The weight of sleep leaves my body, and I wake up feeling better than I have the last two weeks. Blinking in my bright room, I find myself alone. I sit up and rub my face, still stark naked, though now I’m under my covers. A replay of last night dances around my subconscious.
I called out Alec’s name on a whim, and he showed up out of seemingly thin air. I accused him of taking advantage of me while undressing myself, then finally surrendered to his control, letting him do what my body had been aching for. The things he made me feel don’t make sense in my sober, uninfluenced state.
That orgasm wasn’t an orgasm. Alec turned me inside out, lit my soul on fire with painful pleasure and let me burn. His talents weren’t made to be used on human beings. The memory of my smarting, naked body, hot and squirming beneath his touch makes my face and neck blush.
I can’t deny what he did to me. He gave me the single most intense experience of my life. But just because my body wanted it doesn’t mean my brain did.
I am torn with emotion, unable to decide if I should feel exceedingly violated, or profusely grateful. For now, I’ll go with undiluted frustration. This whole situation is larger than I can wrap my head around this morning. I don’t have time, either. I quickly shower and dress in jeans, a shirt, and stiletto boots – all black, throwing my long dark hair into a careless bun. I arrive at the office with a laundry list of tasks for my day, coffee in hand.
Six hours later, I manage to slip away for a late lunch. I get it to go, snagging the paper bag and exiting the deli. When I step outside, I see him. Alec is leaning casually against the building to my right, looking at me, a small smile on his lips. His eyes are green with the daylight, though he stays in the shadows.
I remember quizzing my older sister about that. So will you die if you go out in the sun? I asked Charlotte when she had taken the leap and decided to become a vampire. She laughed. No, vampires have evolved over the millennia to tolerate the light. It’s just uncomfortable to be in, it weakens us after direct, prolonged exposure.
Vampire eyes change color as well; they’re silver in the dark, but in the light, they retain their biological eye color they had before transforming into the undead. Another way they evolved to blend in with the rest of humankind and avoid discovery. Those are only some of the fun vampire facts.
They also have heightened senses, the capability of fading; where they travel at just under the speed of light, and influence; a talent that allows them to persuade human beings with merely a look in their bottomless eyes.
I had my first experience with influence two weeks ago when Alec made me orgasm three times without touching me. Last night he did touch me, and looking at him now, the memory of his tongue makes my pussy plump, my panties wet, my breasts begging to be free from this bra.
I swallow hard, then turn away, hoping he’ll leave me alone. Twas a vain hope. I get to the end of the block, waiting to cross the street, and he’s suddenly standing beside me, staring at the passing cars as if I weren’t here. Neither of us speaks. I watch the heat of my breath twirl up into the cold November air, and can’t help but notice that the same isn’t happening for him. The crosswalk flashes green, and we both start walking.
“Christina,” he finally says. I glance at him, dressed in his classic business casual suit, hair dark, his face far too good looking.
“Alec,” I reply, tearing my eyes away.
“How are you?” he asks, and I’m nearly thrown from the nonchalant conversation he’s trying to make.
“I hope you’ve been feeling better today.” He doesn’t even sound teasing, as if I’m getting over a cold and not a two-week dry spell.
“I am, thank you.” I have no idea why I’m being so diplomatic. I am still angry with him on some level.
“Good. Would it be impolite to ask if you would accompany me this evening?”
I sigh. “I don’t know…”
“If it’s impolite? Or if you want to?” he asks, teasing this time. When I don’t answer, I can feel him grow serious. “You’re confused,” he states. Confusion doesn’t begin to cover it. I nod, still looking ahead as I walk.
“Then allow me to alleviate your confusion.” I give him a worried glance, wondering what that means. He smiles. “Call me tonight if you’re able. My number’s in your phone.”
He must have done that while I slept last night, because I have never asked him for it. Using fade, Alec is suddenly kissing my cheek, and then he vanishes. I can still feel his icy lips on my face when I walk into the office building.
I eat my sandwich in between looking at layouts with one of my team members, and when James enters the room, I plaster a fake smile on my face. After Alec used influence on me the first time, I, for some unknown reason, wasn’t able to orgasm afterward. At all. So last week I slept with James, hoping he would satisfy my urges. After we fucked twice, and I still didn’t get off, I gave him an excuse to miss our last date.
