SissyMandy – A Deeper Understanding

"Mistress gives me her name, and accelerates my sissification"

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I have no idea when I finally fell asleep last night, and I’m not really sure what time it is as Sherry spoons her naked body into me. Hell, I don’t even remember her getting in bed with me. All I know for sure is that it’s barely light outside, and I’m still horny.

My weak, rational brain is haunted with fuzzy recollections of my little dick on Viagra, my cuffed wrists bound and secured to my collar, and a realistic, vibrating rubber cock shoved up my butt.

My more dominant sissy brain, however, loves every bit of it. It glows with excitement over the humiliation I felt when Brenda and Sherry, after working me into an erotic frenzy, merrily departed my bedroom to have sex by themselves.

Alone in the dark, I struggled with the words Brenda said before they abandoned me. ‘Your mind is your most erotic sex organ’. She then told me if I wanted to cum, I was going to have to do it myself. ‘Use your mind’, she said as I begged her to jack me off.

Fuck, does she not know how a man is wired? Of course, she does. She knows more about the male anatomy than I do. Mentally, she’s turned me into a feminine sissy, but physically, my body still functions as a male. Men cum with their cocks, not their fucking minds!

I rolled over on my stomach, feverishly pumping my Viagra-hardened cock into the bedspread until my skin was raw. I think I probably fell asleep when the battery in my rubber cock finally died.

As I’m waking from the same dream where I’m always a beautiful princess, I realize that my arms are free, and the cuffs are removed from my wrists and ankles. The rubber cock’s been taken out of my ass, but now my dick is locked up.

“Time to wake up, babe,” Sherry softly whispers. “We have lots to do before it’s time for you to go to work.”

“Work…?” I mumble. “Fuuuuuck… I forgot about work.”

“Monday morning, sweetheart. Time to face the real world.”

“Why is my cock already locked up?”

She lightly slaps my face. “Not a cock… slut-girl!”

“Okay… my clitty.”

“That’s better. Brenda and I came in after you were asleep and tucked you in. Did you ever cum last night?”

“Fuck no! I don’t know why she thought I could. Men cum with their dicks, not with their minds.”

“But you’re no longer a male, honey, and you never did have an actual man-cock. Your sissy clit… needs to be kept under our control. That’s why your little wee-wee is locked up. I don’t always understand the reasoning behind everything Brenda does, but I do understand that sissies are girls in male bodies.

“If you want to cum like sissies do, you’ll have to forget about that tiny sissy clit, and learn to cum through your sissy-puss. And you’ve got nothing to bitch about, because we got you off twice this weekend, which is more than you’re used to getting.”

“I’m not complaining about all the great sex I got this weekend. I just wish I knew how to make myself cum without touching myself.”

“I’m sure Brenda will teach you, like she’s taught you everything else. Look, we both love you more than we ever have, so just go with the flow and let Mistress Brenda guide you through it.”

“I suppose you’re right. Maybe she intentionally frustrated me like that, so I could see another step I have to go through?”

“Yes, baby… think of it as the next step to your ultimate goal of becoming the complete sissy that we both know is right for you. Let’s get up now. You have to become Mark again, unless you want to go to work with fingernail extensions and makeup.”

“Oh, shit no. I think Janine already suspects something’s going on with me.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Because she teases me and calls me ‘Markie’ sometimes. Remember that day Brenda sent me to give a stranger a blow job during lunch? Well, she giggled at me when I came back to work late, like she knew what I’d just done.”

“She’s probably just attracted to the sissy part of you. I’ve heard gossip that her sex life at home sucks really bad. From what I’ve seen of her, she’s a sweet girl with a nice figure. I don’t understand why her husband neglects her.”

“She’s definitely sweet, and she’s covered my ass so many times when I’ve fucked up at work. If I wasn’t the boss’s son, I would have been fired a long time ago.”

“Do you like her? Like, sexually attracted to her?”

“A little bit. I’ve never thought much about it, because we’re married, and she’s married.”

