Sinaloa Sirens – Part 1

"A lieutenant in a Mexican cartel discovers his new position affords him some very fun perks…"

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As I drove into the town of Santa Ana, I was excited about the opportunities today might bring. My new position in the cartel meant I now had greater respect from the various people I supervised. 

Many of these people were young women whom I termed ‘Sinaloa Sirens’. They were the wives, fiancées, or long-term girlfriends of traffickers, logistic workers, falcons, and sicarios who worked directly under me.

I had now worked for the Sinaloa cartel for over ten years. I was an American citizen, born and raised in Arizona. I had served in the U.S. military. I had also gone to law school.

This meant that when I had had some dealings with the Sinaloa cartel back in the late 1990s, I had become recruited. They liked the fact I had a military background, that I had a lot of legal knowledge, and had no moral quandaries about their business. Also, the fact I had a U.S. passport, so I could move back and forth across the US-Mexican border with ease.

I began as a junior administrator, under a lieutenant in the cartel named Luis Reyes. He took me under his wing. He could see my potential and encouraged me.

There weren’t many Americans working directly for the Sinaloa cartel, so I was also a bit of a novelty, I suppose, especially in those early years. 

In the early 2000s, I began streamlining many processes for the cartel. I did this with data analysis, another interest of mine. I collected enormous amounts of data on thousands of different data points, mainly to do with distribution, transportation, and logistics. I managed to save the cartel millions of dollars over a relatively short period.

This was noticed by Luis, my lieutenant. It was also noticed by the bosses above him, ‘the old men’ as they were often termed. Outsiders would call them the drug lords of our cartel. As the old men had noticed me, my stock rose, and my position in the cartel was elevated further.

There were currently five ‘old men’, or drug lords in the cartel. Over the years, this number had decreased, or increased, depending on periods of incarceration, or deaths of one or more of the old men, either from natural causes or otherwise.

Under the old men were the lieutenants, who ran the day-to-day operations. Under the lieutenants were the sicarios. They were the soldiers of the cartel and carried out any ‘dirty work’ that had to be done.

Under the sicarios were the falcons. These men (and women) were the spies of the cartel. They were scouts and lookouts and reported on the affairs of the police, military, or a rival cartel. Underneath the falcons were the planters and farmers who grew our products, but they were not really considered to be directly working for the cartel.

My lieutenant, Luis Reyes, had to travel all over the states of Sinaloa and Sonora, as a sort of area manager. There were various employees, ‘collectors’, stationed in towns big and small. They had the responsibility for collecting from their local area the profits from the various criminal activities the cartel was involved with, be it trafficking, extortion, protection rackets, etc. Luis had to audit their weekly take and bring the cash back to a safe house in Culiacan. 

These ‘collectors’ were usually married, or had a long-term girlfriend whom they trusted. The cartel preferred collectors who were in long-term, stable relationships. It meant there was much less chance of their significant other running off with the weekly take.

That was because if their partner had been around for some time, they had already learned how the cartel operated. They had already learned how harshly, and how ruthlessly they dealt with serious transgressions by their employees.

Luis had to often deal with these wives and girlfriends of the collectors, as when he showed up for the weekly audit, the collectors would often be out working on their various duties. The houses the collectors lived at were considered safe houses by the cartel. Certain security systems had been installed in all the collector’s houses, to discourage armed robberies from other criminal elements or rival cartels.

The wives and girlfriends of the collectors were trusted by the cartel to be responsible for the weekly audit whenever a lieutenant arrived. They would sit with them and show them the books, wait while the lieutenant went through them, and hand over the relevant monies. These weekly audits by the lieutenants usually lasted twenty or thirty minutes, and then the lieutenant would move on to the next town and do another audit there.

My lieutenant, Luis Reyes, had performed these auditing duties diligently for the past four years. But he was getting old now and was beginning to find all the travel rather taxing.

It was at this stage, my big break came. One of the ‘old men’ bosses had passed away. Luis was promoted from lieutenant to boss, and he gave me his old lieutenant’s position. I was delighted.

I spent the next few weeks with Luis in the office going over all of my duties and responsibilities, and went on the road with him, learning on the job, and watching him work. He had a lot of good advice for me. He had also mentioned there were some ‘remarkable perks’ to this particular position of auditor, and I had asked him what he meant by that.

“You’ll find out, trust me,” he simply said, grinning back.

The following week, I officially took up my new position, and hit the road, heading up into Sonora state to make the first of my weekly collections. Luis had given me a list of names of a few of the wives and girlfriends of collectors that he said I should look out for and be kind to, as they had always been kind to him. Again, I was unclear as to what that meant exactly, but said I would do my best to help them with any issue they had.

I followed my old mentor’s advice in picking out my auditing route, as he had already worked out the most efficient order. It meant starting here in Santa Ana, and my first audit was with Sofia. She was the wife of Miguel Flores, the collector here in Santa Ana. However, she had already told me on the phone earlier that her husband had to deal with an issue out of town, and so might not be around during my weekly audit.

I had met Sofia before when I had shadowed Luis’ road trips a couple of weeks earlier. During that audit, both Sofia and her husband, Miguel, were present. Both Sofia and her husband were from Sinaloa but had moved up here to Sonora a few years ago due to his work.

One thing that had slightly surprised me was that Luis had greeted Sofia with what in my mind I had termed the ‘traditional Sinaloa pat-down’. It was a tradition I had seen many, many times before. Whenever the old men bosses had some gathering, event, or party, they always greeted the wives and girlfriends of those members of the cartel who were below them in the same manner. They would hug them, but as they briefly chatted, and exchanged pleasantries, the old man’s hands would very quickly move to the woman’s ass.

They would give them a friendly pat on the ass, or run their hand over it, perhaps even ‘shake that jelly’ a little. The wives and girlfriends always responded with a giggle, and usually kiss on the cheek for the old man, but more often on the lips. They did not get offended or make a scene, they were expecting it and seemed happy to conform to this tradition.

