“I cannot thank you enough for what you did. You saved my life that day. I know that it cost you dearly and you may not want to see me and relive the accident, but I would very much like to meet you and thank you properly for your courage and sacrifice.”
It had been a terrible accident. I had been driving on what we call The Grapevine just north of Wheeler Ridge where the I-5 splits from HWY 99. It was really foggy that day and the fog came up suddenly, before anyone could realize it. And that’s when it happened. I had slowed down, trying to see through a fog as thick as buttermilk when I heard this god-awful sound of metal tearing followed by an explosion. As I came closer, I saw it was a multiple car accident – there were people walking around dazed, some sitting in their cars in shock and the place looked like a car dealership had been bombed.
Suddenly I heard a woman screaming and whirled around to see some lady trapped in her car and it was on fire. I ran over and tried to help, but her windows were locked (I was told later they were power windows and they had been damaged in the accident). I grabbed the first thing I could find – a piece of somebody’s car. It was heavy and had a sharp point. So I smashed in the window and was able to get the door open enough to pull her out. That’s all I remember until I woke up in the hospital.
The doctors told me I had saved the woman’s life, but in doing so I was hit by another car and it crushed my left leg to the point it had to be amputated. That was almost seven months ago and I had gotten used to life now without it. At least as used to life without it as one can. Things are different now… I lost my truck driving job and am now driving a desk, and my outdoor activities have been curtailed some. But I guess I should be thankful I’m alive. My friends have been wonderfully supportive and I have gotten good medical care. I can walk on my prosthetic almost as good as I used to walk with both legs. The “phantom pains” still come now and then, but they are diminishing as well.
I looked at the email once more. I didn’t remember much about this Martina woman except what I was told. Everything that day happened so fast and then the other car hit me and I went unconscious. I thought about the email that whole day, and that evening I sent my reply:
“Hello Martina,
You don’t have to thank me for what I did that day – the reality is I don’t remember a whole lot about it. And I have gotten past what happened. But if you would like to meet, we can meet at Lulu’s Diner on Friday the 12th at 6:00 for coffee or something. Let me know if this is acceptable.”
About an hour later I got a ding on my computer telling me I had an email. It was Martina:
“Hello Robert,
I would love to meet you on the 12th and I can help fill in some of the blank spots and questions you might have about what happened if you like. I look forward to meeting you and thanking you for your bravery.”
I marked my calendar, and then went on with what I was doing. The 12th was a few days away and I had just about forgotten the whole thing until the day before. I happened to look at my schedule for the following day and saw the meeting note. I was somewhat curious about why after all this time she had contacted me, but I figured she could explain all that when we met.
That afternoon I sat at Lulu’s waiting for my mystery woman and wondering if this was a good idea after all. It was a public place though, and the place was about half-full so there were people around. I was drinking a cup of coffee while I waited. The time ticked by and I was thinking that she wasn’t going to show up when all of a sudden I heard a voice from behind me.
“Robert?” the female voice said.
I stood up and turned to see the most magnificent woman I had ever laid eyes on!
“Martina?” I asked, once I remembered I could talk.
“Yes, I am glad to finally meet you Robert,” she said. “I have been trying to find you and contact you since right after the accident. At first no one was sure who you were, but I found the hospital that they took you to and tracked you down. Please don’t think I’m a stalker or anything, I just had to thank you, Robert. If it wasn’t for you, I would have died that day… in a most horrible way.”
Martina looked down at the table as she spoke softly. I reached across the table and put my hand on hers. “I am just glad I could be there to help,” I said, trying to comfort her. It was obvious that the accident had a more troubling effect on her than it did on me. Even though I was the one missing the leg, I was fortunate that I didn’t remember what happened that terrible day. But Martina did remember – every gruesome, traumatic detail.
“I was headed to Bakersfield to show a house… I’m a real estate agent. I had a special showing up there and was headed to it when the accident happened. I didn’t see the car ahead of me in the fog and hit it. But the real bad part happened when someone else hit me. That’s when the gas tank ruptured and the car caught fire. My power windows were messed up in the accident and didn’t work – the mechanic said the wires were cut by something. Anyway, you came along and broke the window and pulled me out. And then…” she explained. She looked down again when she got to the part where I was hurt.
