SissyMandy – Bound For Pleasure

"Mistress takes me to another level"

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If there’s a better way for a sissy to wake up than in the loving arms of her Mistress, I don’t know what it is. I think I passed out last night from sheer exhaustion after we got home from our Friday night shopping trip. About all I remember after I sucked all those cocks in the glory hole room is Mistress slipping me into one of my new nighties before she cuddled me to sleep.

It was so exciting last night, getting dressed up all by myself for my first shopping trip to Victoria’s Secret. But silly me, I should have known when Mistress took me in the shower and gave me a drink of her golden nectar, she had a lot more planned than that.

After buttering me up by taking me to Victoria’s Secret, my bimbo-brain didn’t know what hit it when Mistress told me she was taking me to get my nipples pierced. My apprehension about it faded away when she told me my reward would be a trip to the glory hole room at Adult World. Mistress knew I’d be easy to manipulate after depriving me of cock for two weeks.

So this morning, I’m waking up with silver rings permanently dangling from my nipples. If my stupid bimbo-brain had read the consent forms I signed before I was sedated, I would have known that Mistress was also having my navel pierced and fitted with a sapphire belly ring. I might have also asked why I was consenting to have a saline solution injected under and around my nipples to temporarily enlarge my breasts enough to fill a double-A bra.

I might have known all those things, if I had only read what I was signing. But it wouldn’t have mattered, even if I did know, because I would have consented to it all anyway. Mistress makes all those decisions for me, always taking me a step farther than I thought I would go. She cleverly thinks everything out ahead of time, so I don’t have to.

All I have to do… is everything she says.

Snuggling me with her naked body is a pleasant reminder of how sweetly she loved me last night. The soft palm of her hand smooths around my waist as she presses her tits into my back. I automatically arch backwards as she lets out a soft moan and kisses the back of my neck.

“Morning… pretty sissy,” she softly whispers.

“Mmmm…” I hum.

“How do your pumped-up titties feel this morning?” she giggles.

“My titties feel nice,” I say as my fingers creep under my bra, “but my piercings are still sore.”

“I think you’ll come to love your nipple rings after the soreness goes away in a few days.”

“I already do love ’em. I love my belly ring, too. I don’t know why I resisted it at first. I should have just accepted that you always make the best decisions on my behalf.”

“Honey, that’s just a natural reaction. Male hormones make sissies resist certain things, but the pills usually take care of that.”

I was so out of it last night when we left the tattoo studio, I barely remember Cheryl giving Mistress a bottle of pills I was supposed to take. I guess I thought they were pain pills.

“What kind of pills are they?”

“Just a mild steroid to stop your body from making so much testosterone. There’s no need for a sissy to know exactly what she’s taking, so we’ll just call them your sissy pills. Since the testosterone is making you resist me sometimes, as the pills bring your levels down, you’ll naturally become more receptive to me.”

“They’re not estrogen pills, are they?” I frown.

“No baby, I’m not putting you estrogen. If I think you need it, I might give you an over-the-counter estrogen supplement in a few months, but for now, the sissy pills are all you need. They’ll make you less of a man, but more of a sissy. And that’s what you really want, isn’t it…? To be less of a man?”

“I suck as a man. Sometimes I wish I was born female instead of male.”

“Well, you can’t do anything about that. And you weren’t born male, you were born sissy. In a year or so, if you feel like you want to become more female, I know a doctor in San Francisco we can talk to about transitioning.

“For now, darling, just learn to love yourself as a sissy, because I think that’s what you truly are. Once we get those horrid male hormones under control, it’ll be easier for you to accept the changes I’ve been hinting about.”

“More changes…? What kind of changes?”

“Listen to you…” Mistress laughs, “your primitive male hormones are already trying to resist me, even though you know you can’t. I’m surprised your little bimbo-brain hasn’t already figured out that changes are coming.”

“What do you mean?”

“What’s on your wrists and ankles?”


“And what have the sissies been doing in the videos we’ve been watching lately?”

“Wearing cuffs and getting tied up.”

“Well, there you go. Figure it out. You wanna have some fun with those cuffs?”

“I always wanna have fun with you.”

“I haven’t fucked my sissy in a while, so why don’t you take off your panties and bra, but leave your nightie on,” Mistress giggles as she gets up to leave me alone in my bedroom. “I’ll be right back!”