They would do this right in front of their husbands or boyfriends. Also, not only was the husband or partner not offended, but he was always quite happy his wife or girlfriend was being treated in this way. I was surprised to see this behavior when I first joined the cartel, but I soon learned that the husband deemed it a great compliment to him; and that the old man boss was saying he admired his junior’s taste in women.

The women seemed to love it too, as they felt complimented and admired by someone in great power within the cartel. 

This tradition had worked its way down the chain a little further, too. I saw lieutenants at these gatherings greeting the wives or girlfriends of employees junior to them in the cartel in the same manner. Again, the lieutenants’ male underling had no problem with it and again was happy to see his boss approve of his choice of woman.

There were many times I had seen my boss Luis with his hand on some other man’s wife’s ass as he greeted her. In fact, Luis would do this in front of his own wife, who did not protest his behavior either.

Unfortunately, this type of greeting was not approved of any further down the cartel chain, and so I had so far not experienced it for myself.

I was very much looking forward to my audit with Sofia. She was an extremely attractive woman, as was the case with an awful lot of the wives and girlfriends of ‘collectors’, sicarios, and lieutenants. There was an awful lot of money in this business, and it attracted a lot of very beautiful, very sexy women.

Sofia had a natural beauty. She had long, dark hair that had been styled and curled. She had a fantastic figure, although whether that was natural or not I had no idea.

I was hoping now that I was a lieutenant, I would get a quick feel of her lovely ass, just as my boss Luis had on our previous visit.

I pulled up outside the house. It was a two-storey house, in a Spanish villa style that was typical for this suburban area. As I walked up the path, the front door opened, and Sofia greeted me.

“Hello, darling,” Sofia beamed, holding her arms out for an embrace, “So nice to see you again, Buzz.”

The cartel members always called me Buzz, a nickname that had stuck ever since I had moved to Mexico. They also tended to almost exclusively speak with me in English, as they seemed to like the practice. Sofia did not step outside onto the path, preferring to stay in the doorway, hidden from view from any nosy neighbors. I stepped through the door, and into Sofia’s arms. 

“How are you?” she asked, before giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

“I’m well, thank you,” I replied, smiling. “So nice to see you again.”

Now that my eyes had adjusted to the light inside, I could see Sofia wore a tight, short black dress. It just about covered her very impressive bust, with plenty of cleavage on show. She wore black hold-up style stockings. She also wore some sexy little black and red high-heeled shoes.

I let my right hand fall from my embrace on her back, down to the top of her ass. As Sofia showed no sign of rebuking me, I let my hand fall further to pat her a few times on her stunning ass. I then left my hand on her ass, giving it a couple of firm squeezes.

Sofia smiled back at me, squeezing my left arm.

“Hey boss, how are you?” said a voice off to my right.

I turned, horrified, to see Miguel, Sofia’s husband, getting up from the sofa in the living room. He smiled and walked toward me, extending his hand. I realized my right hand was still groping Sofia’s ass and quickly removed it to shake his hand. For a moment, I felt rather awkward; this was the first time using my ‘privilege’ as a lieutenant to feel up another man’s wife’s ass, and there was her husband, right in front of me.

But Miguel showed no sign of being upset at all, far from it. He was beaming from ear to ear.

“Boss, just wanted to say hello before I have to head out to Cananea,” Miguel explained. “I popped back here for some lunch and decided to wait for you. Just wanted to say congratulations on your promotion.”

“Oh, well, thank you, Miguel. That’s very kind of you,” I told him.

Even though my hand was no longer on his wife’s ass, I still felt slightly awkward. Sofia still had her arms around me, showing no sign of breaking off our embrace.

“Yeah, we’re both just so happy you’re our new boss,” Miguel continued, as he moved closer to stand behind Sofia, and place his hands on her ass, “Right honey?”

“Yes, absolutely,” Sofia agreed, nodding and smiling, “We’re both looking forward to working for you.”

“Well, boss, I’d love to stay and chat, but the road is calling me,” Miguel said, still cupping his wife’s buttocks, “Sorry, there are a few issues up in Cananea that need sorting out. But all the books are in order, Sofia will run through it all with you.”

“Sure, no problem, Miguel. But I’ll need to sit down with you sometime next week to have you familiarise me with your operation here, and for me to let you know of my expectations of you,” I told him.

I felt I needed to stamp my authority on the situation early on. I didn’t want him to think it was always acceptable to tell his boss how he would be spending his working day, rather than asking permission to do so.

“Oh yes, of course, boss,” Miguel replied, catching himself, “So, is it alright if I head out then?”

“Yes, of course, Miguel. We’ll catch up next week,” I told him, smiling.

“Well, babe, I gotta go,” Miguel told his wife.

Sofia finally broke off our embrace and turned to hug her husband. They kissed, and Miguel’s hands moved to hold his wife’s ass again. They briefly spoke in Spanish, saying their goodbyes. Miguel then shook my hand again and then headed out the front door.

Sofia triple-locked the door behind him, as I heard Miguel’s truck outside start up and head off down the street.

“Come up to the kitchen, I’ll fix you a drink,” Sofia said, smiling.

Sofia took my hand and led me toward the staircase. Sofia went very slowly ahead of me up the staircase, perhaps so slowly because of those heels she wore.

As she did so, her very short dress began to ride up, and I could now see the tops of her black stockings. With each step, her dress rode up higher, and more and more of her ass began to be revealed. It was a wonderful sight, I could see the bottom of her lovely buttocks. It certainly brought a smile to my face.

The staircase took a turn to the left halfway up. As Sofia reached the turn, she took a moment to look over her shoulder and smile at me. Did she know I could see her stocking tops? That I could see the bottom of her buttocks sway and bounce in front of my face?

