SissyMandy – Insatiable Little Me

"I had no idea last night was only a prelude to what's in store for me tonight"

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It’s hard to believe I’m waking up so energetic after my guys pounded the hell out of me last night. The more they gave me, the more I wanted, and I might have gone all night if their cocks could have stayed hard. I’m not sure what time we finally crawled under covers and called it a night, but I know it was late.

Rob and Max fell asleep right away, but I was too excited to sleep. I mean, I just got banged in both ends for what seemed like forever, and my sissy brain was a hot mess of realizations that I’m definitely a hot fuck. It was the ultimate experience I needed to finally fall in love with the complete and total me.

My budding sissy breasts were a stark contrast to their masculine chests, and my skin, so much softer compared to theirs, made me realize how much I’ve physically changed since Mistress put me on hormones. It sucked being on the bottom rung of male society when I tried to be a man, but life is so much better now that I’m a sissy.

The slutty desires that consumed me last night still rage as I lie between them with this horny itch in my ass. Fingering myself helps a little bit, but the only thing that’ll satisfy my itch is a hard you know what. Max is facing away from me and lightly snoring, so when Rob rolls over on his back, I can’t resist planting soft little kisses all over him as he sleeps.

His scent is quite musky after last night’s sweaty fuck fest, but not too unpleasant for me to kiss his cock and glide my open lips along his soft shaft. The saltiness of his skin just makes it more thrilling to swirl my tongue around his foreskin before taking him halfway into my mouth.

Oh my God… I was so lucky last night when Max taught me how to suck cock like gay men do. I learned so much cool stuff about giving head that I just might turn out to be the hottest little cocksucker ever!

I never imagined there was so much sissy power in holding the reins to a man’s pleasure in my mouth. I can spur him on more quickly if I want, or hold him back if I so desire. But for now I just want to softly suck him as I gently stir him from his sleep.

He lets out quiet little moans as he awakes, and I suck with more vigor when he starts fucking my mouth. His delicious cock pulses when it gets into my throat, but the last thing I want right now is his wad in my throat. I have a greater need I want taken care of.

Kissing my way back up his hot body makes my soft sissy nipples tingle as they brush along his coarse, masculine skin. I give him my sexiest kisses so he’ll know what I’m wanting, but no words are spoken as he senses my desire. He only grins as he reaches over to the nightstand and hands me the almost-empty bottle of lube we used last night.

After a few more kisses, I’m raising myself up to spread a generous amount over his hard shaft. Performing this servitude for him gives me a sweet sense of sissy satisfaction in knowing that it’s me who’s initiating what we’re about to do. A sissy does this for her man the morning after, to show appreciation for the pleasures she received the night before.

Our desires are in alignment as I straddle myself in position to receive him, and we both let out satisfying sighs when I sit on his stiff, rigid tool. Once the bed starts rocking, Max wakes up from the commotion of me sliding my hot ass up and down Rob’s hard cock.

“You didn’t get enough last night?” he chuckles as he strokes himself.

“That was last night,” I giggle, “and this is today. You wanna come fill my empty mouth?”

“I was just about to ask,” he grins as he stands up in front of me.

“You don’t need my permission,” I laugh as I pull his cock towards my mouth and continue bouncing up and down on Rob’s. “You can treat me like your whore if you want.”

“I’ll never treat a princess like a whore, but I’ll treat her like a hot sissy nympho.”

“Works for me,” I giggle as my cocksucker lips wrap around his short fat cock.

It’s good I’m getting all this practice, because the main reason Brenda sent me here was to learn how to suck dick like gay men do. She wants me to be a top-notch cocksucker on my very first Hierarchy date, so it’s important for me to practice my skills.

I must be doing a good job, because all Max does is tell me how great I am at pleasuring two cocks at the same time. The really cool thing is, I’m the one controlling everything we’re doing! This is my show, so I get to decide how it goes.

Except that I’m getting way too carried away. I’m squeezing my sissy hole too tight around Rob’s pulsing cock, and bouncing myself on it too fast. It’s so much stimulation that he ends up cumming way sooner than I wanted. Then I get even more excited when his hot cum shoots into my sissy womb, and that makes me put a too-strong vacuum lip-lock on Max’s cock, which causes him to cum too soon, too. Before I know it, it’s all over, and I didn’t even get myself off. Shit.

