Sisterhood of Sin — 20 — Clothed Females, Naked Cate Bait

"Our heroine exposes herself for the cause."

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I take a deep breath, self-consciously adjust my mask, cinch up the belt on my trenchcoat and prepare to walk into the roomful of women. I’m wearing little else and the room is uncomfortably warm. But the trenchcoat is only a prop. I won’t be wearing it long. I’m about to embark on a new phase of my association with the sisterhood. Barbie Malibu is introducing me.

“When I try to come up with a sister who has come further, accomplished more, and shared more of herself with us than our guest tonight, I draw a blank. These classes are a result of her influence. The followup interviews of husbands and inductees is a result of her influence. She directly created and implemented new methods of finding candidates. She convinced some of us that at least some men can be trusted as allies. She rescued two sisters from abusive husbands, one little brother from his abusive wife, and one man from the profound grief of losing his wife and children in a tragic accident. Ladies, meet Cate Blanc.”

To my surprise, there is applause.

“Good evening, sisters. Thank you for making me feel so welcome. This is the outfit I usually wore when I served as the gift that sisters give to their husbands. I’ve had it since the first time I answered a favor needed ad and was given as a gift to a sister’s husband for sexual intercourse. I also wore it last week in front of your husbands. Thank you for paying for their Re-imagining Your Marriage session. I know that I didn’t really give you a choice, that I made it a condition of appearing here with you tonight, but we saw it as an opportunity to learn about your men, to learn what they want from us and to learn how to keep from having some of the problems we’ve had with some of these frustratingly stubborn and sometimes mysterious creatures.”

I don’t tell them about the security issue that triggered the need for us to gather data from two of the husbands. I remove the trenchcoat and Barbie takes it from me as arranged. I hear the gasps and uncomfortable shuffling that I expected to hear. I’m naked now, except for the mask, black hold up stockings, and 4″ pumps. I have a chair to sit in, when I feel the time is right, but for now, I prefer to stand, to hold their attention. Despite my nervousness, it’s already making my smoothly shaved pussy wet.

When I presented myself before their husbands, I didn’t want to think about the threat to me from the two husbands or the possibility that one of both of the sisters were colluding with them. I haven’t even been told which of the husbands or which of the the sisters to suspect. We decided that I wouldn’t be told so that I wouldn’t tip our hand during these two sessions. Celine, through her role as head of a team that monitors electronic media, learned of a plan to abduct Cate Blanc. The threat came from a group that we know little about, a group that normally only watches us. To learn more, I offered myself as bait, but only after Margo and Bethany made it clear that they could only protect me over the long term if we understood the threat better.

So Barbie strongly encouraged the seven new recruits to entice their husbands to participate. She told them that their husbands would be having sex with pros to begin gathering data on how to keep their marriages together. She told them to make the offer very enticing and that only those who succeeded would be invited to attend the session they had requested with me after my husband had told his heart wrenching story of why he cheated on me. All seven succeeded in getting their men to the session, despite the condition that they had to be bussed in blindfolded.

Before my introduction to their husbands, pros dressed as Naughty Nurses fitted the men with devices that measured their level of arousal by detecting the pressure of their erections. Being an engineer, I call the device a circumferential strain gage. Barbie calls it a penile plethysmograph. Kyra calls it a boner-o-meter. She always had a head for getting the essential idea across.

I was not quite as naked as I stood in front of their husbands, at least not at first. I wore my chastity belt for them, to see how they would respond to it. I explained how my husband and I played with short term orgasm denial as a means to earn rewards for being more honest about our desires. I showed how the stainless steel straps and locks denied access to my clit, but left my anus available to my husband. The red-jeweled butt plug was clearly visible through the large oval opening as I bent over for them. I displayed Dan’s cock cage and told them that he wore it, and nothing else except a hood, in front of their wives. The two measurements that we got from those two displays gave us a quick and dirty feel for where the men fit in the Dom-sub spectrum.

I instructed each of them to feel the underside of their chair, right between their legs, and one of the men found the key to my belt. I invited him up onto the small stage to unlock my locks, but required him to kneel and place one wrist behind his back. I suspect he was chosen to be the keyholder by Bethany, because he seemed very eager to please me and the most likely to be harmless. When the chastity belt came off, I sat on the edge of the exam table where Dan had licked Honey Brown’s pussy, ordered him to place his other wrist behind his back, and rewarded him for his cooperation with ‘just one lick’ of my pussy. He made it a good, long, deep lick with a skilled swirl around my clit that made me gasp. I rewarded him with a kiss to the his forehead, The bulge in his trousers was obvious as he rose to return to his seat.