I smiled back at her, saying nothing. We continued up the second half of the staircase, as her dress rode up even further. By the time we reached the top, almost half of her amazing peach of an ass was visible, and I could see she was wearing a tiny pair of black thong panties.

As we arrived in the kitchen, she tottered over to the fridge and poured me a glass of my favorite soda. She had obviously remembered from my previous visit what I liked to drink, and that cartel members were discouraged from drinking alcohol whilst working.

Sofia handed me the glass, and I took a refreshing sip. As I placed the glass on the kitchen countertop, she then approached me, her arms outstretched for another embrace.

It was much brighter up here in the kitchen, so I could take in Sofia’s look much better now. Firstly, she truly was a very attractive woman; she was gorgeous. She had such beautiful, flawless skin, and big, full lips. When she flashed a smile, she had such perfect, bright white teeth.

She had long, jet-black hair. Sofia’s figure was incredible, a lovely hourglass shape. She had nice wide hips, a gorgeous big full bust, and then that amazing ass. She was definitely a real ‘buchona’, as it was termed down here.

Sofia’s outfit was quite something, too. I could see her dress as being something she might wear on an evening out, but wasn’t exactly comfortable clothing for hanging out around the house. I figured she had perhaps told her husband she needed to look her best for the visit of their new boss.

“Now come here and give me a proper greeting,” she said, grinning.

Sofia put her arms around me, and I reciprocated. My hands rested on her lower back, as she grinned up at me. I moved my hands down slowly until they rested on her upper butt. As I received no objection once again, with Sofia continuing to grin up at me, I moved my hands down further, to take two big handfuls of her lovely ass.

“That’s better,” Sofia giggled.

Her short dress had only half-returned back down, so my palms were touching the soft material covering part of her behind, whilst my fingers were on her bare ass. It was a very good feeling indeed.

“Now I can give you a proper kiss too,” Sofia said.

Sofia was quite petite, at maybe five feet two inches tall. As I was quite tall, at just over six feet, she had to go up on tip-toes to kiss me. However, this kiss was no peck on the lips like I had received downstairs. She kissed me full on the lips, long and wet. I kissed her back in the same manner, which again she did not object to at all.

Eventually, our kissing came to an end, and she smiled up at me. I kept my hands on her ass, thinking she would soon break off our embrace, or move away from me, but she did no such thing. So I continued to fondle her stunning ass. After a moment, I thought I should say something, as I felt the silence was a bit awkward.

“Well, Sofia, you’re a gorgeous lady,” I told her, “And I have to say, you have such a lovely ass.”

Sofia giggled. “Oh, thank you, Buzz. That’s very kind of you to say.”

“Although I do wonder what your husband would think of us standing here like this,” I admitted, but did not attempt to move my hands away from her ass.

“Ah, no, it’s fine. You are our new boss. Why wouldn’t I try to make you as comfortable as possible in our home,” Sofia explained, a real glint in her eye, “Besides, my husband isn’t here anymore, and he won’t be back for hours, so it’s our little secret.”

“Well, you’re certainly making me very comfortable,” I told her, as she gave me another kiss, “Was Luis made to feel as comfortable as this?”

Sofia laughed.

“Yes, of course,” she grinned, “But only when my husband wasn’t here. If Miguel was here, he’d just give me the normal greeting, you know?”

“Ah, I understand,” I said.

So Luis got in a full-on grope of Sofia’s lovely ass too whenever he visited, as long as her husband wasn’t here. Perhaps this was one of the perks of the job he had told me about.

“You know, me and my husband are so happy you are the one that replaced Luis,” Sofia explained, “We were overjoyed when we heard the news. We were sorry to see Luis go, of course, he was always very fair with us, and very kind to me. But he was getting quite old I guess.”

“Well, Luis seems very happy in his new position,” I told her, “And he told me only good things about yourself.”

“Ah really? He did?” Sofia asked, seemingly rather surprised, “Oh well, that’s good. I didn’t know he had spoken to you about me.”

Luis had mentioned Sofia in his list of a few wives and girlfriends of collectors that he wanted me to ‘take care of’, whatever that meant. 

“Well, I just wanted to congratulate you on your new position,” she said, smiling up at me, “I know you’re going to be a great boss to us too, just like Luis was. So let me give you a nice kiss to welcome you here.”

Sofia took my head in her hands and began kissing me, with her tongue soon entering my mouth. I again reciprocated, and she was soon sucking on my tongue in a way I had never experienced before. It was as though she was trying to suck my tongue right out of my mouth. It was quite arousing.

At the same time, my fingertips continued to explore her bare ass. My right index finger found its way right into the crack of her ass, fondling the thong of her panties that I found lodged there.

After maybe a full minute, we finally came up for air. Sofia giggled again but still did not yet break off our embrace. 

“Well, I suppose we should get down to it then?” Sofia said, “The audit, I mean?”

She giggled, and finally, sadly, broke off our embrace. I gave her ass a gentle little slap, as she pulled down her dress. She giggled once again, and then took me by the hand, and led me back downstairs again. I knew where we were headed.

Mostly all of these safe houses had a secure and secret basement where the cartel’s money was stored until audited and taken away back to Culiacan by a lieutenant. I had been down into Miguel and Sofia’s basement before when I had shadowed Luis doing his audit here. Sofia led me down the stairs, along a corridor, and into a utility room, with a washing machine and dryer. There was a large cupboard attached to the far wall.

Sofia reached behind the cupboard, flicked a switch, then pushed the cupboard to the right. It slid over on silent, hidden rails, to reveal a small, heavy, secure door. Sofia used three different keys to unlock the door, and we went through to a very tight stairway. She then locked the door behind us and flicked a switch which I knew moved the cupboard back across to hide the doorway in the utility room.

We then moved down the tight, narrow, dark staircase to another heavy, secure door. Again, Sofia used numerous keys to unlock the door before we finally stepped into the secret basement below the house.