He comes in and chats with me, inviting me out for drinks after work with him and a few other co-workers. I try to refuse, claiming the magazine interview is keeping me busy, but eventually, he talks me into it. A night out with other humans would be nice.
When it’s dark outside the office windows, I walk a couple blocks with James and our friends to a pub nearby. He sits right by me in the booth, his arm draped on the seat behind me. I have a couple drinks, then excuse myself to the bathroom. On my way back, I stop by the bar and ask for another beer.
While I’m waiting, I glance around, and my heart jumps. Of course, Alec is here. He’s sitting at the other end of the L shaped bar across the room, holding a short glass with amber liquid and ice. He doesn’t look happy. Most likely because I came to a bar with James instead of calling him. I distantly wonder how long he’s been here, and by extension, how frequently he follows me.
I grab my beer, take a swig, and walk back to the table.
“Hey, I’m going to go,” I say, tossing my thumb over my shoulder.
“Are you sure?” James asks.
“Yeah, I have a few other things to do for one of the articles before I sleep.”
Everyone says their goodbye’s as I grab my coat, and James stands up.
“I’ll walk you out,” he offers.
“That’s okay, stay and have fun.”
“I insist,” he smiles, and I don’t know how to politely decline.
I push the door and step from the stuffy, warm bar, out into the crisp night. I turn to face James.
“Thanks for inviting me.”
“Thanks for coming.”
Before I can say anything else, James grabs me and kisses me. All I can think about is Alec watching us, though I’m not sure where he is. And then I grow angry with myself, because I don’t care what he thinks.
Of one thing I am sure, however: I am not interested in James. I pull away.
“I’m sorry,” I say. “I can’t do this.” He drops his hand and steps back, looking apologetic. “I just… I thought I was ready for this, and I’m not. I don’t want to lead you on and waste your time.”
I can see that he wants to protest, but knows that he’s just been placed back in the friend zone.
“I understand,” he says, and my heart breaks a little.
He is a good guy. I want to say a lot of things, but none of them are what he wants to hear, so I force a smile on my face.
“Can we still be friends?” I ask, and he grins back.
“Of course.” I give him a hug, then shove my hands in my pockets, walking away from the bar. I don’t get fifteen feet before Alec is at my side.
“Alec,” I start this time, staring ahead as we walk.
“I’m guessing you were listening to what I said to James back there.”
I can feel the already icy air grow colder.
“I did,” he confirms, sultry voice low.
“I’m going to say the same thing to you.”
“What, that you want to be my friend?” he says, a sharp edge to his joke.
I stop walking, and he does too. I have to tilt my head to see his face, even though I’m wearing heels.
“I don’t want to do this, Alec. Whatever this is.”
“Really?” he says, challenging me.
“Yes, really. How could we have any kind of relationship?”
“‘I wanted it to be you. You’re all I think about, please. I need you.’ That’s what you said to me last night,” he whispers, and warmth starts surrounding me despite the weather.
“That wasn’t me talking.”
“No?” he says, his deep voice harsh.
“You did that to me.”
“I did a lot of things to you, Christina, but nothing you didn’t want.”
“I never wanted it,” I argue back, turning away from him, and suddenly I’m not on the street anymore.
I’m in what appears to be an alleyway between two buildings, and when my equilibrium returns to normal, Alec is standing before me, his arms crossed.
“Cum for me, Christina,” he says, and the moment those words leave his lips, I combust.
This orgasm hits me hard, as if I crashed into a brick wall going full speed. Gasping and writhing, my pussy clenches uncontrollably, and I can feel my panties getting wet. The fire is unforgiving this time. No matter what I do, I can’t escape it, the feeling of my cunt begging to be fucked, throbbing and needing and cumming so fucking much.
I am blinded by the sudden explosion of my insides, and as I slowly regain conscious thought, I realize a wall is at my back and Alec is holding me against it, supporting all my weight. I would be on the ground if he hadn’t caught me, collapsing from the force of his influence.
After everything he’s done to me, I have never been this close to him. I fist the lapels of his jacket, my waist in his hands, moaning against his chest as my orgasm works through me. I start humping into the front of his zipper, and I feel something hard. My pussy instantly wants it. Needs it. I would rather die right here than go one more second without him inside me.