Knowing I’m about to be fucked with Mistress’s strap-on gets me excited as I raise my ass to take off my panties. I remember back to when it used to humiliate me when she’d take me like that, but now I love submitting to her. I wish she’d do me every night.

As I sit up to unhook my bra, I hear the toilet flushing in the bathroom. Mistress just peed, and I think I better go too before we get into it. The air drafting up my short nightie feels wonderful as I trot into the bathroom to take care of nature’s call.

The moment I turn on the light, I’m immediately stunned by my reflection in the mirror. From the side, my breasts are actually giving me a female figure. Of course, they’re barely noticeable, and I know they’ll dissolve away in a few days; but I know they’re there, and I feel hotter than fuck.

I’m in awe of myself, gazing at my pumped-up titties as I lift my nightie to get my first frontal look at my nipple rings and the beautiful sapphire jewel that now adorns my belly. I can’t believe how my piercings and the small mounds around my nipples completely change the gender look of my body.

“Like what you see?” Mistress startles me as she comes into the bathroom with her eight-inch dildo strapped around her waist.

“Look at my hot bitch in the mirror, Mandy. That’s you, girl. Can’t you just imagine how fucking hot you’re gonna be when we grow your hair down to your ass?”

“Oh… fuck,” I shudder, “that would be hot, but I’ll never get away with long hair in the real world.”

She steps behind me, humping her rubber dick between my legs and lightly tapping her fingertips around my still sore, but very sensitive nipples.

“You never know what might happen,” she softly whispers in my ear.

Brushing her nipples side-to-side across my back, she again whispers, “A hot bitch like you… just might want to…”

She leaves me hanging on the words, ‘just might want to’, knowing that my bimbo-brain will go into overdrive conjuring up all sorts of things I just might want to do. She blows lightly into my ear as I stare into the mirror, watching my Mistress seduce me.

“Do you even realize…? How… fucking… hot…? You are…?”

My little clitty, so desperately needing an orgasm, instantly swells to fill its plastic prison as I shudder to the electricity of Mistress’s words. Her wet tongue fluttering around my ear gives me shivers as my head falls back on her shoulder.

I don’t even notice her hands smoothing down my arms and clutching onto my wrists. She knows how to control me, knows I’ve been reduced to a ball of putty. She knows I won’t resist having my wrists pulled behind my back.

I forgot about the cuffs around my wrists, until I hear a ‘click’, but I don’t mind that she’s locked my wrists together. I know I’m always safe with my Mistress.

“There may come a time…” she whispers again, “when you might want to leave the real world. You know, the only reason I didn’t have Cheryl pierce your ears yesterday, was because Mistress has to keep her sissy safe from getting outed in the real world before she decides the time is right to take her full-time.

“Did you come in here to pee?”

“Oh yeah,” I giggle, “I guess I did.”

“You better do it then, before you dribble down your leg. You can give my strap-on a blow job while you’re tinkling.”

It takes me a while to empty my bladder with my wrists bound and my cock all caged up, so as I’m sitting on the pot, Mistress goes into my bedroom and comes back with my brunette wig.

“You haven’t been a brunette since I bought you that blonde wig,” Mistress says as I take her rubber dick into my mouth. “Sherry likes you better as a blonde, but I think you look sluttier as a brunette.”

I take my mouth off the dildo to say, “Why hasn’t Sherry been around much lately? I only see her in the mornings, before I go to work.”

Mistress shoves the dildo back in my mouth as she tells me, “Sherry needs this time away from you. She’s become a hot wife, and she needs her freedom right now. It’s good for us, though, because we also need this time together as we’re bonding together as one. You do realize that a married sissy, by her nature, must be more married to her Mistress than she is to her wife, don’t you?”

I can’t speak with my mouth full of dildo, so I just nod my head ‘yes’ as she forces more rubber dick into my mouth.

“When Sherry takes you with her on her date tonight, you’ll see how much she’s grown. You’ll see that she was meant to be a hot wife, while you, on the other hand, were meant to be a sub.

“When we start going to sex parties, you’ll be known as my sub, and she’ll be known as a hot wife. She’ll be free to have sex with anyone she wants, while you’ll be having sex with whoever I choose for you.”

