced breasts filled out her top nicely, and her eyes sparkled in the sun reflecting off of the snow below them. She had gotten her breasts enhanced a few years before, and enjoyed the feeling of showing off her cleavage. She didn’t get huge implants, just enough to go from an A to a B cup, but it made a huge impact on her confidence, and made her feel sexier.
After finishing their drinks, the girls headed out toward the chalet where they would grab some skis and hit the slopes for a bit. They were all rosy cheeks and smiles thanks to the fantastic cognac and brisk mountain air.
Cade made his way to the chalet to get skis and a drink. He was looking quite fit in his ski outfit, his muscular body was clearly visible through the layers he wore. His clear, dark green eyes were shining with the prospect of getting some hot snow bunnies in his Jacuzzi and his bed. He grinned thinking about all the ways he would like to use and abuse some sexy slut, and his dick twitched in response to his dirty thoughts. He swaggered into the chalet and scanned the room on the hunt, like a wolf after sheep. Cade spied the bar and walked through the main room making eye contact with a couple of cuties sitting by the fire. “They look up for a bit of fun,” he thought, and gave one of the girls a sly wink.
Cade approached the bar, ordered his drink, then turned around and surveyed the room. Just when his eyes were passing the front doors, he saw a gorgeous raven haired beauty swing into the room, he glanced at the woman following her into the chalet and he couldn’t fucking believe his eyes. Andrea? What the fuck is she doing here? He had a moment of panic as he looked further behind Andrea fully expecting to see Lindsay trailing behind, having somehow gotten out of work and come to surprise him. He didn’t see her, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t joined up with Andrea and they planned to meet later. Fucking hell, this is not good. Cade tried to hang onto his smile as Andrea passed the girl in front of her and bounded towards him grinning like a fox.
“Cade, what a surprise! What are you doing here? Where’s Lindsay?” Andrea asked, as if she had not a clue.
“Oh, Lindsay didn’t come with you? I just came out for some skiing, Lindsay had to work this weekend unfortunately.” He feigned disappointment. “When I saw you I thought maybe she got out of work and came with you.” He tried to look hopeful, but didn’t quite pull it off.
“No, she’s not with me, she’s probably cursing me for partying her into a hangover this morning. I just dragged my sister out for some skiing and fun.” She gave him a decadent look from under her long black lashes. She felt herself blush under his green gaze, mostly because she was imagining his beautiful mouth on her throbbing clit. Brittany walked up then and gave Cade a cool look with her mossy green eyes.
Brittany thought that this could not possibly be a coincidence. She had the feeling that her sister had known that her best friend’s husband would be here. She didn’t blame her sister really, the guy was seriously hot. He was almost six feet tall, shaved head, and deliciously masculine and muscular. She licked her lips as she checked out the obvious package in his snug ski pants. “This could be interesting,” Brittany mused. She was glad she hadn’t met him until now, she had lived abroad for years and had just recently returned to the States. She had only met Lindsay on a couple of occasions, but didn’t know her well, except what she had learned through Andrea, which wasn’t a lot.
Cade breathed a sigh of relief that Lindsay hadn’t come here after all. He checked out Andrea’s sister. “Fucking hot,” he thought, hungrily. He appreciated the way her ski pants hugged her long legs, and slim hips. She was a little small breasted, but he could work with that. He smiled at her, “Hi, I’m Cade. I don’t think we’ve had the chance to meet yet.” He held his hand out to her and was surprised when she instead moved forward and gave him a friendly hug. “Any friend of my sister’s is a friend of mine.” She gave him a quick squeeze and a wink.
Andrea was delighted that Cade happened to be in the chalet, she hadn’t planned that. She had planned to sort of show up at his lodge with some alcohol and claim her Jacuzzi was broken and could they use his. She of course would have acted completely shocked when it happened to be him answering the door of the lodge. This was much better, just happening to run into him; it seemed more like fate. Andrea was also glad her sister seemed to think Cade was attractive, Brittany wasn’t one to just hug someone she had just met. In fact, according to her own admission, Brittany was relatively inexperienced in sexual matters. She had only had sex a handful of times, none of the times being very fulfilling. This is going to be good, especially considering the looks we’re getting from Cade. He looks like he’s up for a party, and a good fuckfest. She gave him a salacious smile.