“I’ll remind you that our marriage is an open marriage now, and you’re not my husband anymore, you’re my girlfriend. As married girlfriends, we’re free to have sex with anyone we want. So if you have feelings for her, honey, don’t be afraid to take advantage of any opportunity that might come up.”

“I don’t think it will. I can’t picture myself in bed with her. She’s so hot, and I’m so…”


“Yeah, I guess. I’m really more attracted to men now than women. I just don’t see myself involved with Janine like that.”

“You never know… some girls are attracted to sissies. I know I am.”


It’s good that Sherry got me out of bed early. With this being the first day of my new sissy workout routine, the next three hours are very busy. In the bathroom, Sherry shows me how to quickly remove my nail extensions and the red polish I painted on my nails Friday night. I want to take a shower with her, but she makes me shower by myself while she makes breakfast.

“We’ll put on your new sissy workout CD after breakfast,” she says. “I’ll be working out with you because I want to spend more time with you, and I also want a firmer, sexier body.”

“You’re already smokin’ hot.”

“True,” she agrees, “but a hotwife can’t be too sexy, babe. Mistress has big plans for us.”

“What big plans?”

“She’ll tell you when need to know. Now, into the shower you go!”

The moment I step into the shower, I think about the kinky sex Mistress and I had in here yesterday. I start playing with my nipple rings, relishing delightful new sensations as I pull my nipples out; imagining myself with implants as I look down at my pretty jeweled belly ring.

I’d love to jack off, but with my clitty locked away, I have to imagine getting fucked like a horny little slut. My little clitty pulses as erotic thoughts flood my brain. I close my eyes, clenching my ass around an imaginary cock, and think about dirty, slutty things.

“Mandy…?” Sherry interrupts my erotic fantasy. “Hurry up in there. Come and eat so we can work out.”

Coming out of the bathroom, I’m looking forward to a hearty breakfast after the disappointing soup and salad she gave me last night. But instead of eggs and bacon, Sherry hands me a big glass of thick, purple liquid.

“What’s this…?” I ask with a tone of disgust.

“It’s a breakfast smoothie,” she grins. “You’ll like it. It’s got lots of blueberries, a banana, yogurt, and a special protein powder that’ll give you energy without the fattening calories.”

“So I’m having this every morning?”

“Yes. And remember, we won’t put up with any complaining. You’re more than just our sissy now. You’re our slave, and you’ll do as we say… if you want your sex rewards.”

Of course, I want my sex rewards. I don’t know why I’m always so horny, but I am, and sex rewards are like doggie treats to me. I’ll do anything to get them, so I don’t complain as we go into the living room to drink our smoothies.

As Sherry loads the CD into the player, I’m pleasantly surprised at how delicious my smoothie tastes. The fresh blueberries excite my senses. The banana and walnuts are nourishing, and the Greek yogurt is a perfect blend that binds the flavors together.

As the video starts to play, we giggle on the couch when the title, ‘Sissy Sex Machine’, appears on the screen. Then a hot-looking shemale in a skimpy bikini, with nice tits and long, black hair in a ponytail appears, as if she’s in the middle of a workout.

‘Oh… hey girls!’ the shemale welcomes us. ‘I’m Mistress Karen… I’m so glad you decided to join me for our daily workout. If you love sex as much as I do, you know that it takes physical stamina to perform at your best.

‘What makes a sissy like you so desirable to those special kind of men, is your ability to fuck for longer periods of time than most women can. As a former male, you were born with a stamina mechanism that women can’t match. That makes you a potential sex machine, if you trigger that mechanism and develop your body the way I’ll show you.

‘So come along with me, sissy goddess. Turn yourself into the insatiable sex machine you were born to be!’

“Geeeeez…” I giggle as we get off the couch, “she’s fuckin’ hot.”

“No shit,” Sherry giggles back, “I’d spread my legs for her in a second!”

“Me too,” I laugh, “except that she’d probably make me bend over.”

We’re both laughing about it as Mistress Karen guides us through a series of stretches designed to increase our flexibility. We then do a ten-minute aerobic dance routine to build our stamina. After that, it’s on to squats, which I kinda hate, because my legs are burning while Sherry seems to be doing hers effortlessly.