Seeing that I’m finished with my pee, Mistress helps me to my feet and gives me the longest, loving hug. I’m feeling sadness in the fact that Sherry and I will never again have the same relationship we had before Brenda came into our lives.

Mistress senses my sadness. Putting her arm around me, she holds me close as we walk towards my bedroom. “Are you troubled by what I just told you?” she asks.

“A little,” I tearfully say, “Since Sherry’s a hot wife now, I’m afraid I might be losing her.”

Mandy, darling,” Mistress takes me tightly into her arms, “you have no idea how much that girl is in love with you. If Sherry was ever going to leave you, she would have done it years ago, when she found out that useless prick of yours couldn’t get her pregnant, let alone satisfy a woman’s natural desire for cock. But she’s stuck by your side, because she loves the kind, sensitive person you are, in spite of that midget-dick you have.

“She’s changed so much, and so have you. You’ve never seen what a slut she is with another man, and she’s never seen how fucking hot and sexy you are with a cock in your mouth or in your ass.

“That’s why I wanted her to take you with her tonight. You both need to see how the other has grown. Once you kids see how sexual you’ve become, you can start growing together again, and be the most important part of each other’s sex life, just like it was always supposed to be.

“Does that make sense to you, sweetheart?”

“Yeah, I think it does. So… we can each have our separate sex lives, and still have a great sex life together?”

“Yes, baby. In a polyamorous marriage, the two lovers give each other the freedom to have multiple sex partners on the side, and still have a lovely sex life with each other in their marriage.”

“Wow… everything’s starting to make sense.”

“Well, don’t try to make too much sense of it, or your bimbo-brain will blow a fuse. Just let things flow naturally as you get to know each other again.

“Now… bitch… how about flowing your sissy ass into the bedroom. My strap-on needs to be in your butt!”

“Yes Ma’am…!” I giggle as Mistress pinches my ass and takes me into the bedroom.


The moment I step through my bedroom door, I see a fancy, treasure chest-looking box on the floor next to the bed. Mistress must have brought it in while I was in the bathroom, admiring myself. Standing behind me, she puts her hands on my shoulders and forces me down to my knees, facing the bed.

“So… my little bitch… do you think you’re ready to experience some of the changes I’ve been hinting were coming?”

“I think so, Mistress,” I consent, but with some trepidation in my voice.

“You no doubt noticed my toy box when we came?” she asks, pointing at the leather-covered chest on the floor.

“Yes, Mistress. How could I have missed it?”

“Do you have any idea what’s in my box?”


“I prefer to call them tools. Tools to help you become a better sissy. Tools to give you more pleasure than you’ve ever thought possible, although at times, you probably won’t think so.”

I turn my head to see her reaching into the box and pulling out a thick leather collar at least three inches wide, with D-rings attached all around it. When she buckles it around my neck, although it’s padded and quite comfortable, the width of it restricts me from moving my head very much.

With my wrists already locked behind my back, I dare not tell Mistress that I’m already starting to freak out. Turns out she already knows I’m starting to freak.

“Does the collar scare you, honey?” she asks, purposely letting me know that I can’t hide anything from her.

“A little,” I have to admit. I know lying to her would have consequences.

“It’s supposed to scare you a teeny bit, babe. The purpose of bondage is to free you from your fears. In this new game, Mandy, always trust me, but never resist me. Trust that you are always safe with me, but know that any resistance will be punished. Is that clear?”

I nod my head, ‘yes’, but the collar restricts me from nodding very much.


Mistress slaps my ass hard. “Is that CLEAR?” she shouts.

“Yes, Mistress!”

“Good. When I ask you a fucking question, I don’t want some wimpy-ass head movement, I expect a fucking answer!”

She gets something else out her box, but since my ass is stinging from the single swat she just gave me, I dare not turn my head to see what it is. She dangles a gag in front of my face, but it’s not just any gag. No, it has to be a penis gag, a thick, four-inch silicone dick attached to an elastic band.

She holds it up to my mouth. “You want this, don’t you?” she asks, but it’s more of a statement than a question.

“Yes,” I tell her, afraid to say anything else.

She forcefully shoves the penis into my mouth and stretches the elastic band around my head to secure it in place.

“Of course, darling,” she laughs, “I won’t expect you to talk with your mouth full.”

‘How nice of her’, I sarcastically think to myself.