My hands go to Alec’s buckle, but he stops me, taking my wrists in his cold hands.
“Ah-ah,” he chides. “You don’t deserve that.”
I look up into his silver eyes, panting, my body still tingling. He smiles all white teeth, then releases me, stepping back a few feet. The moment he does, all traces of my climax is gone, as if it never happened. My desire goes out like a flame in the wind, only my soaked underwear giving away what he just did to me.
I’m leaning against the building, staring at him, not speaking one word. I had no idea he ever had that much control over me, and I’m a little frightened.
“Christina… did you know that a vampire can only influence someone who wants to be influenced?”
Alec’s words sit in the air between us. I absorb them slowly. Very slowly.
“It’s true that I can influence you to my will, encourage you… entice you,” he says, and a small fire starts in my groin again. It’s calm this time, like a blue flame slowly burning, kissing every nerve it touches. “But I can’t force you to do anything your heart doesn’t truly want.” Alec looks down at me with unfathomable eyes, and my lips part as I inhale.
“We feed off of each other, Christina. The more we give each other, the more we get. The more you want my help, the more aroused I can make you. Last night, when you finally surrendered to what you really wanted… the better it felt.”
I take in this new information, wondering how that’s possible. I never wanted to be with a vampire. Maybe I was always attracted to Alec, but that doesn’t mean I wanted this to happen. Does it? Is he what my heart really wants? Charlotte never mentioned that part of influence, but that doesn’t mean it’s not true. It’s like the fine print in a legal document, an important, yet obscure clause.
I swallow hard and look up at him again.
“Can we go somewhere and talk?” Alec says softly, and I find that I’m not put off by the idea.
I don’t know what’s happening, but my urge to stay away from him is dissipating. Perhaps because he’s influencing me to say yes, when I’m already somewhat willing.
I nod my head and he smiles.
“You live here?” I ask when we step into Alec’s large apartment. It has a view of the city, a sort of loft with high ceilings, the entire inside appearing recently remodeled, and most likely pre-furnished.
“I told you I was thinking about sticking around,” he says.
When I first met him earlier this month, he was just visiting. Now he has his own place on the edge of the city, twice as large as mine. My heels on the hard floor echo through the room as I follow him. In the blink of an eye, Alec is behind me, taking the coat from my shoulders. I let him remove it, realizing how accustomed I have grown to him fading in front of me.
He leads me to a sitting area, and as I perch on the low couch, Alec is already there with a steaming cup of coffee. I take it from him as he sits a foot away from me.
“… You wanted to talk?” I ask, and he smirks.
“I’ll let you go first.” How he knows about the question burning a hole in my head, I can only speculate. I turn my eyes down, feeling the heat in my face, though I haven’t even asked him yet.
“So…. if it wasn’t influence… why wasn’t I able to get off without you?” I ask, my face hotter than the cup of coffee between my hands.
“I’m still curious about that myself.” His eyes are green in the low light, his gaze dark.
“How do we know it wasn’t influence?”
He grins. “Eye contact is the most effective means, however, if I’ve influenced someone before, it’s easier to stretch the barriers. Like I said, the more you want it, the better my control will work.”
“But you don’t know how far it will?”
“We can always test it if you’d like,” he teases, and I glare at him. He chuckles. “I doubt it works further than the length of your sister’s house.”
Tongue in cheek, I’m embarrassed all over again, remembering the orgasms he gave me in the bathroom of Charlotte’s house while he sat at the kitchen table. He’s amused, watching me take a sip of the brew.
“I think I’m ready to ask my question.”
“And what’s that?” I say, setting the mug on the coffee table before us.
“Why are you trying to stay away from me?” I don’t know how to answer, glancing out the large window that frames the city lights. “I know you don’t want to.”
“Through our exchange of influence. I’m quite attuned to you, and as a result, I get a better understanding of what you’re feeling.”
“You know what I’m feeling all the time?” I can’t keep the worry out of my voice.
“Only when I’m near you.” I can’t decide how uncomfortable that makes me. To know my every emotion, that’s as if he can read my mind. “I can taste your interest, which is why your actions are rather confusing,” he continues.
