Side Jobs – Kimmi And The Rec Room

"An unexpected visitor creates a stir"

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Some jobs are done over a period of time, usually in stages to allow for inspections and the transfer of funds to continue, and this can create issues with getting it finished. As a result, there can be delays and schedule difficulties. On occasion, other people get involved and create more issues.

This was one of those jobs….


Barry and June lived in an older neighborhood on the edge of town, a treed area near the river with a mix of small and large homes on large lots. Over time, many had been renovated with additions and more modern touches. I had been hired to convert storage space into a usable and open area recreation room and, after numerous delays, was finally close to having the renovation of the large space over the two-car garage finished. After vaulting the ceiling, adding dormer windows, drywalling, and installing the flooring, the painting was finally done. Trim, baseboards, and some touch-ups were all that remained to have the new rec room completed.

Billy had called complaining of issues with things being moved, materials disturbed, and marks on the freshly painted walls. I had directed him to finish up for the day and that I would be there in the evening to look into things.

I arrived at the house and let myself in, knowing that Barry and June had taken their family on vacation for two weeks, and climbed the stairs to the second floor. One of the double French doors was ajar, and I could hear a consistent clopping noise as I approached. I looked in to see a woman playing on the ping-pong table that had been folded up and put aside. It now sat pushed against the wall and the ball clopped across the table, against the freshly-painted wall, and back to the woman swinging the paddle.

On each swing, her ponytail waved and the cute cheeks of her ample bottom, wrapped snugly in black tights, jiggled slightly. I noticed the white flash of color in her ear and realized she was wearing earbuds, obviously immersed in the music as she gently bounced around, and had no idea I was there.

“Hello,” I announced.

Her bum jiggled and her ponytail waved as she continued slapping the ball into the table.

“Hello!” I repeated loudly.

The only reply was the clop clop clop of the ball. I stepped closer and stood beside her, hoping to catch her attention and not scare her. She turned her head to look at me, dropped the paddle, and jumped back, obviously startled.

“Holy shit!” she screamed as she clutched her chest. “You scared the hell out of me!”

I pointed to my ear and held my hands up in front of me.


She tugged the earbuds out and took another step back, glancing at the door and then back to me.

“Who are you?” she asked suspiciously.

“I’m J,” I replied. “The contractor doing the work here. Who are you?”

“Oh. Me? I’m Kimmi,” she answered, pointing to herself.

“Sorry I startled you, Kimmi. What are you doing here?”

“Playing ping-pong.”

“I see that. I mean why are you in the house?”

“Oh, haha. I’m the neighbor,” she replied and stepped to the window. “I live next door, over there.”

I went to the window and looked at the small cottage-style bungalow nestled in the trees she was pointing to.

“June asked me to come check on the house while they are away.”

“So you moved the ping-pong table and marked up the new floors and freshly painted walls?”

“You don’t have to get snotty,” she chided while rolling her eyes. “I didn’t know that.”

I smiled and moved the table away from the wall, inspecting the scratches and paint dimples while she watched.

“See? I have to repaint this now.”

I dropped to one knee and checked the flooring, finding only a few light marks that I could buff out. I picked up the paddle from the floor and placed it on the table when I stood up.

“The floor I can buff out.”

“So, that’s not so bad,” she shrugged.

I flipped one end of the table up and locked it in place.

“There, you can use it all you want now,” I announced. “Just don’t move it.”

“Oh. I didn’t know it did that,” she admitted sheepishly, giving me a girly smile.

She was pretty, around thirty, and a foot shorter than me. The white t-shirt, emblazoned with a faded Jurassic Park logo, stretched tightly across her chest and ended just above her curvy hips. She leaned back against the table, her arms behind her, and stretched the shirt even tighter.

“So?” I asked. “Why are you up here?”

“Why are you?” she questioned back.

“I came to see who was moving our stuff around,” I explained.

“Oh. Well, I moved a few things,” she admitted coyly. “There’s interesting stuff in here.”

“So just being nosy?” I teased.

“NO!” she blurted.


“Well… yeah, I guess,” she giggled. “I was bored, so I came to check it out. Looked at the tools and stuff, saw the ping-pong table, and figured…”

I chuckled and began sorting out the trim pieces that had been strewn about as she watched me. Once done, I picked up the paint supplies and brushes, putting them all back with the paint cans, and put the tarp back over the bar in the corner. I heard her gasp as the ping-pong table shifted under her and saw her catch her balance before falling over.

“Oops!” she giggled and put her hands on her bum cheeks. “Almost landed on my brain!”

