SissyMandy – Legally Mandy Parker

"The day I change my name ends with a sex party I didn't quite expect."

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An aura of confidence surrounds me this morning as I head to the master bathroom to shower with the girls. I’m super excited about my court date this afternoon to change my legal name and gender, plus when I woke up, I was still wound up about finding out last night my sissy sister Marci is coming to our party next weekend!

I was just standing naked in front of my full-length mirror, admiring myself like I do most mornings, and I think my boobs might have grown a little bit more since last week! It’s hard to tell for sure, because I’m so skinny after my starvation diet that my bony anorexic looks make my petite breasts appear larger than they actually are.

But thanks to the bedtime milkshakes I drink every night, I’m definitely getting some noticeable girl fat accumulating on my skinny little ass. I’m doubly excited about that because after we finish with my court business today, Mistress is taking me someplace very special.

What’s so special about it? Well, only the fact that she said I’ll be getting lots of cock there, which is all it takes to harden my clitty as I squeeze my ass and imagine being penetrated by multiple men. It’s about all I ever think about anyway, so knowing I’m definitely getting it tonight makes it all the more exciting!

Is it any wonder then, that I’m horny for sex as I enter the master bathroom, where I know Brenda and Sherry are naked and waiting for me? They’re in there alright, and naked, too, but they’ve already showered, and Brenda’s busy drying Sherry’s hair.

“Aren’t we supposed to shower together every morning?” I wonder out loud.

“Who said anything about every morning?” Brenda answers back.

“I dunno, I just assumed…”

“Were you assuming we were just gonna let you fuck us again like yesterday?”

“Well…. yeah… kinda maybe.”

“Yeah, well… you kinda shouldn’t expect us to wanna be fucked every single day. We’re lesbians, you know, and you’re lucky we even want it at all.”

“Okay, I get the point.”

“Brenda and I just wanted some private shower time by ourselves this morning,” Sherry then says. “You’ll be getting plenty of sex tonight, while I’m off doing someone else.”

“You’re not coming with us to the courthouse today?”

“No, sweetie,” says Brenda, “today is our special day to celebrate you taking my last name and becoming my legal sissy wife. Now jump in the shower while I finish helping Sherry get ready for her date.”

“Sherry has an escort date today?”

“I just found out last night,” Sherry informs me, “when Lyla Harrison called to ask if I could possibly do a last-minute whore date for one of her Hierarchy clients. She said he’s a very generous tipper, so I’m flying to Reno to have sex with him today. I’ll be back tonight… late.”

“Sherry’s earning two thousand dollars today,” Brenda adds, “and you’ll probably earn around fifteen hundred tonight.”

“I will? For what?”

“For fucking a dozen guys before I let you fuck me tonight in our hotel room.”

“A dozen guys?” I giggle with overwhelming excitement. “Really? A whole dozen?”

“At least, and maybe more. Now jump in the shower, and no jacking off.”

“You know I don’t jack off anymore.”

“So you say, but I know how your mind works when you’re excited about getting dicked. I’ll be back as soon as I send Sherry off on her date.”


I shouldn’t be surprised that Sherry’s flying to Reno to fuck some guy she’s never even met. Brenda’s been grooming us for sex work for almost a year, but now that we’re practically open for business, I’m getting this weird feeling that we’ve crossed the point of no return.

‘Once a whore, always a whore,’ is what Mistress Virginia likes to tell us, and she would know, since she and Brenda were once Hierarchy whores themselves. Calling it escorting might make prostitution sound more respectable, but it doesn’t change the fact that we’re all still whores.

Not that it’s bad, because it’s definitely not. It’s just that our promiscuous lifestyle brings so many uncertainties about how far into it we’ll go, at least for me it does.

I mean, I’m so obsessed with having sex as a girl that I’m even taking hormones to permanently transition myself to female. I’ll probably do almost anything to have the hottest body possible because having men desire me for sex is the main reason I even exist as a sissy in the first place.

