Sappho is my Siren
Once outward bound I faced away
And saw not home and comfort
My course was plotted by others’ hands
To learn the worldly way
And seek what others sought before
Our nature to betray
We did not know the sails we set
Were sewn by hands so foreign
That we would lose the memory
Of lands where we were born
And now in foreign lands we laughed
We met our sisters old
But found them bound to strangers’ hands
Whose touch seemed coarse and cold
And knowing not our nature true
We begged and served as they
Believing we would learn this world
And change it to our way
But natives we would never be
We could not change our skin
For we were fair and they were coarse
And would not let us in
To one another did we turn
Despairing of the touch
Of hands which took but would not give
The things we need so much
So hear we now the Siren call
That carries ‘cross the wind
And draws us back to lands we left
To family and kin
To Sisterhood we draw our ships
To Lesbos we aspire
And in her folding arms we hold
Each other in desire
(c) 2007 Bethany Ariel Frasier