SissyMandy – Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes

"I know you've heard me say this before, but I'm not the same sissy anymore"

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I can’t say for sure, but think it’s around two o’clock on Saturday afternoon when my date with Mistress Virginia finally ends. Physically drained and mentally altered after my deranged night with the cougar Mistress, I’m stumbling in my heels, barely keeping up with Brenda as we walk towards her car.

“Sit up front with me, sissy-love,” she says, tugging on my leash. “We’ve taken another step towards our destiny, so we have things to discuss.”

My mind’s registering a complete blank, wondering what we need to discuss. Just squinting my eyes in the bright afternoon sunlight is about all I can manage.

“I know you’re tired, hon,” she calmly consoles me. “We’ll make one fun stop, then I’ll take my sissy-poo home, so she can sleep.”

Tired can’t begin to describe how I feel as I plop my worn-out ass in the seat of her Mercedes. Mind-blown and dazed might be a more accurate description of my condition. Cloaked in Virginia’s innocuous charm the entire night, her carefully chosen words and mesmerizing persona didn’t just blow my mind, she took me into a hypnotic trance and reprogrammed my thinking.

Brenda already had me peering over the edge of that slippery slope, so it didn’t take much to send me tumbling into the eternal sissy abyss of no return. The cougar Matriarch embedded kinky sissy programming so deep into my subconscious that I’m not even aware she did it.

So I didn’t know why I got disgusted with myself this morning when I woke up horny and started jacking off. I just got this yucky, sick-to-my-stomach feeling that I never wanted to do it again. Real sissies never jack off anyway, so why should I care?

My pussy’s where it’s at for me now, and it felt so natural fucking myself with the dildo Mistress conveniently left on her pillow. I didn’t even care when I realized she and Brenda had come into the bedroom. Knowing I was being watched made it so deliciously kinky, which made my prostate orgasm more wonderful than anything I could have imagined.

Another weird thing is, I don’t know why I’m craving female urine so much, I just am. And while not every sissy is a piss-drinking slut, the special ones like me are. I know I’m special, because Brenda and Virginia told me I was when they took me in the shower and drenched me in their golden essence. My little clitty got really hard as my belly filled with nectar, so I mean, how can something as thrilling as that possibly be a bad thing?

But all that seems so distant now as my body yearns for sleep. I haven’t eaten anything since last night, and seeing as I can hardly hold myself up, Brenda lays my weary head onto her lap.


“My Mistress was very pleased with you,” Brenda tells me as she backs out of the driveway. “She’s quite impressed with how far along you are in the process.”

“You mean the sissy process?”

“I mean the sissy whore process, hon. Isn’t that what we both know you want? She talked to you about the ultimate dream every Hierarchy Mistress has, didn’t she?”

“Well… when we were soaking her big, dreamy tub, she told me about the Hierarchy sissies and all the kinky things they do. She said every Hierarchy Mistress wants her sissy to be a Hierarchy whore.”

“It’s our greatest symbol of achievement, Mandy. And what did you think about becoming a sissy whore in the Hierarchy, and doing kinky things for big money?”

“I got really excited about it, at least I think I did. Actually, I was excited the whole time we were talking, because Mistress kept playing with my clitty and sticking her fingers up my sissy hole. It turned me on so much that I ate her out real good after she dried me off.”

“Yes, she told me how much she enjoyed that. You’ve become a very good pussy licker, you know.”

“I should be,” I giggle. “I’ve been eating you and Sherry out every single night for the past two weeks.”

“You’ve learned the techniques very well, my dear. I think it’s time to try you out with a woman you’ve never been sexual with before.”

“That might be fun.”

“Oh, it’ll definitely be fun. Virginia thinks your tonguing skills are good enough to start bringing in money, but I want to see how you do with an unfamiliar pussy before I send you out on an actual whoring date. Do you think you’re ready to try it?”

“I’m so ready to try it. When can it happen?”

“I’ll have to see when I can arrange it with one of my lady friends, but it’ll happen when you least expect it. I know how fragile you’ll be with a superior woman the first time, and I don’t want you getting nervous about it beforehand.”