It was rather nicely furnished, with white walls, and lots of lighting, as of course, there were no windows down here. There was a table with four chairs, a sofa, and a TV. On the other side, there was a small kitchen area with a large refrigerator, and in the corner was a small bathroom with a shower. There was a large cabinet fixed to the wall nearest the secure door, from which a double bed could be pulled down, which saved space, I suppose.

It had everything you needed if you were forced to stay down here for an extended period. The house could potentially be laid siege to by some criminal element or a rival cartel, as large amounts of cash were often stored here. The security to prevent anyone from getting into the basement was top of the line. No security system is completely impregnable, of course, but it just needed to delay those trying to get in long enough for those in the basement to call in sicarios from the surrounding area to eradicate any potential invaders.

We moved over to the table, where all the ledgers I had to go through were laid out. There was a cardboard box full of cash on the floor that would need counting. We sat down, and Sofia began explaining what each ledger was for. Most of the entries and codes used were familiar to me, but it helped to have her there to explain a few things I had not come across before.

Once I was comfortable with what I was looking at, I began my audit. Sofia got up and went to the fridge to get me another soda.

“Oh, Buzz? There is one matter I need to speak with you about, but I let you finish the audit first,” Sofia told me, as she bent over to reach the sodas at the bottom of the refrigerator.

I couldn’t help but turn to see Sofia’s dress ride up once again as she bent over. First, her stocking tops came into view, and then her lovely ass. Once again, her dress rode up so high that I could see half her ass, and her little black thong panties.

Sofia returned to the table, finally adjusting her dress. She leaned over from the other side of the table to place the soda next to me. As she did so, I could see right down her amazing, full, delicious cleavage. She grinned at me, but seemingly oblivious to where my eyes had been drawn to.

I continued with the books. Sofia sat mostly silently, letting me get on with it, only speaking to answer any queries I had. After twenty minutes or so, I then pulled out their money-counting machine and began accounting for the piles of cash in the cardboard box. After another ten minutes, I was all done.

“Well, you’re all good, Sofia,” I told her.

“Great,” she replied, smiling, and getting up from her seat, “Why don’t you come and sit on the sofa for a while?”

I nodded, got up, and headed over to the sofa. I had forgotten Sofia had said she wanted to talk to me about something. I needed to head off to my next audit over in the next town fairly soon, but I was happy to chat with Sofia for a while. After all, my boss, Luis, had told me I should do all I could to assist her.

I sat down on the sofa, as Sofia approached, turned her back, and then looked over her shoulder, smiling down on me. She then slowly, slowly lowered her ass toward the space to the left of me on the sofa. As she moved so slowly, her dress began riding up again. I got the wonderful sight of her stocking tops coming into view, and then her lovely ass. Just before her half-exposed ass hit the sofa, she grabbed my left hand, placed it palm up on the sofa, and then sat on it.

I looked at her, slightly shocked, as she giggled.

“Just want to make you comfortable, boss,” Sofia grinned, giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

She then pulled her dress up further, so her entire, stunning ass was exposed. She turned her body to her right to face me, her lovely big bust pressing against my side. I couldn’t help but glance down at her gorgeous, full cleavage. She put her arm around me, smiling.

“Oh, I’m very comfortable,” I told her.

Sofia giggled again, giving me another kiss on the lips.

“So, I need to talk to you about something?” Sofia began, smiling.

With my left hand now groping her ass, and my eyes buried deep in her cleavage, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to concentrate on what Sofia was about to ask me, but I would give it a go.

“You know, Luis, he was our boss for many years. He was so… understanding,” Sofia began hesitantly, “He and I… well, we had our little arrangement.”

“Uh-huh,” I said, non-committedly.

“Yeah, so now he’s gone, well it puts me in a rather difficult situation, you understand?” Sofia continued, smiling sweetly.

“Oh? How so?” I enquired, intrigued.

“Oh, Buzz. You’re not going to make a lady say it are you?” Sofia said, blushing, “I mean, you said Luis had spoken with you about me?”

I realized now that Sofia genuinely thought I knew what she was talking about. I had mentioned to Sofia earlier that Luis had said ‘good things’ about her, but I had said this just to be polite really. She had obviously taken this to mean Luis had explained all about their ‘arrangement’, which he certainly had not.

“Sofia, Luis simply mentioned to me that you were a good lady and that I should look out for you. That’s all,” I explained, “He never mentioned any… arrangement you two had together.”

“Oh, I see,” Sofia replied disappointedly, “Oh dear, I thought you knew. I feel like I’ve betrayed his trust.”

“No of course not, it was an honest mistake,” I said, consoling her, “Besides, whatever this arrangement was, it’s still a secret, right? I do not need to tell anyone about it, I promise you.”

“Really? You swear?” Sofia said, looking slightly relieved, “Cos I promised to. I promised Luis I would never tell.”

“It’s fine, really,” I assured her.

“Well, thank you, Buzz. Having said that, it doesn’t change the fact I still have my… difficult situation,  now that Luis is gone,” Sofia continued, “I don’t know if I should say anymore.”

“Sofia, it’s hard for me to help you if I don’t know what we are talking about,” I explained, “Perhaps it’s better if you just tell me everything, and we go from there. You know Luis and I are good friends. I wouldn’t do anything or say anything to anyone that might harm him, or you for that matter.”

I was trying to allay Sofia’s fears and support her. But I also couldn’t ignore the fact her lovely half-naked ass was sitting on my hand, and her impressive bust was pressed up against my side.

“You promise I can trust you? If it got out about my arrangement with Luis, I mean… it could have serious consequences for me. For my husband. For Luis too,” Sofia said hesitantly.

“Yes, I understand. Whatever you tell me will remain here in this room, I promise you,” I told her.

