I could tell that Lini had been leading up to some kind of request of me, but this was the last thing I would have guessed. We were in bed in our cabin at at the fish camp. She had licked my pussy earlier and I had just finished fucking her with my strapon and then snuggling beside her to watch the fire that we had lit earlier to take the chill out of the room. Tonight is our last night here and we are sipping our second glasses of our favorite drinks. Lini has switched to her favorite blended scotch, saving the rest of the high-proof Yukon Jack for Claude.
After a late dinner and a good night’s sleep in Anchorage, we had returned with Wil before dark the next day. Kami had given me a big hug for bringing her mother back as promised. Mina and Johan were very happy that their father could finally join them on the surprise vacation. The next few days were spent fishing and enjoying the beauty of the setting, and of course, watching how the new trio adjusted to their new situation. Mindy had to borrow my numbing lubricant to fulfill her promise to Wil. She somehow took that big cock up her ass and was a bit sore the next day, but Keri apparently had no problem with it and borrowed my strapon so she, too, could peg Wil. Keri took direction from Mindy, but Wil clearly served them both.
Lini and I didn’t have sex every night, but we did connect emotionally as if we were very close family. I want to get her and Dan back together some day, so when she asked about getting me further involved with her husband, my hope for that soared.
“Um, for almost anyone else, I would automatically refuse, but tell me what you’re thinking, Sweetie.”
“I’ve read your stories about submissive men and I know that I can trust you not to get carried away. Claude is into some kinky submissive male things. I like them a little, but I really only do it to please him. He’s got a birthday coming up and I always give him birthday spankings, and a special present. This year, I think it would be very special if you spanked him when he thought it was me. Then maybe we could… have some fun with each other while he watched. He knows I have sex with women and he says he would like to see that. We could tie him up and then when we’re done with each other, we could finish with him. I would pay you one thousand for it.”
This was sounding better and better. “Sign me up, Lini, but I wouldn’t dream of taking money. I know that we’re not blood relatives, but you’re still family. I would like to share Dan with you instead.”
“I… I just can’t, Cherie. Not yet. Maybe not ever. But if you don’t want money, I will just owe you a really big favor.”
“I’m okay with that.” I’m secretly ecstatic that I’ve made this much progress with her. I don’t know why it matters, but it just does. “Tell me more of what you’re thinking. How will we set him up for this?”
As she explains her plan, my furnace reignites and I know there’s only one thing that will satisfy me, a nice big cock. “Lini, do you have a strapon here?”
“No, sorry. I’ve never used one.”
“There’s always a first time if you’re willing. Your plan has got so me fired up that I’ll go after Wil if I don’t get some relief.”
“Well, I’ve never put anything into my ass, Cherie, but your strapon didn’t look scary or anything.”
I get my new strapon from my bag and attach the larger dildo that I haven’t tried yet. Celine’s eyes bug out when she sees it.
“I named this one ‘Gabe Junior’.”
“Cath, you have to be kidding. The real Gabe is bigger?”
“Just a little.”
I help her strap it on and attach the big brass balls beneath it. “We’re going to need big brass ones to pull this birthday gift off, so I thought we should practice.”
“Do those help?”
“I like the way they bump against my thighs and my mound, or my hand, when I’m getting it doggy style.”
“Ooh. This will be fun.”
I get on the bed and she gets behind me. I want her to just put it in, but she just slides it between my thighs and rubs it against my pussy lips as she gives me the most wonderful gentle back scratching. I spend the next two minutes blissfully paralyzed as her nails gently rake up and down and all around, finishing on my ass just before she lifts the big fake cock into position and slides it into me. It gives me that wonderful stretched feeling like its namesake.
“God, Lini, you’re a natural born fucker. You don’t peg Claude?”
“Not so far, but this sure has me thinking about it.”
The balls clack as she thrusts into me, and as I rub my clit, slowly at first until I hear her breathing as she becomes aroused from the bumping of the dildo against her clit. I begin to rub harder, matching my arousal to hers, until we are singing an erotic duet. Her hands on my hips feel so soft and warm. My breasts rock back and forth and I pull a pillow up under them so my nipples rub against it. I think of Gabe, taking me just like this and that is enough. I come and then Lini comes, pushing hard into me again and again until she collapses onto my back.
“Wow! Cath, that was amazing, but it was so much work. I never knew. God, my thighs are burning and I’m so sweaty. Sorry.”
“It’s okay, Lini. Yes, even with all the exercise we do, the power of the cock takes some getting used to, but it’s worth it. We’ll have fun when Claude is watching.”
Two weeks later, I’m in a hotel room in Montreal. She’s actually booked two adjacent rooms with interconnecting doors. She explained a scenario to Claude while they had his birthday dinner and Marta has just heard her and Claude enter the room next door. She’s told Claude that her bodyguard is in the next room and that she must keep the doors unlocked between the rooms, but that he must not enter the other room. I hear a tap at the door and Lini comes in.