It’s totally exciting to think about as I glide my soapy hands all over my smooth and hairless body. One cool thing about being on estrogen is how it’s made my skin more sensitive to the touch, especially the head of my clitty. I’m always rubbing it when I’m in bed by myself, like how I’m rubbing it… oh, no… like how I’m rubbing it right now!

Fuck, I just caught myself unconsciously jacking off, after Mistress explicitly warned me not to. I can’t just disobey Mistress, so I quickly come back to my senses and finish with my shower. Then, as I’m drying myself off, I discover that Mistress has cleverly placed a pink cock cage by the sink, in plain sight, where I can’t avoid it.

I shudder when I see it, remembering how humiliating it was being constantly caged the first four months after I became her sissy. I thought I was done with all that, but apparently I was wrong.

“Put it on,” Mistress demands when she steps back into the bathroom.

“Fuck! Why do I have to wear that disgusting piece of shit?”

“Because the men who’ll be paying for your sissy ass tonight want you to be caged. I know it’s disgusting for you, but escorting should never be about you. The cage is an absolute must-wear for the kind of men you’ll be with tonight.”

“But why do I have to be caged all fucking day? Can’t we just put it on before we get there?”

“No, we can’t. Now stop whining about it and just get it done. I’ll be waiting in your bedroom.”

Shit. This is so humiliating having to stuff my sissy meat into that tiny little fucking cage, when my damn erection hasn’t completely softened yet from the erotic thoughts I was having in shower! I’m really nervous about this when I finally get everything to fit and hear the familiar ‘click’ that locks me in, because I know how the cage automatically forces me to be more submissive to Mistress.


As promised, when I walk into my bedroom with the cage firmly in place, Mistress is waiting, dressed in dominant black nylons, black bikini panties, and a black bra. The first thing she does after I give her the cage key is kneel down to tie a little pink bow around it. Then she teases me with kisses all over my caged clit, which she knows I can’t feel, but it makes me giggly to know I’m her good girl again.

“Remember the plug position?”

“Yes, Mistress, I remember.”

‘Click.’ With the snap of her fingers, I jump up on the bed.

I know there’s no point in resisting what I know she’s going to do, but wearing the cage does make it feel deliciously dirty to get in the doggy position and present my bare ass for plugging. Giggling when she starts kissing my nuts, I wiggle my butt in eager anticipation, which earns me a playful spanking, which then makes me giggle even more as she lubes my little hole.

I can’t see which one she’s chosen, but I know it’s my pink princess plug, cuz I’ve had it in me so many times I just know how it feels. It stretches me to the max as she pushes the widest part past my hole, but then when my ass sucks it into place, I’m rewarded with tingling sensations in my clit, and that wonderful feeling of being filled!

For the next couple of hours we play Barbie doll games, with me being her Barbie. Mistress likes painting my finger and toenails when we play like this, and she also likes brushing my lengthening hair. I love how she then gives my face so many different looks with makeup, all the while telling me what a cute sissy I’ve turned out to be.

Feeling so pretty as I’m basking in her praise, I listen intently as she tells me why I’ve been caged and plugged, explaining that a very important part of my job is to show up for every date exactly how the client wants me. She says that enduring the temporary humiliations kinky clients often like to do with their sissy dates is well worth it, considering how those same clients are known to generously tip their most submissive sissies.

When she dresses me like Barbie, Mistress rolls pretty pink nylons up my legs, puts sexy pink panties on me, and then helps me into a tight pink corset. There’s no need for a bra, because the corset has cute tittie cups built right in!

“So pretty in pink,” Mistress beams as she stands me in front of my mirror.

“But how am I supposed to hide my clit? I can’t like, tuck the cage between my legs.”

“You wear a loose dress, sissy-poo. I bought us special matching dresses to signify us being married when you legally take my last name today. That’s what you still want, isn’t it? To be legally recognized in the state of California as a trans girl, and to be legally married to me as far as the Hierarchy is concerned?”

“Of course I still want it, but I’m not actually trans, am I?”

“You’ll be considered a transgender person as far as the state is concerned, but in the Hierarchy, sissy is a very special classification, one that only other sissies can truly relate to.”

“Like me and Kristy do?”

