Sir and Madam

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I coughed and gagged as he withdrew his cock from my throat, spit trailing from my mouth and tears running down my face. He was lying on the bed and I was on all fours between his legs, looking up at him as he let me breathe for just a few seconds before pushing my face onto him again. Then I felt her tongue on my pussy. If I could have gasped I would have; all I managed was a muffled groan onto his dick. Her hands were spreading my arse cheeks open as she ran her tongue from my clit across my soaking wet pussy and then up to my tight arsehole. She ran her tongue around it as she slipped a finger inside me and I lifted my hips to give her better access to my wet cunt.

‘Good girl’ I heard from him as he fucked my throat. Again, I groaned onto his cock. I loved hearing that from him. It made me so eager to please him more. He pulled me back by my hair and gave me another few seconds to breathe before pushing my head back down as I opened my mouth to take him deep into my throat again.




I’d met them online. I hadn’t really taken it seriously when I’d made my profile on a swingers’ website adding in only, ‘Just browsing for now’ in the space that others had written an essay on what they were looking for. I only had a vague idea that I wanted to experiment with another woman but I didn’t really think I would find someone online that I would be willing to actually meet. Nonetheless, I found myself checking my inbox one afternoon out of boredom and in amongst the dozens of messages I had received since I had last logged on I saw one from a couple who called themselves Sir and Madam.

“Could we tempt you into more than just browsing?”

I clicked on the link to their profile and had a look at their pictures. They were different to the usual graphic close-ups I’d gotten used to seeing on this site. One picture was a close-up of her legs, kneeling on a bed wearing stockings, suspenders and heels. In another photo, she was handcuffed to a banister, blindfolded while he held a glass of champagne to her lips. Still another picture showed her stocking clad legs bound with red rope. If I’d been actively looking on this site, they would have exactly what I’d have been looking for.

“More than tempted…” I typed.

I clicked send. Within minutes I had a response, and after a few messages back and forth I’d established that it was “Madam” that I was speaking to and that their names were Tim and Samantha. A few more messages and I’d given them my phone number and we started three-way conversations on a messaging app.

I was surprised how quickly I felt comfortable talking to them. They were both so chilled and the conversation flowed easily. By the next day, I was receiving pictures from them both and descriptions of what we would do if we met. They asked me to join them in a hotel in central London for an evening the following week and I was excited and nervous in equal measures as I said yes. We arranged that Tim would meet me from the tube station and we’d all have a few drinks in the hotel bar to get to know each other, followed by us all going up to the room afterwards if we were happy to do so.

I spent the next few days thinking about them constantly, imagining what that evening was going to be like and flitting between horny excitement and terrified nerves, sometimes within a matter of seconds. I worried they wouldn’t like me, or that my nerves would get the better of me and I’d back out. I imagined kissing her with him watching and then joining in. I imagined getting to the station; I wondered if he would be there to meet me or if I would wait for him. One night I was talking to him after Sam had gone to bed. I was lying in bed with my thumbs moving lightning fast across the screen of my phone as we messaged back and forth. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, my phone vibrated and flashed, lighting up my bedroom.

“I’ve just had another naughty idea…” his message read.


“Sam will leave us in the bar and go up to get changed. When she’s ready I’ll take you up to her. Undress you from behind while she watches.”

My heart started beating wildly as I imagined just that, I didn’t know what to reply. I just stared at my phone and then I saw him typing another message.

“You like that?”

“Yes. Imagining it makes me want it now.”

“I want a picture of you right now.”

I almost laughed out loud; I looked a mess, it was late at night and I was in bed. There was no way was I going to send him a picture now.

“In my PJs with messy hair? Not sexy.”

His response was immediate. “Do as you are told.”

I can’t describe the feeling I had as I read those five words. My heart pounded, my stomach tightened, my mouth went dry. I felt instantly horny. I’d never been so turned on by one simple command. I lay there for a few seconds contemplating saying no, but I was kidding myself. All I wanted in that moment was to please him. I got out of bed, turned on the light and pulled my long, dark hair from the messy bun it was in. Hoping I looked more ‘messy chic’ than ‘dragged through a bush’ I got a couple of pictures on my phone and sent him what I thought was the best one. I had an even more powerful reaction to his reply.