I sigh. “I like my human life, Alec,” I start, and his face is serious. “I never imagined this for myself, being with someone like you… It scares me.”
He sighs as well. “This is precisely where the trouble lies. I would leave you alone, Christina,” he says, leaning toward me, his influence making me warm – only on the outside of my body this time. “But knowing what you feel, what you want… how can I?”
My heart is beating a slow, exaggerated rhythm, brown eyes looking into his green.
“I don’t know what to do,” I confess in a whisper.
“Don’t fight it. Just let it happen.” I bite my lip. “This is beyond influence, Christina.”
“Is it?” I ask skeptically. He smiles, flashing his sharp canines at me.
“If that’s what you’re worried about, you needn’t be. I want more than what you’re thinking.”
“Which is what exactly?”
“To get to know you,” he says simply. “We can take it slow, I promise.”
“No more influencing me?”
“I give you my word,” he says, and his sincerity has me considering it.
Me dating a vampire? The idea sets my comfort zone aflame. I don’t like the notion of relinquishing control, which is exactly what happens when I’m with him. I never know what to expect. I have the feeling I don’t even know the full range of his capabilities, but he’s promised to behave. I’d like to believe he would genuinely leave me alone if I asked him to, so I suppose trying it wouldn’t hurt.
“Okay,” I say, and his smile is the biggest I’ve seen yet.
Telling my sister I started dating Alec was quite interesting. She was shocked, questioning every detail of how it came to be. She knows my disdain for cocky male vampires, and that I want to stay human. I didn’t even have full answers to all her questions. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing, I’d said, I’m just… seeing what it’s like. And so far, I admit, it isn’t as different as I had anticipated.
Dating a vampire isn’t all goth parties, midnight rituals and consensual blood drinking. Alec is the incarnation of the perfect boyfriend. He brings me lunch at work, or takes me out in the evenings.
He’s attentive and polite, intellectually pleasing to speak with. I see him almost every day, and we have endless conversations. He tells me stories of his many exploits, traveling to every continent, learning languages and cultures and adapting with the changing decades.
A week into our experimental relationship, he kissed me for the very first time. We were leaving a small cafe on Friday. The sun was long gone, and as we walked, the first snowfall of the season came. Flakes of white fluff swirled around us, gently falling and gathering on the ground.
He stopped me under a tree wrapped with holiday lights, put his hand on my neck, and when I didn’t tell him to stop, his lips met mine. They were cold and hard, but delicious, a sweet, minty scent rolling off of him. He didn’t even use his influence, letting me experience him for myself. He had been keeping a respectful distance, and feeling him so close was new and enticing.
We keep up this carefree momentum, spending time with our friends, or alone in the city, and every now and then, his hand will press gently on my lower back, or brush against my face. That’s all the contact he gives me, and it’s driving me fucking crazy. He hasn’t kissed me again either, and I know this action has intention. He promised we would take it slow, and slow is what he’s giving me.
Be careful what you wish has never been more apt.
Ever since the night, Alec gave me that violent, unexpected orgasm, yet again, I haven’t been able to get off without him. When I’m alone in bed, I wonder if he’s close by, so I touch myself, hoping I’ll find release. Nothing happens.
Toward the end of November, Alec picks me up from work and asks if I will spend Thanksgiving with him. When I say I usually spend it with my sister, he’s already ahead of me. Apparently, he’s invited Michael and Charlotte, who’ve already agreed. When I ask where we’d be spending it at, he smiles.
During one of our many conversations, I learned that Alec has a sister across the country – a vampire like him. My pussy throbs at the notion of spending a solid three days with him. I haven’t given in yet because I like how things are going, but physically, I won’t last much longer and I know it. I agree to go, and the smile he gives me is much too smug for my liking.
The four of us leave on Wednesday morning, catching a long, nonstop flight. We land in the afternoon and grab our rental, driving to Emma’s house. She is as welcoming as Alec promised. A small woman with the same green eyes and dark hair as my boyfriend, she greets us all with an embrace, dragging us to the kitchen and serving out drinks. (Apparently, vampires have a fondness for liquor.)