“Yes, honey, like you and Kristy, and I’d like you to start relating with Marci the same way you relate with Kristy. Did you call your other sister last night?”

“I did.”

“And how was she?”

“I think not good. She said their money is tight because her Master hasn’t been getting her very many dates lately. He accuses her of not putting out good enough in bed to get repeat dates with the same guys, and then he gets mad when she tells him her dates just can’t can’t afford to see her as often as they’d like to.”

“If Jeremy only pimps her to average-income guys, it’s no wonder she’s not bringing in enough money. She needs wealthy clients to provide the steady income it takes to survive in this business. What else did she tell you?”

“Well, I don’t think she meant to say it, but it slipped out that he smacks her around sometimes, and when I wanted to go on FaceTime with her, she didn’t want to.”

“Why not?”

“She said she has a black eye she didn’t want me to see.”

“Did Marci say how she got it?”

“Yeah, she ran into a door, but I think she was lying.”

“She was definitely lying. It’s common for sissies to go into denial if they’re getting abused like that, and they’ll often protect their Masters by lying about how their bruises got there. I figured that prick Jeremy was probably abusing Marci by the way he was talking about her the other night.”

“I wanted to ask her more about it, but she hung up before I could.”

“It fits the pattern, hon, so don’t blame her, because she can’t help it. Maybe we can set her mind straight when she comes to visit.”

“I hope so, cuz I think she needs help.”

“What she needs is a Mistress instead of a Master. I’d have her on the hormones she needs to blossom into the girl she was born to be.”

“Can I do anything to help?”

“Just be kind to her without bringing up anything about the abuse. She’s probably afraid of what Jeremy would do to her if anyone finds out about it, and the last thing we want is to scare her into not coming. The main thing right now is just getting her here, so I can at least sit her down and maybe get her to talk about it. Okay?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Good. Now let’s go get your name changed. Are you ready to take your next big step?”

“I’m so ready!”


Oh. My. Fucking. God.

Walking out of the courthouse as Mandy Lou Parker with Mistress’s arm around me does feel like we just got married, and it has to be the most liberating feeling in the whole wide world!

I won’t bore you with all the details, but I have to tell you, I was so fucking freaked out when we went into the judge’s chambers. Brenda’s lawyer, James, explained beforehand that he’d be doing all the talking, and all I basically had to do was answer yes or no to whatever the judge might want to ask me.

But I was still freaked as fuck about declaring to the whole world that I’d morphed into a sissy girl. And it didn’t help that I was totally embarrassed about maybe having to admit that I’m a homosexual who likes sleeping around with different men.

Then it all happened so fast, and the judge didn’t seem to give a shit about any of my issues about being gay or trans, both of which I legally am now. To him, my case was just another case amongst dozens of other cases he does every day. It was all very straightforward, and very impersonal. Easy-peasy, just like Mistress said it would be.

“Congratulations, Mandy Parker,” James hugs me afterward, “you’re legally a girl now.”

“Isn’t she a cutie?” Brenda brags on me.

“You should be very proud of her.”

“Most definitely, but we better hurry over to DMV and get this pretty girl her new driver’s license before they close. We still have to eat, and Mandy has a party date at seven.”

“I’m starved,” I blurt out. “I was so nervous and embarrassed in there that I got hungry.”

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about anymore,” James assures me. “We’ll have to do your driver’s license in person, but everything else can be done either by mail or online.”

The only hassle about getting my new license was waiting in the long lines. My feet were sore after standing in heels so long, but other than that, it all went fairly smoothly. I thought I was going to have big trouble when the woman doing my license gave me dirty looks about changing the name on my old license from Mark Harrell to my new Mandy Parker name.

Luckily, the moment she started asking me embarrassing questions, like do I have male or female genitals, James stepped in. He told the woman in snarky legal jargon that if she didn’t want a harassment claim filed against her, she had better keep her nosey ass out of my personal sexual preferences. That’s all it took to put the bitch in her place, and I was so glad that James was there to defend me.