Before I can even think about the rubber dick in my mouth, she puts a satin blindfold over my eyes, and my world suddenly goes completely dark. The realization that my body is now completely at her disposal causes my heart to beat rapidly.

“Get up on the bed for me, darling,” she asks in a soft, yet commanding tone of voice.

Blindfolded and gagged, with my wrists locked behind me, I struggle to get to my feet. I try to lift my left leg to get at least one foot on the floor, but I completely lose my balance and fall sideways onto the floor. Mistress laughs as I struggle helplessly for a few minutes before helping me to my feet.

“Do you see how pathetically weak you are?” she snickers. “I told you, your wimp-ass body is nowhere near sissy shape. That’s why you’re going to be working out every day with the videos I bought for you.”

She bends me over the bed with my feet on the floor, my head on the bed, and my ass in a most vulnerable position. I hear her fumbling around in her box. I have no idea what’s in there, but I know there’s probably a lot. My sissy brain is getting excited, knowing she’s about to tease me, but not knowing how.

Another cuff is placed around each leg just above my knee, followed by a squirt of lube at the top of my crack. My clitty pulses with anticipation as gravity pulls the slippery liquid towards my hole. She starts running her hands up and down my thighs, first one, then the other. It feels exquisite.

Another generous squirt of lube along my crack is followed by the sound of a vibrator. My body starts writhing back and forth as she runs the vibrator up and down between my legs. I want it so badly when I feel the point of the vibrator teasing around my hole.

‘Yes…!’ I think to myself.

My sissy brain silently screams as my sphincter opens to the invading toy. I’m moaning into my gag, biting into the silicone penis as she shoves that delightful thing all the way up my ass. I’m wanting her to start pumping me with her vibrating fuck stick, but instead, she presses her knee against my butt to hold it in place.

My ass is going bonkers as I hear her pulling something else out of her toy box. I know it’s a leash when a few seconds later she clicks it to my collar, and my head suddenly jerks backwards as she pulls it taut.

“Am I late for the party?” I’m suddenly shocked to hear Sherry’s voice.

“No, lover,” Mistress laughs, “you’re just in time to help me teach this bitch a lesson.”

“Oooo…” Sherry giggles, “has she been a bad girl?”

“Oh, noooo,” Mistress giggles back, “she’s been a very good girl. So good that she deserves a lesson on achieving hands-free orgasms. Go get your strap-on, and I’ll show you some delightful ways to pleasure your subby husband.”

“Sounds like fun!”

“Oh, it is!” Mistress laughs.


I hear Sherry’s high heels clicking across the floor as she goes to her and Mistress’s bedroom to undress and get her own rubber dick. All this time, the vibrator has been buzzing inside my ass and Mistress has held my head back with a firm, steady pressure on the leash. My neck hurts, but the rest of me is getting intense pleasure from the vibrations now rippling through my entire body.

“Guess what, sissy?” Mistress speaks directly into my ear. “That girl I told you about…? You know, the one who’s been madly in love with you since grade school? She just got home from a night with a hot lesbian we know.

“Remember one thing, bitch… she’s so superior to you that you aren’t even close to deserving her.”

Mistress goes on to verbally humiliate me as only she can. She tells me what a fucking wimp I am and how she, Sherry, and every woman is above me. She lets me know what she’s told me many times before, that my place in the sexual hierarchy is to serve the every need of anyone she tells me to. In my current predicament, all I can do is listen as the vibrator wreaks havoc in my ass.

As she’s talking, Mistress fits a very wide leather belt around my waist. It almost feels like a corset, the thing is so wide. She connects a strap to the back of it, pulling it tightly between my legs and securing it in front, effectively insuring that the vibrator is held in place.

She then leaves the room, leaving me alone as I writhe in silent ecstasy, wondering what other forms of debauchery I’m about to be subjected to. A few minutes go by, and my ass is now throbbing as the vibrations are feeling more intense. I don’t know if the girls are intentionally talking loudly outside my bedroom door, but I can hear almost everything they’re saying.


“I can’t wait till you see Mandy’s piercings, Sher,” Mistress excitedly says. “She’s really accepted them well, especially when she saw herself in the mirror. I’m so proud of the way she’s taking to everything we’ve been doing with her so far.”