I put my feet in the stirrups and laid back on the table, which was tilted up enough that I could continue watching them. I masturbated in front of them as I told them what their wives would be doing when a woman like me would give them to her cooperative husband for an evening. It was incredibly exciting and I didn’t hold back as I came. I wanted them to imagine their wives becoming as uninhibited as I had become, and as generous to a husband who had earned carnal gifts. I could tell from their heavy breathing and uncomfortable shuffling that several were almost ready to pop when I licked my post-orgasm syrup from my fingers.

I displayed my strapon and talked about pegging my husband and fucking my female lovers. I talked about spanking and mock bondage and dressing as a Naughty Nun and a Catholic Schoolgirl. And I told them about how much more sex I was having with my husband now than we had during the lost years. Barbie and I had compiled a list of kinky sexual practices that men are often afraid to tell their wives about. I mentioned all of them, knowing that my statements would be correlated with the results of the measurements.

When I was finished, the pros were armed with data that they used to further test the husbands as they rewarded them for their participation. All of the men had at least one ‘happy ending’. Barbie assured me that the data they had gathered on all of the men was extremely valuable, but that more importantly Bethany and Margo had identified the probable second man of the conspiracy. But now we have to take it to the next level. Now we have to give the wives of those two men a chance to betray our cause.

“Years ago, more years that I want to think about, I walked into a strange house, hung my coat in the closet and walked as you see me now into the bedroom of a dying man. He survived the event — and we weren’t really sure that he would — with a smile on his face. The sister who gave me to him died soon after. He followed her into death not long after that. That was how I found my special niche in the favors market, older men, some of them very sick, who did not care that I was on the high side of thirty-nine and had the signs of high mileage as a mother that you see here.

“You are all young and have time to find a special niche. Being older, I was not as in demand as you will be. And being raised a Catholic, I thought of it as offering Last Rites to men who had earned them. The woman who sent me to her husband was very grateful for what I had done. So grateful that she left me something in her will. Imagine being that grateful to a woman you’ve chosen to fuck your husband. She’s just one of the many women I have to thank for the experiences that have helped me grow more comfortable with myself. Mrs. Malibu is another. She was the first gift I gave to my own husband. Thank you, Barbie. I can’t imagine a better choice.”

Stunned silence now. Exactly the effect I had hoped for. Barbie seems the most stunned, but she smiles and nods. It’s time to change the mood.

“I apologize for the temperature in the room, but I didn’t want to shiver through this. Feel free to take off those acolyte robes if you wish. I promise to enjoy what I see. Oh, by the way, I am bisexual.”

This gets a few nervous titters from the students, but none of them are brave enough to strip. If they followed the recommended clothing protocol, they’re not wearing anything underneath. I had requested that they be presented with these robes when they arrived for the evening. After seeing their discomfort from being aroused while wearing street clothes during the session with my husband, I wanted them to be able to masturbate in relative privacy if the mood struck them.

“As you can see, I am not an awesome beauty now, but I wasn’t then either. I only became a sister a little over four years ago, but they’ve been the most fulfilling years of my life. I was already damaged by childbirth and time, but the men who received me never seemed to mind. Some men want beautiful young supermodels, some men want something exotic, some men want pros like the burqa babes who are here, some men want women like me, aging soccer moms, and many men will want women like you, amateurs in the bedroom, nervous at first, but willing to deliver yourself as a gift from their wife. I’m here tonight to help you make the most of your re-nup marriage. If you choose to serve as gifts, to give gifts to your husband, to try to salvage what you can from your marriage, I can share my experience.

“I really don’t have a format for this. I was surprised by your overwhelming response to the session you had with my husband. I didn’t anticipate that you would be interested in meeting me, but Barbie convinced me that you are. I’ve tried to prepare myself, but I’m really not sure what you wanted to learn from me. So ask questions and if I think of things I want to tell you, I will. But first, can I see a show of hands? Did your husband tell you about our time together last week and the reward he received for participating?”

