She sleeps like an angel, even when living in hell. It’s amazing and it keeps me going, putting a smile on my face. I tried my best to keep her warm last night. She woke up a couple times in the middle of the night, telling me that she was cold. I had to get wood for the fire, but it was no big deal because I didn’t want the love of my life to freeze to death; there would be no reason to live if that happened. My rain jacket wasn’t big enough for the both of us to get under, so I gave her it. Instead, I just held her as close as I could to get any warmth I could. In other words, I was freezing fucking cold last night, colder than usual, but I’m also surprised I didn’t get a cold or anything.
Looking at my watch, it read 9:23AM. Morning time, or at least my morning. Everyone was still asleep. Sometimes I just want to go back to sleep and hope one of them woke up before me so they could do all the hard work. Yeah, I’m going to complain, I’m get tired, my head is hurting, I feel like crying. But no matter how much I yell and scream in my head, it’s not going to change anything. I need to think of Kelsey, I need to think of Tina, I need to think of.. I quickly tried to remove the thought of Ed and what he had done to my sister yesterday from my head, and turned to my sleeping beauty.
I brushed her hair with my hand, and kissed her cheek. Normally, at this time, I’d get up to put the fire out but all I wanted to do was stay by my sister, not wanting to leave her with..
Her eyes opened up, and she smiled at me.
“Hey there, sunshine,” I said, moving my hand away from the softness of her hair.
She cupped my face with her left hand, and moved to kiss me on the lips.
“Sorry for taking your jacket.. You must’ve been freezing all night…” Kelsey said with sadness in her voice.
“Sweety, you come first. If you froze to death, I don’t know what I’d do. Besides, the fire was nice and hot, it kept me warm,” I said, lying about the fire keeping me warm.
That kiss was nice, I wanted one more before I got up to put out the fire and wake the others up.
“Can I have another kiss, it gives me a nice boost of energy,” I joked.
She reached in with a smile on her face, pulling me on top of her and stuck her tongue in my mouth. Our tongues wrestled, transferring our saliva to one another, lips colliding together like they were meant for each other. The warmth of her breath on me was very relaxing. Before I could really get lost in the moment, she broke it and smiled at me, licking her lips.
“Feeling energized?” she said.
“Very. Lets get our stuff together, we need to follow the river south and try to find a road. That’s the plan,” I said, getting up.
“Okie dokie, Zacky.”
With that, she got up and started packing things. I turned around and walked to the fire, almost out but not completely. I kicked some of the ashes and charcoal onto the fire, putting it out.
How the fuck is Tina and the jackass still asleep! Incredible!
I walked over to Tina to see her huddled up in a ball; it’s a good way to create heat, I thought. I leaned down on my knees to pat Tina on the shoulder. She wasn’t waking up so I yelled at her in whisper to wake up.
“Tina. Tina..! Wake up, Tina,” I said, shaking her shoulder.
She finally woke up and turned to me, holding my arm that was shaking her.
“Zack..? Oh s-sorry..” she said, rubbing her eyes and trying to get up. She was stuck on her jacket so I pulled it off her gently and took her hand to help her up.
“All better now? The plan today is to follow the river south and possibly find a road,” I said. She looked sad, almost like she didn’t believe we ever getting out of here.
“Tina.” I said, holding her shoulders. “We’re going to get out of this shithole, and we’re going to go home,” I smiled at her, hoping that she would smile back, and she did.
“Good.” I turned away, feeling happy that I made her happy but she turned me around and pulled me into a hug. I patted her back. I looked over to Kelsey to see her looking at me.
After the hug, I went over to Ed and looked down at his sorry, sleeping ass. I really wanted to kick him in the ribs to wake him up, but I was more mature that. Instead, I used my foot to shake his arm. He woke up.
“I’m getting up, I’m getting up,” he said, clearly angry that I awoke him.
“We’re following the river south. Get up, get your things, and pack them,” I said in a serious tone.