“I’ve always been proud of her,” Sherry tells Mistress. “I just want us to be of the same mind when it comes to our new sexuality. I want her to know that even though I’ve been hot-wifing a lot, I still love her like I always have. And now that I’m always sexually satisfied, I probably love her even more.”

“I’ve talked with her about that, Sher,” Mistress says, “and she fully accepts it. She knows her pathetic little weenie can never satisfy you, but she’s quite eager, and willing, to please you as your sub. I’ve convinced her that you and I are far superior to anything she’ll ever be, so as we start taking her into bondage, she’ll become very subservient to us. She’ll be our slave, to use and abuse as we see fit.”

“Oh God…!” Sherry squeals. “You mean like beating her ass into submission?”

“We’ll have to be careful with her at first,” Mistress cautions. “We’ll have to convince her that she loves it before we can really abuse her. We must never hurt her, and every session must have a happy ending for her. She’ll want to keep doing it if we reward her with an orgasm for her submission.

“Hold an orgasm in front of your sub like a carrot on a stick, and she’ll submit to anything you want. The greatest gift that you can give to your sub, is the gift of positive expectation.”


I’m sure I’m not hearing everything they’re saying, because somewhere between now and forever ago, I’ve lost consciousness. It’s not a ‘passed-out-cold’ kind of unconsciousness, but one where under the total blackness of the blindfold, I’ve lost all awareness of my surroundings. The only thing my mind can focus on is the incredible vibrations going on inside my sissy pussy.

Standing in this awkward position with my head on the bed and my legs straight, my knees are aching, and my hamstrings are stretched well beyond my limit. But I dare not move, for fear of invoking Mistress’s wrath. The vibrations have numbed my ass to a point where I can’t even feel my insides, but I can surely feel my clitty, so swollen that I swear it’s about to bust out of its cage.

It’s a great relief to hear two female voices talking as they come back into the room. A pair of soft hands I recognize as Sherry’s lovingly caresses my back as Mistress unbuckles the strap holding the vibrator inside my ass. Very slowly, she pulls the vibrator out of my rectum, but I don’t even realize it’s been removed until she turns off the switch and the room goes silent.

My entire body is still vibrating, and cool air is rushing into my cavity like my butt hole didn’t even close when Mistress removed her toy. It’s a very weird feeling, but at the same time, very pleasant. As I’m thinking about my gaping asshole, Mistress lifts one of my legs onto the bed.

It feels good to finally bend my knee, and even better when Mistress lifts my other leg onto the bed. With my ankles dangling off the edge, I hear another ‘click’, as Mistress locks my ankle cuffs together. I don’t really mind, because it feels so damn good just to be able to tuck my knees into my body. But Mistress doesn’t let me enjoy it for long.

“On your knees, sissy,” Mistress orders. “Arch your back and stick that proud sissy ass in the air for us.”

At this point, I can’t even think. All I can do is obey. As soon as I get on my knees with my face still buried in the bedsheets, Mistress gets something else out of her box.

“What’s that?” I hear Sherry ask.

“A spreader bar,” Mistress says as I feel a long, metal rod being placed just behind my knees.

I hear two ‘clicks’ as Mistress snaps the spreader bar straps to the knee cuffs she put just above my knees earlier. Then I feel it. Sherry lifts my knee as Mistress pulls it to the side, away from my torso, and snaps the strap in place. That’s not so bad, but when they pull my other knee the other way, my thigh muscles just under my crotch feel an enormous strain.

“Not so far, Sherry,” Mistress instructs, “her wimp-ass body can’t take too much stretching yet. As she starts doing sissy yoga, she’ll be able to take more.”

Mistress’s words give me comfort in knowing that even though I’m being used like a toy for their amusement, she’s always looking out for me and keeping me safe. When she secures the second strap to the spreader bar, my legs are stretched apart just to the point of uncomfortable, but tolerable.

My ankles are still locked together, making my ass feel erotically vulnerable. I still feel cool air circulating around my open pussy hole, until Mistress fills the void by shoving a plug up my ass. She then unlocks my wrists, but quickly snaps on a strap that pulls them back and tightly securing them to the spreader bar.

“How does your pussy feel?” Mistress says as she wiggles the plug around in my ass.

“Oh…” she laughs, “I forgot, sissy can’t talk. Sissy has a mouth full of cock. I bet sissy wishes it was a real cock in her mouth, don’t you think, Sherry?”