Okay… I do love the fact that I’m so hot I could make them both cum like that, but I’m going to have to learn to control my excitement when I have more than one cock. I know it’s my own fault for not thinking about my own orgasm, but I’m new at being with multiple men, and my simple sissy brain gets so confused when I’m learning to do new things.

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted, even if I didn’t get to cum myself.


Turns out that my sweet guys want me to have that orgasm I earned, and they give it to me in the shower. They have this really cool shower, too, big enough to fit four people I bet. It’s got clear glass on two sides, with a shower head on the other two sides.

When they get me in there, Rob grabs me from behind while Max aims the shower heads to spray on my nipples. That gets ’em super turned on, and as Rob kisses along my neck and shoulders, Max gets on his knees to suck my little boner.

Not only does Max give me the best head ever, he also sticks his finger up my sissy hole to massage my sissy g-spot. He makes me squirm in Rob’s tight embrace as his talented fingers and tongue give me the bestest orgasm I could have ever imagined.

“God…” I pant as Max swallows my sissy load, “I wish I knew how to do that for a man.”

“It’s a special skill your Mistress wants you to learn before we send you back to her.”

“So you’re gonna teach me?”

“That’s why you’re here, babe,” Rob says as he forces me to my knees. “Brenda wants you learning about everything men do with other men.”

Rob then widens his stance as Max begins teaching me the art of prostate massage. It’s a little weird at first sticking my middle finger up Rob’s ass, but he seems to like it as much as I do. I start giggling as I probe around to locate his walnut-sized pleasure spot, but it’s not all that hard to find with Max guiding me to where it is.

When I’m somewhat comfortable with it, Rob slaps his cock across my face a few times before shoving it down my throat. Since we all have the same anatomy, Max then sticks his finger back up my sissy ass, massaging my spot again so I can simultaneously feel the same sensations Rob’s feeling as I’m learning all the cool techniques.

Max is a great coach, and I’m so excited he’s teaching me this erotic new thing I can do with men and other sissies. It’s mind blowing to finger-fuck Rob as he fucks my throat, and when he orgasms a second time this morning, I get a hands-free sissygasm as his cum seeps into my belly!

Fuck… that was the most totally gay thing I’ve ever done, but I loved everything about it, and I’m learning so many fascinating things about our male sexuality that a female Mistress could never teach me. At times I was even wondering if maybe things would escalate to the point where they’d want to pee on me like Brenda and Virginia do in our shower.

It was a weird thought, because even though I love doing it with women, I don’t know if I’d like it so much with men. I’m glad they didn’t make me find out.


Once we’re out of the shower and all cleaned up, I’m looking through my suitcase, deciding what I want to wear for them today. Max has to work from eleven to seven o’clock tonight, so we’re going out to eat, then Rob’s taking me to see the sites around Carmel after that.

It’s foggy outside and rather cool, so I’ll be wearing cotton thigh-high sissy socks to keep my legs warm. I’d rather have my skinny legs covered in public anyway, at least until I get more meat on my thighs as I’m developing my fat sissy ass.

Now that my breasts are growing and the hormones have changed my psyche to that of a girl, I’ve become very conscience about my appearance. I’m taking extra care putting on my makeup, cuz I want to look hot and sexy, but at the same time, not over do it like I’ve often done at home.

All the hours that Brenda and Sherry have spent teaching me about makeup are paying off now as I do my own makeup on my very first weekend date with men.


We take separate cars into Carmel, and I’m tempted to suck Rob’s cock on the way, but I decide it’s too risky, not wanting to create a scene as he drives around finding an empty parking space.

I’m feeling very confident about my anorexic looks when we get out of the car, and I love wiggling my sissy ass as we walk hand-in-hand. I doubt anyone can tell I haven’t always been the cute girl I look like today.

We meet Max at this quaint little cafe, where the waitress seats us at a table by the window. I love the entire atmosphere of this place, especially watching all the tourists walking by outside, mostly observing how the women are walking with their men.

“Did Dez say when he’s coming over?” Rob asks Max.

“He didn’t say,” Max replies. “I’ll give him a buzz.”

“Who’s Dez?” I ask.

“He’s the friend I told you about yesterday,” Rob says. “I’m assuming you’re still open to having another guy join us?”

“Yeah, I’m still game. So tell me about Dez.”

“You’ll like him,” is all Rob says.


“And what…? I said you’ll like him. What else does a sissy need to know?”

“Well, I’d at least like to know what he looks like, and maybe how old he is?”