It’s nice to know that Mistress is thinking about whoring me out to her female friends, but I’m too tired to get all that excited about it right now. All I want to do is close my eyes as her hand caresses my breasts. My little sissy titties will only be pumped-up for another day or so, and I want to enjoy them for as long as I possibly can.

“Do you like sexy surprises?” she asks after we’ve been quietly driving a while.

“Sexy surprises are the best!”

“Then sit up, pretty sissy. We’re going to one of your favorite places.”

“Oh wow, Mistress!”

I see the familiar pink neon sign.

“Adult World…! Can I suck some cock in the glory hole room?”

“Why do you think I’m bringing you here? You’ve been such a good sissy, I think you’ve earned a feeding.”

“Thank you, Mistress! I’m so hungry for cum!”

“Look at you! You sure did wake up fast.”

“Of course I did. Cock is my most favorite thing!”

“Have you ever noticed, hon, how cocksucking always gets you so excited?” she asks as she parks the car. “Think about it. If you love cocks so much, then… you must be a queer girl, right?”

“Well… maybe… I might be queer.”

“No maybe about it, babe. You’re definitely queer, and you know it.”

“Okay, you’re right. I’m queer, and I know it.”

“And don’t you just love it?”

“Yes, yes, yes! I do love it! Now can we please go inside? I really need to suck some cock.”

“In a sec… I have another surprise for you in my purse.”

Okay, I’m excited, but I don’t think whatever’s in her purse can be as good as sucking cock. Brenda’s grinning as she pulls a prescription bottle from her purse.

“Guess what this is? she asks, shaking the bottle.

“More sissy pills?”

“No, don’t be such a cunt. Read the label.”

“Es… es… estra… diol? What’s es-ter-a-diol?

“Hormone pills, silly. Estrogen? Estradiol? Get it?”

“Fancy name for girl pills.”

“They’ll make you a fancy sissy. Go ahead, take one.”

“Right now?”

“Why not? Your tummy’s already full of female nectar. Take a pill, suck a cock, swallow male cum… and presto…!

“You have the perfect hormone cocktail.”

“Okay,” I gulp, “if you want me to.”

Fuck, she tricks me like this all the time. First, she gets me all worked up and excited about sucking cock, then she whips out the hormones and mind-fucks me. I had no idea yesterday that I’d be starting on estrogen today.

Taking such a big, life-changing step isn’t something I’ve really thought too much about, but then again, I remember what Virginia told me last night. I’ve never been able to make my own decisions, not really, not the big ones.

I pause for a moment, wondering if I really want this. Real hormones, real tits, becoming just like the real sissy girls in the hypno videos? Really…? Me…?

Everything about this lifestyle is suddenly becoming so real, but I know Mistress wants this for me, and I know she’s always right. While I consider the reality of my situation, Brenda patiently gives me all the time I need.

“It’s your decision, honey-love… your body, your future. What do you want your future to be?”

‘Fuck…’ I think, ‘I know she’s right. Maybe I do want this. I know I at least want to want this. I definitely know I’ll always have a burning desire for cocks, because I’m dying to be fucked by one right now. I do want to be sissy in every way possible, and I so want to please my Mistress. I want to please her so bad, I’ll even take hormones to prove it!’

I stare with devotion at my Mistress, my goddess, her beautiful eyes drinking in the sight of me nervously taking the pill from her hand and swallowing it. Smiling, she cradles my face between her soft palms, forcing little moans from my mouth as our lips draw close and meet in the most tender, loving kiss I think I’ve ever had.

Tracing her fingertips around my swollen nipples, she tells me how lovely I’ll be when my natural tits begin to grow. I’ll be so attractive to men and women alike, because sissy is my gender, and I was clearly meant to be a fuck toy for both sexes. This must be the permanent sissy state of mind they always talk about in the sissy hypno videos, to just accept ourselves as sex toys, and to go forward in life being just that.

“No regrets, my precious sissy?”

“No regrets,” I answer, “I want to be a total sissy for you, with natural sissy tits for everyone to play with.”

“Right now, sissy-love, your hot lips need to be played with. Everything about you at this moment screams ‘cocksucker’. Shall we go in and get you fed?”