Phew! I’m finally starting to relax as we’re eating dinner. I’m not paying much attention to James explaining about the paperwork I still have to do, because I know my Mistress will do it all for me. He and Brenda then start talking in a flirty kind of way, which I also kinda ignore, cuz I’ve got my new license out, and I can’t stop staring at my cute picture. It makes me think that maybe I really am as hot as Mistress and Sherry keep telling me I am.

“Thanks for everything, James,” Brenda kisses him as they embrace in the parking lot after dinner.

“Always a pleasure, Bren. So we’re still on for Saturday night?”

“Of course,” Brenda giggles, “I still have to work off my attorney fees, don’t I?”

“You flirt,” James shakes his head walking towards his car. “We’ll have fun settling your debt.”

“Geez, Mistress,” I ask as she buckles a collar around my neck when we get in her car, “have you been dating him?”

“Off and on over the years,” Brenda confides. “He’s one of those rare good men I’ll fuck any day of the week. Too bad he’s married.”

“What a whore you are!”

“Damn straight I am,” she laughs, “and after James gets a piece of my whore ass Saturday night, the bill for him representing us in court today will be paid in full. I’ve always traded my pussy for his legal services, even though I’d fuck him for free.

“Now, let’s go use your hot ass to make us some money, you whore!”


I’ve never had so much fun with Mistress as we drive from wherever we are to wherever we’re going. I have no idea where we are when a half-hour later she pulls into the driveway of a big yellow house just out of town. My interest is sparked as I stare at the many cars parked outside, wondering what’s going on inside, and what it all has to do with me.

Mistress grins at the curiosity on my face as she punches a number on her cell phone, saying only two words before hanging up. “We’re here.”

The garage door rises a few seconds later, and Mistress blows me a kiss as she drives in.

“Lose the dress,” she says as the garage door closes behind us.

I’m surprised to see Mistress take off her dress as I’m taking off mine, wondering if this will be a gang bang in which she’ll be taking part. She clips a leash to my collar when we’re out of the car, leading me to the door as I follow behind, nervous as hell about where this is going.

An older woman named Stella, presumably the house madame, opens the door to greet Mistress. It becomes obvious they’ve done business before when Mistress simply asks, “How many?”

“I was expecting twenty, but only sixteen showed up.”

“That’ll work,” I listen as they talk back and forth before Stella turns her attention towards me.

She walks several circles around me, eyeing me up and down, feeling my tits and squeezing my ass, then reaching into my panties to make sure I’ve been caged. She takes the liberty to play with my nuts as she smiles her approval, saying to Mistress, “Oh, she will do just fine.”

My heart pounds with apprehension when Stella hands Mistress an envelope, which Brenda makes sure I see before putting it in a large handbag she brought with her. I’m getting so nervous I can hardly breathe in my tight corset as they chat a bit more, mostly ignoring my presence.

I’m shaking with nervous excitement when Mistress finally tugs on my leash to lead me into the house, with Stella giving me a stare that says everything I need to know. Going through the kitchen I hear many male voices coming from another room, probably sixteen, the number I heard Stella say.

I’m already beyond what you’d call excited, barely able to focus my eyes on Brenda’s hot ass swaying back and forth in her skimpy panties as I follow her down a hall and into a bedroom. Mistress gives me a knowing smile, tells me to be her good girl, and to get up on the bed.

“This’ll be fun,” she smirks as she nonchalantly pulls a popper bottle from her purse. “Take a sniff.”

That sets my head in a spin as she then gets her bondage toys from the handbag and buckles fuzzy cuffs around my wrists.

“Trust me,” she whispers, “you were born for this. Take another sniff. A big one.

“Yeah, baby,” she encourages me, “that’s it. It’s much easier to handle dates like this if you get light-headed before it starts.”

As my mind blurs from that last big sniff, she secures leather straps to each end of the bed before attaching them to my wrist cuffs.

“Oooo, you’re so pretty in bondage!” she giggles excitedly as she tightens the straps to stretch my arms apart, forcing my head to lay sideways on the bed with my ass in the air.

“Almost ready?” Stella cracks the door open to ask. “The natives are getting restless.”

