Sisterhood of Sin — 26 — A Sub For A Night With A Green Light

"Our heroine participates in the launch of a new service."

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“I want to give my husband to you.”

“Oh, Sweetie. Thanks, but I already have a husband. Things aren’t working out?”

“Yes. I mean no. Sheesh. Things are working out just fine. I want to give Wil to you for a night. We both do. It’s a new thing Keri and I want to try, to help us dominate him. I was hoping you would like it.”

“Let me get this straight, Mindy. You want to give your husband to me, like when we give a sister to our husband for a night?”

“Yes, like that only backwards. I like being a gift for a man whose wife thinks he deserves it and who is traveling on business or whatever. I’ve done it a couple of times now and it’s been great. I get to meet some very interesting men. Some aren’t very good lovers, but I love playing the role and I’m learning so much that I couldn’t learn any other way. But it seems kind of one-sided. I would like some man to show up at my hotel room when I’m traveling and send me to sleep with a smile. I’m thinking other sisters would like to do the same. And I have this husband who actually likes to be bossed around.”

I don’t like the sound of that. It reminds me of William Fuscia who didn’t actually like to be ‘bossed around’, but who felt he had no choice.

“We’re going to give sisters to Wil when he travels, but he has to be deserving. He can earn those gifts by doing what we want him to do, not just in our bed, but wherever we send him. He’s on board with this. You can judge that for yourself when he’s with you. I think you deserve a gift, for being so good to us, and I want him to learn to be a good gift. You can do anything you want with him, as long as you don’t send him back more than a little damaged.”

“Wow. This is different. As far as I know, this hasn’t been done.”

“Well, yeah, but just because it hasn’t been done, that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Does it?”

I have to admit, the offer really intrigues me. I had admired his cock during the transfer-of-power ceremony. It has been a while since I had one that big and I am feeling a tingle thinking about it.

“Um, how would this work? Would I pay you, or him, or what?”

“Mrs. Blanc, Keri and I want to thank you for what you’ve done for us, so no you wouldn’t pay us. We would pay him, based on your feedback, as a reward for cooperating with us and so he can feel like he’s contributing more than just the new recruit training stuff he’s doing. And maybe if we offer him to other women, they can pay us and we’ll give him a cut, but not you. This would be a genuine gift to you, and a lesson for him. I can’t think of anyone better to help us write up a profile for him than you. We’ll even pay you for that service.”

Now it’s beginning to make sense. She doesn’t want to say the words, but she thinks older women, like me, would be willing to pay for a visit from a safe younger man who would cater to our specific desires when we’re traveling on business. I think that she might be right about that. Everything she’s offering has value. She’s opening a new niche. It sounds exciting.

“Thank you for thinking of me, Mindy. Yes, I would like a visit from a man like him and I’ll be traveling next week. Would he be available on Wednesday night?”

We make plans and I begin to get excited about this. It will be good to have the shoe on the other foot.

I hear a knock on the door promptly at nine PM. I already knew that he was near, because Marta took the precaution of having his arrival reported by a local black card sister who is on standby in case Marta needs her. Marta opens the door and Wil is standing there dressed as requested in a gray business suit and wearing a black bandit mask. He seems confused by her presence, but I say, “Please enter, Wil. It’s important to minimize the time in the hallway. The masks attract attention.”

“Thank you, Cate.”

“You will address her as ‘Ma’am’. Didn’t your mother teach you any manners?”

“Sorry, um.”

“You will address me as ‘Ma’am’ also. Hold still.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Marta gives him a thorough frisking, something we didn’t warn Mindy about. It’s a bit funny watching the expressions on his face as she searches for anything larger than a quarter on him. “He’s clean. The only weapon he’s packing feels warm and soft and not very dangerous… and easy to tear off.” She’s laying the intimidation on a little thick, but I try not to tell her how to do her business.

“I hope that wasn’t too upsetting, Wil, but considering what you tried to do to me…” I just leave that hanging and look expectantly at him until he responds.

“No ma’am. Not too upsetting and quite understandable. I want to apologize for what happened. I’m definitely seeing the benefit of cooperation.”

Yes, the suit is an example of that. Before the re-negotiation, they wouldn’t have been able to afford that suit. It reminds me of my blue dress, the reward that I purchased after my first experience as a gift.

“Good. Apology accepted.”

“Must the mask stay on, Ma’am? You’ve seen me before.”

“Yes, Wil. I’m sure that your wives told you that I’m going to be writing up your profile as an amateur gift. It’s important for you to do as you would with a complete stranger and that means you would protect your career. The women they send you to don’t need to see your face. And you should probably expect your clients to be wearing a mask. Pros don’t wear masks because they have no careers to protect. Amateurs, like me and you, wear masks. I think you’re brave for doing this and I think it will prove lucrative for you. You are a handsome man.” I wait again and he catches on that a response to a compliment is required.

“Thank you, Ma’am.”