“Mistress, I love you so much!” I say as she leads me, collared and leashed, toward the entrance of the adult superstore.

All she says is, “Who does your ass belong to?”

And I say the only thing I can say, over and over again, “My ass belongs to you, Mistress!”


Once we get inside, Mistress prances me around the magazine racks, holding my leash high and tight to show me off and let the guys know a hungry cocksucker has entered the building.

“Who wants to feed my bitch?” she announces.

It’s still mid-afternoon, so there are only five or six guys in the place, but that’s enough for a start.

“How much?” one of the guys asks, which surprises me, because I’ve always sucked cock in here for free.

Brenda’s surprised herself, but her business mentality is quick to respond, “Twenty bucks. Hand it to her before you stick your cock through the wall.”

“Is her slut mouth worth twenty bucks?” a smart-ass blurts out.

“Honey,” Brenda brushes him off, “this bitch gets fifty for a private. She gets you off, or the blow job is free.”

She then points towards the video arcade, “This way, boys. Twenty bucks buys you a party in her mouth.”

My heart’s pounding with anticipation to the sound of my high heels clicking on the concrete floor. I’m flaunting my fake female figure, strutting hot and sassy in my padded pussy panties. Knowing I’ve got guys with hard cocks following me always gets my blood boiling. I’ve got new energy, cuz I’m a hot sissy, wide awake, and dying to suck those cocks!

“Go on in,” Brenda tells me when we get to the room in the back with the holes in the wall. “I’ll be back in a few. I want to check out some prostate toys to add to your collection. Will you be alright by yourself?”

“Of course I will. I’ve done this like, four times already.”

“Don’t suck any cock unless you get a twenty-dollar bill first, and you make damn sure no one comes in and tries to fuck you.”

“Geez, Mistress, I’ll be fine. It’s not like I’m a rookie at this. I’ll lock the door, okay?”

Sometimes I think Mistress acts like she’s my mother. Well, she’s not my mom, but she definitely owns me, so I guess she’s just looking after her property.


My heart races after I lock the door and sit on the stool in front of the rectangular hole. A knock on the wall, a twenty-dollar bill is handed to me, and a limp penis presents itself through the opening. It’s not that big, but I know how to make it grow. I take a deep breath and lean forward. Almost instantly, my body starts tingling like it always does when I have a cock in my mouth. A soft groan drifts in from the other side as I get him fully erect and rock-hard.

While stroking him softly in sync with my mouth, I wonder what this stranger looks like, and who he might be. Not knowing always adds to the excitement I get from sucking random cocks. After a few minutes of loud groaning from the other side, the stranger knocks on the wall. I don’t stop as he knocks harder, letting out a series of grunts as the anonymous erection errupts in my mouth.

Streams of hot, stringy semen flow down my throat, making my body shiver along with my pulsing clitty as it empties into my mouth. It’s really thick with good volume, but slightly bitter in taste. Most of it, luckily, goes smoothly past my tastes buds as I swallow.

“That was great, you freaky little whore,” the stranger on the other side laughs as his cock withdraws.

God, how I love this. A hard cock exploding in my mouth does something for me that nothing else can. Six months ago, I would have been emotionally broken to be called a fuckin’ freak after I’d just given a man such pleasure. But months of continuous sissy sex training has hardened me.

I’ve become immune to verbal abuse, and my inhibitions have melted away. A freak is what I am now, a little homosexual whore with her first dose of estrogen dissolving in her gut. Sucking cock in female clothes makes me yearn to become as female as I can be.

My thoughts are soon interrupted by another knock on the wall. Another twenty-dollar bill, and another fresh, partially erect dick enters my space. This one’s thick, long, and my favorite quality… uncut. I show my appreciation by covering its length with soft, passionate kisses before taking it deeply into my mouth.

This new stranger gasps as I work him over, pressing his entire package into the opening, so I can play with his balls as I suck. This one also lets out a loud series of grunts as another load of semen floods my mouth.

I swallow greedily at first, then allow it to linger a few precious moments in my mouth, enjoying the taste, texture, and volume of his load before swallowing it in a single gulp. My pulsing little clitty leaks pre-cum as the large wad travels down my esophagus, and seems to make a splash when it drops into my nectar-filled tummy.