“Give us five minutes,” Brenda replies.

I softly whimper as Mistress takes my panties off and slowly pulls the plug that’s been impaled in my ass all day long. My caged clitty twitches from the incredible sensations I’m getting as a gush of cool air rushes into my gaping hole, but she’s quick to calm me with a few gentle spanks.

She then cuffs my knees to spread my legs apart with two more leather straps. Wiggling to test my restraints, I can hardly move as Mistress, pleased with her work, caresses my dangling balls and squirts a generous amount of lube into my anxious hole.

“There, baby,” she teases my balls as my clitty screams in the cage, “all primed up and ready to go. Is my sissy wife ready to be fucked? You can still change your mind if you need to, babe. No one’s forcing you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

“No. I’m up to it. I want this,” I tell her, but she knows I’m not really sure.

“Okay, Stella,” Mistress opens the door to announce, “send ’em in, one at a time.”

Mistress holds the popper bottle to my nose as I take another sniff of courage, placing a gentle hand on my head to soothe and comfort her nervous sissy. She kisses my forehead, staring deeply into my eyes as if to silence the muffled questions she knows are bouncing around in my head. Her soft fingertips caress over my cheek, with a comforting smile that sends warmth through my nervously excited body.

“It’s time to be my good little whore,” she whispers as the door opens for the guys to come in. “Time to submit to what you’ve come to be. Relax now, and let the experience take you away.”

The first rough set of hands on me are firm and unrelenting as he spanks my sissy ass, with each hit leaving a red mark on me, I’m sure. He then slaps my balls just enough to inflict a slight erotic pain, causing my clit to twitch in its cage, which melts me into sissy moans as I succumb to his manly desires.

Eagerness soon replaces nervousness as my worries, my questions, the events of the day, everything just dissipates into thin air as my mind shifts into fuck mode.

I don’t care who he is, or how much of me is exposed to this stranger. I’m just here to be used, here to be fucked, or maybe even abused, cuz it’s all the same when you’re a sissy whore. To him, I’m just a nameless hole to fuck, and to me, he’s just a hard cock to fill me. I’m such an easy target as I pulse my pussy hole to let him know I want it as badly as he does.

“Holy shit!” he exclaims to Mistress as he shoves it into me all at once, “your bitch is fuckin’ tight!”

“She loves dick,” Mistress says to encourage him, “so give the bitch what she wants.”

Restrained and unable to push back on him, I can only enjoy having my sissy ass filled with cock as I welcome the slow and sensual tingles of orgasm start building up inside me. Each forceful smack on my ass brings tears to my eyes, the mixture of pleasure and pain as I’m bound to the bed sending waves of unbelievable pleasure through me as I’m being fucked by this man whose name I’ll never know.

Oh, hot damn, my lust for receiving anal pleasure grows stronger each time I feel his bull-like balls slapping against my own. I’m getting so fucking high off it, getting so desperate for a release, but this nameless lover cares nothing about my needs. I can only hope to cum before the friction of his cock sliding back and forth on my prostate drives me absolutely insane!

I squeeze my hole around his shaft like Mistress taught me to do when I want my man to cum, like when I want the fuck to end. I definitely don’t want it to end, but I know many men are lined up outside to do me, and I desperately need to cum before my fucking head explodes.

Quivering and shaking, I rapidly pulse my sissy hole to edge him on. With deep moans, I tell him to fuck harder, fuck faster! Oh, God, I need to cum so bad, and I’m so thankful for Mistress’s encouraging deep kisses in my moment of desperation. I clench my ass tighter around him as his cock begins to pulse, with my cramped caged clitty pulsing right along with him.

Mistress puts her thumb in my mouth for something to bite down on as waves of intense pleasure begin washing over me. His cock starts spewing its load, sending torrents of cum splashing against my deepest anal places as he grunts and groans behind me. My little caged clitty twitches and spasms, leaking all over the place as I shake through my most intense orgasm ever, then I pant in ecstasy as the guy pulls his cock out of my ass.

“What a hot sissy cunt!” he wails to the guys in line as he leaves the room.