“Good girl.”

Not long after that we said good night. Afterwards, as I lay in bed, heart still racing, and trying to wrap my head around why I was so turned on purely by the fact that I’d pleased him. I couldn’t, so I settled on sliding my hand down to my pussy, wet from my conversation with him, and bringing myself shuddering into an orgasm. Made all the more intense as I remembered the feeling he’d given me when he’d called me a good girl.

Tim and Sam were spending the night before we were due to meet in the hotel together. Sam had been away for work so they hadn’t seen each other for a few days. I was getting ready for a night out while Sam and I were messaging; she was at the hotel, waiting for him to arrive.

“I’ve left the key under the door. About to put a blindfold on and lie down on the bed…”

I was so envious of her right then. I wished it was me waiting for him. Then she sent an image. It was of her, full length, standing in front of a mirror, wearing nothing but black stockings, a suspender belt and a red leather collar. ‘Wow,’ I thought to myself. She was stunning. I couldn’t believe that in a little over 24 hours I would be sitting in a bar with her, with their hotel room waiting. I sent my reply.

“You look incredible.”

“Thank you x,” she sent before going offline.

Minutes later he’d obviously arrived at the hotel because I received a picture from him of her lying on the bed in the hotel room, blindfolded with one hand on her pussy and the other gripping the sheets. I was already running late to meet my friends, but when I saw that picture I couldn’t help but lie down on my bed and touch my wet cunt, alternating between rubbing back and forth across my clit and pushing two fingers deep inside until I came hard.

That evening I had my friends quizzing me as to why I couldn’t leave my phone in my bag for more than 60 seconds.

“Obviously it’s a man Karen!” Charlotte squealed as I tried to deny that anything was going on and Karen had tried to come to the defence of my privacy. “She wouldn’t get that look on her face every time she looked at her phone if she were texting her mum!”

“What look?” I laughed, taking another sip of my cocktail.

Fortunately for me, the bar we were in didn’t seem aware that it was only a Wednesday night; it was packed and the music was too loud to allow a proper conversation.

In so many ways I was desperate to spill the beans to my friends, but at the same time I liked that it was my secret. I didn’t have any time to consider whether I would tell them then anyway, Karen was pulling me towards the dance floor then as her favourite song started blaring from the speakers. We danced for a few songs and I felt my phone vibrating in my bag again. I had a quick look inside my bag and saw that Tim had sent me a video clip. My heart felt like it skipped a beat and immediately my mind was racing, wondering what it could be of, imagining all the possibilities.

“Toilet, stay here!” I half mimed, half shouted to Karen. She nodded and turned her attention the man who’d been dying to get her to notice him all night. I made my way through the crowded dance floor, into the toilet and locked myself in a cubicle. I clicked play immediately, turning the volume almost all the way down. Tim had taken the video. It was a point of view shot, down his body, and Sam’s mouth was around his hard dick. She was looking up into the camera and had one hand wrapped around the base of his shaft as she ran her wet lips over the tip of his cock. The other hand she had on his balls and she was bobbing her head up and down, taking more and more of him into her mouth each time. I heard him moan and turned the volume down even further, worried it would be heard in the cubicles next to me.

“I think Kelly’s going to like this,” he said to Sam or to the camera, I didn’t know. “You’ll both be sharing this tomorrow, passing it between your mouths. Taking it deep down your throat.” He moaned again. “Oh fuck, that feels so good,” he said as Sam began moving her lips faster and deeper. Then the video ended.

I couldn’t help myself, I’d hitched my skirt up and spread my legs, trying to keep my balance in my heels. Sliding a finger down the side of my knickers was enough to bring me to the edge. I pressed play again and held the speaker right up to my ear, listening to her make him moan as I circled my clit with two fingers. I could hear girls outside the cubicles talking and laughing as they reapplied their makeup and the music blaring in every time the door was opened. I was very aware of the fact that there were people all around me. Then I heard Karen’s voice.

“Kelly, are you still in here?”

“Yeah.” I replied as I quickly straightened myself out and put my phone back in my bag. She was touching up her make up as I came out of the cubicle and I went to the sink next to her.