The third cock is rather small and unimpressive, yet I don’t feel the least bit disappointed. I wrap my lips tightly around it, anxiously working him to get to the flavorful result that is sure to come. Minutes later he starts knocking, loudly moaning on the other side of the wall as I pick up the pace to milk him. His load is as unimpressive as his cock. Not much volume, and watery too, but tasty nonetheless, and another load down the hatch.

I hear them outside joking and laughing about the kinky little queer-whore with the hungry little mouth. I don’t care what anyone says about me anymore, because most of it is true anyway. I’m a sissy cocksucker, the sex toy I’m meant to be, and nothing can ever change that now. Anxiously waiting for my next cock, Mistress’s face appears through the hole instead.

“Having fun, homo girl?”

“Oh yes, Mistress. I sucked three cocks already!”

“I love the happy look on your face, but you also look very tired. Unlock the door, I bought you something you’re gonna love.”

“But what if another cock needs me while I’m away?”

“He’ll just have to wait, queer girl,” Mistress laughs. “Hurry up and open the god-dammed door.”

Suddenly realizing that I really am a dumb cunt in moments like this, I feel stupid and silly as I get off my stool to unlock the door for Brenda. The kinky programming Virginia installed in my sissy brain is making me act more stupid than usual, and I’m having trouble just unlocking the door.

My stupidity makes me so fucking horny, too, cuz I know the only thing I’m good for anymore is serving cocks and pussies. I can only guess what other changes might be taking place inside my head. Changes I can’t control, but changes I want and can only surrender to.

“Were you having trouble with a simple door lock?” Mistress sneers playfully as I let her in.

“No, I was just thinking about how horny I am. It’s so confusing to think about why I like it so much, and how happy I am about it.”

“You’re happy, hon, because you love cock. I’ve kept you on a pussy diet and deprived you of cock the past few weeks, so you’d realize what you are. You’re a homosexual, cock-loving whore, who also knows how to please the ladies. Isn’t this what you’ve always wanted?”

“I don’t know about always, but it’s all I want now. It’s hard to think of anything else. In fact, it’s hard to even think at all.”

“Your simple brain wasn’t designed to think. That’s why I do all of your thinking for you, so all you have to do is give sex to anyone I tell you to. Now isn’t that a sweet, simple life to look forward to?”

“I so want that life, Mistress, and I’m so grateful to you for giving it to me. Serving you and Sherry is the only thing that matters to me.”

“And I love you so much for it, Mandy Parker, my sissy whore and personal property. Let’s get you home before you drop from exhaustion.”

“But what about the cocks I haven’t sucked yet? Sissies need all the cum they can get.”

“Honey, you’ve already sucked three cocks and swallowed three loads. That’s enough sex for my worn-out sissy today. Other sluts will come in later to take care of those cocks. Don’t you worry about it, horny girl, Mistress will make sure her sissy gets plenty of cocks from now on.”

“Can I see what you bought me?”

“Not yet, I’m saving it for when we’re alone in bed, just you and me. Then I’m gonna blow your mind with it!”


I really wanted to stay and suck more cocks, but Mistress always knows best. Even with the powerful rush of adrenaline I was getting from sucking those cocks, I was running on fumes. I didn’t know it until I stood up to open the door for Brenda. The longer I was on my feet, the weaker I was getting. If it weren’t for Brenda, I might have passed out with a cock in my mouth.

I needed help just walking out to the car, and I think I lost it as soon as she got me into my seat. I don’t remember the drive home, only waking up when I hear the garage door closing after Brenda’s driven in and turned off the car.

“Hey, Sher…?” she calls out. “Are you home?”

“I’m here,” Sherry comes running out, wearing only panties and a flimsy bra.

“Help me get our sissy into the house. She’s plum worn-out.”

“Ohhh… poor little sissy,” Sherry comes over and showers me with sweet little kisses, “are you all sexed out?”

“I’m soooo tired, but I feel soooo good. It’s so sweet to see you.”

“It’s sweet to see you, too. Is that cum I smell on your breath? Have you been sucking cock, you horny girl?”