“He’s about our age, and he loves young sissies like you. That’s all you need to know.”

Before I can ask him anything else, the waitress brings our food, so that ends that conversation. Max gets on the phone with him as we’re eating, but all I can gather from listening to one side of their conversation is this Dez guy is playing a round of golf this afternoon, and he’ll come by probably early evening.

Rob and Max are tight-lipped every time I try to bring him up, so I’m left to wonder about him, as any sissy would wonder about the next cock she’ll be getting.

Max heads to work after we eat, and Rob takes me strolling around all the unique little shops they have here. This is the most comfortable I’ve ever felt cross-dressing in public, except that for me it’s not cross-dressing anymore. This is how I’ll be normally dressing every day from now on, and besides that, my sissy tits have become impossible to hide, not that I’d even want to.

As we’re walking by a jewelry store, the cutest pair of earrings catches my eye in the front window. I gaze at them for the longest time before Rob suggests we go in for a better look.

“Sure,” I tell him, “but just to look, okay?”

The jeweler is eager to show them to me, and even lets me try them on. I can’t believe how a little pair of earrings can make a girl feel so excited, but I definitely am. The longer I see them dangling from my ears in a mirror, the more I want them. Then I remember what Brenda told me on the way to the airport yesterday….

‘If you see something you like… buy it. Don’t worry about the amount.’

Well, I do have my very own credit card in my purse, and I’ve been itching to use it, but the three-hundred-dollar price tag intimidates me. They’re beautiful earrings, solid gold almost, with real diamonds embedded, so they’re probably worth it. At least the jeweler says they are.

This is my first big sissy financial decision, and I’m in deep thought about it, when the jeweler says that these earrings were designed especially for cute faces like mine. I’m suddenly like… geez… how can I disagree with a professional jeweler? I’m sure his opinion has nothing to do with him wanting to make a sale, and he did say I have a cute face, so… why not?

“Okay,” I finally blurt out, “I’ll take ’em.”

“Excellent choice,” the jeweler praises my wise decision as I get my sissy wallet from my purse.

“Put that away,” Rob then says as he hands the jeweler his own credit card.

“No, Rob,” I blush, “I can’t let you… this is too much.”

“Nonsense…” he says. “Nothing’s too much for my princess.”


Oh my God…! After Rob bought me these expensive earrings, I’m more in love with him than I’ve ever been before. I’ve never actually told him how I feel about him, but now I just have to. About an hour later, as we’re walking hand-in-hand along a secluded area of Carmel Beach, my sissy emotions are just too strong to hold back any longer.

“I think I’m in love with you, Rob,” I open my soul to him, “I’ve felt it ever since the night you took my sissy virginity from me.”

“Whoa, baby girl…” he’s taken aback.

“First off,” he says after a long pause, “I didn’t take your sissy cherry, you gave it to me.

“And second, you’re not in love with me, you’re in love with having sex with me. There’s a huge difference between physical love and emotional love. I do love you in a physical way, but I’m not emotionally in love with you like I am with Max.”

“B-but… I feel so emotionally attached to you, Rob. I just know I’m in love with you.”

“Listen, little princess, sissies are known for falling in love with just about every man they get in bed with. They’re emotionally weak by their very nature, but that’s why they’re the cute little fucks they are. Trust me, you won’t feel the same way about us when you get back home with Brenda and Sherry. Those two women are who you’re in love with, not me.

“Max and I both love having you in our bed, but we’re certainly not in love with you. Our love is pure physical love, baby girl. You need to understand that.”

“I’m trying,” I say with tears in my eyes.

“How about we go back to the house and experience all that physical love I’m talking about? You know I’m gonna hate taking you to the airport tomorrow.”

“Do you actually mean that?”

“Of course I do. You’re a very sexy sissy, you know.”

“You make me feel sexy.”

“You can’t feel sexy unless you actually are. Those earrings make you look even sexier.”

“I love my new earrings. Is it okay if I think about you when I wear them?”

“Of course you can think about me. I think about you a lot.”


“Yeah, really. Let’s spend the afternoon in bed, and I’ll show you how I think about you.”

“Oh God, Rob… you know I wanna do that.”


I felt so crushed at first when Rob didn’t react the way I wanted him to, but as we’re driving back up the mountain to his house, I’m starting to realize how stupid I was to think he’d actually be in love with a sissy. Shit… what the hell was I thinking?