We spend the evening talking, sharing stories, and getting to know one another. I also learn how Alec became a vampire: Apparently, he and his sister lived in a small village when attacks started spreading through nearby settlements. One night when he was gone from the village, he returned home to find all his family dead, except his sister.
When he learned of what she’d become, he had her transform him as well. He didn’t want her to be alone in her existence. If he had lived out his life and died, she would have eventually been without family. Alec always promised her he would be there, a vow he continues to keep.
I look at him a little differently the rest of the night. He sacrificed his humanity so his sister wouldn’t be beside herself – something even I haven’t succumbed to. Certainly an admirable quality.
We get to our hotel rooms, Charlotte and Michael in their own, and when Alec opens the door to our opulent suite, I start chewing on my lip. I shouldn’t have been so nervous to be alone with him. I fall asleep the moment my head hits the pillow, exhausted from our travels.
In the morning, we all head back to Emma’s house for Thanksgiving dinner. There are more people there today, some vampire and some human, even a few small children running around. I sit beside Alec at the table, one of only half the attendees eating the abundance of prepared food, though everyone’s drinking alcohol. It feels as though I’m laughing all day. Charlotte and I exchange a happy look, and when we do, I take in the moment.
Glancing at Alec, I watch him talk with his friends across the table. He’s so handsome it’s almost hard to look at him. A cherubic face so beautiful it makes you want to weep. It has been a good few weeks between us, and I have to admit that I’m happy, being here with everyone I care about. With him.
Alec is dressed in the most casual clothes I’ve seen, jeans and a t-shirt, and he pulls it off so well. My eyes trail down his muscular arms, his teeth whiter than fresh snow, hair so dark it’s almost black. I wonder if I can initiate the influence myself. I try to mentally jab at him, thinking about all the things I’ve forced myself not to think lately. I see something flicker on his face, then his eyes turn to me.
He looks down at me, gaze dark, peering into my soul. I smile a little and look away, and when my thighs press together, warmth starts filling me. I let it happen, hoping he doesn’t turn it up enough to make me strip in front of all these people. He doesn’t, keeping his mental coercion a tender flame licking my insides.
When no one’s looking, I have to bite my lip and shut my eyes. He keeps it up all evening. By the time we say our final farewells, I am on the verge of an orgasm, and I know Alec can feel it.
Arriving at the hotel, I hug Charlotte, and we split off into our rooms. The moment Alec shuts the door to our suite, electricity floods me, my skin crackling, my pussy warm and wet. He comes behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, his cold lips on my neck. This is the first time he’s held me against him me while using influence, and the contact makes me undeniably horny, my nipples hardening.
“You’re very distracting, you know that?” he says, and I smile.
“I’m sorry.” A sharp pang of desire strikes me, and I gasp.
“Don’t apologize.” His words are a command, and I immediately want to obey. Alec licks up my neck, one hand moving over my hip, the other supporting one of my breasts, though he doesn’t grab me yet.
“Go ahead, Christina. Say it,” he whispers, sensing my unspoken words.
“… I want you.”
The fire licking me starts biting. I moan, my body engulfed in a painful tinged pleasure. My clothes are coarse and intruding, and suddenly my hands bypass my brain and I start tearing them off. He’s naked at the same time I am, picking me up as if I weigh nothing, taking me to the bed.
Coming above me, I wrap my smooth legs around him, my warm flesh clinging to his hard, cold body. Kissing him tastes like chewing gum, a sweet menthol flavor on his tongue. He’s delicious.
“Tell me what you want, Christina,” he says, one large hand holding my leg against him.
“Your tongue,” is my immediate reply. He smiles.
“Everywhere,” I pant, and he obliges.
His mouth is all over me, tasting me, his saliva making my skin burn in the best way. Every time his tongue passes over my nipples, it sends a shock right to my groin. When his mouth makes contact with my pussy, I lose it. I fist his hair and grind my hips onto his face, moaning his name.
He likes it, his icy tongue giving me exactly what I want. I suddenly understand why his influence always makes me so warm; because he’s so cold, he’s trying to regulate my body temperature where his touch will feel cool and satisfying, instead of icily raw. He ignites me with fire so I will crave his ice, he’s the antidote to my fever.