Serious because I didn’t like his company, and serious because I am sick, fucking sick, of this place. As much as I was afraid of what would happen if people found out that me and my sister were having a romantic relationship, I knew that the longer we stayed out here, the more chance that she or Tina could become ill.
I headed back to my shelter and put my back-pack on.
“You all set, love?” I asked Kelsey.
She nodded and smiled.
The others gathered with us and off we went down to the river. While heading down the river, I kept thinking about Ed. I can’t be mad at him forever. If I’m angry all the time, I could end up being distracted and falling over a cliff. And if he notices my hostility raising, he could do something like attack me.
Zack. You are losing your mind. Get a grip.
“Okay, we need to stop and eat,” I said, taking my back-pack off my back and opening it.
Tina understood and nodded, opening her back-pack as well. The wild berries we found yesterday was a lucky find. A lucky find that will now serve as breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
We found rocks to sit on. There was one big enough for me, my sister, and Tina to sit on. Ed leaning against a tree eating a granola bar, the last one. Guess he doesn’t like berries, not my problem, more for us.
“I haven’t even had a chance to taste these,” I said, pulling out a handful of them in my hand.
I poured a couple of them into my sister’s hand, and looked at Tina who was already devouring her share. No point in thinking what it tastes like. From the way my sister is digging in, they must be good.
With that said, I started eating. They tasted like berries. Who would have thought. They are a tad bitter but it was certainly going to prove useful for our journey. I was actually full after eating my handful.
“Wow, that was filling,” I said to my sister who was drinking from her water bottle and smiling at me.
She handed the bottle over to me and I drank some. The bottle was now half full. Not good. I handed it back to her and got up.
I held my hand out to both Kelsey and Tina, and pulled them off of the rock. I turned around to face Ed who was already walked towards the river. Finally, some initiative, I thought.
I started to walk when I noticed Tina was still holding my hand that helped her up! My sister was holding my other hand. I’ve got two beautiful girls by my side, but my one true love was on my right, Kelsey.
She smiled at me and started rubbing my hand with her thumb. She was me a look that she didn’t want Tina holding my hand. I wasn’t a jerk so I didn’t bother releasing Tina from my grasp.
The trek continued on for about ten minutes when we finally reached the river. It was calm, just like yesterday. If we had to cross the river, it wouldn’t be a problem, unless a rainstorm came along. We didn’t bother resting and we kept moving. I didn’t know how, but Tina was no longer holding my hand, and to say the least, I was relieved. I pulled my sister closer to me and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead as the other two were ahead of me. She wrapped her left arm around me and we kept walking but she sooned released when the others came to an abrupt stop.
“A good hundred foot drop,” Tina said, looking down at the waterfall.
“I knew something like this would happen,” I said, cracking my neck. “Are you guys tired, want to take a quick break?”
“Yeah, sure, I could rest my legs,” Tina said, and then looking to Ed, “Break?”
“Yeah,” Ed said in monotone.
The surrounding area was lush with green trees and bushes. The waterfall was loud, and the birds were chirping. I was soon knocked out of the spell of the magnificent but hellish land with the motioning of my sister’s arm, telling me to come over to her. I looked behind me and saw Tina playing with grass and sitting on a rock, and Ed kicking a tree like a child. I turned to my sister and walked over to her.
She kept walking further into the forest, and I kept following.
“Very funny,” I said, walking up to the tree.
All of a sudden, she jumped on me, legs around my body, her whole body pressed onto my chest like a magnet. She put her arms my neck and crossed them, and started sucking on my bottom lip.
“Oh,” I managed to say. “I lo-ve y-ou too-“
I rubbed her ass and pushed her gently on the tree, bracing her head parallel with it. My mouth attacked hers. I could taste the bitterness of the berry on her tongue. I started sucking on it like my life depended on it. I moved from her mouth to her neck, licking from her throat to her chin.