Brenda and Virginia have talked to me about this before, about how it’s so easy for a sissy to get all wound up in bed and think she’s fallen in love, when she’s only in love with the sex. It’s how so many sissies get into trouble and end up in abusive relationships.

I’m feeling better when we get back to the house, but Rob knows I haven’t fully recovered from my emotional breakdown, if you want to call it that. The morning fog has burned off and the sun is out, so he rolls a joint and takes me out on their patio. It’s wonderful to be held in his arms as we gaze at the ocean and get high on pot.

He takes my mind to a very tranquil place, where he can talk to me about love, sex, and everything in between. Being twenty years older than me, Rob knows a lot more about these things than I do.

Kristy’s talked to me about ‘the change’ every sissy goes through during her hormonal transition period after she’s been taking estrogen a while, but Rob explains it in a way that makes it easier for me to understand. Rob helps me realize I’m going through my sissy transformation, which makes me susceptible to falling for any man I’m with right now.

He goes on to explain that the only person I should ever be totally in love with is Mandy Parker, the hot little sissy girl I’ve become. Mandy Parker wants men to fall in love with her, but she never allows herself to fall in love with them.

Her sissy purpose is to serve men in sexual ways their wives and girlfriends never can, and they, in turn, satisfy her addiction to male cock and the kinky lifestyle she’s now accustomed to living. She lets men think they own her, when in fact, she’s the one using them to give her money and expensive gifts in return for the unique sexual delicacies only a sissy girl like her can provide.


I’m still in love with Rob when he takes me into the bedroom an hour later, but it’s okay now, because I know the only part of him I’m actually in love with is his cock. Without all my stupid sissy emotions getting in my way, I’m experiencing my sissy gender in an amazingly different way as we undress each other next to the bed.

Rob leaves my sissy stockings on so the female part of me remains strong and vibrant as he kisses me and squeezes our hard cocks together in his hand. It makes me want to be his total sissy girl as I get on my knees to be his hot little cocksucker.

I salivate at the opportunity to worship Rob as I kiss his balls and lick the entire length of his big, beautiful cock. It’s so clear to me now that the only reason I love men is because I love what their superior cocks can give me, and what I’m in love with is the attention I get as a girl.

I’ve never loved sucking a man more than I’m loving it right now as my hot tongue triggers all the spots on his cock that Max taught me about last night. He called them penis pressure points, and I’m discovering how a weak little sissy like me can control a big strong man by triggering his pressure points.

Rob praises me as I worship that beautiful thing between his legs, and every time he tells me what a hot little cocksucker I am, I wanna suck him better. I hope I’m giving him the best head he’s ever had, because this is for sure the best head I’ve ever given.

Now that Rob’s taught me how to let go of my frivolous sissy emotions, my mind is free to laser-focus on nothing but his gorgeous cock. It feels so natural now that I don’t even have to think about it as I’m giving my best head ever!

He pulses in my mouth each time I bring him to the edge of orgasm, and each time I skillfully ease him back so he doesn’t cum before I want him to. I tell him I’m ready to fuck whenever he wants, but he’s more interested in giving me the same pleasures I’ve just given to him.

He picks me up and gently lays me on the bed, then he makes the sweetest love to me in ways only a gay cock lover could do with a sissy. He first triggers my male sexuality as he sucks my midget cock like no one ever has, then he ignites my female sexuality when he lifts my legs apart and eats my sissy ass like it’s an actual pussy.

I so love his hot tongue, cuz being eaten out makes me want to fuck so bad. He’s so skilled at bringing me to the brink of orgasm, then holding me there as I beg to be fucked. He does this over and over, teaching me how to control my own body so I’ll be a hotter fuck, while at the same time getting more sexual enjoyment out of it for myself.

It’s so cool to experience both sides of my sissy sexuality in incredible new ways as he sucks my sissy cock and simultaneously finger-fucks my butt. I’m needing a sissygasm in the worst possible way, but Rob ignores my relentless begging. Each erotic sexual peak gets higher and more intense, until I’ve learned how to plateau myself on my own without squirting sissy cum all over myself.

He calms me way down after that, getting us in a ‘sixty-nine’ position to enjoy the mellow pleasures of mutual oral sex. It’s so enjoyable to suck dick and lick ass as we insert our fingers into each other for mutual prostate massage. I’m so fascinated with his prostate, and I love how Rob’s working with me to perfect the massage techniques I learned from Max this morning.