“So how did I get hurt?” I asked her. Martina got real quiet for a long time. “Martina?” I asked again.
“Oh, Robert! I am so sorry!” she said. “It was so stupid of me. Right after you pulled me out of the car, you started to push me to the side of the road out of danger and away from the car. But foolish me, I insisted I have my purse. I wouldn’t get off the idea I needed my purse. So to get me to leave and get to safety, you reached back in to get my purse and that’s when out of nowhere, that truck came and… Oh God, I’m responsible for all this!” she broke down sobbing.
I took both her hands in mine and moved around to face her squarely. “Martina, look at me,” I said. She slowly raised her face and I could see it was wet with tears. I took the napkin off the table and gently wiped some of the tears away while I talked to her.
“Martina, what happened was an accident, plain and simple. None of us wanted to be there at that specific time and none of us wanted to get into that accident. You certainly couldn’t have seen what was going to happen. And I have gotten past it. Actually, the accident was a blessing in surprise – I got a job that keeps me closer to home with better pay and best of all, it allowed me to meet you!” I said, smiling at her and squeezing her hands gently.
“Oh Robert! You are an amazing man. Something like this would make most people bitter and hateful to anyone they can associate with their troubles. Yet here I am telling you it was my fault, and you brush it off like I made you drop your keys or something! I don’t know whether to kiss you for being so sweet or be mad at you for not giving me what I deserve!” she said.
“Well if it makes any difference, my vote would be on the kiss!” I said, jokingly.
Her face softened and she smiled a bit. “Yeah mine too,” she said almost too soft to hear. But I did hear it.
I had noticed in holding her hands she had no ring on so I decided to take a chance… “Martina, would you like to have dinner with me? I mean if you don’t have to get home to someone special or something,” I asked.
“I’d like that very much, Robert,” she said. So I stood up and offered her my hand, pulling her to her feet gently. We then walked to the front counter where I paid for our coffee and we left the coffee shop. Martina told me her car was in the shop and she had taken a cab to the coffee shop so that helped with the logistics of having two cars to move around. I took her to my car and seated her in the passenger’s seat while I took my place in the driver’s seat.
“Well, I’m glad to see that you can still drive Robert,” she said.
“Yeah, fortunately it was my left leg that got hurt. If it had been my right it would be a lot harder,” I said.
“Does it still… hurt?” she asked, cautiously.
“No, not anymore. Actually it didn’t hurt that much at all. Well except for when I started getting fitted for the leg, that was a little tough walking on the stump, still being a bit tender. But it only lasted a little bit. Now I only have an occasional phantom pain once in a while,” I told her.
“Phantom pain?” she asked.
“Yeah, a phantom pain is a feeling that your leg itches or something… as if it’s still there” I said, “Of course it isn’t and it’s all mental, but those things will disappear completely eventually, the doctors tell me. I only get them once in a while now. They are more annoyance than real pain.”
“Well that’s good to know,” she said.
“I hope you like barbecue,” I said, hoping I was right. “There’s this great barbecue place I like going to that has the best ribs and pulled pork ever!”
“Barbecue is fine. I like barbecue too,” she said.
We pulled into Chubby’s BBQ Shack a short while later and I found us a table in a relatively quiet corner away from the bar area. “I’ve never been here, so I will leave it up to you to order, since you know what’s good here,” she said. So when the waitress came over I ordered us the Pig-Out Platter for two and a pitcher of sweet tea.
“The Pig-Out Platter has a little bit of everything… beef ribs, chicken, pulled pork, brisket, smoked sausage and pork loin. I always have the platter for one and I walk away stuffed! But it is just too damn good to not finish everything!” I told her.
“Sounds wonderful,” she said. The waitress started us off with our sweet tea and we talked for a bit, getting to know each other a little. I learned that Martina was 25 years old – two years younger than I was. She was an only child, born from fairly well-to-do parents. My own family was more middle class by comparison, and I have a younger sister the same age as Martina, who was now married with a kid of her own.
She was from Colorado originally, while I was born and raised in the Los Angeles area. I found out that she had never been married (a fact I found difficult to believe!) but she had been engaged once. Stupid guy! Myself, I hadn’t found the girl I wanted to commit to like that yet.