“At least it’s nicely padded,” I chuckled. “Less chance of a concussion.”

“Haha, yeah,” she laughed.

“Well, I will come back tomorrow and touch up the wall and the floor.”

“Oh, okee dokee,” she chirped. “I need to go walk my dogs anyway, so I’m out of here.”

She put the earbuds back in, gave me a wave and a smile, and tripped over the paddle that had fallen on the floor at her feet. She giggled again, shrugged, and bounced herself out the door. I picked up the paddle and ball, laid them back on the table, and looked out the window, seeing her wave as she walked the path leading to her house.


It was almost noon by the time I had the floor marks buffed out and the wall painted. As I cleaned up the roller, Kimmi appeared in the doorway and announced her presence with a cheerful hello.

“Hi, Mr. Contractor!” she chirped as she stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame with her arms behind her.

“Hello, Kimmi,” I replied with a smile.

Her hair hung loosely over her shoulders and she was wearing an old and faded sports jersey – Kentucky Wildcats – and a pair of white sneakers. Her toned and shapely legs were bare.

“I came to check up on you,” she announced. “To make sure you’re actually working.”

“Is that so?” I chuckled.

“Yes. I also brought you something,” she replied. “To make up for yesterday.”

“That’s nice of you.”

“Want to see what it is?” she teased as she swayed slowly.


I put down the brushes and wiped my hands clean as she approached, smiling coyly and keeping her hands behind her back, and noted the mischievous glint in her eyes.

“Close your eyes and put your hands out.”

I did as she asked and put my hands out, palms up, closing my eyes as she stepped close. I felt a slight weight and the softness of fuzz in my hands.

“Okay, you can look,” she chirped excitedly.

I opened my eyes to find a grey and white kitten in my hands, its little blue eyes looking up at me.

“This is my kitten, Miss Kitty. I found her last week when I was out for a run.”

“She’s very cute.”

“Yes, she is,” she agreed. “I thought you might like to see my kitty…”

I smiled and nodded in agreement. “Yes, yes I would.”

She laughed and put out her other hand, showing me a can of beer before placing it on the ping-pong table.

“Thanks. I don’t usually drink when I work, but I was just going to break for lunch.”

She took Miss Kitty back, petting her and making little smooching noises. I went to the corner by the bar and lifted the tarps, pulled out two padded stools, and placed them by the table. Kimmi disappeared for a few minutes while I unpacked my lunch and sat down at the table. She returned and took a seat on the other stool, crossing her legs and revealing her upper thighs.

“Cool jersey,” I commented.

“Thanks,” she replied with a smile. “Found it at a thrift store for two dollars. It’s very comfy.”

“Looks good on you.”

She tossed her hair and giggled.

“What’s for lunch?” she asked.

“Cheese sandwich, bologna sandwich, potato salad, and an apple.”

“Hmm,” she mused.

I bit into the cheese sandwich and watched her take and unwrap the bologna sandwich, lifting the bread.

“No mustard?”


“Heathen. It’s uncivilized to eat bologna without hot mustard!”

“If you say so,” I chuckled.

She opened the lid on the potato salad and inspected it closely.

“You make this? It looks really good.”

“Nope. A lady friend made it for me.”

I finished my sandwich and pulled the container of potato salad away from her, fished the fork from my bag, and took a bite.

“Your girlfriend?”


“Hmm. Do all of your lady friends make food for you?”

“No,” I laughed. “Some do. Who do you make food for?”

“Me,” she replied. “And my dogs and Miss Kitty. I live alone.”

“No hubby?”

“Not anymore,” she answered coyly.

“What do you do?” I asked and took a drink of beer.

“I work from home. Computer stuff,” she answered while she eyeing the potato salad.

“Coding, programming, like that?”

“Yup,” she admitted with a smile.

“Sounds boring.”

“I do other stuff!”


“I paint, I work in my gardens… I have beautiful flowers… I do some photography…”

“Weddings and stuff?”

“Not many, a few for friends. I have done some boudoir and bedroom shoots!”

“Yeah? Me, too.”

“You do photography?”

“No,” I replied with a smile.

She thought for a moment and giggled.

“I also write a lot.”

“Oh? Books?”

“Mostly short stories and stuff… but I’m trying to do a novel.”

“Gothic romance?”

“Ha ha, no. An erotic mystery story.”

“A sexy who-done-it? Probably the butler.”

“Ha ha, funny guy. Maybe the sexy handyman…”

She giggled and stuck her finger into the potato salad, scooped out a dollop, and put it in her mouth.

“Ooh, yummy!”

“Would you like some?” I offered.