I genuinely wanted to help her, and also because Luis had told me to do so. Of course, I couldn’t be sure exactly what their arrangement had been. But I was fairly confident it wasn’t something the cartel needed to know about. Also, I was keen to keep Sofia sitting next to me talking, as I was very much enjoying her sitting on my hand.

“Well, I mean, I have a good life here. It’s comfortable, you know? Nice house, nice car, everything I need?” Sofia began, flicking back her long, jet-black hair, “But Miguel keeps hold of all our money.”

“Uh-huh,” I replied.

“I mean, Miguel gives me a little allowance each week. But after lunch with my friends, and clothes, and going to the salon, there’s not a lot leftover, you know?” Sofia continued, “So I just needed a little bit more each week, and so I made my little arrangement with Luis.”

“He used to give you money?” I asked.

“Ah, not exactly,” Sofia replied, smiling rather sheepishly.

“So… what do you mean?” I pressed.

“Well, you know,” she said cryptically, as she nodded toward the box of cash on the floor.

Now I understood. Luis had allowed Sofia to ‘skim off the top’ of the weekly take.

“Luis let you skim off the top?” I asked.

Sofia nodded, looking guilty, and perhaps a little worried at what my reaction might be.

“How much?” I asked, “I mean, how much each week?”

“Well, it varied,” Sofia explained, “Between fifteen hundred and two thousand dollars. Luis said it was easier to hide if it was varying amounts each week.”

“I see,” I replied.

“I don’t know exactly how he did it. I mean how he hid it in the books or whatever,” Sofia continued, “Something to do with miscellaneous expenses? Or something.”

Well, this was very interesting indeed. Luis had apparently been skimming money from the cartel’s take, handing it over to Sofia, and then hiding the fact away in some random expenses column in the ledger. The real question was why would my old mentor do such a thing?

“Well, I have to ask. What did Luis get out of this little arrangement?” I asked Sofia.

Again Sofia looked a little shy, almost embarrassed.

“Oh, come on, you’re not gonna make me say it, are you?” Sofia said shyly, putting her hands on my chest.

“Yeah, I need to hear it. I wanna hear exactly what your arrangement was with my boss,” I told her, grinning, “If you’re shy, you can whisper it in my ear, if you like?”

I had used this tactic with women before. If they had something to admit and were reluctant to do so, it was always easier if they didn’t have to look you in the eye when they did so. If they could just lean in and whisper it, it was almost like they hadn’t admitted it at all. It was something that had worked with several previous girlfriends.

Sofia smiled, thought to herself for just a moment, then leaned in closer. Much closer.

“Ah, well, you know, I used to get Luis nice and comfortable here on the sofa,” Sofia began, whispering in my ear, “And I would sit in his lap, and we would, you know, have a little bit of a kiss and a cuddle.”

I’m sure that was true, but Luis wasn’t skimming off the top two thousand dollars a week for just a kiss and a cuddle.

“And then what? Tell me,” I told her.

“And then…” Sofia continued, her breathy whisper even quitter now, “And then I used to give him a topless blowjob.”

“Oh wow,” I said, as Sofia gave a little giggle in my ear.

I could smell her perfume. It was a wonderful, intoxicating scent. Sofia had also had to raise her ass up off the sofa a little to lean in to whisper in my ear. It meant I could run my left hand all over her lovely ass now.

“Not just a blowjob, but a topless blowjob,” I remarked, grinning.

“Well yeah, that’s what he wanted,” Sofia whispered, “He liked to, well you know.”

“No, I don’t know. Tell me,” I told her. I was enjoying having Sofia admit her naughty little secrets.

“He liked to play with my boobs while I sucked him,” Sofia whispered.

“Go on,” I told her.

“And you know, he liked me to bounce my tits with his cock in between them,” she continued, her hands still pressed on my chest, “And sometimes he liked to come all over them.”

“Did he now? And where else did he like to come?” I asked her.

Sofia giggled softly in my ear again.

“Well sometimes in my mouth,” she admitted, still whispering, “And, you know, sometimes all over my face.”

“Is that right? My boss used to empty his balls all over your face?” I chuckled.

“Yes, many, many times,” she admitted, giggling again “I mean, he’s such a nice man. I just wanted to make him happy, you know?”

“Well, it sounds like you made him very happy,” I replied, smiling, my hand still working her ass. My eyes were still buried in Sofia’s huge cleavage. A cleavage that Luis had apparently spunked all over numerous times.

“Yeah, I did,” Sofia admitted.

“And did you guys fuck?” I asked.

“Oh no. No, nothing like that,” she replied, “Luis is very conservative, you know? He’s a married man, and I know he really loves his wife.”

“You never fucked him?” I asked her.

“No, never. Luis would never cheat on his wife,” Sofia explained, still whispering, “Maybe it sounds funny, but he didn’t consider our little arrangement to be cheating. It was just a bit of fun on the side, and as long as no one knew, then no one got hurt.”

“And your husband never knew?” I asked.

“No, no. Miguel doesn’t know about the little arrangement I had with Luis,” Sofia explained, “You understand, it wasn’t like greed or anything. I just needed a little extra money here and there. And I saved some in a little nest egg, and I sent some to my Mama back home.”

“Yes, I understand,” I told her, my hand still groping her stunning ass.

“And it wasn’t like Luis was taking advantage of me, it was my idea. He just went along with it,” Sofia continued, “I always looked forward to his visits. I enjoyed making Luis happy.”

“Yes of course,” I agreed.

“So… what do you think?” Sofia whispered.

What I thought was I was starting to get a hard-on, mostly from staring down her cleavage while she whispered in my ear, as I continued to grope her ass. But also from the thought of all the naughty things Sofia had done for Luis right here on this sofa.

“Well, I think you both had a mutually beneficial arrangement that lasted quite a while and that no one ever need know about it,” I stated matter-of-factly.

“Yeah, but I mean what do you think about maybe you and I having a similar arrangement?” Sofia whispered even quieter, right up against my ear.