“Ohh please,” I purr, and without further begging, Alec gives me my orgasm. It spreads warmly through me, radiating from the deepest part of me, and it carries weight. I feel heavy and sated, the first orgasm I’ve had in three weeks.
“Yes, yes, oh yes Alec,” I moan, feeling my whole pussy in his mouth, the coolness of it molding to my intimate skin.
He draws it out, and the longer I go, somehow, the hornier I get. When I can’t take it any longer, I pull his head from between my legs, grab him by the hand, and he lets me guide him to the floor. I drop to my knees without vacillation, and when I get my first look at his dick, my heart fucking explodes with butterflies.
My jaw drops and I look up at him, his own hungry eyes staring at me. I take him in my hand, and when I put him in my mouth, his hands weave into my hair, and he moans. The first uncontrolled sound he’s ever uttered gives me another orgasm. My pussy clenches, my arousal dripping down my legs, and I am pure bliss as I suck him.
I am ravenous. I stroke him and tease him, using my lips and tongue and a little bit of my teeth. His cock is glorious, well over average size, and as thick as my wrist. He’s cold and delicious and harder than a rock. I suck him enthusiastically, his hands on my head helping my quick rhythm.
“Fuck that’s good,” he groans, and my next climax starts building.
I deep throat him and he moans. I do it again and again, loving his reaction every time. I am a sex toy that was made for him. I force him down my throat hard, and not a heartbeat later I am suddenly on the bed, my legs spread wide, and he’s between them.
“I need to fuck you, Christina,” he says, and the fire becomes unbearable.
“Please,” I beg him.
Not a second too soon, I feel his smooth, round head press to my pussy. I am so wet it’s ridiculous. My body recognizes him. Just as the first time I felt him hard against me, I am nothing more than a creature who needs to be fucked senseless by him. I can’t go on living unless I feel him in the deepest part of me, taking me.
Alec has to force his head past my tight muscles, and when it finally pops in, we both moan aloud.
“More, please more,” I urge, and he starts pushing again. His cock is nice and cool in my too hot hole, stretching me more than I’ve ever had. “Oh god,” I cry out, my hips rolling, trying to get him farther.
“You’re so warm, Christina,” Alec murmurs into my ear. “So sweet and tight.”
“Only for you,” I breathe, my nails raking against the soft hardness of his back.
“Mmm, I like that.”
“Deeper, please, I need more,” I groan.
“You think you can take it all?” his honey soft voice says, and I contract around him. Whether I can or not isn’t the question. It’s a matter of need.
“Please, I need you, all of you,” I beg, and his next thrust is harsh.
Splitting me open, Alec forces himself deep inside me, and I cum on the spot.
“Oh fuck!” I scream, writhing under him.
“That’s it sweetheart, open up for me.”
My pussy blooms around him over and over, milking him. Feeling him in me while I climax is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. My pussy is grabbing him, sucking on him, elated with the texture of his cold cock against my every scorching nerve. My nails are harsh on his skin, but he doesn’t even notice.
“Is that better?” he asks, and as I come down from my high, I realize he’s moving inside me.
“Yes,” I say sweetly.
I am so full of him, my internal organs being pushed aside to help him fit. He thrusts deep into me again and again, and the world beyond these walls doesn’t exist, my brain wrapped around him, unable to process anything but how incredibly fucking good this feels.
“Ah, this is what you needed, isn’t it?” Alec says, one hand holding the dip of my waist while he fucks me into the bed. He can sense my genuine contentment, me surrendering to this moment and feeling the most incredible physical reaction to him.
I smile and kiss his neck. “Tell me you needed it too.”
Alec’s hand slides up to cradle my face.
“This is all I fucking think about,” he says, then puts his mouth on mine. I hum into him, tasting his icy breath, thrusting my hips to meet his. It hurts every time he slides all the way in, but I couldn’t care less.
“Show me what else you think about,” I say. In another blindingly fast moment, I am empty, on my hands and knees, Alec behind me.
“I’ve been wondering what you look like from this angle,” he says, and my back arches by itself. I moan through my teeth, feeling urges come over me I never have before. I bend over for him, dropping to my elbows, my ass in the air, soaking pussy on display.
“Please fuck me,” I beg, and every second that passes without him makes my pain increase.
“I quite like you this way,” Alec says as I back up to him like a bitch in heat.