“Oh, I know she does,” Sherry giggles, “she craves real cock, since she doesn’t have one of her own.”

“No…. Poor thing,” Mistress mocks and degrades me, “nature didn’t see fit to give our sissy a real cock. But nature did give our sissy a pretty little clit.”

“Oh, I know,” Sherry concurs, “she has a beautiful little clit. So cute and lickable, it fits her girlie personality so perfectly.”

“Sissy has little titties now, too,” Mistress teases.

“So I’ve heard. Nothing’s cuter than a sissy with little titties,” Sherry giggles. “And she looks so cute in that pretty nightie. Do you think she’d like it if I licked her clitty?”

“She might,” Mistress giggles. “What do you think, sissy?”

“Mmmm!… Mmmm!” I desperately try to communicate, but there’s no way I can with my gagged mouth pressing into the bed.

“What was that, sissy?” Mistress laughs.

“I think that was a yes,” Sherry giggles.

“I think so, too,” Mistress says, “Why don’t you get my keychain out of my purse, and we’ll unlock our good girl. Good girls deserve to be unlocked once in a while.”

The prospect of my clitty getting freed from its cage makes my sissy brain rejoice! I think, ‘If Mistress lets me cum when I submit to her like this, I’ll do it!’

As Sherry leaves the room to get my cage key, Mistress gets off the bed and fumbles around in her toy box. Here I am, bound, blindfolded, and gagged, but full of anticipation. I’m not caring what new toy Mistress comes up with.

All of a sudden, I hear a loud, ‘WHACK’!

I feel a searing pain across my ass cheeks that almost makes me cry.

“Feel that pain, sissy?” Mistress mocks. “Remember what I told you yesterday. Physical pain is merely an extension of your emotions. Turn that pain into pleasure, Mandy, make it feel good.”

I’m waiting, dreading actually, another swat from whatever she used to hit me. Instead, she yanks hard on the leash, sharply snapping my head backwards. She pulls the plug out of my ass so fast that it makes a ‘pop’ when it comes out. Almost as fast, she shoves her strap-on all the way into me, and my shuddering body goes into convulsions.

“This is what you want, Mandy,” she purrs as she starts fucking me, “this is what you crave. Turn that sting in your ass into an erotic pleasure. Everything is an erotic pleasure to my slave!”

Mistress tugs harder on the leash as she picks up the pace, slamming her rubber cock into me with reckless abandon. After a lot of heavy fucking, the strip of pain across my ass starts tingling as my sissy brain tells me I like it. I’m bucking back into her thrusting cock, as much as my bonds will allow.

“That’s it, baby,” Mistress says as she pounds her rubber cock harder into my ass, “don’t fight your true nature. Let the sissy in you thrive!”

“OoooWeeee!” Sherry yells when she comes back into the bedroom. “Ride ’em cowgirl!”

“Our bitch loves this shit!” Mistress laughs. “You want a turn?”

“Oh yeah! Of course I do! Shall we unlock her first?”

“Yeah, go ahead,” Mistress says as she pulls her strap-on out of my ass.

It feels so intensely erotic to be violently fucked like this, but I really need a break, so it also feels wonderful for it to stop. As Sherry fumbles around trying to unlock my cage, Mistress takes the cuffs off my wrists and my rubbery arms fall on the bed. About the same time, Sherry pulls my balls through the locking ring of my cage, and my clitty springs forward with the stiffest erection I can remember.

“Damn, baby,” Sherry says as strokes me a few times, “I’ve never felt you so hard!”

“She’s a very horny girl,” Mistress giggles, “just like her horny wife.”

“I’ll suck it for you in a few minutes, sweetheart,” Sherry coos, “but I wanna fuck my baby a little bit first. You don’t mind, do you?”

“She doesn’t mind,” Mistress says as she raises me up on my elbows and scootches herself under my face. “She’s a little fuck whore. She can’t get enough cock.”

“That’s what I’ve heard,” Sherry giggles. “I can’t wait to see her take a big black cock with me tonight.”

“You’ll be surprised, Sher, she can take cock better than a lot of women.”

Mistress grabs the elastic band of the penis gag and slips it off my head. It feels so good to finally get that thing out of my mouth, but then Mistress rubs the head of her rubber dick across my lips.