As we compared our pasts, I found myself liking this woman more and more. I found her fascinating as well as drop dead gorgeous. We talked and had a very nice dinner together. After we reached the point where neither of us dared to take another bite, we asked the waitress for a box to bring home the leftovers. As I was paying the bill for dinner, Martina excused herself to visit the ladies room and we left the restaurant.
As I pulled out of the parking lot, I turned to my dinner companion. “So where can I take you? Where do you live?” I asked.
“Actually Robert, if you don’t have to go home yourself, can we just go for a drive someplace? I really don’t feel like rushing home to an empty house right now,” she said.
“Sure,” I said, happy to spend more time in the company of my lovely dinner date. So I pointed the car towards Santa Monica, figuring the beach at sunset was a pretty good bet when you have a beautiful woman you want to impress! It took us about 30 minutes to get to the Santa Monica Pier and by the time we got there the place was pretty much emptied out.
I found us a parking place close to the pier and we got out and walked to the end of the pier. It was nice, we held hands and walked out to the end just as the sun was beginning to set. It was a little windy coming right off the ocean like that, so I offered her my jacket and I wrapped my arms around her from behind. As we stood there watching the ocean and listening to the sounds, Martina lay her head on my shoulder and pulled my arms around her tighter.
She felt wonderful, so soft and so warm. The breeze would generously grant me a whiff of her sweet perfume and the smell of her hair. I silently prayed that the sun would hang up in the sky a little longer. But the sun had other places to be, I guess, and it sank slowly out of sight. As soon as the orange ball dipped below the horizon, she turned to face me.
I held the beautiful creature in my arms as she looked up into my face. Her eyes darted back and forth as I felt her holding her breath as if waiting for something. “I think this would be a good time to collect that kiss,” I told her, and I leaned down to kiss her.
Just before our lips touched, I heard a nearly imperceptible “Yes” from her.
Her kiss was tentative at first, as if unsure her kiss would be returned. But when I kissed her back and she felt my arms holding her tightly to me, she melted into my embrace and moaned softly into my mouth. Martina’s kiss tasted sweeter than I could have imagined. I felt her lips part slightly and I took the invitation, slipping my tongue out of my mouth and into hers, seeking her tongue to play with.
Martina’s arms went up around my neck and she drew me down further, her kiss becoming more passionate and even a little urgent. I sensed this was something she needed as much as it was something she wanted. I knew it was something I wanted, and I enjoyed every moment of our tenderness. Then, just as our kiss was becoming serious and passionate, she stopped and pulled back.
“Robert,” she gasped, “Please take me home… to your place,” she said.
“Are you sure?” I asked her. I didn’t want to take advantage of her if she wasn’t sure of what she was doing.
“Robert darling, do you remember when I went to the ladies room as you were paying for dinner?” she asked.
“Yeah, why?”
Well, sweetie,” she leaned in close, “I’m not wearing any panties!” she whispered playfully.
I didn’t argue. I pointed the car towards home and drove as fast as the speed limit would allow. Growing up my whole life in the L.A. area, I knew my way around pretty good and I certainly knew how to get home from Santa Monica – I had spent a lot of time there when I was younger. So I knew how to get from point A to point B in the shortest time possible.
“Robert, I hope you don’t think that I am some sort of slut, or that this is somehow my way of making up to you what happened. I really like you and for some reason this feels right to me,” she said, looking down and fidgeting with her hands as I drove. I knew she was feeling a bit uneasy about this sudden turn of events, so I put my hand on her thigh to try to comfort her a little.
“Martina, those thoughts never entered my mind. I like you as well, and I am glad of what happened because it brought us together. We might never have met had it not been for that accident that day. And as for my saving your life, well in a way you saved mine as well.”
“How so?”
“Well, before the accident I was a trucker. I drove all over the country and was never in one spot for too long. Believe me, it’s not as romantic as it sounds. I was hardly ever home, I slept in my truck probably 300 days out of the year. I had no social life or friends really, since I was never around long enough. I just had a few fellow truckers I would talk to on the radio and in emails, but I never met most of them. And I wasn’t real happy with the company anyway – they treated us truckers like crap.