“Oh please!” I feel my tear ducts tingle, my body aching to have him back inside me.
He’s showing me what he thinks about, influencing me to act it out, and all I can do is obey. One side of my face pressed to the bed, I reach back and place my hands on my ass, pulling myself apart so he can see better. I hear him growl behind me, a low animalistic purring, but hungrier. It makes me fucking wild.
“Alec,” I breathe, the tears beginning to roll down my cheeks. I feel his sharp teeth graze against my backside, and I cry out from the contact. “Fuck me please, I can’t, I can’t…”
I can’t find words. I can’t wait another second. I can’t breathe without you, please, god, I’m about to cross the line into insanity.
Alec finally takes mercy on me. First I only feel his hard tip, then suddenly I am full of him, my insides opened so rough and so quick I scream into the mattress, fisting the sheets.
“Oh Christina, feel how wet you are,” he says, his voice coarse. Though his movement was harsh, his pressure has alleviated the aching pain, my nerves rippling with joy.
I gasp for breath as I turn my head.
“Again, please again,” I pant, begging him to fuck me, and fuck me he does.
Alec drills into me from behind, my face in the bed as I bend over for him. He is rough and I love it, both of us feeding off of each other’s emotions. I want more, which makes him want more, creating an endless cycle of need.
Alec holds me tight in this position, his hands commanding my body to absorb the inhumanly fast thrusts he’s giving me. On every push, his tip enters my womb, creating a conflicting array of hot and cold, my uterus throbbing from the constant pressure, yet soothed by his cool temperature. He is vibrating inside me, and the fierce sensation I’m under makes me cum again.
I’ve never been crazy in bed. In my limited history, I’ve never done anything kinky or particularly adventurous. I was a good girl. Being in Alec’s presence changes everything about that. He changes me, but I am learning it’s not in a bad way.
Only when it is the two of us does he release this level of influence, and when I give in to it, I feel things so exquisite they’re beyond my understanding. My need for him surpasses all logic and I would do anything to please him, because it pleases me.
The first time he touched me, his actions were maddening. Tonight, Alec is much more giving. Tonight, I am different – everything is different. He is mine and I am his and our feelings for each other are being physically shared at last.
My orgasm spikes.
Faster than should be possible, Alec is lying on his back and I am straddling him in reverse, sitting straight up on his lap.
“Aaahhhh,” I moan long and unrestrained, still in the throes of my climax, grinding my hips on him. My shins press into the bed as he moves my weight above him, hands on my ass.
“That’s right baby,” Alec says, mentally commanding me to keep this up as long as possible. I am completely impaled on his cock, back arching as I ride him.
“Oh fuck, it won’t stop,” I moan, humping him deeply, my orgasm a never-ending warmth lighting me from the inside out.
I can feel the energy leaving my skin, kissing me before it escapes. My body is covered in a million caresses, a honey sweet taste in my throat. The pleasure is so intense I feel my conscious cracking, incapable of coherent thought.
When I open my eyes I am on my back, Alec holding himself above me, still inside me – it felt as though he never left. I can never feel him moving me when he uses fade, the action too quick to give me any kind of motion sickness. I don’t feel any motion, I simply change, faster than thought.
“Keep going, sweetheart,” Alec says, thrusting a steady rhythm, my body still alight with delicious fire. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. I want to convey how beyond incredible I feel, but I can’t find words. There are no words that exist.
“I know Christina,” he says, putting his face in my neck. “I feel it too.”
I hold onto Alec, my orgasm coming in wakes every time he pushes and pulls, our exchange of influence a heady thing.
“Are you ready for mine?” Alec says, and my excitement is renewed. I nod vigorously, my body moving a little faster. “Are you sure?” he says, I small smile on his lips.
“Yes,” I find a word to voice my approval. I am curious to know what will happen. Through my sister’s oversharing, I am aware that vampires and humans cannot procreate, so I have no problem letting him finish inside me.
Alec speeds up his tempo, a steady pounding, and in a fraction of a second, he is sitting up, me riding his lap. My fingers are in his hair as I piston above him, my waist in his hands, and when he looks up at me, his jaw slack, I see his teeth come to attention. His canines are sharp, his eyes battling between green and silver, holding me; a human woman at the mercy of his needs.