This must be gay sex at its finest, and I’m enjoying it immensely, but all this prolonged advanced foreplay has made me so delirious I can’t even think straight. I’m getting so frustrated I could just scream, because Rob’s reduced me to nothing more than a hot bitch who desperately needs a cock in her ass, and all he does is tease me.

Then the doorbell rings… and I suddenly realize why he’s driven me into this crazy nymphomaniac state of mind.

“Dez is here, baby,” Rob jumps out of bed and puts on a robe.

“Stay horny for me until I get back.”


Holy shit… I was so into what Rob and I were doing that I completely forgot another man was coming over. I’m momentarily stuck with terror because this won’t be like you’d normally meet someone for the first time. I’m all sexed-up on the bed, totally naked except for my stockings, and this will be his first impression of me!

All I know about Dez is his name, but at this point, I’m so cock-hungry that I just don’t care whose cock I get. I hear them talking about me as they’re coming down the hall, and damn, Dez has the sweetest voice. Kinda feminine and masculine both, if you know what I mean.

“Hey, baby doll,” Rob comes in to say, “I want you to meet a special friend of ours…

“C’mon in Dez… I think you’ll like what you’re about to see.”

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

I’m instantly awe-struck when in walks the hottest-looking black man I’ve ever seen! Standing all of six-foot-six tall, his muscular body looks like he spends most of his time at the gym. He’s massively masculine, yet his shiny shaven head gives him surprisingly feminine facial features.

“Well, well,” he says as he sizes me up, “what do we have here?”

“This is sissy Mandy Parker,” says Rob. “She’s just your kind of girl.”

“Damn, Rob, where did you find this sissy bitch? You sure she’s not a real chick? You know I don’t do girls.”

“Mandy,” Rob grins, “show Dez that sissy treat you have between your legs.”

Oh my God, I’m so hot for this black stallion that just spreading my legs to show him my little boner sends me into total sissy submission. I’ve known him for a whole minute, but that’s long enough to know I’m meant to be his white sissy bitch.

“Damn, girl,” Dez chuckles as he checks out my sissy package, “you got the cutest little sissy dick I ever did see. And real titties, too. Ain’t too many sissy bitches around like you.”

“Mandy’s a hybrid sissy,” Rob brags about me. “Her Mistress has her on hormones, so she’s half girl and half man, a real one-of-a-kind.”

“No doubt,” says Dez, “she’s a damn-fine sissy. I’m gonna have to taste her sissy candy.”

“Go ahead, Mandy won’t mind.”

“Heck no,” I giggle.

“Please, sir,” I say to Dez, “let me be your property.”

“Sweet thing,” Dez puts his hand under my chin, snapping my head slightly backwards to look into my eyes, “I ain’t no straight man, and I don’t want you calling me Sir. In our gay world, sissies are almost equal to men, but I want my sissy bitches naked, so git them girly socks off, and let’s get down to business.”

Oh my God… not only is Dez a fuckin’ black sex-god, he even considers me his equal… almost. I feel part of my femininity leaving me as I get off the bed to take off my socks as he commanded me to do, because Dez doesn’t seem to want a sissy girl, he wants a twinky sissy male.

Wow… I was wanting to experience myself as a total homosexual at least once this weekend, and now I’m about to have sex with two gay men, as a gay male myself! This is so cool, but Rob, however, isn’t about to let me feel one hundred per cent homosexual.

Stepping out of the room briefly, he comes back with my sissy collar, reminding me as he buckles it around my neck that sissies are not males. He makes it clear that sissies like me are just little bitches who exist to serve men, and I’m like… really…? Tell me something I don’t already know.

Dez’s fat tongue then takes control over my mouth as he kisses me with all the dominance sissies crave from their men. I instantly surrender my body to him as Rob looks on, anxious to see what I’ll do with this gift he’s given me.

Standing on my tippy toes to get as close as possible to this masculine black man, I jump slightly when he gives my left butt cheek a hard, but playful slap. Then I giggle when he slaps my other cheek, hoping he’ll keep spanking me with those big black hands.

I let out a delighted sissy giggle when I slip my hands under his t-shirt and he takes it off for me. I’m so weak and tiny compared to him, so much shorter that his manly nipples are level with my mouth. I can’t resist kissing them as he spanks me with hard, stinging slaps. I’m usually a pussy when it comes to pain, but somehow I love a man spanking my sissy ass until it’s red-hot.