“But the accident put driving a truck out of my reach anymore, so I was forced to find another job.
“Well I’m glad you have such a positive outlook on it, Robert. It was a terrible accident but you have made the best of it. And I am glad that I met you through it as well,” she said.
It was about then that we pulled up into the driveway of my house. “Well here is home,” I said. We got out and I walked her to the door. I unlocked it and held the door for her, shutting it as we both got inside. I led her into the living room and invited her to have a seat while I got us a couple glasses of wine. I went into the kitchen and returned a couple moments later with two glasses of wine and the rest of the bottle. I sat down on the sofa next to her and we drank our wine, cuddling close.
A couple glasses later, the wine began to get to her because she suddenly turned to me. “Robert, can I make a confession to you?” she asked.
Curious, I replied, “Sure, what is it?”
“Well, when you asked to meet me for coffee today, I secretly hoped it would be more than coffee. That is why I dressed up like this – you just don’t wear a nice dress and nice heels like this to meet someone for coffee! And you certainly don’t go out sans panties unless you think they may get in the way. I didn’t know for sure that you and I would end up back here at your place, but I was prepared in case things worked out. I did want to meet you and then when I did… well here we are!”
“Well here’s to being prepared!” I said, and we clicked our glasses together in a toast. After we both drank to the toast, Martina set her glass on the coffee table.
“So, now that you have lured me back to your evil lair, whatever do you have in mind for me, Sir?” she said smiling and using her best faked Southern accent.
I didn’t respond to her flirty question. Not with words anyway. I merely stood up and pulled her up to me, wrapping my arms around her narrow waist and bringing her closer to me. As I pressed my body against hers, I kissed her sweet lips once again – this time, however, there was no timidness or hesitation. I wanted her, and she wanted me. There was no doubt in either of us. And I wanted her to know what I had in mind for her.
Martina moaned as she felt my “intentions” pressing hard into her. Her hand dropped to grab my hard bulge and she squeezed it to let me know that my message was received. After a long deep passionate kiss, I turned and holding her hand, led her into the real “lair” – my bedroom.
As we got inside and I shut the door behind her, I pushed her rather roughly up against the door, pinning her against it with my body. I shoved my leg between hers, using my knee to push her dress up her thighs. I took her wrists and pinned them to the door over her head. Then I leaned in to kiss her, my mouth devouring her my body pinning her to the wall and my cock screaming to come out and play. She squirmed and writhed, panting when I let her come up for air, and moaning when I didn’t.
Once I had her fires well lit and raging, I turned her around to face the wall. This time she kept her legs spread a bit and her arms over her head as I kissed the back of her neck and nibbled on her ear. With one hand firmly planted on her ass, I used the other to slowly unzip her dress, kissing my way down her back as the dress fell to each side. I left a trail of hot kisses and my lips brushed her smooth baby-powder scented skin.
I love the smell of baby powder – it is such a turn on for me. Not that I like roleplay games or am into the whole Daddy thing, I just think baby powder is a wonderful scent for a woman. And she had the perfect amount – not too strong that it would cover her natural scent, but not so faint as to why bother to put it on at all. I inhaled her soft scent as I continued kissing my way towards an even better scent… the scent of a highly aroused woman.
As I neared the bottom of Martina’s dress zipper, which stopped right at the small of her back where her ass began to swell, she wriggled that ass, tempting me with it. By now I was kneeling behind her and as I kissed the bottom of her zipper, my hands slid up the back of her thighs and under her dress to find her soft full ass cheeks. Sure enough she wasn’t wearing any panties! I could feel the steamy heat coming from her pussy as I moved past it to grab her creamy ass flesh.
Martina gasped as she felt my hands on her naked ass and she pushed her ass out from the door as I sank my fingers deep into the meaty globes. As I pulled my hands back, I playfully grazed her slit, finding her dripping wet.
“Oooh!” Martina cooed, as she felt my fingers across her wet pussy lips.
I smiled, hearing her excitement. I stood and turned her back around to face me. I slipped the dress off her smooth soft shoulders, kissing each as it was revealed. She allowed the dress to fall off her shoulders but held it up to cover her breasts. Still a bit shy (although I have no idea why) I smiled at her modesty and then gently took her wrists and reassuringly removed them until the dress fell from her body to the floor around her ankles.