“You may prepare for inspection.” He glances over at Marta, who raises an eyebrow in a very intimidating way. He sighs and removes the suit, tie, shirt and shoes. All that remains is a tiny pair of pink panties and sheer black thigh high stockings. I really hesitated when Mindy said that she wanted him to wear these. She assured me that he hated doing it and that crossdressing him wasn’t part of their everyday life and wasn’t something that the kids were going to know about. She just wants him to do it to please the clients. She thinks it will be something she can charge extra for. Maybe she’s right. I remember reading in his boner-o-meter test results that he had a strong positive response to humiliation, but no apparent response to crossdressing.

I look at Marta and ask, “Satisfied?”

She gives Wil one more intimidating look and then retreats to the adjoining room through the interconnecting doorway, closing the door behind her, but I know she will listen and watch on the monitor which is receiving the short-range wireless video feed.

The inspection procedure is something I worked out with Mindy. Wil has been told only to hold his wrist behind his back and spread his feet apart to shoulder width. I walk up to him, getting close enough for him to grab me, to show that I trust him now. I reach out and touch his chest and his biceps as my eyes wander all up and down him. I want him to feel like a piece of meat. I pass around behind him, kneel and pry his butt cheeks apart with my thumbs. There, behind the thin strap of his thong panties is the buttplug I discussed with Mindy.

“You are aware of the meaning of this green jewel?”

“Yes, Ma’am. It means that I’m available for pegging.”

“Is that what would please you tonight?”

“Your pleasure is my pleasure, Ma’am.”

“Good answer.”

His legs and ass have been freshly shaved. He was moderately hairy in the conference room in Anchorage, but now he’s smooth. I peel his panties down. It’s important that I’m in control of when and how that happens, so that he feels vulnerable.

“Step out.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

When he complies, he fails to keep his feet at shoulder width. I gently slap his inner thighs.

“Sorry, Ma’am.”

I reach between his legs and fondle his growing cock, stroking it and squeezing it. When it’s clear that he’s enjoying it, I stop. I reach up and rub his belly, noticing that his thick pubic hair is also gone. I squeeze his smooth ball sack and press my thumb against the jewel on the buttplug to remind him who is in charge. The most important part of the inspection is that he seems clean. I do not see, smell, or feel anything undesirable.

“You’ve passed inspection Wil. You may masturbate. Catch your cum in this.” I hand him one of the plastic glasses that come with the room and I pour myself a drink in another one. I sit and watch and fondle my breasts through my dress as he strokes his large cock.

My pussy is awake and eager to see him come. His face gets red and his breathing gets louder as he gets closer. It would look comical if his cock was smaller, but seeing that big tube of flesh with its purple head as it pumps stream after steam of cum into the glass has me eager for the next step. He wipes the tip of his cock on the rim of the glass to scrape the last drop off.

“You may set that on the nightstand. It will help me get to sleep later. Right now, I want your face between my thighs. My pussy isn’t going to lick itself.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

I slide to the edge of my chair and slip a pillow behind my back. As he kneels in front of me, I pull the hem of my dress up. “Keep your hands behind your back. Tongue only. Mmmmmm. That’s it. Gentle licks on my thighs. Mindy starts the same way. Did she teach you that, or did you teach her?”

“She taught me.”

“Well let’s see what else she taught you.”

It doesn’t take long and he is good enough to bring me to a very satisfying orgasm. He’s young and needs practice, but he has good neck muscles and a strong tongue, and most importantly, he responds well to coaching.

I offer him a drink, and I’m pleased to discover that he knows what he’s drinking. He doesn’t know the name ‘Talisker’ but he says it’s the best single malt he’s ever had. Finally, we can converse, and it is interesting. He seems eager to justify his subservient nature, but I assure him that it isn’t necessary. The fact that I’m sitting in a hotel room chair, fully dressed after just having his tongue in my pussy, while he sits opposite me naked except for stockings, conversing about why he’s obedient to women, doesn’t seem odd to me. I just accept that men can be just as mysterious and inexplicable as I am. I can’t imagine being further from being the shy little Catholic girl whose delusions about normalcy were shattered so long ago by finding my mother’s diary and learning that secret fantasy lives don’t make a person bad.

When I see his cock stirring, it never really got very small, I finish my drink. “You’ve probably been wondering what happens next.”

“Yes, I have.”

I notice that he’s dropped the ‘Ma’ams’ and that is good. It would be scary if he kept giving them when we’ve achieved this level of familiarity without more pain. I’ve gotten inside his head and he’s acknowledging that.

“I like to peg men. I like to peg women, too. I have my strapon here with me. But your wives are giving me something rare, something I don’t see every day. That’s a nice cock you have there. I haven’t seen one that big in quite a while. I feel like taking it for a ride. Do you think you can keep it from coming for a while?”

“Yes, Ma’am. I can last quite a while after I come the first time.” Good, the ‘Ma’am’ came back because he wants to please me now.

“On the bed, stud. I’m gonna ride ’em cowgirl. We’ll see if my personal trainer has kept my legs in shape.”