“He’s undressing and will be ready for his spanking.” She kisses me and helps me undress and then redress in the genuine Benedictine nun habit that she has brought for me. Of course, I’m not wearing any undergarments, but the full penguin suit takes a while to get right. When I’m dressed, she gives me the paddle, the ropes, and the antique wooden ruler with the inset metal edge. I follow the loose script as I enter the room, staying silent as he should be expecting.
Claude is standing naked in the corner. He sees me dressed as I am and he doesn’t look at all surprised. Clearly he is expecting Lini to be dressed this way and I have passed his cursory identity check. I don’t say anything to him. Lini has told him that Soeur Douleur, that is the french name for Sister Pain, has taken a vow of silence and will be displeased with him if he doesn’t follow the hand signal commands that she has taught him and me.
I place the ropes and ruler on one bed and display the paddle in my hand. I issue the command for ‘kneel on point, knees spread, hands behind back, eyes down’ and he quickly comes forward to the point I indicated and assumes the position. His cock is beginning to harden. It does not look as if it will get very big. On the other hand, his balls are enormous.
I remember Lini’s words. “He’s very proud of his big balls. Don’t hurt them, but put enough pressure on them to make him grunt.” So I walk around behind him and put the tip of my shoe up under his nutsack and lift it up until he makes a very satisfying sound of discomfort and raises up. I remove the pressure, but smack him in the shoulder with the paddle.
“Je suis désolé , Soeur Douleur.” He is sorry.
I walk back around him, point to the other bed with the paddle and give him the signal for ‘elbows and knees at the point, chest down, ass raised’. This is the spanking position, but it is also the position for ‘milking’ a ‘male cow’, masturbating a man to orgasm while massaging his prostate in a humiliating position of compliance.
When he complies, I get behind him again and tap his inner thighs with the paddle to make him spread his legs further. I take a photo with Lini’s cell phone. His huge balls nicely complement the green jewel hiding his anus. It is a very nice ‘before’ picture. I reach between his spread thighs and gently massage his balls and then give his cock a few strokes. he’s fully hard now, and his cock is maybe just a little over five inches long, but at least it is normal thickness.
With the hand that is holding the paddle, I wiggle the new butt plug that Lini has given him for this occasion. I want him to worry that I will remove it and milk him before the spanking, both ruining his orgasm and the ‘fun’ of the evening. But I have no intention of being so cruel. I simply wipe the precum that is suddenly present from the tip of his cock and smear it around his buns before delivering the first hard smack.
By the time I have delivered twenty, his ass looks quite red and he is clearly in great pain. Lini says the paddle does not sting as much as an open hand, but I deliver the final twenty with less force.
It is not one for each year of his age. Lini stopped going higher when he passed forty.
I bring the ruler to the bed and his eyes seem to stay focused on it instead of me, which is how he continues to not recognize that I am not Lini. She had told me that he would not notice my eyes as long as he had the paddle or the ruler to look at. I crawl up between his spread legs, pull backward on his ball sack until his cock is pointing straight up and spank it with the ruler. I feel a hot twinge of desire to keep spanking.
Perhaps that was a little too hard, but Lini has assured me that he can take it, and that if I spank him like this long enough, he will come. We don’t want that. I release his balls, but I keep the ruler in hand as I straddle his leg. Keeping my dress down so that he can’t see my shaved pussy, I ‘mark’ him as mine with my juice, rubbing my clit against the bump of his knee. I spank his cock again and repeat the process on his other knee. He could notice by feel that my pussy is shaved, something Lini says she never does, but he hasn’t. He is ready now.
I sheath his cock inside me and begin to stroke up and down it, grinding my clit against his pubic bone at the bottom of my strokes. Still he does not notice that my mound is smooth. Lini says that he will not come without permission, a talent that few men seem to have and one that we are testing the limits of. I stroke and grind and stroke and grind until I am close to coming when I set the ruler behind me, give him the eyes up command, and watch as he recognizes that he is being fucked by a blue-eyed stranger. I come when he says, “Qui êtes-vous?”. I keep stroking and feel the hot splashes of his cum inside me as Lini enters the room wearing only stockings and heels and a video camera on a headband.
She speaks in French, but I know enough to give a reasonable translation. “Claude, you nasty pig. You have come in her without permission. You know the punishment for that.”
He knows what is coming next, but it only makes him that much more pleased at the trick we have pulled on him. I continue stroking and grinding, giving us both that much more pleasure, until his cock is almost ready to fall out. Then I hold my pussy lips together as I let him slip from me. I stand and reverse myself and squat over his face, keeping myself well above it, and holding all the layers of the habit up so the video camera can see my cunt and ass. I release my hold on my pussy lips and the massive load from his huge balls spills from my pussy as Lini records its fall. Claude is trying to catch it in his mouth, swallowing it and waiting for more as I squeeze and try to expel every drop of it. I rub my clit with my fingers, causing a few more spasms, each with a little more cum for him.
When the flow seems to be complete, he asks again, “Qui êtes-vous?”
“I am Sister Pain. Your loving wife has sent me as your birthday gift. Though I can barely see why you would deserve me.”