“Can I get you two a drink, or are you ready to hit the slopes?” Cade asked, sipping his drink and licking his lips suggestively.
“We were just coming in to get some gear and hit the mountain. You planning on skiing or have you been out already?” Brittany smiled at him.
“Nope, haven’t been out yet, let’s go get some gear and hit it shall we?” Cade set his drink on the bar and extended his arm as a gesture for them to lead the way. His intentions were less than chivalrous, he wanted to get a look at Brittany’s ass. He had gotten many looks at Andrea’s, and if her sister’s was half as nice as hers, he was going to be very pleased. As the girls turned and walked in front of him, he was not disappointed. Brittany may have had small tits but her ass was as round and shapely as a Brazilian model. Cade licked his lips as he imagined lining the two girls up on their knees and fucking them both doggy style, moving out of one and into the other over and over. His dick twitched and started to harden in his pants. He quickly zipped his parka up, hiding his growing bulge. He wasn’t hugely endowed, a decent 7 inches, but what he had was thick and he knew how to use it. Cade allowed his imagination wander about how he would use it with these two, and grinned.
Brittany put a little more wiggle in her walk than usual, knowing that Cade was getting an eyeful behind her. She loved that she had plenty of junk in her trunk and she was looking forward to showing it off in her scrunch bottom bikini later in the Jacuzzi. Maybe she would even give Cade a surprise lap dance, she smiled thinking of grinding her plump ass on his crotch in hot bubbly water. She didn’t have much sexual experience but she was definitely ready to change all that.
The conditions were perfect on the mountain as each of them swooshed down the powdery slopes. When they arrived at the bottom of the second run, they all clambered onto a lift, Cade in the middle. The ladies giggled in delight as the lift carried them back up to the chalet, all rosy cheeked and breathless. The view from the lift was incredible, the sky was a perfect blue and they could see for miles around.
They hopped off the lift and carried their gear to the chalet’s equipment rental area. Cade was feeling exhilarated and horny as hell after all the adrenaline from skiing and the fresh mountain air. He was ready to take the sisters back to his lodge and get busy. Andrea and Brittany had been flirting with him mercilessly all day and were obviously up for some nasty fun.
The threesome walked back to the lodges, the girls going to theirs to change clothes. Cade went with them and had a drink while they donned bikinis under big fluffy bathrobes. Then they headed over to Cade’s place, bringing the bottle of cognac with them.
Cade’s lodge was slightly more opulent than the girls’ and the two were duly impressed. Andrea grabbed three crystal snifters, brought them out onto the balcony, and poured each of them a double. The threesome raised their glasses in a toast and smiled. Brittany placed her glass on the table nearest the Jacuzzi. She looked Cade right in the eye as she slowly untied her robe, pulled one sleeve off slowly, then the other revealing her bare skin a little at a time. Her small, perfectly shaped breasts filled out her bikini top nicely.
Her nipples hardened in the cool evening air and Cade bit his lip as he watched her do a mini striptease for him. She slowly let the robe fall to the ground, revealing a taut flat tummy, slim waist and legs that went on and on. She turned her back to him then, preparing to enter the Jacuzzi and he was surprised to see the full back tattoo. His gaze went lower and he licked his lips when he saw her luscious ass barely encased in the scrunched style bikini bottoms. Brittany stepped into the hot water, bending over further and sticking her ass in the air more than necessary to get her drink from the table. Cade felt his dick wake up in his tight jeans and push against his button fly.
Andrea watched Cade’s reaction to her sister’s flirtatious strip. She eyed his crotch and watched as his pants bulged. He turned his head towards her and she gave him a slow strip of her own, peeling off her robe and swinging her shapely hips as music pumped out of the deck’s speakers.
The two of them grinned at him and watched as he rewarded them with a strip of his own. Cade peeled off his cable knit sweater revealing hard toned six pack abs and just a whisper of a happy trail leading down into his button fly jeans. His chest was hairless and as muscled as his biceps. He flexed playfully for the girls giving them a gun show. The girls clapped and hooted at him yelling, “Take it off baby!”
Cade slowly undid his jeans one button at a time, rocking his hips in time to the sexy rhythm of the music. He turned and slowly slid his jeans down over his well-muscled glutes. The girls squealed and splashed in the bubbling water. Cade chuckled, feeling a little buzzed and a bit silly but having a great time. He kicked his jeans off and turned around to face them, fully erect and naked as the day he was born.