As we’re doing them, Mistress Karen tells us to imagine ourselves riding a big cock. We squeeze our ass muscles on the way up, then push them out as we go down. I swear, her carefully scripted, suggestive words make me feel like I’m fucking. Once the squats are over, we then sit on the floor and bend forward to touch our toes.

“Shit…” I complain, “I can only reach half past my knees.”

Sherry, who’s almost touching her toes, tells me it’s because I’m out of shape, and it’s why we’re doing this. I can’t agree more, and I now see why Mistress called me a fucking weakling when I couldn’t bend down far enough to eat Sherry’s pussy with my arms behind my back.

“Wasn’t that fun?” Sherry hugs her naked body into me when the workout ends.

“I’ll get used to it,” I say with panting breaths, “my legs burned doing the squats, but imagining a big cock inside me kept me going.”

“So it made you horny?”

“Of course it did. It seems like I’m always horny.”

“Mistress told me that sissies are naturally horny creatures, so you’re supposed to be horny all the time. Since you’ve been such a good girl, I’ll give you a pussy reward before you go to work. Would you like that?”

“I’d love that!”

“There’s just one more thing you’ll have to do to earn that reward.”

“What…? I’ll do anything.”

“Well, Brenda thinks it’s about time for you to start wearing nylon stockings under your pants every day. Think you can do that for us?”

“I guess so, but I’m not excited about it.”

“You weren’t excited about wearing panties every day either, but now you love it, don’t you?”

“Yes, I love all my pretty panties.”

“Then you’ll love how nylons will make you feel pretty when you have to dress as a man. Hurry up now, you have to leave in twenty minutes. My pussy needs some licking.”

I’m definitely not thrilled about having to wear nylons every day now, but getting a pussy reward really excites me! The thigh top nylons over my smooth-shaven legs actually feel wonderful under my suit pants. Prancing around like a little pixie as I dress for work, all I can think about is my sex treat.

“That was fast,” Sherry giggles when I come running into the living room, “you must be motivated. Come eat, slut-girl. You’ve got ten minutes of treat time before you have to leave.”

I jump on the couch as Sherry sets a timer on her cell phone. Fuck… her pussy looks so damn good, and I’m just about to lick between her glistening lips, when I get a sudden urge to just kiss her.

Brushing my nose through her curly bush hairs before kissing up her body, I can’t resist stopping at her tits for some luscious nipple sucking. I can’t linger at her breasts too long, because my time is limited. Kissing up her neck to peck at her ears a few times gets her squealing with delight as I place my lips over hers.

“Oh, God, Mandy!” she quivers, “you turn me on so much more as a sissy!”

“I love being your sissy girlfriend,” I say as our tongues do the dance of love.

“Sissy lesbian girlfriend!” she squeaks, “We’ve only started discovering the fun sex we’ll be having.”

“Like two bitches?” I giggle.

“Two sexy bitches!” she replies. “Two hot, sexy, cock-loving bitches, always in heat!”

“Oh… fuck!” I howl as my hands grab both of her tits.

And then… the damn timer goes off.

“Fuck!” I scowl.

“You didn’t even get to my pussy,” Sherry laughs, “but your kisses made me just as wet. I’ll let you lick me a lot tonight.”

“Oh yeah…? And maybe you’ll suck my clitty?”

“I dunno about that, slut-girl. Your clitty is Brenda’s property. I gave it to her, and only she holds your key.

“You better get your sissy-ass to work now, so Janine doesn’t have to cover for you again.”


I’m a happy sissy walking into the office with three minutes to spare. I grow cautious, though, when I see Janine, already diligently working at her desk. Hoping to sneak in unnoticed, I quietly shuffle towards my office door.

“Good morning, Mark,” she notices me.

“Good morning, Janine,” I say, trying not to think about what Sherry said this morning about our open marriage.

At least she called me Mark this time. I’m so afraid of office gossip if the other secretaries hear her calling me ‘Markie’, even though I wouldn’t mind it now, with the nylons I’m secretly wearing under my suit pants.