All but one hand are raised. I make a note of whose husband did not comply with my request that they reveal to their wives what they witnessed, learned, and experienced. Bethany requested that I ask this question and I wonder if that one man is one of the conspirators.

“Thank you, sisters. I think I’m ready for your questions now.”

Mindy’s hand shoots up first, followed by several others. I remember that I supposedly don’t already know her name. I point to Mindy and say, “If you all could tell me your name when you ask a question, that will help.”

“I’m Mindy Monrovia. Why do you think your husband cheated on you.”

I take a deep breath. I had thought this might come up.

“Because I sucked at being what he needed.” Instead of the half hour that Dan spent on this issue, I spend only about ten minutes, but I finish with, “I stupidly punished him for not being perfect, and I no longer blame him for anything, not even for not handling his unhappiness better. If I blame anything else, it’s the culture of sacrifice called Catholicism. Neither of us could even masturbate without feeling guilty. Now I masturbate if I get stuck in traffic longer than five minutes.”

I smile and this breaks the down mood that came from the soul baring. We discuss many subjects, including how this Catholic girl made the leap into bisexuality, and I manage to make it upbeat until just before the break.

“Have you ever fucked a man in the ass?”

The way the question was asked it was clear that the sister meant ‘as a spiteful act of revenge.’ This was the woman who retched and ended up vomiting during the session with Dan, so I guess I might be a little biased against her, but I am also sympathetic to the rawness the inductees are all undoubtedly feeling after being cheated on. It is also the woman whose husband did not tell her about his experience with me, and with the pro who played his Naughty Nurse.

The inductees are all intensely focused on me, but so are the ten or so burqa babes. Barbie told me before I agreed to do the class that ‘several’ of the pros had heard of me and were willing to pay outrageous amounts to attend any seminar I would be willing to teach. I suggested they should participate in these inductee sessions. Some of them do little for the sisterhood, other than make a living off the satisfaction of other sister’s husbands. That’s fine, but my interest is in helping some of these inductees to remain married in a more personally rewarding way. So I wanted the pros to remain burqa babes and to keep the focus on the inductees.

“Yes, I have pegged one man. But it wasn’t out of spite or revenge. I didn’t do it to humiliate him or emasculate him. I didn’t make him wear panties or a cock cage. I was afraid that fucking his ass might cause me to see him as a lesser man, but it doesn’t prove he’s gay or weak or a sissy. It was possibly the most sensuous thing I’ve ever done with a man. It was my own husband, and if anything, my respect for him grew as a result. I didn’t do it to him, I did it for him, at least at first. I threw the topic of pegging into a jar of kinky things to think about, kink jars are something we can talk about later. He had the opportunity to throw it out, which is what I expected, but he didn’t. He changed it to sensual pegging, that’s a gentle prostate massage with a strapon. I see some puzzled stares. How about we pick up this topic after the break.”

Barbie comes up to me first thing during the break. She’s pretty happy with what we’re accomplishing, but she’s hoping we can spice it up a bit.

“How about a demo of sensual pegging with one of the burqa babes?”

“Excellent. I’ll get a volunteer. Are you equipped for that?”

“It might be nice if you can find a strapon for the volunteer. Something I can jack off while I’m…”

“Got that covered.”

“I’ll get my trunk from my car.”

Barbie goes over toward some of the burqa babes and I start looking for my trenchcoat. Mindy is suddenly standing in front of me.

“I would so love it, if you would let me be a gift for your husband. I think it would help ease me into it. And I would be very grateful if you would be a gift for my husband and let me know if it’s me or him that sucks at being a lover.”

Her forwardness and selfishness are astonishing. I suspect that she’s hoping for a straight up trade, my services for hers. She’s a peach, very delicious looking, but as a peach has a hairy skin and a large useless pit in the middle, an abrasive quality to her approach and less meat to offer than her outward appearance suggests. If it wasn’t for the fact that I had already marked her as a good candidate for a red team, and a possible bed mate, I might have been turned off by a peach. But peaches are good even with their negatives. I decide to play her.

“That’s very flattering. How are you planning to make either of those happen?”

“Well, I was hoping we could trade.”

“Oh Sweetie that’s so nice. But I don’t really have a thing for younger men, especially if they suck as lovers.

And my husband hasn’t earned a gift as beautiful as you. And besides, six of the women from the first session offered to be gifts to him for free.”