“You’ll tell me first, won’t you?” she asked looking at my reflection next to hers.

“Yes,” I laughed, “I promise.” We made our way back to the dance floor and I tried to put Sam and Tim, and that video out of my mind for the rest of the night, promising myself I’d watch it over and over as soon as I was alone in bed.

The next afternoon I was running a bath, about to start getting ready to meet them. I stood by the sink in my bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror, not quite believing what I was about to do. My pulse increased and I got that tight, anxious feeling in my stomach. I got in the bath and got dressed and ready as quickly as I could before my nerves got the better of me. It wasn’t until I was sat on the train with time to think I could feel my anxiety growing again. I couldn’t sit still. My hands were trembling as took my phone from my bag to check the time for the third time in a minute.

Before long I was walking up the stairs out of the tube station. Taking my phone out of my bag I sent a message to them.

“I’m here x.”

Tim replied almost immediately.

“Two mins.”

I walked far enough away from the station to be out of the way of the steady stream of people going in and out and stood nervously waiting for him to arrive. I felt so exposed standing there, as though anyone looking at me could guess what I was there for. I pulled anxiously at my top and played with my hair. I looked at the time on my phone again. Just when I began wondering where he was I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned, looking up at him. His pictures hadn’t done him justice, he looked incredible. He had piercing blue eyes and dark hair with flecks of grey at the sides. He was so masculine and tall. Taller than I’d imagined even though their online profile had mentioned that he was 6’4’’.

“Hi,” he said, leaning in for a kiss on the cheek.

“Hi,” I replied quietly. I stood there awkwardly, feeling more nervous than I could ever remember being.

“This way,” he said as he smiled, gesturing back the way he had come and we both headed in that direction. He asked how I was and how the journey had been. He seemed so laid back it was hard for me not to feel, if not quite relaxed, less anxious. We chatted for the duration of the short walk.

“There’s Sam at the bar,” he said as we were walking to the front of the hotel. The front of the building was all glass so we could see into the bar. I saw Sam instantly and knew in that second that I’d be in their hotel room that night. The small-talk went by in a haze and before I knew it Sam was leaving Tim and I in the bar. Before long we were in the lift on our way to join her. I loved being alone with him in such as small space. I don’t think I’d ever craved someone as much I did him.

As we walked down the corridor to their room I felt such intense excitement, mixed with equal measures of fear. I couldn’t believe what I was about to do. We got to the door and my heart was pounding in my chest as he handed me the key card. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and opened the door. I walked into the room in front of him, passed the bathroom, passed the bed and into a small seating area where Sam sat on the sofa, smiling as she watched me walk towards her. I stopped a few feet in front of her and felt him behind me. She looked indescribably sexy wearing nothing but a suspender belt, black suspenders and heels. I felt Tim walk up behind me and place his hands on my hips.

“I won’t undress you unless you want me to,” he whispered into my ear. His lips brushed my ear lobe as he moved my hair from my neck.

I felt numb with nerves, I didn’t think I could do it myself. I was still watching her look at me and I tried to say that I did want him to, so much, but I felt like I couldn’t speak. I took another deep breath and with trembling hands, I pulled my top up over my head revealing a strapless, black bra. I dropped it to the floor. He moved to sit down on the chair opposite the sofa where Sam sat. Feeling completely exposed, I panicked, my heart racing even faster than it had been.

“Please don’t sit down,” I said with a shaking voice. He responded with a soft laugh that broke the tension I was feeling and immediately made me feel more at ease.

“Whatever you want,” he said as he came back towards where I was standing and stood behind me again. Kissing my neck, he ran his hands over my torso, unclipped my bra exposing my breasts, nipples hard. He reached down around my front to unbutton my black skinny jeans. I stepped out of my heels as he crouched down behind me and pulled my jeans from my legs. Then he pulled my knickers down my legs and I was completely naked. I couldn’t take my eyes off Sam and she was watching me just as intently. I felt like I couldn’t stand any more anticipation so I closed the distance between us in a few small steps and knelt in front of her, between her legs.

As our lips touched I could hear him moving behind me and hear he rustle of his clothes as he took them off.



Published 8 years ago

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