“Good girl,” Mistress praises me after he’s gone. “Wasn’t that fun?”

“Holy shit, that was incredible!”

“And incredibly profitable, too. You just earned a hundred dollars for a ten-minute fuck. One down, fifteen to go. Think you can handle it?”

“Bring it on,” I giggle. “Wow. It’s good to be the girl!”

“Yes it is, honey, and what a hot little whore you’ll be for me. I can’t wait to reward my married sissy wife when we get to our hotel room after this.”

With stars in my eyes after such a wonderful orgasm, I don’t have time to even think about what she just said before the next guy comes in to fuck me. He’s just as good as the last guy, and so is the next guy after him. I lose all track of time and space with so many cocks poking into me until it’s all just a blur of cock, cum, and my glorious sissygasms!

Biting down on Brenda’s thumb to muffle my exhausting moans, I’m given little time to gather myself before another guy starts banging my ass. My eyes roll to the back of my head each time I relax my sissy hole to accept another cock, not the least bit concerned that the constant hard fucking is probably warping my deranged mind further than it already is.

Most of them are average in size, with one so big that I groaned when he bottomed out in me, but still loved how he pushed it into my ass until his ball sack rested against mine. I love ’em all, though, even the teeny ones that can’t be much bigger than me.

No longer able to hold back, my orgasms start coursing right through me, one right after another. My butt muscles automatically work each and every beautiful cock like a hot pussy as my sissy hole pulses around them. My clit keeps leaking like a sieve as all those loads of cum seep freely from my hole and drip down my legs. Fuck, now I know what the term ‘cock-drunk’ really means!

Not every cock I take fucks an orgasm out of me, but I’ve lost track of how many orgasms I’ve had. Some have taken great pleasure in fucking me, while others, I felt, just enjoyed punishing me for being a sissy queer who likes getting fucked in the ass. All of them, however, loved using me for what I am, a sissy whore with a hot little ass.

After I’ve taken the final cock, the sixteenth I’m told, I’m in such a delirious state of mind that all I can do is lie still to catch my breath when Stella comes in to help Brenda untie me from my bondage that made everything so much more intense than it would have otherwise been.

“I could get addicted to this,” I tell Mistress as they’re cleaning me up in a bathroom.

“Don’t look now, sissy-poo,” Mistress chuckles, “but you already are. My sissy wife is a hot little sex machine with a money-making whore hole. So what do you think about that?”

“I think I love it, and I welcome it.”


“That went very well, love,” Mistress praises me as we’re driving away from Stella’s place.

“Fuck, I never imagined ever doing anything even close to that.”

“That’s why I wanted to be with you for your first time with that many cocks. I was so pleased with how you handled yourself.”

“I just wish they woulda used my mouth, too. I wanted to suck their cocks so bad.”

“That was a low-budget fuck party, hon, and blow jobs were not on the menu. But you’ll be sucking plenty of cocks from now on, starting tomorrow, when the Harrisons pick you and Sherry up for your date. They’ve had Sherry in their bed twice already, and they’re anxious to have you both as a couple before you become certified Hierarchy escorts.”

“Sherry told me they’re fantastic in bed.”

“They definitely are, and you’ll find that most of your Hierarchy dates will be with great lovers. John and Lyla are among the very best, and they’re the only Hierarchy members in the Sacramento area that I know of. They’ll have you for the entire weekend, and I’m sure they’re planning on giving you a nice glimpse into the fun you’ll be having with a higher class of more experienced clientele.

“I’m only charging them a thousand for each of you, because you haven’t been certified by the Hierarchy yet, and they’re also close friends, with benefits.”

“Have you had sex with them before?”

“Oh yes, love, many times, but that’s another conversation for another time. Tell me how your tight little pussy feels after all that.”

“God. It definitely feels like a pussy, but it doesn’t feel very tight right now. I’m so numb after getting fucked so many times, but I loved it so much that’ll I’ll do it again in a heartbeat.”

“The guys really loved you, too. You should’ve seen their faces when they were doing you.”

“Actually, not seeing any of their faces made it more thrilling for me. And to think they each paid a hundred bucks for just a few minutes of pleasure.”