Abashed now, she says, “I was one of them. I was just hoping…”

“Dear, you’re young and beautiful and not very good at negotiating. You could have lead with, ‘What would it take to get this or that’ and negotiations could begin. You seemed to think I should be grateful for both of your offers, but I’m not.”

The mix of emotions that cross her face is very satisfying. Finally, she settles on the two that I want. Somewhat embarrassed, but determined.

“What would it take to get either or both of those. I don’t have much money yet.”

“That’s better. Money doesn’t motivate me. For some reason, some of the pros offered a lot of money just to hear me talk and they’re only paying the same thing you and the other inductees are paying. But you have some qualities that both Barbie and I admire. We could use you to help make these sessions a success. ‘Use’ is a key word. The sisterhood uses all of us. Barbie and I think you could be very useful to the sisterhood. Rewards come with being useful, not being young and beautiful.”

She looks at me differently now, very seductively. “Please, Cate. Use me.”

“Wow! That was powerful. That was so much better. That made me want to drag you into the back room and fuck the stuffing out of you.”

I’m testing her now. She gets an impish little smile on her face.

“Um, that wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, but…”

Yes! I’ve got her number now.

“Another time, Mindy. Right now I need a trunk brought in from my car. Could you round someone up and bring it in. That will save me from having to put this trenchcoat on and risking my ancient back.”

I pull the keys from the pocket of my coat and offer them to her.

“Sure. Thank you. It’s good to feel useful for something other than mothering and sex.”

As she walks away, I think, ‘Oh Mindy, be careful what you wish for.’

When she returns carrying my trunk with one of the other sisters, the one who retched when Barbie sipped Dan’s cum, and asked about pegging a man. Mindy dismisses her with a polite, “Thanks, Keri.” and then sticks by my side. She’s clearly appointed herself as my assistant. I open my trunk and start sorting through it, finding what I need.

“Can I make a suggestion, Cate?”

“Sure, Sweetie.”

“Would you discuss the contents of this trunk with us? It seems… useful.”

“Good idea. Exactly the kind of advice we need.” She blushes at the praise!

When the session starts again, I take Mindy’s suggestion to discuss my trunk. I want to make her feel proud of helping and it really is good advice.

“We have a little demonstration planned, but before we do that, I want you to consider building a GO bag.”

I see a hand shoot up and Keri asks, “Is that like a GOOD bag?”

“Not really. Both are for when you need to leave in a hurry, but the reasons for leaving are different. A GO bag is something you pack so you’ll have what you need to do your job when the sisterhood calls on you. Depending on your roles, it will contain the tools of your trade. It could be anything from butt plugs or condoms to wire tapping tools, lock picks, or weapons. A GOOD bag is for when you have to Get Out Of Dodge, leave a bad situation with no time to pack.”

“What if you have to leave your husband in a hurry?”

Some of the inductees actually giggle at this, as if Keri can’t actually be serious, but from the look on her face, I see that she is.

“Excellent question.”

The giggling stops immediately and I sense the respect for me that has grown in them. I tell the story of Claire’s escape from a husband that couldn’t handle the power imbalance that the re-nup caused. I have their attention now.

“This is a time to rely on your sisters. We have underground railroads. All of you should have your local contact for transportation and security. They will charge you a fee for most of what they do, but they will drive you to gift appointments or other places on sisterhood business and they will provide security. They will also find you sitters, or more accurately, they will have a member of their team find you sitters. They will connect you to many of the local services we provide each other.

“If you have to get out of your own home, grab the kids and go, then call your sponsor or your driver. Follow their directions. A GOOD bag could be a bad thing if it can be tracked. If you have any reason to suspect that your husband or anyone else becomes a threat, get advice from your driver. They generally like to stay in the background, but they can rain hellfire down on bad people if the situation calls for it. Right Mrs. Riviera?”

Inductees and burqa babes alike follow my gaze and see Bethany standing at the back of the room, masked and dressed all in black, her sidearm prominently carried on her hip.


Three more women walk into the room all from different places. All of them are also armed, masked, and dressed in black. I recognize the women from Chelsea’s rescue, especially the tall one, Marta. Aside from me, Barbie is the only one who was aware that Bethany’s black team would be here. Three more women in black suddenly walk in and stand beside the other three, startling me. They are wearing street clothes, but they are also veiled and carrying black military style rifles. I look at Barbie and she’s smiling. I mouth ‘you bitch’ at her and her smile broadens. Some of the burqa babes must be red card holders, or their equivalent in the black card sisters, who brought their own security.

