Sisters’ Temptation

"Christian sisters simply can't resist one another"

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This story has religious themes and juxtaposes them with lesbian incest.

Gianna looked at the text she’d received from her little sister on her phone again, contemplating. Lindsay had casually mentioned that their parents had left for vacation that afternoon and suggested her sister could swing by. The invitation held shudder-worthy implications.

They’d be alone together. Again.

The last time the siblings had been allowed to be alone together they’d been caught by their pastor father, naked together, writhing in bed and moaning in ecstasy. The incident caused the girls’ parents to send them to counseling and never let them be alone together again. Seven months of strict, hyper-vigilant supervision, somehow, still wasn’t enough to keep the girls from having incest. Inevitably, the two were caught in the act again and Gianna finally caved to her mother’s constant pressure and went away to college.

As another six months passed, Gianna saw the error of her ways. She acknowledged to her parents and before God that what she and Lindsay were doing was wrong. Her little sister fussed for a while about it, but eventually agreed. After some time, Gianna was reformed. She joined a campus ministry and devoted herself back to her Christian roots, feeling the innocence she once felt before she discovered the scent of her sister’s panties, how it felt to kiss her tender, pink lips, or what it was like to touch her between her pure, white thighs.

Lindsay, too, had eventually recanted her incestuous lifestyle, turning back to the faith of her devoted parents and her older sister. Her interest in sex talk dwindled to nothing and was replaced with discussions about God, the Bible, or college life. She even became the teacher’s assistant for Sunday school at her parents’ church. They were normal, Christian girls again. Gianna was happy.

Scanning the text message once again, Gianna wondered whether it was a subtle hint by Lindsay to relive some of those old moments. No, she told herself. It’s not like that anymore. We are not the same people we used to be. She doesn’t mean it like that. They hadn’t had a risqué conversation in… Gianna didn’t know how long. And as far as impure thoughts… Well, thoughts are just thoughts. Even when visions of her sister’s sexy, naked form made it to the surface of her mind at night, she’d consistently forced them back down, prayed a prayer and kept her fingers out her undies (though she did rub herself through her panties on occasion.) She wasn’t perfect, she had to admit.

After completing her analysis of her sister’s message, which took an entire day of returning to it and rereading, Gianna finally decided she’d surprise Lindsay and visit her. And what will I tell Mom and Dad when they check the location on my phone? she asked herself, pausing on her way out her dorm room door. They always kept tabs on their girls, knowing they needed constant surveillance. But that was back then, Gianna told herself. If they see I went home, I’ll just tell them I wanted to hang out with my sister and that nothing weird will ever happen between us again. No biggie.

Gianna stepped through her dorm room door and closed it behind her. She paused a few steps down the hallway, turned, reentered her room, took her cell phone out of her pocket and tossed it on the bed. Feeling a lot less nervous about worrying her parents, she left the dormitory, got in her car and started the four-hour ride to her little sister.

You know why you left your phone, Gianna’s conscience seemed to accuse her after several minutes. Tiny butterflies had materialized in her tummy, and a gentle smile tugged at her lips before the incriminating words popped in her head. She frowned. You’re trying to hide this visit from your parents. If they don’t know you came, there will be no reason to question what you did tonight. You could do anything and there would be no one to question you. The thought strummed strings of guilt, but also, somewhere within her, desire was roused.

We could do anything tonight, Gianna contemplated, letting her Christian guard down just for a moment to see where her thoughts would naturally drift. When her carnal mind conjured up a scene of her licking Lindsay’s perfect, pink, sisterly pussy as she squirmed and giggled, she, somewhat reluctantly, pressed eject on the mental cinema, moaning audibly.

Gianna immediately began to pray. She’d made so much progress in ministry and her personal relationship with God. To throw it away in the most lewd way possible was not an option. She’d resisted so many temptations; cute boys, wild parties, drugs, drinking, you name it. She wasn’t immune to the allure of it all but, with the exception of the occasional porn and over-the-panties masturbation session, she always stayed grounded in faith. She’d changed so much in the few months she’d been away, becoming an active member in the campus ministry rather than just another ‘church-goer’.