The darkness of his skin contrasts starkly with my small white hands smoothing all over his manly chest. His firm, well-developed muscles remind me what a twerp I was as man, and how attractive I am now in my female role. I know I’ll always be the girl in bed, and I relish the thought of being a girl for Dez as I drop to my knees in submission to him.

“Ain’t this what you want?” Dez says as he presses his crotch into my face.

“Oh, God…” I shudder, “it’s the only thing I want.”

“Don’t be shy, girl,” he smirks, “take it out and show me how bad you want it.”

Oh my God… I can already tell the soft cock hiding in his loose sweatpants is fat and meaty as I feel the enormous thing with my fingers. I know it’ll soon be mine, but still, I shudder in disbelief as I pull his sweatpants down to get my first glimpse of his gigantic brown dick.

It’s absolutely perfect, with a brownish-pink head peaking out under a cloak of erotic foreskin. Huge veins bulge out along the entire length, with his fleshy scrotum hanging like a bull. His two big balls look like they could feed me enough sperm to let me skip a meal, and I’m amazed as I wrap both my hands around his black monster, and there’s still enough hanging out to probably fill my mouth!

“Show me what those hot lips can do,” Dez says as he slaps his black cock across my face.

“Mandy’s a hot little cocksucker,” Rob says as I open wide just to get him in my mouth.

“She’s got the sweetest lips,” Dez chuckles as I take him in as far as I can, which isn’t much compared to how much cock he has for me to suck. “Ain’t nothin’ hotter than a horny sissy bitch giving head.”

“Suck it, sissy bitch,” he exploits his dominance over me as he lightly slaps my face.

His words excite me beyond belief, and I don’t mind being slapped around a bit as I start bobbing on his black cock. In less than a minute it seems, he grows to a full ten inches, and so big around that I don’t think he’ll fit in my throat.

It’s every sissy’s dream to do what I’m so privileged to be doing, and I go into a cocksucker trance as Rob then stands alongside him with his cock brushing across my cheek. The only thing I regret as I savor every second is that I can’t fit both of them in my mouth at the same time, but Lord knows I’m trying!

Rob’s big dick feels so small compared to the horse-cock Dez has as I’m taking him into my throat again. Dez gets behind me and sticks his finger up my butt, making me moan to the pleasure as he then picks me up like I’m a feather.

Rob holds my head so his cock stays buried in my throat as Dez turns me upside-down, and everything starts getting blurry as the blood rushes to my head. Dez then spits on my sissy hole and tongue-fucks my sissy ass as Rob sucks my stiff sissy boner.

I’m squirming and thrashing my skinny legs about to the intense pleasure of it all, not realizing that I’m about to pass out from being held upside-down so long. Dez starts laughing as he dangles me in thin air with just one of his strong hands around my knee. He swings me back and forth a few times to make sure I’m dizzy and can’t see straight before laying me on the bed with my head hanging off the side.

Dez then grabs my ankles and folds me in half as Rob gets on the bed to eat my sissy pussy that’s now pointing towards the ceiling. I’m surprised at how flexible my body has become after Brenda’s been putting me in bondage to stretch my spine every night for the past few months. She’s conditioned me to be a bendable little fuck-doll, and it’s paying off now as Dez holds my ankles together behind my neck.

He glides his massive cock across my face as I wrap my tiny right hand around his fat shaft, but it’s too thick to grip completely. I start stroking his foreskin up and down his cock head, while playing with his hairy black balls with my left hand. As Rob teases my excited sissy hole with his hot tongue, my eyes open wide to the sight of Dez’s fully-engorged black cock about to enter my pussy-mouth.

I lap up the precious golden pre-cum that’s accumulated on his tip as I plant a wet kiss on his pee slit. Dez smirks as I look up into his eyes, nodding his head as my hot lips wrap around his fat cock.

“Go ahead, baby girl,” he says softly, “you can do it. Take me into your throat.”

I nod back in understanding as I swirl my tongue around his fat head while accumulating a reservoir of saliva I know I’ll need to accomplish the intensive task of taking his entire cock down my throat.

Although I’ve deep-throated a few cocks before this weekend, Max taught me a lot about it that I didn’t know. He showed me how to relax my throat muscles so all I have to do is take slow, deep breaths through my nose and open up my throat as much as possible. My throat is far more malleable now after being throat-fucked by Rob, so my gag reflex is all but gone as Dez presses his bulbous head towards the back of my throat.