“Your pleasure is my pleasure, Ma’am.”

He looks very good beneath me as I slide down on his big cock. The wonderful stretched feeling that I craved is being satisfied as I ride up and down in strokes much longer than my husband’s cock allows. I feel the thick head as it nears my tight opening and then I feel it again as it goes balls deep into me. I’ve never bumped my hairless crotch down on a big hairless cock before. It looks amazing. I peel my dress off over my head, ending the CFNM experience for him. We’re wearing identical outfits now, bare skin and matching stockings. I grip his shoulders as I ride.

“My breasts. Feel my tits.”

When his fingers grip my nipples, they turn up the heat in my furnace. This is good, so good, so good.

“Don’t come, Wil. Don’t come. Almost there.”

I’m hammering my mound down on him faster and faster, feeling his balls on my ass cheeks as I bottom out on his long thick pole. I need that extra stimulation on my clit. I think about Gabe. His manliness. His strength. His maturity. His even bigger cock ramming deep into me. That thought pushes me over the edge.

“Oh fuck, I’m coming, Wil. Oh yes.”

I feel him release into me. I feel the change as his cum mixes with my syrup. So warm. So silky. My pussy slides easier, but I feel the details of his cock more. I look down and see something jarring. Wil is crying!

“Wil, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. This is beautiful. Keep going.”

Beautiful. There’s something strangely appealing about hearing that. I’m taking my pleasure from him, using him, and he’s crying and he thinks it’s beautiful. He’s staying hard. I keep going. My thighs are burning, but I feel another peak coming. I think again of Gabe fucking me and it hits. I ride the peak and then I’m spent. I collapse on him. We’re face to face. I kiss his eyes. I taste his tears.

“Let it out, Wil. Let it out.”

“I’m sorry, Cate. I’m so sorry. I was a fool.”

“It’s okay, Wil. It’s over now. Darlene is trained to… compromise men. Mick is… unable to let go of his past. Karl is… a world class asshole. You tried to please the wrong people. It happens. You can move on. This was good. You’re a good man. You have two good wives and us to watch over you now. Go back to your wives. I’ll tell them to fuck your brains out for the next week. They owe you for this.” I slide up off him. “Don’t make this awkward, Wil. It’s time to go. Your gift was delivered. Dress and go.”

“Thanks, Ma’am.”

“It’s Cate, Wil. I’m going to be checking up on you, making sure that Mindy and Keri are taking care of you. Any trouble, any unhappiness with how they are treating you, I want you to call.”

“Thanks, Cate.”

He dresses and I remain naked, giving back a little power to him. I hug him close and then push him toward the door.

Marta joins me. “Wow. That was… powerful, and unexpected. It sounded very sincere. Do you think you can trust him?”

“I wish I knew. I hate this paranoia. We have to keep watching him, but I’ll tell you one thing, he’s going to be very popular with the grannies who like big cocks.”

“That good, huh. You really going to drink that cocktail?”

“Of course not. It’s all yours if you want it.”

She takes it and rinses the cup in the bathroom as I call Mindy to thank her for the gift.

“Was he good?”

“Yes. Make him tell you both all about it. Stroke his cock very slowly while he does. Reward him well. I’ll be writing a very favorable review.”

“Oh. I was kind of hoping to hear that he needs to improve.”

“I understand. We never really want to accept that we’re at least part of the reason that our marriage failed. Nobody is ever perfect, Sweetie. We all can get better. We just need experience and good teachers.”

I sensed that she wanted something more, something she thought that I could give her. Advice maybe or direction or guidance. She’s no more comfortable with the role of boss than I am. That’s why she lost him to Darlene. And she wants to make sure that it doesn’t happen again.

“There is one bit of advice I can give you, Mindy.”

“Yes?” I can hear the hope in her voice.

“Make him practice his pussy licking, on both of you. He’s pretty good, but doesn’t have your instincts. He doesn’t have a pussy of his own to help him understand, but he responds well to coaching. Coach him while he licks Keri, teach him her cues. Reward him when he gets it right.”

“Um we don’t… we haven’t let him into the bedroom with both of us. We’ve been excluding him to keep him in his place. He can’t complain. We each take care of him separately.”

“Then that alone can be his reward. It doesn’t have to be an everyday thing. Make it a special night. Get a sitter for the kids. Take turns coaching him and fucking him.”

“Yes, Ma’am. Okay.” I can hear the satisfaction now. She has her task.

“He’ll be a moneymaker with us older women. I’m very impressed with this whole scheme of yours. Well done. The suit was a nice touch.”

“Oh, thank you. I’m glad you like it.”

“And if I can give you one more tip, let him watch you and Keri as you pleasure each other. Order him to masturbate as he watches and ridicule him when he does. When everybody is satisfied, then both of you should reward him with acceptance and make him feel loved. It’s called aftercare and I’ve just recently learned how important it is. That will keep him happy and in his place.”

“Thanks. I’m getting wet just thinking about this.”

Published 10 years ago

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