I’m so full of energy after that delicious breakfast smoothie and the exhilarating workout. What made it special was that Sherry worked out with me. She’s been missing from my life the past few months as she slept around with her black boyfriends.

She’s come back to me now, and somehow, I think it was always supposed to be like this. While she was gone, Mistress destroyed my manhood with sissy porn and hypnosis. She’s skillfully indoctrinated me into the sissy lifestyle, and the truth is, I think I’ve always been a sissy, like Brenda says. I never felt like I was ever ‘one of the guys’, and I’m feeling more comfortable about the idea of cross-dressing in public.

These nylons feel dreamy as I sit at my desk, trying to remember what the fuck I’m supposed to do with all these documents. My thoughts drift off to my sissy life with Sherry and Brenda, and before I know it, an hour’s gone by and I haven’t accomplished a thing. My daydreaming is interrupted by a knock on my door.

“Come in.”

“Hi, Markie,” Janine comes in giggling with a stack of new documents. “Don’t you look happy this morning. You must have had a big weekend.”

“Awe, nothing special.” I try to act nonchalant. “You know, the regular stuff. Yard work and honey-do’s.”

“Did you look over the Morgan Construction contract yet?”

“Oh man… not yet. When’s it due?”

“This afternoon. You’ve had it for a week.”

“Oh… umm… okay. I’ll look it over next thing.”

“I’ve already checked most of it out with my copy. All you have to do is double-check the bid quotes on these last two sections.”

“Thanks, Janine. You’re a lifesaver. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“That’s what I’m here for, Markie. I don’t mind doing extra for you, because you’re not a jerk like the asshole executives around here.”

“I’ve never gotten along with them either. I wish I could somehow make it up to you.”

“Maybe something will come up in the future,” she smiles, “What’s that on your eyebrow?”


“Your eyebrow. Let me look.” She leans towards me, close enough to kiss. “Hmm… if I didn’t know better, I’d say it looks like mascara. But you don’t use mascara, do you… Markie?”

“What…?” I freeze, desperately thinking of something to say. “Me…? Makeup…? Are you kidding?

“Umm… umm… Sherry and I were smooching before I left for work. Maybe her mascara rubbed off on me.”

“Yeah,” she smirks, “that’s probably it. Mascara doesn’t wash off that easy in the shower. You have to really check yourself in the mirror to make sure it’s all off. Fingernail polish is even harder to get off. Better tell Sherry to pay more attention.”

“I’ll do that,” I say as Janine leaves my office with a smirk on her face.

‘Fuuuuuck!’ I silently scream as the door closes. ‘That was too fuckin’ close! She must suspect something, or she wouldn’t have noticed the mascara I must have missed. I wonder why Sherry didn’t say anything about it?’

Relieved that my secret wasn’t discovered, I check my nails for any specks of red I might have missed. Not seeing anything, I get right to work on the contract I should have finished last week. God… I fuckin’ hate my job. I wanted to go to college and learn accounting. But no, my old man insisted that I join the company after high school.

He’s supposedly grooming me to take over when he kicks the bucket, but my mom and I have already decided that when he’s gone, we’re selling the company. My older sister doesn’t know about it, cuz with her big mouth, the whole town would know. And besides, she’s too busy popping out Catholic babies to be concerned about the company.

Can’t think about that now, though. I’m under pressure to finish this contract before my old man comes in and jumps all over my ass. I’m finally making good progress, when my cell phone buzzes with a text from Brenda.

‘Good morning, sissy-slave. Feeling good this morning?’

‘Yes, Mistress,’ I text back. ‘Me and Sherry worked out this morning. We liked it a lot.’

‘She loves you, Mandy. You two will make a beautiful pair.’


‘A beautiful pair I’ll be taking to sex parties soon.’

‘Sounds like fun!’

‘Oh, they are. You have no idea. Did you have an orgasm last night?’

‘No. I really tried, but I couldn’t do it.’

‘Don’t worry about it, hon. We’ll work on that this week. I bought you a present today.’

‘What kind of present?’

‘Silly sissy… you think I’ll tell you on a text?’