Well, there it was. She had finally gotten around to what all this had been about. I have to say I was very excited.

Here was this gorgeous, very sexy, married woman offering to let me play with her tits whilst she blew me once a week. The price? Letting her skim some money off the top of the cartel’s take each week.

Of course, there were very serious, potentially horrible consequences for being caught with your hand in the cookie jar of the cartel. But I felt like Luis had managed it very successfully for four years, and that I could easily do the same. I felt as if Luis had guided me to Sofia by mentioning her by name, by telling me to look out for her, that he might even be giving me his blessing to do what she was asking. It made me wonder if Luis had maybe even spoken to Sofia after he was promoted to his new position, and told her to try and set up a similar arrangement with me.

But these were questions for another time.

I realized at that moment that I was in a pretty strong bargaining position. Sofia had lost her little extra income on the side when Luis was promoted and was determined to regain it. If she couldn’t make an arrangement with me, what alternatives were there? It wasn’t like she could offer herself to another cartel lieutenant, I was the only one sent to perform the audit.

She had to make it work with me, which meant I could ask for more than Luis had gotten. Luis had apparently been quite happy getting a topless blowjob each week, as for him at least, that did not constitute cheating on his wife. But I had no wife, and so could ask for more from Sofia if I chose to.

Asking for more could mean taking up Sofia on her offer as is, but for her to skim less money off the top. That meant it would be easier for me to hide a smaller missing amount, and so less risk for me.

Alternatively, I could offer the same amount of money, but ask Sofia for more from her. It was a tricky situation though, I had a walk a careful line here, and make sure I didn’t offend her. But I was sure that I needed to renegotiate this little arrangement here and now, before we got started.

“Well, just so that we’re clear, you’re offering me a topless blowjob each week?” I asked.

“Mmm,” Sofia replied.

“And for this, I’ll need to let you skim between fifteen hundred and two thousand dollars? Each week? And then hide that fact in the ledger?” I continued.

“Mmm-hmm,” she murmured in my ear.

“Well, forgive me Sofia, please don’t be offended. You’re a gorgeous, sexy woman,” I began, “But it seems an awful lot of money for a blowjob.”

Sofia giggled. At least she wasn’t offended.

“Well, you haven’t tried one of my amazing blowjobs yet,” she purred, “I’m very, very good at it.”

“Oh, is that so?” I replied, grinning.

“Uh-huh. I’ve had lots, and lots, and lots of practice,” Sofia giggled in my ear, “Luis used to tell me I was the very best he’d ever had.”

“Well, it does sound intriguing,” I replied, “But still, I would be taking an awful risk.”

“Look, I tell you what, why don’t we pretend, just for today, that you’re Luis, come to do his audit,” Sofia whispered, “And I’ll do everything I used to do for him. And let’s see afterward if you can still say you don’t want the same treatment each week?”

I nodded my agreement. I figured this way I got to check out what was on offer, without actually tying down what the terms and limits of the arrangement might be.

All this time Sofia’s face had been hidden from me as she whispered in my ear. Finally, she moved back into view, a big grin on her face.

“Well, first of all, I used to sit in his lap,” Sofia purred.

She stood briefly so that she could move to sit in my lap. She had placed her ass on my left leg, her stockinged legs laying across my right leg and over the sofa cushions to my right. My left hand moved back to grope her ass, whilst my right hand began fondling her thighs and stocking tops. Sofia put her arms around me and leaned in for a kiss.

We kissed for some time, lightly at first. It was a wonderful luxury to kiss such a beautiful woman. Soon our tongues got involved, the highlight being Sofia sucking on my tongue.

I could feel my cock stirring. It was the thought that I knew Sofia would soon be sucking my cock rather than my tongue which excited me. Sofia pulled back from kissing me for a moment.

“And then I used to do this for him,” she explained.

Sofia then slowly pulled aside the top of her dress, revealing her breasts. They were magnificent, and she grinned as she saw in my eyes my appreciation of them. Her boobs were lovely and big, and full. I guessed she probably wore a 36EE bra, although she wasn’t wearing one under her dress at the moment.

She pulled me into her chest, as I began to caress and grope, and then kiss and suck on her amazing tits.

“Yeah that’s it,” Sofia chuckled, “Just like Luis. He was a boob man like you are. I can tell.”

She was right. I loved a woman with nice big tits, I always had. Apparently, my boss Luis was of a similar mind. As I licked and sucked on Sofia’s nipples, I imagined my mentor doing the same, the horny old bastard.

“Yes, you enjoy yourself, darling,” she murmured, as she grinned down at me.

I did as I was told, and played with her stunning tits, my head buried between them, for the next ten minutes or so. Her breasts were terrific. I could tell they were ‘enhanced’, but the surgeon had done a great job.

Firstly, there was a real art in just selecting which size implant to have. If the implants were too big, a woman’s breasts could end up looking like two soccer balls on her chest. If they were too small then the effect wasn’t that noticeable, and therefore not worth going through all the pain and hassle of having it done in the first place.

Secondly, the incision marks were tiny, and hidden from view normally. Only when I lifted her breasts could they even be seen.

Thirdly, the implant was positioned perfectly inside. When I caressed her breasts and cupped them, I was feeling her natural tit-flesh. You had to grip them quite firmly before you could feel the implant beneath.

“Ah, Sofia, your tits are perfect,” I told her, in between mouthfuls of her left nipple, “Mmmm, I love them. I bet Luis did too.”

“He sure did,” Sofia giggled.

“I bet your husband loves them too, right?” I asked her cheekily, “I bet he’s all over them every night, isn’t he? Lucky bastard. Does he fuck you every night?”

Sofia giggled again.

“Well, you know, we’re married. So, it’s different…” Sofia said, her voice trailing off.