There in her car, Gianna prayed for forgiveness for her immoral thought and for things to go normally between her and her sister when she arrived. She’d missed her little sister so much, even though they talked almost every day. Mustering the self-control she’d gained through devoted discipline, she redirected her mind to chaste thoughts of her sister. She reminisced on times before sex was part of their lives. When their relationship was platonic and innocent. How they’d grown so close to one another. They were typical kids, annoying one another and forgetting about said annoyance within an hour. They’d eat ice cream and play in the sprinklers in the summers. They’d build snowmen and beg for hot chocolate in the winters, bundling up at night and watching the snow fall silently through their bedroom window.

God, we were such good girls then. When had it all changed?

Gianna’s thoughts wandered to the night after Lindsay’s eighteenth birthday. She’d asked her little sister how it felt to finally be almost an adult and after stating that she felt no different, she made a facetious comment that would change their lives forever. “Well,” Lindsay said, “I can legally watch porn now, I guess. So that’s a plus.” The girls giggled together. And then a long silence followed.

Ten minutes later they were lying on their backs on top of Gianna’s bed, pajama tops raised up above their breasts, panties halfway down their legs, fingers sliding through their slippery slits as they concentrated on the silent sapphic scene on the TV screen. They both knew their parents would be horrified to catch them like that. But the fear had added fuel to their lust. Gianna stifled her feminine moans as her first-ever orgasm washed over her nineteen-year-old body. It was, to this day, the most egregiously, decadently erotic moment of her young life.

Nightly mutual masturbation quickly melded into full-on lesbian sex. Both girls craved each other’s bodies, to do nastier and nastier things to one another, deepening their pleasure and their sisterly bond. The dirty things they’d whisper to one another! The places on each other’s bodies they’d touch, prod, kiss and lick!

Oh, the things we did together!

Gianna exhaled sharply, expelling the lewd thoughts through her nostrils. She’d gotten carried away, unaware how her imagination took such a sinful turn. Her breathing had picked up and the familiar feeling of temptations settled in her lower tummy, all tingly and buzzing with soft, warm light. Gripping the steering wheel tight as she made her way through the dark, nearly empty highway, she refocused her thoughts. Again, she asked the Lord for forgiveness, and for help keeping her thoughts pure. She asked for the strength to keep her eyes modest, her hands to herself and her underwear on. She knew how wrong it was, what she and her sister had done. She wanted so badly to leave it in the past.

She contemplated turning around and going back to her dorm but had already driven for three hours and was growing just a bit tired. Sure, she could drive one more hour. But could she do another three? No. It was safer to stay the course and pray that her will would remain strong. I can make it one night with my sister, she told herself.

When Gianna arrived home she was jittery. She’d been assaulted by memories of Lindsay’s petite, perky form. The girl’s small, perfectly rounded breasts with their cute pink nipples, hard and yearning for her sister’s lips. Temptation beat like ocean waves against her moral resolve. The vision of her sister’s sparsely tufted crotch between thin little thighs and a small but surprisingly plump booty played over and over in her head only a few minutes after every sincere prayer of contrition. Thoughts of Lindsay’s playful and innocent brand of sensuality sparked desire within her and after some time, she stopped resisting her fantasies, allowing every lewd memory to play out. She even constructed completely new scenes, pushing the boundaries of perversion.

They’re just thoughts. I won’t do anything.

When she got out of the car and walked to the front door she felt high. Her legs were shaky, her head was hazy, and her heart was thumping hard. She felt the wetness between her thighs as she walked, having completely saturated the center of her panties with liquid lust for her younger sister. Okay, just get it together, she told herself. Just be a regular sister. She slid the key in the lock and opened the door.