I was really turned on. With my strength, I pushed her higher up on the tree and she started giggling. Her waist was at my eye level and I put my head underneath her shirt. She smelt like a forest under there, but I didn’t care. I started licking her soft stomach, making circles around her belly button. I could help but giggle at her giggles. This is love, I thought. I finally put her down and pulled her in for a hug, kissing the top of her head.
“We’re going to get out of here, Kelsey.”
“When I’m with you, I believe anything can happen.” she said. It didn’t sound cheesy to my ears.
We only spent five minutes fooling around so we didn’t have to come up with a lame story why we were out so long. We eventually went back to Tina who was holding her left arm like she was injured. I had a concerned look in my eyes as I walked over to her and noticed that Ed wasn’t around.
“He crossed the river without us. I told him he should wait but instead, he pushed me onto the rock and my arm felt the brunt of it,” Tina said, arms crossed.
“Fu-cker!” the words came out of my mouth distorted with anger. The world felt like it went in slow motion. Maybe it was all the blood falling from head to my fists.
“Kelsey, Tina, stay here!” I told them.
“Zack, don’t!” she said, trying to persuade me into staying with them. By the time she finished her sentence, I was already half-way in the river.
I stomped my way through the river and saw Ed looking through a hole in a tree.
This is it, I thought.
I started running towards him, trying to muffle the sounds of my shoes breaking twigs and stepping on dry leaves. Before he could turn to see me, I knocked him head first into the tree. His reflex must’ve trigged because he gave me a good elbow on my jaw, resulting in a little bloody bruise.
“You like pushing woman do you?” I said, holding my fists up and watching him as he held his head.
“You’re fucking crazy, man!” he responded, touching the bruise on his head.
“Call me that one more time. I’ll show you what crazy feels like. You hurt Tina’s arm, you hurt my sister, and now I’ll break your arm.” I yelled like a maniac.
“You’re fucking cra-” I didn’t let him finish his sentence and smashed his arm against the tree.
It wasn’t enough to break it, and once I started to calm down, I was happy I didn’t. My anger got the best of me, and I’ve got the blood on jaw to prove it.
“I think you should head east. You’re not coming anywhere near me or my friends,” I demanded.
I didn’t bother giving him the chance to respond and I started walking back to my true friends. I looked behind me to see Ed following my orders, heading east. As my anger subsided, the waves of relief washed through my body, and I eventually returned to my sister and Tina.
Kelsey ran to me, holding me tight in her arms. I rested my chin on her head.
“Your bleeding!” Kelsey said, touching the bruise on my face.
“He won’t be hurting anyone ever again, girls. I sent him away, he won’t be in our company, I can assure you.”
Kelsey held me again, rubbing my back and I hers. Tina walked over to me.
“How is your arm?” I said, letting go of Kelsey and touching Tina’s hurt arm.
It was a little purple, and it looked like it hurt bad.
“It’s a little painful but knowing that Ed is gone makes me feel a little better.” She started to tear up but stopped when Kelsey went to comfort her.
“Get in here, brother.” Kelsey motioned me to join the hug. I complied and we had a group hug.
The Three Musketeers, I thought.
Who would have thought that five days from being in the warmth of our home, or eating junk food at the local plaza that we’d be in a forest with no signs of civilization, broken, beaten, hurt, but also together, united as one. However, there was no time to think of better days. We moved on, crossing the river, and following it south as best we could down into the heat of the forest.
After an hour of walking, we decided it was time to set up camp. My watch read 6PM, and my brain told me that to rest. Considering Ed was gone, we decided we wanted to setup shelter and sleeping positions a little differently. With the branches, sticks and leaves around us, we created a kind of ‘tent’. It was sturdy, provided protection from the wind, and it was big enough to fit all three of us and at least one more.
“I’m going to get a fire going,” I said, moving away from the shelter and pulling out the fire making tools from my bag. It was a flint and…