I took that to mean they had been together a long time and had settled into some sort of married routine. Perhaps they only made love once or twice a week? The way I felt right now, if she were mine, I’d be peeling off her bra and panties every night.

Sofia’s hand moved to my crotch and began feeling up my hard-on through my trousers.

“It’s time you showed me yours,” she purred, grinning down at me.

Sofia got down on her knees on the floor in front of me and began unzipping my trousers, as I pushed my shoes off my feet. She pulled down my trousers, removing them. Then, with a grin, she tugged at my boxer shorts, pulling them down until my erect cock popped up, slapping her on the chin.

“Oh, hello,” Sofia laughed.

She pulled my boxer shorts off, and then returned to my cock, gripping the shaft.

“Well, what do we have here?” she grinned, “Mmm, very nice.”

Sofia giggled, then lowered her head, and began lightly kissing my balls. It felt wonderful. She soon moved to licking and then sucking on them. Her right hand slowly slid up and down my shaft as she continued running her lips and tongue over my balls.

She grinned up at me and took my right testicle in her mouth. Sofia noisily sucked on it. I could feel her tongue running along the bottom of my ball inside her mouth.

Sofia then moved to sucking my left ball, whilst still slowly jerking my cock. Finally, she took both balls in her mouth, licking and sucking on them.

“Ah fuck, yeah,” I gasped.

“You like that?” Sofia grinned, coming up for air, sticking her nose in the part of my sack in between my testicles.

I smiled and nodded.

“Mmm, let’s see what else you like,” she whispered.

Sofia began kissing the shaft of my cock, lightly at first. But she soon was sliding her tongue up and down my shaft, as she massaged my balls between her fingertips. She looked up at me from time to time, grinning, blowing me kisses.

Finally, she moved her tongue up to the head of my cock, and began lovingly licking it. 

“Ah yeah, good girl,” I told her. 

Sofia then took the head of my cock in her mouth, and the cock-sucking began. As she had claimed, she was very, very good at it.

At first, she sucked me slow, lovingly, as a girlfriend might do. But she soon built a steady rhythm, her head bobbing up and down in my lap. After a few minutes, she sped up a little, and her sucking became noisier too. She slurped and slobbered as she sucked me.

Sofia came up for air only occasionally, sometimes spitting on my cock as she did so. She let the saliva from her lips run down her chin. Her saliva made long, sticky strings between my cock and her lips. 

“Mmm, you’ve got a lovely cock, Buzz,” Sofia told me, grinning.

“Ah, thank you,” was all I could manage.

 “Bigger than my husband,” she whispered, putting her index finger to her lips.


“Yes,” she replied, nodding, looking at my cock admiringly, “A little bigger than Luis too.”

She giggled and then was quickly back down and sucking me again.

Whether she was just stroking my ego by telling me I was bigger than Luis and her husband, I had no idea. It certainly made me feel good though.

Sofia increased the speed of her slurping and sucking on my cock. She attempted to take my entire length in her mouth, and down her throat. Occasionally she would gag but continued anyway.

I reached forward and began pawing, fondling, and generally groping her amazing tits as she sucked my cock. 

Sofia was giving it her all now. Her lips slid up and down my shaft in a blur. She hummed and moaned as she sucked me. She had started out blowing me like a girlfriend would, but she was now sucking me like the very best of whores.

I was loving it. The sight of this gorgeous, sexy, busty married woman on her knees, her huge tits out, her dress around her waist, sucking my cock like a total slut. It was incredible. 

“You can take control if you want?” Sofia gasped as she came up for air, saliva dripping from her lips and chin, “That’s what Luis liked.”

She placed my right hand on the back of her head, and my left hand around her throat, before returning to sucking me. 

Oh, I liked this. I took control of her head, guiding her with the speed of her sucking. I made her deep-throat me once again until she began gagging. I then held the back of her head firmly as I let her up for air, and with my other hand began beating the head of my cock all over her saliva-plastered face.

“Yes, that’s it, darling,” Sofia purred, as the engorged head of my dick was repeatedly battered against her face, “My mouth, my lips, my tongue, my face, my tits. They’re all yours, honey. You can have whatever you want.”

Christ, what a woman! No wonder Luis was here every week for their little ‘arrangement’. Sofia gave very, very good head indeed. She did and said everything a man wanted to feel, see, and hear.

I gave serious thought to letting her suck me to an inevitable conclusion, where I would shoot my load down her throat, or all over her face and tits. I’m sure that’s what Luis had done a hundred times or more.

But I had to be strong. I had to remember we were negotiating the terms of this new arrangement. If I allowed Sofia to make me come from a blowjob alone, I felt she would take that as ‘job done’, and my arrangement with her would be exactly as she had had with Luis. 

I was determined to get more. 

“Ah Sofia, take that dress off,” I told her.

Sofia grinned up a me and pulled off her dress from around her waist. Now all she wore were her little black panties, black hold-up stockings, and her black and red high-heels. She returned to expertly sucking my cock again.

I reached forward, groping and slapping her ass as she sucked me.

“Now take those panties off,” I told her.

Sofia looked up at me and grinned.

“No, no,” she replied, shaking her head, giggling, “If my panties come off, I know what you want! We agreed on a topless blowjob.”

“No, no, I never agreed to that,” I said, smiling down at her, “An old man like Luis might be content with topless blowjobs every week, but I need to fuck.”

I pulled her up to kiss her, her tits pressed against my chest as she knelt in front of me.

“Come on, baby. Let’s go to bed,” I said, as I began to pull at her panties.

Sofia grabbed my hand, preventing me from pulling down her panties any further.

“You wanna fuck me?” Sofia asked, her hand slowly jerking my cock.

“Trust me, every man you ever met has wanted to fuck you,” I told her, as she giggled, “I’m surprised Luis never tried to?”

“No, Luis was loyal to his wife,” Sofia explained, “I mean, to a certain extent.”

“Well, I’m not married,” I grinned.