“Suck me, baby,” Mistress pushes my head down on her cock. “Taste your hot ass.”

I’m so delirious and submissive at this point, I willingly go down on her as if it were a real cock in my mouth. I don’t even care that the thing was just in my ass. I know some girls would consider it gross, but I’ve already sucked quite a few cocks that were just in my ass, so it’s no big deal to me.

As my mouth goes down on Mistress, Sherry’s cock slides into my loose pussy hole. She doesn’t pull on the leash like Mistress did, but puts her soft hands on my hips as she enters me. Mistress rubs my back as I enjoy Sherry’s gentle fucking.

“I love you, Mandy,” Sherry coos as she loves me with her dick.

“I love you, too, Mandy, very much,” Mistress softly says as she pulls her dildo out of my mouth. “Are you enjoying our new little game?”

“I am, Mistress. It’s more intense than regular sex, but I think I’ll like it a lot.”

“It’s definitely more intense. It isn’t something we’ll do every night,” she says as she loosens the straps on the spreader bar, “just often enough so our sex never gets boring, and also to keep you in line.”

“Don’t forget at parties,” Sherry adds.

“Oh, yes..!” Mistress agrees, “The parties…! They really get into this stuff at parties, Mandy, but I won’t force you into anything until you tell me you want to join in. I’ll let that be your decision.”

“I wanna suck on her clitty now,” Sherry says, “I haven’t done it for a while, and I don’t wanna forget how sweet her cum tastes. I love my husband’s cum.”

Once all the bondage gear is taken off me, Sherry turns me over on my back and starts licking up and down my clitty shaft as Mistress puts all the toys back in the box. It feels so damn good after submitting to them and being fucked like that, to be lying on the bed and submitting my cock to Sherry’s sweet mouth.

When Mistress finishes putting the toys away, she takes off her strap-on and gets up on the bed with us.

“Would you like some pussy to go along with Sherry’s sweet sucking?” she asks.

I just lie there with my eyes closed, knowing I don’t have to answer that question. Mistress knows the answer as she straddles my face, gently moving her slit back and forth and fucking herself on my extended tongue. I get the warmest feeling inside as these two women, who were mocking and abusing me just a few minutes ago, are now loving me and giving me all the pleasures any man could want.

I think I might just like this bondage thing. I know from watching the sissy videos that I’ve only experienced a tiny part of it, but I’m sure Mistress is planning on teaching me a lot more. I’m thinking that if I liked it this much with strap-ons, how much better will it be when I do it with real cocks? Marci said she’s really into it, so I’ll have to ask her about it next time we text.

I can’t think about it too much right now, because Sherry is making my cock throb. She’s apparently learned a lot about cocksucking on her hot wife dates, because she’s never given me a blow job as good as this. I can almost feel the head of my dick touching the back of her throat as she engulfs my balls along with my shaft.

As horny as I am, I figured my cock would have erupted long before now, but Sherry’s skillful tongue keeps taking me to the edge of orgasm and bringing me back down for another round.

Mistress’s sweet pussy has already orgasmed twice. I’ve finally discovered a weakness in her. When I lick her pee hole just right, she absolutely loses it. It’s no wonder she has such a fetish for urinating in my mouth. I’m wondering if Sherry has the same weakness, or if maybe all women do. It’s something I intend to explore in the future, for sure!

All of a sudden, Mistress starts bucking on top of me, squeezing my pumped-up titties and moaning for me as I rub the tip of my tongue hard into her pee hole. Sherry’s sucking hard on my shaft, and I don’t think I’m gonna last much longer. Mistress lets out a scream as I give her a third orgasm and my little dick explodes inside Sherry’s mouth.

Orgasmic sensations ripple through my body as Mistress presses her pulsing pussy into my face and Sherry sucks all the cum from my balls. It feels like I’m cumming for hours, although it probably only lasts a minute or so. All I know is it’s the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had, and it’s happening with two women I’m deeply in love with.

Mistress collapses on top of me, and for the longest time, those two gorgeous women take turns sucking my cock and licking my balls. At this moment, it’s never felt so good to be a sissy and to be loved by two women as luscious as these two.

Who would have thought that by submitting to become a feminine sissy, I would finally get to experience all the erotic pleasures with women that I always dreamed about when I was just a wimpy man?

Published 2 years ago

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