“Yeah,” I giggle, “I sucked three cocks at Adult World, and I made sixty bucks!”

“Nice! I had the best date myself last night with this beautiful couple. They want to meet you and date us both together.”

“So, I take it you liked your evening with the Harrisons?” Brenda asks.

“God, I loved it. You were right about dating older people. They were all over me the moment we got back to their house after dinner. And to think I got paid to have so much fun!”

“What…?” I’m shocked. “They paid you?”

“We’ll talk about it later,” Brenda quickly hushes me. “Let’s go inside and get you something to eat.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Okay, you’re not hungry, but you’re tired and need to go to bed.”

“No, I’m not tired.”

“Would you like go to bed me?” Sherry tempts. “I’m sure my mouth can pleasure you to sleep.”

“Oh yeah! I’d love that!”

“Then let’s go, sissy girl. I love my sissy girlfriend so much, I’d marry her all over again.”

“You two love birds go have some fun,” Brenda tells us, “I need to make some phone calls to arrange a few things.”

“Arrangements for what we talked about?” I’m quick to ask.

“The only arrangement you have at the moment,” Brenda swats my ass, “is taking care of that beautiful goddess you’re married to. Now, off to bed with the both of you!”


I don’t know why I told Brenda I wasn’t hungry. I haven’t eaten anything all day, so simple logic should tell me I need to eat something. But my thinking’s been altered, and changes are occurring inside my head. The changes aren’t subtle at all, reducing my rational brain to a faint voice in the distance, with my stupid sissy brain now dominating my decisions.

Last night, while we intimately soaked together in her tub, Virginia kept me in a high state of arousal as she told me about the Hierarchy sissies. She greatly enhanced my excitement by skillfully fingering my ass and stroking my clitty, and as if that wasn’t enough, the things she did with my pumped-up titties sent me straight to heaven.

I was like putty in her hands, soaking up her explicit, detailed descriptions of the kinky things Hierarchy sissies do on dates and at sex parties. The more she told me about them, the more enamored I became. Getting me so very horny was her way of priming me for the hypnotic programming she’d been planning for me all along.

So now I’m obsessed with those mental images of sissies I’ve never seen. My stupid sissy brain tells me I’m grossly overweight, and I need to get as skinny as possible. I’m not the least bit concerned about my health or well-being. All I care about is becoming a skinny little slut for the Hierarchy.


I kinda lied about being tired, too, but Sherry sees right through me as she puts her arm around me and takes me into the house.

“How’d you get such a sexy figure overnight?” she teases.

“Mistress Virginia turned me on to padded panties. I didn’t know they made stuff like this for cross-dressers.”

“They look hot, babe, but I can tell how tired you are. Are you ready for bed?”

“I have to pee first.”

“Can I hold it for you?” she giggles mischievously as we go into the bathroom.

“If I can even get it out,” I laugh as I take off my skirt, “the only bad thing about these panties is the little gaff pouch for my clitty, but look what they do for me up front.”

“Damn, babe, it looks like you have a pussy.”

“Doesn’t it though? Who’d a thought? Foam-molded pussy lips, built right in!”

“We’ll have to go shopping for some fancy tight jeans, so you can show off your new cunt.”

“Oh, c’mon, it’s not that realistic, is it?”

“It is from a distance, and seriously, you need some designer jeans. I’ll take you shopping this week.”

“Mistress gave me the sexiest dress last night, too. She didn’t let me wear it home, cuz she wants to have it cleaned first.”

“I bet you look hot in it.”

“I do. Wait till you see me wearing it.”

“Babe, I think you look hot no matter what you’re wearing. Even in male clothes, I still love your looks.”

“Fuck…!” I grimace as I squeeze out of the panties, “I need to lose a bunch of weight, so I can get these fuckers off easier.”

“Let me help.”

Giggling, she grabs my bare ass with both hands. “There’s that sissy ass I love so much.”

“Fat ass is more like it,” I complain. “I need to get skinny.”

“You’re not that fat.”

“Yes, I am! I’m cutting down on my eating,” I tell her as I sit on the pot to pee like a girl.

“Aaaagh…” I sigh. I didn’t realize how badly I needed to go. As my bladder drains, Sherry hears my empty stomach growling.