She took my fork and pulled the container in front of her, took a large forkful, and put it in her mouth.

“Help yourself,” I said while she finished most of it.

I sipped on the beer and she pushed the container back to me, handing me the fork back, and smacked her pouty lips together.

“Very good,” she praised.

I took the last remaining bite and put the container aside. I picked up the apple and took a bite.

“What about the bologna?” she asked.

“After. I eat it last if I’m still hungry.”

She jumped up and disappeared out the door. I finished the apple and took a sip of beer, seeing her return carrying a squeeze bottle of mustard.

“This is Hot Mustard. Really good on bologna.”

“No, that’s okay,” I declined.

“You have to try it!” she insisted. “It’s so good!”

She squeezed the plastic bottle without popping the lid open. We heard a loud pop and watched as a thick stream of yellow shot over the sandwich and landed on my shirt.

“Oops!” she laughed. “Sorry about that!”

I glanced down at the thin yellow rope splattered across my chest and stomach. She reached over with her finger and dipped it in the mustard, put it to my lips, and smiled.

“Try it!”

I licked it from her finger.


“Don’t like it. You taste good, though.”

She giggled and put the bottle on the table, knocking over the beer in the process, and the gold liquid ran into the sandwich and off the edge of the table. I jumped up, pulled off my shirt, and quickly wiped up the beer from the floor before wiping down the table.

Kimmi giggled, covering her mouth with her hands, and tried to apologize.

“I… I am so clumsy! Hahaha, sorry… it’s just funny.”

I tossed the wet sandwich and beer can in the trash bag, wiped the table again, and held up my damp shirt.

“You’re sure careless,” I chided. “You should be more careful and respectful of other people’s things.”

She pouted and made a sad face.

“Not funny.”

“Oh, are you mad at me for an accident?” she said teasingly.

“No, just annoyed.”

She rolled her eyes and chuckled.

“You sound like my parents,” she scoffed. “You going to punish me, too?”

“I should,” I replied.

“Oh, yeah? You going to send me to my room? Ground me? Give me a spanking?”

I dropped my shirt on the table and stepped in front of her.

“Do me a favor. Lift your arms up over your head,” I said with a smile.

She looked at me questioningly but did as I asked.

“Now clasp your hands together.”

She put her hands together and giggled.

“What are you doing?”

I reached down and grabbed the hem of her jersey, lifted it over her head, and twisted the ends around her wrists, making a tight knot.


The jersey now covered her head and arms, securing her hands above her head and revealing her g-string-covered bottom. I pulled her up from the stool, turned her to the table, and pushed her shoulders forward. She fell, bent over the table with her tits mashed against it, and let out a yelp.

“What are you doing?”

“Giving you the spanking you deserve,” I answered.

Her plump derrière was smooth and firm, two beautiful cheeks wrapped in a red thong ribbon, fully displayed and waiting for my hand. The first slap echoed in the room.

“Ouch! Hey!”

My hand fell again with a loud resounding slap and she flinched again.

“Hey, that stings.”

“Yeah, but you want another, don’t you?”

She didn’t reply and I slapped her cheek again, leaving a red welt, and heard her giggle. She said something quietly that I couldn’t make out. I slapped the other cheek.

“What did you say? Speak up.”


“Spank me, daddy,” she giggled.

“Oh, now you’re mocking me?”

I delivered two fast slaps, one on each cheek, and got a gleeful squeal in return.

“Spank me, daddy. I’ve been a naughty girl.”

“Oh, yes. You are a naughty girl, aren’t you?” I chuckled.

I slipped my fingers between her legs and rubbed her sopping wet pussy, getting a loud groan when I pushed two inside of her juicy slit. My fingers fucked her slowly, massaging her insides, and she moved her hips in response. I slipped them out and rubbed around her clit.

“Oh, yes, daddy… just like that…” she moaned. “Just like that…”

I took my hand away and gave her a solid slap on the reddened cheek, hearing her gasp loudly.


My eyes caught the paddle laying on the table and I picked it up, releasing the ball underneath. The ball rolled along the table and dropped to the floor, the distinct clop clop clop as it bounced loud in the quiet room.

“Is that what I think it is?” she asked nervously.

“Yes,” I replied as I brought the wide, flat paddle down on her cheek.

“Ow!” she gasped.

I paddled again, getting another loud gasp, and paused for a moment while my fingers went to her pussy once more.

“Oh yes, daddy,” she groaned as I rubbed vigorously. “Please, daddy… please don’t stop.”

The paddle slapped hard as my fingers rubbed.

“Oh fuck! Oh, daddy! Oh….”