Bethany says, “We have enemies, sisters. At any gathering of this many of us, with this much value to the sisterhood, security will be provided. You may not see us, but if the shit hits the fan, we’ll shoot the ape who threw it.”

She turns and walks out and the others leave through the same doors they came in.

The inductees are looking at me in stunned silence.

Finally, Keri stammers, “How did…?”

“I said a code word. There’s a transmitter in my mask. A different code word would have brought a more dramatic response, but we really didn’t need the fire sprinklers going off. That was a black team, plus three personal body guards for some bitches who snuck in amongst the burqa babes.”

I hear two laughs that I recognize immediately. Kyra and Liz. I’m wondering who the third is.

“Per’aps you would come to Canada to titch dis class.”

“That’s a horribly fake French Canadian accent, Cousine. But, yes, if you can afford me.”

Celine laughs. I really hadn’t counted on having anyone else that I know see me like this.

I look back to the inductees, who still look perplexed, but considerably less alarmed. “This is a family, and every family has their practical jokers.” Mindy seems to be the only one who truly gets it.

I invite them up to paw through the contents of my trunk. Burqas of different colors, one change of plain clothing suitable for travel, a little black dress, lingerie, shoes, makeup, perfume, sex toys, condoms, several lubricants,Including one that has a numbing agent for making anal penetration a little easier, soaps, lotions, shampoo, enema supplies, a spare laptop, a tablet, a smart phone, and a dumb cell phone.

“All the things I could need if one of my sisters, or one of my lovers, needed me to drop everything and come to them or go somewhere for them with no advance notice.”

I pick up the dumb cell phone.

“Remember what I said about being tracked? Bethany can use this to find me. Nobody else knows the number.”

“What in the hell is this?”

It’s Keri, holding up my custom strapon. I hear Kyra laugh again.

“That is what I’m going to use to demonstrate sensual pegging. It’s custom made by one of our sisters and the newer models are much more versatile. I have one at home. But I keep this in my GO trunk because it has sentimental value and it has never gone limp on me.”

I pass out Serena’s business cards. I’m guessing she’ll get at least six sales from this group of seventeen.

“You all know what a prostate is, right?”

I see one of the burqa babes detach from the group and Barbie nods at her. She goes toward the restroom. I explain what little I know about the prostate gland, the mysterious piece of the male anatomy that is best accessed through the closest thing he has to a pussy, his anus. Surprisingly, Keri seems the most fascinated with the idea of trying prostate massage and sensual pegging.

I demonstrate how to insert and tie up the strapon, and I clip the dangly metal balls on.

“Now all I need is a man to fuck. Is there a man around here.”

“Here I come.”

We all turn to see a brown skinned woman, naked except for a veil, shoes, and a Feeldoe sticking out from her thick black bush.

“Ah, good. What’s your name?”

“I’m Honey, but you can call me Dick.”

She strokes her Feeldoe emphatically as all the sisters laugh. She really has a beautiful body, and I feel myself respond to that and the sway of the dildo as it moves in my holes.

“Where’s your prostate?”

“It’s on the other side of my taint.”

It’s an old joke, but there might be somebody who has never heard it.

“Your taint? Where’s that?”

“Well, taint pussy, oops, I mean taint balls and taint ass.”

“So that means, if I push into Dick’s ass, considering how straight my rod is, I should be pointing forward, towards Honey’s bush, rather than up towards her tonsils, or back towards her spine. If I had a strong upward bend in my cock, I could face her, but if I fucked her doggy style, I would miss it. If I had a strong downward bend, doggy style would be fine, especially if she got up on the headboard of a bed, but facing her with her legs up wouldn’t work. So, ideas?”

“Legs way up, like over your shoulders?”

“That could work. Then I could jack him off right between his thighs. Some stimulation of his cock might help. Other ideas?”

“Behind him, on your side, like spooning.”

“Good, that works. Press your boobs against his back and reach around him to stroke him.”

“Up against the wall.”

“Ah. That would make a statement, if he’s into that kind of thing. Here’s an idea. You’re doing this for his pleasure, to give him an orgasm like no other. I’m not saying you won’t get pleasure, too, but sensual pegging is something you do for him. After you get him off, he might let you take it up a notch or two. My husband did. So what will it be, Dick?”