I pulled her hands down to her sides. “Keep them here,” I told her. Martina bit her bottom lip and nodded. Then I reached up and slid my fingers under her bra right in the center where the valley between them was the deepest. With a deft twist, I had the restrictive garment unhooked. Martina was visibly impressed with my bra removal skills and looked up at me with a playful little smile.
I was pretty impressed with what I had uncovered as well. Martina was a remarkable woman. Not only did she have the face of a saint, she had the body of a sinner! Completely nude now, this was the first good look I had gotten of her and both me and my cock were most appreciative. I took in the beauty before me, slowly scanning up and down and committing this moment to my memory just in case it never came again.
When my eyes had gotten their fill (if that can ever be) I realized another part of me wanted to appreciate her as well. My cock was straining uncomfortably at the confines of my pants and Martina surveyed my tremendous bulge with a coquettish smirk and one raised eyebrow. She took a step closer and looking up at me as if asking permission she reached out and ran a finger along the length of the lump. She giggled softly as it twitched with her touch, and then she caressed it, feeling its hardness.
Then it was her turn and she began by unbuttoning my shirt, undoing all the buttons but the last one before sliding her hands inside and feeling my chest and kissing it. She undid the last button and opened it all the way, pulling it over my shoulders and down my arms but not off – effectively pinning my arms with my own shirt. Smiling she began kissing and stroking my chest, licking my nipples and working her way down the center of my chest to my belt line.
Leaving my arms pinned by my shirt, she unbuckled my belt and unfastened my pants, tugging them down my legs and pushing them down around my ankles. She knelt down in front of me then and tugged my boxers down like she had my pants. She gasped when she saw my cock for the first time standing tall and proud and throbbing with eager anticipation. Now I’m not a porn star by any means, but I sport a respectable (I guess) seven and a half inches when fully hard.
It was enough to impress Martina at least. She stared at the cock in front of her for a couple moments as if studying it or sizing it up. She licked her red lips and then took hold of it near the base and holding it with one hand, she kissed the tip, tasting the drop of pre-cum that had formed there.
“Mmm…” she said. Then she licked the head of my cock, around the rim and all over the mushroom cap before licking up and down the entire shaft. She bathed my entire cock in her saliva, making sure it was completely coated and loved on before moving down to take each of my cum-heavy balls in her mouth. This was a new and very pleasurable trick for me, and I couldn’t help but moan my approval at her technique.
She popped me out of her mouth, “You like that, do you baby?” she smiled and sucked my nut back in using her suction to pull on the sack a bit. It was exquisite. She held my cock up against my abdomen as she licked under the ball sack and between my aching nuts. I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensations – any words I could have said would only spoil the moment and prove I was a babbling idiot at this point! She licked and sucked and loved on my hard cock until she could wait no longer.
“Now, I want this beautiful cock inside me… please… I need to feel you inside me now!” she pleaded.
Well I wasn’t about to turn this beauty down – especially in the state I was in now! So I stepped out of the clothes still around my ankles and climbed into bed. Because of my leg, I have to get into bed a certain way – I can’t crawl on my hands and knees anymore. Instead, I sit down and scoot backwards into position. Martina watched as I sat down on the edge of the bed and removed my prosthetic leg and the sock liner. Then I scooted into position in the middle of the bed with my head on the pillow.
When I was ready she climbed onto the foot of the bed and crawled slowly up to me, very sexy and cat like. She reached my right foot and kissed and licked my toes for a moment. The she moved up to my calf and kissed me there. She moved to the knee and kissed me just above the knee. Then she got to mid thigh. She kissed my right thigh there and then moved over to my left.
Martina looked up at me. “Can I… kiss it?” she asked. Her question caught me completely off guard. I had never had anyone ask to kiss my stump. But she didn’t really wait for an answer, instead she moved over and very gently kissed my leg. Then she kissed it again. Then to my utter amazement, she began kissing on it and licking it, loving on it like she had done to my cock! I just lay there staring at her making love to my stump. It felt strange at first, but then it started feeling very erotic and sexy.