‘No. I should know that.’

‘Hurry home after work, and I’ll give it to you.’

‘Now you’ve got me excited. But I need to get back to work before my old man finds out about the shit I didn’t get done last week.’

‘You hate your job. I’ve known this for a while.’

‘I can’t deny that I do hate it. But I do it for my dad.’

‘We need to discuss this sometime. I’ll let you go now. Have fun guessing what your present is.’

‘I will. I love you, Mistress.’

‘I love you too, sissy-poo. More than you know.’

‘Fuck,’ I think as I put my phone back in my pocket. ‘Where was I?’

If I wasn’t already excited enough after my morning workout with Sherry, Mistress has me buzzing with anticipation, wondering what she bought for me. I don’t even try to guess, because she’s always two steps ahead of me. Thanks to Janine, I somehow finish the Morgan Construction contract on time, and fortunately, my dad doesn’t come in to hassle me.


I’m lucky I don’t get a speeding ticket as I rush home to be with my Mistress again. I don’t know why I feel so connected to her today, but it feels so safe to escape the responsibilities of my job and let her make all my decisions for me. It’s the strangest thing, letting a woman like her control me like this, but I can’t control my obsession to serve her. It’s no wonder my clitty tingles as I get out of my car and run into the house.

“Mistress,” I yell, “I’m home!”

“I’m in the living room, slave. I’ve been waiting for you.”

Mistress greets me with a hug and a deep kiss before I can even say anything. I feel so good to be in her arms again. I don’t think I can survive without her.

“Did you have a good day?” she asks.

“It was challenging. I really fucked up last week, but luckily, Janine helped me get through it. All I’ve been thinking about since you texted me is my present.”

“You’ll have to do a few things first to earn it, I hope you know.”

“I do know, Mistress. What would you like your slave to do?”

“First, get those dreadful male clothes off your beautiful sissy body. I have a new outfit laid out for you on your bed. As you get dressed, I want you to notice what’s on the floor, and think about why I put it there. Then put some makeup on and you might be ready to receive your gift.”

“On it, Mistress,” I say as I gleefully trot into their bedroom to strip off my male clothes. I can’t enter my bedroom until I’m down to panties and nylons, because male clothes aren’t allowed in my sissy room.

My clitty pulses with excitement when I see what’s been laid out for me on the bed. It’s the most bimbo-looking outfit I’ve ever seen, but I’m so excited to put it on. There’s white cotton knee-high stockings with pink polka dots, along with a pink thong that barely covers my cage. The thin string running up my crack feels so amazingly slutty. I think Mistress can hear me giggling as I squeeze into a very short slut skirt.

My c-cup bra is lying under my blouse, but instead of the usual breast forms, Mistress has put water-filled balloons in the cups. It’s a little tricky putting it on, but once I do, I can’t believe how cool it feels to have bouncy boobs. It’s a totally new feeling, and I’m instantly in love with it. I can barely button my halter-top blouse to contain my oversized, squishy balloon-boobs.

It isn’t until I see the seven-inch, black patent leather platform heels that I’m somehow supposed to wear, that I see what Mistress told me to notice on the floor. It’s a framed mirror, about eighteen inches wide and twenty-four inches long. Stuck right in the middle, is my twenty-four inch, suction-cupped monster dildo she bought me a few weeks ago. I’ve never used it, because the thing intimidates me, but now I know she’ll probably want me to start riding it.

I’ve never attempted seven-inch heels before, and I feel like I’m walking on my tip toes as I stumble into the bathroom to put on my makeup. Since the balloons jiggling in my bra make me feel like a bimbo, I make my face up with bright, rosy-red cheeks and deep red lipstick.

Before applying silvery-pink eye shadow, I study myself in the mirror, looking for the mascara that Janine noticed on me in my office, but I don’t find any. ‘It must have rubbed off,’ I think as I finish my bimbo look to impress my Mistress.

The last thing I do, is grease-up my jeweled plug and push it up my puss, cuz Mistress says a proper sissy should always have it in. It makes me stick my ass out as stumble out of the bathroom in my heels with my water-balloon jugs jiggling under my blouse.