Rob then squirts what feels like an entire bottle of lube into my sissy cunt, pressing his cock into me as Dez works his thick shaft into my throat. I grab onto Dez’s black ass, pulling him towards me as I gain more confidence that I can swallow his entire length.

My eyes begin to water and my girl-dick leaks pre-cum as Rob presses deep into my ass and Dez’s thick dick works its way into the depths of my throat. I relax my throat as much as I can, and it isn’t long before Dez’s hairy ball sack hangs against on my forehead while Rob’s heavy balls slap on my ass as he gets into fucking me like I’ve wanted him to do all afternoon.

“There you go, slut,” Dez chuckles as he feels my bulging, cock-filled throat around my wishbone, “you love taking two cocks nice and deep, huh?

“C’mon girl, suck this black dick real good and it’ll fill your belly with white magic.”

Oh my God, feeling his intruder sliding up and down my throat inch-by-inch is what sissy dreams are made of. Excess saliva slobbers out of my mouth as he briefly pulls his cock out completely, only to use the tip of his black snake to wipe the snot running from my nose, then feeding it back to me as he shoves it back down my throat.

Being dominated so completely by two gay cocks makes me so horny that all I want is to feel their seed shooting deep inside me. Only then can I experience the sissy release I need.

It’s safe to say they use me like this for about twenty minutes as I my tiny hands milk the sperm from Dez’s fat nuts. Letting me know that he’s close to cumming, Dez continues pummeling my stretched-out throat while leaning down to take my sissy dick into his mouth. It’s been leaking like a sieve as I’ve been enjoying the best sex of my sissy life so far, and a stream of pre-cum has run all the way from my belly button to my tits.

My face is buried in his sweaty crotch and his cock feels close to breaching my stomach, when seconds later, his cock goes into violent convulsions, stretching my throat further as he unloads what feels like gallons of thick sperm straight into my gut.

It thrills me so much that it makes me cum, and it’s hard to describe how exhilarating it feels to dump my sissy load into my lover’s mouth after he’s just fed me so well. It felt like I cummed a lot, but I’m certain that Dez gave me a far healthier dose of protein than my tiny little balls could ever produce.

Dez savors my sissy seed a minute before releasing my girl-dick from his mouth, and another minute goes by before he gently pulls his monster out of my throat. I appreciate that he lets it rest in my mouth so I can lick his head clean as the last few drops of cum flow out of his piss slit.

“Oh, hot damn,” Dez exclaims to Rob, who’s still pumping my sissy ass, “this Mandy girl is the hottest sissy bitch we’ve ever had.”

“I told you she was good,” Rob chuckles, “are you ready to take her sissy ass? I’m about ready to cum, but I’m sure Mandy wants it in her mouth.”

“Oh, yes, Rob!” I giggle with delight. “Feed me another load!”

“Oh God Almighty…” Dez says as he flips me around so Rob can cum in my mouth, “There ain’t no quit in this bitch.”

“Brenda’s trained her to be a high-priced whore, so fuck the shit out of her while she’s still free.”

“You know I will. Bitches like Mandy only come around once in a while.”

I love hearing them talk about me like that, because it’s a true fact that I’ve become a hot commodity for horny men. I might one day be an expensive bitch to fuck, but I’ll always fuck these guys for free.

And fucking me for free is exactly what Dez has in mind as he throws my legs over his shoulders and holds my tiny cock against his as he strokes our cocks together. He’s still halfway hard after cumming in my throat, but my poor excuse for a cock is limp as a wet noodle. It’s only four inches when fully erect, and right now it’s a pathetic nothing compared to his.

My asshole is gaping wide as the air flows in like a cool breeze, but that all ends when Dez decides to take a piece of my sissy ass for himself. As relaxed as my sissy hole is after Rob just fucked me, it still stings like hell as his fat dick splits me apart.

He’s careful not to hurt me as he gently slides his monster in and out of my hot sissy ass, which is good, because he’s getting deep into my colon and rearranging my guts. I’m a little worried that he might tear me up inside, but he’s so gentle that I soon forget about that and just enjoy what few sissies will ever get to experience for themselves.

He’s got me so stretched out that I can’t even begin to squeeze my hole around him, and I’m so into the pleasure that I don’t even notice Rob stroking his cock above my head. But I notice when he puts his cock back in my mouth and gives me the delicious creamy load I earned when I gave him my ass.