“So, just so there’s no misunderstanding, you want our proposed arrangement to include that each week?” Sofia asked.

“Yes. To be clear, I want a topless blowjob, and then a really good fuck. Each week,” I told her, “That’s the deal.”

Now I had laid it out for Sofia, in black and white. It was now up to her to decide. I had put her in an interesting position.

Sofia had gotten used to getting an extra income on the side with her arrangement with Luis. But Luis wasn’t going to be coming around anymore. She had to make an arrangement with me, or her secret stash of cash was going to run out fairly soon.

Perhaps Sofia had also thought she wasn’t really cheating on her husband with her ‘topless blowjob only’ arrangement with Luis. But I was asking for more than that. It could tip the scales against me. I could see her thinking about her dilemma as she looked into my eyes.

Finally, she smiled and kissed me, long and wet.

“Come on then baby, let’s seal the deal,” Sofia said with a grin and got up off her knees.

She pulled me up from the sofa and led me over to the bed. She then embraced me, and we kissed for a long time, as my hands groped her ass, and her hands were busy with my cock and balls. Sofia’s kissing was much more urgent, as opposed to the rather sweet kisses she had given me on the sofa, perhaps because she now knew she was about to get fucked. She seemed to be getting quite excited at the thought.

“Turn around honey,” I eventually told her, “Bend over.”

Sofia did exactly as she was told, a big smile on her face. I got down on my knees behind her, slowly pulling down her tiny panties to finally reveal her amazing ass. I buried my face in it, gorging myself on her beautiful butt. She whimpered as I slid my tongue into her pussy.

After just a few minutes of my attentions, it seemed Sofia was ready for me.

“Oh fuck, give me that dick now,” she whimpered.

I smiled to myself, and not only because I was about to fuck a gorgeous sexy woman. Not only because this hot busty lady was the wife of one of my employees. It was also the fact that I had thought she was simply consenting to sex to ‘seal the deal’, but I now began to feel like she really wanted it too.

I pulled off my socks and shirt, to finally stand naked behind her. I pushed her up onto the bed, so that she was on her hands and knees, her ass just over the side. I quickly returned to my trousers on the floor to pull a condom from my wallet.

“Don’t worry about that,” she told me as I returned to the bed, a smile on her face, “I’m on the pill. If we’re gonna fuck let’s do it properly. I wanna feel you.”

Even better, I thought, as I discarded the condom. I stood at the side of the bed, right behind her ass. I gripped Sofia’s hip with my left hand, guiding my cock onto her pussy lips with my right. I rubbed and slapped the head of my engorged dick against her pussy for a while.

On the other side of the bed, I suddenly noticed there was a full-length dressing mirror on the wall opposite. It meant I could see the expression of delight on Sofia’s face as my cock continued to dance across her clit and pussy lips.

“Oh, don’t tease me,” she finally moaned, “Fucking give it to me.”

I did as I was told, and slowly pushed my cock inside her, all the way to the hilt.

“Oh, fuck yes!” Sofia gasped, with a grin a mile wide.

I began slowly thrusting in and out of her lovely pussy. She was already rather wet, and I imagined she would only get more so. I loved the way Sofia looked in the mirror, her gorgeous big tits hanging down beneath her, swaying back and forth. The look of pure delight on her face, and lust in her eyes.

After just a few minutes of me banging away at her pussy, Sofia began panting hard. Her hands turned to tight little fists on the bedsheet. I could tell she was close already.

“Ooooohhh, fuck, fuck, fuck. Yes,” she moaned loudly.

I pumped her harder. She then screamed, and I mean really screamed, something in Spanish which I couldn’t understand as she climaxed, and collapsed onto the bed. For a moment just she lay there, panting, whimpering.

She then looked over her shoulder and smiled up at me, getting back up onto her hands and knees again.

“Oh, thank you, darling,” she said sweetly, blowing me a kiss, “I always come quickly the first time. But don’t worry, you can fuck me as long as you like.”

I began pumping away inside her again. I wondered what she meant by ‘always coming quickly the first time’. Did she mean the first time with a new partner? Or that she just orgasmed quickly in general? Perhaps something to discover at another time.

I realized there was one important detail we had not yet discussed about our arrangement.

“So, you’ll make sure your husband isn’t here whenever I visit?” I panted, as I continued to fuck her.

“Yeah, of course,” Sofia nodded, as she looked at my reflection in the mirror, “We’ll keep in contact, and I’ll arrange our sexy little audits for whenever he’s going to be away.”

“Yeah, good girl,” I told her, slapping her ass.

“Don’t worry, you’re gonna get to do this to me every week,” Sofia grinned.

“Good girl,” I repeated, again slapping her ass as I pumped my cock deeper inside her.

“Hmmm, I fucking love your cock, darling,” Sofia moaned, that lustfulness in her eyes again, “Oh yeah fuck me. Fuck me like a dirty hooker.”

Wow, when this woman was horny, it seemed like some lovely dirty talk was on the cards too. Right up my street. Perhaps this was a fantasy of hers.

“Yeah? Are you a dirty hooker?” I asked her excitedly.

“Oh, fuck yes! I’m a fucking slut!” she cried out, “Fuck me like a little slut. Oh fuck, I’ll do anything you want.”

I could tell Sofia was close again. I imagined she would soon be writhing in ecstasy again, with waves of pleasure running through her body. She said she would do anything I wanted. I was looking forward to taking her up on that.

For a moment I thought of Sofia’s husband Miguel, away on some mission for the cartel, completely unaware of the fun I was having with his incredible wife. I also thought of my old boss Luis, and thanked my lucky stars he had advised me to start my audit visits with Sofia.

I looked down at Sofia as her amazing ass bounced against my thighs. She was wonderful. I was going to have her in every possible position I could, before blowing my load all over that gorgeous face.

This job really did have some ‘remarkable perks’…


Published 11 months ago

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