“Kneel on the carpet, honey,” Mistress politely asks as I enter the living room, “right here, between my legs.”

“I’m having trouble in these high heels,” I tell Mistress as I’m getting on my knees with my top-heavy bra.

“Don’t worry about that, dear. I’ll never make you wear them in public. Four-inch heels are right for you. I bought you those new seven-inchers to wear at home, so you’ll learn your balance faster.”

“Phew…!” I sigh. “I was worried these might become the new norm.”

“Noooo, sweetie. I always know what’s best for you. Now tell me, how was your workout this morning?”

“Some parts of it were hard, but I think I learned a lot.”

“Tell me what you learned.”

“Well, I understand now why you called me a weakling, so I’ll do my exercises every day to get strong in all the right places. And I also learned that you were right when you said I’m fat, for a sissy, that is. I’m glad you put me on my diet. I’ll make myself as skinny as you want me. Your slave lives to please you and Sherry.”

“Very good, Mandy. You’re learning your place, like I knew you would. Sherry told me you were a very good girl this morning. That’s why I bought you a present. Come up and sit next to me.”

“I’ve been excited all day about my present!”

“Have you been trying to guess what it is?”

“At first I did, but then I gave up, because I know you’re way smarter than me, and you’d never get me something I could guess.”

“Well, this is a special moment for us, because you’re coming of age in your sissy life. I think we need something that tells everyone that you belong to me. Here, darling, from me, to you.”

She hands me a smallish, gift wrapped box with a pretty bow on top. There’s a little note folder attached with a string, and I about die when I read it. All it says is:

To: Mandy Parker

From: Brenda Parker

“Mandy… Parker?” I gasp. “But Parker is your last name.”

“Yes, sweetheart, and Parker will be your sissy last name, if you’ll accept it. I’m giving you my name, because you’re mine. If you’ll accept my last name, you’ll acknowledge that you know you’re mine, for now and forever more.”

“This is such a surprise! I-I… don’t know what to say.”

“You can say you’ll accept my last name, but it’s your decision to make. Legally, you’ll still be Mark Harell, the pathetic little failure of a man. Don’t you think your beautiful new identity should have a new last name…? My last name?”

“Of course, I’ll accept your last name. I just never expected this.”

“Then it’s official. When I introduce you into the Hierarchy, you’ll be known as Mandy Parker, the sissy owned by Mistress Brenda Parker.

“Now, open your present… Mandy Parker.”

“Ooooo…!” I giggle with excitement. “Whatever’s in here can’t possibly be as wonderful as sharing the same last name with you. I adore you, Mistress!”

“Go ahead… open it. It’s something wonderful that every sissy needs.”

“Huh…! Oh my God!” I’m overwhelmed with sissy emotions as I open the box and see a cell phone. It’s in a pink case with pretty red hearts all over it.”

“My very own sissy phone!” I squeal. “Thank you, Mistress, thank you, thank you!”

“You deserve it, sweetheart. You’re a wonderful sissy, and I’ll continue giving you nice things like this as you continue to trust me and become more of a slave to me and Mistress Sherry.

“The next phase of your training will require your absolute trust. Your limits will be pushed beyond anything you’ve imagined, but you’ll gain the confidence and control you’ll need to become a member of the Hierarchy.”

“You keep mentioning the Hierarchy. What’s the Hierarchy?”

“The Hierarchy is a secret society of people who, from time to time, get together at sex parties for a night of uninhibited sexual pleasure. Masters and Mistresses bring their best sissies and female subs to these parties to show off their work.

“They’re then offered to the members to indulge in whatever kinky fetishes and deviant behaviors they desire. Nothing is off limits, and at the end of the night, the members vote on whether or not the sissy or sub is worthy to become a low-ranking member of the Hierarchy.”

“And that’s it? We just go to parties after that?”

“Oh, no, darling, it’s just the beginning. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. I’ll tell you more about the Hierarchy when you need to know it. For now, I’ve registered you and Sherry to be inductee candidates for a party in San Mateo in September.