I lay there watching this hot sexy woman making out with my stump. I took hold of my cock absentmindedly and began stroking it as I watched this porn show. Martina moved up a bit and began rubbing my stump with her tits next. The whole thing was incredibly hot and a total turn on.
Apparently it got her hot and bothered too, because a few moments later she was gobbling down my cock again, sucking and licking on it to get it to its maximum hardness and size. Then she quickly moved to straddle my thighs and holding the base of my cock in her hand she rubbed the tip across her sopping wet slit and over her hard erect clit, moaning loudly as she teased herself with my cock. Once she had smeared her slippery juices all over the head, she impaled herself on my steely cock.
“Ohhhh, yesss!” she moaned loudly as she slid very slowly down my pole. “God that feels sooo good!”
She took her time easing herself down my cock inch by inch, feeling every bump and ridge and vein. She was loving how my thick cock split her pussy and opened her hole as it leisurely burrowed itself deeper and deeper into her belly. I could feel the tight walls of her pussy gripping me and squeezing my cock in a warm, wet hug. The further down my cock she went, the more of it she wanted in her.
Finally she had taken me completely inside her and she settled herself on my legs. She began grinding on my cock, loving the feeling of it moving around inside her. I was loving it to and I reached out to play with the two luscious mounds bouncing happily on her chest. I pinched and tugged on her nipples, I rolled them around between my fingers, and I toyed with them using my fingertips.
“Oh yes! I love my nipples played with! Please don’t stop!” she whimpered. She scooped up her tits and held them out for me so I could play with them some more. As I toyed with her hard sensitive buds, she bounced happily on my cock wriggling and writhing to get it to touch all the spots she needed it to. Changing tactics, she began rolling her hips forward then back, dragging my cock across her clit, sending little lightning bolts of pleasure racing through her body and slamming into her mind.
“Oh God, Robert, Oh God I’m going to cum, baby! I’m going to cum on that fat cock!” she cried.
I grabbed her nipples and pinched them hard, hoping the increased sensation would send her over the edge. As I heard her pitch increase I thrust hard upwards, slamming my cock deeper than it had gone before. The combination worked and I felt her body start to quake. I pulled her upper body down on mine trapping her arms with my own and biting her shoulder (I had read somewhere that a lot of women like to be “marked” like that by their lovers to feel they are owned). As I did she let go….
“OHMYGOD! OHHHHHFUUCCKKK! OHHHHH!” she screamed as I felt the warm rush of her fluids on my cock as they ran out past her pussy to the bed beneath us. I held my lovely Martina as the throes of her orgasm raced through her, causing her to thrash and twist and convulse as she fought against it. He legs clamped against me and she clawed at the sheets beside us, but I held her tightly. It must have been five full minutes before I felt her body relax, and she lay on top of me panting.
I held her and gently rocked her as she slowly returned to me. I could hear her breathing gradually slowing and felt the tension draining away. I held her, smelling her soft perfume and the musky woman-scent that affirms a woman’s sexual attraction.
After a few wonderful, precious minutes of holding her like that she was rested enough to roll off me, and I held her beside me. She raised her head a bit to look at me.
“You were wonderful, baby, I haven’t cum like that in ages! But I hope you don’t think I’m weird or sick or something because of what I did… with your leg earlier. I don’t really know why I did that, it just felt like something I should do, you know what I mean? Like it was a natural thing to do.”
“I don’t think you are weird honey. I thought it was kinda hot actually. I haven’t had sex since… the accident, but you were fantastic. I am glad you wanted to meet with me,” I assured her.
“Me too. But you haven’t cum yet, so what do you want me to do for you now?” she asked.
“Relax, beautiful. Let’s just lay here for a few minutes cuddling first. We have all night to play!” I said smiling at her. Her eyes sparkled, and she lay her head on my chest, trailing her fingernails over my chest and lightly scratching me.
* * * * *
Martina and I have been seeing each other regularly since meeting for coffee that day. We have gotten very close and she usually spends every weekend and even some weeknights at my place. She has taken to leaving some of her extra clothes here so she has something to wear without packing clothes back and forth. It has been wonderful with her and tonight when I take her to that same diner that we met in, I plan on asking her to move in with me. Wish me luck!