She groaned loudly as she climaxed, my fingers bringing her to an orgasmic frenzy as the paddle fell once more. Her plump and bright-red bottom shook as she writhed and my hand was soaked with her wetness. My cock was straining, fully hard and trapped in my jeans. I unzipped and dropped my jeans down, releasing my swollen cock, and put the paddle on the table.

“I’m going to fuck your little kitty, kitten,” I growled while I lined up behind her.

“Oh, yes, daddy… fuck my little kitty, daddy!”

My cock pushed in, her wet pussy slick and hot, and she gasped as it entered. I thrust slowly a few times before grabbing her hips tight and pushing deeper.

“Holy shit, you’re fucking huge!” she gasped.

“You want it all, kitten?”

“Oh yes, daddy!”

I pushed deep and began fucking her hard. My hands held her hips tightly as I pounded into her, her silky cunt milking me as we grunted and groaned.

“Fuck, you have a nice pussy.”

“Yeah? You like my kitty, daddy?”

“Oh yes, kitten. I love your tight little kitty.”

“Fuck me, daddy! Fuck me good!”

My cock was ready to burst and I quickly pulled out, grabbed it, and jerked furiously as it erupted. Thick ropes splashed across her ass and lower back, hot pearly cream covering her cheeks as I came. Spurts and splashes of cum covered the welts on her bottom and ran down between her cheeks as I emptied out.

“Oh yes, daddy! Cum all over me!”

I gasped for air and rubbed my cock over and between her cheeks, enjoying the greasy feel of my cock on her smooth skin for a moment, and then buried myself back inside of her silky cunt. I pumped slowly a few times before slipping out and gave her a gentle pat on the bottom.

“Oh, you’re a naughty girl, Kimmi,” I praised.

“Thank you, daddy,” she giggled. “Can you help me up?”

I helped her stand up, undid the knot, and let her arms free. She lowered them slowly, groaning once, and let out a sigh as the jersey fell past her face. She smiled coyly, her eyes bright and her hair mussed, looking as sexy as could be.

“Haha, you’re a naughty boy, aren’t you?”

“Oh yes,” I replied before I grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her mouth to mine.

We kissed for a moment and she put her hands on my waist, pulling herself into me.

“I can be whatever you want me to be,” I whispered. “Or need me to be.”

She giggled and grabbed my cock, giving it a gentle squeeze.

“Daddy will be just fine,” she giggled.

A sudden noise caused us to both look towards the door. Miss Kitty had climbed up on the stack of trim pieces, knocking them over, and falling off as the boards clattered to the floor.

“Miss Kitty!” Kimmi shrieked.

She pushed past me, rushing to pick up the sprawling kitten, and knocked me backwards into the small bench full of paint supplies. Rollers, brushes, and trays crashed to the floor as I struggled to keep my balance with my jeans around my ankles.

“Jesus Christ!” I muttered.

I yanked my jeans up and looked at the floor, letting out a sigh of relief after seeing the paint cans all intact and still on the bench. She returned with the kitten cradled in her arms and a sheepish grin on her pretty face.

“Oops?” she shrugged.

I chuckled and shook my head.

“You’re going to earn yourself another spanking,” I teased as I picked up the trays and rollers.

She shrugged and giggled, smiling coyly as she hugged the kitten tight.

“That kitten is as mischievous as you are.”

She pouted, pretending to have hurt feelings, and then held the kitten out to me.

“But she’s soooo cute!”

“Yes, she’s just like you,” I chuckled. “Cute and full of mischief.”

She laughed and cuddled the kitten once more, kissing it on the head and telling it how sweet it is while I finished picking everything up. Once done I checked the floor and the table, ensuring there were no stains or marks, and picked up my wet t-shirt. Kimmi reached out and grabbed it from my hand.

“I’ll wash that for you,” she insisted. “You can wear one of Barry’s until it dry.”

“I’m not going through Barry’s stuff.”

“Oh, I guess,” she considered. “Well, come to my place. You can meet my dogs and have a beer while I wash it for you.”

She reached her hand out and ran it over my chest.

“You don’t need a shirt on anyway…hehe,” she teased.

“Sure, why not,” I shrugged. “You can tell me about the novel you want to write.”

“Ooh, that’s a good idea! I need some ideas and inspiration.”

I stepped aside and gave her a gentle slap on the bum as she passed by.

“Hey! That’s still tender,” she chided.

“Just a reminder to behave,” I teased. “You don’t want another spanking, do you?”

She shrugged, smiled, and walked out the door.

I picked up the paddle and took it with me.

Published 3 years ago

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