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You enter my vision from where I lay.
Moonlight from heavens’ palette
Lights the path along your way
All that is visible, your silhouette.

Drowning out any distractions
No imperfections can be seen.
Your form, the simplest of attractions
My emotions well up, spin, careen.

The world sees your silhouette as austere
A black and white, featureless cast.
I perceive what they lack to revere
Your beauty, so colorful…so vast.

I reach out to you, in the dark
You clutch my hand in yours.
The touch ignites an instant spark
My promise, the flame endures.

Our silhouette masks the connection
Where touch unites as one.
Two souls sharing one affection
This bond n’er to come undone.

My darling, lets live among the hallows
Never vanish from my sight.
For our love knows no shadows
Just the burn of that heavenly light.

Published 8 years ago

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