“From now, until then, all you have to do, is everything I say.”

“I already do that, Mistress. May I show my appreciation for the gift of your name and my sissy cell phone?”

“Yes, darling, you may. Mistress would love it.”


I’m so fuckin’ horny and excited at the same time as I crawl back on the carpet. Mistress smiles her approval as I remove her shoes and roll her nylon stockings down her lovely legs. I can’t believe how it thrills me to lick, kiss, and caress each leg as I go.

I roll her nylons to her toes before holding her feet together and removing them with my teeth. Still holding them in my hands, I rub my cheeks on her soles and start kissing them, and… and… sucking her toes into my mouth like they’re each a little cock. I feel such love for her as I kiss up her calves and caress her firm thighs.

“Oh, Mandy dear,” she coos, “you please Mistress very much.”

“Having your last name is like having an alias, Mistress, and don’t know why, but it feels so cool.”

“Feels like we’re family, does it not?”

“I feel like I’m your… umm…”



“Almost, is exactly correct. You’ll never be a girl, but you’ll be so close to one that no one will know you’re not until they get you in bed. And then… you’ll show them you can be more fun than a girl in so many ways.”

“In bed with real girls, too?”

“Real girls too,” she giggles as she slides her panties to her knees. “Show Mistress how her sissy can please a real girl.”

“Your sissy would be honored.”

“Fuck the honor shit, Mandy. Eat me out, god-dammit, you’ve got me so fucking horny!”

Oh fuck, I’ve got the green light now! I pull her panties the rest of the way off as she spreads her legs wide and scootches her ass to the edge of the couch. I’ve seen her like this in the shower. This is my chance to control her.

I see her clit hiding under its hood, but I don’t go for it just yet. I lick around it, then between her labia, and into her fuck hole. I swirl my tongue around her vaginal opening as she pinches my ears, subtly pulling me into her, but being careful not to show too much submission to a lowly sissy. But her dominance is a challenge as I push my tongue into her wet hole before returning to her clit hood.

I can feel it hardening inside as I run the tip of my tongue up and down the sides like it’s a man’s foreskin. I back off a tiny bit until I see the pink tip of her clit staring to peek out. She’s starting to moan as I flutter my tongue around her nerve center, then I go back inside her hole.

She’s grabbing onto my head, frantically pulling me into her. Rubbing my sissy face all over her wetness drives her up a wall, making her release my head and throw arms back to grab her own head! My next move happens instantaneously, as my instincts say it’s time to suck her clit.

More of it is showing itself now as I put my lips on either side and slide up and down, back and forth, bringing that little bundle of nerve endings out of hiding and into my mouth. I suck on her like a cock as her body reacts with violent eruptions of ecstasy and pleasure. Her juices flow freely as she orgasms, making a mess on the couch that neither of us care about right now.

I ease up on sucking her clit, letting her enjoy the ripples of orgasmic pleasures coursing through her body, softly kissing her labia and tickling her fully-extended clit as she sighs and coos like a baby girl. She’s got tears in her eyes as we look at each other with a new sense of belonging.

“Oh my God, Mandy,” she lets out a pleasured moan. “That felt so damn good! I came three times! You’re such a little pleaser.”

“Your slave loves to please you, Mistress. I don’t love you more than Sherry, but I love you just as much.”

“Correct statement, Mandy Parker. Never love me, or anyone, more than the woman who’s loved you since you were kids.

“You’re developing a killer tongue, and my lady friends are going to love you. I want more of it, too, so I’m trusting you enough to let myself go with you. We’ll do more of this, but when I get this way, and I let you control me, it’s strictly between me and you, understand?”

“Yes, Mistress, I’m honored to have your trust, and you have my complete trust.”

“Good, Sherry should be home soon. Would you like to sleep with us tonight and do for Sherry what you just did for me? I’ll milk you as you’re doing her.”

“You know I would! I’m the luckiest sissy in the world to live with two beautiful goddesses!”

“We’re lucky to have each other. Come up and sit with me, Mandy Parker, the pussy pleaser!”

Published 2 years ago

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