“Mmmmm, much as I’d like to get you in bed, we don’t seem to have a bed here. How about a slow comfortable screw against the wall?”

“Ah, the woman knows her drinks. More than one of those and you’re feeling no pain. Do you need numbing cream.”

“Nope. Don’t need a finger, neither.”

I put some gel on my cock as Honey chooses a place against the wall. She spreads her legs wide and bends way over. Her ass is beautiful. I pull her cheeks apart with my thumbs and position the tip of my cock directly against her rosebud. I grab the shaft and push. She pushes back and her hole opens. The head pushes inside.

“Umph, ah.”

I look around and the sisters are transfixed by the sight. I push forward, and Honey walks a little closer to the wall and moves more upright. She raises one elbow up over her head and places it against the wall, leaning her forehead against it. I get in closer and reach up to caress her breast.

“Ooh, yeah. That’s good.”

I reach my other hand around her waist and grab her fake cock. It points up toward her breasts, and I stroke it so that it will rub her clit hood. She wiggles a little and says, “Ah, you’re good.”

I ease my cock slowly in and out.

“This is how you gently rub across the top of his prostate. Let him call the pace. Let him set the angle. You just slowly rub, slowly rub, until he tells you otherwise. If he says faster, you pick up the pace. If he says harder, you slam into him with a little oomph at the end of your stroke.”

My hips smack into Honey’s ass cheeks.

“Oh, god. That’s doing it, Cate.”

I could stop the demonstration then, because there really isn’t anything more to teach them. But I look around and see burqa babes with there arms hidden inside, rubbing their pussies and nipples. Some of the inductees have arms inside their acolyte robes. The air is becoming rich with the scent of aroused pussy. If I ruined their fun now, I just wouldn’t feel like I’d given them their money’s worth. And besides, sometimes I can just tell that I’m in the groove toward a really spectacular climax. My cunt is craving the impending release. My motion is sliding the anal post further up my ass as the vaginal post slides out a little on the instroke. Then the vaginal post slides in as the anal post slides out on the outstroke. In. Out. In. Out.

Honey is working her other nipple with her free hand as I continue my two reacharounds. If feels so good to have a nipple in one hand, a cock in the other, a soft warm ass to thrust into, the rising sound of all these women as their breathing gets heavier and some begin to moan. Honey sings the loudest, and I use that to set my pace and slam against her ass.

“Ohh, god. I’m coming. Faster, now. Come in me, Cate. Come in my ass.”

I moan and release into her, forgetting that I don’t have a real cock. Forgetting that she doesn’t either. I can feel her muscles clenching my cock. My legs get weak and my strokes start to wobble, but I’m hearing other women coming all around me, so I keep driving into Honey’s ass.

I don’t know if every woman has come, but when Honey says, “God, Cate, that was in-fuckin-credible,” I take that as the time to stop.

The other women slowly regain their composure and rearrange their clothing. I remove my strapon and say, “Now’s the time I’m supposed to roll over and fall asleep. Good night, ladies, please fill out a critique of the session and email it to Barbie. And if you’re thinking of pegging your husband, think about offering your own ass to him as a reward.”

I get a few nervous giggles and then one of the sisters comes up and hugs me.

“Thank you, Cate.”

This opens the portal and the rest of the inductees hug and thank me. The last is Mindy and she asks if she can wait and talk to me after the class.

“I guess I’m going to be meeting with the sisters who brought the ninjas tonight, but I’m very impressed with you sweetie. Maybe tomorrow night? My hubby will be out of town and we can meet somewhere for dinner or drinks.”

She looks like she’s on the border of tears, so I say, “Do you need someone to be with you tonight?”


“Can it be later, like midnight?”

“Yes. Okay.”

I get her address and promise to get there as soon as I can get away.

The burqa babes come up next. First the two from the first class, Melody and Honey, and then the other five come up one by one. As the inductees and the seven pros leave, I don my clothes in the locker room, throw on a burqa and return to where Liz, Kyra, and Celine are. Barbie excuses herself, collects her bodyguard and leaves as Bethany joins us.

“Let’s get someplace cooler, preferably with a bar.”

“We’ve got just the place, Cherie,” Celine said. “Apparently Kyra knew you would be ready for some liquid courage. Security is already in place there.”

Published 10 years ago

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