“They each paid two hundred. Sixteen hundred for you, to be exact,” she says as she gives me the envelope Stella gave her, “and sixteen hundred for Stella’s cut of the action. Your money is in the envelope. Hold it close to you, and know it’s why you did it.”

“God, I love cock so much I woulda done it for free.”

“Thrilling, wasn’t it? And getting paid makes it even more thrilling, does it not?”

“More than I imagined, so much more.”

“This is a thrilling lifestyle, hon, especially when you first start. Enjoy every precious moment before the thrill starts to fade away.”

“I can’t imagine the thrill of getting fucked like that ever fading away.”

“From my own escorting experience, I can tell you that the thrill eventually does fade away. It becomes just like a job after a while. A fun job, for sure, but still a job. That’s why it’s important to always have a special someone to come home to. Someone to make sweet love with, instead of just fucking another client for money.”

“Like what I have with you and Sherry, right?”

“Close to that, except that our happy little threesome needs to become a happy foursome. With Sherry and I so deeply committed to each other, we need to bring in someone to take Sherry’s place, another sissy for you to sleep with, so we can have a harmonious, polyamorous home.

“Sherry was telling me about the polyamory thing yesterday.”

“I was hoping she would. Polyamory is our sacred way of life, and we’ve been talking about how having another sissy around would balance out our family. With two girls and two sissies, we could switch partners any which way we want, with no one ever left out, and each of us having a special someone to sleep with.

“Now doesn’t that sound like a better arrangement than the one we have right now?”

“Yeah, as long as I’m still married to Sherry.”

“You’ll still be legally married to her, but I think you know what’s coming, babe.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I think you already know, but we won’t rush into anything just yet. I think you’ll love polyamory with a fourth person in our family. I’ve already got someone in mind. Can you guess who she is?”


“Yes, hon, I think Marci might be perfect for us. You two should be very compatible in bed, and she’s also cute as fuck. She’s already an experienced working whore, so not having to train her is another big plus. I think she’d fit right in. What do you think?”

“I dunno. I do like her a lot, and she’s definitely hot, but I doubt she’ll never leave her Master.”

“You just leave that up to me. If she’s being abused, she’ll be easy to steal away from Jeremy. She could be a hot sex partner for you, and she even has a girl-dick to suck on. Sound like fun?”

“It does. I remember how much fun we had playing with our dicks. Hers is even smaller than mine.”

“You’ll be a stud compared to her, and she’s already so skinny that once I get her on hormones, it shouldn’t take too long to develop her female figure. Wouldn’t she be a hot fuck with a nice set of tits like yours, to go along with her cute little girl-dick?”

“She definitely would be, and I know she’d transition if she could, but I still think she’s too much in love with Jeremy to ever leave him.”

“Like I said, hon, you leave that part up to me. She won’t be here for another week, so let’s just let it rest for the time being.”


“Horny for more sex, love?” she asks as we approach our hotel.

“Sheesh. After taking sixteen cocks in total girl mode? I’m not sure I can even stay awake much longer.”

“Wore you out, did it?”

“More than I thought it would.”

“Whoring can be hard work at times, and it’s only natural for you to lose your desire for pussy right after you’ve been fucked as a girl by sixteen different guys. Listen, if you can’t get hard after I remove the cage, we’ll just snuggle up and get a good night’s rest. We can fuck in the morning if we feel like it.”

“I was hoping we would fuck tonight, but after I was just fucked so many times at the party, I’m not sure I can fuck so good with my mind still in total girl mode.”

“One of the nicest things about living in polyamory, hon, is like when we want sex with a particular someone in our family, and that someone is tired or maybe just not in the mood, we’ll always have two other sisters we can get it from. Polyamory gives us all those freedoms, and more.”

“Wow, I think I’ll like that lifestyle.”

“You’ll love it, sister wife, I know you will.”

Thanks for reading, and please leave Mandy a ‘like’ if you enjoyed this latest adventure into her sexual journey. Kisses ~ Jill ❤

Published 6 months ago

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