“What have you eaten today?”

“Nothing, but I haven’t been hungry. And I didn’t want to eat, cuz I have to get skinny.”

“Not hungry, my ass,” Sherry scolds, “you’re eating something before we go to bed.”

“I told you, I’m not hungry.”

“Bullshit! It’s not healthy to starve yourself.”

“It’s not that bad. Hierarchy sissies starve themselves all the time.”

“Hush, cunt…!”


“I said hush! You want to get skinny? I’ll get you skinny, but you’ll do what I say, got it? And quit being sassy with me!”

“I’m sorry, Sherry, it’s just that I want to…”

“I know what you want!” she abruptly cuts me off. “Brenda and I have already discussed it. We’ve worked out a diet to make you a skinny slut like you want, and at the same time, give your body the nutrition it’ll need to work with the estrogen.”

“What? You know I started on estrogen today?”

“Mandy, dear… we’re married, remember? I know every little thing you do. Now, are you going to obey me like a sissy is supposed to? Or am I going to have to use my strap-on on you?”

“Strap-ons won’t work to discipline her, Sher…” Brenda laughs from the other room, “She enjoys it too much.”

“I’m hoping she won’t need discipline. I’d rather love her than punish her.”

“I’m sorry, Sherry. I’ll do what you say. I just didn’t think that…”

“Your problem,” Brenda comes in to interrupt, “is you tried to think. What did I tell you earlier today about thinking?”

“That you do all my thinking for me?”

“Me… and who else?”

“Sherry thinks for me, too.”

“And are you capable of making any decision beyond which panties will match your bra?”


“Good,” Sherry smiles and kisses my cheek, “case closed. Now get your sissy ass to the table so I can feed you, cuz I want my favorite lover to have energy when I take her to bed.”


Sherry has to cook dinner first, so we don’t actually eat right away. In the meantime, Brenda gets the leather straps for our nightly bondage session. She cuffs me and ties me up in the living room, stretching my back forward and backward to the max, increasing my flexibility for various fucking positions.

While I’m bent sharply backward, waiting for the timer to go off, she councils me on my sudden pissy attitude about eating, basically telling me I need to quit thinking about starving myself. Reiterating what Sherry just said, I’m again told that they’ve worked out a diet and exercise plan to get me where she wants me to be, in a healthy and positive way. I’m kinda confused as she explains it, but I know it’s too complicated for me to understand anyway, given that my sissy brain is always preoccupied with sex.

She then brings up the subject of Sherry’s date last night with that married couple, the Harrisons. Sherry was paid five hundred dollars to have sex with them, which shocks me at first, but then it starts making sense.

Brenda’s been grooming Sherry for the Hierarchy at the same time she’s been grooming me. After they became close, intimate lesbian lovers, she got Sherry into hotwifing as a way to get her addicted to sex and to melt away her inhibitions about no-strings-attached sexual relationships. We’re both addicted to Brenda’s lifestyle now, and we’ve both taken money for sex.

Strangely, I’m not the least bit upset that she’s manipulated our lives like this. After we found out we couldn’t have kids, our marriage had become a train wreck headed towards divorce. Under Brenda’s influence, Sherry’s blossomed into a beautiful goddess.

And then, of course, there’s me. Without Brenda, I never would have found that sissy girl lurking inside me, and I wouldn’t know the joys of having sex with men like I do.

It’ll take some getting used to, but we’ve each got our own separate sex life going on. I can’t expect Sherry to accept the direction my sex life is going without giving her the same acceptance for hers.

It’s true what they about an absence making the heart grow fonder. The more we’ve grown apart exploring our individual sexuality, the more we’ve actually come together. We’re closer now than we’ve ever been, and it’s all because of our goddess, our mentor, the wise and experienced Brenda.


I’m so hungry when Sherry calls us for dinner, I don’t have much to say at the table. Sherry’s cooking is always fantastic, but after not eating all day, it’s more delicious than ever. It’s all I can do to remember my proper table manners and not gobble it all down.

Brenda and Sherry talk quietly between themselves, referring to me in the third person, as if I wasn’t even there.