“Parlez-vous français?”
“Oui, je suis français et je parle français. But I would not speak such a beautiful language to a tiny-dicked porc such as you. Even English is too good for such an inferior man, but I don’t speak the language of swine so it will have to do. Speak English to me.”
Lini has told me how much he hates having to speak English for his job and how he insists on speaking French around their house. Their children are bilingual but they are only allowed to speak Canadian French in his presence.
“Yes, Sister Pain.” His cock is already beginning to stir back to life.
As I remove the cuculla, scapular, cincture, and tunic, I continue berating him, telling him how inferior he is to real men and how lucky he is that Lini is so generous to him. I’m now wearing only the wimple, veil, stockings, and shoes. “You did not even recognize that your wife sent you photos of another woman’s ass, my ass.” I turn my back to him so he can see it. Lini steps up next to me so he can have a side-by-side comparison.
“But this is amazing. You could be identical twins. You are both so beautiful. And did she spank you?”
Lini answers in French, “Of course, my dear. We spanked each other. She sent photos of my ass to her husband and he could not tell the difference either. He wanted to fuck me from behind, not to be spanked the same way that I was. But we will find a way to punish him, also. Your punishment is not complete yet. You must watch us as we show you how we make love to each other.”
I climb onto the other bed, make myself comfortable and spread my legs. Without hesitation, Lini cleans her husband’s cum from me and keeps licking until I become quite aroused. Claude’s cock is once again fully hard. Lini has brought a bag in with her and when I signal her, she pulls my strapon from it and starts to strap it onto me.
“Which cock would you prefer, Lini? The big one that you fucked me with, or the smaller one that is still much bigger than Claude?”
“I think it should be the smaller one, Sister Pain. If the bigger one ever gets inside me, I might never be able to feel his little piggy prick again.”
“Suit yourself.” I connect the smaller cock that’s about the size of an average white male’s cock. It’s about an inch longer than Claude’s, but not really any thicker. Lini attaches the brass balls and snugs up the strap. Claude has watched our preparations with great interest and I hear a gasp from him as I slide my cock into Lini, who is now on the bed in the doggy position.
Looking down at an ass that looks so much like mine as I push my cock balls deep into her brings an unexpected thrill to me. This is very close to what other lovers see when they fuck me and it makes me feel powerful. Lini grunts a little as my hips bump her ass.
“Mmmmm. That’s nice. Bigger than I’m used to. I feel it deeper.”
Claude’s gaze sweeps over us, as I fuck his wife. We both listen as she heats up. The flame in my pussy gets hotter, too. I feel the warmth of Lini’s ass as I bump it. The give of her hips under my hands wakes something in me, the desire to cum inside her, to transmute my juices into semen and bathe her insides with my lust. I fuck her harder, faster, deeper, more. I come and I’m not quiet about it. Claude is breathing hard, frustrated by his bindings, as I pummel his wife until she comes, too.
I keep my cock in her as we roll sideways so she is facing Claude. In French, she says, “Happy Birthday, my love. Did you enjoy watching Sister Pain fuck me?”
My French is not as practiced, but I’m pretty sure that I said, “Happy Birthday, Claude. You wife is a very good fuck.”
This is the time for ‘aftercare’, a concept that Lini explained to me. We have to make him feel like a man again. Lini kisses me and I kiss her back. He needs to see that we are genuinely lovers, not just sex partners. Then he needs to learn where he fits in our relationship.
We climb onto the bed with him. I let my cock touch him wherever it happens to flop, but I am the first to kiss his cock. Lini and I both lick it, cleaning the dried mixture of my syrup and his cum until it is clean. I take it into my throat until my nose touches his belly. It’s not long enough for that to be difficult. As Lini takes over the sucking, I say in French, “It’s really not a tiny little piggy dick, Claude. It made me come and that isn’t easy. You are a good man and Lini loves you.”
She climbs on top of him and slips his cock into her. I untie the bindings on his legs as she frees his arms and fucks him cowgirl. I give her a kiss and say, “Au revoir, ma amour. Au revoir, Claude.”
“Good night, Sister Pain. Thank you for fucking her so good.”
I remove the rest of the penguin suit and close the door behind me as I hear Lini’s cuntsong start again. After a quick shower and a short cab ride, Marta and I board the waiting bizjet. I show her two fingers as Marta pours my Talisker and I feel the soothing burn of the first sip as the wheels leave the runway.
“Any… bad effects, Ma’am? Flashes of rage, or desires to really hurt him?”
“No. I feel good. He’s not Mick, so he’s no enemy of mine.”
“Good.” She gets a little grin on her face.
“What? Spit it out, Marta.”
“Well, uh, no need to go to the back of the plane and relax yourself tonight. Margaret and I could hear pretty well.”
“No, I’m pretty relaxed, but I’m famished. Any food on this flight?”
“As a matter of fact, yes. I had a pizza delivered to the plane for us.”
“Wonderful. You’re my guardian angel.”