The house was dark. It was late. But Gianna could see light coming from upstairs. “Mom, Dad?” came Lindsay’s confused voice. Gianna smiled but didn’t answer, moving to climb the stairs. The light was coming from the bathroom down the hall from the room they once shared. She walked in, and smiled at Lindsay who was flossing her teeth in the mirror. She’d just showered and was wearing a fluffy white bathrobe, open, revealing the seafoam green nightgown underneath. When Lindsay turned to see her big sister standing in the doorway, her eyes widened and she gasped. “Gianna!” she exclaimed, hurrying over and embracing her in a warm, too-tight hug. “You came!”

“Of course I did, Lin,” Gianna said, reaching inside her robe to take her in, suddenly overwhelmed with emotions and wanting to feel the warmth of her body. “I had to come and see you. I missed you so much I couldn’t stand being away from you any longer.” Her soft flesh felt tantalizing through the barely-there material of her nightie.

“I missed you too. So, so much.” Lindsay’s voice wavered and Gianna knew that tears were already pooling in her little sister’s crystalline sea-green eyes. It made her tear up too.

“I love you, Lindsay.”

“Oh, I love you too!” Lindsay buried her face in Gianna’s neck. Gianna soothed her sister, running gentle fingers through her soft, blonde hair. Lindsay moaned quietly, the sound quickening Gianna’s heart. She felt good in her arms, warm and cushy and lively and… just good… right. Lindsay lifted her head from her sister’s shoulder and Gianna looked into her gorgeous face – at those magnificent eyes, welling with water, the magical green of them set off by the color of her little nightgown. So precious. Seemingly the most appropriate response to such immaculate and flawless beauty, Gianna gently palmed Lindsay’s cheeks and kissed her sister tenderly on her full, rosy lips.

Lindsay kissed her back, picking up exactly where she’d left off in terms of palpably passionate kissing. Gianna’s body reacted as it should, her skin flushing hot and her core turning to mush. Hungrily the sisters lapped one another’s mouths, softly sighing and murmuring in the quiet night. Lindsay tasted pleasantly of mint, and smelled of lavender, her young body soft and cozy and filled with the most perfect kind of love. Their twin tongues danced a dance of ten thousand practices.

God, I needed this, Gianna thought, halfway praying, pleading with God not to make her stop. Her guilty conscience convicted her and she once again attempted to rein in her crooked and most corrupt emotions. After the unimaginably soul-refreshing kiss, the girls giggled, both shuddering at the secret sensations they knew they aroused in one another. It’s just a kiss, that’s all, she told herself and her God, smiling at her lovable sibling. Kisses, she corrected after stealing two more sneaky smooches. The girl’s ruddy lips were simply irresistible. They’re just kisses, though.

“To bed?” Lindsay said, a knowing grin decorating her mouth.

“Yeah,” Gianna responded, meaning it in a chaste way and not the way she had become accustomed to over a year ago. She followed her little sister to the room that they used to share, thinking of the best way to turn aside any notion that this was to be a sexual affair. “Still pray before bed,” Gianna asked nervously as Lindsay shrugged out of her robe, revealing the creamy soft skin of her shoulders and upper back.

“Every night,” Lindsay answered cheerfully and sank to a kneeling position beside her bed. “You?”

Gianna was distracted by how much of her sister’s thighs were exposed in such a pose, and by the constant sensuality in all of her little sister’s mannerisms. It was as if the little minx was made of sex, but yet so innocent. Paradoxically, she was both modest and lewd simultaneously. All the time. “Jesus,” Gianna mouthed silently, staring at her tempter.

Lindsay laughed, amused. “Hello?”

“Oh, uh, yeah. Me too. Every night.” She chuckled, embarrassed, then knelt beside her sister to pray like they used to do every night, even after they started having sex. This time though, the prayers were silent. She couldn’t know what her sister was praying for, but Gianna prayed for strength, reiterating the things she’d prayed in the car. When she finished, she was hopeful to make it through the night still sexually pure.