“Our sissy had quite a night with Virginia,” Brenda mentions.

“I’ll bet,” Sherry replies, “I’ve never been the same after I spent a night with her.”

“You had a date with Brenda’s Mistress?” I sheepishly ask.

“I did a few months ago. You know how much I love lesbian sex. She taught me so much about being bisexual, like we both are.”

“She taught me a lot last night, that’s for sure.”

“Mandy,” Brenda asks, “how old are you?”

“Geez, why do you keep asking me that? I told you like a million times… I’m eighteen.”

“Oh really…?” Sherry giggles.

“Yes, really,” I defiantly reply, “Teenaged sissies always get the most dates.”

“Are you ready to start dating Hierarchy people with me?”


“I told Mandy why you dated the Harrisons last night,” Brenda tells her. “I think you two should go to bed and talk about it. Take your time. I’ll clean up in the kitchen and wait for you in bed. Mandy sleeps by herself tonight.”


“I guess I have some explaining to do,” Sherry says as we close the door to my bedroom.

“Not really,” I tell her, “Brenda pretty much told me you’re going to be a Hierarchy whore, just like I’m gonna be.”

“They don’t call us whores, darling, they call us escorts. Sissies are called whores, for obvious reasons.”

“It doesn’t matter what they call us, we’re doing the same thing.”

“Are you okay with me doing it?”

“Yeah, I’m okay with it, but why do you want to? When you can get all the cock you want?”

“You’re right, Mandy, I can get sex anytime I want. I never knew how attractive I am before Brenda taught me how hot I could be in bed. And that’s why I want to escort for Hierarchy people. I figure if I love having sex all the time with different people, then why not get paid for what I love doing so much?

“Wanna take my bra off for me, baby. Telling you this is getting me really horny.”

“It gets me horny too,” I say as I unhook her strap. “Wanna take my bra off for me too?”

“Gladly. I wanna love on your sissy tits while they’re still pumped up.”

“Are you gonna get nipple rings like mine?”

“Probably not yet,” she says as she reaches into my panties, “but I am getting a belly ring like yours next week, and I’m thinking about a nose ring, too.

“Does that turn you on? Is your clitty is getting big and hard when I tell you that?”

“You can feel it getting hard, but you know it won’t get big.”

“It gets enough for me,” she says, dropping to her knees.

“Oh, God, Mandy,” she moans as she sucks on my hard clitty, “I just love you as a sissy, more than I ever could have loved you as a man. Mark and his pathetic little dick have completely disappeared for me.

“You’re a sissy girl now, and you have the most delicious, sensuous clit I could have ever imagined. And when you get real sissy tits? Oh my God, can you imagine how hot you’ll be?”

“I can’t imagine how I’m going to hide them if they become too noticeable.”

“I won’t want you to hide them. I’ll be proud to dress up and go out anywhere with you.”

“But how am I gonna hide ’em at work?”

“You’re not going to be working for your dad much longer.”

“But what are we gonna do for money? How will I tell my dad? I can’t just walk out, he’s my dad!”

“There you go again, sissy, trying to think, when you know you can’t think. We won’t be unemployed, we’ll be working for the Hierarchy, having sex all the time.

“Your mom will be okay with you leaving the company, and you let Brenda and me worry about your dad. We’ll figure something out. We’ll talk more about this later, cuz right now, my honey-bunch, I want your beautiful ass over on the bed.”

“Oh, yeah, I want that too!”

“Well, c’mon, sissy,” she laughs, jumping on the bed, pulling her wet panties to the side, “come eat me, bitch. Give me what I deserve for becoming a whore like you!”

It doesn’t take me but two seconds to pull her panties off and latch on to her swollen clit.

“Oh yeah, Mandy,” she moans loudly as I excitedly bite down on her rosebud harder than I meant to, “treat me bad, baby, punish me for selling my pussy like you sell your sissy ass! We’re two little whores for Brenda, and she’s gonna make us rich!”

~~ Can’t you just imagine the kinky times ahead for Mandy and Sherry? Let Mandy know if you want her to tell us by taking a second to click the ‘like’ button below. See you next time…

~~ Jill

Published 2 years ago

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