The girls’ mouths both made an ’O’ and they looked pleased and surprised all at once. Cade climbed into the water splashing the girls, laughing at the expression on their faces. He sat opposite them draping his arms along the edge. Brittany picked up the remote for the music player and put on some dirty bump and grind music. Smiling wickedly she took a long slow drink of cognac, rose from the water, sensuous as a leopard, and moved toward Cade.
Brittany moved to the music, making her way slowly across the Jacuzzi. She ran her hands through her hair, down her neck, over her breasts, taking time to tweak her nipples making them stand erect and hard against the fabric of her bikini top. She gave Cade a smoldering look as her hands skimmed down her bare belly towards her bikini bottoms. She slid her hand down into her barely-there bikini bottoms and stroked herself briefly then lifted her hand to her mouth and sucked her fingers. Cade’s eyes were naked with desire as he slid his hand down into the water to stroke his engorged erection.
Brittany grabbed his hand under the water and pinned it to the tiled rim of the Jacuzzi. She shimmied her breasts in his face and straddled his lap. She lowered herself against him brushing her hardened nipples against his chest and let her slick wet hair fall around him. Brittany could feel his hardness pressing against the thin wet fabric of her bikini bottoms. She ground down against his rigid cock in time to the nasty beat thrumming from the speakers. Brittany rose, turned around and wiggled her generous butt against his hard-on. She smiled across the water at her sister while she moved to the sexy groove against Cade.
Andrea watched her sister with a little bit of envy and a head full of cognac. She smiled as she watched her sister do her dirty lap dance. She licked her lips as Cade grabbed Brittany’s hips and pushed her down against his throbbing dick. She rolled her hips against him suggestively riding back and forth on him. Andrea slid her hand down into the water and rubbed herself through the thin fabric of her bikini.
Cade took his eyes off Brittany and looked at Andrea as she touched herself. He moved Brittany off his lap and said, “Excuse me for a minute ladies, I’ll be back in a moment.” He hopped out of the hot water into the chilly night air, his body breaking out in gooseflesh. He hated to interrupt the lap dance but the cognac and hot water were conspiring against him. He walked quickly through the lodge to the bathroom. When he was done pissing like a racehorse, he checked his condom supply. He was sure he brought plenty but the way things were going he just wanted to be sure.
Andrea turned to Brittany as soon as Cade was out of ear shot and said, “You know when I went out with Lindsay the other night? Well she got drunk and told me all kinds of stuff about Cade. She said he was incredible in bed and makes her come so hard she squirts. So I asked what her plans were for the weekend and that’s when I found out that Cade was coming here and that she was going to be stuck at work.”
Andrea gave her sister a sly grin. Brittany looked at her sister and laughed. “I fucking knew you were up to something when we were driving up here, you had that look on your face like the cat that just ate the canary.”
Cade came back then and poured some more drinks for them all before getting back in the tub. He slid into the water and teased, “So Andrea, I guess it’s your turn to dance huh?” He took her by the hand and pulled her towards him. Brittany changed the music and turned it way up. The sultry beat thrummed from the speakers and Andrea began to move slowly, running her hands through her hair and moving sensuously to the music. She slid her hands up and down her shapely thighs and grazed them across her hairless mound. She turned and bent over in front of Cade and ran her hands up the backs of her thighs and over her ass. She pulled the fabric of her bottoms up into the crack of her ass revealing her cheeks then stood slowly spreading her legs and settling into Cade’s lap.
Cade was hard again and as Andrea gyrated in his lap he wanted to shove his hard dick straight into her tight looking ass. He really wanted to get out of this water and get these girls to the bedroom. He let Andrea grind against his cock and reached up to squeeze her hard nipples. Andrea gasped as Cade’s fingers tweaked her hard nubs as she leaned forward, pushing her breasts into his hands. She moaned with pleasure at his touch, then spread her legs further apart, felt her lips open and rubbed her crotch on his hard-on letting her clit get some action. Cade reached down and pulled her bottoms aside, letting his cock rub between her lips and up to her asshole.
Brittany gazed at the two of them and touched herself. She slid two of her fingers inside her tight pussy and used her thumb to stroke her clit. She already felt like she was going to come. She stopped and got out of the Jacuzzi wanting to continue this event in the bedroom. She gave Cade a smoldering look as she untied her bikini top and let it drop to the ground, then she wriggled out of her bottoms revealing her bald pussy. She stuck a finger in her mouth and sucked it suggestively then turned and headed into the lodge.