Lindsay was smiling at her as soon as she opened her eyes. “You always did have really long prayers,” she tittered and stood.

“Yeah, I have a lot to be thankful for.”

“And a lot to confess, I bet,” Lindsay quipped, raising her eyebrows once. She climbed into bed.

“Yeah, that too,” Gianna agreed vaguely and went to the other side to join her sister.

“You’re not sleeping in that are you?”

Gianna glanced down at her outfit. She was wearing a white long-sleeved blouse, a wool skirt and wool tights. “I guess. I didn’t bring anything to sleep in.”

“I have a tee shirt and panties you could wear. Or you could just go nude.”

Gianna blushed and scoffed. “I think I’ll be okay in this.”

“Aww c’mon. You know how I like to cuddle. Don’t ruin it with your entire wardrobe of clothes. It’s just us, remember. No need to be Mrs. Modesty with me.”

It’s just one night. And it’s not like we haven’t slept nude together hundreds of times. Ignoring the fact that she had also fingered her little sister over a hundred times, Gianna acquiesced, beginning to strip out of her layers of clothing as Lindsay watched, nipping her lip in lustful fascination. Her blouse went, then her black undershirt, then the gray tights. Next to go were her navy skirt, her nude bra and her favorite pair of panties in her favorite color, seafoam green. Lindsay’s eyes sparkled to see them, nibbling her juicy red lip.

Being actively watched by her little sister was an exercise in eroticism. Gianna turned, covered her stiffened nipples and her furry vulva with her hands, then demurely asked, “Where are the panties and shirt?” After gawking at her sister’s nudity with sparkly eyes, Lindsay told her where to look and she donned the tee shirt and panties. The top was white, tight and ended just above her small navel. The panties were cute – pastel blue cotton cheekies with a little bow in the center of the lacy rim.

Gianna settled in bed next to her sister. Neither sibling could keep the radiant smiles off their pretty mouths. It was just so nice and comfy. They cuddled up, Lindsay draping her leg over her older sister’s hip, breasts squished together, lips a mere inch apart. They fit together like puzzle pieces made of flesh and warmth and love. Gianna stroked Lindsay’s hair while the younger girl softly caressed her big sister’s ass.

“I love you, baby sister,” Gianna’s heart gushed, speaking against her lips.

“I love you more,” Lindsay replied, then kissed her lips.

It’s only kissing, Gianna reassured herself and indulged, pressing her body to Lindsay’s and allowing small, yearning moans to escape. The tip of her slick tongue tasted of mint and felt like heaven, as did her youthful little body. Her little coos of delight sent gentle shivers up and down Gianna’s spine. It didn’t take long for Lindsay to start rolling her hips into her sister’s body, establishing a familiar rhythm and stimulating herself shamelessly. Gianna was so turned on as her little sister ground her pantie-clad flesh against her thigh. She had one last vapor of resistance in her and tried to find some way to keep herself pure.

“Lindsay, stop it,” Gianna panted desperately against her sister’s sweet lips. “You’re making me horny.”

“You make me horny too,” Lindsay sighed as she ground herself against her sister’s body. “I wanna make love.” The words were so tender – almost shy, and pleading. Gianna couldn’t help but kiss the source of such tender, affectionate words, massaging her tongue with her own. After she broke the kiss, she tried pleading with her younger sibling again.

“We can’t make love anymore, baby.” Lindsay whined audibly and took a harder grip of her big sister’s ass, grinding defiantly against her. “What about mom and dad? What about God? And all the progress we’ve made in ministry? Are we gonna throw it all away so we can do…this? It’s not right, baby. You know that, don’t you?” Gianna kissed Lindsay again, tenderly, as if to soften the blow of her refusal.

“I know it’s wrong, Gianna,” Lindsay said, still stimulating herself at her sister’s expense. “But it feels…

Published 1 month ago

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