“Cum for me,” I breathe, and his jaw clenches.
“Christina,” he says, his actions suddenly losing their precision as he thrusts into me.
“Alec,” I urge him, feeling his intensity, and somehow – which, it really shouldn’t surprise me by now – but somehow, I start rising again, my body aching for his release.
“Christina,” he growls my name, and I become atomic once again. Half a moment after my pussy begins sucking his cock, he cums with me.
I don’t know what to do with myself.
I feel Alec hold me on him, all the way on him, and his orgasm turns me into an animal, just like him. His head is wedged into the opening of my womb, and I feel his icy cum filling me, my organs having a seizure around him. I scream and writhe and claw at his back, his hair, shoulder, my teeth on his neck, his hands creating bruises on my skin from holding me so tightly. I fuck him back with the same amount of vigor he’s giving me, moaning into my neck, panting my name.
With the heat of my orgasm and the ice of Alec’s cum, I convulse so hard, for a moment I can’t remember who or what I am. All I know and understand is need and pleasure, and more need.
What feels an eternity later, Alec slows under me, and he mentally pulls me with him, his influence trying to yank me out of the rabbit hole I was falling into. Tremors rock my body, over and over, his arms tight around me. When I can breathe without hyperventilating, Alec takes my mind and wraps it with that warm honey, making me feel like my body is dipped in it, weighted with it. My muscles give out, and I lean limp against him.
Slowly this time, Alec moves me to the pillows and under the covers at a human’s pace. I don’t open my eyes. I can’t. Just like the last time we were physical, I am beyond spent. On the edge of sleep, I feel something brush against my face, his fingers or his lips? And the last words I hear are, “My Christina.”
I awake alone in the dark, my long hair sprawled on the pillow, sheet wrapped around me.
“Alec?” He’s instantly sitting beside me, hand stroking my back, eyes silver.
“Sorry, I thought I would hear you wake.”
“Where were you?”
“Just in the other room.”
“You can’t hear me from the other room?”
“Sometimes being lost in thought can make the senses tune out.”
“… What were you thinking about?” Alec is suddenly laying against me, his hand slipping into my dark hair.
“You.” I smile.
“What a coincidence. I think I was dreaming about you.” He smiles too.
“Haven’t had enough of me yet?” he asks, clearly referencing the long, orgasmic, faint-inducing evening we just shared.
“Will I always be so tired after?” He wears his cocky grin.
“Only if we keep exchanging so much energy.”
“It’s been every time so far,” I point out, and we both laugh. “What about… when you cum? It always feels like that?”
“Wait until you taste it,” he says, and blood floods my cheeks. He laughs again. “I would like to add, however, that sex isn’t always that intense.”
“What do you mean?”
“I have had sex with humans before. It’s never been like that for me.”
“Like what?”
“That satisfying,” he says boldly, and I’m so warm from his confession, I feel like being bold myself.
“… I have something to tell you,” I say, and he becomes serious. Almost worried.
I chew my lip, suddenly not sure he should know. The power he has over me is frightening, but something about me wants him to know.
“What is it?” he says when I don’t speak.
“… I still can’t orgasm without you,” I whisper, and he becomes a statue, hand frozen in my hair. He searches my face, tasting my mood, wondering if what I say is true. He’s so taken aback, it almost worries me.
“You’ve never heard of this happening before?” I ask quietly, and he tilts his head, eyes piercing mine.
“Never,” he finally says.
I stare at him, incapable of any other response. Both of us are curious. While I have had plenty of time to ponder this information, I still have yet to decide what exactly it means. Vampires and humans are different species, our relationship goes against nature.
My anatomy wasn’t built for sex with him, but when we’re together, it feels as if we were made for it. I have no way of knowing if I will be this way the rest of my life; unable to climax without Alec, which certainly raises cause for alarm. But I don’t want to ruin a perfectly good thing based on bad scenarios that have never even happened.
We don’t have all the answers, but there is one thing I know, from the gut of my being; I just had the best night of my life, and when Alec’s lips pull up in a smile, I know he can tell what I’m thinking.
“My Christina,” he says, his cool breath on my face, and I kiss him, pulling him onto me again.