“Don’t swallow that load, sweet bitch,” Dez says as he leans down to kiss me. “Cuz we’s gonna share it.”

Oh my God… Dez knows what sissies like as he presses his mouth over mine and our tongues dance together in a bath of Rob’s sweet cum. I think it’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever done as I wrap my arms around his neck and start bucking my ass in rhythm with his big black cock. It’s now carved its own love canal deep into my ass-pussy, and all the pain has disappeared as he picks me up like I don’t weigh more than a few ounces.

With my ankles over his shoulders and my arms around his neck, our lips remain locked together as we pass Rob’s cum back and forth and he bounces me off his hips in the wildest fuck I’ve ever had. It’s even more thrilling because his cum is sloshing around in my stomach, and I know Rob is watching us. I’m pretty sure he’s proud of me for letting go of my sissy emotions so I can be the best little fuck-slut I can possibly be.

Dez doesn’t let up, and I’m getting continuous sissygasms as I prove I can take everything he has to give. His cock is my drug, making me shake in erotic ecstasy as I let it do whatever it wants to do.

“What a fuckin’ party you got going on,” Max suddenly enters the room as I’m screaming at the top of my lungs.

“Mandy’s getting broken in like a wild mare,” Rob chuckles.

“I can see,” Max laughs.

“Save a piece for me,” Max says to Dez.

“You wanna rip off a piece?” Dez chuckles. “This bitch is wearing me out.”

“Any time you’re ready for me to take over,” Max says as he takes off his clothes, exposing his hard, but short boner to me.

“You want some of that, little bitch?” Dez asks me.

“Oh my God,” I reply as another sissygasm rocks my soul, “gimme more cock!”

They all laugh at that, but I’m seriously wanting to be gang-banged all night long if they can do it. Dez is out of breath as he lays me on the bed and finally pulls his cock out of my hot ass, and I must admit that I’m in need of a break. I didn’t realize how wound up I was, because all I thought about was giving every ounce of me to Dez.

It takes a while to catch my breath as I scootch to the middle of the bed, but it doesn’t take long to get horny again as Max gets on top of me and sinks his fat cock into my already well-fucked sissy ass. Max doesn’t have near the length of the other two, but it’s nice and fat, and he knows how to use it. He gives it to me slow, in a very sensuous and relaxing fuck as his hairy chest rubs against my very hard and sensitive sissy nipples.

He kisses me in a very loving way, and I kiss him back in kind as I wrap my legs around his waist and buck my hips to meet his thrusting cock. I’m so in love with him for everything he’s taught this weekend, and I know he loves fucking me, because it’s obvious that his role is being the bitch-boy when they don’t have a sissy around to fuck.

We have a wonderful time fucking, but I don’t get carried away with stupid sissy emotions to think he’s in love with me. I’m definitely in love with him in the physical way Rob talked to me about this afternoon, and when his warm cum fills my sissy ass, he whispers that he’s in love with me in the same physical way.

Once Max has had his time to enjoy me, Rob and Dez then get back on the bed to gang-bang me like the sissy slut I now am. Rob sticks his dick back up my ass as Dez and Rob hold my legs apart, and I have the biggest smile on my face as suck their cocks while they’re waiting for their next turn to fuck me.

My body goes into a euphoric state of sissygasm as we fuck long into the night. It’s so good to be the bitch, because all I have to do is lie here and enjoy it while they wear themselves out. It’s so relaxing to let them use me, and my ass so numb from the constant pounding that all I feel is a satisfying warm glow.

As they drop off one by one and pass out from sheer exhaustion, I feel like I’ve done what Brenda sent me here to do. She’s trained me as much as she could, but she knew she couldn’t teach me what I’ve learned from these cock connoisseurs. Gay men know more about cock and ass fucking than Mistresses do, and they’ve taught me so very well.

I’ve matured a lot with these sensuous gay men, and I’m well experienced now to be the hot little Hierarchy whore Brenda’s always intended for me to be. Out of everything I’ve learned this weekend, the most important thing I learned is that I’ll never again let myself fall in love with a man.

I do prefer sex with men over women, and I’ll miss my guys when I leave here tomorrow, but I can’t wait to get back in the arms of Brenda and Sherry, who love me more than anyone else ever could.

I’m deeply in love with them for sure, but the person I’m most in love, of course, is me… sissy Mandy Parker!

Published 1 year ago

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