Cade wound his hand into Andrea’s hair and pulled her ear to his mouth, “Let’s go inside so I can fuck you until you scream,” he growled.
“Mmmm yes please,” Andrea eagerly agreed and rose from his lap. She did the same as her sister had done, untying her top and letting it fall, then shimmying out of her bottoms. Cade got out of the water and followed Andrea into the bedroom.
Brittany was sprawled out on the bed, her wet black hair spilling around her like an oil slick. Her legs were parted slightly, one hand rested on her tight, flat tummy while the other pulled on a hard nipple. She licked her lips and asked Cade innocently, “Would you like to stick that big hard cock in my mouth?” She batted her lashes at him teasing. Cade grinned at her wolfishly and moved towards her.
Andrea climbed onto the bed next to Brittany getting on her hands and knees, her ass facing Cade, “ Do you think you could tongue fuck my ass while you are getting sucked?” She wiggled her hips and tossed her hair over her shoulder looking back at him grinning.
“Oh hell yeah, especially if you let me get my cock in there later.” Andrea wiggled a little more,
“My ass is so tight I don’t know if you’ll fit big boy.”
He grinned evilly at her, “If it doesn’t fit, force it, is my motto.” Andrea pretended to be shocked, then giggled.
Cade grabbed Brittany by the hair, pulling her mouth to his cock. “Open wide sweetie,” he directed, and she obliged, parting her full lips, looking him straight in the eye. Cade rubbed the tip of his dick around her beautifully shaped lips, rubbing a drop of pre-cum all over her mouth. He slid his rock solid cock slowly into her mouth, feeling her tongue hot and wet swirling over his shaft. He reached over to Andrea with his other hand and stroked her ass cheeks before giving her a good hard smack. Andrea gasped but pushed back towards Cade wanting to feel his tongue all over her. Cade slid his fingers down her slit to her tight wet hole and pushed two inside her while Brittany sucked, nibbled and bit her way to his balls.
Brittany tongued all around his balls then took them into her mouth one at a time swirling her tongue around them. Cade moaned and moved his fingers harder and faster inside Andrea lowering his head to her upturned ass. He shoved his tongue roughly into her tight little asshole and felt her tighten around his fingers. Brittany took Cade’s cock in her hand and shoved it all the way to the back of her throat sucking and gagging a little. She loved sucking dick and his was amazing. Brittany continued to mouth-fuck Cade while she slid his hand down to her wet slit and guided his fingers into her.
Cade felt like he was going to explode when he felt Brittany shove his cock to the back of her throat. “This girl knows how to give a first class blow job,” he thought, as he relished the feeling of her sucking him like her life depended on it. Cade was fingering Andrea and tonguing her ass when he felt Brittany slide his fingers into her hot wet hole. It was mind blowing having his fingers inside both of them and if he wasn’t careful he was going to end up shooting a huge load down Brittany’s throat. Cade moaned and growled as he thrust his fingers in and out of them both.
He pulled out of Brittany’s mouth and got behind Andrea. “Get over here on your knees Britt,” he said gruffly. She obeyed immediately moving up next to her sister. Cade put a hand on their backs and pushed them face down into the mattress. The sight of their gorgeous asses stuck high in the air was nearly enough to make him soak them both in cum. He reached over to the bed stand and grabbed a condom. Just as he had it nearly slid all the way on Andrea reached back and pulled it off of him. “I want to feel you, don’t worry I am on the pill, and so is Britt.” She threw the condom to the floor and resumed her position sliding her hand down to her throbbing clit, rubbing it furiously in anticipation.
Cade was a little surprised, but was too caught up in the moment to argue. He guided his cock into Andrea’s tight, wet fuck-hole and thrust into her hard and fast all the way to the hilt. Andrea cried out in pain and pleasure as he roughly rode her. “Oh yes Cade, fuck me hard baby!” she cried out, loving the feeling of his cock stretching her. Cade spit down onto her anus and slid his finger around the rim easing it in a little at a time.
“Fuck, you are so tight.” He moved in her faster and harder sliding his finger into her ass, trying to open it up a little. He pulled out of her abruptly, still fingering her ass and slid over behind Brittany.
Brittany was fingering herself and rubbing her clit when she felt Cade get behind her. She arched her back pushing her ass further into the air. Cade stroked her slit a few times with his dick pushing it against her hole then sliding it up to her ass and back down. Brittany pushed back against him greedily, wanting his dick so badly. Just when she didn’t think she could take any more teasing she felt him slide into her inch by inch filling her tight hole, stretching her. She moaned and gyrated against him. He suddenly slammed his rod into her roughly and she cried out in surprise and pleasure.
Cade couldn’t believe Brittany was even tighter than Andrea. He thrust into her, feeling her inner muscles flex and squeeze him. He moved his finger into Andrea’s ass deeper, then pulled it out and slid two fingers into her ass while he rammed in and out of her sister’s pussy. Andrea groaned and felt like she was going to explode as she rubbed her clit and felt Cade finger-fucking her ass. She looked over her shoulder and watched Cade slam himself deeper and harder into her sister’s snatch. She moved against his fingers wanting him to fuck her ass harder.
Cade got the message and fingered Andrea’s ass harder and deeper. He slowed his pace inside Brittany and spit down onto her ass doing the same to her as he had done to her sister. His finger slid into her ass and she moaned and pushed back against him wanting more. He obliged by sliding out of her dripping pussy and pushing his hard dick against her tight asshole. He spit down onto her some more, reached down to her opening and used her own juices to further lubricate her ass. He pushed harder against her trying to get the tip to go in.
“Relax baby.” He squeezed her plump cheeks and then moved his fingers down to enter her dripping opening. He stroked her expertly, finding her g-spot, rubbing it, feeling her let go. Cade took advantage of the moment and pushed himself into her ass. She cried out and moaned and gyrated wanting more and about to cum. Cade kept stroking her spot while he eased himself further and deeper into her. It felt like his dick was in a vice she was so fucking tight, and he knew he wasn’t going to last. He moaned and thrust himself into her all the way to his balls. “I am gonna cum baby, fuck you are so hot.” He thrust once more and emptied his load into her ass.
Brittany came at the same time, she had never had anyone find her g-spot before, nor had she ever had anal sex before. She fucking loved both. All the sensation was suddenly too much and she exploded in orgasm letting out a primal scream of pleasure. Andrea watched Cade’s face as he shot his load and came so hard she thought her head was going to explode. She let him ease his fingers out of her ass then collapsed onto her side gasping.
“Fucking wow!” Andrea exclaimed smiling. Cade eased out of Brittany’s ass watching the trickle of semen ooze out of her.
“You can say that again,” Brittany gasped raggedly, plopping down onto her stomach.
“Wait a sec ladies, I think you are forgetting something,” he said, looking down at his cum covered semi-hard cock. The girls looked at each other and rose up slowly together moving toward Cade.
“Sorry,” they replied in unison as each took a side and slid their tongues up and down his shaft in perfect sync. Cade inhaled sharply as he watched the two beautiful girls lick and suck him clean. His dick started to harden again. Andrea took him in her mouth all the way back into her throat, sucking him hard then taking her mouth away. Brittany took her turn then, taking him as deeply and sucking even harder than Andrea had done. They continued, alternating back a forth between them until Cade was ready to explode. They both put a hand around his cock and jacked him off making his jizz splash onto their faces.
Cade had never come so hard in his life, he moaned in pleasure as his orgasm went on and on. Then he watched as the sisters licked his cum off each other’s faces. “Holy fuck that is hot,” he rasped in appreciation.
The girls smiled up at him. “Mmm you taste good, Cade,” Andrea said, as she licked the last drops off her sister’s face.
“Oh fuck, yeah you do,” Brittany agreed. The girls then each grabbed one of Cades hands and led him to the shower.
“I have to say, I am so glad I bumped into you,” Cade said, with a chuckle.
“Oh, I think the feeling is mutual,” Andrea replied, giving her sister a sly wink.
“Yeah, and just think, we still have two days here.” Brittany grinned, imagining the possibilities.
“I can think of a few things to keep us busy,” Cade said, and smacked Brittany’s lovely rump. She squealed in delight.
“I can’t wait.” Andrea smiled as she turned on the shower. “Yes, this was a great plan, I have to admit,” she thought to herself smugly, imagining all of the kinky fuckery to come.
THE END….for now J